I'm Going To Be A Grandmaster (Ep 4)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the series on chasing the grandmaster title through competitive chess this is episode number four in episodes one and two and so far this one i am playing against an anonymous title player named i hate rook a4 uh every time we play a game with white in a game with black and then i analyzed and episode three was me puzzle solving so appreciate your support thus far i've got nothing else to say here we go uh by the way this says half half up here because we actually just drew a game because i started it with the wrong time format so disregard the half pointers last time we practiced the karo khan i played the move c5 this time i'm gonna go bishop f5 now i believe my opponent likes to play h4 and i've got us a little surprise prepared there um but uh okay please knight c3 very interesting so looks like he is surprising me first he's looking for knight c3 and g4 aha okay i'm gonna go with um i don't have any surprises myself in these lines i don't think so i'm gonna go e6 and basically what y likes to do here is play g4h for knight e2 so i'm gonna go here now knight e2 is the best move because if you play h4 i will just go h5 now i don't remember the best move here uh there is some modern theory to this position uh but i believe the best move here is c5 just immediately going uh for an attack in the center of the board uh anticipating uh h4 to be met with h5 knight f4 and bishop back to h7 although i do know some gm's play like h6 here sometimes in some of these positions i'm gonna go with what i know i i don't really wanna reinvent the wheel um i don't even think that's the right term there uh and now bishop to h7 now my opponent could go g5 that is a move that i could see look at that ah i knew so this move i've seen in blitz i've seen it in blitz chess and i don't know much about it um it doesn't look like it's supposed to make any sense that's what i'll say about it because you just put all four pawns here but g6 is a possibility so the first thing that i think about if what if i just stubbornly move outside of the pawn chain because i know you want to go g6 i don't actually know what the best move is pawn takes d4 is an idea knight to c6 pressuring that is an idea um also this is hanging so i gotta i gotta figure out what's going on here queen h5 cd4 is very forcing knight c6 i want to go with what i think is the most solid option i don't know if this is the best move what i do know is that i don't want to get my bishop logged back i don't actually have any idea what the theory is which is good this is why we do the training games uh clearly my opponent is is well familiar that's why he's blitzing out some moves now i'm thinking to go g6 so that my opponent can never go g6 himself that might take him totally out of his comfort zone now there's also moves like d4 which attack the knight uh knight d7 puts pressure on both pawns knight e7 to go knight g6 is another idea i'm just gonna go g6 and hopefully now i've taken him out of what he knows and if i haven't then that's a problem now we have to play so the good thing for me everything is split and white is pretty overextended um the bad thing for me i'm down a pawn for a very brief moment i want to take back on c5 but i i could come under some fire uh if my opponent maybe goes b4 or something like that um and now we will sorry i'm playing around with other tabs actually i started this training game the second i already launched the youtube video so i've been on the grind um bishop to d3 i'm not cheating i promise okay bishop d3 uh so the thing about my opponent having five pawns over here on dark squares means the light squares are really juicy now if i take on d3 then i think my opponent wants to move the knight back and stabilize their center if i play knight to e7 that blocks my bishop which means that knight to b5 knight in here could be a problem so bishop c5 is obviously it's nice um what else is there if i play knight e7 here is that's very unpleasant i really don't want to allow that but if i take then the knight comes back to d3 and the center is kind of stable although there is maybe knight d7 there also could be a move like d4 so i think i'm gonna take or maybe knight c6 hmm tough and tough to evaluate all this on the fly and while calculating i want to do this but i also don't want to ever allow g6 i think i'm gonna take i'm not thrilled about it but i need to like start actually playing some moves rather than just sitting here and going i don't like that and i kind of also don't like that you know i just gotta gotta go uh here comes knight d7 so now i threaten c5 now b4 is a move but looks a little idiotic uh opponent might play it and just kind of go all right you think it's idiotic you got to beat me this should be three to defend this i thought i had queen c7 which i now realize i don't have completely because there could be some knight b5 stuff attacking my queen but queen c7 attacks both pawns so that's always useful move and i need to remember something even though i'm upon down white structure is terrible like it's really bad and it's very overextended so part of me just kind of wants to slow play this like maybe go knight e7 knight f5 and just go try to get the bishop and damage the structure 97 here there is check on a5 so the knight would be forced back uh so either queen c7 i'm gonna go here because i like this this move also carries another idea which is to either go to f5 which i just said but also to go to c6 and pressure this pawn and if i can get white to commit to another pawn being pushed forward that it just seems like some sort of moral victory like even though i'm uh i'm a pawn down i mean everything in white's position looks just on the verge of collapse and if i can break through none of this is gonna be good in the end game so we'll see we'll see it's a structural fight very very complicated position i also have half a burrito over there um and uh i really want it i ate like nah it's like 20 of a burrito i i i wolf down a burrito before i recorded this training episode this is what my life is like um i have to shove in food in in between doing other various activities this is the third video i'm gonna record today i don't know why you had to know that but i don't have a lot of you know i don't have a lot of uh time to just sit and and not think about the board so i'm just using this as a as a uh as a therapy session so um yeah so how you doing youtube okay b4 is played um this knight c6 looks juicy so now knight b5 is the thing because i don't have queen a5 check so i really want to go here but this move to get in here could be a problem i need to evaluate it and make sure it's not completely a problem i can also just play a6 and never worry about that ever again i don't know what i like i kind of want to continue with my plan also knight c6 attacks e5 and threatens pawn up to d4 which pawn up to d4 on its own doesn't win anything right no just bishop takes and i have nothing so knight c6 maybe knight b5 to cover the d4 push then i can go a6 maybe