5 Tips to Improve Your IELTS Speaking Part 3 Answers

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so there you are you've just finished ielts speaking part two and it went quite well but then the examiner begins part three and asks you a question you have no idea about and you freeze like a bunny in the headlights what should you do well come with me and let's find out together [Music] hello my name is keith and i run the website the keith speaking academy i'm here to help you speak better english give better answers and give a higher score on the ielts speaking test great if you want more free resources to help you with us preparing ielts check out the link somewhere down there to go to the website now today we're going to look at ielts speaking part three some tips to help you succeed in this part of the test now a quick word right because tips are useful right but they cannot replace long-term study right if you're like me you probably believe to learn a language takes time patience persistence studying and practicing almost every day right for a long time there is no kind of quick fix really um some tips can be useful especially for exam technique but the big focus you must have is on improving your english to get higher and that takes time and what i called a lot of a lot of fun work some people say oh it takes hard work well no it doesn't have to be hard or difficult it should be fun right yes you have to do it every day almost every day but lots of fun work that's what i believe in great let's get into those tips then do you remember the bunny do you know what a bunny is a bunny is a rabbit right the bunny in the headlights from the car you're frozen right your mind has gone blank nice expression boom your mind has gone blank what should you do let's have a look tip number one well quite simply right ask the examiner to repeat the question this will make sure that you can or help you to understand the question or at least give you some time to think a bit right so you could say could you say that again could you repeat the question or even if you actually didn't understand the question then just say can you explain what you mean that's nice can you explain what you mean because you're asking the examiner to rephrase the question but you're not saying i don't understand right you're just saying you know the question's not very clear could you explain what you mean beautiful question help you to understand the question that's the first thing i think in addition in this situation i would use pause and some kind of a filler or a signpost to help me pause is different from hesitation right hesitation is when you're um oh um well um i um oh uh oh yeah um that's not good pause is well i think can you see the difference this first one is terrible the second one the pause is really good you're controlling the space and the time actually thinking about it of course native speakers need time to think we don't just have ideas in our heads and you don't in your language so it's fine to take ideas to take time to think of ideas just pause right for example how has globalization affected the food industry well globalization affected the food industry i think it has affected the food industry in a number of ways um first of all i think right so notice i almost repeat the question to give me time to think about it i pause i use a a signpost or a filler right signpost maybe um what did i say first of all for starters in the first place you may use a filler uh well though let me see that's a good question i haven't thought about that just a minute okay so pause filler nice and maybe repeat the question all of these are very natural ways of speaking which you should be using especially in part three of the test if you want to learn more about different fillers and connectors signposts that you can use check out up here the one of my other videos focused just on that let's move on to tip number two so recently when i asked students um which part of part three they found difficult what was difficult about part three one of the most common answers and most common problems was i can't generate ideas quickly right now that may happen for two reasons either you haven't got any ideas full stop right or you have some ideas but you just can't get them out from your brain out into the world so to speak now in the first case you haven't got any ideas actually that's quite good because that's easier to solve all you need to do is go out and steal some ideas go on the internet get on the web go and find two or three reliable sources look for the topics that you know might come up right and start researching getting the language getting the ideas i would suggest some reliable resources just to you know that have good english for example you may want to look at the bbc um bbc news site or the bbc learning english site the conversation great website full of debates current affairs nice ted ed which is the education branch of ted ted talks some great videos wide range of topics they have transcripts so you can also read as well as listen to spoken english and that's the great thing about it it's all spoken english wikipedia now i know it's not a hundred percent reliable but it is in a way peer reviewed i mean it is quite reliable but it puts things in very simple english easy to follow and you can flick from one idea to another quite easily so that's it go and find some ideas do your research as part of your study you could also if you're not sure where to go go to my website download the listening and reading material pdf it's free it's full of links to lots of reading and listening material on 10 of the most common topics in ielts speaking now in the second case where you actually do haves do have some ideas but you can't get them out into the world then you need to practice thinking on your feet that's a lovely expression to think on your feet what does that mean well it just means to think quickly right so you need to practice thinking quickly and a really good way of doing that is to use the recorded ielts mock tests now i've done a bunch of these on my website here's an example right have a look at this you go to this webpage you can see it's a recording of me asking the questions and there is time for you to answer hello welcome to the ielts speaking test my name is keith um can you tell me your full name please right and what can i call you okay great and then i come and ask you the next question so it's like you're in the exam you've got the time limit the time pressure you have to think quickly it's really good practice there's a lot of these on the website some of the links again below you can go and check them out so i guess the key thing in all of these different methods is that you are practicing against the clock right and that's putting pressure on you and pushes you to think quickly and to get your ideas out there are some