1. d4 ONLY Climb BEGINS | Part 1: 800+ London, Stonewall, Catalan

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hi everybody and welcome to part number one  of the rating climb series where i'm only   going to be playing d4 twitch once again say hi to  youtube youtube say hi to twitch i'm only going to   be playing d4 against subscribers and the time  format is three minutes with five second bonus   i'm going to be refunding all of these  players throughout the course of this climb   uh and we're gonna be playing a lot of different  stuff london queen's gambit maybe the cauli system   maybe the catalan stonewall attack and the first  person that we are up against is um decorah all   right here we go d4 now what do i play for a first  thing probably the london right i feel like that's now i personally like the london better  with bishop f4 rather than knight f3 okay now let's play um well giving me the full  center but let's play the let's play this e3 uh bishop d3 this is the generally a good setup  my opponent is playing like a queen's indian   style setup i'm gonna play knight to d2 this  is good now i'm gonna show you a type of london   where you don't castle you actually wait you wait  for your opponent to castle also i apologize in   advance because i am eating and eating is bad  disrespectful this is not a good move because   i play c3 what do you mean i'm respectful now  mr super sharp i'm always respectful now the   general rule of thumb in the london is that when  this trade happens you should rock back this way come on okay you go here because if  he takes you you take like this and   you open up your rook which is good now  i said we were not going to castle right   he has castle which means that we're going  to go for this we're going to do that   by mobilizing this way potentially building  up a giant attack on this side of the board   all right a lot of you might be thinking levy  what about the black climb what about the e4 climb   those exist too and if you don't know what  i'm talking about check out the playlist i   do this climb with a lot of different openings  don't take the whole point of this night being   here is that if they take you take and their  knight has to get out go play f4 do i play this   i like this a little bit more but f4  is also very good i'll play queen f3   because i i don't want him to put his  knight in the center so i'd control that   so i'm gonna go here three gift is  on the way also yes livy and rose that pasta made me crack up we're stuck in chat   oh no he blunders that's the whole  point now you just get forked no you guys are too funny he's  not supposed to blunder this   so this this is actually going to be an  easy win because he just he blunders a piece now this is always useful to  undermine the king's safety   again to london where we don't castle  we just bring the queen out like this   how to fight the london watch the watch  the climb with the black pieces okay can i castle can i play e form yes for sure but i'm looking to create something on this side  of the board this doesn't really scare me   this doesn't scare me either because even though   the bishop opens to the queen  queen also opens to the bishop right easy enough now bishop to g5 okay i'm still  gonna keep pushing i'm actually   very happy to give away this pawn  cause then it just opens up my rook   in a stunning turn of events it's  actually me giving away material what did that say hey hey youtube do i find  love in the future okay let's sacrifice let's let's sacrifice what is he  thinking it's free it's free   i want to go here also should castle  now we've damaged the structure and   this opens up his king a lot the bishop  is going to come in this way and cut out oh spicy bob thank you for  the prime guys let's focus   let's focus let's have a good  instructive wholesome stream i didn't go here right away  because queen can come and it's uh that was weird um well i was trying to have a nice and  instructive game but that stopped being nice   and instructive very quickly now the fastest way  to win here is this and it's unstoppable checkmate but this london where you played aggressively with  knight and queen and then try to rotate the queen   out this way obviously black should not take  on e5 with the with with the way he did uh here   would have been better for him to continue his  development now for white to develop an attack   white needs to attack like this or pop the bishop  back out here and play g4 uh g4 g5 h4 h5 etc or   long castle bishop h4 g4 g5 now he played a setup  where he has good control of the center which is   one of the reasons i played queen f3 otherwise  i almost always will go for a stonewall setup   like this speaking of the stonewall jlpo  who's next is about to get stonewalled like kali i will but kali is boring i  want to show you guys how to attack people   d4 d5 e3 here we go london except the bishop  stays back ah so if he's threatening to play e5   he's threatening to play e5 you need to go f4  immediately because if you just play bishop to d3   e5 happens play like this and then you play  like this castle so knight c6 is not great whoa uh that's never a good move and i'm going  to show you why in a second here's why something that so many beginners make the  mistake of he's trying to play e5 and fight   me back in the center but he's gonna have  some serious problems defending his king here a lot of beginners who play the stonewall and  just in general queen's pawn positions they don't   remember that that exists and and often  times in chess if you let your opponent   get away with something that shouldn't be  happening uh then they're just gonna have   a better position that's how chess works let  me um i'll take this one time all right and   so again like now for example look if i take  then goes here so how do you start the queue i don't know what that means he takes now queen h5 and now we will  see the