FREE IELTS Speaking practice online - SOCIAL MEDIA

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right hello my friends good morning and welcome it's Tuesday it's 10 o'clock Spanish time and I'm very very happy to be here with you now today it's a bit of a technological experiment because I'm streaming both on YouTube and Facebook done a little trial test I hope it works I think it works but I have a feeling that it might be a slightly different class than usual but let's see how it works out right I guess the added bonus the advantage at the moment is that I can I think I can share my screen right good morning coos and free dives nice to see you two guys from YouTube lovely to see you here parveen's here and Lasher hello there so it's great to be here and I am today going to look at the topic of social media 8 so social media and telephones because they are challenging topics and they are topics that quite a few students have asked me to help them with - nice to see you here it's great to have guys from Facebook and guys from YouTube so a mixed bag today Michael I'm very well thank you very much Essene nice to see you brilliant so I'm looking forward who's from Bangladesh aber Patti nice to see you from Bangladesh and Parveen as well great so we're going to look at social media and we're going to look at one of the questions well kind of part three questions about social media and also one of the part 2 questions which is about mobile phones and you may be familiar with that question describe a time when you could not use your mobile phone so we're gonna look at that question a little bit hey William hi good morning from Hong Kong and Emily's here nice to see you as always Roxanna good morning so it's a very interesting topic ler from Vietnam pals from the Philippines everybody stays safe absolutely Diana that well we're all indoors well maybe we're not a lot of you may not be indoors but here in Europe and certainly in Spain most of us are inside indoors keeping away from people so it's fantastic having things like this social media leads me nicely into the question is it a good thing or a bad thing can be a great thing hi Elias all the way from Bangladesh great to see you here as always and Zia from Pakistan so brilliant we're going to look at that question and generally social media now in the Facebook group I get lots of comments from people I'm gonna tell you now your comments are going so fast I won't be able to read all of them but we'll try and see what we can do right so social media let me put in a few questions about social media do you guys I was gonna say do you guys use social media hi Emmy of course you do because you're on it right now YouTube and Facebook hi Tanya nice to see you here great Maria from Pakistan I'm delighted to hear that that's fantastic so I'm gonna jump straight in Hasan I'm very well I'll try not to get distracted by your comments over here hi Meenu and son Seth and Hasan and Muhammad Ali Hashi from Tunisia great to see you here so my question is is social media important right well what do you guys think is social media important hmm is social media important I'm just gonna see if I can check my image not my image to see if the videos coming up on Facebook well this social media important first of all first and foremost I think it's incredibly useful if you're looking for a job because you can use social media to help get recruited right there are certain sites for example LinkedIn where you can contact and be contacted by HR departments headhunters recruiting agencies and these are great ways to help you find a job to get in touch with companies and also you know social media can be great for building your personal brand you can use social media sites like LinkedIn to tell people about yourself create a good first impression nice photo your background your history show your skills have endorsements from other people on how good you are at different things so it can be a very powerful way of building your personal brand and helping you get a job buh-bam right so there's one idea right now the thing is with many many questions in IELTS they are very very big big questions and wide questions so you probably want to narrow in and get in a bit focused on one area to talk about ok so there just let me go back and go over a few things great so quite a few of you said social media is crucial in our lives it's to helps you connect with other people perfect this day and age it is important to communicate in this day and age that's brilliant so listen as people are doing this I'm going to talk to you but also share some language that might help so if I share my screen I'm doing this very slowly because I've got no idea I've not done this I've done this once before alright you can see it right excellent good you can see it which is good news it's social media yes and no so for recruiting so that was one of the main things we talked about for recruiting you can okay let me just put this in here you can you can contact and be contacted by that's nice isn't it and be contacted by you've got the active and the passive HR departments headhunters recruiters all of that so I make that a little bit bigger I also talked about promoting your personal brand somebody said what's brand brand is of course like it's coca-cola is a brand Gucci is a brand YouTube is a brand it's a name a famous name but we talk about personal brand is your your name right so to make your name not like coca-cola not famous but to set a good impression so if on your social media you have a nice avatar with a nice clear photo and you have like in LinkedIn you have a description of your education your qualification you can promote a good personal brand create a good first impression right it's so important many companies when they recruit the first thing they see is your avatar that's your picture and if your avatar is a monkey or an elephant it's not the best first impression it's