Losing Your Relatability

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 88 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gaspatron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jenna also works extremely hard, her and Julien both make videos, and stream, she has her XM show, Julien has his own side projects... It never comes off as β€œI just woke up one day with all this money”. She often reminds ppl that being educated and dedicated to your work will pay off.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jadekittens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved seeing that video because he was so correct about how Jenna has never flexed and she panicked that we would have hated her for spending money she saved for years to buy her dream home.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EmmaBacon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It also gave me an excuse to watch Making Terrible Hot Glue Crafts and Completely Pointless Life Hacks again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/0rangeballoflove πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love it how often Jenna is used as an example of Youtuber's doing things right. Like I was just watching Unnatural Vegan's video about how Jenna is the best example for how vegans should approach discussing veganism with non-vegans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this right after I watched her latest upload and it was like an emotional high that just kept going. Seeing Bobby and Bunny be all cute, and then immediately moving into Drew giving props to Jenna...,.. I was just kind of in a puddle of happiness lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cough182 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Y'all seen that day by Dave video about her? Wholesome as hell beech

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/samfinmorchard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Same! Love Drew, Love Jenna. #supportdowntoearthrichpeople lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rainbowtoaststudios πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

When I saw it I hopped I'd see a post here about it. It really shows how deserving Janna is! She has never compromised her content because it would benefit her financially. She always tries to be aware of what she is putting out isn't sending the wrong message, and if she does precieve herself to fuck up, she owns up to it and apologizes! (Examples: Ad and her short lived fish venture)

Jenna only makes what she wants and couldn't give two shits what everyone else thinks or says! It's such refreshing contrast to most other content on the platform!

I hope to be watching Jenna's videos 10+ years from now!


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DLRjr94 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right Ben Ben just stay here just don't move don't you guys hate it when you're trying to exploit the cuteness of your loved ones for more internet views but they don't want to cooperate I hate that anyway totally unrelated to what I just said today we're gonna be talking about the ACE family you're not going to the echo investiture here it's you're evil you have to go before we get to them though I want to talk a little bit more generally about something I've noticed for a long time um that I think has gotten more prevalent with youtubers there's always been this kind of interesting phenomenon with artists where they're able to build a career out of a sense of relatability they have something that people connect with but what happens is so many people connect with the art that they made that they start becoming really successful they start becoming really popular and rich and over time they make more and more money they start changing slowly until they get so far removed from where they started that they no longer have the qualities that people gravitated towards in the first place in comedy I think of someone like Jerry Seinfeld who for a long time was sort of like the voice of the average person he would take very mundane things that everybody experienced everybody could relate to and make jokes about them you know what else is funny about socks they always give you that little when you're buying that little plastic hanger on the top I love that they always give that to you like you've got some useful but then like 20 years passes and he becomes the richest comedian in the world and now can't possibly connect to the people who made him famous in the first place you know he probably only flies first class now I'm sure he has assistants to handle certain mundane tasks the kind of things that he would maybe write jokes about in the past I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a success I think he absolutely does I'm just saying from like an artistic standpoint how could you continue to make observations and write jokes about things that everybody experiences if you no longer have to experience those things yourself I would say Kanye West is probably another good example of this you know used to make really good music that everybody gravitated towards and now he's so whatever he's not even a person anymore that's what like astronomical success can do to people it can completely change them anyway relating this back to YouTube I think this is something that's happening a lot now especially with vloggers because for a lot of them that Mountain they make is them right so as they change so does their content now for me the biggest example of this is the ace family they didn't really get on my radar until like a couple months ago when I saw this video on trending you won't believe what's happening with the new ace family house now for those