This is how you attack.

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this video is part of a stream that i did a  couple of days ago on twitch with northern   lion once again he's about 15 1600 and it's  five examples of how to properly attack   the enemy king you'll notice which way we both  castle how to use your pieces effectively how and   when you should use pawn storms and finding little  tactics and ideas once you break in hope you enjoy   i'm gonna jump ahead to move 13 like around  here okay like castles takes take stakes so   your first like instinct five seconds  of looking at this position uh   what's going on who's better and by how  much um well materially is tied but i guess white has both of their rooks available whereas  you've taken an extra bishop i as white i hate   that like my knight is pinned right here  because if i could move that i could uh   i could double up with some power in the f file  uh which seems like a decent way to get some   attacking going i mean i would say to me it looks  like white has an advantage right now to some   extent it at least in the midterm just because of  the they're more developed but i mean obviously   black has like complete control of the center so  i guess that's my evaluation yeah so so if we take   like the four just try to follow like the the  formula the first thing you said material equal   cool king safety uh probably black's king is  weaker okay right you've got like this i mean i   know you said there's this pin but imagine a world  where you move now you have this and the knight   can move and you'll you'll get a big attack so uh  white here is white is actually completely winning   okay and that's because white has a jump white can  get a jump on black now in the game my opponent   played king h1 because he actually agreed with  you that's what i was thinking yeah yeah which   for better or worse in this particular case the  two of you agreeing like king h1 it's a little   slow so in terms of being directly hostile  and aggressive what is white's most hostile   aggressive move most threatening move  that i can play uh well bishop to h7   aha because you want to play here and  here but you want to play bishop takes h7   king takes h7 and then this yeah that'd be cool  something like this so you win a pawn in this way   but losing the losing one of your most  powerful attacking pieces uh is is a little   bit you don't want that okay fair enough yeah  so rather than doing that and i'll tell you why   because this gives black time and then after  the queen is hit uh black will also go here okay yeah that makes sense so now white's got  like no activity because you're never moving your   knight forward because i've activated my bishop  i'm going to put my bishop here guard my pawn   so bishop h7 is an idea but okay i mean same  line of thought oh then like queen to h5   yes yes exactly queen two because you're  threatening you're threatening mate so   they have to respond or if not mate at least a  nasty attack yes so for example if g6 i mean you   can already even consider sacrificing yeah  because this this this if the king goes to   h8 for example you have a very cool little  trick uh you can play like for example check   so if the king goes to g7 check and now two  pieces i'm sorry sorry you're winning two pawns   and you're winning the bishop rather than last  example where you would have just been winning one   but yeah of course queen h5 just in general like  queen h5 and then in the game my opponent did this   knight c6 but now you still have queen h5 right  yeah my opponent went here because that was very   much their plan so it's actually funny this  position is plus eight really despite being   equal yeah on material that's fine this move is  crushing and this position is zero zero zero oh   wow yeah so this is when the computer afterward  would would not even show you a suggestion it   would just say like you know you're an idiot yeah  just all yeah i mean literally so queen e7 now   i'm trying to stabilize here i mean the threat of  of knight g4 was to do what it was to play check   here and make me yeah which you're probably not  gonna it's easy enough to not get sucked into that   i guess right cause you just play you know queen  e7 but now my opponent brings the next rook so   they've basically done what they think is the best  they've mobilized every single one of their pieces   now bishop d7 uh and here a really cool  move bishop v1 oh okay so what's the point um i i would think that well like just to be honest  i don't really recognize the point to begin with   but i would think that maybe they would try to  get the queen on the same diagonal to thread   in the same mate as earlier yeah like queen to  d3 okay so you absolutely understand the point   okay then fair enough all right uh yeah it's  it's to put the queen here now you know we've   given black time so black consolidated which  is kind of like one of the biggest lessons of   this position is the fact that we didn't have  enough time to play moves like king h1 yeah   and then you know black gets knight c6 this is  defended black gets queen two good square black   is fine so time in this game was super important  another idea is what my opponent does here a3 to   try to maybe go here and take this pawn since i  can't you know however bishop e8 to play and win   i actually thought i was a genius here because i  was like i'm gonna go here and trade this bishop   i'm so smart why to play and win yes what is  the most aggressive move that you can think of   that also happens to i don't know the most  aggressive move i could think of is uh queen to   f8 but okay uh well what's not what's not allowing  queen f8 well the queen would capture you and then   you know you would then get captured with the  rook and then they would capture your rook so   you lose a rook so this is stopping you from  doing that yeah so you should play what about um what about rook takes e6 exactly exactly that's  exactly right rook takes c6 and the whole house   collapses so the bishop on d7 stops rookie six  which i i didn't even see when i