Instagram Model Upset Over Shared Photo By Allan Roberts (Every Da*n Day Fitness)

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hello youtube and welcome to the underworld you see Hades is starting to notice a little trend a shrink that I've noticed in mortals stop to face but more specifically the individuals that you humans call on what is that social media influencers now I find more of us to be just boring and a waste of my time but there's just something about these social media influencers that I find just interesting the trend that I noticed among these influencers as you guys call them I find that they love when people share their their pictures when they praise them but the moment you critique them well then it's not okay to share their photo I mean I don't understand mortals in the first place but the influencers it's always tag your friend this Commons this share my picture that's and then when you do decide to share it and you say you don't like it that's when they say don't share my content you silly mortals are really just beneath me but the influencers who do this blatant confusing trick are just asking to be dropped down into the queen of the underworld layer slipped right underneath these shoes so I can step on yes [Music] hi guys welcome to the underworld a lot of people commented and said it was like one person you should do more cosplay I knew YouTube because I don't have Instagram and I want to see more of your cosplays and here we are giving you a lot more extra than what you probably asks for so I'm sorry but if we're gonna do cosplay on this channel we are going to do cosplay on this channel and how could I not serve you queen of the underworld for all of my babies on this channel who don't know what Hercules is you're welcome for telling you about that iconic movie go watched it please it's amazing and in there there is the iconic character is everything I've gotten him and it doesn't even what are those OH so speaking of characters we're gonna be talking about characters on Instagram aka eggs influencers so on Instagram a couple days ago every damn day fitness Alan Roberts posted this picture you guys don't know who Alan Roberts is you guys should follow this YouTube and him on Instagram as well and if you're not familiar with this of work a lot of people say that I am very similar to Alan Roberts except I have tics and I dress up like characters from movies but when it comes to our thoughts about fitness and health we're pretty much very similar so like I said a couple days ago Alan Roberts posted this picture so it's a picture of Leticia Springer standing on a yoga ball with weights in her hand with her daughter clothing any weight kind of hunched over and she looks honestly very scared and then Alan Roberts caption was fitness professionals versus influencers helping purses selling so Leticia Springer has 20,000 and three Instagram followers ladies and gentlemen she has made it she is Instagram famous style Oh beauty wife mom it's a three kids and cosmetologist turned blogger and I personally don't think there's anything wrong with her Instagram she's got three adorably cute little miniature humans she seems like she really loves her kids it just looks like a mom who loves to show off her style her kids and just her life and it's a very cute Instagram now Alan Roberts didn't like that fitness post though and I completely see what he's saying I'm not someone to like make a video out of that but he likes to call people out like that and I think that's fine because some people really should hear about that like someone like me I'm gonna see these kind of pose and just know that it's done so the point of Ellen's post was pretty much saying how influencers are there to sell a product and actual Fitness people give you advice scientific-based advice about what it takes to be fit exercise and just be all-around healthy it so influencers sell [ __ ] that's their only motivation when they post and then fitness professionals actually want to give you some kind of insight to help you get to your goals and that's a really good thing to live by when you're looking through posts is to go to that person's page and see if they are just selling you [ __ ] and if all their posts are at least the majority of their posts is selling something I probably wouldn't mind and that's coming from the queen of the underworld herself what it does to trick people and before I go on I completely understand that a lot of influencers it's their job to post things and they get paid great money I'm not against people selling [ __ ] and get in their coins that's amazing but as a person that's going to purchase things you have to understand that it's their job to say things I've been asked many times to sell certain things and it's just not my stuff I don't like supplements and fat burners and things like that so it would be just very odd for me to like stand by a products like that so until Hot Cheetos is up CMS asked me to give you guys a coupon code I guess I have to continue to work but that was basically what Eleanor Roberts was talking about he wanted to make sure that you guys knew the difference between an influencer who just wants to sell you something and then an actual fitness professional who has to actually provide you with education so he posted that and then things blew up so there was a lot of comments on there and I screenshotted them and i'll make sure to put them on the screen you could just pause the video and read every single thing but i could just give you the gist of what happened so she hopped on allen's instagram and demanded that he takes this picture off right now and he pretty much said girl your profile is open to the public it's a public profile you are a public figure and even if it was this is not his words even if it was a private profile when you post it on instagram it's not yours anymore it is the world unless you have some kind of copyright thing going on then it gets a little weird but I highly doubt yet something with this that's a whole other discussion I don't want to get into right now let's just stay focused so he pretty much said you are an open profile he did we post whatever picture he wants Allen pointed out you're basically trying to sell a product by doing an exercise that will grab people's attention you provided no explanation to your 283,000 followers they will fake she's skinny and standing on top of a ball therefore to be skinny I must now stand on top of a ball when in reality she's just trying to get you to buy something but let's read her original post hashtags sponsored working out with my mini-me has anyone done this ball workout before it's one of my favorites I've been doing it forever and I still break a sweat bouncing is so much harder than it looks thankfully Kelly by Carrie fabrics technology that pulls moisture away from the skin so I stayed dry cool and comfortable seriously the best tax day the path together fast actually abide carry so Alan Roberts goes into a little bit more detail why he doesn't like the post either and it's because a lot of these very popular influencers will do all this just like crazy wacky circus act type exercises and then regular people do them and then they break an ankle and end up on those YouTube videos of people failing at the gym these Instagram influencers really really tried to make Fitness look like it is just this most difficult thing and they have to keep pulling out all these crazy new exercises to make people think that you have to do all these crazy wacky [ __ ] to be thin or fit and you really don't you don't have to do any of that kind of stuff I have never stood on a ball like that in my life because I'm pretty sure I don't want to break my ankle just in case something does happen because I