we're talking about looking for a job here okay so those are some things we could we can talk about right recreating a good first impression of course LinkedIn is one of the great examples it's always good in IELTS to give examples lots of detailed examples so for example LinkedIn okay Pat you were on social media just to let you know Mina from q8 welcome right other people have talked about to get updates on jobs yes get job updates that's nice thank you very much a job a place deputy Jimmy thank you that's great you get job updates on the latest jobs we can also use it for advertising and other things Faline says to find a job that's right personal brands okay so that's your your image on social media hi Mary good to see you here it's part of our lives and for some people it's a source of income so is it important yes for some people it's a source of income so we use it for advertising many many companies use social media for advertising you'll notice when you watch youtube videos there's lots of advertisements pop up so companies are using it to advertise their their companies and of course to get income right nice collocation to get income rather than saying earn money just talk about getting income slightly nicer okay brilliant great Iza thank you very much for sharing that's great so social media is important we've got Anna from Canada all archers got a nice one it's impossible to overestimate the importance of social media that is so nice it's in impossible to overestimate the importance of social media over SD mate that means you cannot say too much it's it's incredibly important it's impossible to a bit overestimate the importance of something right that is a nice expression so all of you get your pens and paper down make a note I like that very very good Thank You Lasher okay rice oats for Sohail it's a major way of interacting with colleagues right so this is another thing about social media it's a great way to connect with people it's really important for people who are isolate especially older people they may be living on their own their family have fled the nest have gone away and they're left to look after themselves and they get isolated very quickly they can become lonely which in turn can lead to possible mental health problems so it's really important for connecting with people of course in this day and age love that expression in this day and age now with the coronavirus a lot of people are stuck at home they cannot get out and they can be isolated and social media is a fantastic way to connect with others you can do it at the push of a button sending a picture just alike or even having a video call with your uncle's auntie's nephews and nieces so it really is important especially in these days with our international pandemic right so there you go you can talk about connecting with people right let me scroll down connecting with people really important absolutely so it's really important connecting with people especially in this day and age I love that expression which means nowadays our days right nowadays it's really important because people can be alone that can lead to isolation loneliness are all good words Lena's help I'm typing really really badly it can read to loneliness possible mental health problems people cannot connect I talked about people leaving the nest right when children have fled the nest that's when they've left home and the the elderly or the grandparents are left to fend for themselves and for themselves that's a nice expression which just means to look after themselves ice but of course yes in these situations really really important to have social media let's see what else you've said it can save time and money says pachu that's right thank you very much deputy misty from Vietnam hello all now our let that be Ronnie says a very good question is media singular no media is the plural and the singular is medium however we never and I don't know why we never say social medium we always talk about social media so whether it's in the singular or the plural we always say social media I don't know why I know in Latin media is plural but we use it for both plural and singular but great great question I'll let a great question let me come back on back here it's me again for the moment right had 10 shows from New Zealand great and Milky Way says this is the power of social social media we can interact right away it's instantaneous right great brilliant what else have we got to deliver a message quickly is great now Amit brings up a very good question in my in my sense sometimes the authenticity of news may not be true and the influence can be falsified right so the authenticity is not true authenticity is that the truth how real it is so there's a problem right which leads us actually on to my next question which we're going to look at and which is a great point so the next question is is social excuse me it's that team it's my honey lemon and ginger tea it's maybe me making me burp sorry about that not very professional but you know we're all human is social media a good thing well there's the issue of fake news there as well right because social media is a very very powerful tool to spread the news to share ideas but it also means anybody can spread any news so there's a risk that false news can be spread very easily and indeed because it's shared on social media it's hard to track down the source of news and so you never know if it's reliable if it's trustworthy if it's authentic Wow what amazing words right reliable trustworthy authentic brilliant words will come back I'll write these down for you in a moment so it can be a double-edged sword right it can be good that you get news from all around the world quickly but on the other hand you don't know if it's true or not mmm right okay so let me share some of those words we're on a roll today we're on a roll can I share my screen again I'm sure I can think so yeah yeah so we don't know on so