The Moment of Truth - Episode 11

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in the first season of a moment of truth all of America was shocked by the people willing to confess anything canna speak the truth in an attempt to win $500,000 have you ever regretted marrying your husband yes knew it do you think you could ever be faithful to just one woman no in their revelations for pain and devastation to the friends and families who came to support them rocky are you comfortable I'm so stressed now I don't want to hear that answer I don't think anyone but that didn't stop their ruthless pursuit of cold hard cash are we gonna continue all the way up no I wanna keep going have you ever considered getting pregnant just to get Derek to marry some answers open wounds so deep it seemed they would never be able to hear have you ever had sex with any of your friends wise yes she's like a sister to me and I haven't known for nine years the further they went the more damage they caused I don't think I can make this worse than it is what else is there to really tell me do you believe you might have been in love with a former boyfriend on your wedding day if you thought that was hot then get ready because this summer we're turning up the heat the past year have you done anything illegal you could go to jail have you ever dated a married man knowing full well it could ruin his marriage did you ever wake up in bed with a man whose name you could not remember did you ever drink alcohol while you were pregnant oh my god and you truly forgive the driver who nearly killed your son this is the one I was worried about do you blame your father for ruining your childhood the show so compelling and controversial it had all of America talking is better and it's more crushing than ever and it starts right [Applause] tonight the only thing that separates a person for $500,000 is 21 questions and their ability to answer each one of these questions with the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is they're an honest person left in America the time has come to face a moment of truth [Music] tonight you'll meet the man who might just be our most ruthless contestant ever trust fund kid Curtis Frank has no problem revealing his most intimate secrets have you ever told someone you'd been tested for a sexually transmitted disease when in fact you hadn't have you ever had sexual relations with a woman inside your family's furniture store he'll destroy the woman he loves while you were dating your girlfriend Aurora did you ever cheat on her knockout [Music] crush his best friend have you ever suspected your friend John of making a pass at your girlfriend Aurora and give his mother the shock of her life have you ever stolen money from the family business it's our most cold-blooded contestant ever with an ending so shocking and you'll have deceived to believe it prior to tonight's show all of our participants have undergone a rigorous polygraph exam they don't know the results of that test but if they tell the truth they can win up to a half a million dollars and if they feel they may not have been truthful during their polygraph test they can change their answers tonight let's meet our first participant curtis frank is a 28 year old gold broker from Fountain Hills Arizona he was born in Wisconsin and has five brothers and sisters he was asked over 50 questions by a polygraph examiner 21 have been chosen for tonight Curtis Frank this is your moment of truth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I see make yourself comfortable hopefully you'll be there for quite some time I hope so too how you feel I feel wonderful do you think you're gonna be able to tell the truth in front of all of America tonight oh I sure hope so like to think of pretty truthful person so I hope thank you there are six levels of questioning further you go the part of the questions get but the more money you can win as you see right there you can quit at any time and take the money but once you hear a question you have to answer that question and remember if you're caught lying you lose everything in the game is over okay all right you've got it you're not only telling the truth in front of all of America tonight you brought family and friends here as well let's people hi I'm Murray Curtis is mom hi I'm Aurora I'm Kody Curtis is little brother I'm John Curtis his friend might have all of you here my intention is that it's a good experience for everybody but I will let you know that the questions can get very personal are you up for it yes yes are you ready Curtis I'm excited okay let's get [Applause] okay Curtis level one has six questions answer all six to three you win $10,000 just like that remember if you're ever concerned about the answers you gave on your polygraph exam you can change them tonight no problem just be careful when you do it all right okay very nice sportcoat there in the pocket scarf is it important for you to look good uh I'd say so you know I've been accused of trying a little too hard but yeah I think so question one been walking past a mirror do you usually stop and check yourself out [Music] yes that answer is true right one two four five for $10,000 that's no surprise to you guys but it's your boy of course he looks great one truthful five more $10,000 question two as an adult have you ever put on makeup before going out for the night [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] that answer is true in my line of work that's not an uncommon thing to do but in your line of work that might be a little bit of a stretch a little bit occasionally you need a little bronze or a little something yeah Cody you wear your big brother occasionally yep yes I really am and have you done the same two truthful answers for you for more you win $10,000 all right what kind of movies do you like probably older ones I prefer like uh roubles how to cause things like