The ACTUAL worst show ever made.

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um good luck with that you're taking a stand you spit i'mma sit we'll see where we land i'm practicing for tomorrow i'm so excited take that we're gonna see hamilton tomorrow she's very excited take that excitement and let's channel a little bit into this superstar usa well actually that's a good segue because tomorrow we're going to go see really talented people do their thing on stage this is about really untalented people doing their thing on stage okay so this show is like american idol okay but they thought it would be a good idea to like prank all the contestants okay all the contestants think that they're good singers they're actually really bad singers that's really so basic that is horrible that's why i wanted to watch this i didn't make the [ __ ] show i didn't make the show how sad that's like my biggest fear oh it's that's why i wanted to watch it with you because this is so horrible out of all the shows we've seen at least the contestant knows what they're getting into this is a giant prank and this is on prime time television oh yeah let's get into it actually wait i need to thank the sponsor of this video first which is better help thank you better help for sponsoring listen if there's something getting in the way of your happiness or preventing you from achieving whatever goals you have what better help will do is they'll assess your needs and they'll match you with your own licensed professional therapist once they do you can start communicating with them within 48 hours it's not a crisis line it's not self-help it's professional therapy uh done securely online their network is over 20 000 therapists so uh that can include like a wide range of expertises expertises expertises is that the plural sure uh you know things that might not be available in your local area and it's available for clients worldwide you can log on anytime send a message to your therapist and you'll get timely and thoughtful responses plus you can schedule weekly video or 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america's best singer but we're not we're actually searching for america's worst singers that's good this is evil it is evil tv used to not give a [ __ ] about people kind of missed that vibe nobody gave a [ __ ] about anyone else it was just how could we make money yeah it's crazy how can we entertain people if it ain't about the money now why do we do this because we were bored by all the cookie-cutter pop idols being crammed down our throat what okay says the guy i wonder why he must not have a chip on his shoulder from west life at all you know i just don't know his idea he's so bitter that west life didn't take off why is this the answer because he's like if i can't make it no one can yeah i guess i guess like the idea is that we'll create like an industry plant that actually sucks and everyone like so they'd be like give us something good and he's like wait i have you guys heard west life yeah now forget talent forget vocal ability we're looking for a true entertainer someone who is fun to watch so do yourself a favor america get ready our search for america's worst singer starts right now [ __ ] i mean again it's like there's no way that this i'm so sorry but i just i think this is a different person i can't get over it no it's him that's definitely him but he's not irish at all i'm just like i'm not ready okay it's a different brian mcfadden that's fadden yeah there we go worked as an mtv news anchor in it he was a vj on mtv what's a vj a video jockey so um we're kind of vj's yeah we are vjs we're youtube vj's oh my god so sorry i figured sorry to brian mcfadden from wesley yes okay now we have no idea the [ __ ] why he's so pissed off yeah i don't know okay just so sick of the cookie cutter pop stars what backstreet boys in sync why can't these dudes suck ass instead exactly instinct ins instinct yeah reef we already have in sync but we're looking for instinct nice that's good but on our show it's not enough for singers to be bad they have to believe they're great i'm a superstar because i am a star in itself i have charisma and you guys will have to see you really never saw this show no here's the thing is that like i actually watched this show and a lot of people did and like right now i'm like i'm getting that same feeling that i got like when we watch the other shows where it's like this is really messed up but i would watch a full i would watch nine seasons of this that's [ __ ] up right so they don't only want bad singers they want someone who thinks that they're good that's the main thing okay let's meet the judges to help us find our superstar we assembled a distinguished panel of experts first up you know her from her hits graduation and smile platinum selling recording artist vitamin c vitamin mother freaking c all the times we stand together and as okay respect for vitamin c just went down a little bit yeah you were a little starstruck there and now i didn't see it and then and then it was like she's doing what she's doing what come on next grammy nominated rat pioneer the wild thing himself mr tone log you're gonna turn everything you've ever heard about singing upside down on this show it's a little bit of a random one i think well you think that people were lining up out of the the door for this show yeah i mean back then this was all tv apparently that's we've watched like nine shows now where it's the sole purpose is to [ __ ] people's lives up yeah and finally our resident straight shooter superstar usa producer briggs classic they're classic gotta have a simon cowell gotta have a simon this straight shooter the resident's straight shoulder oh he does not beat