we can share all right we talked about sharing news be careful if you talk about spreading news because spreading news is a bit negative when we talk about spreading fake news right we talk about spreading gossip we talk about spreading myths and rumors gossip gossip is when you're talking about your neighbor did you know the lady next door I've seen her with another man not her husband I've seen her with the man who lives at number 16 they were together walking in the park that's gossip right it's just the idle chatter as we call it idle chatter is just nonsense right things that are probably not true but people are very interested in gossip so you spread gossip you spread rumors is another one things that are not true so you can see spread has a bit of a negative connotation that's the word Thank You negative connotation but share is just positive right you share news share the good news share your happiness okay so we were not sure about the reliability of news the trust worthiness Wow the words getting bigger trustworthy trustworthy mess if you want the noun I'll just make it clear it's the noun or the authenticity authenticity is the noun okay the reliability is also the noun so we don't know about the reliability or the trustworthiness or authenticity it's great when you're learning words to learn the adjective there now and in the right so if you just want to say you can make it easier you can use the adjectives we don't know if it's reliable is it reliable is it trustworthy be easier and is it authentic so all of these are the I don't know I've got capitals sorry about that all these are the adjectives okay right just to make that clearer okay so some nice words to be using there I think so is it a good thing so in that case yes well it can be a double-edged sword right that was the other expression a double-edged sword it's a bit of a bit of a cliche but you can still say that it's a double-edged sword right it's got good and it's got bad okay brilliant Oh Isis that you can gain valuable insights about your customers yes you can so when it comes to business so let me just stop sharing again let me come back in where am I there I am great okay excellent so somebody's here talking about the business side so social media is extremely powerful for businesses right it's good for businesses but you can't see me writing at the moment but don't worry because you can get insights get insights into your customers into your customers and your customer behavior the customer behavior so insights literally means to look into sight from vision to see to look in insight is to see inside something you can get insights not go but get insights into customer behavior because with social media especially Facebook you can know what your customers like what they buy what they watch what they do where they are what color socks they wear it's frightening what you what Facebook knows about you and me but it's a very very good point so for business it can be very very good it's also a very powerful channel for advertising right powerful channel for advertising for because you can advertise with video with pictures you can get in front of a lot of people at the click that the flick of a switch in front of a lot of people right and the flick of a switch literally instantly the button at the flick of a switch they're all the same expressions I'm going to share these with you just in a moment so is it really really good it is really good Shwetha am i too late no you're not too late but you are you were 18 minutes late mmm which means you should go and stand in the corner well do you remember that years ago I don't know if they do this in schools but the teacher used to make make us when I was at school stand in the corner if we were late and either put a book on our heads right literally we'd have to put a book on our heads and stand in the corner like that for five minutes and all the other kids loved it they thought it was hilarious but what a terrible thing to do I don't know teachers still do that in your schools do they I don't know so anyway let us move on great what else have we got he'd ask how can I prove my speaking skills in just 30 days well 30 days is a very very very very short time speak more really the more you speak the better you get William is in I'm in two minds about social media and William that is a fantastic expression right let me share that with everybody I'm in two minds about social media so if you're in two minds about something it means you're unsure right I'm unsure about something I'm not sure if it's good or if it's bad brilliant what else Emmy says social media is a sword with double-edged right we say a double-edged sword double-edged sword thank you and as Farhad says it's absolutely it depends how we use it right with all of these tools in technology it depends how we use it absolutely yes so let me scroll right down Oh somebody's got their exam tomorrow Okin I will exam tomorrow it may ask a question about listening can I answer with all capital letters you better not you better not because then because some words in English take a capital like the months right March April May other words don't so you need to differentiate between capitals and small letters so better not do everything in capitals right right no house talked about misinformation that's a very good word as well misinformation so listen let me just share the screen with you to catch up on some of these words hang on a moment this is a bit strange for me it really is so we've talked about if we're we don't know if use is reliable is it trustworthy there is misinformation that's basically fake news it's a double-edged sword though we've said also it's good for business right so let's scroll up sorry scroll down good for business nice expression there that you can get insights into your customer behavior a powerful channel for advertising you can get in front of a lot of people or a company and get in