who you don't know I'll sum it up real quick the ACE family is a family blogging channel there's Austin Katherine their two kids elle and Alya I think is her name and for the past like year or so a lot of their videos have been about the saga of them building their new house their new 11 bedroom 11 bathroom house but what bothers me with them is watching some of their videos about their house is how many things they complain about how many problems that they project onto the world that people would kill to have Catherine and I are in discussion of who want to move in any day now or do we want to wait until the landscape is complete so it's either we move in within the next few days with the landscape not being done or we wait until everything is complete like the landscaping is like being a big part of the house and so it make the house look complete so look at their house look how disgusting that house is good would you want to live there no especially not if there's no grass outside yet for a temporary amount of time it's just like a big disappointment right now it just goes on for like four minutes I'm not exaggerating we don't know how long it's gonna take I thought their house [ __ ] burned down or something like you look at the thumbnail and you think wow something bad happened no it's just like the trees aren't in yet we do it it's not a big deal I mean it is a big deal we're making a big deal out of it but I don't mind there's just so many factors into this and like we're still in the other place another house which we don't want to be in there anymore and it's also fluttering for us okay so maybe that's why they're frustrated because maybe the house they live in now kind of sucks maybe they live in like a dinky little place that's too small for them so let's see where they live now oh they already live in a mansion they just want to move into a bigger one so here's an older video with a hilariously similar title same kind of thing we can't believe this happened to our new house so again you're thinking like man I'm about to feel bad for these guys I bet something really horrible happened to their new house let's see what it was okay and I are a little upset right now so the floor was already supposed to be done by now in order to put the wood you have to put the tile and the workers put the wrong tile so they had to take it off so obviously this is delaying things so you're telling me that the house they're building that's the size of a mall there's minor construction setbacks here and there oh man it's almost like that's how all construction works that [ __ ] just always goes wrong now I totally understand why this would be frustrating for them but the way they do it almost comes off as manipulative when you have this very minor thing that comes up and you make a huge deal out of it you title the video that to get people to click on the video so in that way you actually profit it off this situation because you've got a video out of it and before you broke the bad news that people came here to see you did this we're getting ready to head over to the new house we just received some some news so I guess we'll see y'all when we get there a family we're curious to know who wears a family merch while watching the ACE family if you wear an ace family shirt or whatever it is while you're watching us all you can do is tag us on the give you a shout out and if you don't have any a smelly merch all you gotta do is go to shop a semi comm link is always in description all right family so kind I are a little upset I got a do to buy your shirt is go to your website pay for it just seems kind of manipulative to say hey I got some bad news I'm gonna go tell you and on the way there I'm gonna plug our merch and now I'm gonna see something that makes you feel bad for me gosh if only there was a way to support us financially maybe something I just kind of mentioned a few seconds ago like is always a mystery so now we're about five minutes into the video where they've already subtly plugs their merch and then immediately given us incentive to buy their merch to financially support them during this trying time so then what do they do they drive back to their smaller mansion and show off the new car they just bought this is something they do a lot now they go back and forth between flexing and showing off their insane amount of wealth to complaining about something that really they have no reason to publicly complain about here's another example of that from their most recent video where they're finally I guess fully moved into their new house after months of having to live in us don't they start this video by showing off their big beautiful gym with a big beautiful view they haven't complained about anything yet just give it a minute they will it's so nice to be able to go from the fitness gym to our master bedroom instead of having to go all the way downstairs can you imagine how difficult that must have been for them thank God they made it out of that hell from the fitness gym to our master bedroom so it's easy access we don't have to go all the way downstairs and back upstairs I think that's something we all can relate to right when you're fully functioning home gym your fitness center that's inside your home that you have a dedicated room for is all the way downstairs but your room is upstairs these aren't problems that real people have I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that and for me I think it's just how they so casually complain about these things without realizing without thinking like oh this kind of makes us sound unlikable they've gone from maybe being this like relatable family who does relatable family things to being this spectacle that's kind of what it is