i don't know i really want to go a6 to stop the knight from coming to b5 but is that even something i need to worry about that's another question i'm overthinking this and here here if i take take take bishop to d4 pins me that's very annoying because bishop g7 there's knight d6 that's no good a6 is okay actually i again white has pushed a ton of pawns and at some point is simply is simply going to run out of moves and i will be there on the light squares and this is the thing about this g5 thing when i pre i predicted it was going to happen i think the main line instead of g5 is maybe to take on c5 first but this has been trendy and i've seen it and i had a feeling my opponent would try to surprise me but the problem is even if i don't play the position correctly and we get to a position which is kind of exactly where we are this is just so juicy all those light squares and you really start feeling silly for having overextended so anyway we have a minute difference on the clock and it's really tough to find a plan here for white it's also kind of tough to find a plan here for black but i think my position plays a bit easier i can just kind of plot my pieces out here i've really dealt with this knight infiltration so now i can focus on next phase of the game and my opponent could yeah yeah see my opponent just kind of goes all in and is not backing down we're going to have we're going to have a game where i'm going to try to break out and my opponent is going to try to suppress my movement so i'm thinking knight f5 i mean this move just looks unbelievably natural queen e2 blunders knight g3 which would be a nd4 so yeah i think bishop f2 is basically forced now d4 there's knight here that doesn't i don't win anything like that uh i could consider an a5 move at some point i'm thinking i'm for now just going to put my bishop on e7 my king is very safe if i castle and it's probably going to happen that the opponent will play 92 and try to trade my knight i'm ready for that i gotta figure something out here maybe i can reroute to c6 like if my knight can get here it actually pressures stuff on d7 now that everything is protected by a pawn it doesn't really pressure anything and i'm always looking at a5 like that is going to be such a useful move for me to deal a blow to that pawn of course a3 is coming but i also have b6 so that's that's a little bit about this game maybe queen c7 queen c6 lining up on the diagonal and trying to go d4 there's knight e2 um b6 now takes knight takes b6 c6 knight back attacks the pawn and i think i win it i don't see any way for my opponent to to deal with that i'm gonna go b6 the second that the opponent goes back the second they make a backwards move and kind of tie their shoes together here we are now we are threatening to take on c5 give a check at some point in the future or you know even even just leaving the double sea pawns there to be taken in the future and of course i am more than welcome i'm more than welcoming another knight infiltration because the opponent is overextended so b6 looks really really nice and soon i will also overtake on the clock i think this knight will be swapped i'm not too worried i might even go and take whatever because otherwise they'll take me and i'll have to damage my my pawns now i could damage my pawns put them up like this and then move my knight this way and reroute it it's a very common idea like put it on the square where the pawn was so my pawn goes here and then i move my knight to e6 but that looks a little dumb you know what i mean that that does not look particularly convincing so opponent takes i don't i can't take on b4 i'm going to take on b6 and uh that's a little soft so for example knight d4 knight c6 but i got to tell you if this knight jumps all the way in and just takes my bishop i don't really think i mean it's i'd rather probably trade knights but uh i'm not gonna lose sleep i'm still down upon though like if the opponent just finds a way to stabilize everything and not blunder i'm still upon down i'm gonna have to use my my final pawn here to chip away i'll probably have to castle at some point so my king is out of the middle okay so naturally i want to take i have anything else why wouldn't i take i can play knight into c4 i can also play a5 but then there's knight c6 it gets me thinking i should put my queen somewhere that covers that like queen c7 but the knight f5 have i improved my position i don't think so i'm gonna take now i do need to worry about this move every now and then uh but it seems okay it seems okay so what do we want do we want a5 this very second not one a5 this very second also throw in knight c4 and then go to a5 i'm gonna deal with my weakness i'm going to deal with my weakness if pawn takes i can take with the rook or i can actually still jump into c4 because this pawn is so terrible and not do anything so i'm still going to be upon down but the opponent is quite overextended with the pawns on the king side and those pawns could be end game liabilities very messy position i actually think that white is sort of okay though position looks good but it it's far from over and it's there's still a big fight ahead but i'm gonna try to solve my problems right away by playing a5 it could have maybe gone knight c4 don't know but this is how we're gonna solve it and opponent is thinking so far a very fun game i'm i'm having fun win or lose we're kind of fighting in my in my backyard in the carl khan i've played many positions in the caro and uh i think i think once you play an opening enough the moves kind of start flowing to you a little bit more naturally or if you're using an engine but i i'm not otherwise i probably would have had a better position by now but i don't guys are really thinking after a5 so there is a move here okay please say three i was gonna say that could could be b5 like going for the past pawn uh i don't like a3 i i wanna just castle just castle the king i think that's what i'm gonna do it's a very simple move i don't need to think about it at all i'm gonna castle and the ball is back in my opponent's court as his time takes under three minutes and the position hasn't changed much at all he pushed the pawn and i castled and i'm castling because my king is safe here the only time i need to worry is if this pawn ever gets to f5 and do i take and open up this or do i take an open up that there's c3 i actually mentioned this kind of approach i mentioned this approach um when i was talking about stabilizing look at seven dark squared pawns isn't that nuts i'm gonna go queen c7 uh queen c7 instead of d7 because queen d7 hangs a knight and also i want space for my rook so it's it's kind of common to get a little bit off the back rank so now my rook which i just cancelled is coming to the party an opponent is still thinking nothing has gotten easier nothing now at this point i start thinking alright how do i take over this game at a certain point do i take do i put mine wow king to e2 that might not even be a bad move it's just kind of the shock value um do i put my rook on c8 or do i play knight a4 and