front of a lot of people that means it can put its advertisement in front of a lot of people and immediately get the flick of a switch at the press of a button right and if you're unsure about something then you're in two minds about social media brilliant all now HL stories interesting name social media can alert people about the epidemic the pandemic you're right social media can give people news and information that's really important right excellent okay stop sharing stop sharing screen come back drink more tea it says my computer says drink more more tea I do get very very thirsty it's all this talking and it's very good to stay hydrated ice the ginger we've got ginger it's it's ginger honey and lemon normally I have tea but in this in this day and age nowadays because of the virus my wife is being very very careful and she is recommended that the whole family have ginger ginger hot water with honey and lemon every morning to keep the bugs away and and that's it I usually listen to my wife I think that's good advice it's actually very nice it's a very nice morning drink gets you rehydrated and full of energy right good now then the good in the bad of social media I've noticed a few people here are talking about the manipulation of social media all the social media is used to manipulate other people which is kind of true right and there was the classic case of the elections the general elections in the United States where some of the data collected for example by Facebook was leaked and shared or given or stolen baby to remember Cambridge analytics right the data was leaked they use the data to then send advertising and propaganda and campaigns during the election to influence people and because people don't know where the information comes from they may believe it and then that influence their voting and some people say that's why Donald Trump got into office because of this unfair manipulative use of social media so it's a very very good point you can bring up as well and talk about that so I think manipulation I was gonna say manipulations a good word it's not good it's a horrible thing right but it's a nice word to use in IELTS many piu Lai shun mani fuel active is the adjective right so the companies can be manipulative and they use manipulation that means basically they control you but you don't realize it right Oh data can be can be leaked is another expression we used they data can be leaked or data can be stolen by third parties third parties is used a lot in technology and with social media it's just everybody else it's all these other companies so Facebook reputation and gives it to third parties to other companies so they can send you advertisements about yellow socks things that are really important to you so data can be leaked it can be sold or stolen let's say it's a stolen sold same thing can be stolen by third parties sometimes anyway not always and so they have then the argument is that the third power parties have an unfair advantage all the Democrats or the Republicans had an unfair advantage in the in the election so that might be a good word to use an unfair advantage and so they're in a good position because they've used social media maybe so great let me just share those with you I'm like jumping from one seat to another it's like a child in the park jumping from the swing so the roundabout manipulation right that's controlling people but they don't realize it so somebody is manipulative so the accents on them and me manipulative rather than manipulation and be careful in English because when you change now into adjective to verb often the stress changes data can be leaked and data can be stolen by third parties to get an unfair advantage excellent good right how are you guys doing by the way I will share somehow I don't know about YouTube but on Facebook I will share a copy of this document so you could go there and get it brilliant what else what else are we talking about here what it can I saying Emily says on the one hand social media provides an easy way to connect with your friends and family plus most of the people even foster their creativity to upload their videos on social media I like that they foster their creativity so they nurture and bring out their creativity on social media however being addicted to social media is quite bad bad and maybe you would lose real social skills now that's interesting real social skills I assume you mean face-to-face interpersonal skills so addiction is a very very good question in fact you've stolen Emily you are a third party stealing my daughter you've not stolen my question you've anticipated my next question is social media addictive great what is your Facebook account Lynn my Facebook account is anybody what is my Facebook account I don't know it's I know it is called by its IELTS speaking success so let me give you where is it I'll send you a link IELTS speaking success Facebook IELTS speaking success I'm just gonna pay some copy so you can come there and you can collect the documents and there's a thousand it's the thousand beautiful things on my Facebook page lots of videos and classes that you can just go and watch there you go I'll speaking success loads of stuff and if you join the group as well you get all lots more of them documents and photos and things anyway please mister put this video on your YouTube account well I think it will do many I think it goes as a live video I assume I think so right Lynne is the first time you've watched me welcome great I hope it helps excellent the meaning of addictive well what a good question many what a great way to start so addictive is when you when you what when you when you want addictive addiction is when you want something and you need something so badly that you must have it so a lot of people smoke right and they smoke a lot and if you take away the cigarettes they get sick they shake they vomit and they're really sick because they need the cigarette