that little black and white classic not much in this shoot-'em-ups or anything like now so question three have you ever watched more than a single minute of gay pornography [Applause] [Music] have you ever watched more than a single minute of gay pornography yes [Music] [Applause] and true that's pretty truthful answer I want to let you guys know you can use the button whenever you want that kills that question we'll replace it with a new question but you can only use it once okay you're clear excellent how long have you known your friend John over there uh four years old since you're four years old yep so you know a lot about one another oh yeah question four have you ever been attracted to one of your male friends [Applause] [Music] so far Curtis has been cocky with his answers but the questions are about to get devastating have you ever been attracted to one of your male friends have you ever told someone you've been tested for a sexually transmitted disease when in fact you had have you ever stolen money from the family business and his relationship with his girlfriend may be ruined forever while you were dating your girlfriend Aurora did you ever 200 [Applause] need to work out so merci the moment of truth continues how long have you known your friend John over there uh four years old said you're four years old yep so you know a lot about one another oh yeah question four have you ever been attracted to one of your male friends [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] John what do you think I'm a little concerned on this one I can't lie this is her this concerns me questions on you have you ever been attracted to one of your male friends No that answer is [Music] true two more $10,000 growing up was religion important in your household it was yeah yep grew up going to church every Sunday I would say that uh definitely plays a role in my life I'd like to think question five have you ever attended a church function solely to pick up a woman yes that answer is true one more check I've got with me [Music] are you a good storyteller uh yeah Aurora does he tell a good story yes question six for $10,000 do you tell your friends intimate details about the women you date Aurora how do you feel the Nova team I don't think he's told me that he never he doesn't really yeah do you tell your friends intimate details about the women you date yes or no yes you do [Music] Cody John have you heard any of these details before how they're clamming up now I think I know the answer already you've heard what's on the truth well what guy doesn't right let's find out if that answer is true or false that answer is true now to get that money you're gonna have to leave you're gonna have to decide that you want to go home if not you're gonna risk it every time I ask you a question if you can answer five more truthfully you'll win $25,000 so Curtis Frank what do you want to do [Applause] let's go for more you want to go for more okay [Applause] five questions starting right now it's nice having mom supporting you over there it is very nice I love it very much you glad to be here Marie hesitantly but I yes I am question seven would you be able to pay your mortgage if your mother cut off your allowance so you've got a mortgage you own a home I do I do I got a nice big house that that I can't afford so my mom has been helping me out with it and some of my family members so I'm very happy and gracious but I would say no [Music] that answer is true do you mind helping him out Marie ah you know I don't mind I help all my children equally she was very generous she's very generous yes I'm very very lucky you're lucky you try to be a good son in return uh yes would you say someone he tries yes question eight have you ever felt like you were a burden to your family um Marie you're shaking your head it's kind of a heavy question it's only the beginning of heavy question but you knew that have you ever felt like you were a burden to your family yes a lot of times okay that answer is [Music] true that's eight to four I've noticed that your demeanor has changed with the last couple questions they've hit a little bit close to home and I just want to remind you that you don't have to endure anymore you've got $10,000 if you want to stop right now there's no shame in them okay last thing I want to do is see you suffer unwillingly if this is difficult for you you don't want to be here you certainly are not bound to stay you've won $10,000 in anybody's book no matter what your expenses are ten thousands a lot of month so is it getting too hot for you you want to keep going oh I'd like to keep going okay Curtis are you a generous person I'd like to think so yeah I'm pretty uh pretty giving with my friends and family when I have it for sure question nine have you ever knowingly passed a counterfeit bill yes that answer is true well that's my truth tell me about your family business family business was started about nine years ago by my father what was the business it was leather furniture sin after he passed away my mom and a few my brothers took it over and it's been going successfully the last nine years question Ted have you ever had sexual relations with a woman inside your family's furniture store [Applause] [Music] coming up Kurtis Frank confronts questions that will expose his most evil deeds have you ever told someone you've been tested for a sexually transmitted disease when in fact you had have you ever stolen money from the family business and one question could crush any chance he has with the girl he loves while you were dating your girlfriend Aurora did you ever cheat on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the truth continues tell me about your family business Oh family business was started about nine years ago by my father was yes he was leather furniture then after he passed away my mom and feel my brothers took it over and then going successfully the