really what do i want to trade maybe i want to like bring the bishop around to b6 to trade it oh no knight a4 hangs a knight in one move let's not do that so rook c8 or rook b8 let's go rook fc8 i mean i feel like it's very logical to activate my remaining piece which is not playing and now now i'm gonna have to now i could probably just do nothing i don't need to push the pace look at my position i mean everything everything's good i'm pretty happy but maybe if i put my knight on c4 and then i just slowly improve the position i can get i can get a winning advantage now queen c4 is an interesting move looking to trade queens but i i don't think i want to trade queens here so i'm going to put my knight on c4 because that that no move in my life has ever looked more natural although queen c6 and going to a4 also was okay there's something about the knight on a4 that doesn't make sense and now we'll slowly improve c5 square okay is there anything anything there with this move anything there b5 is the big question if i allow b5 at a bad moment i could get a very bad position this could all go completely wrong so i need to be careful i do need to be careful i'm gonna go here and uh just apply a ton of pressure there on the queen side still don't exactly know what i'm doing but i could bleed my opponent's clock down with looming potential threats and then capitalize like for example now maybe i i crawl up to c6 i don't exactly know what i'm doing but neither does my opponent that's the beauty of it and then maybe i'll play queen a6 and line up something over here that that actually is something i like very much i like this queen a6 idea oh so the opponent is really trying to go for b5 okay well now i probably should take maybe i shouldn't maybe taking is exactly what the opponent wants that loses a bit of stability take take i have take take knight b6 b5 queen c4 i'm gonna go for it i think if i trade the bishop for the knight that's massive progress the pawns are very scary the way my opponent has now kind of turned this around on me looks mildly annoying that is hanging though i am attacking that and i want to go queen c4 is king e3 a thing there that is so ridiculous if actually b5 here in king e3 no a4 is hanging no no b5 queen c4 is a problem yeah wow takes wow okay here i go i'm going right there that was always the plan i don't know i don't know what's happening if the knight moves b4 hangs now knight c5 is a thing there could go knight c5 and just try to trade into an end game i don't know that looks pretty terrifying with your open king which and again is this is a problem of having moved all your pawns out like that so i'm i'm just saying you know now that i'm kind of threatening to get in here to d4 and i have look at my time advantage oh it's the problem i'm starting to buy into the hype of my own position that's like when things go wrong um queen d4 queen b5 also was interesting but this is my plan maybe queen e4 b5 the fact that this is possible is nauseating uh check here i got it i also have bishop c5 knight c5 queen c5 with threats but then there's queen d3 and queen d3 does seem to stabilize some stuff [Music] i'm gonna give a check i don't exactly know don't exactly know what the plan here is what no way no way no way surely this doesn't i am i'm in shock what okay i i i'm actually like i might lose just because king d2 was played i i'm rattled to the core i have no idea i was not expecting that move at all wow um okay so here i actually thought about sacking my rook and then playing bishop takes b6 is that idiotic that might be idiotic rook b6 rook b6 i'm also i've also got ideas like d4 but the pawns are coming in here and i am i'm not thrilled about what's going on but what about d4 to try to go d4 queen e3 d4 queen e2 queen d5 attacks the pawn there's some knight before stuff um wow i think i'm gonna do it i can't believe it's coming to this but here comes the bishop b6 now i've got bishop e3 ideas queen e3 ideas the rook is hanging obviously now rook b6 rook b6 rook a8 king g7 that was my very quick calculation that my king is still safe opponent decides to do it i figured that my opponent would uh and now now i don't know what's going on queen a4 is a move but then i have queen to g2 there's no mates luckily there's no mates so even if the queen gets down here i have king g7 and there's no mate gonna take my opponent one more move so my idea here is just the weakened king okay uh of course d4 looks very good um check there's queen e2 maybe i can sneak around back to the back rank somehow d4 we need to yeah d4 looks really strong gonna do it i'm gonna do it uh queenie two that's also covered so maybe just queen d5 if queen c6 attacking the rook rook takes pawn i don't see a check and also go all the way back there i don't exactly see why i would do that so i'm just going to go to d5 looks like a very stressful position for white which i like i like stress please go here that's a really bad move because i give you a check and then sneak around back okay that move runs my pawn man queen d4 huh [Music] oh man oh man i gotta make a move okay i'm just gonna go down to h1 i don't know i really thought i figured something out looks like i might have been mistaken here i go down to b1 i mean it i i don't know what's happening folks we're both all in i mean i'm going to d1 there's a check down here king h7 and that's it [Laughter] oh my gosh i have no idea what is happening not a clue there it is um okay uh queen g2 king c3 queen c6 there's a check if the king runs out this way it runs out that way [Music] is it a draw oh the king is going there what that's not i let him escape wow that is so brutal that is so brutal yeah i guess it's just losing it's losing the king escapes all right folks uh it's time to analyze some games we're gonna begin with the first one here uh i'm actually recording this like a day later because i played those games and uh i was actually very tired afterward so i had to eat dinner some different day different shirt uh different day different shirt that sounds like a good good motto okay so game number one um the way you study this kind of stuff as i was saying during the game is you need to review your openings so everything up until this point is considered normal i was actually shocked to find out that even though c5 is a massive main line which is what i played in this game nowadays there is so much theory here like the players are playing 97 97 waiting moves not not going here a lot of players been playing f6 anticipating a move like knight f4 um with even pawn takes e5 or like bishop coming back to f7 it's like really there's a lot a lot of stuff here really interesting stuff uh now the way we played it c5 uh h4 h5 knight f4 all the way here in this position i'm quite familiar with knight takes h5 and there is a line here which goes knight c6 dc i think and in this position there's like a line where you can play um 97 there's like a there's like a 97 somewhere here maybe this is not the exact move order but white can play bishop h6 it's like an absolutely fascinating move bishop h6 