King's Indian Climb Begins | Black Pieces Rating Climb Part 1: 800+

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of you have been enjoying the raiding climb  series of e4 and i decided to do one with   the black pieces so welcome to part one i'm  gonna be playing twitch subs shout out to   them they're also on the screen twitch say hi to  youtube youtube say hi to twitch uh time format   is three minutes and five second bonus and all  of these people will get their rating points   refunded at the end of the climb i'm gonna be  focusing primarily on setups so king's indian   as well as e6 b6 in some games uh first player  up is x1x i got nothing else to say except that   if you're here make sure that you're in live  chess all right e4 now e5 is pretty standard   but i'm going to show you how to play  the king's indian so first move is d6   normally two pawns in the center is the way they  go now you play knight f6 so first things first   you're attacking this pawn uh and this often  times prevents against you know random silly   stuff now g6 so he protects the pawn so far so  good most people here put the second knight into   the center of the board um if they win do they  get a refund yeah i get a refund okay now we're   solid now the hardest thing for king's indian  players to deal with is the early pawn push e5   which attacks tonight which hopefully we will get  at some point here in part one um okay now castles   is set up right now you can't  really take advantage of anything hey don't tell youtubers to leave a mean  comment they're good at that already   we got it we got a good youtube all  right this is good he's playing well   put my bishop out on g4 this is good the idea of  this is maybe to bring the bishop down this way so   the way you learn is you watch this series  and you pick up on the general patterns uh   now normally you take actually very happy making  this trade because when he takes with the pawn   he's damaging his structure i'm not  really sure why he's thinking so long   please don't take please go queenie  too i'd be very happy with that okay it was a very long thought   now you're trying to go e5 i'm going to finish  my development with the move knight c6 and then   i'm going to go e5 e castle's queen side so we  have our first very exciting things india now we   play e5 there's a lot of different ways to play  this position um you can play a6b5 uh that move well it's a fair trade what if i just taken  the center though now making this trade is   is good right now because i will reactivate  this bishop this trade is good also because   i will reactivate my bishop now i have this  lined up but anywhere i move the knight just   moves as queens probably look at c6 here try to  kick this bishop out and open up a line from my   queen so let's play c6 stacks the bishop bishop  h6 check guys is not a very good move because he   should play king b1 however i am looking at  the possibility of doing this in the future   he plays this now d5 takes i can take with  the knight and then i have a discovered attack   actually does look pretty good this bishop  is very strong though so maybe we go b5 um it's also the strongest 400 i've ever played  i just got to say uh yeah i'm going to go d5 yeah   attacking his bishop hitting his pawn and then  i have this little trick here where my bishop   now from the corner hits this queen i'm probably  going to take this next and pin though and he does   have some pressure on this knight and he hangs  his queen okay well there's the 400 kicking in   you forgot about my bishop that king's indian  bishop will win you a lot of material uh in uh   in your games let's hope he takes this pawn gives  away his rook let's move the queen out of the way   it's a good move okay d8 now we consolidate  when we convert this position we win the game hmm that's actually a mistake sorry d7 does  that's a mistake because he had discover check   and he could take my rook like here let's see  i'm always looking for checks for him as well   um and i'm just gonna double up it's good it's  gonna take a while to win this especially if he   plays well now see that the problem is that now  the rook takes queen f4 is winning no queen of   four's a free queen for it for for him are you  guys trying to make me lose that what's going on   here and by the way the name is this kid crushed  you because we're playing the king's indian   okay let's not lose our queen let's take all  his pawns now warren should resign the game   i don't i just i'm just saying that  in case he's watching the stream   in reality don't resign here force  the guy to convert the position   take like i said if you know no need to resign  just play moves out keep the game going okay i'm   gonna simplify here no need to do this but now i  have an extra rook and okay well that's easy now okay he resigns goodwin plus two solid um so  a couple things early uh he played very well   played very well i mean if everybody plays  like this is gonna be a very long climb now   he immediately went for long castles and  bishop h6 and in general the best thing to   do here uh make this trade get fully developed  um we'll see what happens if takes or push later   uh but that's generally how you play c6 then you  try to go for queen a5 another move i had here   maybe not d5 something like this losing this pawn  is not so dangerous i mean it's not necessary but   uh because you can create an attack on the queen  side with b5 b4 or i could have played a6 instead   of c6 which wouldn't have weakened this pawn  but what made all of this possible is the fact   that my bishop was so strong targeting the center  did you play well for your elo yeah you were the   strongest 400 i've ever played in my life that's  not sarcasm that was crazy okay pedro here we go   d4 d6 so maybe he'll play london let's see if  he plays in london okay we got a london player   so it shows you the flexibility and the  power of this setup versus the london system   a lot of people don't know what to do against uh  the king's indian when they play london because   they have to operate with the move knight  e5 that's a very common move in the in the   london and they can't get it that's just the thing  they don't get it