Insta Model Caught Lying about EVERYTHING [25lbs In one month, Apple Cider Vinegar?]

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look I have some questions for you and I'm not leaving the city until they're answered yeah that's good I actually have a few questions for you Milo hello everyone welcome to my channel my name is Michele McDaniel and I am a cosplayer slash personal trainer slash pug mom and today you are cosplaying as Milo oh you're so cute so now that we know who we are and who we are cause playing as we are going to expose more instant models and their unrealistic before-and-after pictures and the fact that they are just lying lying to the good people few people's so today we are exposing a person that many of you guys have sent me over Instagram because you guys were getting advertisements from Sarah Johnson who claims she has the secret to help you lose 25 pounds in one month all of you you mean all of us we got all these 25 pounds in one month don't believe me well let's just go ahead over it so Sarah Johnson's Instagram and check out the amazing before-and-after pictures that she has you know the one with a one month result pictured another amazing transformation using my weight loss discovery read the article in my bio if you want to lose 25 pounds in a month another amazing transformation using my weight loss discovery read the article in my bio if you want to lose 25 pounds in a month another amazing transformation using my weight loss discovery read the article in my bio if you want to lose 25 pounds in a month aren't these amazing I mean look at this guy's before picture look look at that face that face says yep you guys aiyah I have a good a big little guy now I'm gonna do something about and the after picture he doesn't even believe in himself well dude that's not tagged in this picture and nobody else's tags on Sarah's profile I don't believe it either I really really hope now this video gets passed around and shared so that these people that did these amazing transformation sees it and say I don't know who the Freak Sara Johnson is because most likely she stole all these pictures and are using them for her financial benefits and I'm gonna prove it all to you in this video with receipts in fact so let's expose another piece of poop Instagram influencers oh I'm sorry in this case the discoverer who has discovered a way that we can all lose 25 pounds in one month we literally have a Christopher Columbus in our presence okay so every single caption on Sara's page is the same exact caption word for word for word and it's telling me to click the link in her bio so I can read some article and so that's exactly what we're going to do because I always do what I'm told Oh exclusive meet the Stanford master student who lost 25 pounds with our University's money isn't that kind of weird wording like a super weird way to title an article meet the cosplayer who dressed up like Keita and used her mommy's money it's weird right like okay why why did you say that I'm overwhelmed with joy that my discovery has helped so many of you change your body and lives instagrams latest viral sensation Sarah Johnson a master student at Stanford University was able to drop 25 pounds off her waist just off her waist earn that's also weird wording in one month without ever using a dime of her own money I'm gonna fuse as to why this is a brag it sounds like the college is her sugar daddy for a required research project Sarah thought it would be perfect to use University's funds to find out how to accelerate her weight loss according to Sarah the most expensive piece of it all was finding blood work but the actual solution only cost six dollars whoa I never knew losing 25 pounds in one month would be so cheap Sarah this already sounds amazing so the next part it's very relatable with all of us but can I just say what kind of university puts this kind of study together if she's a nutritionist she should know that losing 25 pounds in a month is one not real life and two even if it did happen it's not the healthiest thing that just means you're taking a lot of lot of poops and you're throwing up a lot with once again that's not healthy so the fact that she's a nutritionist says a lot and that's very unfortunate I've struggled with my weight my entire life I've tried all sorts of diets but they just didn't work as good as they promised I have a full-time job at a local grocery store and I'm also working towards my master's degree so I don't have any time to be at the gym what I was assigned this big research project I saw it as the perfect opportunity to take a deeper look at the natural weight loss opportunities that are out there so guess what our little Christopher Columbus Sarah discovered is you guess what natural completely natural thing she discovered herself that is when I found out about combining keto Rapid max pure and boy you guys is it our lucky day because all throughout the article they have keto rapid max burn highlighted and clickable so I don't know I think they want us to probably click and check out this product so let's let's see what this magical lose 25 pounds in a month pill is all about Sarah went to Stanford and she's got a master's in nutrition and so I'm pretty sure cheek won't lie he won't why she's credible Stanford nutrition all credible words the easiest way to burn fat natural safe and effective burn fat faster than ever doctors nutritionists celebrities all know the fat-burning benefits of being in ketosis burn fat for energy not carbs when your body is in ketosis it is burning