entire point this is that if g6   bishop takes how do you get in the queue ah well  we queue up at random when we begin the climb   you've got to be in the discord and you have to be  in the channel youtubers i play twitch subscribers   so you do actually have to be a sub on twitch plus  five bucks and this is how i reward people who   give money on a on a monthly basis to the channel  consider subbing okay now i can take this that is   free because the queen is protecting of course  black is already basically losing because all   the pawns near the king are gone and the king is  actually more advanced than any other piece now   what black should do here is play this move  that's what he should do you send the challenge   uh no i did just explain mojo chicken  and waffles uh no you don't send the   challenge i just explained that we have a line  of people who sign up to play and that's it and now i could have taken taking is completely  reasonable but i didn't like that his queen   could come get active start looking to take so i'm  just developing because the faster that i develop   some of you might be wondering why i didn't  give a check it's because i'm not actually   winning this queen if i was winning this queen i  would and i don't have any check like this so i'm   just going to develop it goes here take with the  pawn and now i have this bishop joining the attack   bishop to g5 and we see this we see we see a  position where very quickly if the opponent   weakens their king with f6 we can punish  with queen h5 and we're winning a queen so um   we we didn't we were not winning this viciously  when we had um when we had the black pieces oh   my goodness we are taking every piece  at this point it's just about clean up okay c3 actually c3 yeah oh no my bishop um how do i bait this well it is pretty instructive of how to win this  as fast as possible okay so let's just castle   at keyboard relax relax it's funny like the first  time but then we gotta then we gotta chill out   all right so that's just the free bishop   okay that's just the free bishop now y'all  might be wondering why i'm not taking any pieces   i just okay that's still a free bishop  okay good we did it finally it worked   how many subs do i need i don't  know for what existing ten thousand okay gg now don't play f6 just don't do  this and another piece of advice don't   play knight c6 in queens pawn positions for  the most part try to play c5 and then knight   c6 and then your pawn and your knight together  will pressure what he should do when in doubt   get these guys out in castle don't play knight  c6 don't play f65 f65 will weaken your king far   too much and it's not it's not going to work  your positioning is just going to be very   very weak and you can blunder very quickly  and that's exactly what happened all right   let's go d4 is this another guy okay game aborted  fantastic interesting game let's try that again d4 amex thank you for the prime all right d4 knight f6 um let's go for a catalan with  knight f3 g3 bishop g2 c4 this is going to   be a longer game king julio thank you for  the prime and we have a little hype train like i said this is the entire  point of this system very solid   non-confrontational system you  fianchetto and you cast out your king   you buy my courses youtube link in the  description twitch live chat there you go this is this is not quite the delayed catalan  okay now c4 say levy that's just the free pawn   what are you doing long term and watch my video  on the catalan people if you haven't already   okay so this is a little bit too much uh and i can  already start to take advantage i can play like b3   and bishop a3 and he's not going to be able to  castle but the thing is about this is that i'll   win that back very easily and it opens up the  diagonal for my bishop and it surrenders the   center this is the whole point of the catalan you  could try the catalina if you're a solid player   and you try to play e4 at some point in the  future so something like queen d3 or queen c2   rookie one and e4 i'll play rookie one this is  not quite the most precise but it is um the e4   and i just want to show you guys like how to how  to go for the next step once you get this trade   uh this bishop is very stuck in the catalan this  knight is a little bit stuck he played kind of a   fiance he's just sort of i mean he's not playing  any specific opening but he's playing very solidly that attacks me what if i just push what if i  just push this going to go for space here not   trading a lot a lot of beginners they just trade  because they just want to simplify the position   no let's go for a space advantage  and he immediately blunders he blunders because now his knight is  going to be stuck on the edge of the board all right now i can't actually trap his  knife because knight will just come back   but we gotta think what's next no night a5 his knight was safe okay what's next  i'm going to go for this bishop and go for an   attack on his king so i'm going to play bishop to  g5 actually bishop g5 would invite this move so   i'm going to play bishop f4 and here and here and  if you watched some of the king's indian climb you   know that this is a very useful plan especially  when the bishop is the only protector of the king now we do this and again the lack of  space for black here is huge it's huge okay this is always the plan there is title  tuesday today of course i don't know when   when someone on youtube is watching maybe not  but title tuesday does begin in 75 minutes i believe okay but now look seven of his pawns  are on light squares and he's traded off his   dark squared bishop this is his only dark  square pawn his light square bishop hasn't   moved i'm basically threatening to win the game  immediately that's a good move because i can't   play knight g5 now but i'll take because this  opens up my rook which is not bad for me okay hey um not winning but very close