great tools you can use i've embedded some on my website one of them is word wall brilliant website for teachers as well as students but have a look what it can do so those are some ideas to help you generate ideas more quickly ideas to generate ideas nice let's move on to tip number three so when i asked students again about difficulties in part three um quite a lot of people said listen i'm nervous i'm an introvert i'm shy i'm afraid of making mistakes right so what can we do about you lot well listen first of all join the club i am a huge introvert really um but i can handle it and actually i'm not afraid of making mistakes i think i used to be but i've learned that it's actually only by making mistakes that you learn to grow and get better now of course in the test you want to make as few mistakes as possible absolutely let's talk first about mindset then if you're nervous so your mindset in ielts is so important because so many people do badly because their nerves control them right so i really really think it's important to enjoy the test right smile before the test during the test and at the end of the test all the way home keep smiling your feeling of enjoying the test will change all the dynamics in the test room and will help you so much we learn and perform better when we are relaxed right a bit of pressure does help but too much will crush us right so change your mindset think about enjoying the test you know a while back um i had an experience i had to go somewhere i didn't want to go right let's imagine it's the dentist something like that somewhere that you're dreading you're really afraid and you don't want to go there and i didn't want to go to this place but on the way there i was so nervous i thought what if i chose to go there what if instead of not wanting to go i thought i want to go in fact if i had other things to do today i would still want to go here i'm choosing to go here and it was amazing that suddenly taking a choice and saying i'm choosing to do this because i want to do it calmed me down it was all in the mindset it can help a lot so think about that think about enjoying and choosing to go there if you're into mystical stuff it's basically accepting the now that's what it really is about but you need to practice it it doesn't just happen it's a skill you need to develop right mistakes so why do we make mistakes in english right in the test one reason is especially in part three students are thinking about the structure right you have teachers like myself who say listen you can have a good structure give your opinion say why give an example and so in the test you're thinking okay opinion say why example right keith told me good yeah and you're thinking so much about the structure it can cause you to make mistakes with your grammar or vocabulary right now structures are good but sometimes it's good just to go with the flow just start speaking see what comes out and speak and just go with the flow let it happen right you're not evaluated on structure you're evaluated on natural language and very often native speakers and non-native speakers just go with the flow so if you feel that that's really good right feel that flow it's really good in part three the other reason that a lot of students make mistakes especially in part three is they're focusing on trying to use fancy band nine vocabulary complex structures i have to use right and that's that's true but there's always a balance between fluency and accuracy right um the more you try and be accurate then possibly your fluency comes down right sorry more accurate less fluency if you try and be more fluent maybe your accuracy comes down right maybe more mistakes so you need to find the balance my recommendation really is to speak at your level right if you're a band six speak at the band six level or just a little bit above push yourself a little bit don't try and speak like a band-aid or band nine with fancy words that somebody has taught you or will which are super advanced but you don't really understand it's not going to work you'll lose your balance and you'll make lots of mistakes on grammar and vocabulary and pronunciation so try and speak at your level or just a bit above your level and get that balance of fluency and accuracy cool right okay now the other thing you can do right and this i guess is a tip um is to when you're answering start slowly and then speed up a little bit right very often we're so nervous in part three questions we just we start speaking much much too quickly and it's often a good idea to start slowly and build up right so for example have cities changed much in recent years have cities change much well that's a good question um i would say yes in my country at least they have changed quite a lot for instance nowadays there's a big influx of people coming from the countryside and they're all working in the city because there's a lot more jobs there and so that causes you know more opportunities um but it causes problems as well right so you can start slowly and then begin to speed up as you're feeling the flow and you're getting into the flow and so on and so forth great so these are some ideas about handling your fear of mistakes but also your nerves as well a final thing to mention right about mistakes um is a common misunderstanding and i think this comes from people reading model answers on websites that have been typed out most written model answers are written english and actually we don't speak like that but what students try to do is they try to speak like that right actually spoken english isn't like that okay let me show you simple example right here is some written a written model answer my brother recommended this film he thought it was hilarious and that it would suit my sense of humor so i watched it on apple tv now then look what happens when we actually say this right and i'll put the script up so you can see what i'm saying this film well my brother recommended it right saying he said well well he thought it was hilarious and that i would it would suit me or my sense of humor so i watched it on i think i watched it on apple tv what's different well we front the nouns a lot we put the noun at the beginning of the sentence we have restarts where we change our mind halfway through a sentence and change the structure and we repeat a lot right we repeat things that we're saying sometimes with a small change this is natural english right these are not mistakes to worry about it's the natural way we speak don't try and speak these perfect written sentences it's not natural and it's also very difficult to do unless you're a trained actor great so lots of ideas there about mistakes and nerves let's move on to tip number four now then do any of the following comments sound familiar to you sometimes i can't explain my answers the questions in part three seem strange i have no knowledge on some of these topics