Brittany Dawn is Back...And She's a Brand New Woman

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hey you guys so we were supposed to have a Britney Dawn video today but apparently she just quit the Internet she is literally doing the thing that everyone actually suggested she's actually taking everyone's advice and she is done with the internet she's taking a breather for a long time look what what was that she's back it's been like two and a half weeks alright I guess she's back and since she's back you know we have to talk about it so if you don't know who Britney Donne is then I am very surprised you obviously do not do Instagram Facebook YouTube nothing girlfriend was even on the news so everyone knows about for my grandma knows about Britney Dawn but for the people who don't know that's cool I'll give you a little bit of a background she's basically a fitness in floor on Instagram who promised custom workout programs which weren't so custom and just very generic and some people didn't even receive their programs and she scammed over 5,000 people tons of youtubers and instagrams were making posts and videos about the story I did a couple you did a couple we all did for need on videos so speed up to about two and a half three weeks ago Britney Don decides to make this post I have spent the last couple weeks doing more self reflection in my life than ever before and truth be told self reflection isn't always easy because with it comes facing was right in front of you head-on it means opening your heart up to call yourself out on your mistakes that means learning lessons the hardest ways sometimes and being ready to embrace every emotion that comes with that I have been a strong believer in protecting your mental health that being said I am taking a small break from social media to regroup refocus and rediscover myself to everyone who has supported me through this whole process I know who you are and has meant the world to me so those of you who have lost trusted me I look forward to having the opportunity to regain that in the future xoxo Brittany dawn so you guys know me I always have to go to those comics I am literally a Michael Jackson can you make a video on vegan person snacks not sure if you're aware but you can take a break from social media without telling everyone that you're taking a break why are taking a break and what you're doing again didn't you already self reflect was it because of the new station doing follow-ups on the reverse refunds anyway we'll be here when you get back well she's back already this girl knew it was up I think we all kind of knew what was up when I first originally saw this I was like that's good she does need to take a break all of her posts were flopping she was trying to do this motivational thing that she used to do in the past and nobody was really believing in it the comments were flooded with the other people very frustrated confused not liking her and just some very hateful comments so I'm sure it was very mentally just taxing and I didn't understand why he would need to keep putting content out there if nobody was taking it in in a nice way people were just very very pissed not not excited about her posts so when I saw this she was taking a break I was like good Britney that is very good every other youtuber was saying take a break don't keep posting stop doing videos if you're taking a Hawaiian vacation don't post it especially because you stole a lot of money from people and they don't like that so just stop who see go off the social media radar for a a long time well I guess her original thoughts did say she was going to take a small break deep right there is this small break from social media to regroup refocus and rediscover her suppose she didn't lie see she is being a new person she is not lying anymore because she's back and she made a new post and we are going to read it together so I'm gonna read the whole thing to you - sit back relax enjoy the little story time that's going I guess like I'm reading you a story time like when you were kids and your mom set you down she read to you this face is like your mom right now scary but this sit down on this and then I will show you the picture hello Instagram I'm back to be honest I wasn't sure what to say in this caption or how to say it there are a thousand thoughts going on through my mind all I know is this the old brainy is no longer present if you knew me last year or even last month allow me to reintroduce myself hi everyone my name is Bruni don I am a daughter a sister a best friend and aunts and everything in between there have been so many moments when I have seen the Sun Shine but I've also witnessed the darkest storm days where I didn't want to get out of bed and mornings when my passion woke me up before my alarm endless moments crying on the stairs of my home but plenty of others smiling at complete strangers to spread kindness there have been moments when I felt scared depressed even questioned why I need to be on this earth anymore I've been ripped apart from those closest to me and complete strangers on the Internet there have been days when I've screamed so loud it hurt that I lost my voice there have been days when my anxiety was so bad that I couldn't open my blinds leave my house or bear to go on another day but I did and if I can you can too today if you draw anything from this message please let it be this your darkest 24 hours or just that 24 hours the Sun will set and it will rise again the next day and the next day seasons of growth and transformation can be confusing painful and sometimes crippling but don't let that fire inside of you go out babe it's what will keep you warm when the world feels cold PS I got the chance to go to go Tioga to reset a bit there was no yoga involved just cuddling baby goats and puppies and I highly recommend it to anyone needing a little pick-me-up yellow heart and then there's a