good knight to  g5 there actually is no threat but now he should   get my queen out of here with something like  knight g8 or knight g4 actually knight g4 looks   very scary because it attacks my queen and the  rook and the knight are both hitting the f2 pawn he for definitely considerable something like queen e7 no the queen attacks  the knight but it used to guard something no the queen used to protect the rook   very important skill to remember continuity  the queen is guarding the rook and now it's   over because knight has to block and  knight f7 is a smothered checkmate so if you want to try the catalan this is how  you can play it with this quick e4 push and   try to take as much space as you can now here if  he had played knight a5 i would have played for   the same plan his knight his just pieces are so  stuck here so you play queen d2 and try to go for   something like this or something with h4 h5 and  yes if anybody is curious before angry youtubers   comment that knight to g4 was a blunder  correct that was me testing for a stream snipe so yes we have superman stew in the chat and he's saying that uh the catalan's almost impossible  to win against yeah especially for title   players i mean it's it's brutal i i  try to mix it up but it's really hard   especially at beginner level it's gonna be i  deform play to london i played um you subbed no he didn't queen's gambit   now the next time we get a d4d okay so he's  playing something called the slav defense   i'm gonna put both knights out here again we  want him to take so we take the full center i utilize any simulations i i don't  know what that means i'm not gonna lie   i'm just gonna take a bite of my sausage here okay this is the triangle defense but i'm not sure  he knows that he's playing the triangle defense you hugged faker thank you for the  prime okay queen a5 is a strange move   that is a strange move um what if i just develop  my bishop and play e3 bishop d3 and castle this   is how you play kind of queen's gambit positions  you can also push for e4 but the difference is   that here this bishop comes to the center  and you're not trying to kind of you know   do something here not really worried about a  move like bishop before but we do have to be a   little careful of one trick that you should keep  in mind i've actually taught some uh beginners   how to play this system with black and there's  one trick here that you should be familiar with   it's the fact that you can't play the  move rook c1 because then queen takes a2 so bishop to b4 pinning the knight queen a2 is  possible because you can't take all right so   don't play rook c1 here play something like queen  c2 all right like queen c2 or queen b3 and then a3 but let's have some more tricks oh wow wow man he knows what he's doing kind of frustrating okay um good move good move good move i'm gonna  be honest the best thing to do on queen a5   is probably to put the bishop here probably  is sometimes i uh i do things a certain way   because i don't expect them to uh  you know play the optimize setup now i also should have played queen to b3 because  right now the move a3 does not attack this   because he could just take my rook  so i should have played queen b3   because not on a3 i'm threatening to stick  with the queen and it's protected by the pawn so here we actually can't naturally develop   because it's going to put some  annoying pressure here on us um which means i'm gonna play the solid  move knight back to d2 which looks strange   but against this which is called the cambridge  springs cambridge springs queen a5 bishop b4   it's not quite the right move order  considering he started with the queen   you have to bring the knight to cover the pin  and also stop him from putting his knight to   e4 it's just what you got to do play this good  move he knows he knows what he's doing which is   i mean at 805 like in the opening that's actually  very impressive now this the backup idea is that   you bring the queen knight out this way to hit  the queen and get it away it's called cambridge   springs not to be confused with cambridge  university but uh cambridge spring is a good   line actually very good line it's uh it's um in  the semislav defense i i can also play bishop   d2 but i'm playing this way because what's going  to happen is now my knight is covering this pawn   and so if bishop c5 i'm just going to take it  once i get rid of these pieces my position is very   solid but this is already very advanced if you're  you know if you're 818 you're not going to know   about this which is one of the reasons the  queen's gambit is you know it it's good but   you gotta know what you're doing you know what  i mean like it's catalan what i just played last   game and this doesn't work by the way because  bishop takes f2 check it's to take fake or let's   be solid with e3 let's just be solid i just want  to develop all the pressure's gone develop the pieces uh just play bishop e2 he'd go here  i'll take and again i'm not really worried if   he takes the spawn because long  term i will i will win it back at a4   etc am i drinking coffee of  course coffee coffee coffee d4 okay i'll take he's  gonna take don't just castle   visualize what his queen is attacking  it hits the bishop last game in london   i played this but this time this is  better because it attacks the queen   white is better here not by a lot but white is  better i have the two bishops open board i'll   castle put my rooks in the center i don't have any  obvious targets right now i need to create targets which is easier said than done his position  is extremely solid it's going to be tough to   create weaknesses but just like in the london  game sometimes you just go on a crazy attack   on the king or you just shut out a piece from  a game so for example if he plays this move um   okay i'll attack his queen let's see what he does  i think he'll put his queen in front of my pawn   now