How To Win At Chess (Ep 10, 800-1600)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of how to win a chess a series where i take on my twitch subscribers in 10 minute games i go up the rating ladder and i walk you through the opening middle game and the end game you guys really enjoyed how i recorded the last episode completely offline so it's currently sunday morning i might sound like i had just woken up uh that's because i have just woken up and i'm recording some chess games for y'all so uh we are kicking things off against masto blood we're gonna have two people today rated below a thousand and then actually it's going to be one of the most intense episodes of the series where i think everybody is like 16 1700 after that so we have d4 d5 bishop f4 my opponent has played the move c5 very good move very principled move in the london system um you can play e3 e4 is a reverse gambit here but i'm going to play this move e3 generally good rule of thumb against c5 is uh not to really panic i mean queen b6 is possible but there are many tricks associated with the move queen b6 depending on when it is played for example it could be played right now and i would have played knight to c3 trying to go knight b5 knight c7 now here the best move is actually not to play c3 normally when i teach beginners the london system i'm like if c5 just go c3 and don't think about it actually what's considered here the meta is to go knight d2 uh c3 allows queen b6 and then there's a variation there where um black can just get a completely playable and totally okay position but um you know we're not really interested in getting our opponent completely okay in playable positions opponent plays bishop to g4 i could finish my development london style uh which i think i will just do i don't see any problems with this now my indication to make a queen move this way uh is the fact that the bishop has departed now for example right now i'm considering the move oop that's illegal but queen b3 for example queen b3 as well as a move like bishop to b5 just pinning this and potentially trying to get a knight to e5 does look very nice uh but if queen b3 there is always this queen b6 move and it's not so clear if that's actually something that i want uh bishop b5 however does does look nice and the point is that now i'm going to play queen a4 and target the c6 pawn like right now i cannot play knight to e5 because i'm pinned but all it takes is uh moving the queen out of the pin of this light squad bishop and then i can play knight to e5 okay bishop d6 there's obviously nothing wrong with this move um i can take take but then everything gets guarded i can take this and then play queen a4 which was always my idea in fact i believe i'm just going to do that because this is a little bit under fire this is a little bit under fire and my opponent just doesn't even guard the c6 pawn now i have to worry about like counter play for example down the b file um okay uh i guess i'm gonna take but this is uh you know it's funny because i believe my opponent just wanted to develop their pieces in castle but they're actually playing like a very interesting way um they might not realize it they are 800 rapid but uh there was some serious counter play that could happen down this side of the board so of course my opponent took my bishop i took it back didn't really calculate anything there c4 um okay part of me just wants to play short castle part of me also wants to maybe jump my knight into the middle i think just in general it's a good idea here just get my king out of the center of the board there are no threats so i can just play moves that slowly improve my position rook to c8 is obviously not a bad move but it's a one move threat and really rook b8 would have been better long term i think now maybe i play queen a6 or queen a4 i like queen a6 putting some pressure on the a7 pawn queen b6 i think i am down for a queen trade for a couple of reasons number one i'm up upon number two that closes the b file that's a bit more of an advanced concept like closing the file what is my hair doing by the way very poofy um and um you know i'll be closing the b file away from counter play so in this position uh without question you take with the knight the alternative is to triple your pawns and open your king which just looks dreadful this move i can take is my queen getting stuck is my queen getting stuck queen b7 you know i actually i i don't i don't think it is but it so here here here let's say he goes back between c6 queen a4 queen c2 okay i'm not getting stuck but uh that was a little bit scary like i actually thought that maybe if i took on a7 you know my queen would ultimately be locked away in jail in fact after queen f6 is my queen going to get locked away in jail wait a minute what is going on opponent wants to play queen takes f4 okay okay and actually there's a very strong move g5 my goodness that doesn't look good at all all right i think instead of desperately trying to hang on to this pawn i think we just bring the queen back i think we're gonna give back the f pawn right and uh i really didn't like that after g3 there was this move g5 the thing about g3 is that i really weakened my knight which disallows this pawn any forward movement and g5 looked very scary now in a game going for what i'm going for right now could be just simply too complicated like i'm basically just sacrificing my one of my two extra pawns in order to bring back my queen because i need to guard my position that's what i'm doing here and my opponent obviously should take on f4 i mean if my opponent waits too long then oh my gosh what what is that of course they should take on f4 they have not taken on f4 which now allows me to even i mean if i really want to should i play queen c1 it's not a move i really want to play but uh it's better than losing a pawn then i can drop my knight into the middle and then i can play g3 and then i'm very happy very confused when my opponent didn't take on f4 considering that they played queen f6 it was an interesting game and now they play g5 i'm so perplexed now i can take because my knight is protected uh knight to the middle now with this trait of pawns f h the h file opens so you've got to be aware of king g7 rook h8 the thing is i am threatening knight d7 which would fork the house i can take that and attack the queen but i think forking the house is even better right working the house is better but i have to tell you my opponent was not like losing just outright um okay i'm gonna take this and uh this is this is the next move so these pieces are close to my king but it's all about visualizing what they're attacking and they're not attacking anything right so if okay well now there is a threat now now this is a threat probably taking is is really interchangeable normally you want to take toward the center but in this case actually it's probably better to play fg because the the rook is laser beaming okay my opponent is just basically going all in here the thing is you're not going to deliver mate or frankly even a check with just the queen and now the easiest way to win this position is to play the move queen f4 which is just intending to trade the queen that's it just get the queen off the board now opponent probably won't but when they don't my knight is now guarded i can even bring my knight back and they attack the king and it's just bad news knight d7 knight e5 knight f6 as well as this rook lift rook f3 root g3 and uh white should just be winning here i mean i'll bring i'll bring the knight back to e5 to pressure the queen and this pawn and you know we also at the end of the day have an a pawn that we could just push up the board and that will be that will be decisive but i gotta tell you it did not have to be this way this this 800 got like right there literally i mean and uh master blood's a big supporter on the twitch channel i was happy to give him a game uh now it's made in a few moves queen f7 check the queen has to go back and take it's not mate and now if they attack your queens a very famous checkmate pattern queen h6 mate the rook is suffocating the king but if i gotta tell you if we go back to the opening like this position for example like bishop b5 like this is all good and i and i actually i it looks like i played the best moves like this is actually one of the plans in the london rather than playing bishop d3 and just spamming pre-moves like you have this other plan of pressuring the knight with the bishop and the queen turning this pawn into a weakness between a4 knight e5 etc and that's what i kind of tried to implement in this game it's a unique london setup where uh black sacrifices the pawn and has