prepared this   game period i like went through it and i was  like oh my god like i can't believe i didn't   i had missed this during the game it's just and  i mean so did my opponent like my opponent just   blitzed out this move and then we went like this  and the game proceeded but even here queen d3   is a good move forcing me to go king h7 uh and  still my opponent has some hope of attacking me   but the hope has to rest in the move rook  f4 which attacks the bishop threatens to   take it because you would get two pieces  yeah and then for example if bishop b6   this rook can get a friend and where are they  going uh to f7 yes and uh once you get to f7   you're also going to put something on f6 because  that can't take right yeah and then you're gonna   hit this together so fighting for the open  file with the pieces another idea if you   see this what are you thinking with this pawn  kind of on g6 what what are you thinking to do take it right away uh no not right  away because you'll just get taken   um well i mean i guess you would  you would think about in some way pressuring it yeah like like  putting the knight on e5   at some point to put some more pressure on it  or you know say or maybe being able to put your   uh push your pawn to h4 yeah yep h4h5 exactly  i mean you want to go here but this is covering   yeah you dislodge it and then get knight to e5  and then put the rook here yeah exactly right   uh long story short this game kind of trails  off of the instructive path and becomes   ridiculous and i ended up making a comeback but  it's crazy because i was like you know it was   plus 10 for white so and it's essentially this is  just about time like you need to identify that you   don't have time to go king h1 and make moves that  just look like they're improving your position   rather than actually creating any sort of threats  i i think that's really instructive actually   because i oftentimes it does happen like i get  some kind of advantage uh and then i think like   i i think what's like a good move here instead  of what would be like a good objective or like   what would be a good plan like how can i keep  the like from the first two lessons that we have   the advice of like always trying to find uh like  forcing moves and high pressure moves that force   your opponent to respond have been uh like that's  been really really helpful so i i think an extra   eye for this is going to work well for me in the  future as well yeah it's just basically not not   getting lazy but also this is like and and i don't  i i didn't mean that in like a you're lazy uh   but i think we're all just a little bit like  i'm gonna go here and then here and then here   easy boom yeah uh rather than okay i gotta get out  before my opponent consolidates everything uh okay   good start here's the next one i'm going to invite  you okay i'm going to do five of these today   already between the smaller board and a little  instruction i feel like i'm getting my mojo back   well we're gonna well we're gonna play viewers  as well so oh okay this is the position um and   you have white okay so i'm gonna go here okay  yeah uh you have white so create an attack okay uh queen to e4 okay good start forcing me to do  something yeah so the thing about attacking chess   is that and again in in these games there's  a balance like is it your pawns is it your   pieces you're going to attack with um when you  play attacking chess it's not it doesn't always   have to end in mate it can end with you know me  weakening my structure uh and you can maximize   how good your position is by making me make  moves like this so queen e4 is good uh f4 g4   are all pretty good options here okay knight f4  is a good option yeah knight f4 is what i was   thinking of yeah knight f4 looks very very natural  because you have pressure here pressure here um okay what if i play bishop d7 i just want to get developed um i still might consider like uh  knight takes g6 okay calculate that   like uh explain why well no i mean just well tell  me what's gonna happen that's all okay well then   you know i'll take and uh then they'll take  with the pawn or black will take with the pawn   i'll take the pawn with the  queen check um it might lead to queen to g7 as your protection i mean  i guess it almost certainly would um and then i guess that's where it gets a  little like it fizzles a little because   i don't really want to trade queens  having the the attacking advantage so   i don't know i would probably just play maybe like  queen to h5 is what i'm visualizing at least but   oh you mean yeah and that i was  like now that would be oh yeah   that'd be really impressive uh yeah exactly so  like and basically you would look at that and   you'd go ah i don't really like that so maybe it  doesn't do enough yeah which is actually a concept   i get asked a lot like when do you sacrifice  versus when do you not i mean this is a perfect   example of you don't have a follow-up uh but you  know what i like i was what about uh knight to h5   so knight to h5 works if they take you yeah  it's more of a like a 1200 trap or something   well yeah uh i mean that h5 the thing is you  gotta ask like again what's next so okay what   it it's there but yeah i mean i i you would maybe  i guess try to create an outpost that f6 but   even that doesn't really accomplish much  beyond just giving a check i suppose yeah   like you go okay i'm gonna go uh you know here  here and put my knight here yeah but the second   you go here i can take your knight now because  there's no oh yeah that's true yeah there's no   i mean what's funny is that moving here the  computer wants to completely throw away the attack   and just take the pawn yeah take the hanging  pawn on b7 exactly which is which is again   a balance that you strike in a position where  you're creating threats you gotta also realize   that sometimes you can't just get tunnel vision  like a it's a pawn and it could be a second pawn   and you're just up two puns and that's good  uh rookie three is another good option always   a good option and the point is that you know  you rook lift