last nine years [Applause] [Music] question Ted have you ever had sexual relations with a woman inside your family's furniture store [Applause] that's horrible yes [Applause] is true Marie how do you feel about that I guess I'm don't like them are quite shot white shot you've got ten truthful answers one more $25,000 [Applause] but you can stop right now if you want that last question was shocking but in my book that's still on the playful side this was not so playful you might lose some respect in your mother's eyes with the answer to this question maybe not it's not for me to judge I'm just letting you know as clearly as I can this next question is very personal all right if you stop now you have $10,000 if I read this question you have served Falls to lose it if you answer truthfully $25,000 you want this question you're there you're there why not let's do question 11 have you ever told someone you'd been tested for a sexually transmitted disease when in fact you hadn't yes that answer is true [Applause] so you want to tell us what happened um not really see when I say you want to tell us what happened it gives you room to explain it in a way that goes all of course um but in this case it sounds like it might have been just exactly what the question refers to probably okay the next level is for questions and more questions only and you get four times the money if you can be truthful you get $100,000 but I can assure you and you know this because you've seen all the questions that could be asked of you tonight I can assure you that those next four questions that contain at least one of them that makes the last question child's flip right so what do you want to do do it do it one more step one more step but what would you like him to do look like your mom wants you to stop what are you gonna do we'll go for it all right next level is $100,000 I hope that's the right decision I wish you the best a lot thank you appreciate it question 12 have you ever suspected your friend John of making a pass at your former girlfriend Aurora [Music] coming up Kurtis is asked a question that could crush his relationship with his mother have you ever stolen money from the family business and his relationship with his girlfriend maybe ruin the forever while you were dating your girlfriend Arora did you ever cheat on her the moment of truth continues the next level is for questions and for questions only and you get four times the money if you can be truthful you get $100,000 but I can assure you and you know this because you've seen all the questions that could be asked of you tonight I can assure you that those next four questions that contain at least one of them that makes the last question child's play do so what do you want to do do it do it one more step one more step Rory what would you like him to do looks like your mom wants you to stop [Applause] what are you gonna do we'll go for it all right next level is $100,000 only for I hope that's the right decision I wish you the best a lot thank you appreciate it question 12 have you ever suspected your friend John of making a pass at your former girlfriend Aurora think about this you're ironically you're the one who said just go one more question I know yeah you can hit the button if you don't want to hear the answer no I want to hear this have you ever suspected your friend John of making a pass at your former girlfriend Aurora yes that answer is true that's 12 on the advice of your friend John you let one more question John you seem pretty upset about this hey it is what it is I guess have you ever made a pass in Aurora what happens is you know I'll go out with her and her friends so obviously you know I guess anything could happen but well Aurora's a beautiful girl in Euro your aunt it's just shocking having my best friend accuse me of rora has he ever made a pass at you no I mean John is very friendly and we we uh you know we got along no we get along really well so and we hang out so maybe he thought you know he didn't okay how would you describe your work um hot and cold sometimes they work really hard and really dedicated and other times I'm lazy sob so question 13 have you ever stolen money from the family business [Applause] [Music] get it you don't want to know you can hit the button do you want me to do [Applause] okay I won't ask another question about that you guys can discuss it on your own time I hope that that was the right choice I will now give you a replacement question and I hope that this was easier for you question 13 did you ever purchase alcohol for your brother Cody when he was under the legal drinking age my answer is yes that answer is true I would say you guys use that but expertly because yeah certainly underage drinking is no laughing matter it's then but that's probably what Big Brother's get in trouble with the most sometimes okay you've answered 13 to 4 you've got two more to get to $100,000 you need it's not gonna come easy no think about all the questions you were asked on your polygraph exam think about the ones probably that you would rather not answer at least one of these is one of those okay again I try to be a straight you can stop now you got 25 great on Curtis he's gone Curtis [Applause] what knew it what if I don't hit those two right then what then you leave with no money no yeah exactly what do you feel you think you can answer nothing you're gonna get greedy are you gonna you've already gone this far [Applause] just begun please I start reading the question who risk their money question 14 do you secretly want to get back together with your girlfriend Aurora [Applause] moment of truth will continue if you and your family and friends would like to appear on the moment of truth go to Fox comm to see all the details you're only 21 questions away from winning $500,000 [Music] [Applause] okay good answer 13 to 14 you've got two more to get to $100,000 it's not gonna come easy