some sort of advantage now it's actually funny in this position i think i made a mistake i actually think taking on c6 was too risky um and i'm right the computer does in fact think that my opponent's position here rather than locking it taking on d4 knight d4 oh well no human is ever playing this move but the computer here wants queen b8 but the idea is it's very difficult for me to protect this pawn like for example if i play knight to b3 uh queen f4 like i can't guard both pawns queen b is just a fork like that's crazy i i mean i did i didn't even see that uh wow queen bee it's a ridiculous move i completely did not see that um and so instead of taking on c6 what i should do is i should take take and just kind of wait i should wait like for example queen a3 pressuring the pawn right or just going for a long-term advantage like putting the knight on e5 just a long-term advantage not cashing in my extra pawn too quickly because the mistake that i made there is i got very overextended like i pushed all my pieces into my opponent's territory um and uh and i wasn't castled and and i did mention that when i went for this i was like i'm pretty sure my opponent has some play here but because they locked the position and then they also gave me the second pawn um they uh they weren't able to kind of coordinate their pieces well enough but even here the computer seems to think that black is completely fine because there's probably a way to um not to trap my queen but you can at least for example win back upon on b2 and queen f6 so that game uh if i was playing to the level of my opponent i i don't even i don't even think i succeeded frankly i think my opponent actually overall uh might have uh might have had a couple of moments that could have outplayed me and i mean really my goal in the series is not to blow people off the board it's to really play practically and to give people whatever level they are some you know some degree of a chance so um now this is going to be our second opponent uh like i said below 1000. uh dylan johns is rated 976 rapid i don't know about okay blitz 500 see that's the thing like uh people are higher lower rated depending on which they play more uh e4 i'm gonna play e5 and i'm gonna i'm gonna dig into my bag of uh tricks in the uh gambits course so i have a quartz for the black pieces and the white pieces just based on gambits now the scotch is very solid it's basically impossible to play a gambit against the scotch this is the scotch opening and you should take you should take okay and my opponent goes for the scotch gambit um which is uh i like that that's very very bold and very brave the scotch gambit is a very tricky opening so i'm going to play the move knight f6 uh the idea is that if they play the move e5 you can play d5 this is very important and um e5 d5 the point of this is that if they take your knight you take the bishop that is how this works and it looks a little bit scary but you're completely fine okay bishop back to b3 now we can just jump our knight into the center which we also could have done on the last move but now this bishop is out of the pressure on the f7 square and um here there is probably bishop c5 and that looks nice for me and now we wait and now we wait wait what what was that we don't wait now we don't wait now i'm just up a bishop wait hold on i haven't had my coffee yet but i'm pretty sure that's just a free bishop for gotham chess what what was bishop takes d5 he could have played that on the last move oh no oh no i'm sad um normally if i was streaming there would be chat and music but it's just me sitting in an empty room um well hope y'all are doing great uh someone's gonna be watching this like three months down the line okay uh they're uh playing knight c3 and the idea is that if i take with the pawn there's queen takes but i can just stick with the knight i think that's what my opponent thought there was i think they mixed up in what position they can play this trick there is another position where this trick actually works this is definitely not the position just do not hang your queen uh can develop a piece can take the pawn probably can also pin the knight to the queen and also give a check which actually is a pretty good check because they can't block with the bishop i think i'll develop my bishop to g4 life is such a different experience when you haven't taken your morning caffeine it's like your eyes are heavy you know they just like they don't want to be open they're like yo man like why what are you doing stop this is not good for anybody just just just go back to bed but normally i upload videos at seven in the morning uh and today i had a late night yesterday so i wasn't able to record this episode and i said you know what i'm just gonna wake up on sunday morning at nine a.m and i'll i'll record and i'll post because normally i schedule my youtube videos that's why um you guys always ask like do you ever sleep i do i just record my videos in the afternoon and evening and then i schedule them i do work hard but you know i'm not up at 6am trying to record content uh knight takes e5 i could have also taken the pawn uh if cd4 i have this with a check and then i'm picking the pawn back up and now the game is slowly transitioning into the end game we've traded queens traded some pieces i'm up at night and two pawns my structure is together winning this won't be super complicated as long as we don't just kind of go to war with one piece if that makes sense you don't want to go to war with one piece uh that's not a bad move and see right now is a good example like you know there's if i play knight c2 opponent's going to go rook c1 and pin me and get in here you want to shut down what they want they want their bishop to be active oh and now they're not gonna have a bishop anymore see rather than going for the free pawn um i'm going for the simplification like i've trapped my opponent's bishop that's a check that was a check just move my king out the way in the end game you can hide your king on squares that normally you wouldn't want to hide on because there's no light squared bishop there's no queen there's just rooks and there's only going to be rooks because once i take this bishop you know opponents just going to have rooks and then you got to think well what were the scariest squares for my opponent to put his rook e77 right pawns aren't going anywhere oh no oh no i think dylan johns was honestly just a bit nervous this game like now knight f3 attacks the rook and okay now i have a fork to win a rook or i can just take a rook i'm telling you i think dylan was just nervous honestly this was uh you know this was a good game in terms of like clean up like how to like win a winning position but there was just a blunder in the opening there was a lot of blunders by my opponent and um well i mean it's a good lesson for my opponent potentially in managing their nerves everybody struggles with that let's bring the rook we're gonna try to trade rooks and uh then it is just and it's over gonna get a pawn second pawn like these yeah let's trade rooks see rook's on the open file the only two the only kind of two open files that i have rook takes and now i can just push my pawns i can also go there rook on the second rank in all end games or seventh rank i might not even need to yeah let's teach y'all how to not like promote queens let's teach y'all how to make a mating net so at least we can have some content rook c3 basically just cutting off the king uh if king goes to f5 and wants to escape this way yeah like for example like right now i think i can box this king in with bishop d6 just make sure it's not stalemate no stalemates please right so now rook g3 king h5 g6 oh i have something very nice rook g3 king h5 and i want to go g6 but then the king will run so how do you cover that square first push it by four and normally this would be stalemate like white has no legal moves it's a draw because it's not check and the king can't move but because my opponent has a pawn that's why this is not stalemate and we will deliver checkmate with a pawn on the g6 square that is how you weave a mating net you take the squares away from the king and even in positions where you have massive advantages um there's still things to learn you know that's the cleanest win of a game that you can possibly have now my opponent just needs to go back and review you know they can't be out of their preparation on move five in the scotch gambit knight f6 and you know if you're ever playing e45 positions uh you need to know about the move d5 right like you need to know that there's a lot of situations where you just go d7 d5 if you can if the pawn has moved up