fat cells for energy instead of carbs love the way you feel burning fat for energy instead of carbs gives your body 225 percent more energy 225 percent that's over a hundred ah it says limited time only you guys guys out your cards outs we need to give this because they even have the pretty girl in a bikini smiling and sporting nice beautiful abs running through the ocean and she looks happy and I need this pill so I can do the same thing so I'm sure you're wondering this sounds amazing but how does this amazing pill work what's the scientific backing to this and I was wondering the same thing so they've got the guy in here looking down at his gut and basically in this part they talked about ketosis and it's the magical thing that once you get into this state you're just a fat burning machine I mean look at this little icon she's like a fat burning machine and I'm just burning fat ketosis here we are so this whole section that is labeled how it works I'm guessing they're going to explain how the pill works right I'm sure that's what you're guessing how it works we're talking about a magical pill here and they're gonna tell us how it works well the whole section is just telling us about the ketogenic diet and ketosis they don't actually give us any type of information of how the pill gets us into ketosis they don't even tell me what ingredients is in the product so that it can take me through this magical portal quickly to get me into ketosis what ingredients isn't fair and I can't find the ingredient list myself because there is no ingredient list on the website so we're just supposed to kind of take Sarah and this websites word for it because they say a lot of pretty words that make us feel good and gives us some type of hope that we can lose those 25 pounds in one month things like scientifically proven to block fat with a cool charm and they have absolutely no proof on their website sketch and I'll say what else is sketch about this the first time that a couple of you guys messes with me I looked it up I clicked you know the link to the product and I took some notes and wrote down the name of the product so I could do my research later and they keep changing the name of the products so at first it was called keto supreme forskolin I completely remember that name because me and my boyfriend were laughing that it sounded like foreskin I was super excited to make a lot of jokes in the video about that but then I went back and I said keto max burn and so I thought maybe me and my boyfriend just imagined olive but then I went back again and now it's called kitto rappin max pure are we agreeing that it's the just a little bit sketch now so let's read the reviews that are on the website that are completely not fake and written by Sara Johnson herself hint hint when I test my blood ketones in the morning they are usually 0.3 to 0.5 and within 60 to 90 minutes of using keto they almost always burn up to over 1 mm this is a huge deal for someone wanting to be Quito but also who is sometimes weak with friends or who doesn't want the Quito flu while working on their nutrition thanks guys perfect right so it's perfect for people who just want to kind of eat whatever they want whenever they go out with friends which could be all the time and and perfect for people who don't want to actually do keto right it's perfect it sounds amazing almost like like they're lying so I wanted to go to another website where I can find some other reviews rather than their specific website but it's kind of hard because they keep changing the name of their products but I did find one review by Julie your search for best weight loss supplement will come to an end on using it it is the best supplement for losing weight and rapid and quick way okay little cult dish review demanding us to take a pill another sketchy thing all right but at least now we know a little bit of a background of one of the things that Sarah used to lose 25 pounds in a month for $7.00 remember I don't know how much the pill actually is because they have you type in your information and I don't feel like getting scammy shading emails from this so if y'all feel comfortable about doing that let me know but I'm pretty sure because they're offering you a free bottle it's probably going to be a free bottle but then they're going to have a reoccurring billing happen to your card every month but there is one more thing that she used ready for this mind-blowing discovery that our little Christopher Columbus discovered herself all by herself apple cider vinegar how many people been doing that for years now so when I said she Christopher Columbus this I really meant it she really believes she found this whole apple cider vinegar magic thing and keep in mind I think it's been debunked but I've also looked at a few studies that were very flawed so I'm not gonna go too deep on the apple cider vinegar for fat loss thing but I really recommend that you guys do a little research on it because even if it is true you're not gonna lose that much more weight than if you don't take it it's like points something to a pound to one pound since the study Sarah shared the keto rapid Mac secured an apple cider vinegar combination with her boyfriend Nick who had also been struggling with his weight mixed results are even more impressive in Sarah's not only did this do lose fat but he put on muscle I also just noticed that when I was doing my Flex takes this thing fell off my arm so let's slap that on ah there now I feel completed even though you can can't really see it it makes a difference to