IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of JOBS

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wow stevie nicks great fleetwood mac so listen hello good morning it's thursday 10 o'clock and it's time for a bit of keith speaking academy now today it's a really exciting topic we're going to be looking at the topic of jobs lovely i know what you're thinking you're thinking keith are you really going to do the whole class from your car well not exactly i'm gonna rush back to the office right now well my home office of course i work from home hopefully i'll be back before the minute before the music finishes right wish me luck never leave your mobile phone in the car [Music] whoa there we go i'm back well just in time and amazingly i've changed my clothes a bit like superman super teacher great how are you then good to see you this morning this morning we've got this exciting topic of jobs we're going to talk about right looking forward to that before we do let me just see um who is in the house over here we've got hello djk amman hello mohammed nice to see you gloria hello there aziza right djk wow wow hello rosalind nice to see you arda good luck with your um operation i hope you're getting better soon that's great i hope so uh mix masala lovely handle i like that i like a bit of masala uh bini vinod nice to see you sir and uh pratikska to be flower and blue daniel saber nice to see you guys all here this is great so excited to beginning today we're going to be looking at the topic of jobs as i said and i've been experimenting a little bit and i'm going to see if this works but forgive me if there's lots of mistakes but i think it was um was it jeff bezos the amazon ceo oh well the ex-ceo right he's just um changed he's just stepped down actually he's now an executive director it was either steve bezos or larry page of google who said you must always always always be experimenting because only 10 percent of the things you do will work and if you never experiment you'll never find new things so i think that's great i'm going to start experimenting today with a this this software right today's lesson what it means is i have to hide over here so i'm going to tell you what we're going to do today right on the lesson this lesson all about jobs so the first thing i'm going to do is just take that out of the way we're going to be looking at essential vocabulary right and interestingly why is this painting important yeah who is that do you know who that is well i wonder we'll be seeing in a moment um and we're also going to be doing by the way as you have mentioned happy chinese new year to those of you celebrating and happy new year for those of you in vietnam also um i know a lot of you are celebrating the new year's eve tonight so all the best for you um now what else have we got we've got phrasal verbs i'm going to be looking at some interesting phrasal verbs on this topic today um i'm going to be looking at talking about your job and your ideal job right is it really all about the money show me the money that was jerry maguire if i remember correctly right so we're also going to be doing a video i'm going to show you a short video and do a bit of listening practice um i'll also do some idioms i mean for example do you know this she doesn't pull her weight well we're going to be finding out in today's lesson and also we'll be looking at sample answers and finishing as always with kahoot to have a little bit of fun so all of that will be going on today bring it all back come on here we go today's lesson how exciting good now if you're on youtube please do remember subscribe turn on the notifications and you can find out more about well new videos coming up i've got an exciting video on saturday coming out which is all about part three tips i did part three last week right but i'm doing even more in-depth tips this week so look out for that do remember to check me out on the keith speaking academy that's the website um it's the one over here i'll just show you and just to remind you that at the end of the class today right you can go to the website the keith speaking academy check out um not that that's the pop-up check out the free live lessons up here right um because that is where you will be able to download the pdf from today right last week we had this one we had success with part two and you can find out all the other past topics they're all down here right animals ambition ambition's a popular topic so you can download the whole lesson or you can just go and read the lesson on the website right as well if you want to read it you can go and do that there's lots of exciting materials there and stuff that i think will help you as you study right it's all there great that's it that is the website so let me move you away mr website thank you very much and uh come back to everybody here good so we're on the topic of jobs now then let me just see how you're all doing chan deep your video is very helpful good thank you very much i'm pleased they are um as weenie tomorrow is your speaking test as weenie fingers crossed break a leg best of luck i hope it goes really well for you and for everybody else taking their test right amin from london nice to see you i mean i hope you're well i hope you're keeping safe have you had your uh vaccination yet right and there's shahama from sri lanka great nice to see people from all around the