COUPLE'S REACT: Moment of Truth 2

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[Applause] hi i'm mark wahlberg uh here to tell you that this episode of moment of truth is brought to you by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills develop existing interests or just get lost in creativity for example i'm looking forward to taking this class youtube success script shoot and edit hosted by marcus brownlee if you're at a point in your life where you know you don't know what's really coming next then uh creative challenges and productivity classes like this can help you structure your time and and achieve goals or it could just be that you're trying to fend off boredom or focusing on self-care through creativity skillshare is the place to keep you learning and the first 1000 people to click the link in the description right now will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership and then after that it's only around ten dollars a month so sign up for skillshare today and get learning all right folks let's meet our contestant today we're back folks moment of truth moment of truth the moment of truth right now is that i'm starving we'll know that we'll do this and then we'll eat okay we'll do this moment of truth and then we'll have our real moment of truth afterwards um moment of truth episode two we hope you liked the first episode we didn't say it's one of the worst things i've ever seen on tv today we're gonna watch episode nine i don't know what season this is but it's episode nine and today we're gonna meet a man named paul sean he's the contestant today paulshin paul shone this is your moment of truth [Applause] let's go let's go paul let's go paul hello paul very good yeah welcome to the show have a seat mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark by the way you know what no i'll save that for the next one there could be another video coming up where we might speak to mark who knows who knows just saying keep your eyes personally i've spoken to him like a bunch but right i keep forgetting that you actually know him so glad to have you here paul had to be here how you feeling right now feeling good i'm not getting good vibes from paul just ran off the bat what is the fit i mean this is like bad vegas promoter in the 90s yeah this guy just gives me the heebs already wow how you feeling right now feeling good are you gonna be ready and able to tell the truth in front of all of america tonight yeah pretty sure there are yeah i'm pretty sure yeah yeah yeah pretty sure not only telling the truth in front of all of america you've brought family and friends here to support you and listen to you let's meet him right now hi my name is maria and i'm paul's girlfriend hi i'm karen and i'm paul's mom i'm the sister jackie i'm enrique and i'm paul's dad hi my name is federico and i'm one of paul's best friends okay so so we have the whole gang's here the whole gang girlfriend best friend bro sister mother father yes okay let's get into question one have you ever ignored a friend that you know needed your help he definitely has and frederico knows it yeah he's he's pretty clear he's remembering one specific time yeah that is my boy oh paul i knew this would come back to bite you in the ass buddy yes [Music] that answer is [Music] true there's one [Music] it's a weird thing to pump your i know yeah i have screwed over a friend before a friend or two yeah let's go bad friend everybody has i guess everybody has everybody that's one truthful five more ten thousand dollars seem like a very fashionable guy mark's trolling him mark's like you seem like you know a thing or two about fashion for sure paul you can put together an outfit that's for sure i definitely like fashion yeah you dress well you're well groomed thank you i actually don't i don't mind this guy you know i wanted to hate him i wanted to start off i think he needs a douche he's got he's got kind of like a teddy bear thing he does have a little bit yeah it looks like a bear head teddy bear like like he doesn't really know yeah it's like a little bit adorable okay cody has a little crush on paul i get it maybe it's just the shirt maybe it is question two do you have a mullet because you think it attracts women [Music] i'm just reading it this baby yeah i'm not sure mullet mix of the two rat tail maybe that's what it is it's not a mullet that's a rat tail it actually feels sick i wasn't expecting to go oh this whole thing and it's just longer than my hair mark definitely was trolling him then using like a fashionable guy why do you have that stupid rat tail i'm like i like actually want a gap you're rocking something there kid i'm just not sure what it is why else would somebody have a mullet so yes okay he thinks it attracts girls and his girlfriend is like trust me ladies get yourself a man who has a [ __ ] mullet i remember the first time i saw that tale it reminded me of ratatouille my favorite movie at first i thought paul was cute and then when he walked away