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The entire point of this show was atrocious. Basically people judging whether somebody’s attractive or not.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/Jadeite_4002 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Imagine having self-esteem so low that you want Lorenzo Llamas’ approval.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/VaguelyArtistic 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Her butt isn’t big at all by today’s standards.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/PresOfTheLesbianClub 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

kim's been lookin' like a 45-year chainsmoker since 2003 hunni 🚬

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/ivegotanewwaytowalk 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Who do I gotta blow to get someone to watch this and report back with a summary??

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/La_Croix_Life 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

God I feel nostalgic for this deeply shallow and fucked up era of television

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/aintnuthnbutahoundog 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yes I caught that. Was about to post it too! She has always been in denial!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/manthemanlyman 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just caught that watching Cody’s video and it blew my mind! I had no idea she was on it

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/chairsweatertable 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/janeblanchehudson 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
new merch new merch cheese a new form of grinding by the way ever heard of this throughout my feet what stinks in here by the way oh it could be this leg right here guys this is my favorite design yet i [ __ ] i'm in love with these garments they're incredible quality and the last drop sold out in like two hours so who knows it might be sold out already i don't know but if it's not go to to get some thank you so much they're really awesome thank you so much i appreciate it okay so i think we've learned by now from doing these videos together that old reality shows are really messed up okay this one is called hot or not okay so this ran for one season in 2003 before it was cancelled due to low ratings unfortunately okay this is an intro to the show each week 32 hopefuls compete for the chance to be launched to stardom as they face our panel of experts supermodel rachel hunter if i had a boyfriend you would like totally try and come on to him have you ever done that world-renowned fashion designer randolph duke you know you got to be careful spandex can only stretch so far [Music] that's really mean and i'm sorry i'm laughing because like how was this acceptable on tv so this is the entire concept of the show they walk on stage and they just get judged whether they're hot or not and the judges can say whatever they want what the search for america's sexiest people that's pretty insane it's so absurd international heartthrob lorenzo llamas the comedy club's down the street bro owned yeah i never i don't really get that one maybe he maybe he thinks comedians are hot yeah yeah i know i do i've always thought that pete davidson was probably thank you i'm just kidding i just got home i actually don't think that you should be a judge on this show thanks babe okay so we know the concept of the show now yep we've met the three judges right one of them is a fashion designer one of them is a supermodel and the other one is just an international heartthrob that's what they said i don't really know who gives that title to someone when do you become an international heartthrob like 17 magazine yeah okay that's fair who is an international heartthrob to you besides you i feel like i feel like people would say like ryan gosling right yeah okay that's fine i don't think he he's an actor though he's not an international like this guy's a professional international heartthrob i don't know that he's a professional international he travels around the world just being a heartthrob robbing he travels around the world and throbs i hate that word uh let's learn a little bit of how this show works we have divided the nation into four hot zones each one representing a different geographical region tonight we focus on the northeast hot zone one that's weird it's a really weird way to divide it by hot zones yeah like you know like when like american idol is just like oh this is the los angeles episode and if like you're close to los angeles and they're not coming to your town you just go to the los angeles episode they don't have like talent zones yeah yeah i don't know it's it is kind of weird i think they thought that they were like doing something you know hot zones i have an idea instead of saying cities let's say hot zones yeah over the next four weeks the top contenders from each hot zone will face our panel of experts no detail will go overlooked and no criticism will be left unsaid i don't know if that's the best idea also no detail will go overlooked really you're gonna get to know these people you're gonna get to know them yeah as much as you can from you know 20 feet away and while they're