yeah and you start bringing this   so if black starts to fight back like with f5 the  position can fall apart really quickly because now   both of these things don't have a guard uh you  can take but you can also just like slide forward   and who's guarding this like let's say king h7  for example this is now the instructive moment i   wanted to show i basically like prepared yeah like  rook g3 looks good yeah but now we're gonna start   incorporating the balance of pieces and pawns so  a pawn move here like will kill black's defenses g4 yeah and you say well so what they're not  gonna take me yeah but what are they gonna play what are they gonna play actually  yeah let me ask that to you   what is the what do you think  the best move here for black is   just you're being attacked what should you do  um i just flipped the board for a second here   sure if possible you like you want to create a  threat that they have to respond to and instead of   dealing with the situation on their terms as they  presented it i guess so um best move for black so that's one way to combat an attack but the  second attack is the second attack the second   way to combat it is uh trade your opponent's most  powerful pieces oh so maybe you'd play queen to   f6 then queen f6 exactly like this move is the  first one that i'm drawn to of course like i   keep saying there there are pawns over there  that we can take but uh and we will actually   i would be i wouldn't be surprised if uh well  yeah or or for example something like this which   would lead to a transformation of the position  where we're no longer attacking but we have   activity and we're up one yeah we are up upon  it's just really hard to tell because this is four   and that's three we have the double pawn but we're  up we're pressuring this we can go check in the   future and take everybody and it's like pieces  throwing in the pawn to you know dislodge things   at a good moment and if you can simplify  from being attacking to up two pawns then   you should it's probably fine yeah yeah exactly  like uh but again it's it's it's thinking like   okay in the game my opponent played queen f6 and i  just took i was like okay great and then they went   here and i took that too so uh it was a very weird  game but again it's the opposite side castling and   yeah it's a combination notice how like i didn't  go back to b3 i went back to d3 because i wanted   to line up to the king yeah and then the plan was  like this push the pawns bring the knight rook   lift at a good moment all these kinds of things a  lot easier when it's when it's opposite sides um   okay next one uh speedrun these and then we can  yeah yeah no it's good play some i like hand and   brain unless you you you had some other ideas i i  think that's good uh it's it's high pressure for   me which i think i play up to that level so we're  gonna jump i i well we will see we'll see i think   last time we had we had a good time yeah i thought  so too so this is the position um i guess you   wait a second if i trying to find a  way like you have the moves on the   screen and i'm just trying to find a way if  i can like hide them oh i'm not looking i i   see them and i know i could read them but it would  take too much mental effort yeah i'm just like   full training experience like normally you can  hide it but i i can't so i just have to rely on   please don't so knight b5 queen c8  how does white create an attack here okay it's another game played one of the few games  in the past two weeks that i've won a much more   complicated position for sure more closed  yeah nobody's lost any material either   astonishing considering i'm playing but um i mean one of the things  i guess i would look for is like queen to h3 with the  with the hope in the future to   find a way to i mean obviously they're they're not  going to just let you mate in all likelihood but   to try to find a way to pressure the knight out of  there mm-hmm queen h3 is a yeah queen is a great   move uh i see some questions about like knight  takes knight uh and then trying to take on f6 but   the thing is at the end of all  that you've given away two pieces   like you don't have enough you need to be  absolutely ready to create a final strike   before you chop off all the pieces because now  your rook's hanging and you can get one move to   threaten mate and then i go here you go damn  he saw it yeah ah all right well i gotta move   my rook now and now black is just much better  because black is two pawns up sorry sorry uh   as the two bishops i don't know why i said two  pawns up yeah basically two pawns up computer   is apparently saying that c4 wins for black and  is minus 2.5 so um why is that uh it's because your pawns fall apart oh yeah but okay  i mean uh you're right though queen h3   great move okay so you transfer the queen to  h3 uh have pressure on h7 opponent goes g6   blocking your bishop uh you see g6 what is  the most natural continuation to this move   i don't know well what strikes your  fancy what looks like um well i mean g4 yeah chief okay that's great like  to me the first most logical move   in the game when i was playing was g4 of  course g4 g5 uh i think g4 is bad because   yeah exactly like if you even i mean computer's  funny computer wants a move on the other side   of the board it's basically just not afraid  it's not really a bad sign yeah is it is it is   it this yeah it's basically the fact that the  knight can just stand in the way of the queen   like and okay you can play this which threatens  mate actually that's mate because you're bishop but it's interesting black just plays here  and your bishops out of the game of course   it's still a very complicated position but at my  level that would be a win yeah no i think exactly   when i say g4 g5 is not supported by the computer  i don't care like that's a great it's great   that that comes naturally too people were also  during the game saying well g6 weakens this so   you should go here and yeah maybe i should have  i didn't during the game i didn't just want to   camp my queen there because i just thought  black would