to go to the bathroom and i saw that luscious rat tail behind him i knew he was the one for me [Music] let's go paul it's my boy let's go paul have you ever told your parents you quit gambling when in fact you hadn't [Music] they're getting to something here i feel like they're getting to somebody well he's a gambler i feel awesome i don't want to see dad's heart get broken here yeah i feel like we're inching our way to seeing dad's heart getting i don't want to see paul's heart get broken i don't want to see papa's heart get broke papa paul pompa paul papa what was the name paul schiff paul paul shawn yeah that's what it was paul shiv is when we were talking never mind it's a joke i made never mind huh nevermind had to be there you know logan paul's podcast is called it's called impulsive yeah we were joking when it first came out about someone else's podcast already existing and it's a guy named paul siv and i guess it's called impulsive and he's like oh what the [ __ ] that's really funny actually [Music] yes i didn't know that i didn't know that that answer is [Music] true but he's not borrowing money at least he's doing it with his own money i know but he told papa that he stopped i know have you ever lost more than ten thousand dollars gambling in one day and this question is for ten thousand dollars too you notice that i know what paul's doing with all this money that he wins oh yeah straight to the tables baby straight to the tables blackjack pj to vegas pj to vegas because he has a lot of money [Music] yes that answer is [Music] true [Music] okay so uh so he's up 10 10k he's up 10k and we found out he's potentially a degenerate gambler is what we're finding out about him so his girlfriend's probably right now is like oh really 10k 10 000 we could have gone to cabo or something like that you know right so um let's see what else happens have you told your parents that you had made a lot of money in your business when in fact you wanted gambling [Music] it's like you [ __ ] mark you [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] man what do you think mark what do you think what do you [ __ ] think you i already told you this in the polygraph you know you know my [ __ ] answer to this and you're gonna put me on blast and look at this part of my whole family look at this [ __ ] face i mean this is this he doesn't this is brutal this is heartbreaking losing your parents trust like this like they're probably proud of him because they think he has a thriving business yeah and if he says yes to this that's that's gonna be ruined that's heartbreaking i know possibly a very wise play by jackie and federico well okay so we know the [ __ ] answer right like every time one of these things gets like pressed it's like you know you know that that means that he he has done that and it's also his best friend doing it and his sister like they for sure know yeah yeah and now his parents are still gonna ask him about this they're not just gonna be like okay it was saved so yeah yeah exactly all right lips are sealed i guess let's see what the replacement question is okay here's your replacement question question seven have you ever had sex with someone and kept her underwear as a trophy they took a completely different turn with this question yeah they're done with the gambling [ __ ] now last time la and the last one when the button was pushed they basically just like rephrased the question yeah this time he's like okay enough with the gambling have you ever kept someone's underwear yeah we reached the end of the gambling road there's nothing i can really expose them for anymore so let's just make this guy look like a douche and a creep and a creep yeah yes why do you say it with that much yes i hate it it's on my trophy case at home it's on a little stand he has like a whole like instead of like necklaces it's like jewelry you got it undies there it is and these nuts in your mouth that answer is i have a whole trophy case okay [Music] okay i'm sorry dog what what so we were joking we were joking about that also she was like laughing and now look at her yeah really true [Music] [Music] okay what are you doing maybe looking back at the audience too any girls want to be part of that huh we've got some panties we can throw in the trophy case whole trophy case man knows what he's doing yeah my boy likes to bang are there things in your sexual history that you keep secret from maria maria what do you think the answer to this one's going to be i don't know you don't know are there things in your sexual history that you keep secret from maria yes it's a man-law man love grand law the [ __ ] is man it's a main line i don't want anything to do with that these are these are man laws on urban dictionary no wasted beer in the name of humor oh my god that's that's [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] horrible man-lock it's hilarious to waste beer okay here's a good one when your friend picks up a hot girl however the hot girl has an ugly friend it is