to e5 if you're an e4 e5 player and someone gives you one of these gambits you have to make the move d5 happen especially when they advance into your position because if you just go moving around you'll get hit with bishop f7 knight g5 check they're gonna win back you know it's just very dangerous position and beyond that as you all saw it was just about you know cleanly converting the game and now um we begin uh we we begin the the the tough part of the day uh first things first uh we have the highest rated player that i'm playing today actually uh this player uh asked to go third because they actually had to leave i am going to play e4 and i'm going to play things in my gambit repertoire so although i've actually i think i think i've played this person in the deferred wing gambit actually so let's play the b3 sicilian so e4 c5 b3 i've already played what i was going to play against the sicilian which is knight f3 followed by b4 that's the deferred wing gambit part of the gamut's repertoire of course but i've played that against somebody if i played it against this person before uh for the youtube video on the deferred wing gambit so this time i'm going b3 my opponent is already confused now in general if your opponent is thinking for 30 seconds on move two it's probably a good sign or they're recording for a youtube video but the idea of b3 bishop b2 is obviously you have this bishop and now depending on how white sets black sets up with the pawns that is how you set up your pieces so for example some people like to go e5 here and that blocks the bishop now that's that's that that is also a move against that we like to play bishop to b5 now here they can take us back into territory with e with e5 but we've already committed to the uh to the b5 square knight to f6 is not a bad move this is actually one of the one of the better ways to play this position um there's a few ways for uh for white to handle this like i can take now to damage my opponent's pawn structure uh and i think i will just do that and then i'm going to replace my pawns on light squares so because i've traded off my light squared bishop i will replace the light squared kind of complex and now we'll see how my opponent develops sometimes you castle long i think in this in this game i'm going to castle short and rely on the move f4 right so g6 very very standard stuff here so far by my opponent um and uh i think i mean should i play a four and then knight f3 should i just play knight t2 knight d2 i am contemplating let's play f4 let's take some space very common also counteracts e5 for example bishop g7 knight to f3 my bishops the bishops are going to have a discussion on the diagonal ultimately whenever the knight moves knight to f3 i expect castle's castles i'm not worried about a move like bishop g4 because then just h3 and like where's the bishop going if you go to a g4 you're you're coming in to die basically so castles castles and uh we have a game of chess and there it is they're right on cue h3 and maybe take stakes now my opponent's advantage out of the opening was having the bishop pair they had the two bishops now they don't uh so now i have the advantage in the opening because i just have a better pawn structure my pawn structure i have no weaknesses in my structure like this is isolated this could be a target but this is going to be a very positional game this is definitely not going to be a game decided by some sort of firework tactics uh okay i'm thinking about e5 right because then i can target the pawn but if e5 knight d5 i i don't know well so then the question is do i play c4 to completely prevent to completely prevent the knight from coming to d5 or do i just finish my development right do i just play a move like knight d2 or do i play f5 and try to break in like over there tough decision i could also play knight c3 uh if c4 and knight e4 i'm very curious like if there's some some moves where i i am going to play the move c4 i am going to play this move i think it counteracts a lot of black's plans and these pawns are always going to be targets they're always going to be squishies you know for example if my opponent plays d5 now i'll close the center and then these pawns i will isolate for the rest of the game so for example i will attack them with bishop to a3 i will attack them with knight c3 knight a4 and this position very closely resembles the pawn structure in the nimso indian defense if you have no idea what i'm talking about just pretend i mean that's that's how you succeed in life just pretend like you know right smile and wave boys smile and wave as the penguin said in madagascar don't open the center because that actually like trading this is where you shouldn't snap take i know you guys always say well levy sometimes you snap take and sometimes you don't in this case i'm not going to snap take because ultimately it's about isolating the weaknesses and that's that's kind of what i'm doing here um although maybe e5 was a bit rushed and uh we will see why it might have been rushed in a moment of dc4 d4 um c6 is very weak here my opponent has a move that's quite strong and that move is f6 that move is f6 now i might anticipate that and play queen g4 but then h5 even h5 and then f6 is going to happen anyway so my idea is queen g4 f6 queen e6 of course um it's a very weird position we're about to have very important pawn break here i think my opponent will play it i i i think it's completely within the realm of possibility which makes me think that e5 might have been a slight error maybe here i mean still snap taking is terrible because i i will help my opponent undouble their pawns maybe here i could have just played knight c3 in fact that's probably exactly what i should have done i should have not committed my pawns forward interesting decision making there like i'm still i'm still going to play knight a4 and still going to pressure the very weak c5 and potentially c6 pawns but f6 is at least going to open up a flank of attack on the other side of the board which i don't like and yeah and then there it is um now i'm thinking if i should play queen g for now the thing is i can't even move my knight because fe 5 there's a pin so probably i have to take i'm very unhappy about this because this is just helping my opponent how is it helping my opponent well they're going to get pieces back into the game but they have a very big decision now what are they going to take with i would say night is probably the worst as natural as it looks to come back i'd say maybe the bishop is better so you have pressure on the diag and then and then it becomes a question of like who am i even who am i trying to trade you know am i trying to trade the bishop for the bishop am i trying to trade the knight for the night am i trying to trade the knight for the bishop bishop for night etc etc i don't know queen f6 also looks quite nice but then i can play knight a4 attacking the bishop okay so they they attacking the queen and then the bishop through it i don't like this because i feel like this pawn is now easily targetable like for example can i play the move rook to e1 also queen e3 is a fork and they can fork me back but then i would take with check i think i'm just gonna play rookie one so this still can't move forward this is still a squishy that's a squishy that's a squishy my opponent's got three squishies it's a word that we're using now in this video to describe pawns that could be potentially weak those are just squishy pawns um i don't believe knight takes f6 was very good but but now that i'm looking at the position there's a move that i have missed that i should have seen and i'm very i'm actually very unhappy missing this move um there is no move uh knight h5 there's a move knight h5 which would have put pressure on my f4 pawn oh my god what is my arrow drawing skills this morning stuff playing on no coffee make a lot of questionable decisions and that h5 would have put some pressure with the rook in the night but the chances are definitely there for my opponents today today is the day that these guys can uh definitely win some games i hope not that'd be very embarrassing how to win at chess except i'm losing but queen to e2 i'm gonna give up the f4 pawn to take e6 with check and then there and then it's time to start cashing in on my investment in squishy industries okay i think i'm gonna go for this knight a4 idea and again if this then squishy town squishy town population gotham there's no check on d4 because of my bishop if queen f4 bishop e5 as well and really the the thing about this so this is something known as a backwards pawn it's a pawn that has no neighbors supporting it so like the pawns next to it