world excellent nice comments great i'm scared about the ielts exam look at the emoji do your best well i think you've said it do your best that's the answer my friend do your best you can do no more than do your best okay lovely so listen let's begin and we're going to begin with what we're going to begin looking at uh essential vocabulary right so let's have a look over here i'm going to move this jobs sync because it might distract so what's the difference between job and work that's a question for you right thinking about the noun for example i have two jobs and i like both of them and work i have a lot of work to do what is the difference that's my question to you at the bottom check it out what is the difference let's see who knows magdy says work come back work equals task possibly possibly um ah right now we're getting there says job is countable yeah nice because i have two jobs right you can see that it is countable very very good and you've said the same person you've said here work is come back where did you go lay work is uncountable right exactly very very good yes and i think here aziza has the same job is countable work is not countable nice so work here i have a lot of work to do is non-countable great so let's just make it clear countable okay and this one is uncountable as a noun right now we don't normally say works or at work however there is one situation where you might and it's here right if you have this right do you know who painted this very famous painter anybody know who painted this does anybody know well not yet but i'm sure you will do here we go yes we've got it sg says picasso it is well done it's picasso right it is picasso and this is um a work of art by picasso right now you'll notice straight away a work of art right by picasso his works are great so in this case work is countable right but we only make it countable when we're talking about art really um yes when you're talking about art so a work of art uh his artworks are fantastic we can make it countable right but when we're talking about making money or working then it's uncountable i have a lot of work to do i'm very busy today i have a lot of work to do okay so work also of course is the verb right um to work hard let me just put in the verb to make it clear to work hard to work part-time to work full-time so part-time maybe you're just working a few hours a week full time is probably 37 hours a week or if you're working for a big company probably 40 45 hours a week if you're a manager probably 60 hours a week the higher up the hierarchy you go the more you have to work part-time and full-time we can say to work from home notice it's from right so i work from home right or to work remotely is another expression we also say to work remotely i wonder if any of you guys work from home or do you work remotely right work remotely remotely very often the t we kind of make a stop so you can say either work remotely remotely but probably more common is work remotely remotely there's a we call it a guttural a glottal stop remotely i work remotely he works remotely what about you ah you don't work remotely right very very good excellent we've got also it's a other collocations we talk about a well-paid job or a badly paid job if i ask you i know what you're going to say most people say oh it's a badly paid job right i have a badly paid job i have a well-paid job i have a badly paid job other common collocation to talk about a white collar and a blue collar job a white collar job collar right is this so if you've got like me a white collar on your shirt you're probably sat in an office and you're probably working indoors kind of in some kind of office blue collar tends to be more manual work working with your hands often working outside building construction engineering we call blue collar worker traditionally because the working clothes used to be blue of those workers whereas the people in the office the banker the finance the accountant used to wear white collars maybe it's still true i don't know maybe a white collar job right it's more like an indoors office job and this one is more of a outdoors or manual job right so for example a banker but this one for example could be a mechanic who fixes your car could be great so we've got different um collocations here with work right okay let's see anything else that you guys are doing i've got um some interesting questions yeah you're absolutely right so eder you asked here can work at home doing household chores absolutely yes i have a lot of work to do it can be household work or it can be paid work so it can be paid or non-paid really yes we talk about self-employed work i am self-employed i do self-employed work yep good now this is nice yes sifedeen to work in shifts well so normally right let me um add this to my list [Music] we normally just say i work shifts right i work shifts or i work you can say i work in shifts but in the plural nice so let's save that i work in shifts i tend to hear more commonly i actually work shifts without the without the the in but dean nice very very nice you can say i work the night shift for example i work the night shift so you work shifts means that maybe you work like a lot of nurses and doctors they work for two days continually and then they take two days off or three days off or not nowadays unfortunately yeah nice good what else have we got job is a profession