and uh if you take it there's knight f6 mate but my opponent played g5 now i'm not familiar with g5 and when i checked afterward it turns out that i mean i'm familiar with that i know it's a move nowadays but i don't know what to do here with black so i tried to play logically it turns out that theory goes like this c takes d4 attacking the knight now not queen takes queen takes there is knight c6 now white plays knight b5 with a couple of threats number one this is always looming i've talked about knight v5 throughout that game knight takes d4 um and knight takes d4 coupled with bishop b5 check is really strong so here what black does is play bishop e4 to attack the rook baiting this move f3 this is very common to bait that move to cut off the queen and also weaken the king a little bit now this this and knight e7 and here black is known to be completely fine but okay i didn't do that instead i played bishop to f5 and i tried to play this game in a way that was practical like just you know maybe not the best but practical and it turns out that my opponent should play this like fully committed to the pawns like play b4 don't let me get anything i want if i play a move like a5 looking to break out it's not gonna work because after knight b5 if i play a takes b4 he gives me the the pawn and jumps in with the knight and this is just this is very bad for black borderline losing because what ends up happening is is the pawns go to a place that i can no longer fight them these pawns completely box in my knight which blocks in my rook and i'm completely lost here there's nothing i can do i'm gonna slowly suffer and then probably lose so b4 had well i backed up way too much b4 had to be played this uh allowed me to go after my opponent's bishop now the reason i didn't rush my play here with knight f5 is because i didn't actually think i was threatening to take this like i thought that perhaps my opponent could just i don't know do anything here uh or knight b5 for example but the computer really likes knight takes f takes and i thought this position was just bad for me um and i'm not completely wrong i just missed something here i miss like that in this position it looks like this is coming i miss that i can take on c5 and if knight takes i take if pawn takes i have queen a5 check so i'm gonna win back this night so this is like the one thing it's always important to keep in mind this side queen check that can hit the king in the night um yeah i completely missed that but okay it's life uh a6 stopping knight b5 and now f4 now white is better now white is definitely better here because white is just the pawn up i mean at the end of the day that's really what matters right so i played bishop e7 computer actually doesn't think i should go bishop b7 it thinks i should go b6 right away i sort of was lamenting not playing this move during the game faster i played it here but here there's a major difference the major difference being that white gets the knight to d4 just in time for my counter play whereas if i had played the move b6 it really fundamentally doesn't matter where this bishop is because it's doing the exact same job and for example cb6 knight b6 this knight is just stupid this is just the stupid knight it's just not doing anything and now if white tries to go back and go here i mean that's actually probably the best thing to do by the way then at least i can maybe even play d4 like i'm in time now to occupy the square and then maybe queen d5 attacks the rook then rook d8 maybe then maybe a5 the problem is i waited with bishop like bishop b7 doesn't do anything my bishop serves the same role and one move kind of allowed my opponent to consolidate and then it was a very complex game like from here on out uh white is just better and i and i kind of was mentioning as the game progressed that once my opponent consolidated they would probably have the advantage and he did um and i finally came up with this idea to put my queen on a six the problem is i completely ended up overlooking this move a4 i don't know why this move completely escaped me because this is obviously the only way white can make progress but we were also making moves pretty quickly it's actually why the computer wants me to take on b4 and after a before a before my opponent only has one pawn that can march down the board not to and i kind of have that pawn pretty well blockaded and the machine just evaluates that there's a quagmire here if you will mutual stalemate nobody can really make any progress i didn't do that uh i allowed a4 uh and once play got allowed right around here computer just thinks that uh white is winning uh and then here my opponent responded with a mistake this is a very bad trade you do not want to activate my queen like this very bad trade uh allowing my queen to go here and then playing b5 just kind of all in with the pawns however when i gave this check i knew well that king f2 was the best move and i was just sort of hoping to figure something out and i predicted that when king d2 happened i would be very scared and i was right king d2 is not a good move it's now minus 1.8 but only because i have one way to play this position for a win and it's to cut off the c file with rook c8 the reason i didn't go for rook c8 is i didn't really understand what my next move was i mean i i bishop b4 is impossible and for example if i play d4 to try to play queen e3 like just a queen move i didn't really see what the plan was well what i missed is that after b6 the idea of rook c is to give this check over here the point being that if queenie 2 rook c2 and i deflect the king away from the queen and if the king goes up then i have just the absolutely savage rook c4 that's made and it's almost impossible to prevent force mate in this position rook c8 i did not see and bishop d8 i thought you know with our both mutual time okay i'm gonna create an attack on the king here the engine is an absolute scumbag and finds rook c5 which is just disgusting and white keeps the full rook i can't take because i would hang this so there's nothing i can do i'm complete this is just it cuts off e3 i'm just dead lost but okay i didn't see that my opponent didn't see that instead sacrificing and this is um this is winning for white this is winning for white what i thought was like a low time effort to create some play this is completely lost totally lost position the knight completely covers the checks and as you saw from my expression absolutely devastating uh to lose in this fashion now my biggest mistake was definitely allowing a4 and b5 uh if i had not allowed a4 and b5 actually would have been just a pretty complex game that most likely would have ended with something like this and just impossible for white to break through nice little shot there good resource by my opponent to find this a4 idea and not finding rook c8 of course when king d2 was played uh but low time will do that i mean i really a game like this is uh is a fun one i mean it you can't feel too bad for losing and now i know what to do against g5 for all my future games so on to game two okay it is time