be in time somehow but queen   h6 is actually a really good move uh yeah that's  interesting i was worried about this for example   and then just here okay yeah but apparently again  according to machine i can just shred it all open   and even sacrifice my queen oh really the computer  likes it yeah computer thinks this is winning for   white which again in a blitz game is not practical  i mean you you just see that you're gonna you   know you you see rookie a bishop f8 they're just  gonna kick my queen out and if you don't see f5   you literally have no advantage computers two  moves here are f5 and queen back right or you know   or pier here and then queen back so but i like g4  very good uh another idea remember the rook lift   okay yeah yeah so i played rook f3 with the  intention to yeah maybe play g4 and maybe   play rook g3 just to hit this because  at some point you will have sacrifices   and that's the that's the whole point of the rook  lift is like you're at some point you're going to   sacrifice one or two pieces in order to break up  the king's side and then having the rook there   can lead to like a a checkmate basically  yes exactly okay exactly um because you you need more firepower is essentially the  thing and the rook isn't doing anything on f1   and by having it on g3 hitting g6 you have a  new piece you just have a the thing is on f1   you're looking at can i break through here with  my pawn that's what my rook is supporting that's   why g4 is so good because you have g5 and f5 as  well um so you you just transfer the rook over   now the opponent goes d4 and we're not interested  in yeah we don't care right yeah so we leave this   all right so yeah we do care i guess uh if  yeah well i mean if you if you took you'd   you'd go down the rook which is unpleasant but  it's it's actually not even like horrible but   yeah of course just root g3 knight e5 fe 5 and  knight comes to e4 okay is this a good trade and if not then what's the alternative yeah  um i so my initial hunch as someone who's   uh taken tests is that as soon as you say if not  what's the alternative um that i i'm thinking   that the answer is not but my initial hunch is  that it's actually i mean i i guess it's kind of   not a great trade for the obvious reason  of of being a bishop for a knight but then   i do also kind of feel like the white pieces  are kind of closed in on the black king's side   but maybe having this bishop available  like maybe maybe the fact that the pawns   are placed on the white squares is actually good  because it means this bishop can can sacrifice   for them for an attack so i i mean if there's  a different way to get that knight out of there   because uh right now the bishop is essentially  doing nothing um then it might be worth it but   otherwise i don't know i kind of i would  probably take honestly yeah i in the in   the game i took now don't worry i'm not trying  to set you traps i honestly just no yeah i know   you only have one other move if it's not take  it's here you can't go here because you get forked right so rook f3 knight and you might think oh  they're gonna just get this if i go here but no   no they're you know that's why you have to go rook  g4 uh which is funny at first the the computer's   just like of course take and it's not even close  but when i let it think for a little bit while you   were explaining your thought process it actually  saw them evenly it likes rook g4 and also likes   uh not it also likes taking right away i took  right away my logic was that my bishop has kind   of served its duty to my to my position uh and  the bishop as you said is not gonna really have   a role here because in reality we're going for  h7 and the bishop is never going to defend h7   because the the only way that can happen is  if this goes here and that's even weaker now   so we're really happy plus actually yeah now  that i like the visualization i didn't really   see before but now i'm also like i feel like  white has a lot of pressure that they can put on   by moving the queen up on the the h file yep you  know threatening rook to h3 exactly yeah queen   h6 and rook h3 it's like how do you stop that  i thought i was just completely winning here   uh so i played queen h6 my logic was i'm going to  go here um and opponent in this position played a6   attacking attacking my knight and you  said h3 well what's funny is that that   would have made a lot of sense oh no it's  it's actually it's it's the best move   uh but i was trying to be uber fancy  here oh okay and i i thought i was really   clever because i was just going to you know  equal danger my opponent and hit the bishop so the point is that if take take you just  can't stop this at all yeah because the only   thing that can stop it right now is like g5  right exactly yeah it was g5 and i had options   i could have played um i could have played  knight d6 i could have played rook h3 um   please if anyone is ever considering playing  knight a3 it's time to pick up checkers   um i mean you gotta like you gotta go and and get  this trade because you remove another defender   and you're attacking so um but i i again  the concept of a danger level right which   i was i made a video about this on youtube and the  top comment there well i pinned it was uh accusing   me of plagiarism because they're saying i didn't  invent this concept so therefore i shouldn't have   made a video about it i was like yeah so doesn't  this doesn't this kind of suck for you nello like   what if they just go to f f5 right so if they go  to f5 what do you do it doesn't suck that's a good   point you got to go to you just go to e4 yeah it's  exactly fair enough yeah yeah yeah all right so   this was my logic in the game i was like if if  d3 you know bishop f5 e4 and i win and i'm right   like this this whole thing was correct and if they  take my knight i take the bishop and we win they   they like this is what i was thinking they just  can't stop my attack yeah there's nothing that   they can do um but what's funny is that there's  a constant defensive resource in this position   uh and it's it's this is really