if that happens i'ma do something oh it didn't  happen but i can castle short but let me go long long is better and he hangs a piece right  away just miscounts here   uh i could have taken with a knife but queen is  also good um so i castled queen side because i   wanted to create an attack on his king and it  would have created some imbalance so again you   guys see through these claims i'm constantly  looking for imbalance looking for a way to make   the opponent uncomfortable make the opponent  defend and so on and that's even in d4 systems   which are traditionally known to be a little bit  more solid it's still something to look out for   now we are winning here uh he can't really develop  can i still attack him probably i mean i can still   play like h4h5h6 to get to this pawn if this pawn  takes it's great if it goes here plop my knight in   can't move his bishop i said he  can't move his bishop for a reason uh he and then i'll just bring this guy now at  this point we're up two pieces we just start the   conversion process into the end game we can keep  attacking or we can just take everything remember   that knights go backwards rook takes pawn or can  you find the discord link which you can find it in   the in the commands youtubers you can find it in  the description the discord has over 7000 people   uh so you should join it for sure oh  also look at my sweater guys like that   i'm trying to i'm trying to keep up the  fashion here you know what i mean i'm trying to uh let's go f4 his night's trapped his night's  gonna go oh no a lot of a lot of hanging stuff a   lot of hanging stuff this game needs some gotham  chest merch i gotta design merch man i don't okay and spotify broke again here and now the easiest thing push the  spawn because the promotion square is covered   oh man we ate everybody do people in the  discord play on on what is that do they play on   what is that website li chess never heard of  that yeah i think i'm sure they do i'm sure i'm   joking yes of course they do i am a chess.com  partner streamer chess.com does have a very   robust streamer program makes a lot of events is  really trying to push in a esports direction um   but yes i am familiar that leeches exist  we did use it for the 9lx broadcast   uh a lot of their relay sometimes does  run more smoothly and that you know i am familiar i mean just don't  play on chess24 i mean that's just   that's just weird you go to chess24 if you want  to if you if you um want to feel better about   yourself like on just one trust me from  my um my uh blitz rating is like 3 200.   i just go there to feel better about myself i'm  never going to hit any even 2800 inches.com so   might as well go to a place  that inflates my rating right okay kappa next game gg to hayden  peyton you played well some blunders   you played very well continue to play  the cambridge springs i like it a lot   all right my friends if he goes eve  okay he plays this what should we play   should we should we play london let's play  london is he going to play king's indian generally if people start with knight  f6 they will go for an indian i mean   otherwise okay so he's just playing nimso so  we have another london i mean against knight   of six i can't really gambit anything you know  like this is maybe i'll play trompowsky oh oh apollo thank you for the five gifted  subs joe eagle and cy and uh saloren   appreciate you guys all right so c5  don't take see what he's gonna do   this is this is a good move this queen b6 thing  i saw a guy on one of my raiding climbs make a   very passionate comment he said the london is  only played by titled players who want to draw   or total beginners if you're an intermediate  player it will damage your chess and it will   make you understand the game at a lower level the  best thing in the anti-london is c5 and queen b6   it essentially wins by force that's what he  said it was like jesus christ it wins by force   there's a way to beat the london by force  and i don't even know about it that's insane   no um that's not true which is why you should  not listen to a random guy with a you know   dragon in their profile picture on youtube  tell you that the london isn't a real opening   magnus carlsen uses it to beat grand masters  all the time and to do other grin masters um   you just have to know what you're doing okay so  like i said in game number one rock this bishop   back to g3 you do not want to take okay now the  difference between the last london and this london   is that we had a pawn trade this is still an idea  but i think at this point i will have to castle   although let's think about this for a second  let's play um knight to d2 obviously my knight   belongs on that square so i'm just going to  develop it very naturally we see the whole   point here solidifying my center knight b4  is covered by c takes b4 and we have vision   the big thing about the london is that if  the opponent gets to play e5 you've screwed   up if they can play e5 successfully you have  screwed up to london okay so keep that in mind this is good i'm going to play queen e2 and we are  going to go for a long castles london this is a   unique london knight h5 okay okay interesting can i put you right here let's do it put you right here so now i really  want him to take because that will open up my rook   and my rook is gonna very  quickly begin to attack his king   he might not do that but we'll see we'll see  what happens he does do it now my rook is open   again one of the benefits of playing a london  where you don't always castle so quickly so we have that solid knight  on e5 we okay wants this   now i can just go here now that i think  about it my queen covers the b2 pawn   now last game we played queen f3 but here here  that's not going to work what we need what we   need is this that's what we need that's what  we need if we can successfully achieve that   then we're going to be good and we're not