in this opening and i'm going   to show you a little trick which he might fall for  instead of bishop g forbes 54 is good what is that he played that so fast i'm like inclined  to believe that some sort of preparation   or something but i i don't what what  what what is this what are we doing what   what is that i'm so confused if he just goes  back why didn't you just go what i don't know   oh no and he blunders he blunders the legendary  fork this is the legendary london fork that they   fall for rookie 8 and e5 and you attack the  bishop and then you push and you win a piece   remember this you're going to play the king's  indian against london player you will get this   a lot you will get this a lot you will fork  their pieces in the center of the board um he tried to play joe bova london i i i i don't  know what he tried to do honestly um okay   so now we're up a piece this is very common if  you play kings indian versus london and you play   for this e5 e4 you're to get it a lot it's going  to happen a lot and you're going to beat people   that's just what's going to happen  take the bishop yes he has this   and this in our queen trade he still has  this i'm leaving that option open for him   now defending this is kind of hard i shouldn't  have i shouldn't have played like this what i   should have done see i probably should have played  something like knight h5 and made him make this   trade but now he has a little bit of counter  play so i'm going to play the move knight d5   which defends this from his knight and i'm very  happy to make a trade uh so i'm happy with this   now had he played e4 attacking my knight to make  me move i wouldn't have moved i would have counter   attacked his knight that was my point that he  would have taken my knight but i would have   taken his night now i shouldn't have even allowed  this i shouldn't have even allowed this this this   is already too much and here i should keep this  knight here i should kick his knight out first   but i rushed in and you know we have this now  but still good for me i didn't take that for   some reason but i will put my ropes like this so  what do we have we have um a bishop for two pawns and yeah jobava london players who  are trying to go with the c7 square   will not be able to do that because  you have a pawn on d6 so we good it's a good move very solid uh you respect that i admit mistakes   um yeah no i mean i'm i have to play fast and  sometimes that that involves errors of course okay so now i can take and that's probably the  best thing to do just pick up a pawn if i pick   up this pawn we are winning okay bishop takes  a2 rook takes a2 was fine but then i stopped   defending this pawn so bishop a2 i'll bring  the pawn up actually i'll tell you what i'll   do i'll play bishop d5 next depending on what  he does ah he created a getaway for his king   now i will move this because before moved  and he took there was background checkmate   this is working now is that i am just up a full  bishop now with two past pawns on this side   uh but my it's still processed to win this 1200 andy should definitely play kingston  i know the whole point of this climb   oh what am i doing wait i completely  hallucinated oh my goodness i just hallucinated that my rook  was here protecting this bishop wait i'm i'm tripping i'm i'm on something  okay well now it's a more even game all right   now it's a more game that was crazy raiding  climb by the way i literally just thought my   rook was there defending and i was like  all right oh he blunders thankfully he   blunders right back how did he blunder here  low key it's not even how do you blunder here big blunder here by the opponent huge blunder huge  mistake this big mistake he can't recover from   totally can't recover from has  no way to recover from this no way obviously not watching the stream either good thing he's thinking he's really confused here oh man big big big big blunder here he is reeling  at bishop d6 was a strange move but though   at least like he can bail out here  but he doesn't need to play bishop d6   it's it's a very complicated position  actually once i blundered the bishop because   material is equal but i have two past pawns which  is very dangerous for him but he should be pushing   his pawns that's what he should have been doing he  should not i mean he rushed i mean of course it's   different you know you're playing someone who you  know is like streaming and is in ims and it's not   an 800 but when you're playing against folks your  own level you know your bishop's great okay and   he finally thinks for a while uh and he doesn't  find the move bishop a3 was attacking my rook   i took his rook he would take mine so now we take  my god i can't believe that happened ridiculous that was such a crazy blunder uh what  a blunder what a blunder okay check   now he can go here and lose his pawn or  he can go here thinking he defends this   pawn but get made it let's see what he does  good move that was his best move actually   but he will lose a lot of pawns now and we will  wow that was not a good game i mean it was except   for the one blunder but wow wow wow uh yeah okay  let's just move and defend if this i will take   he's got too few pawns here  even if he wins my bishop push push push push queen stop the pawn push the  next one easy easy easy you probably resign   nope no resign we'll take this pawn  push this button okay this is easy now   second queen make sure it's  not stalemate and mate in one   or you can ladder mate that was a good game  you can let her mate like this it's a good game   so common pattern is you you might lose your  queen uh sorry peace not queen not queen a   this fork very early e5 be careful london  players uh and you know we were we were   smooth sailing from there for the most part  except the blunder of the piece luckily he   gave it back to me but that was a good game  i mean i can't say much all right here we go   what does this guy have for me it's going to  be e4 d4 what's going to happen i had plays d4   now guys if you're london players and you see  that the guy before me plays the london and   it doesn't go well just play to london  because it's what you play you know you   high chance that it it