not speaking or like showing anything besides their bodies exactly and their faces and no criticism will be left unsaid this is kind of like tick-tock yeah yeah yeah it kind of is like this is what tick-tock is now that's a good point that is a good point you go to the comments section it's brilliant it's rough the average comment section on tik-tok is bullying at its absolute peak yeah no it is so let's get started by meeting our experts [Music] fashion designer to the stars randolph duke supermodel rachel hunter i wouldn't get up on that stage i [Music] guys get used to it you know i kind of thought like before filming this i was like this might actually be you know kind of a weird one for us because we're going to end up doing what the judges are doing we're going to end up being like that guy's hot or she's not hot or whatever but that's the whole point of this it's [ __ ] up to do that it is [ __ ] up and i think we should approach this kind of just as bystanders right like we're not the judges here yeah we'll be completely bipartisan [Music] she loves one of these big words i do an international heartthrob lorenzo llamas this guy [ __ ] this guy he's not serious with this okay you ready let's dive into some of this show here let's take a look at the results of that pre-judging round right now a 30-year-old massage therapist from chicago illinois candace boyle what do you think no no we can't do that we can't do it let's just let it play what did the judges think about candace [Applause] [Music] what that's what they show she literally she walked up stood there for three seconds she said there for three seconds it's so [ __ ] also like she's up there she's trying and keep in mind this is in 2003 like the peak of reality tv there's probably millions of people watching this show and she gets up there and gets judged and yeah three seconds i can't believe it's those three they get to call the shaw i know besides lorenzo lamos llamas whatever layla miss lorenzo lame ass more like that's funny all right candice a 20 year old city employee from yonkers new york i love that i love that they are saying this stuff like it's at all relevant to what's going on with this show a 30 year old city employee from yonkers just [ __ ] forget that info no one's listening they're just trying to figure out if it's hard yeah i mean this walk he's killing it he's a 30 year old youtuber from calgary alberta and he owns a company so hot thanks okay how about we say this is not what we think how about we get into the minds of the judges and we say what we think the judges are gonna okay i like that i like that kind of indirect because they're we're not the bad ones well judges aren't bad the producers of the show are the best thing this has nothing to do with our personal opinion right we have to because i probably would have voted that other girl i would have said she was hot but we're gonna go in with i'm gonna say they're gonna say he's hot i'm gonna say that they're gonna say he's not and the verdict on nick not nick's confidence was there um probably because he's never found it again since this moment exactly it was there exactly five seconds before he walked on it might have been too high that might have been his problem you think yeah a 25 year old executive office manager from pittsburgh pennsylvania they're gonna say she's hot okay [Applause] what do the judges think [Applause] hot which okay she is she's hot i'm honestly having a hard time finding the difference between her and the first lady that they said was not well this actually might be a good segue because uh we can get into how they actually judge it oh here what exactly is it that makes a person hot well we are looking for three basic components face body and overall sex appeal so there you go that's what makes someone hot face body overall sex appeal face body and ovaries are you oozing endorphins and they're getting this by the the three seconds that the person gets to walk on stage they get to see i mean i guess you can see their face in their body but the sex appeal thing i feel like interesting our experts will be scoring our competitors on each of those factors using a scale of one to ten so experts if you're ready let's have a look at our first competitor right now a 25 year old executive oh yeah it is okay so yeah the next round is the bikini like the swimsuit round that's what they're judging that's why they're judging now face body before i think it was just what's the vibe you know okay yes or no now it's face body sex appeal office manager from pittsburgh pennsylvania melinda griffith randolph all right well i'm glad you skipped the baywatch audition and headed this way what the [ __ ] does that mean as in like you should like you're hot i think okay you should have been on baywatch didn't land yeah yeah you got to work on these jokes dude yeah listen baywatch are here you're gonna need to firm that body up just a little bit [Music] you're [ __ ] joking right now this used to be okay wait that's awful i know i know like she's a nice body i know she's going to firm it up a little bit yeah you're right you're right thank you can i take notes would you guys mind if i take it up firm it up i know you guys like these voluptuous packages but i saw a little too much jiggle could you turn around oh my god oh come on this is awful