worried  about this because we're not going to trade   we're just going to pop our knight in or or  by the way sacrifice but he's trying to push   so i might have to act fast should i  sacrifice should i sacrifice is the question not gonna lie to you that does look  pretty good that does look pretty good   because again his queen is just gone all  his pieces left the king so if i sacrifice   the piece for the two pawns and then i move  this guy i have a queen rook and bishop and   potentially a knight in the future attacking his  king it's a very dangerous position for black um   yeah see i thought he was gonna go  here and the bishop attacks this   now we sacrifice again i don't  actually know if this is good or not   but it looks really interesting and i'm not  worried about this i'm also not worried about this   i thought i had the i had some cool ideas  here i thought hopefully i'm not wrong but looking to like sacrifice all my pieces  now for example here here queen takes that's a threat to take take here f5   it's gonna there's got to be something here  i mean this attack just looks way too strong   same time i can throw in a check maybe  and i throw in a check king f7 knight e5 wow there are so many attacking possibilities here  let's go knight g5 he can he has a choice he could   take two pieces taking my bishop is definitely  better because the bishop oh he just chops the   knight without even thinking that actually was  the best move i was hoping that he was sniping   checking here or just here what a wild  game that maybe it wasn't the best move   didn't queen h5 just win i don't know we'll see what a crazy position check here or check out this will  lead to mate check here check check here check here check here check  check somewhere there's a mate check here   check here check here check here  check here mate should i pre-move that   check wait check here check here check  here check here check here here huh so queen rook let's see if it works does that work there's always some sort of  geometric checkmate and there it is on the board   man the london can be really vicious   the london can be very vicious and if you really  master the craft of the attack in the london i mean it can be a very very very  dangerous opening for your opponent   so just this little geometric walk around and then   um so someone said queenie 8 is made  queen eight is made of the kingos here but he won't because here there's bishop f8   or rook f8 and so if check here there's  no immediate checkmate there's a draw   there's no immediate checkmate because  somehow everything is guarding everything else   and let's see let's just see something real quick  i i probably didn't find the only win and it's   pretty funny because he had played very good moves  and he just blundered he played all the best moves   and then here apparently  bishop e5 is the only move   and it's a draw according  to the engine on low depth rook f5 and uh is it the only winning move  queen g6 no there's also rook h8   it's just longer yeah this is a  force maintenance six or seven nice nice there you go that's how you attack in london  there you go all right next guy sodium chloride   sodium chloride mine not von thank you for the  40 donation i will share the course with you   when i have a chance before title tuesday  i will be playing in title tuesday yes it   starts in uh one hour for 37 minutes um  let's play the black mart dimmer gambit now it's a french that's the problem with the  black mardiman actually is that   they can play like c6 and now you're in a car con oops okay let's let's try a really gamb at this  point let's just pretend that we don't see it yeah he just doesn't want to take take it please  the name of this opening black merdemer french   um it transposed to a french though   let's just go here basically i want him to  take and then i want to play f3 gem at my pawn   castle etc for example here he would take  it would take i would go here and then go here but okay i mean this is not gonna be some  sort of theoretical victory it's just going to be okay but see from a strategic standpoint what  my opponent just did it doesn't make sense   and i'll tell you why he traded his dark square  bishop but he put all his pawns on light squares   let's push we saw this work in the  in the um we saw this work in the the game where we played the catalan so he  attacks this i'm just gonna chop this off g4 so when your queen can come  out very early and already   create some tactical opportunities especially  when the guy has not castle the king   he might castle here that'll  only run him into more trouble   i have this move very common tactical  pattern let's see his bishop is stuck yup and this now he has to go here it's  the only move otherwise just mate   you know i don't want to take his  rook that crazy isn't that crazy i feel like my bishop is just way too strong  he can move queen he can he does have the legal   right to move his queen then i would just take  it okay so now i'm thinking of a way to like get   to his king let's just go here i'm not gonna take  his rook i mean it's the right thing to do uh if   you're a beginner watching you know just take the  material and shut up but this rook is just so bad   like my the relative value of my bishop is  probably about four points in this position yeah   like he's moving his rook out of danger but that's  a full turn and now i've already arrived you know   like i've arrived i'm about to attack his king  not a single one of his pieces has moved off   the back rank not a single one and for me you  know my king's in the center but he can't get   to it i have this giant palm wall in the middle he  doesn't move like this which is a little bit scary   uh because then i need to actually deal with the  threat of queen takes but the good thing is i   can make a natural developing move and still  protect this and the position is so good for   me i can play king d2 it's still like king 2.  