IELTS Speaking Topic - Home and Accommodation

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hello my friends it's keith from the keith speaking academy haha new name new look but i'm still here to help you speak better english and prepare for the ielts speaking test so today we're going to be looking at the topic of homes not sherlock holmes but homes as in houses flats apartments accommodation we'll be looking at how you can speak confidently and fluently on this topic let's do it [Music] so as i mentioned i'm still here to help you prepare for the ielts speaking test all of my material now is moving to the new website check me out there first of all though what is the difference between home and house in some languages it's the same word well very simply a house is a building it's a physical place where you live a home is much more than that right it's a place often you associate with family with feelings with emotion a sense of belonging so the house is just the building the home is where you it's the house and everything else around it the emotion and feeling great now watching this video is great but it would be even better if you could practice the language with a teacher somebody to give you feedback and encouragement as you're doing it and what better place than cambly cambly have a great online platform with native english speakers they're professional teachers who can help you they can you can practice speaking with them you can practice ielts questions and they can give you feedback you can choose the teacher anytime any teacher that you like the classes can be recorded you can chat with each other it's great what's more cambly have actually got some new online courses which look fantastic so you can go and check them out as well so thank you very much to cambly who are actually sponsoring this video really appreciated go and check them out and when you go to cambly remember to use the discount code to get your discount on all of their packages keith hyphen disc all the links are down below great with that let's get into the lesson so i wonder what kind of accommodation do you live in many people live in a house or some kind of a house right so we can have a detached house which is a house that is just on its own some people live in a semi-detached house um often called a townhouse in american english like this some people may live in a terraced house a bit like this where the houses are all joined together in a row very common in a lot of areas of england some people live in a house that only has one floor my dad actually lives in a house like this and it's called a bungalow looks a bit like this now you may live in a flat or an apartment in which case the building you live in could be a block of flats or an apartment block sometimes when it's quite luxurious or more expensive it's called a condominium and just generally you could say a high-rise building especially if there's like you know 15 20 30 floors some of these big high-rise buildings and then inside you've got your flat or your apartment to be honest these words are used very much the same with the same meaning we can talk about for example a two-bedroom flat or a three-bedroom flat right so we could say you know if somebody says what kind of accommodation do you live in well i live in a three-bedroom flat on the sixth floor of a seven-story building that's actually where i live notice when we say a seven-story building store seven story is like an adjective so it doesn't take an s right we don't say seven stories building no a seven story building i live in a 20-story building i live in a nine-story building and then you can say the floor i live on the second floor the third floor the fourth floor and so on right excellent if you're a student it may be that you live in rented accommodation or a rented house or you rent a room in a house or a flat right very often students may be in a studio or in england we call it a bed sit which is really it's one room where you have the bed the kitchen and everything together except the bathroom which will be the toilet will be kind of separate normally or attached to that room generally speaking you can say as a student i live in student accommodation or more colloquially i live in student digs digs just means accommodation probably a student how had a student hat no a student house or a student flat rented house rented flat great now that's all well and good but if people ask you you know do you like where you live you want to be thinking about collocations so adjectives that go together to describe where you live so speaking positively you could say i live in a really comfy flat on the seventh floor of a high-rise building a really comfy flat comfy just means comfortable you could also say i live in a spacious flat spacious meaning with lots of space or room right i live in a spacious flat notice the stress on the the key adjective word right repeat with me i live in a spacious flat we almost hesitate right i live in a i live in a spacious flat it's flat it's like you're going up and hitting the word spacious or stressing the word right listen again i live in a spacious flat try another one i live in a comfy flat or even i live in a spacious and comfy flat great another nice word is cozy a cozy flat cozy just means small and comfortable right this is a very cozy flat in fact if you want to be polite right you go to somebody's flat and it's really small you can say oh it's really cozy flat it means it's small but comfortable however if it's small and uncomfortable we would say it's cramped right cramped with that try that one it's a bit of a cramped flat notice we add the it's a bit of a to make it more natural it's a bit of a cramped flat it's a bit of a cramped flat now you wouldn't say that to your friend but you might say it about your own place right well it's a nice flat i live on the sixth floor but it's a bit of a cramped flat other negative things of course might be noisy right the neighbors are so noisy right it's a bit of a cramped flat the neighbors are really noisy i don't like it very much it is funny sometimes i notice with students um when i ask them do you like your house sometimes they say yes it has a kitchen it has a lounge it has a dining area i have two bedrooms and they start listing the rooms in the house now that's nice to show that you know that vocabulary but it's not really telling me what you like about the house it would be much better to say what i really like about my house is the living room it's nice and spacious and really comfy right picking out one room and maybe saying what i really like is right try that with me what i really like is you notice the what i really like is what i really like is the lounge which is nice and comfy and really spacious right so