for the second game i told my opponent that i would be playing d4 uh and c4 and opponent is playing e6 i think i'll go with knight f3 i think opponent either plays b6 or d5 here main line is d5 so there it is and i've got a couple of ideas for what i want to go about i was debating a couple of openings but i think i'm going to go with the traditional knight c3 and i think he plays the semi-slav i think he has nothing else in his repertoire uh that's not to insult his openings uh that's just reality and now i'm gonna go with g3 this is one of my favorites against the semi slav defense he takes on c4 and now i will play bishop to g2 you also in these positions can play knight e5 and try to win this pawn back immediately immediately but i like to delay here black has two choices one is knight d7 preventing knight e5 and one is b5 which is the main line and these positions are a little bit tricky to play with black you have really a massive lack of space white dominates the center white can oftentimes open up this bishop whiteken castle uh and there's b5 now i need to remember i think knight e5 is is my line here uh because you need to attack the weakened c6 pawn and there's three lines here there's a6 there's queen b6 and then there's bishop to b7 i think he'll play a6 i think i think that's probably going to be his move or queen b6 i don't think he'll go bishop b7 actually can you go can you and goby should b7 cause knight b5 it takes i take the bishop i don't know we'll see i do know that for a fact like i've faced queen b6 before and um i've also played against the a6 there's also maybe knight d5 knight d5 might be the move that that might be what i'm thinking about knight d5 to get in the way of the bishop and then play is pretty dynamic and interesting but i really like these positions because you know black just kind of takes up the challenge you get a bishop opponent is deep in thought so last game i kind of surprised my opponent and this game uh reverse last game my opponent kind of surprised me and this game i am you know returning the favor quite a bit i'm feeling good recovering psychologically after getting my soul taken last game okay queen b6 is played now i think i castle here and play b3 if i'm not mistaken let's do exactly that let's play short castle and play this move b3 now i've actually had this in a game before um like basically this exact position b3 takes and queen takes um it's very very standard i think there is also ab3 which is an idea to sacrifice upon and just have the open rook uh but i've had i've had a position with queen b3 bishop e7 and i completely misplayed that game so this game i'm gonna try to do better queen d4 is not hanging uh it looks like it might be but it's really not i have like knight takes b5 ideas and yeah it's just not hanging at all and now i think blacks basically only move as bishop e7 and castles there might be 97 [Music] might be 97 but my line and what i remember goes bishop e7 then i have a couple of ideas here i think one is to just bring my rook and play bishop g5 and sometimes even take on f6 be solid with my e pawn bring the knight back to d3 and basically just play a position where i'm upon down but i kind of have this sort of similar to last game queen takes d4 he's played uh i think this might lose on the spot i think i have knight takes b5 if queen takes this i have bishop f4 with knight c7 coming if knight b5 queen a1 isn't knight c isn't this just game over i think my opponent might have just blundered which is one of the look if i win this game in the next five moves um i'm just gonna go ahead and say this is why you probably shouldn't rush in a position where you don't know your opponent's preparation uh you don't know what potential land you know landmines you might be walking through like this is one of the reasons i love this line with white it's so dynamic it's so interesting there's all sorts of tactics flying around and uh queen e5 bishop f4 to get into c7 is a problem if queen takes knight that bishop is completely unstable and a8 is just hanging but i do need to be precise because the queen can still go back oh but if the queen goes back i have bishop e3 and i just i i win tempo and if you're watching this and you're like why is he not mentioning this move well then i would go knight c7 okay so after a long period of thought uh my opponent has played queen e5 which i think is probably the best attempt and now i'm gonna go bishop f4 so queen is hanging knight c7 is there if queen takes here i take take and i'm down two pieces but i win one of them back and then i win the rook so i'm just going to be an exchange up i don't really see much else i mean you play queen c5 then i play check and then i take on b7 and it's even worse so yeah kind of kind of nuts um to be honest i would you know be interesting i i would be down to uh i know we're only supposed to play two games but i'm gonna ask my opponent if he wants to run it back and uh not take on d4 just so we get some more practice i mean otherwise it's going to be kind of you know it's not i i didn't really train this game i just played a couple of moves and then my opponent made a blunder okay so i decided to try this once again uh i don't want to win with queen d4 knight b5 although i will include it in the video because it is interesting that even titled players can succumb to tricky and aggressive opening lines and the best move here is bishop e7 that is what my opponent has to play knight d7 now i don't exactly remember the line here so i need to think knight takes d7 is a move whether it's the right move is a different story i don't know i'm always kind of figuring out whether or not a4 is an idea trying to figure out if bishop g5 is an idea rook d1 can't ever be bad i don't remember what the best move is after knight d7 so i will need to think if knight d7 knight d7 i do have dominant control of the center of the board i could consider a move like e4 queen d4 and i'm sacrificing a second pawn for potentially speculative compensation i'm not super thrilled about that idea if i'm being honest i do like rook d1 it's just kind of a nice move and then if bishop e7 maybe just takes takes something with e4 and bishop e3 like two bishops nice big center and then we try to fight bishop g5 is potential potential move actually wait a minute rook d1 there could be take take knight g4 that could be really bad maybe there's knight e4 in that position knight e5 why kids you have to remember your lines don't end up like old gotham here trying to memorize his prep as he is moving through the game yeah i i don't remember so i'm gonna play rogue d1 i i have no recollection of what the move is after knight d7 so i gotta review it there we go a5 okay so i mean this is not a very complicated move uh the idea is to play a4 i can play a formite myself and then my opponent will probably play b4 at which point i've got to start contemplating moves like knight jumping into the middle of the board i mean a4 b4 is forced because otherwise i take and if ba that really weakens the queen side i don't really really believe