won't be a victory in this  case and you know we do appreciate you playing the   cool thing is that when you're at twitch sub you  get to participate in stuff like this i want to   reward my subscribers over on twitch because yeah  i mean it's you know you help me out and i get to   use a command to play black every game rather than  sitting in the pool waiting for an opponent so   okay the knight c6 and now notice he has  no pieces here so i don't quite have e5   but this is still the setup that we want to  go for maybe one one day okay so he plays   like this i'm gonna go for e5 right away he's  not developed his knight which is really weird but i think he's just trying to not get  forked which is why he put the bishop here   is this raiding climb going on youtube what do you  think don't tell him youtube viewers what do you   think you think this is gonna go g5 let's attack  the knight uh excuse me the bishop i don't know   the names of pieces if he takes i'm happy okay  it doesn't take this is a rare position so from   here on out what do i do what do i do can i take  a rookie eight or d5 hitting his bishop actually   this is like a rare case where i can put two pawns  in the center so let's do that because he he's   kind of left his pieces there to be attacked so  i put two puns in the center um but you know you   can play g5 you can take play rookie 8 play knight  a5 game plays here uh let's um oh develop a bishop   put my rook in the center let's put the rook  in the center do a lot of different stuff okay   now i'm gonna attack and he actually has to put  his knight back this is sort of the thing if you   let black overrun the center like this it's it's  not gonna go well it's not gonna go well but he's   very solid that's the thing about the london is  if you don't fight the london very aggressively d5 hanging he can't can't take with the knight  because you lose the queen um yes if i take with   the knight i lose my queen but if i take with  my queen i don't lose my knight or my queen   so you are right but i don't have to play  like that okay now kicking his bishop away what is going on with spotify okay there we go that's better um i haven't moved  this bishop yet let's put the bishop right here   it's not the best move i probably should be  unpinning myself but we'll see what he does   i don't know what he's going to do yet so now this  position is super closed in a super close position you got to look for pawn breaks okay he does  this let's play g5 kick his bishop back now   yes it's not good to push pawns in front  of your king but look at his pieces   and his pieces really get to my king not really long thought here big thought here okay goes here um tough position man very close tough to come  up with an idea that would be relatable for   a viewing audience i'm gonna go h5 because that  actually does threaten to trap the bishop very   rarely does this happen normally there's no knight  here and he can just go back that's also protected   so he's oh it's a great move i don't want to  take because then he just reactivates his bishop   so let's play g4 really taking space here but  this bishop will survive probably also was   not the best move probably should have went  like knight g4 us is a very tough position that's an idea yeah the problem for him is that even  though this position is very solid he doesn't have the ability  to move any pieces at all i just realized also we don't have a profile  photo oh no the first mistake that was my idea   to hit his bishop also when he takes i don't  actually have to take right away i don't think i can play rook b8 might be overkill but i do just want  to show you guys tactical patterns i'll just take though that's  the simplest gonna go here that attacks my knight i can move my knight  i can protect my knight not with this   which is highlighting my rook like with the queen that would be cool or that  let's see if that happens   i mean i just he just can't move  pieces like he played very solidly   but he didn't he didn't he didn't do much  i brings the queen back good move okay take and now we have broken through on this side  of the board i could have also taken this but   you know he's uh he's doing  his thing he's he's being solid also if anybody is confused why it's 800 plus  but i'm playing 600s because i have i had a sub   who was 440 a couple subs under 700. like no  we're not we're not gate keeping ratings here   i'm saying my rating is 800 and i'm trying  to push beyond 800 in this climb flavortown   thank you for the sub belforo thank you  for the sub bell horfu i am dyslexic okay take hitting the queen rook is in rook is in oh no that's not good i mean  i lose a rook this way but at least i pick up some pieces now let's play  queen here at this point once my opponent's   position has been seriously damaged you need  to find a way to mobilize as fast as possible   i'm gonna play bishop h6 threatening  check takes take the bishop   and we are well on our way to winning the game  and pre-move this actually because his king is   deflected from the defense of the bishop pick  up the pieces that made his unstoppable gg   wow that was a very tough game and what made it  really tough was the position was super closed   now if i wanted to open the position i should have  done it earlier with a move like pawn takes d4   which you can do but it's a long game london  is a solid opening you cannot beat it that fast   you just can't for this next game i'm going  to play e6 b6 that's what i'm gonna do hey hey go next game i will play e6 b6 or how about  this let's play king's indian for one more game   and then for the next half i'll play e6 b6 okay so far so good so here i don't really know what he's playing  yet why it's called king's indian dunno   i actually don't know this is interesting okay  so he's playing his f pawn out now if they play   like this i actually don't think that this is so  great and any time you see a bishop against the   king's indian on c4 i recommend c6 i'll tell you  later so you you can't just spam this e5 thing you   know where you play knight c6 but that's where the  king's indian becomes bad if you spot a bishop on   c4 i would go after it just like i did in the last  game last game i