are like in front of it for example uh and it can't move forward so it can't move forward because the enemy is controlling the square in front of it like in this position i think my opponent basically has to take this pawn because if they don't i will go bishop to e5 then they will not take this pawn and i will continue to apply pressure so they won't get any of the benefits of the position they will get all the negatives the benefits of the position are at least you get a pawn and you have an active queen and maybe you can play knight to h5 and now finally the move d4 has been played and it is as ugly as we expected c5 is weak this is weak ah but but but but it's not the end it's not the end of the game it's not the end of the game you think about this for a second uh i can play queen e5 and the queen trade isolates these pawns forever but the problem is that e5 is also becoming weak can play rook back to f1 and there is maybe e5 for my opponent bishop a3 is knight d7 that's that's really the problem that's really the problem knight to d7 and then i gotta think then i gotta think um and time is important time is also important i don't have a whole lot of that so i don't want to burn all my time here so let us play the move bishop to a3 and we kind of have our our plans coming true here with the bishop in the night pressuring knight to d7 if queen f4 i mean i just take on c5 and then and then i then i activate the position i actually think it's a big decision for my opponent who's thinking here my opponent is definitely thinking like whether i defend or attack do i go for the pawn or and i think in this case the general rule of thumb is do not allow your opponent to get what they want just don't let them you know psychologically it's also very good for me if i get to take on c5 because i just feel like i'm breaking through whereas that is the last thing that you want your opponent to be doing thinking that they're making any sort of progress against you if the knight goes back to d7 i mean i can even play a move like g3 starting my pawn the problem is that e5 is coming and let me tell you that does not look very pleasant to deal with in the slightest that does not look pleasant to deal with at all i think i'm gonna go back to f1 rook f4 rook f4 queen f4 and then i take on c5 and we're right back to where we started i have to say uh so that's another big decision the biggest thing here is i'm pulling away on time so we've gone from about 20 30 seconds up to now nearly a minute and a half which is just not good like you got to make a move here even if you're uncomfortable because you cannot have three versus four you cannot have to reverse four and a half you cannot have two verse four um right now bishop h6 okay very serious fight for this pawn and this pawn position is hanging in the balance here now maybe g3 and now now now i'm not going to let go of that pawn so easily see you gave me too much time you messed around too long i played the move g3 now black is gonna go for another tank now black is gonna think again look at this 15 seconds now two minutes two three minutes remaining at the beginning of this move and now 20 seconds are gone time flies and now we're nearing again this one and a half minute time advantage you just cannot be down one and a half minutes on time when you have no bonus time uh and um you know now it's two minutes it's coming true coming truth what i said no if you have three minutes you cannot spend 45 seconds here you cannot you must move force yourself to move make a move just go rook f5 that might be a very good move by the way just spent way too long on it uh i feel like i should bring my rook this is my first idea uh maybe queen e4 well then my knight and then my queen's just the target so let's play rookie one can't be a bad move we spent 14 seconds on that move versus about 50 by my opponent i believe at this the start of this move my opponent had 208 right that's already 10 seconds gone my move took like 14 seconds okay 14 seconds is gone and it's it's still going and now the time advantages is over two minutes it's gonna be two and a half minutes now and we just we just see how it's like a deer in the headlight situation and it's it's the time is still going and going and going and now it's officially two and a half minutes and yeah the game is ultimately going to be won and lost on time one and a half minutes is just not enough on the clock and is my opponent a bullet player okay 1600 bullet isn't bad but no need to uh no need to even get it to this point um okay so i can go there but the rook is very annoying i'm gonna go queen g2 i want to double up on the e file i want to double up on the e file the pressure on the queen side pawns is really what's making my opponent freeze up here and my opponent didn't have an opportunity my opponent did have an opportunity to create some active counter play earlier in the game but they decided to kind of be as solid as possible and to be to their credit they're doing a very good job but now they have a minute on the clock right and they're still and then and then this is what happens is people um end up in situations where they don't have a lot of time trying to force the issue and now i have all the time in the world so rather than taking i'm going to create a danger level concept here g4 if rook f4 rook f4 pawn f4 there's this that's not guarded so they actually they have to go back and then of course rather than opening the position for them i'm gonna keep pushing so now i'm pushing and and now they're gonna spend even more time and they've got 40 seconds on the clock now 45 seconds it's nearly a three minute time advantage from we were both in the force at the same time right so it just shows you how how quickly you can all turn around just because of the clock let's play f takes g6 so we'll take the rook if queen takes queen takes actually not a bad move take with a pawn fine but like they can't even go here which they might play because queen g6 next move i can play g5 which completely takes that away and everything is com is just completely getting smushed here so the squishies are getting smushed there you go that's the lesson of the of the day this is the last chance that's the last chance but queen takes f6 as a check yes see the problem here this is check and uh now we've broken through and um game over rook c6 rook c5 it's all gonna fall just don't allow the pawn to kind of get through here i'm actually going to bring my rook back to cover the pawn that's definitely the next move i take knight c5 rookie 3 is coming rookie 2 is coming let's trade rooks king g2 if this i take bishop c1 attacks the rook just not enough that was a very good game though now a couple of critical moments so we played the b3 sicilian um and we had a good position right like this was the the the opening was good this was not the right move i think black should try to keep the two bishops and um you know computer computer after this move actually likes the move e5 but thinks that no it it likes oh okay it doesn't hate anything too much interesting see i thought i misplayed i thought i misplayed but this is what the computer wants it wants e5 knight d5 oh and it just thinks this is fine interesting that's so fascinating see i was like i don't want to allow this and the computer is just like yeah just go here and like if they take they have doubled isolated pawn so that structure is terrible and next you're going to go knight c4 and you're going to pressure d6 you're going to force a decision out of them even if it requires an ugly move like this just because you're trying to play on the structure and d5 is great for white because the bishop is out of the game very interesting very interesting and as the game progressed you know it was played on on the structure of the position knight f6 was definitely incorrect and here i guess i had knight a4 which for some reason i didn't play i guess i just went for rookie one instead and like i said i completely completely forgot that black can just completely dominate uh wow black can completely dominate here on the f4 square this would have been bad news now i i i'm saying i i'm i'm definitely not playing my best this morning and some of these players can can really get some good positions against me and honestly i just basically think that my opponent improved this position quite a lot um and then just took too much time like just spent way too much time around the final moments and was equal maybe all the way through up until like this moment like here is maybe where i started having my advantage but my opponent played great just didn't manage the time that well on move 1617 made some tough