only right that you operate as a wingman doing whatever it is you gotta do to help your buddy have some time alone with the hot girl as men we are obligated to sacrifice and pay it forward for each other knowing that the favor will one day be replayed yeah you hop on the grenade for your boy first of all replayed not the right word second of all grenade really third of all like no i'm sure you're you look like frederico okay i'm sure you're not like hot yeah i'm pissed off now that answer is true that's nine truthful answers oh he's almost at 25. he's gonna ask more questions yeah do you think you would like to have children with maria someday he's gonna say no he's gonna say no my man is not in the children phase of his life no no no no no quite yet i think you gotta get rid of that shirt before and the rats and the rat tail i think [Music] no how does he feel more bad for the people on the sidelines it's like they're there getting their [ __ ] rocked well she needs to know she needs to know i think this is it's sad right now but this is gonna help her in the long run she's not gonna waste her time that answer is true [Music] [Applause] she's a beautiful girl and anybody would want to have kids except for you yeah what the [ __ ] dude do you keep a spreadsheet of all the women that you have had sexual relations with [Music] he obviously does right like that is such a weirdly specific question obviously that's this is so funny oh my gosh wow what's your answer i like to be organized so yes like truly what does this have to do with organization what is ev it's just a list of names why does it have to be a spreadsheet what are you tracking that's so true what kind of formulas are you doing like what probably like what he did with them [Music] and like how many times and like how good it was it's like all right how many times have i 69 with a stranger let me just search 69 here yeah yeah yeah exactly if he has their undies what color they are right so he he always knows whose or who's in the tr in the tree yeah the undie tree and the trophy case of undies yeah that answer and i [ __ ] hate this guy i hate i hate both of them you know that they like go to clubs and stuff and they think they're like just gonna slay yeah and it's like they're just disgusting and making every single girl uncomfortable and he's making this face the whole time what's up maria are you aware of your spreadsheet no i'm not aware is she on the spreadsheet we haven't quite done that yet but i hope after this show we will she's on it she actually gave me a hand job so she's in the hand job section of the spreadsheet thank you very much is it simply a list or is there their name category is there a rare cat category wait what are you just about to say is there a reading or rating i think it's gonna say is there a race column what category what does that mean category is that what they he did what he did with them what he did with them that's where ending it there busty [Laughter] fat ass there's a rating yeah oh my gosh oh a rating okay that's my boy my organized little boy he's always you guys he was always been organized you should have seen him when he was a kid he's always been organized it's so cute that he still does that guessing the next column has a phone number no no phone number how many columns are there i'm not calling those broads back you kidding me i just i find it really hard to believe paul that you you keep a spreadsheet um like that you need to keep a spreadsheet because you have a rat's tail my guy and look at the [ __ ] shirt you're wearing yeah there's no way paul go off girls do not want to be sleeping with you uh five or six five or six columns have you seen a federico yeah it's impressive actually why do you keep the spreadsheet i'll actually blame it on my sister when i was 17 or 18 she gave me a little black book right you know every guy has a little black sure and then computer it was a computer age so i threw a little black book and i just put it in my spreadsheet i just keep updating she's like are you [ __ ] serious stop talking dude all right so he's 125k now have you ever thought you were a disappointment to your father yes that answer is true is there a particular circumstance why you feel like you may have disappointed him maybe the spreadsheet yeah definitely the gambling you're right the gambling i don't think he talks to papa about the spreadsheet very often damn winning got to me what do you think about that dad i think everybody's entitled to some mistakes i think you learned from them and i'm extremely proud of them oh that's a good dad i love horrible i love the dad we should cut the rat tail off though next question 13. do you think you could ever be faithful to just one woman [Applause] oh man this is good oh this is getting bad i thought that was a 500 000 question oh no it gets worse paul pogba oh yeah okay you thought the gambling thing was the question is do you think not now but do you think you could ever be faithful to just one woman i want