played you know d5 at some point   this bishop can't really stand here i'm gonna go  d5 and it's like well levy you already played d6   what about this yeah but i didn't know what  he was gonna do so fighting like this is good   because if he takes this pawn his f pawn is sort  of without a friend and um so he takes i take back   with the pi i could also take back with the  knight now we've transformed the position a   little bit and now it's just a normal game of  chess really but i just want you guys to like   fight against this bishop quickly with c6 if  you get the opportunity now the bishop is stuck   and it's not very powerful then you can play like  this and when you trade this you'll replace the e   pawn on e6 and notice you'll have one two three  four five six seven every pawn you have will be   on a light square fighting against the light  squared bishop because you've traded your own knight e5 does that attack anything i don't  believe so but now i can't play bishop g4   i will still play knight c6 if he  takes that's fine there it is all right   very oh what's the best move here what's  the best move here for black chat members trick question really a result of this move   it's not bishop g4 but rather it's bishop a6  preventing him from castling that is very annoying   rare that a bishop can stand like that but if  you notice your opponent hasn't castled yet   yeah so a place bishop e3 it's a good move  definitely a good move just developing i   want to go here but i can't so what do i play i  can't play e5 here looking for the sneaky sneak probably will do this is what i imagine because  he's going to be like damn i can't castle short   so let me cast along and he has a good point  i don't i don't know what he's going to do expect that that's not that's not even  a mistake that actually stopped my plan but this and queen f3 black is better but  it's like it's it's hard to do something here   cuz i can't play e5 that's got an annoying  position oh man okay let's go rook b8   i mean it's just you got to play  a move i'm playing this because   long term if he castles this way  my rook will be on the open file i mean you can't spend an hour here you know  can't spend an hour so i'm activating my rook   we'll see what happens he's playing well  oh until that move that's not a good move   i think it's a little bit too aggressive uh it's  not a mistake though so hard to punish this move   okay let's teach you all about reroutes reroute my  knight cannot go forward i mean there is fine but   it's not good so go back i'm gonna activate  my knight this way maybe he castles this way   this is actually a very good game these guys are  playing well today they woke up and they decided   to fight gotham now we see this justified  so what do i put on c4 probably my horsey probably my horsey takes i take but still good game when you know your opponent's next move what do  you mean who knows who knows whose opponent's   next move he knows my move are you accusing my  opponent of stream sniping i don't think it really   stream sniping doesn't help you if you're like  740 because you still have to think for yourself   i think he's just playing well now i'm  going to be able to push e5 i think   now i can just push e5 but then he  has this stop making good moves it's   so much easier when you make bad moves i  go here and then try to play e5 goodness thank you you like my you like  the username this kid crushed you   i'm only on i'm gonna get through like eight  games or something well on the stream i'm   gonna play all 20. youtubers this is  why you should watch the livestream   because i can't upload a two-hour video i just  don't want that two-hour videos don't do well   in the algo i keep it to like an hour hour  and 15 minutes cheater yes exactly any player   that lasts longer than 10 moves against the  title streamer is cheating that's sarcasm   he's just playing well just let my opponent  play stop accusing everybody i'll tell you when   someone's cheating don't worry this is also one  of the benefits of playing subscribers that uh you   know that you're gonna get a legitimate game and  people are not you know you play your subs they're   not gonna cheat because they subscribe to you do  i own a green hoodie no maybe i don't know why okay what's the main difference between an  1100 and a 1400 300 points silly question   what's the difference between a  red car and a blue car the color   oh you meant like what do you what does  it take to get to 1400 gaining 300 points   it's everything man everything your openings  have to be better um your tactics have to be   better i mean everything but what should you  focus on openings oftentimes can speedrun your   development you can really just focus on like  climbs like these to try to replicate this style   but uh it's you know it's difficult  to uh to narrow it down to one thing   okay let's simplify the position straight the  rooks now here he's doing okay he's down a piece   but he's doing okay i mean if you put two 700s to  play this position god knows what's gonna happen   let's take now the queen stops protecting the pawn  we come here so now we have uh an extra piece just   for nothing we were down upon before but now  we're fine knight a4 does not attack anything   i almost played here and then i that would have  just hung a queen so i'm just gonna push my pawn   seems like it's very difficult for  me not to give away pieces today   i'm just gonna oh no he attacked my  bishop but he hung his queen the pin so peter thank you for the 15 months  that's check so he can't even take my queen   i'll go here he'll take my bishop but  i will check him and promote my pun   man that was a good game though i mean  everybody's playing well today just one   move blunders right push and that's just made  on the next move gg though now he played a very   unique setup with f4 and he played like this  because this is what i recommend in my e4 course   i think this has my e4 chord so he goes for the  setup now if i don't play c6 d5 against this   uh he can get a very good position that was a very  that was a very very uh legitimate game by him so this c65 thing i've been recommending  bishop g4 but that just helps white   with their development