fboy island

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Deadass I was waiting!! He made one on his podcast channel prior but didn’t really discuss the show and I told my bf he’s going to review it again and he did!! 😭

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/WishboneLegal9904 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cody ko isn't as funny as Noel miller. Ill wait for miller.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/just_some_dude_blah 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Do you think he will recap every episode? Because I need his Garrett impression in my life especially for the final episode 😂

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Those reactions and comments are way funnier than the show itself 😂😂😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lightmwangaza 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
hbo is now jumping in the pool of sexy island-based dating shows with f-boy island hosted by nicki glazer i gotta be honest i saw this and i was like what are you doing hbo hb no what are you doing you're way too far behind on this everyone every network in the world is putting sexy singles into a villa it's been done you're way behind also f boy island f boy f boy island it's called f boy island come on come on we all know what you really wanted to call it frick boy island just say it why not just say it just make it frick boy island so yeah i didn't have high hopes because it's like i you know between love island too hot to handle it's like i'm villaed out i'm fill it out i know what these shows look like it's a bunch of abs bunch of boobs in the sun make a dating show in manitoba in the middle of the winter in a house with no heat and everyone's wearing just full-on parkas and ski suits and they got to figure out whether or not they're attracted to each other that would be a show that i would watch now you know they're hooking up and they're just peeling off like layer after layer after layer of clothing like how many [ __ ] long johns are you wearing she's like it's minus 40. what are you expecting me to do i would watch that show so i wasn't excited for this i wasn't even going to watch it and then they sent me this [ __ ] cooler in the mail with some stupid [ __ ] in it so i was like i don't know i looked at it and i was like okay i mean i'll watch the first episode i'll see what it's all about and i gotta admit guilty as charged i was pleasantly surprised after watching the first episode i am feeling compelled to watch the rest of the season and i'll tell you why this is my official f boy island episode one review let's slap into it so the concept of the show it's three girls and like 24 guys it's way too many dudes absolute sausage party half of them are self-proclaimed f boys frick boys that are just in it for the cash prize at the end and half of them are self-proclaimed nice guys and the girls have to like flirt with them and eventually end up with someone and their hope is that it's a nice guy and they slowly filter out the f boys so it's like among us for chads my first inclination was like how can you trust how these guys classify themselves like dudes are horrible at classifying themselves people in general are horrible at classifying themselves even the term nice guy has been completely ruined by dudes online that are like massively insecure and hate women so how can you trust dudes calling themselves nice guys is that what they mean when they say nice guy and who is actually willing to sit in an interview room and be like yeah i'm a frick boy i will manipulate these women and play with their emotions for the cash prize at the end that's a really intense thing to admit to an entire nation of people but casting did a fantastic job i'll tell you that they really did because the frick boys are just like shameless with their intentions i'm garrett and i'm a certified f boy i'm the king of the f boys when it comes to women 10 out of 10 i don't lose i mean come on come on my man garrett what what a [ __ ] loser imagine saying i'm a certified f-boy my name is garrett and i'm a certified f-boy imagine saying that and not wanting to throw yourself into oncoming traffic i mean look at this smile [Laughter] so that's garrett he kind of ends up being like the villain of the first episode because he's just so shameless with his actual intentions so he's super aggressive with one of the girls like near the beginning of the show and she kind of takes a liking to him because she's like oh this guy's very assertive whatever and then he goes like she eventually starts to like him even more they go on a date together and the whole time he's cutting to him in the interview room and he's just like yeah i do not care about this girl i am playing her when you look at me sometimes it can be intimidating so letting them know that i'm a safe place to go to is the way that i get them to believe that i'm a nice guy i mean could i mean could could you get like a douchier guy this is awesome it's [ __ ] awesome fantastic job casting yeah i know looking at me like i get it you're intimidated is it the long tangly hair that's half wet all the time is it is it my loose fitting shirt that i've been wearing for [ __ ] a year straight every single day but then i toy with your emotions a little bit and that's how you know that i'm a safe place crazy also i love how the career that they listed for this guy is bitcoin investor bitcoin investor that's not a career it's not a job it's not i mean if it said like bitcoin trader or like crypto trader or something like you're actively buying and selling cryptocurrencies every day that's a job bitcoin investor that's like saying somebody like somebody buys apple stock one time and they're like what do you do for a living i'm an apple stock buyer bought it way back in the day and just been kind of sitting on it it's worth a lot it's worth a lot these days okay but what's