decisions missed one chance here to play knight to h5 uh as did i i just thought that this pawn had to be guarded but sometimes in chess equal danger or exceeding danger right and um yeah wow uh that was uh that was a very topsy-turvy game honestly i gotta i gotta step it up for these next three games even though the opponent's ratings are not going to be as high as in brady mama roach is next which is quite quite a name mama roach e4 let's play d5 scandinavian i want to tell my opponent they missed the knight h5 i'm telling them rookie one knight h5 wait what is this e4 d5 knight f3 so this i believe my opponent is trying to hit me with the intercontinental ballistic missile variation after knight to g5 there's a few ways to deal with this uh personally uh i i mean knight to f6 uh and bishop f5 are the easiest i'm trying to remember what's in my gambit's course what's in my line but i don't remember so i think i'm just gonna play bishop f5 oh and stretch my arms and stretch my arms and stretch my neck and if you're into this video 42 minutes just know that you are appreciated and thank you for digesting the content and enjoying it and um there's a trick here with queen f3 but what's funny is that after queen f3 attacking this and this i could just go queen c8 which i'm aware of but some lower rated players might not be and that's why people play the tennis and gambit or the intercontinental ballistic missile variation this is just bad though this you're not supposed to take my opponent did not remember queen f3 as the trick uh just in general against the higher rated folks especially if you get a chance to play against me in the series just be more solid like i you know as you can see with my games my goal is not to just blow people off the board um like i'm actually trying to give everybody like a good game a decent game knight f6 and queen b3 which looks like a devastating fork is met with uh queen d5 okay now we should kick out the knight because why not it's kind of annoying i don't like how it looks e6 yeah just be more solid when you play against us because uh you kind of get a chance to really evaluate your chess skills the longer you go whereas if you just play some silly stuff like the second game today if you just blunder you know that happens uh but uh try to really like scan for one move blunders and you can slowly get outplayed over 40 moves but at least that feels good whereas if you just blunder you you're like damn i missed an opportunity to play and you know it can be very frustrating so okay i want to finish my development i also want to put a pawn in the center now it's it's basically impossible to tell the difference between these two moves like sometimes in chess you have these moments where uh you just you just don't know right like you you just don't know the long term ramifications like for example knight d5 also looks like a good move knight takes and then so i think i'm gonna go c5 just because i believe in fighting for the center with a pawn and then putting my knight behind that pawn so they fight together but who the heck knows who the heck knows knight to e5 well now i can't play knight c6 because that would be damaging to my structure so i will go knight to d7 looking for a trade now again my opponent played a gambit which means i'm up a pawn which means that i am happy making trades and the worst part about this position is this pawn for my opponent which also is kind of like a backwards pawn we've seen this concept a few times today the other thing about being a youtuber or a streamer is that sometimes you begin sentences and then you just forget to end them and it looks really absurd uh like to the viewer and sometimes i don't remember if i finished sentences so right now i can't remember if i finished the sentence about thanking people for making it to the 42nd minute of this video like did i ever finish my thought there rough that's hanging but that's hanging um i don't know i don't know like i could do a lot of different things here chess is so so dense so many different things it's uh it's a body of water where an elephant can bathe and a moth can drink i don't know i don't remember who said that but some famous chess player all those people back in the day they didn't have electricity but they had you know they could just say something that sounded really smart and then just lay claim to it like i can't say anything that sounds smart anymore all i say is danger levels i'm like a parrot ah danger levels what like uh you know they were saying all these like deep philosophical things and anyway there's a trick in this position i play the move knight d5 take take take there is this i don't want to play for tricks though granted if you were playing a game and you played knight d5 i would that move has my blessing but i want to be solid and i want to play the game a little bit longer give my opponent the opportunity to express themselves and you know play good moves for example in this position queen h3 is not a bad move lining up the queen to the side of the board uh i can play bishop f4 the main idea of these moves at this point is just to to to trade and not be attacked like for example bishop f4 rook f3 bishop takes and then i'm gonna go knight d5 or maybe bring my queen to the middle and then go knight d5 the idea is that the more of these pieces that i can trade the less of a chance that my opponent is actually going to create an attack you know the opponent's trying to linger on the side of the board and i don't like that i want them to leave the bishop takes c1 um mama knight to d5 i actually think the best move for my opponent is to go knight to e4 just not trade but then maybe i have a move like f5 which looks nice all right knight e4 f5 queen f6 that's not f6 queen f6 because opponent is a few moves away from getting what they want so for example okay i'm gonna take and not even think about it um they say why well why well well again like i said the more pieces i trade the less chance that they ever have of actually creating some sort of checkmate but they do they are still lingering they are lingering maybe queen d5 just centralizing the queen that can't be a bad move let's do it so ruchi iii pins my pawn to my king and threatens queen h6 yep couple of ways to guard this either guard the pawn or get out of the pin i'm going to do the ladder which is getting out of the pin now the question is do i get closer to my pawns or further away actually like this move i like this move now queen g4 is possible quiche 4 is a threat and now we wait this is always the most fun part like i'm giving my opponent the opportunity nice nice nice nice ruchi8 now so it's not pretty but it's also not losing oh oh gosh i hate that move oh gosh whoa whoa whoa whoa if you are going to attack somebody do not trade queens now you are just in a rook end game and you are down a pawn oh no no no if you're trying to attack somebody do not trade the queens oh my goodness i am like a disappointed parent right now i wow i'm not even angry i mean i'm just i'm sad i mean i would have just expected more you know anyway now we are going to replace our queen on the d5 square would they rook to patrol and also double up now that's not a bad move that is definitely not a bad move i'm going to play a 5. i don't want to lose my pawn and then i will slowly advance my pawns now in general the way you win uh seven pawns versus six in a rook and game is obviously you need to go and find what you were going to attack like these pawns are very weak i've got to find a way to sneak in from the back that might involve a pawn push like c4 take and then kind of sneak in that might involve uh a trait of rooks somehow now the general rule of thumb is for example if two rooks came off the board for each side here and we just had kings and pawns it's a winning king in pawn end game probably seven versus six should be winning but it will take some time now the ideal way to win is to trade one rook is that way you kill your opponent's counter chances and especially in positions like this where there's like isolated weaknesses it's very difficult for the person with one rook to guard the entire board because the rook your rook can ultimately pressure like three spots in certain positions um and okay rook to e4 has been played uh nope if e5 than this i can take some space why don't we try to implement that strategy of trading one rook even at the cost of mildly damaging the pawn structure let's see what this rook trade can do for us let's see and it really it's not dumb it's not dumb i said it's not dumb it's not damaging because uh the pawns are still together you know what i mean like we haven't like irreparably