you gotta fight  against this bishop you want a good game all right infam cutie let's go  next game we're gonna go for e6 b6   please no cheats thanks here we go e6 b6 and be  half half pick your poison or gareth thank you for   the sub wow we're accusing my opponent of cheating  before the game even begins that's impressive so this is the point play like  this which comes out this way i don't know what spotify is  doing today so i'm just gonna what's going on and we trade and now you play the move uh well  you have a few options but knight e7 is it cheating if you always avoid to do  the best move that an engine gives you what an ethical conversation okay now you castle  and try to play f5 so you trade off your bishop   for the knight knight e7 e6 and you try to  play f5 this setup is really good for like   crap like this and so it stops a lot of four  move checkmate stuff this is the whole point   so you're saying that you look  at the engine while you play   but you always play like the fourth or fifth  option i mean it's probably still cheating because   on your own you wouldn't play those moves  anyway so i don't know okay now queenie8   the second plan of the attack um we sneak around  this way but this is a unique version of this   this is not going to be so simple this  is probably going to go into an end game   this bishop is very strong and you bring the  queen out this way so the center is very solid   for white but your bishop is very strong we  don't have any immediate attacking moves but so that is true though i don't know okay let's be uh let's be very careful here  let's slide this back i've got bad intentions   here got very bad intentions i don't want a queen  trade i mean a queen trade would have been okay   but i feel like checkmate is slightly  better than a queen tree i'm not saying   i'm gonna get it but you're sort of  seeing the whole point of this bishop   is to live through the entire fight  did you stand on b7 be very strong h6 wait wow wow this man trapped my queen i am gonna get two pieces for it   oh wow this is uh this is a very interesting  climb today maybe climbing down instead of up so how do you win a game of chess down a queen   great question ladies and gentlemen first you  develop all your pieces now what's actually   interesting is i'm not completely lost also  what an idea i mean how did that that's crazy i mean how are these guys 700 i found an idea that  like four digit players would struggle finding   that was really impressive okay so he attacks my  knight uh i'm gonna go here and i'm pitting myself   but this is my point now for him g4 is  the best move because he needs to just create some sort of attack and if he goes g4 i'm  probably going to go something like knight e7   to solidify the pawn on f5   uh and then it's just a complicated fight you  know g4 moving his bishop doubling the rooks this should be two okay it's looking  yeah this is just weird though um   okay he's trying to like roll in on me so before  he blocks out my bishop i'm considering bishop e4   but i don't know about bishop before  by the way yes g4 did hang a queen yes   it did it did hang a queen but i was  just hoping maybe he was stream sniping i was just very hopeful i was like if he  goes g4 he actually traps his own queen   so but he seems like a big boy 700 who  can take care of his own pieces unlike me   okay um let's double up let's uh double up  we're just going to create counter play here   our king is safe our pieces are more or less  safe after we gave away a queen now we just   got to play fast one very important note for  blitz is that when you are in a losing position   if you speed up a little bit uh people can  freak out a little bit and you might still   win the game despite you know not having any  business doing so okay what do we play here maybe here just looking look at  looking to pick up things where i can   i'm gonna put my bishop on e4 maybe i still  want to go knight h4 also i want to go here   i'm still playing for a win somehow i don't  know why i'm still playing for a win but try my best trying my best rook  f2 probably defends the pawn   still have like sufficient counterplay i  mean the thing is for him is he's playing   without his pieces he won my queen  with some savant bishop maneuver but big thoughts here from the opponent why was richie  for bad because rook g4 he can take and i can't   take back rook g4 takes is impossible but queen  takes is actually possible because of uh the pin see what we can get here he's only got 40 seconds come on man  you trap my queen justify it play fast ah that works i think yes finally he  blunders his queen back after a long thought   check and that's it and we went now what  now we're up and when you give me material   i'm not going to lose it but jesus i mean what  a that was not very well deserved on my part   okay take the rook take the second rook and forget  that this game ever happened well let's show you   how to win it actually rick h5 was better but i'm  going for these puns now you just eat that's what   you do everybody eats i hope he doesn't go here  just locking in his bishop that would be very sad check now we win the bishop man this is kind of  a tragic ending to a pretty good game on his part   so the bottom line is that if you play e6 b6  you're gonna lose a queen so don't play it no   uh the bottom line is um he played very i mean all  these guys today have really put up intense games   really put up in tons of games um and honestly  sometimes title players do blunder actually you   guys have seen me blunder two times in the stream  which is really crazy but to consolidate all your   pieces and coordinate them in this fashion um it  just shows you how to fight back not just you know   tilt and lose all your pieces on a serious note  what i should have done instead of losing my queen   is here i should have traded and played h6 and so  if he plays knight f3 i actually have an option i   can potentially go like this and damage his pawn  structure so he has very bad pawns or just move on   with my life like knight c6 and look to make  this move possible at some point and play on   the queen side oftentimes in these positions you  play on the queen side that game