no think about all the questions you were asked on your polygraph exam think about the ones probably that you would rather not answer at least one of these is one of those again I try to be a straight stop now you got 25 great on Curtis Curtis [Applause] what do it this that your dog do two more what if I don't get those two right then one then you leave with no money yeah exactly what do you feel you think you can answer anything you gonna get greedy here you gonna you've already gone this far let's get going as soon as I start reading the questioning risk your money question 14 do you secretly want to get back together with your girlfriend Aurora what do you think his answer will be Aurora I don't know my answer is yes that answer is true [Music] she's a wonderful girl I'd love to love to be with her yeah another Aurora who broke up with whom this this time um it was mutual he both obviously not to mutual any chance that this relationship will rekindle you never know we'll see pens on question 15 okay I want to remind you one thing you have no button you have no backup question whenever I ask you you have to answer and if you don't answer truthfully you lose $25,000 okay yes this next question I'll be a doozy is a doozy yeah you want it I don't want it I'll take it sure let's hear it you can stop you get $25,000 let's do it [Applause] Oh tell me about Curtis to see a romantic guy yeah yeah busy and just that the things he says are really nice and romantic question 15 for $100,000 while you were dating your former girlfriend Aurora did you ever cheat on her [Applause] [Music] the moment of truth will continue so far tonight Kurtis Frank has coolly answered questions that have shocked his friends and devastated his family have you ever felt like you were a burden to your family yes have you ever knowingly passed a counterfeit bill yes have you ever had sexual relations with a woman inside your family's furniture store yes he crushed his best friend have you ever suspected your friend John of making a pass in your girlfriend Aurora think about yes and his relationship with his girlfriend may be ruined forever [Applause] I want to remind you one thing you have no button you have no backup question whenever I ask you you have to answer and if you don't answer truthfully you lose $25,000 okay this next question I'll be a doozy is a doozy mmm-hmm you want it I don't want it I'll take it - let's hear it you can stop hit $25,000 let's do it Aurora tell me about Curtis the CEO romantic guy is he and just that the things he says a really nice romantic question 15 for $100,000 while you were dating your former girlfriend Aurora did you ever cheat on her [Applause] Aurora any thoughts on this I don't think you ever did well there's no button to save you now you have to answer this truthfully or lose your twenty five thousand while you were dating your former girlfriend Aurora did you ever cheat on her yes or no yes [Applause] need to work out so medicine that answer is true this is not good night of parting let's just gone down the tubes so you've won $100,000 but in the process possibly lost the chance of getting back together with the woman you secretly said you wanted to get back together with that's not the answer you wanted to hear har Aurora I'm sorry to see you you know cheering up okay I I would have liked to stop before this question but it's out there now Aurora is this something we can come back from well TARDIS what I can tell you as you're seeing exactly why sometimes it's better to take the short money and run on this program but you have $100,000 that's your [Music] [Applause] I can tell you this three more truthful answers you've done with that money to two hundred thousand dollars that's a lot of money you know the questions you were asked may be the ones who are most worried about like that last one are out and done the damage is done so maybe it's smart to continue maybe it isn't only you can answer that question what do you want to do [Applause] you guys say it I think we had a lot of discussions you know leading up to this and what he was gonna do obviously seeing know what's happened to Aurora and all this not so fun anymore is now Cody what do you think three away from two hundred thousand which brother we came here and we didn't think anything would happen and it did so to take the money and run [Applause] so Aurora Murray what do you think I don't want to see any of us being hurt anymore [Applause] tortoise leaves deal with $100,000 at the urging of his mother and his ex-girlfriend Aurora keyword their ex-girlfriend hopefully they can work it out it's all the time we have thank you for watching we'll see you next time right here on the moment of truth next week on the moment of truth former flight attendant Christina Palladino shocks her family and friends when she reveals secrets about her bad girl past have you ever taken a joyride in a stolen car while working at Hooters did you ever have sex with one of your customers and she'll stop at nothing to win $500,000 even if it means destroying the people she loves most have you ever suspected your boyfriend of cheating on who do you blame your father for ruining your childhood behind her smug lies one of our most cold-hearted contestants ever and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she wins some cold hard cash [Music]
Channel: Lighthearted Entertainment
Views: 1,394,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the moment of truth, The Moment Of Truth (TV Program), moment of truth, Game Show (TV Genre), lie detector, lie detector test, polygraph, polygraph test, lighthearted entertainment, lie detector game show, lie detector gameshow, Lie Detector (TV Program), Lie Detection (Literature Subject), sexy, sexy girls, hot girls, funny, drama
Id: xzmslAlkSko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 04 2014
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