they need the nicotine they are addicted to cigarettes it's addictive right as the adjective alcohol can be addictive some people just need it all the time social media can be addictive video games can be addictive so it's a very very good question yes so Sandeep says yes it engulfs our time without as even realizing it yeah great I love that it's engulfs our time is a nice metaphor it sucks up our time I'm gonna write these down and share them with you it swallows up whole time all of these are metaphorical but they're really good and we just spend so much time without realizing it right thanks true sheep good Mary thank you that's great thanks for answering others it really helps me a lot especially today it means wasting time not exactly what well wasting time it means you need it it makes our mind blunt we started believing our virtual world yeah obsessed with that's true yes cannot leave a habit that's nice I like that one cannot stop a habit so let me write that down I think that's a really good and fiction to be addicted let's do it with the the adjective first to be addicted means you cannot stop a habit and I was gonna say a bad habit but it's not always a bad habit right some people are addicted to exercise some people are addicted to smoothies and healthy food seriously it's just they have to exercise every day and if they don't they get withdrawal symptoms and that's the other word you should know is withdrawal symptoms and that's when you start feeling sick if you don't have it so if you're addicted to cigarettes and you don't have a cigarette you get withdrawal symptoms such as sweating shaking vomiting things like that right all of those so you can be addicted and so therefore something it is addictive it's the other adjectives oking is addictive apparently those of you who smoke will know this great all right okay you cannot survive without it it's caught yes exactly you can't live without it you're obsessed brilliant thank you these are great you're all fantastic teachers brilliant you're all teaching each other and at the hull it says that social media is truly addictive ah wenting you've talked about the fear of missing out absolutely talk about FOMO and this is really good right if you're um if you're gonna answer or talk about social media technology mobile phones FOMO is the fear of missing out and it's really really a great example to talk about let me share this with you on the screen and we can explain as I go just a tick just a moment just a tick just a moment that's what my grandmother used to say just a tick like tick-tock tick-tock just a tick just a moment it's social media addictive probably it it engulfs our time it swallows up our time or sucks up our time great these are all really nice expressions so to be addicted means you cannot stop a habit you cannot give it up smoking is addictive you need it and you get withdrawal symptoms so you can get we use that with get you can get withdrawal symptoms so you notice what I'm doing right when you learn a word like withdrawal symptoms don't just write down withdrawal symptoms write down a phrase it's really important find out what is the verb that goes with it or if it's a verb if it's an if it's a verb what is the adjective that goes with it or the noun that goes with it so find the collocation what words go together and write down a phrase it's so important that you learn the words in context really really really so you can get withdrawal symptoms and those may be you know things like sweating vomiting shaking they're normally physical reactions and we've talked about the fear of missing out and this I'm sure most of you know this more than me but the fear of missing out is when you think everybody else is having a great time so you go on Facebook and you see all your friends posting beautiful photos with beautiful scenery and they're having a drink and they're having a beautiful dinner and you think they're there their life is perfect and mine isn't and so you your fear your fear is that they are back that you're missing out on a beautiful life a perfect life that everybody else is having and so you become addictive addicted to social media right you become dependent on you just check your Facebook all the time because you're afraid somebody's gonna have a party without you somebody's gonna have something really good without you that you're going to miss out on it and so you're always checking your newsfeed just in case you miss an important update right which never happens because there are no important updates and of course not everybody else has got the beautiful life or the perfect life people just like to capture a moment a second in their lives and put it on Facebook it's not really what their life looks like of course so the fear of missing out is really interesting it's really good to talk about mmm great and as excuse me excuse me that's not very good is it in this day and age but I was told sneeze into your elbow apparently that's what they say now you know why Lee says I believe it is addictive there are so many people that show their luxury life which can make me feel poor for that reason I don't use social media that's exactly exactly what we're talking about yes and we do everybody else feels poor not as good but it's not true this is the thing right it's not true my voice is fairly addictive fantastic really thank you bite when thanks so William says I would say if we're talking about the youngsters and I love that right when you're answering questions in I be specific talk about different groups of people give specific examples and William has got this lovely way if we are talking about youngsters if we're talking about elderly people great love it if we're talking about youngsters most of them are just sitting in the front of the computer chatting and playing games with friends so they can't back to the swing of things they can't get back into the swing of things yeah that's nice