damaged the position so now we can also put our king on g6 is this rook getting trapped wait a minute not really i guess there's always rook e4 uh rook d5 is a trade that gets us down into a king and pawn end game which could be very interesting actually rook h8 oh wow look at this rook h4k4 fascinating let's go rook d5 i'm making a very bold decision here which i actually think is a mistake mistake is a strong word it's not a like a losing blunder okay an opponent doesn't even doesn't want any of the smoke i can take take it and take or i can just take right away you know what i'm just gonna take right away and play king five isn't this just winning another pawn and that is that really the blind spot of 12 and 1300s is the like it revolves around these kind of end game transformations these end game transformations um and uh you know rook two rook and queen end game into two rook end game into one rook end game into king and bond end game these are all the transitions that uh people need to worry about uh king to e5 i'm looking by the way guy i'm i'm looking over at this side of the screen because uh uh i have the discord open and the people who i have just played are analyzing their games and that's always a that's always a fun thing to watch um people who don't know me too much like i've seen comments in youtube videos being like when he looks to the side he's cheating and i'm just like it always cracks me i never get offended it's it's always funny to read um the video where i hit 2800 rating um somebody in the comments was like he keeps looking to the side you know i wonder if he's like getting some sort of scene yeah imagine the story of that broke my opponent has offered me a draw that's mildly disrespectful um i am up two pawns in a king and pawn end game no draws will be given now the plan is to mobilize the pawns forward to get rid of the guards b5 i can even play that now because i have king c5 on the next move and the pawn will be lost no matter what the king will go over here to prevent the movement of this pawn but i have another pawn this is a pawn breakthrough i will have two past pawns very far apart from each other and if my king needs to go and stop the spawn i am still in the square still on the square and furthermore i'm queening first and this is not a queen check and uh this is also check and it's never stalemate so for example king a3 i'm gonna go here and this is not stalemate because h4 the second second time in today's video that it was not stalemate because of a move like that so uh knight to g5 um the tennyson gambit is very interesting honestly it's a very interesting opening and i keep calling it intercontinental ballistic missile but here you have to remember this queen f3 move it's very tricky move for black if i played queen c8 you know opponent would play bishop takes d3 it's very tricky actually i would have had to play this move because if bishop takes there is queen f7 if you need a very tricky line against the scandinavian defense definitely consider this knight f3 knight g5 it's very annoying um yeah that was uh that was a tough game that was a tough game hopefully all the kind of transitions of the middle game in the end game were useful uh next opponent is uh mr just some sloth except just some slav is actually from brazil okay i've played e4 and d4 i'm gonna play e4 again i really don't believe my opponent will play sicilian okay we have e4 e5 uh and i guess i will uh i don't know i mean i can play my vienna or i can play knight f3 let me play knight f3 and bishop c4 so we are going to play uh the line in my in my gambit's course if bishop c5 d4 so basically our main gambit is central centered around this move d4 so for example d4 now the best way for black to play this position is to play bishop takes knight takes knight takes now 2500 level that's all i see no one takes with the pawn and nobody takes with the knight taking with the knight is also just bad uh it's bad because i take on e5 bishop to e3 opponent takes going to take back uh and uh knight takes d4 perfect this is the main line now we play bishop to g5 the idea of this move is that we want to play f4 i want to play a four chip away at e5 open up this and have the pressure so for the cost of a pawn my opponent no longer has a dark squared bishop right so here comes f4 and now we will see what happens h6 hmm h6 now so what if i take on f6 i take on f6 takes and then take like this isn't that just nice for me and also take like this now that also looks nice i must say now it's like that that moment out of the opening we have to uh we have to find the best move it's one of these two if bishop f6 queen f6 there queen e5 i mean i'm taking on f7 with shag that definitely can't be bad but taking on e5 first also looks very good i must say i can also just to be honest i can also just go back to h4 by the way i can also just go here because if pawn takes pawn i have queen takes knight so i mean i can just stay patient like i don't don't need to do anything nuts right so okay okay don't need to cash in why why cash in just be be cool calm and collected bishop to h4 again we are the one with the dark squared bishop so we are the one with the dark square bishop so unless we have a very good reason to trade it off we don't need to now a lot of people play bishop e6 here so bishop e6 white has to remember the move knight to a3 by the way by the way this whole line is available in the course link in the description uh you have to play knight a3 i've studied all of this before there we go knight two a3 the idea of knight two a3 is that if they take you take and you have pressure on the center bonds with the knight that's exactly what's happening right c3 attacks tonight and kicks it out and then maybe i will take or push to just completely clamp down on my opponent's position so we have queen e7 i've seen all this before now i'm gonna play the move c3 which attacks the knight knight has to go back and then i will probably play f5 and that position is unbearable for black and i will show you why look black can't move black can't play d5 normally uh black cannot play like for example if i just go back to e3 right now they cannot play d5 because knight takes and then because of the pin they cannot play g5 because on poisson and then i take on f6 right and now i'm just going to shoot pawns down the side of the board and like put a knight on d5 pressuring the knight in the queen i've had people here play them with rook f8 trying to go g5 so that on basant this is guarded yeah and then i've also had people play queen d7 um i don't remember the best move on queen d7 but i think it's just the take and play knight d5 now i'm getting rid of my my bishop because i'm guaranteed to win back a pawn so for example the move rook g8 runs into knight f6 with a fork knight back to e7 i take on f6 and i have an extra pawn the f7 pawn is weak queen h5 is coming and we've emerged from the opening with just a very annoying positional clamp even though for the cost of one pawn right h5 okay not a bad move uh i i am a bit curious though like oh rook h6 is the idea i suppose okay let's go b4 let's make my opponent think that they have tricked me into defending their own pawn they have they haven't you know they haven't actually the move that they're making is not bad but here's the thing now that i'm gonna target one rook the other rook is gonna have to come to the defense and the rooks are just paralyzed like black does not want the pawn here so black is doing everything that they can to defend this pawn meanwhile i am going to completely turn my attention to the other side of the board and play moves like for example like a4 b5 like a4 b5 knight back to e3 and opponent just cannot move like at all like at all of course i'm not going to trade i i really really don't need to trade here because opponent is so passive next move is b5 taking away the c6 square from every single piece then it's c4 preventing d5 how exactly does my opponent defend this position this pawn wedge is so annoying in so many of these positions uh queen c6 is definitely the best move now for sure right right queen to d3 the video doesn't it didn't freeze by the way i know sometimes when i go quiet uh i should put on maybe some like ambient like beats in the background when i do these things that could be an idea king 28 yeah i mean that's this is just a sign of this is just desperate times call for desperate measures i mean opponent is just is just being suffocated here to death and uh i feel good about it um from a chess standpoint but uh i mean i can just slowly march my pawns up the board and guys she's not gonna be able to move at all like a5 like