to see no why is why is he dating this girl then i don't understand i don't know because like she's pretty yeah but like he can get pretty girls in that shirt no problem getting pretty girls yeah i'm honestly surprised he's not like fending off women with the rat tail so true like i just feel like they throw themselves all over him oh my god how does he not wake up covered in [ __ ] every morning it seems as though he does true [Applause] [Music] okay question 14 have you had sexual relations with over 100 women [Applause] [Music] i'm just like how is all of this such a surprise could you guys just start dating yeah have you guys never spoken it could be a weird date this is a weird date you know it's like we just started dating you want to come on this game show where i'll reveal my entire dark past to you yes that answer is true [Music] 14 truthful wow i [ __ ] hate his friend federico is so proud he's like yeah i was one of them we [ __ ] each other i'm on that spreadsheet maria i'm gonna guess this is a little bit of a surprise to you yeah everything is does it change how you feel at all about it he does a little bit i don't know yeah okay it's fair this next question could be so simple it'd be the easiest hundred thousand dollars you ever earned but if your answer is yes to this question the shocks that you've had up to this point maria would pale in comparison to this oh great would you like me to read the question can't get worse than the past oh boy he's like you people never [ __ ] learn yeah you never learn you really don't think it can it can get worse so you think i've asked you the hard questions up to the middle of the show and now i'm just going to kind of give you the easy one so that you can win 500 000 you think that's what i'm gonna do do you know who i am i'm mark [ __ ] wahlberg there it is that was good we did that we really did that question 15. have you ever been paid for sex okay so that's not where i thought this was that's not where i thought that was gonna definitely has ben paid for it which means that a woman paid him for sex maybe that's what it is it's the [ __ ] rat tail the magic in that rat no i think the thing is like he hasn't been just picking these girls up he's been working so he's a gigolo i'm spending lots of dough he's a gigolo wait why are you saying giggling giggles giggle uh deuce bigelow male gigolo gigolo he's a jiggler yeah he's a gigolo i'm [ __ ] so stupid i say [ __ ] wrong in every video and people just make fun of it like every video ponzi scheme what the [ __ ] rat tail's so good i shouldn't have to [ __ ] for free oh my god okay that was really good [Applause] for a hundred thousand dollars what is your answer so funny if he said yes and it was false that would be like he's like made up all these sex stories yes [Applause] i don't know i would be like what do you mean yeah can you elaborate a little bit more on that like if you if he paid for sex that would be one thing but like what was it like a full-time job was it a side hustle did you list yourself on craigslist that answer is true [Music] i'm still confused i'm still confused i gotta get some more answers on that mark can you ask him a couple questions about that please please explain i would thank you mom thank you mark really appreciate it mark during college i i was getting paid for it so i took the money so you can stop now and take your hundred thousand dollars if you want to go for it and see how it works out you can reevaluate it i imagine he's gonna hit the table something tells me he's gonna gamble this one yeah no i meant he's gonna walk away oh no no baby's a gambler okay yeah that's true the questions defeated me i they were tough yeah yeah so i'm done well then paul congratulations you've just won a hundred thousand dollars one time in his life he stops while he's up [ __ ] lame paul all right well we learned a lot about paul and we learned a lot about it we learned a lot about paul civ nothing good uh he's not passive i would like to believe it is okay fine we learned a lot about paul he's a he's a male gigolo he's uh a gambler he's just a vegas guy he's a vegas yeah never wants to settle down yeah doesn't want to have kids with his current girlfriend yeah has had sex with over 100 people apparently he's been paid for it i think the real loser here is his friend his friend's a [ __ ] loser and so is he actually so yeah they are definitely losers that's it for this episode guys thank you for watching uh the moment of truth i know this wasn't as crazy as the first episode but we're gonna find some other episodes that are uh you know a little bit edgy it was so pretty it was still funny at least this show's great honestly it's the best thing ever and it's the worst so thank you for watching love you guys bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 5,470,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: IZX9BgFgkDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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