around the bush people he will tell it like it is briggs what do you say to people who think this show is cruel and offensive he's like just like [ __ ] off no but it would be like a fake british accent yeah i'll tell them to bloody [ __ ] off you won't know what i think about those people that say things about marshall yeah at least i have a show to make you bloody [ __ ] bloody [Music] i'd have to say you this guy does not play yeah no he is serious he's kind of a bad boy i'd have to say break you no screw-off no ring thingy i can't pick my ring finger out oh i have to say [ __ ] [ __ ] you inside the audition room our panel of experts face two distinct challenges challenge number one how to look unimpressed and completely bored by all the good singers so now they're taking people who actually have talent okay and who've probably worked their whole lives for something like this and they're telling them that they're bad so these people are going to now leave the show thinking oh my god i've spent my whole life thinking i was good at something everybody else mom dad yeah why'd you tell me i was good yeah my best friend why were you telling me i was good yeah why did you guys let me go on stage that one time not only are they [ __ ] up the lives of these losers who aren't talented at all but they're also kind of messing up the lives of the actual talented people which is like come on yeah now you're pushing i hope they tell them like off camera at the end or something and challenge number two how to heat praise on bad singers while keeping a straight face celebrate good times come on let's celebrate everyone around the world come on that one solo um i thought it was really good i thought it was great i thought you rocked the mic playboy you handled your biz so this is really horrible this is really really [ __ ] horrible this is sad sad and mean i know it is but [ __ ] it's funny you're really good [ __ ] you vitamin c congratulations you're one step closer to being a superstar thank you so yeah they go through each city they just like american idol they pretty much copied that show directly they go to each city and they do auditions there the first stop on our search for the wbe superstar usa was las vegas ladies and gentlemen welcome to fabulous viva las vegas where we hope to find an entertainer with such an unconditional belief in their talent they wouldn't let anything stop them [Applause] this is us in the car for sure absolutely i mean it's hard to judge these people when like i know we don't sound 100 perfect i do do that like shitty falsetto all the time too yeah don't i yeah oh my god right yeah it's me you sound a little bit better than him oh thanks but we should try to do it i don't know anymore i don't know what's good and what's up is it good just to sound bad let's try to keep a straight face and like act like the judges would act when they hear a bad singing okay deal so like happy excited okay not laughing right right right oh yeah not laughing but because we're acting like another really great yeah okay this would be good i'm a superstar because i am a star in itself i have charisma and you guys will have to see i am a star when i sing okay great awesome all right we're so excited i love this confidence we do great outfit too so do your thing and what's the key to being a superstar in jamie's book apparently writing your lyrics on your hand okay i was beat incomplete i've been held i was sad and blue but you made me feel touched for the very first time like a bird jam that was a really amazing that was great that was awesome really good no that was really good you're uh you're in yeah i love them yeah that was really good me too thank you thank you so much you're through you're thrilled i must say you are a very sexy person and you know what impressed me the most is that you know you were moving around and you were dancing you had your little charisma and i like that yo what'd you say like i don't think he's lying he's he seemed a little bit too into that honestly to be honest i don't know if you know this jamie um you have very large breasts okay just awful uh not where i thought that was going why you know it's like it's not even like i hate that i hate this portion um they are real okay i'm not kidding the problem is i was distracted and i didn't pay attention to your singing voice so i'm gonna have to leave this the decision to to youtube that's the most disgusting disgusting thing that was like that's ever been said on tv he was trying to like make a joke and that just did not land it was the creepiest weirdest most awful thing that's ever been said on tv even his hosts his co-hosts were like what dude what just say he also was a good thing good work oh yeah that's literally all you have to say buddy one of the best singers the panel encountered was doreen who traveled all the way from canada for her shot at fame she traveled all the way from canada yeah to get rejected when she's actually good yeah sad oh canada we stand on god is she good yeah she was pretty good no i can't tell i think my voice was definitely trumping hers a little bit so you didn't hear how good hers was because you were focused on how good was that i was good sorry but i'm you know couldn't hear it over your boobs [Laughter] so then basically what happens is they uh they take all the best singers they bring them to the stage american idol style and we get to see them actually perform from the motion picture titanic here to sing my heart will go on it's jamie [Music] for night in my dream this is good tv oh my god this is amazing it's just when it's her i know i see you i feel you that they didn't like treat her voice at all there's no like reverb it's dry it's perfect it's dry and it's