but 92 is the best move that's not a bad move   uh but it might be a little bit  too slow so let me take now this   is different because if he takes this it's  over let's get to his king question is he   he takes the right way he does take the  right way spotify broke again fantastic um now this is the best move because i need to start  creating an attack here i move my bishop out of   the way it is queen uh probably he will again if  the thing about this move is that he can create   counter play but he's not defending his king  whereas if he goes here he's at least covering   this row okay he doesn't do that i'm gonna play  92. is this uh and i and i should not be taking okay that move does not create a threat i mean  he's still threatening to take but i feel like   my attack is stronger now the question  is can i just sacrifice intersect this i think the answer to the question is yes he takes   i give a check he goes there i play  bishop f6 i'm threatening queen h8 hmm but he has rook f8 interesting still gonna do it let's see if it works i do think  it works if he plays picture-perfect defense maybe   he defends himself that's the thing about chess  it's kind of hard to play picture-perfect defense i don't think it's possible actually  i think there's a way here i can i   can maneuver and the thing is i'm  always looking to sacrifice get in   my general rule of thumb if you haven't  seen my chest tips attacking video is um so if you are trying to attack an enemy king you  should try to have two attacking pieces versus   no defenders or three attacking pieces versus one  defender you should have a three on one or two on   zero or four on two situation now the question is  what do i do here i just realized i have something   very cool hidden in this position i can get my  rook involved and that might win the game for me   king d2 look at that to bring my rook i can also  just immediately go for this which strikes me   as the far more natural move i think this  is a mistake because this gives me a check   whereas king g8 i couldn't check him i would have  to but now that move blunders that i have a check   and he's not getting away because i'm cutting  him off it's probably force made king f7 queen   h7 king f8 here and if king jade i have this if  this then this if this this this then i go check or just straight up okay let's  check him just to go here um where is the win cutting him off which is good  but i don't have an auto win because he can run   what about queen h7 with bishop h6 to cut him  off we need seven threats [ __ ] h6 so queen h7   his rookie seven but then i have here here do i really have to bring another piece to  the party to bring like the king or something   i don't like that his king gets  away bishop g5 he can cover up bishop f6 but then he plays queen c7   queen h6 if this then mate if this then this  then this then mate it might be bishop f6 switch   f6 for key seven wait bishop f6 rookie seven  hold on not so fast bishop six rookie seven   if bishop f6 he goes here i check he runs  behind the rook wow that is tough jesus   let's play king d2 or here is there any difference   no i can't do that i would hang my pawn thank you  too bringing the rook i have at least a draw but i   want to win obviously i don't think it's queen  h6 i don't think it's queen edition i go queen   h6 at any moment i can play it you know okay  so he takes gonna go here but here's the thing um wait let me be careful let me check him now  check him now so force him this way then rook   h1 with the unstoppable threat of rook h8 and if  he takes i play king e1 he's got no more checks   gg horsemate nice dc3 i go back i avoid all the  checks he cannot check me anymore if i played   here he had check if i had taken i don't know the  king comes to e1 rocket shipmate is unstoppable   so we figured it out wombat dances and mastas  thank you for the subs but again not so simple   not so simple um but the motto is the same  attack make them uncomfortable attack their   king that's what i'm doing in every game i'm just  finding ways to go attack them whether it's the   pawns or the pieces oh he made a move that's  mate and that's made let's play this one nice so again try to go for a black mardemer the point  of it is this if he takes i get a big attack   i'm an open f file i'll try for  enough for it uh in one more game   good game tough one all right kid  named leo let's go no cheats please let's go for this this guy cheating who me or  my opponent or everybody are we both cheating oh that's not good london players oh my gosh just  a 28 month when's the uh when's the color coming   back yo people you guys have to play you guys  have to play d5 if you have a chance 28 months   that is wild yeah i mean what  okay um we can play c4 knight c3   play knight c3 to try to go e4 i mean  this is just not good like this doesn't the car said i could be a  gem if i work a little harder wow i know chad make chat is so funny they're like  hikaru said you could become a gm you should do   it i remember like a guy i don't know if it's the  same guy who was in the chat earlier levy you're   definitely at that level you can definitely do it  i believe in you i was like you know what since   this guy this guy who's been following my channel  for four days and has written 20 messages in it   no pun intended 420. um since he believes in me  i'm going to go for it i'm gonna go for it ah so here's a cool idea this rex's pawn structure  just keep developing just though it do a speed   run to gym can i just enjoy my life like i like  i like life right now i got good youtube channel   good twitch channel you know trying to trying to  grow followers on different platforms you know   what i mean we do we doing tournament coverage  once a month on uh you know as part of hikaru's   team doing commentary why do i have to sacrifice  all of that for a different letter in my title thank you i'm