look at this i'm just taking every square away from them now h3 uh h3 also there is knight g4 actually there was knight g4 there attacking the rook and the pawn i could have played that but i'm kind of looking at this from the perspective of just again sort of positional domination like just taking away all of the possibilities in the position not allowing the opponent to activate at all uh i'm thinking ab6 but i'm also thinking just a6 i'm also thinking queen d5 and queen a8 let's bring a rook to the middle to the to the center file to pressure the d6 pawn and it almost feels like i could i can do anything here right so if if they take on a5 i can take with my queen and i have pressure on these two squares i can also play a6 maybe you know the good stuff knight g4 though is probably the best thing if this i will keep the position closed a hundred percent here comes knight g4 now i have to play this and now this is sort of the pinnacle of these sort of positional struggles one wrong pawn move by my opponent one wrong move and in a position where they really could not make any moves at all ultimately comes back and that weakness resurfaces and okay they are just giving me the rook which i don't blame them for but now now we will rip it all open because now we will actually infiltrate on that weak a8 square queen to d5 not queen d6 queen d5 guarding a8 and this is just bad this is just very bad we've broken through and the worst part is this is guarding this so like black's position is just oh my goodness they don't have a move black doesn't have a move after queen to d5 that is crazy they are going to play h3 and i'm going to play g3 and black does not have a move if they move their rook they lose their knight if they move their knight they lose their rook if they move their queen they lose their queen if they move their pawn they will lose the pawn and then they will lose everything else that is the only move that they have remaining wow unbelievable and hopefully this is kind of inspiring i mean this is a 1670 this is this guy's no joke like this guy's a very good player and we used good opening knowledge to get a good position and then we just applied that pressure throughout the game suffocating their play um i mean what more to say god know your openings especially my 16 1700s like who are going to play guys like this 1670 i yes guys and gals um i just assumed that just some slav yeah queen d8 and unfortunately we will be taking actually rook a7 was better rook a7 was a force mate i think this is also force mate but uh slightly longer slightly longer i believe justin sloth uh was a dude though which is why i kept saying guys um 1670's y'all gotta know you gotta know your openings like uh really seriously study them let's make sure the king can't run away too far king's gonna try to run but we won't we won't we won't really let it happen my last opponent is very excited analyzing the game played 92 caps check now we infiltrate on the back rank well the penultimate rank check and then this is mate in the corner queen to g8 that game was was was rough um i actually have nothing even to really analyze there because i sort of explained the thought process the whole game you know we played this d4 gambit um we put bishop to g5 this is this is kind of all of our preparation uh bishop h4 um you know we can um take on f6 here yeah computer computer likes this computer wants me to take it thinks that this is a good move but i'm not gonna lie like i saw this and i saw this and i kind of was like i don't even know if i'm like that much better here but for a blitz game for for a long game definitely white has a long-term advantage but uh yeah bishop h4 is all this is yep it was kind of everything that we planned i mean i knew about this and then this clamp and i've had this before and i was kind of able to implement the sort of the same approach during the game to just get this unbreakable structure and we just sort of improved our position and went and went and went and got a got a nice position and hopefully that's inspiring for some of y'all and here we go last game we got papaga our zalibul so 1680 but not moving i'm gonna tag my opponent in discord and tell him that his game is here i said beep beep we're waiting 20 seconds how do i entertain you for 20 seconds at once my opponent is responding to me in discord oh there we go there we go e4 okay so i've played e5 and d5 right um mum what do i play what do i play what do i play do we go caro you know what let's go d5 again i'm going to show you all the uh the good stuff here let's go e4 d5 uh takes knight f6 so this is uh this is an invitation of a gambit d4 played by my opponent the portuguese gambit with the move bishop to g4 knight to f3 uh and queen to d5 interesting c4 that quickly i think is a mistake i think this move is wrong because i can take on f3 hmm i can take on f3 they take my queen and then i take their queen and i think i've damaged their structure which is what i want and for example queen f3 i can also just damage their structure i also have queen f5 or queen h5 one of these two moves just apply some pressure but this is a mistake by my opponent i think for sure to play such an early c4 but this is no good also like a 1680 should have a line against the scandinavian you know if you're 1680 watching this like if on move five you're already making mistakes that's not what we want we don't want that i'm gonna be i'm gonna be a bit harsher on this person because let's because again i can take but then we have to anticipate what they want right i'm going to take like this like you you you should you should have some repertoire against all the major openings at 1680 maybe you know maybe you don't want to you're like not necessary gotham i don't know why that's how you sound in my hypothetical voice but so we go long castle um d5 for sure has to be played and then i wonder if i have some tactics like d5 knight b4 to try to go to c2 and then e6 something like that could would be nice i also have knight to e5 and you know the drawback of my position is that the opponent does have the two bishops so ultimately there will be positions where that is very significant stretching my neck opponent is thinking but to be honest i don't really know about what what are they they gotta go d5 what what i'm so perplexed i don't am i not seeing the board right hold on wait i'm so confused why give me the pun what i okay uh it happens i guess i don't know my opponent thought for so long i thought i thought i don't know i thought they were gonna rattle off a move here now i'm also threatening knight c2 and knight f3 i mean we can't be winning in nine moves you know okay well here's a very here's a very interesting moment do i take the pawn the rooks see each other this sees this i'm gonna take the pawn i wouldn't take the pawn in the game in a game i would play e5 or go back or c5 i'm gonna take the pawn uh and i'm i'm taking the pawn because if they check me i play e6 i just block if they take here so we're about to get a very dangerous position in fact our position might simply be like borderline losing after bishop g2 but i want to have some fun so i'm going to go back to e5 all right bishop to b7 rook d1 is check and now for the cost of this is why this is too dangerous because sometimes you don't need to cash in so quickly sometimes today i've cashed in quickly and sometimes you don't need to cash in quickly and the times you don't cash in quickly is when you're going to be activating all of your opponent's pieces and this position is just simply too dangerous for black king to c8 knight b5 that's hanging and then there's like a thread of mate maybe c6 knight a7 king c7 i'm barely surviving that oh my god and bishop f4 is very strong also wow king ages looks terrible too am i really gonna play this move am i really going to play the knight back to d7 and lose both my pawns king c8 here i also have knight c6 i also have knight c6 they take here king b7 but then there's rook d8 at the end this is scary it's scary but i wanted to do this because i wanted to you know have a game of anticipating my opponent's threats the threat of knight to b5 the threat is knight a7 king b8 rook d8 mate so i'm getting mated if i'm not careful and that's why you know even a move like a6 doesn't get the job done because knight a7 king b8 rook d8 is mate this is going to be a protected knight on a7 so knight b5 c6 knight a7 king c7 bishop f4 pinning my knight to my king i can play knight d7 but then my opponent can sacrifice and then get two pieces then the knight is stuck and the knight is stuck so that could be the idea knight to b5 i could just play c6 and basically lure