in that um but i think here for a sec i really like the idea of a4 b4 and then using something on c4 so potentially even just dropping my knight oh but that doesn't work i was going to go knight c4 but there's queen x6 maybe and i can't but then i just move my knight it's really not a big deal just move my knight to e4 for example knight takes bishop takes maybe knight f6 comes in can bring my bishop back this is definitely a threat i i also can consider rugby one rook b1 that makes no sense the question is do i like where this queen is for example knight e4 knight takes bishop takes oh actually there i can even throw in the take on d7 but okay let's just say takes takes and bishop comes to c5 yeah that looks good for black because that f2 is hanging it's not exactly what i want in the position knight b5 doesn't make any sense that doesn't even it's a move that doesn't even begin to make sense so i'm not going to consider it uh so knight c4 is the next thing that i have on my mind and uh maybe maybe maybe i think i'm gonna go for it i think getting out of the middle attacking the queen of course if queen goes back to c7 then that's just terrible i just played this i i i do think queen a6 is the best move but it's it's it's incredibly tricky you know if i isolate that queen there and i just kind of move around without really addressing where it's standing then these pawns could be pretty big end game liabilities because we can blockade them queen a7 is a move that i did not even think about i wonder why something about this move must have just stuck out to me somehow like okay of course i have to move the knight knight e4 i don't want to trade pieces because i'm down a little bit of material um but i actually i'm getting some feeling that this is the right move it just feels correct somehow like i want to go in here so probably we're going to get knight takes e4 bishop takes e4 i've removed one of black's active pieces and then if bishop e7 i could like do something i don't exactly know what it is but just how passive my opponent is over there i'm get i'm getting you know i'm getting tingly i mean getting tingly some ideas for example yeah of course and i just want to go back i don't think this is super complex unless i'm missing something can i shatter the board with d5 probably not this is just dumb there's no reason to go that way so i'm going to go back to g2 uh probably should be seven then maybe that's a little soft so we can always the good thing about these positions we can always play bishop b2 rook c1 and very slowly very slowly get our pawn back rook d8 immediately what comes to mind also bishop g5 kind of comes to mind here but then i think this move is going to get played what about bishop f4 to try to go bishop c7 that looks unpleasant that looks that looks extremely unpleasant actually that looks extremely unpleasant i have to say but there might be knight d5 i don't also don't have a tremendous amount of time so i should speed it up a little bit um [Music] bishop b2 bishop to e7 rook to c1 short castle and something like knight e5 and i'm guaranteed to win this pawn back and probably have a little more than that so i think i'm gonna go the simple route i don't think it's the most dynamic way of playing the position i don't think that i'm getting as much of an advantage as is possible but it is one of the ways that i can play maybe bishop f4 was better much more to the point the remaining thing that i have is something with my pawns in the center but i don't know i'm trying to use slow positional grinding to get my my pawn back and then maybe have a bishop pair like c1 all part of the plan starting to think that maybe there is some moment my opponent can play c5 like if i play knight e5 c5 takes on c5 i don't know i also have bishop b7 queen b7 dc5 and uh i'm just the pawn up there so that i don't think that works okay after some long thought opponent has castled i'm going to continue with our plan uh of targeting the c6 pawn i did mention a while back this was going to be the major focal point of our assault and you know it's interesting it's one of these positions where we go from one attacker on the pawn to and one defender to three it's very rare you can like make a move and immediately two pieces threatened and the truth is i think knight c6 is my threat forcing bishop takes and then you know i take with my rook and i go to work but bishop c6 doesn't look that bad either i have to say i want to play as rook c8 of course knight c6 is an idea i think i want to do something before the move knight d5 happens but um i gotta think about this bishop c6 takes takes which piece do i want to survive into the end game now my instinct tells me just play knight c6 and you'll figure it out later now knight d5 is not a thing anymore because you've removed the knight's buckle uh i don't know why he's thinking he has to play bishop c6 perhaps he's thinking about what's next and now my my thought process is do i do i take with the rook i i don't know i have no idea uh i'm i think i'm gonna take with my bishop i like that it kind of just covers some squares and maybe i can rotate my queen to support it more maybe i can plant it on b5 i have to say the bishop being planted on b5 is pretty nice but it doesn't do much you know like the bishop on g2 it controls the whole board whereas the bishop on b5 like okay it fights for those squares but do i want those squares it's not very clear i like that my opponent can't move so as much as my opponent is probably feeling negative about this position little do they know i also don't know what to do next do i trade one rook do i trade both rooks i'm leaning toward trading both rooks if we trade queens and rooks the way i would play this is to advance as much in the center as i can bring my king over to b5 and win the game i actually think this endgame is pretty trivial to play with white the problem is how and when exactly do i make the trades that's the question i'm not very good at end games i rush things too much so maybe now i can just bring it back you know or to f3 i'm gonna go back to f3 offering the trade of rooks on my terms so you know we can swap rooks but it'll be the way i want to swap rooks i'm not going to have a bishop over on c6 as a target now i think my opponent will probably bring pieces to the middle like knight d5 is just an easy pawn blunder i take and i take i would imagine that he wants the bishop on f6 and i think my next plan is maybe i should have gone rook c4 maybe that's what i should have done maybe i should try to dominate the c file so rook c4 double up on the c file trade rooks on my own terms i'll control the only open file on the board and then i need to figure out what to do with the dark square bishop i can play e3 and at the same time the bishop is over there and my bishops laser beam the diagonal that could be good that's an interesting move that stops rook c4 again slow playing this position is an option um four which i really didn't want to do yeah queen d7 is a very strong move e3 knight d5 yeah if the knight gets to c3 it's like really not