glad you guys  enjoyed the best game video   i would you enjoy a video of my worst game ever oh is going on we see you play live i'm so confused this guy's 860. we  can't be out here we can we can't   we can't be playing like this what is this this is  nervous maybe nervous i don't know maybe nervous i feel like i feel like this is a  stronger player than this i don't uh see um i'll try to respond in spanish a long castle do i speak french i mean to be  completely honest and not really but   i can try to do the best quebecois and that   i possibly can you know i'll i i watch a lot  of george st pr you know uh george saint pierre i want to be i want to be the best you know i  want to i want to be i want to fight for my legacy   and i i i need to make the fight worth it you  know but they didn't want me to fight khabib so i try to i try to put some mma in every one of my   youtube and uh youtube videos because  random people there will be like   they'll be like what i didn't know okay  this is not good we're just swarming here okay so we got a guy here that says lol  i'm from quebec this is on point three   lines later drink time lol goes dude that's  the worst quebec accent i've ever heard   so which one is it and then somebody  says this is a perfect quebec accent okay that was a solid win for us but guys don't   don't let your opponent put two  knights in the center just go d5 and   i mean i've been waiting for a king's indian  i hope the next guy plays king's indian camerondo he played in a sub-battle  i don't know what he plays black redeemer nice i think you can play knight  c3 and then f3 let's just play f3 okay knight f3 and now we're  gonna see the black redeemer   i played the english opening yet well  considering this is a d4 only climb i   don't think i'm going to be doing that  let's see if he blunders knight f6 here knight f6 is pretty good natural developing  move i guess i've seen the e4 climb you can play you can play queen f3 yes you can play okay and now i have this oh no oh no oh my god i can't believe i  blundered that horrible what am i doing   geez what an idiot how can i make a raiden climb  series if i'm just going to blunder my queen   and you want that just go to bow test live  my goodness oh thankfully he didn't take it but he did lose his bishop which was the other  idea but now he can take my pawn that's the thing   okay i'm done trying to trick him let's  just be solid and win the game now if he has been watching the climb at this point he will pick  up on a tactical pattern and uh what was the trick in him taking your queen thank  you for asking if there are any beginners in the   chat who are going all right i know that levy  didn't actually lose his queen but what the hell   was he planning there oh no this is not good  um the trick was that f7 the square near the   enemy king was bishop f7 was checkmate and that's  just the free queen that's not free but okay oh   no oh no oh no oh cameron cameron is camarando is  doing his best sub battle impression oh man oh no oh man oh man oh no opponent does not have a lot of pieces that was a rather tragic slip okay let's try to convert this pretty  effortlessly oh no my queen again check oh my gosh tragic pre-move skills at  least he has the sole distinction of   being the only person in the raiding climb  to end with more time than he began with that is definitely an honor how long did it take me to become a master  i quit chess many times played my first   tournament when i was seven but i became a  master at nineteen most kids that begin at   seven and become masters become masters within  the first seven years i would say most kids like if the criteria is started chess in childhood  and became a master because that's the thing a lot   of people quit before they become master they just  quit they go to you know sports computer science   like whatever the interest because a lot of chess  kids are interested in robotics and you know   coding and stuff math um but uh if you  become a master and you started as a kid   very likely that you you become master at 10  11 12. people quit and come back to chess but   very often they become i became a master in  19 i quit chess several times so i'll go to   the master 2200 all right toaster let's go  two more people we might finish the entire   queue before title tuesday and in time for the  youtube video to end we're almost at an hour college does not weed out prodigies no it  does not no it does not you are not a prodigy   by the time you are in college not college uh okay  let's play the king's indian against uh london   against king's indian here we go this is what i  like if i see they're going for a king's indian   i'm gonna put my knight on c3 which i  have not done yet okay that's a weird   setup that's not a king's indian that's like  just whatever bishop is there that's the setup have i stopped competing since i started  streaming not really no johnny burton   no in 2018 i was still i was streaming and i i  became an i am while streaming i was streaming   out of a airbnb in in calgary one of my most  viewed twitch clips is a chesapeake cheer clip   celebrating that we became an i am i was i use  so when you become an international master um you ah you have to wait for like feed at congress  they meet like three or four times a year and   they approve all the norm requests and so before  i was uh approved to be an international master i   used to call myself an uniqueness because  i wasn't quite an international master   um i think in hindsight that probably  wasn't the most political pronunciation   politically correct pronunciation um  oh no it just blundered a full rook you know i see i can see he  what i just got a full queen okay so you see you see the power of this  system and he just resigns 10 move win guys king's indian versus the  london dangerous stuff long castles   start some you know but then he just can't  break in the center this thing