now that's why I'm curious watching these videos it's like look at this [ __ ] house it's beautiful it's huge she loves you know know you might be thinking I'm sure I'll get comments about this like oh you're just jealous yeah of course I'm [ __ ] jealous look at this [ __ ] later in the video here's another example of like a brag and a complaint to rolled into one oh the hardened it looks a family it is see this ball is extremely long here look how long this pool is Heist you have any idea how hard it was to do it I just did I had to swim so far cuz the pools so big just like every other extraordinarily wealthy person on the internet they always try to make it seem like no we're humble we're just like you we're normal people too like when they're showing up their closet you guys know we have a lot of stuff just in general like he has so many shoes I have a lot of clothes well I don't have much clothes but I just feel like this might not be enough space for awesome shoes because he has hey Stanley I only have like three parishes Katherine you're exaggerating stuff you know no no she's lying I just have like a couple pairs of shoes okay don't watch any of our other videos where I've recorded footage of how many shoes I have and it's very obvious that I have a [ __ ] ton of shoes don't worry about that it's like dude if you like shoes and you have a lot of shoes that's fine you're rich if you want to spend money on shoes you can do that but don't also stay in there and be like guys I'm not materialistic I don't have a lot of shoes I just wear Gucci all the time and I have a lot of shoes and I think that's the thing that rubs me the wrong way with this family and why a lot of other people don't like this family it's because of how fake they are like they try to act like they're these perfect people this perfect family when at this point they're pretty notoriously Shady and then of course they also try to act like oh we're just regular people you have regular problems just like everybody else and then they explain what their problems are and you're like wait what I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that that's why you're so upset that's what you're using is clickbait for this video really you know when you lose your wallet well imagine how hard that must be for us cuz our house is so big right I got a check like 20 or old sometimes if my wallet which should be easy to find cuz it's so big and fat filled with money do you think other people are gonna relate to this you think people are gonna watch this and feel bad for you clearly they don't because they think so little of their fans because there was another video where they were trying to justify the things they were complaining about and why they were complaining about them but they only made them worse because Austin said this at the same time to nobody who realizes how hard it is to actually build your own home yeah like what goes into it look guys I understand that you all are so broke and so stupid that you could never build your own house like we are or what he ever built your own home literally only we know what it's like to build your own house no one else could know that and certainly not you guys is right like do you really think that no one else has ever built their own home before what's wrong with you as shitty as it is though like their fans are so young that this manipulation totally works you scroll through the comments and they're all like oh wow you guys have been through everything I can't believe how strong you are for putting up with all this [ __ ] and it's so well earned and like he mentions in another video how the older daughter has seen it all she's been through everything else been through it all with us what you moved from one mansion to another mansion to a third mansion is that the adversity that you're experiencing is that what you're describing is like oh man we've been through it all or by been through everything are you talking about the backlash you've received that was all well deserved because you guys have done shitty things like when you did that charity event and lied about how much money you were gonna give away like when you filmed Catherine's kids sister buying a dildo lollipop that you encouraged her to buy because you thought it would be funny or when you did that other charity event that wasn't actually a charity event because your friend won all the money I feel like youtubers do that [ __ ] all the time where they mess up they get backlash for messing up and then they try to use the backlash they're getting to garner sympathy like Oh everyone's mad at us woe is me it's like no it's your fault but hey at least these guys are careful about who they collaborate with I mean they're always making videos with Jake Paul a serial abuser Chris Brown that definitely helps gain some respect I don't know it's just like I watch their videos because they're always numbered to unfriend enlike they're just shoved down your throats if you go on YouTube and I just I don't see anything relatable about these people I don't see anything human about them like I'm not so sure they've ever even watched a YouTube video because Austin doesn't even seem to know where the subscribe button is you are new to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and join the family make sure you guys subscribe button and join the fan make sure you hit that subscribe button join the family ever been above the video like it's weird too because there's something almost paradoxical about this type of content there's a lot of people on YouTube who do this where it's like someone gets really rich from making content and so now their content is basically just about how rich they are but like how did they get rich