good i probably have to play here i'm not thrilled that i have to play this move i was really trying to go a while without playing this move okay takes takes rook c8 the idea rook c8 is the idea but i think the problem with this is that i can take and play e5 unless i'm stupid which could be the case but i think that now that knight d5 is no longer playable i think i can get away with this it's not so clear who wants the rook trades in this end game oh my opponent has disconnected never mind for example knight d7 d5 looks like i have a pretty strong initiative here but yeah i think i i'm pretty sure allowing queen d7 was bad i did something incorrect i should have instead of retreating for no reason just because my bishop was kind of awkwardly positioned there that's why i retreated i should have just added more pressure to where the bishop was standing like rook c4 doubled up etc there it is um i'm thinking d5 threat is of course to take and also to play d6 i mean if i get to play d6 i'm i'm probably just doing very well but yeah de is of course if pawn takes i will go with the bishop f7 is very soft knight c5 i just go queen c4 and the pin here should be sufficient for very good play in the sand game with my activity the pressure is paying off with the bishop here i think i think uh i made it inaccuracy allowing him to play queen d7 and stabilizing and he made an inaccuracy trading the rooks too quickly and letting me overwhelm him in the center also he seems to have trouble with internet right now it's good because i'm trying to win sorry okay um bishop d4 is kind of dumb right because knight d5 okay i'm gonna go d6 i think it only makes sense to play that move i don't know why i would not i don't know if queen c4 is an idea for my opponent here it could be it could be it could be not so simple for me i thought it was going to be easy once i got my pawn on d6 but looks like maybe i was incorrect bishop d4 is definitely a move i want to play i think i'm going to do it my king is always safe which is nice i can always throw some stupid h-man at my opponent but that i don't know that doesn't strike me as super convincing and i think this this will yeah so there's queen c4 um queenie three knight takes this uh the queen e4 to try to get to the back rank i like how it looks i just don't know how good it is queen goes back to c8 it looks like it should be so good of course we can also trade queens you know also trade queens i don't want to trade queens what about queen d1 b3 b2 queen f4 take take d7 bishop here queen c1 another queen takes [Music] yeah i really want to play this move but unfortunately i have just simply no idea if it works or not what a shame oh yeah yay i'm gonna spend all this time and end up doing something dumb chess is such a difficult game can get these truly marvelous positions and just mess them up i guess i'm going to take i really didn't want to do that but it's life bishop e2 and maybe f4 did not see anything better unfortunately now here i do still have some nagging annoying pressure with my bishop pair like maybe i still have some decent chances but this is definitely not what i envisioned when the end game began uh i take take some bishop move i'm gonna play f4 i'm gonna try to keep my my pawn on d6 as protected as possible okay that makes a lot of sense king f2 like b3 doesn't accomplish anything i don't think doesn't doesn't do anything now i need to decide if i'm moving my king toward the spawner toward the middle there's not a lot of time plus i have connect five so i basically just won the game anyway it could be some mating nets could be like some accidental king ji you know okay that is a move i don't what does it do um okay i'm gonna go king e2 if knight here of course i i think i'm just taking and trying to go king d3 and winning myself a pawn wow i did not expect that move how about f5 f5 looks dumb pawn takes g5 pawn takes e5 bishop e5 bishop here or just king of three i i i don't know unfortunately uh there's not a lot of time on the clock and i want to keep the position simple and i feel like if it gets tactical only one person is happy if b3 i just take the i just get the bond so that pawn's not going anywhere a move like bishop b6 is very interesting a takes takes one is 10 seconds oh oh that closes the position interesting interesting okay let's go bishop c4 i kind of want to take we'll see we'll see we'll see and now let's be patient bishop b3 maybe i have a way to win this maybe i need to get my pawn to h5 maybe that's how we're gonna go about this um e3 or can i just infiltrate with my king here knight g6 what about bishop d1 bishop h5 okay let's go um bring it back nothing scary wow my opponent is brave king c4 king b5 i don't i don't know if i'm winning or or what's going on here i have no idea uh that looks like something i guess somehow my opponent has a blockade on stuff which is amazing let's go here if h4u i'm gonna go h3 so now there's no movement on that side and then i have an idea to play king b7 and it's mate which is absolutely brutal that's just not very nice by me that is checkmate in one move so now they have to really get out of there and uh that's hanging and now that i've made it through we the pressure pays off and we win okay so that one that one was a fascinating one uh that was a uh g3 semislav and uh after bishop g2 there's there's two ways for black to play this like first of all there's actually two ways for black to play this period one is to take on c4 one is not some people just get the setup and they never take on c4 they like this but it's a little bit passive if you play like that but i've had people play like knight d7 for example uh knight d7 also works in this move order because you can go here and prevent what white wants with e5 with 95 and then kind of opening the bishop so i've seen this before as well but this allows white to play a4 so it's a trade-off like you can't play b5 now i mean you you you can try to play b5 you can play like bishop before very imbalanced position often times white is just a pawn down but tries to take the full center anyway kind of exactly what i was going for uh as you saw from the video uh my opponent ended up blundering uh early and we ended up just continuing the game from this position knight d7 uh and the analysis actually during the game you remember i was saying i don't know knight d7 it's not in my notes etc uh it's not in my notes for a reason turns out that here white is much better after bishop e3 now that is not a move that i was going to find over the board uh i don't even remember now analyzing it a day later if i looked at this move and the idea of this move is just like if takes takes and white wins because of the queen and the knight hanging and if white doesn't take then black doesn't take them d5 is the threat and it's really hard to move the queen for example if you move the queen back to its home square you blunder c6 or b5 if you go to c7 uh then i go here and i just keep following you or i play rook c1 and your queen just has nowhere to go which is why you have to play bishop e7 because