loud as [ __ ] it's so loud holy [ __ ] [Music] how does she sound like she has auto-tune on but it's set to the wrong key i don't know that's what it sounds like pretty insane can she not hear the music because she's also like way ahead no rhythm too my man can't even turn his chair around because her boobs are looking too good tonight [Music] funny she was like russian you might should go jamie you've made it down to our fine lake contestants and what i'm sitting here thinking it is absolutely no wonder they couldn't hold a girl you know i'm saying back from that little small town in minnesota heck no not with real milkers like these now i see what all the fuss is about in your past two performances i was so distracted by your physical assets i didn't pay attention to your largest asset your ass i just this is like a really bad ongoing joke i know your voice basically in the end it's her against this guy i believe let's just watch a little bit of his onstage performance it's on the street i feel bad for this guy because it's like i feel bad for this guy too i don't feel bad for the girl but i feel bad for this guy i know inside your head on every beat cause the heat is on how do they live with themselves knowing that they're gonna have to reveal this to them no i know oh no this is the most [ __ ] up part about this i forgot they give them dance lessons they give them makeovers and then they take them house hunting and car shopping so that when they're stars they know how to like shop and they know like what to look forward to oh my god that's awesome how [ __ ] is that okay cool so i understand you're gonna be a superstar oh yes i am love to show you a house that you might be you know considering my gosh i mean this is like so mean so beyond [ __ ] up that's so [ __ ] like it's like let's not only destroy these people let's like take their hopes and yeah let's get their hopes up [ __ ] just like crush them yeah they showed me the master bedroom and then they took me to uh the bathroom and it was a really huge bathroom with a jacuzzi in it you look absolutely perfect thank you this is sad i didn't need to see this part sorry i just we have to we have to shed light on how messed up this show truly was okay so i think we've seen enough we know the show is pretty [ __ ] up yeah um okay but here here's the thing basically what they did they didn't have a live audience for the stage singing i don't know if you noticed that for her like performance because it's too hard to get an audience in on this basically they didn't want the audience to laugh so basically what they told them for the finale where they needed a live audience because they needed to to look big is they told the audience that these are make-a-wish kids and that this is their wish is to sing on a show like this in front of the an audience they falsely informed the crowd that the singers were all terminally ill young people who were having a wish fulfilled by a charitable organization [Music] it's so bad this like actually makes me want to just never watch a video again we're talking about like yeah people talk about late stage capitalism this is this is horrible yeah at least we've gotten a little bit better in terms of humility true so they choose her right and then she's really excited we really weren't looking for america's best singer we were looking for some america's biggest boobs nicest real boobs america's biggest naturals someone who who thought they were america's best singer and all these people are like wait what she's not terminally ill jamie we lied to you when we said you were a great singer how did they think this was going to go like oh god the judges are like [ __ ] this sucks i wish we never did this yeah aren't they they're like [Laughter] nice but we didn't lie to you about how much this audience loves you right now are you willing to put in the effort and do whatever it takes to become a true superstar i don't know this is really awkward like and no one knows like put a positive spin on yeah no one knows what's going on here they just wrote there's no way you could dig yourself out of this hole are you willing to have what it takes but now you're gonna like train her or you're just gonna tell her to go get help singing or like therapy yeah seriously we've bought you two years of therapy um yeah yeah because that's all she could say yeah what else is she going to say you have what it takes to want to be a good singer is that the question i'm confused i know i don't know what do you think life was like after this show for her she just went back to minnesota yeah but like everyone watched her show so she's like the laughing stock of her town now yeah i know it's it's horrible i have some good news and and some i don't want to see this guy i don't want to see him no this whole entire show was a search for america's worst singers why did they frame it like that to him and so nice to the [ __ ] girl on the stage i don't know that's also like they didn't even let us see their reaction yeah okay i feel i feel kind of bad now now i'm sad i know again see that why do i keep doing that see this was the real try not to cry why do i keep doing this okay we'll watch a happy one next time he wonders why i don't want to come in here and film this because i get depressed after i watch every single one of these things okay guys um i think you know we'll end this video by singing graduation by vitamins oh okay as we go on we remember all the times we spent together so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,369,353
Rating: 4.9742732 out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: mc1cRSpzIj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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