me so there's a little interview here and I want to read it to you guys real quick we sat down with Sarah to ask her more about how she found out about keto rapid max here and whether or not that is all that she used to lose 25 pounds so quickly tell us how did you know where to start to be honest I really didn't I was given a budget for the project by the University and I spent nearly all of it researching everything under the Sun I looked into other previous research case studies and even successful weight loss stories of others so how did you find out about key Oh rapid max pure and apple cider vinegar it's sort of a funny story Sarah's about to drop some jokes about Kito rap and Max Pierre I always listen to the latest celebrity news before bed that is funny Sarah if you listen or get your nutritional and weight loss advice from celebrities that's funny I happen to come across one particular interview with a celebrity nutritionist who swore by keto ruffed max pure and apple cider vinegar she claims that all of Hollywood's elite use it it's been their best kept secret for years now I figured it couldn't hurt to try why did they talk like that though this article the way it's worded this interview even it's so odd it's just as if they were like and that's when it dawned on me what if Sarah Johnson Don Stanford wasn't a woman what if she wasn't a man but a reptilian or an extremely intelligent robot for worse an alien no no no not those type of aliens stay with me now but an extraterrestrial species that is light-years beyond our human knowledge disguised as a girl creating these supplements so desperate humans can purchase it so he or she or they can laugh at our idiotic expectations of weight loss but unfortunately Sarah Johnson Stanford wasn't a robot nor a space alien she was something way worse Sarah Johnson was an Internet scammer Internet can run in packs or solo and hide behind the computer screen and create websites steal people's pictures and create products and hopes that desperate individuals who won't do their research just believe all the pretty words they slap on their website you know like in fairytales everything an Internet scammer says is a lie and that's what's going on here guys and I have proof there wasn't any huge research project there were no results there was no boyfriend named Nick Sarah Johnson didn't even spin Stanford's money for her weight loss because Sarah Johnson doesn't even exist you guys Stanford University doesn't even offer nutrition all these pictures were stolen these people were never taking keto supreme foreskin and apple cider vinegar this isn't even a real news article and I have cold hard proof because it's right on their website this is an advertisement and not an actual news article a blog or consumer protection update we are not affiliated in any way with Stanford University seen in web TV news channel 7 ABC NBC and NBC Today Phoebe Cygnus CBS News News boardwalk sianeth within each news town 780 anything I was anything you say anything maybe taken I think yes US News and Fox are all registered trademarks of their respective owners so they basically listed off all the businesses and shows and networks they said that they worked with and were featured on and sponsored by because they were never featured on their shows or sponsored by any of these companies so all that that they said on their website that they were sponsored and on here and even in their Instagram BIOS Eric Sarah's Instagram bio so that she was on shape or something some magazine which is most likely a lie to you they lied to us y'all they lie but as long as they put it at the bottom of the screen where you think it ends in all black and like very odd coloring of words so it kind of just blends in they cover their booty cheeks and technically they didn't lie to us it was all in front of our faces the whole time this is how two grams scammers work but my absolute favorite part the topping on the cake was the disclaimer in smaller print at the very bottom of the screen oh you guys are gonna love this when I read it to you the story depicted on this side and the person depicted in the story are not real rather the story is based on the results that some people who have used these products have achieved the results portrayed in the story and in the comments are illustrative and may not be the results that you achieve with these products yeah you're not gonna achieve anything like those pictures not even like slightly like it nothing's gonna happen except your gosh thank you breath from apple cider vinegar and you're gonna take a pill that's probably harmful because we have no clue what's in it the results portrayed in the story and in the comments are illustrative and may not be the results that you've achieved with these products he depictions on this page are fictitious and in dictum of potential results actual results may vary how would you guys feel if I posted a bunch of like before-and-after pictures of amazing results and then said sorry this these aren't like results from my workout programs they're just the results that you can have I'm just showing you what could happen if you purchase what I'm trying to sell you results may vary and I put in really tiny words at the bottom of the page in like odd font so that it can be very hard to read get some of the products described on this site have terms regarding continued billing after the trial period ends I told you guys they want to give you a free bottle and they're giving you the free bottle because it doesn't cost much to make this it's