Some FAT Chick is Modeling FOR Sports Illustrated (Responding to Fat Chicks)

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[Music] who are the lamp was it you thank freakin God I mean can you believe that all of this wasn't this let's start warning my titles are clickbait made to cause an emotional reaction from the watcher if you are someone who gets your day ruined by a title and just comes on here to just look at titles and not actually listen to the content this channel is not good for you now if you're ready to sit down watch and most importantly listen I think you will enjoy the content or at least enjoy someone who likes to hear both sides if you're ready for my opinion please continue watching so some phat ticket modeling for Sports Illustrated and some people are pissed and some people are happy and thank goodness you guys let me out of that damn lamp because now we're gonna talk about it hey guys welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you at today because the new Aladdin is coming out I am dressed up like Genie and talking about fat chicks modeling for Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated is an American sports magazine founded in 1954 by Henry Luce now Sports Illustrated also has another addition to their original a bikini edition with lots of pretty girls in bikinis with nice boobies Sports Illustrated bikini was first released in 1964 and have many different beautiful women grace the cover such as Naomi Campbell Beyonce Tyra Banks and can we just take a moment and say congrats Tyra Banks for landing the cover once again sporting a thicker figure than her first appearing and I only bring up the weight because there is another one that got people talking about weight again hunter McGrady was featured in the magazine this year as well some people were not too pleased to see an obese woman modeling for a sports magazine and some people were very pleased to see a different representation so I do want to ask you guys before I even say my opinion because I don't want my opinion to deter whatever you are thinking I just want your own opinion because we all should just think for ourselves don't let anybody tell you what to think I mean I'm very happy that you let me out of the lamp but you don't need to impress me I'm not the lamp baby that's all I needed was those hands to rub the lamp not the same opinion as mine I don't care about that so just this image right here and knowing the fact that she models for Sports Illustrated what is your just reaction opinion whatever just tell me in the comments section so I went to Sports Illustrated swimsuit website and found this hello hunter diversity in the media is the Gateway to tolerance and acceptance and it read welcome to Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Hunter mcgravy's column hello hunter through this platform Hunter takes a long hard look at some of the most frequently asked questions she receives in her DNA and answers them candidly body positivity you bet we'll cover that dating relationships sex finding confidence and a bikini she'll take care of all of that too so and there was a video at the top so I was all ready to react to all the questions she gets in her d-ends but it ended up just being this [Music] and that's probably like a Sports Illustrated say I'm sure they do that with all their models it's just not something I'm used to I do see some of my friends who are like just purely bikini models take videos like that it's not that I hate it or that I love it it's just not something I find entertaining and I guess I don't understand it but I am thinking since it is something that's super popular and you know we always have to do what everyone else is doing as I'm just gonna make my own but dressed in cosplay because I think that's cool but because I think it's cool it's probably rather nerdy so like nerd versions of video selfies how'd I do horrible I know all right let's move on so basically 100 was saying in her article is that there needs to be more representation of all bodies and she also said that social media helps spread awareness of acceptance when it comes to your body your gender and your race and you guys know I do not agree with putting weight and you know race or color on the same level you can't just wake up one day and say you know I think I will not be black today or you know what I want to be Chinese I think I'm gonna change that what day is today today Tuesday I'm not gonna be Mexican today I think I'm just gonna be Indian most people can change your way there's a very tiny tiny tiny percentage of people who have something going on that prevents them but most people are eating too much I honestly think it's a big slap in the face when these body-positive people say that oh your weight is what you are that's who you are like like they're following is just too lazy and done to just pick up some better habits don't let anyone tell you who you are that's what people said to me when I was really struggling hard with losing weight they would just say that's just what you are you're not meant to be smaller it's and I was like no I'm eating about 2 to 3 bags of hot cheetos a day it's literally laziness and over-consuming in calories at this point why is it that women can't pose in a bikini and a good job without having a slew of negative and I totally agree that it looks like when women do anything cut their hair gain weight decide to not have children have children not wear makeup be all glammed up somebody has