mean you do things like that you have a higher chance of getting hurt and then you're out and that's just not something that I want to risk because I would rather work out safely efficiently and and we need a third thing calorie burning lee without breaking my ankle so I see exactly what he's saying and then at the same time it's just like just don't do those exercises people but some people just they think their favorite person on that Instagram is doing it and so they think I have to do that thing I have to stand on a ball and then I'm gonna look like Letitia so I see what he's saying it's definitely not something that I've ever like focus on I just think that a lot of those popular instagramers do this weird [ __ ] and make people think that that's what they have to do to be fit and of course she came back and said well I never told anyone to do this but they really do know what they're doing so then Leticia Springer runs to her Instagram stories and posts this hey guys every day damn Fitness is using my pictures without permission and saying things that are untrue in this picture I'm not giving any fitness advice and this is something I have been doing for years and it takes ton of practice he is not allowed to use my picture at everyday damn fitness could you please go report him for me so he will take it off thanks guys Hart and I thought that was really just like because these influencers literally asked everyone they want people to share their stuff so people know who they are and in the moment that you critique them they just can't handle it and that just shows a huge insecurity on their part and if you are scared of bad critics and you probably should not be an influencer and then when people started to point that out czar her she kind of flipped the script and said well I wouldn't care if you put if you posted or shared my stuff but this has my daughter in it and that one really just got me and I was like I'm making a video out of this because she literally posted that picture herself with her kid in it and if you scrolled through her Instagram the majority of all her posts are using her kids to fool white people who love miniature mortals and that's why a lot of these Instagram influencers use them so that people see them and then they like their picture and then they get more likes because I'm miniature human and I also found it funny that her most recent post is her and her kids doing yoga [Music] and before I go on I'm not much of a kid person I'm more of a dog person [Music] obviously but the video is very cute I loved it like when they were in unison doing the whole yoga thing I thought it was very cute and I can see why people who love children and I love yoga and like whole mom thing would follow her so nothing against any of that it's just the fact that she said oh I don't want my stuff reposted because my kids are in there but then she has a public profile where she posts her kids on her own on almost every single post and that is something I wanted to call out dressed as Hades and then post it on YouTube and this one is really connected with me for some reason because that happened to me quite a long time ago i reposted someone's post public post and then they saw it we're just fine I have a public profile myself and the thing with my post is I wasn't even saying anything bad about her it was just a critique it was someone from the body positive movement but it was just a critique and she got pissed she like demanded that I take off the picture call her followers to report the post and then get it taken off up that hurt oh my god just like literally stab myself in the eye trying to get one tiny hair okay we're good but yeah so you like the Amanda that I take it off and like trying to tell me what to do and I was like girl your whole profile is public you have to tack things you make these statements you want attention and so when I saw all that happening to Elle and I was like these Instagram influencers are on something you can't tell everybody to share your post tag your friends and and and follow you and share share share and then when somebody shares and they aren't saying what you want them to say you can't just demand then they take it on you can't do that and I am very happy that it is still on his page and Instagram actually didn't take it off cuz usually they will have enough people report it so good for Helen and nothing against her I don't hate her I'm just kind of just telling you guys what happened in my opinion on it and I just didn't like the fact that she tried to use her daughters as a way to get her way it is not my thing and I just think that people should just own up to it maybe be a little bit more truthful and say hey this is really hurting my feelings and maybe the person will take it off I usually repost things or like I made a video about someone I put them on my Instagram I'm never making fun of that unless it's something like really out there it's a friend and then it's like you know you're you're gonna get roasted because that's what friends do but let's just say I put someone on there and I was just making fun of them I was just reeling in you know all the all the great jokes and they were like hey this is really hurting my feelings like this I'm just mentally distraught from this I would probably take it off because that's a nice way of just ask me me and I would just I would just take it off it's probably because that's my personality I don't mean to hurt anybody with my posts and it's more for education so if I made a post and I was just making fun of everything about someone and then all my followers were just doing the same I would I would take it down but I think those people who make those posts usually wanna hurt the person's feelings so I guess that was just say irrelevant example but I'm gonna keep it in the video see here we are anyway that's what happened that's the trend that I noticed with these Instagram influencers and I found it this quite interesting so please follow Alan Roberts and his Instagram along with hitting subscribe here I mean I did take the time to dress that all for you this is all for you and don't forget to follow me on Instagram I just posted a haiti's comparison if you head over to my Instagram from YouTube let me know that you're from YouTube and I will respond to you and I will see all of you guys next time in my mortal form hey you guys I hope you enjoyed my cosplay this blue wig and just all this extra that happened today I mean if you made it this far then I guess I didn't scare you away yep I just kissed ya so just a little reminder that my goal is to get to 100k and when we do we're gonna do a little workout together no I will not be dressing up like this because I am fully working out with you guys and I sweat a lot and I will look even Messier those who make that hot and make sure to hit that subscribe button up right on the screen my face is in there my normal face not this one normal Michelle face and when we get to 100k we are going to be posting to a 30 minute intense fat burning workouts we will die and be sent to the underworld by what are those
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 152,478
Rating: 4.9395685 out of 5
Keywords: instagram model, social media, instagram model gets mad for sharing, instagram model upset over shared photo by allen roberts (every da*n day fitness), triggered insta model, triggered, michelle mcdaniel, allan roberts, every damn day fitness, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you la fitness, my thoughts will probably offend you instagram, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, michelle mcdaniel before and after
Id: ZiV55gAD2QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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