picture of her in yoga just holding a dog like this I'm sorry that might be a little bit mean but it just seems like she's forcing this like I'm such a kind-hearted good hearted soul like look at me I'm holding a dog wait let me get us you real quick let me reinvent this one really quick if you look at the camera the dog's face says it all Jess getting the dog doesn't know what the heck is going on he just wants a treat so I didn't want to touch on a few things as she talks about in her caption so the first person let me reintroduce myself she's no longer the same Britney that we knew I guess three weeks ago to me just sounds like she's wanting to just wipe her whole slate clean like nothing happened let me give you an example what if I decided that I just took out a knife this one went outside and started slashing everybody that I saw and committing like mass murder I got caught and then said like three weeks later I am NOT that person anymore I didn't do those things that those are that's that's not me that's not me this is me now I am reborn I held baby goats and puppies and did I didn't do you I went to the studio but I just held some goats That's not me anymore this is the new me yo Holden Michelle it doesn't just exclude all of the stuff that I did it's three weeks ago it doesn't work like that at all and I think the longer that she tries to cancel out all the stuff that she did willingly by her own choice the more people are going to be very very irritated with her the other thing I wanted to touch on was the whole my name is Brittany Don I a sister a best friend and aunt and everything in between she's basically just trying to relate to everybody that's watching because everybody is either a mother a daughter a sister a friend and aunts we all fit into one of those boxes and she's basically just trying to have the audience say oh my gosh I'm an aunt or I'm a mom I should put myself in her shoes because she's also whatever she's saying is true the other thing I didn't want to smell honest she's just trying to get sympathy with the whole I don't think I want to live sometimes but I still get up and do it so he's trying to touch on the whole suicide type things these seasons of difficulty serve a purpose and if you take anything from this video let it be that my journey if I can get through this and maneuver the seasons and so can you I don't know if she is suicidal that's very sad if she is but with this thing that's going on she's trying to use that to my advantage so that people can feel sorry for her and then we can all back off and forget about what happened so that she can continue the same lifestyle that she's been having and lastly the real thing that triggers me Brittany Don how dare you use an adorable puppy to try to hinder my brain when I was single I was on a lot of dating apps and I would notice that a lot of guys would up hold a puppy in their profile picture so then when I would see the picture I'd be like oh my gosh a puppy I love it means I love the guy - there's some woman to love in this picture and it didn't let down when you message to those guys and I'm like oh how old is your dog no echos not my dog and they don't know the name the age the gender the breed nothing about the dog they probably just literally saw the dog and was like oh shoot I have dating profile I need some some sweet vagina excuse me can I take a picture with your dog real quick and they take it and upload it and use it further advantage for us dog lovers so that we can be nicer to that Brittany dawn is doing the same damn thing and I don't appreciate it okay I'm being a little extra I know I get it but what do you expect but in all seriousness that is what I think she's doing especially in that last and it's where she's like I got a chance to go to go to yoga to reset a bit but there was no yoga at all just go cuddling she's just so like this is so sunshine and rainbows and go cuddle I think she would just get so much flak if she was just completely real about it gave a real apology like I said in my last videos talked about what was going through her head when it she was not giving people their programs but she was not giving the wreath lens on when she was actually this stopping the transactions when the refunds were supposed to be going through maybe she could talk about her addiction to money and maybe she's just talk her talk about her addiction to material objects her addiction to living a perfect lifestyle on Instagram and lastly her addiction to Instagram and having a lot of people love her I personally think that she is very addicted to the lifestyle and Instagram and I think it is very sad so we will see how everything folds out I looked up to see if she was still selling programs and she completely took everything off of her website she does say she is creating a new Britney so we are going to be here watching let me know what you guys think in the comment section do you think she's addicted to Instagram do you think her break was long enough do you think she will ever give back the wife that she had on Instagram like she did before the whole scandal I told you my thoughts and my opinions now it's time to hear yours thanks for watching you guys I will see you time to be simple parents custody forget about your worries [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 73,571
Rating: 4.9656601 out of 5
Keywords: brittany dawn apology, brittany dawn, brittany dawn davis, brittany dawn is back...and she's an all new woman, brittany dawn is back...and she's a brand new woman, brittany dawn fitness good morning america, brittany dawn fitness apology, brittany dawn fitness starbucks, BRITTANY DAWN FITNESS, instagram model scams, INSTA MODELS, IG MODELS, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, michelle williams we break the dawn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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