The Art of BS Youtuber Apologies | Blaire White Good or HORRIBLE? (James Charles and more)

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let's do this hey guys i never thought that i would ever have to make a video like this but here we are i said some i said some things that is inexcusable but i also want my followers to know it's just not my fault you know when you grow up in an environment like mine and things are said and you pick up certain types of language and words and unfortunately my dog says some things in private that i tend to pick up they were offensive like i said i hear you guys and since it's all of her fault i'm just gonna turn the camera over to her and she will do the apologizing okay bye pick it up pick it up pick it up this video is sponsored by me links to my workout program along with my proto donut are linked below make sure to have watched my video the toxic world of cancer culture so you can understand the blair white section of this video and make sure to subscribe turn on notifications for every post and leave a comment so you can help me fight the youtube algorithm if you did all that you deserve a virtual hot cheeto and a thank you and a big old kiss on your forehead hello youtube welcome back to the channel but if your little cute face is new welcome my name is michelle mcdaniel not mcdonald not related even though we look very similar sometimes i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug as you can see uh from you're really not a proud mother of a pug until you have a 40 inch picture of your dog and her dead favorite toy don't worry mr barrington is resting in peace because yoshi made the decision to keep eating the stuffing so now we've got santipaz and his friend prancer which is just perfect for the holiday season that's coming up sorry out you can have this back i'm also a past theater nerdcon grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person and i have a question for you that i need answered right now in the comment section why are youtube apology videos just a butt no not a good butt but just a sweaty hairy just took a dookie butt in my face while eating hot cheetos and about to blow i want to take a deep dive into youtubers and celebrities apology videos that they posted after they made a little or big oopsie i want to answer questions like when should an influencer publicly apologize do apologies have any meaning anymore and why didn't you wash your face before you filmed this so sit back grab your hot cheetos and let's take a deep dive into the art of the youtuber public apology apologies apologizing everyone i would hope has made an apology of some sort because we all have made a mistake and in the end should have done the right thing and at least apologize for whatever action we decided to partake in to hopefully bring some closure or satisfaction for anyone that was offended or hurt from that action that we chose but when you're a public figure and you make a little blunder or a large blunder and the public hears about it then the majority expresses their dissatisfaction with your app that's when the public apologies roll in many public figures have made public apologies by the way pop a hot cheeto every single time i say public an apology cause it's gonna be a lot people have been publicly apologizing since we had tvs and maybe even before but let's stick to the ones that reached millions of people and aired on television at least president let's roll on back to 1952 richard nixon on a televised live to the american public now called the checkers speech richard nixon then republican candidate for vice president of the united states defended himself against charges of financial and property i have a theory too that the best and only answer to a smear or to an honest misunderstanding of the facts is to tell the truth and that's why i'm here tonight nixon did not explicitly apologize but as journalist karen james noted the speech began by sounding apologetic and since we're on the subject of presidents and vice presidents we cannot go forward without talking about bill clinton and the blue dress and the affair in 1998 in a televised address to the american public bill clinton issued out an apology for his affair with white house intern of monica lewinsky but first he lied to america on national television and go i want you to listen to me i'm going to say this again i did not have sexual relations with that woman well it turns out that he did in fact have sexual relations with that woman and had to make another public statement less than a month later to retract that statement at the prayer breakfast i agree with those who have said that in my first statement after i testified i was not contrite enough and also to deliver his famous apology where he stated he had great regret for whipping out his eggplant and then having monica twiddle with it and of course the words that make an apology an apology i'm sorry i have sinned i don't think there is a fancy way to say that i have sinned well the horny bastard got in peace the second president to get impeached actually darn you monica tempting the president like that oh woman right anyway i don't think he was sorry i think he saw the backlash and then he had to damage control he went through some great links to keep it under the rug telling people to stop searching for something that's not there having a 20-something year old monika similar age to his daughter at the time signed an affidavit saying he was always appropriate and very presidential in the workplace and then once he got caught and his job was hanging by the strands is when the i'm just the poor sinner came out then the apologies came out you will see this in a later example with youtubers of present time it's like when you're what nine years old and an annoying kid across the street insult your pokemon cards jack calls it weak and then proceeds to try to grab the pokemon card stack and try to rip it apart and then you punch him in the face and make him cry and then your mom forces you to go say sorry i'm not sorry and i'm still not daniel but i just said it so that everyone will shut up that's bill clinton's apology that i have sinned but let's move on from the