very very nice excellent what happens when I press them oh look at that oh I've just discovered a little trick isn't that good now how do I get it off as much as I love it William how do I take it off can't take it off oh there must be a way listen I will discover as I go along que si todos today's lessons start early not at all Caicedo not at all we all forty minutes late right okay let's move on how can I get rid of that there must be a way a way of getting rid of that I will leave it up William you're gonna be a star this is your personal brand great repeating the question Manny we're talking about social media and addiction are is social media addictive okay let's go let's go social media can be a tool for cyberbullying okay cyberbullying so you've brought me on to the the good and the bad of social media I'm gonna share a picture with you and talk you through it a little bit because Janelle has reminded me about cyberbullying anyone can create a fake account and quite easy to bully other people so to bully right to bully people is to treat them badly ah I've just got an idea treat them I can replace Williams with mine it's a treat others such treat someone badly maybe hitting them or stealing from them right typically we have the big boy at school and the little boy and the big boy give me give me your dinner money or give me your food or I will hit you and that boy the big boy is the bully so you bully weaker people right that's the thing where's my message right so bully hey hey I'm getting the hang of this to treat someone badly by hitting them or stealing them and typically a weaker person ah right Elena I'll tell you what's happened Elena is I'm not on an hour earlier well I am but the clocks in Europe have gone forward an hour so what's happened is I just realized that when I tell people the times in other parts of the world that haven't gone forward you're an hour behind that's what's happened yeah so you're right I need to update my facebook cover so the times this is going to be the the time right the normal time we in fact we're coming to the end of the class already right Meenu isn't that true Meenu people get cheated like now in the name of corona donation people are sending fake messages for donation and it is horrible it is but let me do a quick share with you I've got a little graphic here and I'm just going to talk you through this to give you some more ideas and language about social media pros and cons of course pros and cons are the advantages and disadvantages oh I can't get rid of my message come on get rid of my message never mind so the ddddd that the water so we talked about getting Cruzatte right one of the pros is we can get recruited through social media we've talked about make a name for yourself is similar to the personal brand we talked about about I've just found out how to hide it to build your personal brand to become famous so people use social media these youtubers to become famous you can connect with others now we've talked about the problems of isolation and loneliness and how it's important especially for elderly people and at this Inn at this time with the coronavirus how we connect with others so they are not too lonely and isolated of course social media can be used to educate others like me I'm helping other people learn English or get educated so you can learn lots and lots through social media especially YouTube right it's an absolute pleasure of incredible training and learning content you can get different opinions now this is partly true so you can go to social media and engage with people from all over the world and get difference in opinions and ideas which helps you broaden your horizons and learn new things in the pink we've got some negative things cyber bullying as I mentioned is where somebody bullies other people online we've had a few people talk about cyber bullying here somebody said it's pressure rising what was it psychological pressure yes it is so it's it's attacking other people it's writing nasty comments it's writing horrible things on their on their social media to make them feel bad sometimes famous people get beth threats through social media which is a form of bullying basically people say I'm going to kill you it's horrible right so this is cyber bullying and it opens amongst teenagers as well as amongst adults where they tease each other or they may say nasty things to each other so all of that can happen [Music] okay I'll just make a few notes so I can share with you in a moment there's gossip and we talked about this right the weather when people like to spread gossip remember spread gossip spread rumors spread this fake news you know mrs. Jones at number 11 is apparently going out with the man at number 22 and all of that gossip it's all it's it's just a waste of time there is stalking stalking is similar to hunting and this is where a fan will follow a famous person usually in person right I mean in real life they will follow them they will go to the concert if they're a singer they will give them flowers they will go to their house they will send them letters they will sit outside their house and they will send them social media messages to the point of being scary and often the stalker can be psychologically disturbed and can be dangerous in many many cases so stalking is a con this fake identity people pretending to be other people scammers somebody talked about scammers before people trying to scam cameras are the people and they for example you mentioned that in the corona virus people trying to get donations pretending to be you know for the corona virus whatever it is and so to scam people is basically to cheat other people and try and get their money and predators so fake identity sometimes when though you get this when maybe not just men but often yes but all kinds of people who pretend to be other people sometimes to make contact with others then they may attack the other people or rob them