was not the best   uh advocation advocacy for this opening  let's try to play e6 b6 a second time uh and not lose like a queen that game okay  six hey it's miko i'm the discord hey smiko we're still streaming yes we've  only been on okay why is he thinking   has he never he's never seen the movie six okay okay so now we see the other point here is that  we take and we win this pawn you guys are going to   get this a lot various positions where you win the  pawn on e4 now this guy's this guy's playing more   style that i like to see at this level but there  is a trick here maybe he sees it he'll probably go   here though or here but most people do now you  can take and that's completely fine i actually   like to just bring the bishop back again i want  you to play your position through the bishop on b7   like i said there is a trick here it's this  don't blunder that hitting the g7 pawns now we   play knight f6 and we have an extra point however  the game is far from over and white's position is   very active and we need to be careful no do you  guys want me to take that uh to double his pawns   now let's go here because i i actually think  that doubling his pawns is dangerous for me   now d6 or d5 tough question i'm going to go d6  because again i want to maintain this diagonal   open but i do want to finish my development and  then at some point i'm going to have to put pawns   in the center i think overall e6 b6 has a steeper  learning curve than the king's indian because in   many positions it's not clear what the best move  is and it's you just have to be very solid okay so   that's just a free pawn right i don't that bishop  is gobbling everybody but he does open his pieces   oh i actually thought that this was pretty scary  but he takes well now i am just up two pawns and   he does not have enough material to attack me with  unfortunately um uh now i should take but i won't   again i i just want to keep my bishop i  want to play the game through the bishop next two moves will be this knight d7 when also when you play e6 b6 you cast so long   depends on the position it's probably fine i  think the king's indian okay i think the king's   indian in general has a little bit of an easier  learning curve because sometimes in the opening uh playing with the pieces is  easier than moving the puns i did not reach 2700 today i think i  peaked at 26.85 or something but soon can i show you the main strategies  of the smith mora double gambit is it   different than normal smithmore theory  uh sure also thank you for the follow   make sure to say hi though before demanding  things but not in not today no not in this video   this is a video just for for black i'm not  going to be playing any sicilians because   i actually don't think uh i'm going  to be covering the sicilian but   okay now we have to take we don't have a choice  maybe i'll make a video on smithmore double game okay any good refutation of that setup from the  last game oh my is the spotify not working again what if i just keeps on breaking take okay this emilio appreciate your subs fork john birth thank you for the prime okay let's   fork now all of our pieces are third rank or or  second or sixth or seventh i'm gonna start pushing take so we are up four pawns probably we'll just go back now we'll go here   we'll just push this pawn that is  going to be the remainder of this game back i think is he just is stuck here  he can't make a lot of forward progress   is the plan see empire do i understand uh do i understand the song what the  song is saying i do not unfortunately okay a five four i i kind of laid out the plan  already see if we can implement it no but it was already difficult now we come back  it's just really hard to stop this plan the the   problem is that the the damage from the opening  has permeated i got that from tactic here queen is defending the knight we  play h5 hitting the queen now he has to play this   move to maintain defense he finds it nice 4k form  trying to come in this way protected by the knight   as far as this chat what are we doing what are  we doing you guys keep getting my attention and   remember there was a guy who accused me  of cheating because i always looked this   way i'm looking at my stock fish there's  no chat here promise it's all stockfish also we just banned the guy uh here on twitch who was saying that i was only playing noobs or whom  thank you for your prime sub it was oh my gosh   there's something so sinister here guys  if i take this pawn he goes check and mate oh my gosh it is never too late to  lose the game the anastasia's made wow i'm gonna i'm gonna go here just  give my little cover and hide my king wow wow wow oh man that could have been very  bad okay let's give him a check box i got this if he goes there then i have rook c1 maybe i  could have done this last move i could have   probably done this last turn instead of in here  no but oh well i saw rook g3 nfh4 the same thing mate yes that was a good this game was a good example  of the e6 b6 push this was good this was good how did i see that you always  tunnel your plan on your   and you ignore your king well your last question  to me was do i eat bugs so maybe a little less   bug eating a little bit more covering  your king so he blundered his e4 pawn and then i brought the bishop  back i stabilized and uh well he   the thing is if he doesn't go d5  he never activates this bishop but at the same time hey tierzoo yo youtube  tierzoo is in the chat we're recording we're   doing a raiding climb uh no bugs are actually  not bad i've never had but like there was a   restaurant here in new york that that did  like ants i think that's is that big and   like mexican cuisine ants i think i don't  know i don't know what the word is but um so we kind of stabilized here but if you  didn't play d5 what about like here here ah crickets oh crickets is really interesting  so crickets crickets are um huge in europe and   asia there's like startups that are like only  focusing on uh on cricket protein and it's like   a fascinating industry uh let's do let's do  a little bit of east let's do one more e6 b6   i'm still youtube people i'm trying  to find the balance of how much   king's in and how much e6 b6 i want to play