stuffy boring dudes that run the country let's talk about celebrities ah yes celebrities the people that drive individuals to cry at the very sight of their images the people who get worshiped because well they're on our tv screens so they're like gods and goddesses or something they are talented i don't want to take that away from anyone but some of you fans are insane celebrities fart just like us you can't handle a fart you can't handle me and they also screw up just like us which then leads to a public apology something i find that some celebrities do when they screw up is first publicly apologize then they make sure to publicly show that they donate money to the group of people that they offended oh shoot i have offended a big group of people what shall i do wendy williams publicly apologized after saying joaquin phoenix was oddly attractive and making mocking gestures about what she thought was his left lip or cleft palate called cleft lip yup that palette he's got this yeah he's got this no i find it to be i find it to be very attractive the actor had explained that it's actually a birthmark people did not like that comment or gestures at all wendy took to twitter to apologize and then publicly state that she is donating to two different companies operation smiles and america's palette a school held a heartwarming fundraiser where they played the lion king remake and disney finds them 250 for not having a license my high school owes disney so much money after an uproar bob iger disney's executive chairman and former ceo issued an apology via twitter our company at walt disney company apologizes to the emerson elementary school pta and i will personally donate to their fundraising initiative and since we're in unprecedented times and we're all in this together i can't not bring up celebrities apologizing about what they said when it comes to the virus that shall not be named vanessa hedginson you know high school musical fat girl on a live vanessa hutchinson said that dying from the virus that shall not be named was invitable and that lockdown was a bunch of bull like yeah people are gonna die hudson's sins urged people even more by saying her words were taken out of context hey guys so yesterday i did an instagram live and i realized today that some of my comments are being taken out of context before finally just apologizing via the notes app i'm so sorry for the way i have offended anyone and everyone i realized my words were insensitive and not at all appropriate for the situation our country and the world are in right now this has been a huge wake-up call about the significance my words have and then she donated to the virus that shall not be named organization she didn't but it would have been the celebrity thing to do hey charity is charity even if it's just to get people to forget what you say so we know that celebrities are not perfect and they make little oopsies which then leads to a public apology but what about people who have a smaller scale of an audience still a lot but not known by the world oh yes that brings us to the youtuber apology youtubers have some of the most busted fart filled poor me ugly crying looking like they just rolled out of bed apology videos that i have ever seen and they're almost always really long like 40 minutes long it seems the rubric for youtuber apologies are one i'm just gonna be blunt look like the first person that comes to mind is james charles i don't want to get into the micro details of his apology and why he apologized everyone and their suga mama talked about it and i'm not invested in his life but i just thought it was so odd that a top tier youtuber makeup artist followed through the rubric of youtuber apologies everything is here hair smashed to the side no makeup look as tired as possible so it makes you look more sorry crying mom i need you to know that you're the most important person in my life normally he looks like this but an apology video you get this he even put on glasses and i took a dip through his thumbnails i never see glasses in here so i am taking notes because i've got tons of cosplay glasses in my cosplay studio oh now these are youtube apology material for sure and then all of the parodies roll on in hi all james here um i'm sorry currently traveling abroad means charles here just woken up i just woke up no tatty told me hey talking to boys could uh get you in trouble one day then came back with an epic clapback of a video exposing the people trying to expose him and as you can see hair done face beat lips plump wearing black but it's got some white in it to brighten it up and it's fitted it gives off that i'm that [ __ ] type 5 and 41 minute clap back video holy crap honestly though if i'm going to clap back at someone anyone i'm gonna make sure to make them look as foolish as i can for as long as possible okay let me list off all of the things that you need to make a quality and traditional youtuber apology video these have your pen and paper ready but if you aren't taking notes there is going to be a pdf below just kidding there's not take note all right let's go we already have number one look like you give absolutely zero [ __ ] smash your hair to the side you gotta look like the complete opposite from what you normally look like two cry profusely even if you gotta fake it three have a dog cooper i have no idea how i'm gonna record this video dude okay what was the dog for this was literally what he opened with like straight from the beginning even the dog is like dude don't tie me into this [ __ ] please four make sure the thumbnail is you with huge eyes very distraught looking like you're almost in pain because you said something offensive and you really want to sell to your audience to believe you so they don't leave and continue watching your videos so you can still make money and five the title needs to be something like taking accountability doing what's right an apology i'm so sorry nikita dragon 10 out of 10 by the way for the dramatic picture and title combo nikita she knows how to do it or just a simple sorry will suffice wait jojo read an apology video what did she do comments turned off you guys are gonna make me watch this hold on i'll be right back