something to say but this is the thing same thing happens with men I personally just think that we are more sensitive when it comes to women and our looks because of media and whatnot but I've been on different mints Instagram they post a picture and some dude has to say something about what he's doing or about his looks or his personal choice I'm not saying it's right on on either aspect but it's not just women and since she's super into body positivity I would think that she wouldn't have to say oh only woman when it's everybody and I know body-positive people like to say that they're all inclusive but they always have to specify women what it is and everybody think I mean I would think that they would want body positivity for everyone remember all inclusive or that only just women I don't know you tell me but I do agree you can never just live your life without someone just have an opinion about your own personal choice now unfortunately if you put yourself on the internet there's always gonna be some really hard hoodlums ready to try to make you feel like complete for something that doesn't even affect them at all I mean walked out there are some tough [ __ ] on the internet who love to leave faceless comments so that's just a little bit of a background of her and what she stands for and it looks like Sports Illustrated is going in the same realm as Cosmopolitan did with the test holiday on the cover you guys this is a freaking business it's a business move they're gonna go wherever the money is and they want a new set of fans the body-positive fans I mean right now fat is where it's at I really had to go there I'm sorry it rhymed I like I like rhyming so before I get to my opinion let's just read some of the comments so this post was from John Burke that someone decided to tag me it's called Sports Illustrated exposure to diversity isn't the goal here it's forced exposure to your lifestyle choices that you want acceptance for stop playing the victim card when you are only the victim to your own self made circumstances note I not insult or name call her I've only pointed out why this is foolish attacks the ideology and thank you for Shan cookie right there for mentioning me in this comment so that I could see it most of your posts I agree with and enjoy but this one isn't one I'm a curvy girl lost 80 pounds four years ago and I'm proud of my healthy lifestyle and curves some of us are just born with hips and boobs being born with hips and boobs not equal to being obese this lady in the picture is obese when I look at her I do not see an obese person John Burke says I see an obese person based upon an easily recognized BMI factor that science not opinion a guys coming from somebody's a personal trainer she's obese I know a lot of people have different definitions of what curvy is and what not curvy is but she's an obese woman and even if you want to call her curvy fine but she's a curvy obese woman I look at her and see health problems not healthy and fYI according to science I am obese so if I'm obese she definitely is and I was from Laura Burke his wife she is not ridiculously overweight she's not with Beast it's entirely possible she is healthy and active is she had a competitive athlete status no is she still attractive I think so it's not quite the CSA test holiday and that was kind of a weird comparison because just because you're not as obese assess holiday doesn't mean that you are not obese just like if there is two skinny people and there's just one that's like super skinny and one not as skinny doesn't make the other person that's not a skinny not skinny it just means they're not as skinny as the other person and I don't really need to read like that deep super rude negative comments I don't think I need to sprout those out to the Internet so then I went over to her page and I saw a lot more positive economists thank God because we are not living for people who go it's a solans page to make them feel like bug poo those people can eat some unseasoned chicken and then go into the lamp not me I belong out here forever imagine the little girls who will grow up seeing pictures like this on the shelves as opposed to the previous status quo hopefully they will feel less pressure to be something different than what they are and that's basically what each comment was saying and it's very similar to the test holiday thing people are very happy to see some head doesn't look the same as all the rest and especially something that is more like relatable so their personal body image and now this is where I share my opinion so I don't really have a set opinion it's not oh my gosh this is horrible fat one that should not be modeling for a sports magazine how freakin dare they [ __ ] you Sports Illustrated and I'm also not like with different body on a magazine a representation hashtag thick hashtag knows any [ __ ] is a little more complicated for me than that because one I really don't care I don't read magazines I don't like to read magazines I don't care I'm mostly lost cartoon so this has absolutely nothing to do with me it affects me and no way now if you spoke to like 19 20 year-old Michelle I would be like this is unfair cease taking a spot away from an actual fit person someone who works for their bodies but now that I grew up I have no interest in magazines I have no interest in pursuing a fitness model career it gave me a different perspective on these things and also to sit back and relax and open my eyes to different point of views so since I