my opponent's knight in now whether or not that's good is an entirely separate story because i still need a few moves to get all my pieces developed like i am not ready for an endgame at all i am not ready for an end game at all this is not out this is not out it's gonna take me at least three moves to get everybody out and in those three moves in those three moves my opponent is going to try to destroy me don't like this at all i don't think the bishop was the piece that i needed to worry about there you guys might say another free pawn but i think we've taken too many free pawns at this point i hope that makes sense to y'all we just don't have enough material out right now to be taking three pieces so what's going to happen is black you know white is just going to create threats so the reason i don't like bishop a7 is a very short-sighted move it has no threat it just took a pawn knight b5 came with the threat of checkmate which you know is generally a pretty decent threat to create a threat of mate and that's why i don't like it because i think bishop a7 was a little bit too short-sighted but such is life sometimes you play short-sighted moves but you have caught the deficit of the game from two pawns to one pawn right that is a positive the negative is that okay now we have b3 it's just too slow these two moves just aren't doing the job right now um i can already give a check and just bring in my rook and trade rooks um i can also play like bishop to b4 which obviously can't be bad that's just a direct attack on the night and it's a good move because normally you know one movers aren't great but in in this instance like i'm improving the positioning of my piece and i'm threatening to go rig date in the future not right now uh not right now but in the future okay so here there something very tragic might happen maybe not i was thinking i can trap this bishop i thought i could just trap this bishop but i guess maybe my opponent has some tricks does my opponent really have some tricks i don't know tough game let me drink some water and think about it so here's the thing b6 traps the bishop but i can't actually come and win it with my king tragic very tragic so what about we play just knight g4 we're trying to win one of these points wait knight g4 is a terrible move oh my god i completely forgot it's been a long episode yeah just the h3 and and now my my my dumb dumb behind has to go back to f6 i don't think i have anything else but you know what out of stubbornness i'm gonna try to put my horses together in the center and the you know the good thing is there's still not really any threats yeah so this move here i can tactically defend my knight by playing rook to d8 uh and so if bishop takes there is this but there's also just rookie one in this position then i can play a very creative move knight d3 or rook d2 rook do you want to rook d2 both good man i i like really don't want to play this pawn move but i'm not sure i have anything else my advantage might have been might have disappeared after i did not go back to f6 all right you know what maybe we just have to play this move nothing better if bishop takes we trade rooks we take and we are not happy but at least we still have an extra pawn still have an extra pawn that means a lot in the end game six pawns versus five so f4 okay that is a move it does attack my knight but you are not going to damage my structure anymore which i thought was the entire idea of your operation now i can put my knight back on f5 i think that was a mistake i think i think allowing me to keep my pawn structure fluid and not double my pawns by taking was a mistake but we will find out very soon that's a very creative move if i take it then it's this but you're also threatening me i can't just ignore you very nice move but i think i can just go e5 and and the thing is that my structure is now it's now not ruined um it's not pretty but it's it's not ruined say do i take with the knight maybe i take with the knight my logic is that if you take then you've traded a bishop like two bishops are better than two knights for sure for sure two bishops are better than two knights but if you trade a bishop for the night then end game becomes very different c6 and i also have knight f5 knight if i put some pressure here threading a nice combination and the opponent just backs up doesn't want to get hit with a nice combination okay it's fair c6 kicks out the bishop bishop e4 is not a bad move but you will be pinned i guess i will play rook to d8 now i am out of the pin i have three versus one and my opponent has three on two which makes this end game fascinating and very imbalanced because i can push pawns but then i'll be oh that's a big decision are you really sure about this a rook trade wow i feel like given that i'm up material i should be taking but i'm not gonna lie being down uh being down the two bishops versus the two nights does not make me very confident but we have uh we have horses versus pointed hats here to end how to win at chess episode number 10. i really don't like this move either because i feel like you're just giving me a target like that pawn was not a target you've just granted me a target so knight to d4 and knights are super tricky now i have an attack here then i will go check and and and knight f4 as well you see what knights do they make pieces move to certain squares and now i i utilize check so whoa whoa [Music] now i'm threatening bishop here knight d3 oh my opponent stops that they stop me from doing that that's very disrespectful why didn't you just let me win your piece dude man boss all right uh i guess i can go knight e5 which re-threatens that i don't think that my opponent is going to blunder it but never say never um that that is a check for sure uh king c7 and now if this is very tricky are they gonna see this move guys very sharp knight d3 and now there's there's a pin so so i have to play this move g5 very funny nice i'm impressed this person's playing extremely well but now i have two pass pawns you see i've i've made the three on one into a two on zero and my opponent hasn't moved upon in like 20 moves so now i still cannot play knight d3 by the way uh but i have knight d7 no also h4 h4 oh h4 bishop takes i don't know and go knight f3 go knight f3 i can also play like b6 b6 king d4 okay yes not unexpected oh my gosh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute my opponent wait a m whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey relax king e4 trying to get my knight what are you doing you relax if king okay they take the big decision also to take here because now i have like f3 this might be a this might be a draw like it really could be i don't know i might need to use this pawn as a decoy to then play king c5 king before which is wild the fact that i have to go to this length like king c5 here king before that that should be winning for me just activating the king using the pawns as decoys uh i did not play bishop you know bishop one obviously oh my gosh king before and uh now i probably am winning but that was not easy that was a crazy crazy game that last one wow i should be very proud mr salibu and now now now we pick up the pawns and after knight d2 i'm still not converting it correctly but yeah now we are two pawns up and uh this end game i can probably win just barely but but i think i can win it we'll bring the king over here the kind of defend and be a that's a bishop and now we will promote oh man that was an intense game i'm not even gonna like make uh a second queen we're just going to put the queen in knights opposition like this and copy one square one square one square that way one square this way now the king is cut off in the back row don't stalemate we go bang bang bang and mate wow wow wow wow that was an intense episode of how to win a chess my friends if you've made it this far i thanked you once at the 40th minute if you made it 87 minutes in do let me know in the comments below i appreciate the fact that you all are watching for the amount of time that you do i've mentioned it a few times in this video but i do have some pretty epic chess courses and an intermediate chess boot camp on the way um uh that is uh the link to that is in the description and let's just keep it rolling let's keep it rolling subscribe if you haven't already i appreciate you very much and i will see you in the next episode
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 614,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: a3fp1-4alBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 26sec (5246 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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