your day-to-day just sitting you know i just stare at my fidelity account honestly just look at that apple stock we got some other odd jobs too we got this guy peter who is a child care slash influencer which i mean i guess that's kind of exactly what kelsey is and then there's this guy who is a fridge deliverer and by the way he's actually a great example of the nice guys on the show we've seen kind of like the like he hit like he said the king of the f boys or whatever and he really is but he's a good representation of the other f boys on the show this guy is a good representation of i think the other nice guys in the show personally they're just like kind of too nice i don't know this guy's like too high to ever be anything but nice i'm pretty sure [Music] who are you describers i was going to exactly ask you that same question okay i was couldn't exactly ask you that same question my name is who am i like what do you want to know that's the most potent way ever to ask that question who am i she's like i don't know what do you mean you tell me yo who am i though real talk like do you tell me you know who am i who am i who are who are any of us really you know we're all just kind of connected like at the cellular level if you think about it like are we all one it makes you think anyways good to meet you dabs are up so i'm i'm an f-boy okay i'm a fridge boy i move refrigerators for a living oh okay that's funny no it's not i'm sorry it's not it's not funny uh it was a good attempt at something but it wasn't funny and that's kind of a good i feel like it's a good representation of like the nice guys i mean they're kind of just like aloof and and the f boys are all like mega douchebags and it's up to the women to somehow find someone in the midst who is like a nice mix of both which i guess is kind of the plight of the modern straight woman anyways so out of the three women two of them are like relatively chill and uh the third one stands out because at the beginning she describes her like what she's looking for in a partner like this i like silly guys i like dumb guys like dumb and fun you know if you're too smart you're not gonna love me pranking you and like pretending i've been arrested like it's not gonna be fun okay okay dope she's looking for a guy she can prank she's a prankster hell yeah in other words she's looking for a guy she can start a family vlog channel with after the show she also can't really stop talking about how much of a brat she is like when she's talking to guys and i don't know who in her life told her that that was like a sought-after characteristic but it almost certainly is not i don't think how are you i'm good good well it's nice to finally meet you you too yeah i want to know more about you though how do you view life and bratty okay how does that show up in relationship i'm bratty i'm bratty okay well i think i'm gonna go hit on one of the guys i'd like to see people who balance me really huh this one matches my energy all the time we're gonna get arrested i have my german dramatic moments so you got a little a little toxicity i would not say toxic i think that's a very harsh word [ __ ] do not call me toxic god i mean it's you're it's being a little bit toxic right now that's actually a good segue into my next point i've talked about how uh on in previous reality shows how the flirting especially in the first episode is is always really really bad just like the social interactions in general are always really awkward and weird well it is 1 000 times worse in this show like just put 22 dudes who don't know each other anywhere and it's bound to be the most laughable social interaction ever like even before the hosts or the girls come out all the guys are just standing in the villa like getting to know each other it's just like just way too many daps going on you know they're just saying weird [ __ ] like this some nice parties going on here gotta be some nice parties going on here and then he just says that to nobody like nobody even acknowledges the fact that he just said that just says it to the sky there got to be some nice parties going on here filler phrases that alpha dudes use when they feel awkward are you ready for this [ __ ] mom let's go right there bro you ready for this [ __ ] man let's go yes sir you could take that piece of dialogue right there isolate it and just use it in literally whatever the [ __ ] you're about to do that never doesn't work honestly snowboarding bro you ready for this [ __ ] man yes sir let's go bar hopping yo you ready for this [ __ ] bro yes sir let's go doing pottery with your bros bro you ready for this [ __ ] bro yes sir let's go all right i'll guide you so again this is before the girls even come out and it's already awkward so then they just dropped three girls in the mix and they're like all right go get to know each other it's like dropping a little piece of bread in like a koi fish pond you know what i'm saying they're all like they're like there's a little bit of structure like at the beginning the girls pick three guys each that they find attractive they want to talk to a little bit more private chats but other than that they're just like all right like full contact flirting get to know each other so of course all the alpha guys are like well i gotta be assertive i gotta be assertive i gotta assert my dominance so they're all like excuse me do you mind if i talk to you for a second and then another guy comes in it's like actually i would like to talk to her for a second third guy comes in you guys time is up it's actually my turn to talk to her actually yo it's my turn to talk to her i would like to talk to her bro actually it's my turn to talk to her meanwhile the girls are like uh i don't i don't know dj i feel a little weird energy with her she wasn't giving me a lot so you know i see sarah like surrounded by dudes i have to shoot my shot i gotta get into the club i see sarah already surrounded by