very cheap and then they increase up the price a lot and don't think that it's just this gammy a product a lot of the products that you see on Instagram or in the magazines even are very cheap to me oh also the person that wrote this she's also fake Suzanne Kushner doesn't exist so a girl called Corrine Purtill sorry if I butchered that actually wrote something on Suzanne titled everything about this ridiculous scene in nutrition ad is a lie so whatever internet scammer is behind this website I have been doing it for a while but the interesting thing it's always a student that once some elite college and they are a nutritionist and they lost a substantial amount of weight and they kind of just like change that it's always the same base but always change like from college to college and the amount of weight loss use along with a different type of product and this specific article this time Suzanne was talking about Garcinia cambogia but they always have to brag about a university student spending a college's money I just want to know why is it so important to advertise it like this I mean it's literally anybody like oh cool you spent your college is awesome no one's saying that if you're gonna scam people at least like don't say that don't phrase it like that it's weird Amanda human a student at Cornell University was able to job 37 pounds off her waist in one month without ever using a dime of her own money so this lady is actually a Scottish woman her name's Sienna Forbes she wasn't taking garcinia and cambogia Susan over whatever this person's name is who makes these websites just took the picture Lauren also stated there is no Suzanne Fichtner on LinkedIn or Twitter her byline appears only on other fishy-looking weight loss ads including one purporting to be from TMZ Suzanne if you are real and reading this please send a notarized birth certificate to a chai @qz comm and Suzanne never did because she doesn't exist and that's why people you should always do your research because these supplements industry is very sketch like I said before even very popular Instagram Fitness people that hold those cool bottles and even think they scene magazine are also very sketch it's very easy to create a supplement and make all these awesome promises and say all these cool things on the bottle and hire girls to hold the bottle on have abs that don't even take what's in their hand because they really are not regulated I'm not saying every single supplement out there is doing this kind of stuff but many of them are many of them like many of them have ways around the truth is very very easy to lie it's very different from the food industry I have certain businesses and food and the way that they have to regulate things is so nitpicky which is good but they do not do that with supplements so always always always do research on supplements especially if they're making claims like lose 25 pounds in a month and getting you into ketosis in a hour do your research I cannot stress that enough to you I've definitely gotten scammed before when I was over away and I was trying to find like a fast way out get out of here fast it get skinny as fast as possible and there are so many times that like I would cook what I've been completely excited about this and just work over my my money some of you might think that I was an idiot I was just I personally think I was uneducated I didn't know I was confused on how to lose weight I was extremely desperate I was very insecure and I was very tired of being insecure and I would look at this as a way out so I you might be calling me or say that I was stupid before but not everybody is educated on these type of things especially if you didn't grow up learning about what it takes to be healthy and lose weight in a healthy way so I really hope this channel or just this video itself if it's your first time watching me I'm glad that you watched this one if you were anything like how I used to be so if it did help you in any way if you learn something or if you just merely enjoyed the cosplay take that subscribe button and the thumbs up button it really helps me out and can I just say thank you thank you think you do all of you but I subscribe welcome to anyone that is new who just recently subscribed it got a lot of new subscribers and I am just taken aback by all of your comments that you leave and the comics that you guys have been leaving on my Instagram thank you thank you thank you and remember once we get to 100k I'm gonna be posting to at home fat burning workout routines we are working out together they're gonna be 30 minutes I am going to be working out and sweating with you together and I can't wait so remember you do not have to be a size two abs are great to have but they are not needed to be healthy and products claiming that you are going to lose 25 pounds in one month are straight bull don't buy it okay I'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 722,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, weightloss, apple cider vinager weightloss debunked, apple cider vinegar weight loss, APPLE, CIDER, HEALTH, vinegar, vinegar weight loss, sarah, johnson, sarah johnson stanford, sarah johnson stanford weight loss, stanford, Calling out insta models, dr oz weight scam fat burners, dr oz weight loss supplments fat burners, dr oz apple cider vinegar weight loss, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, how to lose weight fast, weight loss journey
Id: u0sX9xdmfZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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