but  i'm going to do both just for you guys so um okay now this is again not very  good because i have this but let   me play with you before let's see if he  also misses and johnny look at this man honey oh no johnny god damn it can't go here two people with this  e4 blunder uh you are gonna win this   pawn a lot this is the one benefit of  playing the system okay let me take   now friends don't take this  pun don't take this fun okay is they're gonna go ruchiwan and i don't want  you guys to get obliterated bring the bishop back   let this bishop do the deed and then go away  also don't go here because then he just takes   the queen okay no don't do it knight f6 solid now  last time there was a bishop there now the bishop   is there the night is there the night's not there  let's see what that changes about the position so okay people okay let's attack the bishop   see what he wants now the goal for us is not  to play g5 it's again to play d6 and put this   knight on d7 we want we want to be solid boys and  we don't want to block in our light square bishop okay so this is the game plan here here it's  just it's a slow crawl i can castle but last   time someone asked me if i should castle queen  side in e6 b6 so maybe this time i'll go for a   queen side castle it's not very good i mean  i i really should just keep it simple here   uh i'm not worried about this i'm also not worried  about a sacrifice okay so obviously i can't take   and he wants to take me i can't take us to the pin  so i'm just gonna push and now i am solid boy but   he has blocked out my bishop and i'm very sad our  ipb7 bishop now i might not even castle that way or maybe i will i'm queen e7 the thing is i'm so dedicated to the cause here  i i really don't like it though because he's just   just attacked my king but h3 i'm not too scared of so i said  i would do it i'm going to do it and   then i'm going to attack his king but i'm  not happy it's a little bit too dangerous okay get him out so this actually helps me a lot  he really should be he he should be attacking me   see what i'm doing to him he needs to do it  to me if he doesn't do it to me i'm going to   run him over on the side of the board just  absolutely run him over so having said that   the fact that i even got this move already is  just it's a problem okay i'm gonna take and that   lets me propel another pawn so we have a very  picturesque opposite side castling attack here   this is a huge problem and his he's just never  he's not getting off the ground here i mean g4 okay oh but there's a trick  let's see if he sees it   oh he saw it damn can't take but i do have  this at least i have that but he did see it oh tier zoo is suggesting a song see back up yeah it is very satisfying there's very few things   more satisfying than a nice chess attack and that  is why cutie cinderella called all of us virgins i'm not even sure she's wrong shana tova shana tova to you  as well yeah so this is uh unfortunately again since he never got an attack  on my king my attack worked now if there's   anything that you want you get from this from this  climb it's that if you cancel on opposite sides go   attack them with your pawns with pieces they will  not know how to react like that really yeah we   just hit the five hour mark of streaming um let's  baby those baby hours five hours is baby hours yes x warren you see what x warren just wrote  in the chat gonna pop up you guys should follow   me on instagram we just hit 10 000 twitter  followers yesterday instagram's at three   instagram i mean we made the instagram like  a month ago so you know on there if you want   to see uh you know me and leggings doing yoga  poses and other things that you do on instagram   that's basically all you do on instagram you  just take like really like photographic poses   with like you know well-fitting clothing that  helps you show off your voluptuous chest rating now under normal circumstances  i would trade queens here   but i don't want to because i have an attack  on the king so i'm not going to be trading all right so i'm going to play uh rook here so yeah real gotham chess on instagram link  in the bio i mean link in the description see   that's that's that's that's instagram lingo yeah  i checked he's gonna get away he is getting away   now how do i prevent him from getting away is the  question let's bring down this rock this doesn't   have a thread but this does and also all these  squares are covered so his queen can't actually   infiltrate to create counter play uh we also  started this game with three minutes and we're   going to end it with three and a half is the five  seconds of bonus time um but you know beyond the   opening obviously the whole point of this climb  is to okay is to clean up winning positions check and we pick up the so he   does not have many pieces remaining i'm  gonna take some pawns avoid stalemate and that is that it's going to be five pawns  versus the king make sure not to stalemate yeah i don't want to bm i would bm if it's  streaming but i'm not gonna be i'm just   gonna make a queen actually two queens two queens  beginners need two queens usually it's the easiest   let's go goes this way i promote okay goes there  okay very important don't stalemate don't stale me   check check check check is that mate look no hands  no hands no hands no hands   i think i just calculated everything look at  this nice oh gotham flexing on beating an 800. that's not a flex i'm just pre-moving  checkmate that everybody relax that was cool   i was good game but again when you  blunder early it's hard to get back so   um we just played solid like i said i mean  i didn't do anything crazy i won the e4 pawn   i finished my development the right  way with the knights the pawn this way   and then i closed the center and  then i just long castle and um you know we just mobilized on the side like  literally all we did is just push on that side   of the board like non-stop just push push push  push push until we crashed all the way through   so he should have played a4a5 it's just what  he should have done um i'm gonna play uh play   one or two more games for youtube sorry guys  if you want to catch the entire thing got to   make sure to go to twitch okay