let me do some quick last-minute research five minutes later i watched it she was just saying sorry that she didn't upload fast enough little dramatic but you guys know these teens and their emotions and six lastly say you're sorry you don't have to mean it you know the whole jeffree star route but you can't forget that part we all saw what happened to bill clinton i did not have sexual relations with that woman let's learn from history my little fledglings but just for future reference just know that if i ever make an apology video i'm gonna have face beat the absolute longest nail biggest longest wig edges done lace laid girls out it's an apology video and me and my girls want to make sure that you know that we're so sorry right would that help i don't know i just don't personally want to see someone bawling on camera it's not dripping from their mouth that huff puff ugly cry tendency i know you guys messed up but maybe get yourself together a little bit so then i can understand what's going on and wipe your nose because it's a lot so there's people like me who are like uh fix yourself up and then there are youtubers that do fix themselves up and people have a problem with it adi west brooks had herself done and had a very you know classy background in the back and people didn't like that comments are turned off i could have sworn i screenshot some but it was old and so i guess you'll have to take my word for it but h3h3 did comments on it as well oh everything's so perfectly she's wearing a piece shirt she's got scented sticks in the back i can't get over the side of the sticks her makeup is like insanely on point right but before you apologize you have to think do you want to have a scripted apology or do you want to just wing it tossy took the scripted route i am gonna be reading uh from what is approved by my legal teams which too many people say that it's less organic but you do get to make sure it's kept clean uniformed and organized and like she says she does have some legal matters into it and we've all seen how the free-for-alls work out uh rewind the video if you need a refresher i personally think it's good to have something planned out because i enjoy the cleaner videos jeffree star switched it up a bit i don't know if he was in front of a green screen or what but the way he's sitting on that couch was absolutely horrifying for some reason he stayed in that position the whole time it was weird but since we're on the topic of youtuber apologies let's talk about one of the youtubers that i like blaire white's apology remember if you missed my critique of blaire white from a fan's point of view check out the video toxic world of cancer culture because that video is almost 30 minutes long it took me forever my hands hurt from the excess amount of editing i do on these videos my hand my hand is cramping mrs buff the least you could do is make me and the girls happy and just watch it i was pleasantly surprised with blair's apology i definitely thought she would follow the traditional youtube apology list but thank you sky daddy she didn't it was quick and to the point got herself together no crying she apologized for getting information wrong she called herself stupid she said she was irresponsible for not doing proper research gave the money she made from the video to janae and janae accepted her apology but now let's get critical there are a few things i noticed that makes the situation a little suspicious and questions the intentions of blair i do hope that blair takes this as criticism i'm not trying to bring her down i don't even want to see her get cancelled it's just something that i've noticed so hopefully she takes it as just criticism and maybe improve when she messes up in the future because it can happen and apparently to a lot of people she's got a track record of messing up but let's get into it promotion of the video was almost non-existent i noticed she didn't put the apology video as a post on her instagram like she usually does for all her other videos she posts every video she makes on her main channel on her instagram and in her stories she will actually promote her video for around a week in her stories or until she posts a new video on her main channel the title she titled the video let's talk i personally wouldn't even click on the video based on the title it sounds more like a little quick update or maybe a show or a meetup that she's putting together not an actual video the thumbnail is not put together at all every youtuber knows you want a bright eye-catching thumbnail at least hinting what the video is about she didn't even make a thumbnail i would think that she would put at least janae's face in it you know how she used her picture in the original video when she posted it the mistake blair made was all over youtube people who are gonna look for an apology video aren't going to click on this most likely if she uploaded this video right when all the info came out that she spread misinformation titled it with an i'm sorry and made an eye-catching thumbnail it would come off as more of a genuine apology and that hey guys i screwed up i'm so freaking sorry but it seems like she's trying to hide the fact that she messed up all while looking like she's doing what's right but also stay hidden apparently she blocked janae's name as well from the comment section people noticed their comments with janae's name in it for getting deleted or blocked so that's just kind of a very odd thing to do so though i enjoyed the video for the lack of tears and boogers in my face i have to agree what other people are saying it seems that she's taking accountability but also staying under the radar so people don't think she did anything stupid or wrong pretty much she should have done everything she did with her most recent video pop in thumbnail crazy title constantly putting in her stories adding a description so it scores higher when searched unlike the apology video that description section is just desolate but it is what it is janae accepted the apology so it's really not a topic anymore you either want to support her or not but if you look at the followers she's losing a ton of subscribers for her screw-up and the way that she