important update on my last video

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all right what's up so this videos gonna be a little different for my usual videos obviously and I feel we're doing the whole [ __ ] my whole usual intro so sorry but I just wanted to sit down and give a little update on everything so last week me my buddy Jacob we made a video about Sebastian bales or Sebastian balls as we called him this and his girlfriend Lauren Godwin if you haven't watched that video I urge you to go watch that so you're you know up up to speed I guess but if not here's a here's a recap Sebastian bales and Lauren Godwin are two very popular creators on the app tik-tok we all know it they're so popular that tik-tok even put a thing on their profile that says they're popular Wow so that they're a popular creator the only popular creator I want to see is God so they make a lot of really cringe-worthy content on tik-tok but we're the bread and butter of their bad videos they take place on YouTube they make these fake prank videos and they play them off as 100% real all the time and obviously these videos aren't for me I don't like them they're not my cup of tea if I took a sip of tea and it tasted like a fake couple prank good but we made a video last week about a certain video of Sebastian's in particular called fighting in front of our friends prank where the premise of the video was to pretend to be in an abusive relationship yeah just holy [ __ ] just so [ __ ] up in every way you could think of it and usually when I make videos about like bad content cringy content just content that is just you know inherently bad I have a lot of fun making jokes and stuff about it and just making funny videos about it but this one I had a really tough time like several times throughout filming me and Jacob had to stop and look at each other and be like this is this is hard to make jokes about because it was just so [ __ ] off-putting we had to resort to like making jokes of a tripod anal and [ __ ] balls vlogs dude welcome back to another ball vlog that because you couldn't make jokes about the actual subject matter right well yeah I mean I say that like we weren't gonna make those jokes in the first place but you know what I mean but seriously dude it was [ __ ] really tough because no matter how you put it what Sebastian and Lauren did was [ __ ] disgusting right it's weird it's really gross right this is like a people have to [ __ ] go through that every day and it's like a traumatizing thing like it ruins lives right on average nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States during one year this equates to more than 10 million women and men one in three women and one for men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner like this is a real issue sebastien right not like I'm just a [ __ ] stupid little little thing for your little couple vlog right like so I ended my video urging Sebastian balls to donate the ad revenue from that video to a charity that helps and supports women and men who go through something as terrible as an abusive relationship do it do it as you do do it as well as Sebastian and I'll show the receipts and at the time of filming this video I haven't been contacted by Sebastian I haven't seen any tweets or Instagram things of him actually donating any money but I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt okay maybe he hasn't seen my video right that's that's a possibility people make videos making fun of him literally every day so maybe mine got lost maybe got my you can't watch all of them right but I also got like hundreds of comments from you guys on that video he posted of you guys hang like hey donate the money what the [ __ ] are you doing which is [ __ ] awesome like thanks you guys for doing that and you know what this is just a theory but I feel like he's seen those comments right because someone who cares so much about how they look and how they're portrayed I feel like he must be reading every single comment but it's a theory I don't know I also ended my video saying that I was going to be donating my ad revenue from the video that I made critiquing Sebastian's video and that is true that was the thing that I did thanks for honking your [ __ ] horn donating the money to foundation called love is respect and if you've never heard of them they're an organization based in the u.s. we're highly trained advocates offer support information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships they also provide information and support to concerned friends and family members teachers counselors service providers and members of law enforcement they also offer free and confidential phone live chat and texting services 24/7 365 days a year so I have donated my ad revenue to that charity and Sebastian balls I urge you to do the same okay and I want to make it as easy as possible for you okay because although your skin is bright I don't know if you you are in the description the donation link is the first thing the first thing you see it's right there okay I also read in an interview with you that a majority of your income comes from your tik-tok livestream so this is literally the least you can do Sebastian balls all right not up team balls dude donate the money I just let you guys know I'm not making this video to like cancel Sebastian you know that's not why I made my other video that's never that's never my intention with any of my videos I just noticed a trend that was pretty [ __ ] up that's happening on YouTube that no one was really been talking about so I wanted to talk about it and shed some light on it and say why I say how wrong it was and you notice that I say trend because they're not the only people who did this video premise which is insane I'm not gonna name any names but I just want to let you know that this is a thing that's happening okay fine I'll name some names Jadey vlogs the sands family the prince family Milo and hazel Carmen and Corey Nate's life she is Michaela Eddie Fishman and these are just the first ones that popped up there are dozens and dozens of these videos I don't know dude I really appreciate the the feedback that I received on the on my video I posted last week and it's obviously it's a thing that's real close to home for a lot of people because it's a very common thing and on top of me donating my ad revenue I really appreciate it if you guys also donated some money you know $1 $5 $10 or whatever whatever you can give that be it helps out so much I know a lot of people aren't in the financial situation where they can be donating money and I totally understand that so yeah you can just if you if you want to help out share this video tell your friends you know just just get the word out there it's an easy way to help in the last few days we've been talking to love is respect and they seem [ __ ] really awesome and so I on top of my ad revenue donation I will also be matching your guys donations up to $10,000 so click the link donate money and we can actually turn this turn these shitty [ __ ] videos into something good and positive right little disclaimer uh lovers respect is an American charity they do work in the US so for all my you know Canadian international fans if you want to donate to a charity that's in in your country I'll leave a list of don't of charities in the description oh yeah a majority of my audience is Americans so I feel like that made the most sense to do that yeah please share the video with everyone you know like it so it gets pushed out into the algorithm cuz I don't know if YouTube is gonna like this one that much and yeah dude tweet uh Sebastian tweet item urgent to donate the money me and Jacob already [ __ ] went in on them for like 20 minutes so I don't think you need to be mean about it just just tweet em be like hey min please donate your ad revenue to love is respect leave leave the the donation link in the tweet and I don't know hash tag team balls if you want you know you don't have to do but team balls is very funny yeah that's it thanks for watching I'll be back to making stupid [ __ ] sketches in front of a green screen next week but yeah I just wanted to hop up on here and you know explain what we're doing so yeah thank you so much for for watching last week's video and for the positive feedback on it yeah I hope you guys donate to love his respect especially this time of year where people need it the most so seriously thank you so much love you guys peace out
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,394,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, kurtis conner sebastian bails, sebastian bails, tiktok, tiktok couple, couple cringe
Id: 47OObKqadsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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