picked up this whole not giving a [ __ ] about being on a magazine cover my opinions have changed quite a bit and they're kind of all over the place but I'll make sure to try to organize them for you guys so hopefully I can get my point across so if I think back to like teenage Michelle who was a lot different body types and most of the other girls while the other girls were very thin no boobs uh shake had a freaking wide hips big ol knockers that I didn't know what to do with all the clothes I were in that fit the skinny girls really nicely fit me horribly and most of the people on magazines are getting the spotlight were very thin people so if I saw this on a magazine what I want to be fat no but if I got that it would make me say well she's getting tons of attention she's successful and gorgeous we're probably good being like this I am totally fine bring on the hot cheetos and obesity is not fine I don't care what anybody says I put it on the same level as an erect it is a sickness and it is not healthy you know something else that people keep saying is that while Sports Illustrated is a sports magazine the girls on it needs to be fit and look like they can play sports excuse you most of the women that I see don't look like they play sports they're just thin and let me tell you the amount of thin women that I have trains and I have them do some pretty basic exercises let's just say we take about three exercises and do squats mountain climbers and then push-ups and they can't even perform anything they did about a minute and 30 seconds of activity and they are done they can't complete the workout there they're just finished and I have trained so many obese people who are able to go through my whole 30-minute workout so the whole fight about hunter not being fit that that's a weird point because you can totally be fit and obese but you can't be healthy and obese and I know you're gonna have fun in that comment section to say well I'm obese and all my charts from the doctor came out great okay that's cool but keep in mind my father who is very unhealthy all his charts come out great but he's losing function and his lace is probably gonna have to get something a mutated there's a lot of stuff going on can't see but his charts come out great and the doctor is just like so once again obesity is not healthy all that pressure on your organs and all the excess fat around your organs suffocating everything in there is not good and you might not have the effects of it right now but it's common just like there's some smokers that are healthy but it's common so yes you can be skinny and not fit just like you can be fat and fit but you cannot be fat and healthy or obese and healthy I know we all have different definitions of what fat is but to anyone who wants to say well she's not fit take several seats because you really don't know that and like I said in my other videos I love a visual representation of different types of people and not just the same generic look over and over again but it is pretty dangerous to put obesity on the covers or just in magazines without talking about the actual struggle with what comes with being obese normalizing obesity is extremely harmful and if we're gonna normalize obesity something that's very unhealthy we should just normalize everything that's unhealthy why don't we just start normalizing an anorexic woman and what about other unhealthy habits smoking crack they all are done from a choice that person and we should normalize it if we're gonna start normalizing obesity which is very unhealthy let's just normalize everything because we want to be all inclusive right oh woman come on come on everybody you anorexic you smoking crack gonna put you all in a magazine but are you up with some makeup make you do one of those video selfie things and glamorize yeah so really my opinion is if you're gonna put someone that's obese in a magazine and just glamorize everything you should probably talk about the realities of being that big just like if we put a very thin this woman for for example an anorexic woman in a magazine or on a cover you bet your big ol or maybe small ol booty that you would want some explanation of why she's on the cover or in the magazine and I'm sure everyone would want the magazine to address all of her health issues so that many younger people will not want to look like her and that's my opinion on a fat chick modelling for Sports Illustrated were you offended I'm looking forward to reading all of your comments in the comments section even the ones that are going to call me ugly and ugly flu little ball of ugliness I'm looking forward to all of those remember you don't have to be a size two muscles are great but being healthy is even more great and I want everybody to be as healthy as possible and I will see all of you next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 246,634
Rating: 4.9168601 out of 5
Keywords: sports illustrated, tess holliday, hunter mcgrady, hunter mcgrady 2018, sports illustrated swimsuit edition 2016, sports illustrated body issue 2018, sports illustrated swimsuit 2017, fat chicks modeling, should fat chicks model, obesity documentaries, obesity epidemic, fat acceptance, fat acceptance cringe compilations, fat acceptance cringe 2018, fat positive, fat influencers, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, dressed in cosplay, aladdin 2019, aladdin
Id: PjOwrhsKb2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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