followed up with her apology but that brings me to my next question when should there be a public apology i know many of you guys are going to say well when someone hurts my feelings is when they need to publicly apologize and i have to disagree no matter what we're all probably going to offend some type of person and when people start demanding apologies for every little thing the line gets blurred between what really needs to be apologized for to people just nitpicking and demanding things that they need to just take a seat for and calm down for example apologizing for minor things like jenna marbles and putting her specific fish in the wrong fishbowl when she didn't know a 40-minute apology video holy crap i'm not too sure if that was completely needed but i do feel that there are apology videos that are from people that really want to deeply explain to their audience where they were coming from and make sure that they know that they are really sorry and they will improve i think jenna marbles falls under that category but there are apologies from jeffree star who apologize quite frequently and then they just give money to their followers shortly after to make it all go away i don't have all the screenshots but he's done this quite frequently after scandals i'm not a follower but i'm sure people can vouch for me in the comment section it seems to be a very repetitive tactic so i personally don't know when they are necessary i think it depends on the person it depends on the situation because like i said some people want an apology some people don't care i think most apologies that i've seen i probably could have done without ever seeing it and i would have lived a happy and fulfilled life i think the purpose of an apology video is damage control in the article the art of public apology hence my title they brought up a great example in today's consumerist society the public is god and so the celebrities apologize to us the public in a way that people earlier used to appeal to their god in 1697 for instance judge samuel seawall went to south church in boston to apologize for his role in the salem witch trials in which 20 innocent people were executed in a fit of mass hysteria he asked his fellow congregants for their pardon but his appeal was primarily that god who has an unlimited authority would pardon that sin and all his other ones and then everything was great except for the people who got brutally murdered for no reason because of mob mentality so there's that the public apology today is an act of publicity many of the public personalities are appealing to their audience not to boycott their product this guy wanted to apologize so god could forgive him and he can get into the gates of heaven or some celebrities and youtubers apologize not all but many apologize so that they can keep subscribers and their status for example blair white she posted the apology three weeks after she lost over 30 000 subscribers do apologies even mean anything yes i think apologies are important only if the person actually did something wrong and not just apologizing just because people want to demand an apology you know you're little nitpickers out there that want everything to be problematic we do not give in to the mob on this channel y'all need to go somewhere else but when you do something wrong the least you can do is apologize now the way you can tell if apology is actually worth anything is if they improve if they continue to do what they apologize for they probably weren't too sorry apologies are worthless without an actual change like people that cheat and then crawl back on their hands and knees laura lee style crying and then you're on cheaters the next month finding them in a hotel room with your best friend i think apology videos are just videos talking about the situation that upset people are great maybe you said an opinion that you just want to clarify or just you know converse with your audience a little bit more so they see where you're coming from and you guys come to the agreement to just agree to disagree because we're all different we all have different opinions i do think a public apology video or just you know conversing with someone can just show that you really care about your audience and you want them to know that you have hurt them but you also want yourself to be heard as well so if you're a public person and you want to talk to your audience why not i think that is great the way that you do it is up to you and the way that people take it is up to them so once again if i ever do a very deep heavy apology video just expect beat face possible cosplay most likely a clown if i was acting like a clown and a lot of boobs but now you guys know my opinion on youtuber apology videos what is yours thank you so much for joining me during this deep dive video i am trying to post longer videos i like them a lot more it's what i specifically watch i really do enjoy critical thinking and theorizing things hypothetical situations and just reading a little bit more about certain random topics so if you guys enjoyed it let me know i hope you did the next long video i am working on is taking a deep dive and looking at the unhealthy world of kpop performers you guys have been asking for that one for a while so i hope i can deliver thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys next time pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the dripping pop in my car in the video secure the bag yeah pick it up pick it up you see the drippy i'm fitted out hop in neighborhood
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 145,010
Rating: 4.9622836 out of 5
Keywords: blaire white, blaire white apology, blaire white apology video, blaire white lets talk, youtuber apology video, youtuber apology compilation, top 10 youtuber apologies, youtuber apologies keep getting worse, youtuber apologies but, james charles apology, james charles and jojo siwa, jeffree star drama, jeffree star, jeffree star apologizing, jeffree star apology parody, laura lee, laura lee apology, Michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: zErKdhKOAoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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