if i play bishop e3 now d5 is a lot less powerful d5 is a lot less powerful and knight to d5 just blocks all of that whereas you cannot do that after you play knight d7 you cannot go here because i take now you are stuck in the center forever now i'll just move my knight move my bishop and right so that's that's the difference between the two now i made a mistake and we ended up getting a position where i made another slight mistake knight c4 was not a good plan this was not a good plan of action i liked it and i thought that getting to a position like this was smart well it's not and i'll show you why it's actually better for me to uh in this position not move my knight at all leave the queen where it is put my knight to e4 this is what the computer likes here's why because if we get the same position that we kind of got in the game like this position the queen is not kicked out but my knight is also very strong my knight is pressuring important squares and if black just plays like bishop e7 i can move my bishop double up right away whereas if i put my knight on c4 i have to move it back to e5 anyway you see not much has changed the key resource in all of these positions in the um in the semislav and kind of just period uh is is whether or not black can play c5 whether black can play c5 or not in a lot of caracon positions as well and it turns out that i mean i thought this move was just not possible i thought opening the position like this before your even your move away from even being a move away from castling doesn't make sense i thought you just can't do this i'll do something like this yeah well of course the computer finds a way it wants to take give a check to move off the line of my bishop and then if i play f3 the computer just goes all the way here and says i'm fine good luck bishop f6 well of course i'm not going to take and hang this yeah gf6 doesn't matter i'm fine don't know if this is that easy to do as a human i'm not gonna lie uh i thought that like something like this was actually pretty scary for black no computer's not phased i opened my king i'm still gonna castle so in a classical game i would need to definitely uh be a little bit careful here with moves like a4 for the future allowing this pawn to stand here very triumphantly is a little bit scary um probably what i should have done is like develop my bishop and then on b4 just been ready to go to a4 uh or on a4 just been ready to come back essentially i should not have indulged with a4 because what ended up happening in the game is it my opponent never played c5 because my opponent never played c5 it made c5 impossible just made c5 impossible rook c8 and psychologically he was under pressure for some time um i really regretted during the game just wasting a move here going back to f3 i should have made progress by doubling my rooks and defending the pawn but actually the computer always evaluates the position as equal all the way down here in fact it still thinks the position is completely equal and the move that we both thought gave me advantage was a blunder so this move is a mistake because actually this move is possible crazy if i take on d5 e takes d5 and go for this queen c2 my bishop is trapped my bishop's just completely trapped now here i have one way to force a draw one way otherwise i'm just in serious trouble that's not made of course one way to force to draw e6 it's the only way ef7 queen a8 all these different ideas for example if queen takes b2 here now this is winning because i have e7 that's how i would win here but that's not going to happen uh yeah we both just basically thought that after this we i was better and i and i and i kind of was the way my opponent let me do this i definitely got a very advantageous end game uh and it turns out that the way i played this to kind of get this to this bind you have to team up your bishops with your pawns this bind is very good for white truly and during the game i wasn't super confident that i would be able to win this during time trouble i also should have a hundred percent shut down my opponent's play here with h4 that way the move g5 trying to break everything apart just doesn't work because of takes takes and f five and the idea of f5 is not to come here not to do this no you don't want this um although this is apparently also winning with some absurd computer idea uh but uh which i'll just show you is g4 because after pawn takes g4 black has no more moves black is completely out of moves like black cannot move the bishop oh my god that is actually insane like look here black is actually completely power that is nuts look at that position black can't move anything computers are just absolute pieces of trash i mean look at that disgusting h4 i take wow but basically the way that this endgame ended up happening is my opponent just sort of ran out of things to do like he kind of dug his own grave a little bit in the time trouble and the computer thinks that like you can you can kind of hold on here but it was always going to be really difficult and i found this nice idea to activate my king this this idea basically wins the game to activate the king uh make sure there's no counter play shut down the whole side over there and then we we fight we found this really nice king a6 and king b7 that's checkmate so once the king is kicked out and this bishop stays paralyzed that's really really bad and generally the rule of thumb here would be always try to look for the active defense and end games because my opponent did not do the active defense and this is right around the time i re i started realizing that i could actually win the game also shows you the power of the bishop pair and a space advantage in knight versus bishop situations some of you might be wondering why this pawn never moved it's because it couldn't the second that this pawn goes where is it going beyond that one square's not good enough just cause you could take the next step one make a one-move attack doesn't mean it's good enough because this king's just going to come right over so the pawn is actually much safer on before being a permanent threat to move but my opponent was never able to do it anyway folks i'm pretty sure this was a long video i'm going to edit this all together and see how long it is once again if you've made it this far i appreciate your constant support in my journey uh if you ever want to support the cause like for the tournaments or whatever it is there's obviously donation links but you could also get yourself a course on my website link is in the description or or or or you can always sign up for chess.com premium because all of the biggest streamers get uh some commission on that actually all streamers do but uh that's another way that you can you can support any uh one of us that you like take care i'll see you in episode five get out of 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Channel: GothamChess
Views: 516,687
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 22sec (4462 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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