this was only 17 years ago 18 years ago whatever 18 whatever who did the caps um actually they were bonded by a cosmetic dentist gotta take them down oh my god this is insane this is terrible they really were serious when they said no criticism is gonna be left unsaid and also like why would you put yourself on the show why i think you have a really sultry face and i actually like your makeup tonight but i think those teeth are too big hey i just how about some scores he's [ __ ] ugly this [ __ ] right here he's gonna sit here and tell that girl who's totally perfectly normally hot that she's too ugly this [ __ ] face yeah look at the hairline yeah yeah well you're balding so i'm pissed 7.5 i deducted for the teeth sorry but she's got a sultry look the body i'm sorry i gave her a 7.5 she needed to firm it up just a little bit overall sex appeal though a nine she's a sexy woman why why are you celebrating this we did it we did it guys nine thank you for for watching at home everyone thank you so much for watching me get [ __ ] slime dunked on this is horrible i feel you've got a great sultry look as randolph said um there's something that's just a little bit off with it whether it's a little hard i i'm not quite sure so i give you a five on the face [Music] she's pretty she's prettier than you rachel this is horrible and how about a score for the body body i give a um a four but i think overall sex appeal i think you're very very sexy and you know how to use your body really really well so i give you an 8.5 on that regardless of how much it jiggles i just i don't understand like she's like you're a four your body's a four also what the [ __ ] body's a four faces of five but like you're super sexy yeah it makes zero sense i don't know how could you ever feel okay with doing this like i don't even think back then that this like they're totally nothing is wrong with this in their eyes like you can tell they're sitting out there like yeah i don't know it's too jiggly it's not working you you horse teeth it's not really working for me four out of ten imagine saying that now like imagine saying smoking someone yeah and saying uh four out of ten yeah no that's it's you get punched in the face let's see what lorenzo layman says um i i give your sex appeal as a 9.9 because of the way you're coming out here you know lorenzo's taking the old uh you know compliment sandwich start with a positive and then something you could work on yep sandwich with another positive pro con pro compliment sandwich i love your face i'd like you to take both your hands and just pick up your hair i want to see those cheekbones she's so pretty yeah she is i'm gonna score on the face that's a 9.5 for me okay maybe ending i think i'm in love with lorenz yeah you know he's the best so far do they [ __ ] with it probably hot in here okay that's the idea i'm saving the the i'm saving the body for less it's an 8.7 okay why is he getting so granular on this the rest of them were just like nine like she was like four five yeah he's it's an it's an 8.7 let me explain why it's not an 8.6 well lorenzo takes his craft seriously and he's nice and i i respect him okay so you said you said before that this makes you a little bit sad right mm-hmm okay let's watch something that's going to make us even more sad and that's the fact that they include talking head interviews with people that get voted not oh good yeah this will make us feel good it's not worth it you know not worth working up spending all that time energy for nothing just to get this i'm just gonna have to pick my uh [Music] my pride off the floor and suck it in a little bit and go stop that's really sad i like that i really don't like that i don't feel really bad for george i'm sorry but um but it's all right i'm fine i know all the guys love me in chicago they even called it a hot knot casualty i mean it's like they're just trying to go for the most [ __ ] up show ever oh this is horrible would you say this is worse than moment of truth yeah yeah because moment of truth is all about things that people can control yeah this is just mean did we just did we not give a [ __ ] about feelings in 2003 you know it's completely reversed on its head all right let's watch the next contestant in the swim swimwear round a 21 year old student from philadelphia pennsylvania sean cassidy you know sean do you lift weights that actually was good that was good i'm a [ __ ] lorenzo yeah we both love we're lorenzo stan dude i'm sorry for calling you lame ass i know it's pronounced lamas or lamas or whatever llamas whatever your face is definitely your best feature i you know i'd say about an 8.9 on that face right there say about uh about an 8.7 on the body only because you probably could do a few less bench presses you know see he's a good guy you know he's like your two buff yeah you're two bucks yeah making me feel weird right it's like when they say like in a job interview and you're like i i work too hard yeah you're like what's your negative and it's like i work too hard yeah this lorenz is being nice yeah sex appeal overall about a 7.5 thank you all right rachel what do you think i mean this guy is like the most chad looking dude i've ever seen and i know i'm doing exactly what we're not supposed to be doing right now judging their appearance but i mean this guy is the most chad