interesting so de4  right and if the plan is this and this yeah how   does black defend i can defend which i completely  didn't see in the game so it's it's black to move   here yeah and you just gotta make sure that  you meet this move with the defense yeah um you could flip it too by the way well yeah  yeah i was going to say that's what i think   is uh it would be moving to f6 yeah and then  pushing the rook up yeah because okay people   saying king h8 but you literally walk into your  own death and i i don't know why we're saying kh8   you got yeah you gotta fight back a little bit  and sometimes when you're under attack on the   king side like this they can move a pawn up and  that changes everything because then they can   defend yeah which is interesting because  look at this if i start with the mate threat   look at that that's my real threat right now  because they don't have the time to do this yeah   and if g5 now i take the bishop's gun mate is  unstoppable so i thought i was like big brain   uh it turns out i'm a medium brain because when  i play d3 black now apparently can play f6 just   giving this away but preparing rook f7 but  my opponent was so busy reacting to this that   the game did end with e4 okay ef5  opponent just resigned because   what are you gonna do i mean the  only way you you you survive rook h3   now by the way you see the difference with  f6 i have a pawn here so now i'm just gonna   yeah okay it's it's done you're threatening mate  again there yeah oh yeah no that makes sense yeah   they came of the rook to f7 anymore right i mean  my my my casualty in all of this was was my bishop   and my rook i i won this game with two pieces it's  very impressive uh but no i mean the the most you   know instructive moment here it's a combination  between peace and pawn play and i said you know   what you said slide the queen over i like that you  said g4 so now you'll be constantly on the lookout   for g4 f5 g5 planting the queen and then the rook  lift and it was just a combination of all of these   ideas ultimately and you shouldn't be worried  about moves like pawn takes even though they   block your own bishop as long as they can remove  the knight from the defense okay and if this bonus pop quiz okay if they do knight to h5 you just i don't know why i was overthinking you  just take the knight yeah been benefit of having   the rook there benefit yeah yeah is is this so you  have queen h5 what makes this position so powerful   so for example if like knight d7 attacking this  what makes this position so powerful for white   have have you have i ever said the my like  attacking rule of plus two no okay so again   it's this thing that i totally invented and has  never been known to mankind before me of course   yeah it's your attack will be a lot more vicious  if you have at least two more attacking pieces   than they have defenders okay in this case you  have how many attacking pieces three maybe four   they have no defenders the pawns don't count  yeah it's like it's kind of rude to the pawns   but that's i mean listen we're uh heightest they  need to be taller and then uh so like but but the   pawns are basically sitting ducks like we're  just waiting to chip away at all the pawns   but no knights no bishops and we can just  there's all sorts of sacrifices looming plus   like i said at the end of the day if you  want to take a pawn for your troubles then   you'll be happy so he takes d4 and  you're very you're pleased so uh   let's do one more okay back  this up and let me invite you okay so you probably have it around like here   yeah perfect okay uh you have it from black's  perspective if you don't uh i'll flip it yeah okay   also i don't know why my name has been in lower  case i don't know what's going on on but   they they nerfed my name i'm very sorry about that  well you know maybe they they heard what you said   about the pawns and then they said let's see how  he likes it uh if all the letters are are short   i think i've just been making fun of the guy  who runs the social media account um all right   you're playing with the black pieces here yeah  how do you begin some sort of attack feel like   attacking oh on the on the white king i was  the first thing i was going to say is that i   feel like the king side kind of uh it seems kind  of impregnable i i i like the look of like the   the bnc pawns more but i'm i'm open to  your your expertise oh no no we uh we're   opposite side castling so my rule for you is  nine games out of ten where you've castled   on the opposite side of your opponent uh  you should uh start some sort of attack   okay so in that case um feel like we want our  bishop to get access to the diagonal before their   bishop gets access to it okay which would require  moving the night yeah long term where should it go uh like g4 i think if we're doing an attack  on the kings side g4 yeah yeah yeah yeah so   well in that case i mean the easiest way to get  the knight to g4 is probably pawn to e5 first   oh you want to open the position yeah well i guess   now that i think about that kind of sucks a little  bit as well because they can move their rook over   to d1 and in one move were kind of placed on the  back foot ah that is exactly why if you want to   start an attack you should not open the center  with trades because also the queen now patrols   okay yeah makes sense comes in yeah so you're  gonna have to it's gonna have to maneuver   so what's what's what's the move then  if we want to get the knight to g4 certainly a trip um well i mean it doesn't have  to be like to g4 i just mean to the king side well you would do the e7 then yeah knight e7 is a  central idea to this position like okay like this   will happen it's not what i played right now but  i i played it shortly but i love the fact that in   all this you said we have to win the fight for the  diagonal my god what a cultured man at one point   i knew what i was talking about in this game oh my  god he said we gotta win the you were the first 15   1600 in the history of mankind to say that i i've  yeah that's a really nice move trust me when i