he just has no e5 you know so it's just dangerous it's  very very dangerous crazy matt let's go   i wish i wish i could show a little bit  more in that game maybe this guy's going   to play king's indian his his usu he's got  a kfc profile picture okay let's see most   people who play this will either play e6 or  g6 or d6 on the next move because there's no   difference playing knight f6 or d5 you know  what i mean like you might as well oh yes   let's feast boys and girls let us feast on the  king's indian refuting the king's indian in fact okay sorry that was a little bit gross um   okay so e4 if he lets me play it  and then queen two in long castle feast on opponent yes exactly  pepo g pepo g write that down this is good this is good i  think d5 is still strong here   let's just castle queen side now for example here  something very strong is knight d4 queen deform   and fork in the center but he won't see that  then after takes takes i'm in some trouble um   but whatever he's not a lot a  lot of 800's don't know that d5 that's a little bit peculiar so i'm not  going to take i'm just going to by the way   that didn't work at all just another stream snipe  test never know if folks are stream sniping or not   but it's generally good practice not to uh trade  so quickly in the beginning this i have to trade   because i mean he's gonna take but i could still  play queen e3 i could let him take but take take   this is good for me cause i lose nothing doing  this uh i can't go here because he has this   can i just pick this pawn up  though also i have this nope   like again like this so trading off his dark  squared bishop is extremely it's really like   it's really good to play like this against  somebody who plays king's indian because   they're not used to what they're gonna get  on the board they're used to a very different   position like look at this he can't castle  now this is free but not really not really you're just pinning your knight to  your queen it's just loses material   and i'm gonna i'm gonna slide into the dms  here on g7 and it's it's eats eats you knew can you lose a chest title yeah if you cheat  if you take a phone to the bathroom and   use an engine they can  retroactively revoke your title that's a real story by the way i  know we have a lot of new chess fans   that actually happened is why i said that how do you cheat in chess i'm not gonna tell  you because then you would be inclined to do it   i see what you're doing whoa holy what so a lot of you would play this move and you  wouldn't be wrong but that's not the best move   chat members what's the best move here for  white how does white shred open the position   it's not the best move because he's just gonna  block and i don't wanna queen trade i mean i   this is fine we have something a lot better d5 good um you guys are bringing up the the stockfish uh  lipstick i just hope you guys are completely aware   it's blitz thank you for the prime i hope you guys  are completely aware of the fact that that story   is completely fake i mean the story is real but  that's that's that's the story of anna rudolph um a couple of grandmasters accused her uh  of cheating and the what they cited was   that she had a computer in her lipstick yes  those dread masters frankly i mean and like   there was an investigation done by  fide not of anna but of their claims   she basically brought them you know to like court  because you know some you know the equivalent   um yeah there's a god mentor video of it okay chat  members if i take the queen it's guarded if i take   the rook it's guarded so i have to take the knight  with a check now the queen loses its protector and um it's over correct it's a crazy story because i actually  like those grandmasters like still play   competitively to this day and it's  just so insane to me that they're   these people actually did this it's  astounding it's completely it's mind-blowing check checkmate in one who are  that you guys got to look it up   i don't want to i don't want to name any names  and then they're not just look up the story   it's like an article about it it's  crazy i mean of course she wasn't like that's the best you can do you can accuse  somebody of having a chest computer inside   of their lips like really yeah like you know  maybe she like you know imagine someone has a   hat on or leaves the table a lot you know you  know what i mean okay at least at that point   you always own suspicion what the person is  using lipstick like are you serious i mean oh yikes devil are a bad joke no you're gonna have  to take a one hour walk for that one buddy sorry   bad joke it's uh a joke anyway chat members we gotta sign off for youtube so youtubers   that's all for part one played a lot of london's  it shows you how to beat the king's indian   queen's gambit action with catalan  action we're going to continue this climb   probably going to be alternating uploads of this  the e4 climb the climb for black unless you're   watching like a year into the future in which case  hi how was 2021 hope it was good um more videos   are gonna appear on that side you can click them  look around the playlists enjoy my content join   the discord which say bye to youtube youtube  say bye to twitch see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 626,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, master chess, hikaru nakamura, gotham e4 climb, gotham guide, gotham black climb, gotham rating climb, gothamchess rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess opening strategy, how to play chess, 10 minute chess openings, gothamchess openings, london system, london opening, d4 opening, chess opening, queens pawn opening, chess speedrun, chess rating climb, chess strategy for beginners
Id: ihP0n4ZMuqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 57sec (4017 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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