looking guy i've ever seen my entire life he just looks like abercrombie like he just looks like this is abercrombie just jeff abercrombie who's fitch the girl from before okay i think you've got um great eyes you got great face i'll give you a nine there your body you give a five because i think you're way too muscular like i said it's two eight gorilla looking jesus oh my god they're relentless too he's clearly like like worked out and like wanted to look his best and maybe he worked out a lot and it's a little bit muscular but like i wouldn't say he looks like an a gorilla yeah like reel it in i think it's just too much he's pissed he's roid rage you know what [ __ ] you guys i'm out of here i am hot your sex appeal is probably i would say seven i want to [ __ ] you like i would [ __ ] you but i wouldn't like it that much yeah it'd be like getting [ __ ] by a gorilla how about scores yeah the face is great 8.5 body 7.5 i got to take it off the skinny legs don't match the uh overall sex appeal a six a six sean thank you very much thank you okay so we've seen we've seen like a lot of the show but one of the craziest things is that before they do it's like american idol uh formatted so like before they get to the stage they go through like local judging in every single like zone hot zone okay and all the judges try to be simon cowell basically okay they're like too mean to them in like a private room first out of the shoot down south georgia girl marissa rhodes you have a great smile thank you you're so nice today but nice was short-lived and lawson digby hit the turntable just look at me i am flawless as you'll soon see i have uh no competition whatsoever you're really cocky which is a little bit of a turn off you better be able to back it up i'll be back yeah you better not talk too much either i'm gonna lorenz all right all right lorenz i don't know you're kind of losing us here dude you're losing us you better shut the [ __ ] up also before i [ __ ] do you know who the [ __ ] i am okay i'm lorenzo lamas [ __ ] i don't know what color shirt that is i've never seen that color before in my life i hope i never see that color again oh my god lorenzo is [ __ ] on one right now lorenzo cowell eyes a little close set um i don't know what you can do about that did you hear what he said he said the eyes are too close set i don't know what you can do about that i don't know do they even have a procedure for that are you just [ __ ] stuck like that your whole life jesus christ i don't want to like send him into therapy for 10 years i think you're a little late i think he might have done being on this show big big guy yeah but butter jones wasn't about to melt under the judge's hot glare are you a stripper no i'm a rapper you better wrap yourself into a looser dress oh my god oh my god this is horrific like this is actually the worst thing i've ever seen oh my god first of all just to be like are you a stripper and then you better wrap yourself into a bigger dress this is what i like i think my big thoughts make me sexy and everybody out there is so puny and it's not about the size about how you work it i just you my dear are a pocket venus i think you are one sexy animal this is so cocky penis he said pocket venus like i don't know out of this world or something i don't know this is so creepy this is so just [ __ ] god damn see that's what i'm talking about we are definitely smashing after the show for sure you my friend have beautiful jugs i hate it i don't even know what to say i'm just nervous laughing they hit that little farm girl thing going i know you just want to get in the barn with her i need a cold shower [Music] these guys are [ __ ] pigs this is disgusting less makeup would make you look less dirty what's dirty what the [ __ ] this is so bad i lit i don't even know what else to say besides this is so bad and i just keep saying that over and over again because this is actually terrible but i could watch this forever is that bad it's i'm having so much fun right now yeah it's so bad it's awful it shows should not exist never but i'm really happy to be watching it right now okay some contestants lashed back backstage did you get those big boobs because you thought you needed to match your behind yeah i i would have gone with a reduction but probably not an implant [Music] what okay this show i mean this show is [ __ ] crazy it's awful it's depressing actually at a loss for worse me too that's what i said like i don't i actually don't know what else to say for this video i just wanted to be like here's the show okay this is what it's about can't believe this actually existed yeah uh i didn't actually realize how crazy it gets like when she said wear less makeup you'll look less dirty that's like [ __ ] brutal so next horrendous but we'll do it next episode and we'll figure out who wins okay oh geez i can't wait okay so stay tuned for that thanks for watching guys love you guys you're all beautiful yes every we're all yeah we're all just fine yeah i'm gonna go cry you're hot i would vote you huh i would vote you hot as well thanks babe you're welcome [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 5,548,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: NDj3vuVwOs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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