if   you look at some of my recent games i'm the first  15 or 1600 to make a lot of moves that i recently   listen we're not going to look at those  games we're going to look at you know   when you said knight to e7 okay but i want you to  go caveman mode first okay when i say caveman mode um so just h5 yes okay let them know you're here   because now their knight can't really ever go to  attack you anymore sorry gm arrow drawer because   the h4 is coming and you might play this you might  not you you know if you if you play it uh like   knight takes you might not sacrifice you just open  your rook it's a lot easier to lose your pawns   on opposite side castling because you just put  your rooks so opponent goes h4 which makes what weaker um yeah i don't know those two squares okay all right so  like g4 has a little bit of a target   and then this has a little bit of you know the  pawn has two guards okay yeah now the pawns   moved up uh ruchi8 nothing unnatural right rook  d1 all right your plan knight e7 97 and opponent   goes c4 so the idea of c4 is to do what um well  if they play c5 if we take with the b pawn it i   mean obviously there's a threat on the queen but  if we take with the b pawn it totally opens up our   where our king is yeah and for that reason  i was like nah i'm gonna play c5 you're not   gonna do this to me i call the shots around  here uh but if we wanna start an attack   we have to keep the position closed yeah and  if i had just kept up with my plan here with   knight f5 now you see i have a sacrifice  looming because i'm gonna get the you   know the queen and the rook there together  and the bishop from a distance pressuring   imagine a position where white is you know just  i'll i'll do an arrow i'll draw nothing like for   example something like this yeah that looks pretty  good it's over game is over because this and this   whole thing collapses sacrifice at the right  moment two two pieces on the g file uh and if   c5 i i mean i can take it i can also just not  take it like that's the thing that i completely   didn't like completely underestimated i can i can  run my queen into the same diagonal because my   opponent doesn't have a knight move that defends  the bishop if they go here i just take and i win right so queen takes and   the game is over so with that in mind i  played c5 because i don't follow my own rules   and then after this this this this see this is  the issue i kind of let my opponent simplify   but queen c2 and now knight f5  so what's the threat of knight f5 uh you they can't capture on g3 if you take it   perfect yes i want to go here it's also not  easy to defend this for example if king h2 you have you know maybe bringing  the rook over you also have this   go here yeah no that looks pretty good to me ig4  rook g8 maybe pushing the pawns in the center   uh again computers trying to claim that white  is fine here but playing this practically just   looks like a nightmare uh and while my opponent  just immediately oh yeah it's not so good so   blunder uh i went back here here and  i i just went back because i wasn't   worried about this and now this is on the  way so rookie two rook g8 finish the job   okay um bishop takes f3 knight to  d4 okay then i i'll play rook e3 hold that can we play it out like like i can't  visualize it right now so i was gonna do like that   you would reply like that that that okay   actually i feel like that kind of is not  that good i feel like that kind of sucks   well what's your most forcing move you said  bishop takes f3 do you have anything else are your arrows not popping up for me i think  that might be the case yeah do you see this i   do i see yours yeah are you drawing uh what if  we did like that oh you see it yes now i see it   alright well there you go oh okay instead  what have you just played knight to   d4 you yes you also have knight to d4 but  you also have something even better this   it's forcing but but it seems bad oh  no no okay now because then they take   you take uh-huh and then you fork them there yeah  and this end game is winning for you because it's   winning for you like yeah you have yeah you have  the extra you have the extra pawn and it you'll   win it but you also have the very cool move  knight takes h4 check oh yeah that's good too   so probably better actually yeah this one is  actually technically better because knight bishop   and pawn for the rook is actually knight  bishop and two pawns for the rook just win so   and this is this is this is just winning um  and rook takes g2 yeah i mean it's this game   again is like a it seems like black didn't do  anything special in fact apparently this move c5   you know like wasn't even good like black should  just continue with the plan like knight takes g3   getting the the queen in the rook and one  more thing i wanted to show you after c4   uh computer was suggesting to just  sack the rook which is so funny   um that's like the  mathematically strongest move yes and the point is that after f takes g3 queen  takes g3 despite being a full rook down there's nothing white can do like the plan  for black first of all you're threatening this and second of all you're threatening this and  black like black's attack is just too fast even   though you're a full rook down so for instance  rook d3 actually loses uh because you can take   and take oh yeah and you also just go like rook  g8 here and here it's insane like full rook down   but black has full compensation like insane  like uh but who's gonna play rook takes g3   ever so i would be suspicious let me put it that  way yeah yeah if you're playing a game and someone   does that against you sus to say the least uh and  that that's that i mean that's putting it nicely   uh but i mean again the queen's not in the game  you know the queen went out to a4 to hit a7   and uh okay it's it it's been completely  neutralized but black meanwhile is   transferring the knight over and playing here with  a combination of pawn weakening the structure with   the pawn and then there you go so trying to  create some some attacking possibilities uh i that that actually was