in the first place because you can't not be rich and get rich for making videos about how rich you are if you're not rich you know what I'm saying like I don't really know how rice gum blew up the way he did but I feel like at a certain point most of his videos are kind of just centered around how wealthy is you know all the things he can buy from the money he's made for making videos what like is that your videos now it's just how you're making money from videos but you know what I think the fact that this seems to happen so easily makes it only that much more impressive when youtubers avoid doing this I think the perfect example of someone who hasn't changed with their wealth is jenna Marbles like she has been on YouTube forever she's obviously made a lot of money from YouTube you can see it she has a big beautiful house that she bought and that's the kind of thing that could drastically change her content maybe now it's just like flexing her wealth and showing off all the things he can buy but that's not at all what's happened she hasn't changed her content at all like look at her videos they're so weird and funny and original like her big beautiful house is just the background of her videos it's not the subject of her videos but unfortunately it's rare you know for every jenna Marbles there's three rice comes for a families and not even all of them are bad people it's just like an unfortunate byproduct of getting really successful as you completely change as a person sometimes you know what though [ __ ] all this I'm tired of complaining because yeah the ace family may have a nice 10 million dollars Jesus Christ 10 million dollar house for whatever I don't care about that cuz you know who else has a nice place me this is a two-bedroom apartment yeah and you know what I think it's time I show it off with a house tour one thing I think that's kind of funny about the ACE family is in their pursuit of flexing because of their insistence on showing off the outside of their house they've doxed themselves three different times like just don't film in front of your house and then people won't know what your house looks like but they can because it's more important that people see how big their house is then that they have privacy anyway what I'm saying is they may not care about privacy but today's sponsor does I got a haircut most people care about privacy I'm sure you do right if it wasn't for privacy I could see your bare butt right now but I can't because pants what if I told you that every time you go on the internet your data is at risk of being sniffed out by ad companies your service provider even hackers you'd probably be like no [ __ ] drew that's how the internet works well it doesn't have to be not if you're using a virtual private network what I'm saying is VPNs are like pants for the Internet I know it's kind of a stretch but I had to make sure you guys were listening VPNs mask your IP address so even the websites you visit won't be able to identify you and it prevents others from collecting your information over a public Wi-Fi like if you're at an airport or a coffee shop and if you're in the market for a VPN expressvpn is the way to go they've got servers in 94 countries they've got the fastest connection speeds they've got 24/7 customer support they've got apps or ever device even your router but maybe you're the type of person who doesn't care about your data maybe you like to post drone footage of the front of your house on the Internet well you might still like this with expressvpn you can unblock content that's not available in your region so like a couple months ago when I was trying to watch Batman on Netflix but it wasn't available in America I just clicked a couple buttons told him I was in France and they actually believed me Bonjour Express to Vienna's less than $7 a month with the 30-day money-back guarantee take back your internet privacy today and find out we can get three months free by clicking the link in the description that's expressvpn comm / dream Bonjour well guy that's gonna do it for today's video thank you so much for watching Thank You expressvpn for sponsoring remember to click the link in the description if you're interested in signing out and I hope you got a good look at this place because I am not gonna be back here until October 14 I'm gonna be gone for two months holy [ __ ] the tour is finally starting we've been planning this [ __ ] since literally January was when we started writing the show and now it's it's almost September I'm just excited to do it I'm just excited to start you know it's been such a long process but Monday I leave for Chicago we start rehearsing and then September 5th is the first show and it's like 6 to 8 weeks I'm so excited thank you so much everybody who's already bought tickets we can't wait to see you and meet some of you guys on the road and I just can't wait to live in a bus for six weeks yeah you thought the ace family house was nice wait till you see our bus also I hope you guys like Danny and Curtis because I'm pretty sure the next few videos are going to heavily feature them because I'm not gonna have a lot of time to myself until October 13th so get ready for some cool apps well looks like the only thing left to do now is pack my bags and say goodbye to all my friends bye camera bye microphone by computer bye lamp bye poster bye hey guys sign by YouTube flag buy albums by scary monsters standing just outside frame [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,466,015
Rating: 4.9693546 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, ace family, ace family rant, youtubers
Id: iI48g7YTZFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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