focus on what you like if somebody asks you what you like don't give them a list of the rooms that will show you're a beginner student let's move on so there are some nice collocations we can use to describe different parts of the house right um for example if your bedroom has a bathroom attached to the bedroom we call that an ensuite bathroom sometimes when you go to a hotel you often have an ensuite bathroom uh there are different bedrooms and of course the biggest bedroom normally for the parents unless your children are controlling you is the master bedroom that's the big one that may have a king-size bed or a queen-size bed now that doesn't mean there's a bed for the woman and a bed for the man it just means the size the king-size bed is the bigger one queen-size bed is still pretty big but maybe not as big moving into the kitchen um quite fashionable nowadays especially in america and the uk is to have an open plan kitchen right an open plank kitchen when i was living in china um we didn't have an open plank kitchen um because i think very often cooking in the kitchen um people like to fry and all the fumes come out and you want to close that door right otherwise all the fumes and the smoke is gonna come into the living area or the dining area whereas i guess nowadays especially in england we tend to fry less many families fry less um because of the the move towards a healthier lifestyle and healthier eating so this kind of open plan kitchen is great if you're not frying a lot um and it looks really good right you've got this what we call the island in the middle it's like a little table where you can prepare the food and then you've got your stove to cook on or the oven if you're going to do you know roast chicken or something like that so uh kitchens and that kind of kitchen i would say it has a modern look right so you may want to say what i like about my flat right is the kitchen we have this wonderful spacious open plank kitchen and it's got a really modern look we've even got a little island in the middle for food preparation it's great you even have to say it's great at the end so the kitchen what about the living area so maybe the living area nice and spacious again living areas might have comfy sofas with fluffy cushions maybe you've got fluffy cushions it could be a colorful room um or a room full of contrasting colors right and probably with a few decorations or ornaments on the bookshelves on the tables decorations could be you know pictures hanging on the wall it could be ornaments plants table lamps floor lamps all of that stuff you might even have a rug right on the floor often uh next to the coffee table or next to the sofa people have a rug on the floor especially if you've got a tiled floor which can be quite cold a rug makes it warmer in england many many houses have carpets on the floor so from one wall to another wall completely covering the floor that is a carpet super fluffy super warm especially in the winter and of course you could say a well-lit living room if you've got lots of light coming through you may have a french window those windows that open out like a door onto the garden if you have a garden or onto your balcony if you're lucky enough to have a balcony where you can sit outside and have a cup of tea nice eh moving on sometimes people may ask you about your accommodation you know how long have you lived there or have you always lived there and here well if you ask me that i would say actually i've been living here for about three years now um and i used to live in another country country x and there we lived in a condominium we had quite a spacious flat i remember it was on the 20th floor of a really high-rise building i remember it because i got a bit nervous standing on the balcony so high up but now where we live well we're on the sixth floor and it's a smaller flat but really comfy um and what i like most about it is blah blah blah blah blah blah or you may be you may be honest and right and say well actually where i live now it's not as spacious as before it's a nice comparison not as spacious as before not as um as before and if the truth be told it's a little bit cramped if the truth be told it's a nice expression just to you know to say you're being frank and you're telling the truth or it's like to be honest it's a little bit cramp or to tell you the truth it's a little bit cramp so all of these expressions mean to be honest or frankly speaking right to tell you the truth if the truth be told between you and me it's a bit like a secret right between you and me it's a little bit cramped frankly speaking it's a little bit cramped so a nice expression you can use to introduce something that maybe is a bit negative about where you live other useful comparison language could be it's much bigger than where we are now there was far more room where we used to live it was just way more spacious where we were before it had a lot more mod cons than what we have now mod cons just means modern comforts so the mod cons of a flat are normally the air conditioning the tv the oven the stove the central heating the things the modern things that give you comfort in a flat right so typically we can say it has all the mod cons right you would expect a modern flat to have all the mod cons and to be fully furnished probably brilliant so this is how we can talk about homes and houses flats and apartments i hope this helps what about you what is your home like write down in the comments below tell me all about it that's it for today do go and check out some of the other videos that can help you prepare for your ielts speaking and please if you like the video do like it subscribe turn on the notifications so you can watch the new videos as they come out and do remember to go and check out cambly you can choose the best package for you and start practicing speaking right now today follow the link below or go to cambly and add the code keith hyphen disc to get your discount on all the packages thank you very much for watching if you want to follow me and find out more about the work i'm doing go to i'll see you there do stay in touch take care [Music] bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 361,015
Rating: 4.9534073 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking success, keith speaking academy, ielts home, ielts speaking home accommodation, describe your home ielts speaking answer, ielts speaking accommodation part 1, ielts speaking part 1 home accommodation, ielts speaking accommodation, home ielts, home ielts speaking part 1, home ielts speaking, accommodation ielts speaking part 1, accommodation ielts speaking, accommodation ielts speaking part 2
Id: BmH722JfWVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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