about like perfectly  paced i was hoping it would be like 40 minutes   that ended up being like 45. uh i have one more  yeah let's do it if you want to i i wasn't gonna   do this one i was i was debating this is from  an over-the-board game that i played so this   is from a few years back and i have the black  pieces here against a 2700 gm did you so you   had to manually add this game into is  that the i did i did yeah just for this lesson   did you really okay yeah that's thank you  i'm flattered yeah i mean it says mr gotham   so you can look at it from black's perspective  okay uh this was november 2016. i think it was   the seventh round and i think i was uh in dallas  texas and i was playing grandmaster andres tukopin   so uh he uh the opening not insanely important  but you'll notice actually we have the same   exact pawn structure as the last game yeah  so you're probably gonna cancel queenside   i think it's fair to say yes exactly or not  castle at all and so now you know i see as   i start doing some things with my pawns here i  got the queen b4 someone pointed out that was   that was an interesting month yeah actually that  was an interesting month um okay so right now   opponent goes g4 trying to break up my structure  and go bishop g2 what's worth more than a pawn everything else that is a that that's  right i would hate teaching you kid version   um in this position how do we create  a threat worth more than a pawn um b4 nice yes pawn storm beautiful  knight e2 all right now uh this one's this one's a little bit harder  but i'm i'm gonna give this one to you c5   okay why because if g takes f5 what is the best  move for black here because you just opened this   and this is defending it so what do you want  to play here given you just pushed your c pawn   that's kind of c4 yes and you see what you're  doing you're like this is really good for black   and now black has to go here and you know  what the coolest thing about this move is   the queen now sees the f pawn so white has  to keep the knight guarded and relinquished   defense of this so queen f5 and now this  yeah this was back when i had a big brain   my peak year of chess c4 was my idea and my  opponent played knight to f4 okay now again   in this position i can play c4 and i did  because that was my idea opponent goes here and   i i guess i i will just say when when the queen  moves here what's the threat it's actually that's   nothing to do with the queen white is threatening  something else bishop takes c4 yeah so how do   you defend that and add more pieces rook to  c8 rook to c8 is good there's one more way and add more pieces to the party knight to to b6  beautiful knight b6 imagine if this night was not   here and we would get to go here oh that'd be so  nice like it feels good no at some point you're   like i'm gonna go here and then here and then i'm  gonna mate and it's gonna feel so good you know   like knight b6 so opponent goes rook g1 unpinning  okay yeah that's what that that's all about now   this is this game is kind of like  it's it's why i didn't uh i was like   hesitant about showing it because the  next few moves are a little bit wonky   but they're the best that's why i'm like kind  of proud of this game so now you go bishop e4   which when i play it it it begins to make sense  what what is the idea of bishop to e4 threatening   c2 yeah literally by the way like even though it's  protected you're threatening to sacrifice and just   kill like b3 c3 oh everything so opponent went  back and i think just literally missed how strong   this sacrifice is and um what's interesting is  that queen takes a2 immediately allows rook b1   so i played the in between check queen a4 and yeah so opponent has to go here if b3 take check you're  dead absolutely that rook is coming just like you   said earlier take rook is coming so king c1  and now rather than go here because it gives   my opponent like time to potentially maybe get  some pieces over here how do we shred it all open   using your uh well it's not  going to be pieces because   only the queen is out there  so yeah well i would think uh c3 yeah and it's really hard to identify  which of these two pawns because they actually   right like you probably can why did you decide  on this one yeah well i i mean in my head i kind   of played through uh i guess b3 and i was like  well if if you do b3 don't they just respond   a3 and then you're kind of like you're more  locked in there than than you were before   yeah so b3 what's one yeah cold-blooded bastard  wants to just take this pawn um a3 i think maybe   you can sacrifice okay yeah and in in a game you  know you go oh here here boom i'm so smart but   wait a second they couldn't just take and  you go oh somehow they're covering everything   now granted this was a 90 minute game so i had  some time to kind of work it out so i played c3   and i was really proud of myself i was like he's  gonna take uh i'm gonna take i'm gonna put my   rook here with my bishop take i'm gonna win i'm  gonna get my im title i'm gonna get my i'm gonna   be the grand master yes this game had i won it  would have i didn't win it spoiler but uh yeah   it would have uh it would have  clinched me my i am title back in   uh but opponent went here so what's the threat  the rook on h8 and what else uh well then the   rook on a a8 as well no not the rook on a  it's protected it is yeah no there's another   threat to this move besides this like white  has a move here like rook g8 loses the game look for oh bishop bishop to b5 yeah  look how disgusting this is right yeah   uh okay what is the only move in black's  position that prevents both of those things   from your rook from getting taken and the fork uh c takes b2 oh yeah i forgot you actually can  do that as well okay forget the c pawn can take   anything yeah okay you're right i honestly hand  to god i forgot that that could have happened   besides that it sucks really bad but your queen  side castle it doesn't suck really bad it's the   top engine move and it's the only winning move in  the game and you know what's the craziest thing   so first of all c