um i don't know how to explain my idea i lack vocabulary on certain topics sound familiar right having knowledge ideas and vocabulary to explain a topic is a common difficulty i talked earlier about researching that's true let's talk about some other approaches here so imagine the examiner asks you this question right do you think the science of genetic engineering will be popular in the future are you asking me or dr johnson over here um right now you've got two choices right you could say i don't know i don't know much about that right or you could do something slightly different you listen to how i answer it do you think the science of genetic sorry seriously do you think the science of genetic engineering will be popular in the future to be honest i'm not even sure i know what the science of genetic engineering is um i guess it's got something to do with medicine and uh you know it's related to the medical field and so i suppose in that case yes it will be popular because obviously with covid um research around medicine um is very very important for our future but to be honest i'm not really clued up on that topic okay so what's the difference the difference is in this in my answer the second answer i'm talking right remember the examiner's not evaluating your knowledge they're evaluating your english so even just talking about what you don't know is good right i don't know much about that to be honest i haven't thought about it i'm not clued up on that topic if it's this then maybe that and just keep talking right it's better to say something than nothing so remember the examiner evaluates your language not your ideas there is no right or wrong answer so don't worry if it's the right answer there isn't one and say something keep it fairly short you don't want to go all around the houses and get confused but say something keep it short great now you can in part three give some personal examples so this sometimes makes it easier for students because they may not have a worldwide example for what they want you can give one or two personal examples but just make sure that not all your examples are about you right part three is more about abstract ideas but one or two are okay right for example do you think the science of genetic engineering will be popular in the future oh well that's a good question and to be honest i don't know too much about it but you know my brother studied genetic engineering a university and he thinks it's a really popular field it's going to become all the rage in the future which is the reason why he studied it so it's not really my cup of tea but he knows a lot about it right great personal example again just explaining i don't know much about it but i'm still talking so i'm still being evaluated right so you may get one or two difficult questions these are strategies you can use now and again right so let's move on to tip number five i've been listening and some of you have said how to increase the length of my answers how to use complex language and idioms in part three the vocabulary i use is too simple please suggest good vocabulary which can be used for any answer in part three well to be honest i don't have a magic hat to produce magic vocabulary but these are all very good questions and i think they all point to the same thing right the vocabulary and the language you use is a reflection of your level you can't really pretend to be at a higher level right if you're a house or if you have a house you can't pretend to be a skyscraper if you're a house you're a house what you can do is build day by day week by week to make your house bigger and bigger like a skyscraper and this is what i mean i guess my tip here is really advice rather than a tip it's to focus on building your language day by day week by week for the long term there's no trick you can't fake it really you can try but most of the times people don't succeed the much more beneficial thing to do is to focus on building your vocabulary and a great way to do that is to focus on topics hey that's what i do in the live lessons right every thursday live lesson 10 o'clock spain time we pick a topic and we develop the language and practice the language for that topic keep on doing that for weeks and weeks and weeks keep doing it and you will get better and better as well as topics do pay attention to sub topics these are important because your topic will give you some language but the sub topics will give you a much much wider and richer variety of language and vocabulary i strongly recommend you check out my website right look at the part 3 section i'll just show you briefly here and you can see different topics and different subtopics for part three and you can use these to go on the internet do a bit of research for the different topics just look in google right it will give you lots of links you can have a look around and do it now here's a tip if you are if you have a speaking partner right on that web page just download the the pdf about speaking practice and it will give you all of those topics and subtopics and three simple questions you can ask each other in order to be practicing and in order to respond and when you find out you don't know what to say then make a note and go away and study or help each other study on that sub topic right the big focus on topics and subtopics because your ability to develop topics and subtopics is part of your fluency mark so it is important so you can do that go and download the the pdf practice with your partner or on your own if you don't have a speaking partner great so that's it thank you very much for watching i hope this is useful do go and check out the website keith speaking academy look for the part three page there's lots of really good stuff for you there and also if you want to find out more about part three and listen to some sample answers and analysis how to develop answers check out my online course ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus it's just been updated with some of the new topics you will be getting in 2012 great listen subscribe turn on the notification button and leave a comment let me know what you thought of the video tell me what else you would like to like me to do in these videos i need more ideas from you thank you very much for watching take care everybody all the best now cheerio [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, ielts speaking part 3 tips and tricks, ielts speaking part 3 questions and answers, ielts speaking part 3 band 9, ielts speaking part 3 keith, ielts speaking part 3 band 8, ielts speaking part 3 tips, ielts speaking part 3 tips and strategies, ielts speaking part 3 practice, part 3 ielts, part 3 ielts speaking 2021, part 3 ielts speaking tips, part 3 ielts speaking, part 3 ielts speaking time
Id: o0EvovjnGuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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