gone nine uh gone  zero zero nine you're not in live chess toaster   toaster skipping you gone gotta get in  life chess i'm going straight to toaster   g3 wow i mean against this you really should  take the center is what you should do but i'm   going to play the king's indian i'll play d6 the  knight f6 g6 bishop 7 oh no is it king's indian   versus king's indian oh my god oh it's tuffy and  kettle versus king's indian guys play knight c6   now what i would oh my god what  the hell do i do against this this is it's like staring in a mirror and trying  to punch the mirror i mean i i don't okay i mean   like i said against this what i really think you  should do is take the center against the standard   stuff but if you always want to play king's indian  um okay let's take the center obviously e5 now   we'll see what he does now this is not where the  bishop belongs this bishop belongs here because it   can attack this diagonal but this bishop can never  attack this diagonal i put my bishop there because   where else am i going to develop  it okay i'm going to play uh   v6 i'll show you guys how to immediately  dismantle the white position here   the h6 so think about king's indian when your  center is closed in king's indian positions   like this eight pawns each you want to play this  move f5 that is how you are going to mobilize   your attack you also would like to trade off  their bishop because that bishop is an extremely   important defender of their king and you do these  things by moving this knight and then playing the   move f5 but the center has to be closed it has  to be because um that's actually a very good move   surprisingly i say that okay i'm gonna play  an advanced move i'm sorry i have to do this   if i make this big trade and there's queen  ends up there we had this in the first game   of the series second game bishop on the queen  but i can't move this knight anywhere so what   i'm going to do is i'm going to go here the  knight is instrumental in defending the center   and by pinning it to the queen i remove  it from the defense of the center   so another good move there was bishop h3 but i  need to do it in such a way where you know what   else i could have done i could have taken once but  not the second time one time not the second time   and i could continue with my plan at least the way  now if he takes i put the knight in the center uh   and i put some pressure here and uh it's all good ever play the hustlers at washington  square park no i don't uh mainly   because of covet and also because i'm like  a thousand points stronger than them so um okay now we take and this loses a guard did we  take with the pawn of the knight i'm gonna take   with the pawn cause he's gonna go here i'm gonna  go hear him he's gonna go here i'm gonna go here   he's gonna go there i'm gonna take he'll resign  okay same thing is gonna happen so this move   hits knight on e5 and hits both these pieces now he has a bigger  problem so there's a lot of tactics that arise   here right so it's just a free knight so lost on  all this is just queen takes b5 and it's it's gg i mean peace i mean oh man oh no he came back for   the pawn oh no he came back for  the pawn and it's even worse now so that was just literally we got out of the  opening i started putting pressure on him and we won immediately like literally  immediately like the first time the like   with it was like hamza uh hamza chimayov versus  this gerald guy just one punch knockout you know   over the top you know straight  under the arm easy okay   this was going to happen take here here checkmate  prediction correct double check and mate and um yeah so really what i recommend against such  an approach where they don't put anything in   the center of the board is take the center but if  you really want to stick to your opening you take   the center and then you do this and by the way  i played h6 so he couldn't go knight g5 lost in   all this is why i played h6 it was not a waste  of a move but i don't want him to go knight g5   if you don't want them to go knight g5 at all you  can put the bishop on d7 and go for the same plan   use this plan to your advantage and here is the  most advanced move i play a slow move and had   he taken i would have done this with pressure  on this knight very very tough for him to move   here because for example queen e2 uh doesn't do  anything actually just straight up doesn't do   anything he's still in this pin bring my rook  or something but in the game you know he uh   yeah blundered his d4 pawn which will happen a lot  and then immediately there were more losses all   right youtube people we're gonna wrap up here for  the first part uh there's gonna be more on that   side and you can check out the playlist whenever  you're watching this if you're watching this   before the others parts drop twitch say bye to  say bye bye bye we're gonna keep on going here i'm   gonna keep playing these folks there's like seven  or eight people still in the in the queue um and   yeah if you're not yet something on youtube make  sure to do that and there's a lot of other content   for you to enjoy if you like my instructive  content and you want to buy an openings course   link is in the description also join the  discord a lot of those people down there   in the chat they're in the discord we have like  7 500 people so it's a nice chess community you   can take part in tata for now and i will  see you in part two or in another video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 786,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, master chess, hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen, chess 9lx saint louis, saint louis chess club, chess 9xl, chess9lx 2020, champions showdown, st louis chess, hikaru magnus, bongcloud hikaru, gmhikaru bongcloud, bongcloud speedrun, bongcloud, magnus vs Hikaru, Hikaru vs magnus, nakamura vs carlsen, Hikaru beats Magnus, naka bongcloud, nakamura bongcloud, gotham e4 climb, gotham guide, gotham black climb, gotham rating climb, gothamchess rating climb
Id: iiVZM3FgBSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 2sec (4082 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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