dudes and i thought i might as well get in there too that was my first thought i might as well be another fish in that sea of dudes all right guys i hate somebody i hate to bother you but can i have a little bit of your time sure there's four guys already talking to her he's like excuse me actually may i talk to you now also it's funny because this kind of style unfortunately doesn't really work for nice guys so it it ends up in the most awkward moment of the show in my opinion which is this i get really bad like secondhand embarrassment and so this one's really bad for me my name is garrett and uh i would love did that make you feel weird that made me feel weird i don't know like ear whispering that's like that's a risk that's a serious risk if you've never met someone someone before and you're not at like a loud ass club just leaning in just like yo real talk i would love to have two minutes with you what are you doing talking to six other guys right now [Music] he was making me feel uncomfortable so she doesn't like it see she doesn't like it she's like immediately turned off meanwhile garrett aka king frick boy goes on an individual date with the blonde girl because she likes them for whatever reason and they open up to each other on the date and everything and it's going really well and then he says this actually meant a lot and it shows that he's willing to prove himself to me which is good is it does it does it let's see with girls when i open up to them they're like oh okay he's really willing to be like open and all i'm really doing is trying to let you really open your legs to me oh god oh god oh god so yeah that is kind of a fun part of the show is watching the dynamic between the frick boys and the nice guys and trying to figure it out because we don't really know either actually they don't tell us unless the person themselves tells us the show doesn't tell us who is who so we have to kind of figure it out as well with garrett it's obvious dude doesn't have a nice or genuine bone in his body but the other dude's kind of a toss-up and the only time we actually find out is when they're eliminated i'm a f-boy yeah you are well now that i'm going it's time to tell you it's time to come clean i'm an f boy nikki glazer is a great host by the way i think it was really smart of them to hire an actual comedian because she's kind of like it kind of reminds me of ian sterling from love island but she actually like roasts them to their face which is really funny are you even trying you look great actually i didn't know that gnc sold jewelry but that's nice i think it's a good rust i like it it's a good joke i don't know kind of provides a nice layer of comedic relief to distract you from the brain rot that you're getting by watching another [ __ ] dating show on another tropical villa i was also actually pissed before i started this show at the fact that it's called f boy island because it's just like like how are you gonna name your show after something edgy like the term fuckboy but then and then [ __ ] it up by abbreviating it because the network says that you can't say [ __ ] you know what i'm saying it's just like weird but they took that and kind of continually poked fun at it themselves which i appreciated it kind of made it seem like yeah we know this title is [ __ ] ridiculous but it's like you know we just went for it anyways because it was funny like during the eliminations nikki glazer kind of purposely does this like over exaggerated reality tv show character and she writes super cheesy lines like this andrew garrett p nice guy nice try nice guy nice try peter f boy f bye like when she when they showed that clip in the trailer beforehand i was like that is the cheesiest line ever but when you watch it like that you pick up on the fact that she's like doing it on purpose she's like f boy f bye it's great it's over exaggerated i don't know it's funny to me it's making fun of itself that's a good thing i'm gonna end this review with the best moment of this episode and the most embarrassing moment of this episode i know i said it that before but this actually is the most embarrassing moment the guy who whispered in the girl's ear and just got eliminated well before when he gets voted in the bottom two of that girl has a last-ditch effort to save himself he reads a poem that he wrote to her it's ugh strap in get a chance to at least say something to you and i wrote you a poem oh my god i mean right away it's i wrote you a poem i wrote you a poem why is that is he saying it up like that i wrote you a poem it's like you can hear the nervousness in his voice what the [ __ ] is he doing i agreed don't know oh my gosh yo when we fall off the path at times it leads us to strengthen and sharpen our minds i mean this is so yeah yeah agreed agreed this is brutal some of these journeys we must take alone to find what we search for in a place that's unknown oh why why on the other side it's calm and it's warm because when we find love [Music] we're no longer a storm [Music] gear powers oh your ah that was me get her powers so yeah i mean there's a fantastic ending i i wonder if they planned that or if someone wrote that or something like that but that was honestly fanta they must have wrapped that first episode and been like we have an absolute hit show here boys i want to see what the fridge guy does when he gets eliminated you know what i mean he just goes out there and he's like wow i mean who am i really you know what is this show i honestly forget where i am i'm super high all right guys that's it for this one make sure so that i know if you're a frick boy hit the like button but if you're a nice guy you can write me a poem in the comments all right later [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,280,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: W7s8zh5W3P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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