or steal them or other things and finally getting hacked you can use social media to hack into somebody's account pretend to be them and ask for their bank account so I could pretend to be your grandfather and all your brother and say you know come on send me the money you promised me but I've hacked your account and I'm not really you and I can steal your money of course that happens and it's it's terrible so there are some pros and cons let me come back come back Here I am again so let me just share some of those words with you just before we wind up and as I said well hang on a minute we've got nasty comments death threats where you say you're going to kill someone teenagers may tease each other is to kind of make fun of other scammers are the people who scam other people they cheat them and they pretend to be someone else Hey which is also known as an impostor so we have all of these things as well okay so as I said I'm going to share this with you I don't know how to share it on YouTube so I'll send a link and you can go to the Facebook page join the Facebook group and you can get the document here I'll probably I might put it on the website I don't know I see how much time I've got I'll try and get it to you somehow one way or another okay brilliant so we've got some great expressions here I'm hoping that you're watching the you're watching the the messages maybe this is what I can do I've just realised I'm sorry but I've just realized I can highlight some of the useful messages they're all useful but ones that are particularly good it's for language right disseminating artificial rumors disseminating is spread it's a nice word okay so hem love thank you very much that's great and this one was the one I saw before from lasha so bullying is a kind of psychological pressurizing it's very very true absolutely okay excellent good ichael is very true I Gore says scammers are gonna scam haters are gonna hate it's true and to be honest with the haters and the people who are bullying cyber bullying the best thing to do is just ignore it don't even answer because it's a waste of time right excellent okay yes when ting talks about the overnight success social-media influencer oh so overnight success means you become successful at the click of a finger overnight very very quickly excellent good so what time do I start okay so this is a good question so I start the class every Tuesday and Thursday please come on Thursday at 10 a.m. Spain time and I'm going to update my facebook cover because I realize in some countries in Europe we have gone forward an hour and people in Asia are thinking are you Europeans crazy what do you mean you've gone forward an hour it's true everybody in Europe gets into a little time machine and overnight on the March the 28th March the 29th everybody in Europe gets into a time machine and we go forward an hour it's amazing and then we come out of this little box and suddenly we're an hour forward we've lost an hour of our lives isn't that strange it's part of a European culture [Laughter] [Music] though what we do is we just take the clock and we turn the clock forward an hour we play with time it's crazy I know but we do that so that's why there's been a confusion because the rest of the world has not got into your time machine maybe you don't have a time machine so you haven't been able to move forward so I will just check ten o'clock Spain time check the time in your country at that time and that's when I'm here okay yes okay well I'm gonna wrap up I'm just going to close with the nice few comments over here a con-artist is nice so we talked about scammer con-artist stands for confidence artist because they steal your confidence or your trust that is a nice expression as well excellent good good good anything else there's so many comments is so hard to keep track excellent blackmail is another blackmail is much stronger I mean blackmail is where you for example you take some photos of somebody that they don't want anybody to see and you say give me lots of money or else I will put this on YouTube or Facebook and everybody will see and so they can blackmail and steal your money from you yes right brilliant okay guys there's so many comments it's hard to keep up I'm gonna finish here for today thank you very much all of you for joining it's absolutely fantastic and I think it I just take my hat off if I had a hat I would take my hat off to you I am full of respect and admiration to all of you because you're here showing up in the morning to study and for those of you I know so many of you have come here day after day week after week that have been with me on Facebook for a long time so really fantastic I'm hoping it can help you with vocabulary with ideas for a lot of these IELTS questions and that's it we will finish here for today keep the comments coming because you can always go back and look at the comments and I think this will show up on YouTube I'll make sure it does it will show up on Facebook come over to the Facebook page you could come and see me there and you can you can walk you can come and join in the fun that we have on Facebook this is the I'll just share it one less time with you it's that's the one Facebook IELTS speaking success there's a Facebook group you'll see a link if you want to join the group you can brilliant guys thank you very much time for some more tea take care all of you cheerio now bye bye I don't know how to turn this off let's stay here all day no there must be an off button ah got it
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 49,683
Rating: 4.9438834 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking social media, ielts speaking mobile phones, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking topic social media
Id: vznEg3P7cVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 47sec (3587 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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