takes b2 is is okay but the  problem is that like white literally just takes   and it looks like you have an attack but  you have no attack somehow you're just too   slow in this version because this is not what  you wanted and now this is still hanging so   but that's why i said and by the way  you can also you know even take a night   but it makes no difference because  you you can't defend yourself   um and you you don't want to castle king  side because you literally hang made in two   oops yeah it's pretty bad yeah it's a pawn takes  pawn mate and uh no long castles is the only move   and in the game i played queen takes a2 and it we  then i'll show you what happened but sometimes in   in attacking positions you have to be creative  and that that's like the the craziest thing here   is that all of this is guarded i'll tell you why i  didn't play this i thought this was too slow and i   thought my opponent would go here and it like  check this out i can go c2 okay rook d2 like   take take this is what i saw and i was like  where's my attack i thought i was attacking but i have like nothing here i mean of course  you know and engine gives whatever but i was   like calculating all these lines and i  realized that if i if i just take on a2   and i get checked i move my king i by  the way if i move the other way it's mate   yeah so i lose a rook and then we just repeated  moves here so i thought it was a bit stalemate   yeah it's going to be a draw i calculated  this far in my head that's what i saw   i'm winning i'm so smart look at me  i'm winning i'm threatening mate the   queen's hanging but what did i miss from this  position yes white to move and save the game and save the game knight takes e6 yes yes had some people in  chat reading reading the computer suggestions   like chat y'all saw it in two  seconds really i didn't see it like   for 15 minutes of thought 96 and here's the  funny thing so i'm down a lot of material here   uh yeah how much seven points of material  if i take opponent goes check i move my king and the opponent goes king c2 and runs away a  little weird yeah yeah a little bit weird and i'm   i mean i'm i'm losing i i don't i can't you know  the poi the problem is the queen and the king both   get away i had both of them hostage and now they  both get away uh and if i take with the knight   sorry i take the night with the queen uh  i'm this what is this yeah it's over yes   and last but not least the move that i played  in the game which was king b7 and i just said   oh look at me i'm so smart no checks now but  there is there's this yeah and if i take it the   opponent's not going to take back they're going  to run their king and i'm still down a full rook and there you go like all this happens and  the king just gets away i remember seeing this   and realizing that i could draw this game  and i was like oh thank god i mean and the   game just draws it's like the weirdest the  weirdest repetition ever i mean the knight   cannot be taken this king c2 king d3 idea is  ridiculous but it's a last resort sometimes   when you're king it's like a lot of this is  obviously like a a much higher level game in   terms of the attacking play because everything  is is less caveman like you're you're not   just chugging it's like very controlled  you know bishop goes out sacrifice the   in-between check the pawn breakthrough but  then also this this counter play idea you know   not just sitting back and getting steamrolled  but you know playing queen e5 and threatening   this like i mean you know i i right here i just  thought i was invincible i was like i'm gonna win   this this guy's trash like this is like this guy's  terrible and then queen e5 happened then i went   oh oh and that's where you sit there like  this for 40 minutes trying to puzzle it out   basically yeah that's what classical chess  is like you blunder an idea and you sit there   thinking all sorts of things why did i come  to this tournament um why am i playing chess   why am i not focusing more on school i should  really get a girlfriend because it was 2016. so   um so there was no lucy and i was just thinking  like all these you know existential thoughts   um and my opponent meanwhile was just going like  this and you know i was telling him that i thought   he could have played one of these positions for  a win somewhere here i don't remember i think   this was a draw but i i don't remember like maybe  he had a moment here he could have tried to play   oh here here he didn't have to take my rook  he actually could have just played king c2 and then like this and this and even if i get this   i'm just losing my position is really bad  even though material is completely equal   because i can't stop his attack and i remember  sitting at the game going oh my god i'm actually   going to lose this game and after the game i asked  him i was like why didn't you just play king c2   right away and he's like no you know i was just so  happy not to lose this game because i was sitting   you know for so long i thought i was just gonna  get killed but you know and he's like i saw the   repetition and i just like said screw it and  i drew the game yeah he had the same moment   he's like i gotta get a girlfriend why am i  not you know focusing on a more professional   life yeah probably he's like why am i losing  to this this dummy kid 20 year old goofball   you know uh but yeah i mean this this was kind  of like the culmination um so i think like for   the last part maybe we do a hand in brain you have  to go in 15 minutes is that the 18 minutes or so
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess, northernlion, northernlion gothamchess, northernlion chess, northernlion nlss, northernlion binding of isaac, intermediate chess lesson, chess lesson for beginners, how to analyze a chess game, chess game analysis, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, chess lessons for advanced, attacking chess, how to attack chess, how to attack in chess, attack in chess
Id: cLd5lykSv2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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