absolutely that's right well said carbia i'm trying to get you on the screen a job is like a profession so my job is a teacher that's my profession it's what i do for my life yeah um some of you are not working absolutely from work virtually that's great let's put that one up as well right i work i like working virtually look at that as another example lovely very very nice excellent good who get i've i work remotely since march i have been working remotely since march 2020 good for you who get and do you uh do you enjoy it i wonder i hope you enjoy it yes i'll just gonna help you with your it's worked i have worked remotely yeah because it's you began in the past and you carry on today i have worked remotely since march 2020 great it has its pros and it's cons who who gets i think working remotely on the one hand is positive right it gives you a lot of freedom and independence but on the other hand there are so many distractions you have to be very disciplined to organize your work so it's good and bad right what else can we say um with working when you're talking about your job maybe you can say it's arduous work right arduous is a really nice word it just means it's difficult it's hard right or hard it's arduous it's arduous work it's difficult work um working as a nurse i think now must be very very arduous work can you say that with me arduous it's a archer archer arduous it's arduous work one more time and the stress is on the r you know when you see the dentist ah same it's arduous work nice very nice very very good of course we can talk about rewarding work when you work and you feel good about it rewarding means that you get some benefit that may be financial maybe money right it pays well or it may be satisfaction right it's rewarding work right basically it means you enjoy it and it is satisfying it doesn't necessarily mean you get a lot of money right in fact normally when we talk about rewarding work it's normally about satisfaction rather than money right if it's about money you say well it pays well it's a well-paid job well paid or it pays well good now when you're working right of course you're probably you're you have a manager somewhere and your manager is going to evaluate your work and tell you whether your work is good or bad if you're working if your work is good and very good you may hear this is a sterling piece of work keith this is a sterling piece of work which means really really good right however if your work is not good oh this is a shoddy piece of work keith i did have i remember once i presented um a report to my manager and i was so rushed to meet the deadline and i was up all night you know burning the candle at both ends burning the midnight oil um and it was it was really shoddy it was really bad and i knew it was bad but i had no choice because the deadline was there and so i had to hand in this poor piece of work and i do remember i mean the look on my manager's face was like oh keith this is a shoddy piece of work and he was right yeah what could i do deadlines pressure come on give me some slack mr manager give me some slack means give me a break help you know give me more time give me some space give me some slack so sterling piece of work means a fantastic let's say so normally these are collocations with work right normally right normally you there is some flexibility but i would learn them in this context right fantastic um shoddy terrible i know but i was up all night i'm going to just share those comments i made burning the midnight oil to meet my deadlines i know it's not up to scratch but please oh you can't see this sorry let me write this up here but please give me some slack there you go i know it's shoddy right not good but i was up all night up all night burning the midnight oil which means you know working or studying all night let's take that off to meet my deadlines great collocation to meet my deadlines i know it's not up to scratch to be up to scratch means to be gutted good enough to be good enough i know it's not up to scratch but please give me some slack give me a break uh give me some space take basically take off the pressure those are lovely i just wanted to share those because i think those are really really interesting um expressions and if we're talking about jobs and working right can be very very useful right lovely good um next ah yes next i'm gonna come back here do you remember we talked about today's lesson we talked about um we talked about what ah okay bear with me i know why we talked about essential vocabulary the other one i'm going to look at next is phrasal verbs right phrasal verbs okay so let's come back into phrasal verbs over here when we're talking about phrasal verbs i put in a lot of work um i've taken on too much work let's get down to work these are kind of nice phrasal verbs why is it a bit small isn't it i just realized so to put in means to do i've put in a lot of work right just means i've done a lot of work i've taken on too much work means i've started or accept so i've taken on too much work i've accepted too much work now this is difficult right because often your boss will say here's the classic case right your boss comes along and says keith can you do this extra work for me and you go yes you know how am i going to say no no no no i can't actually i'm too busy i have this this and this to do okay and your boss says i know i know you're busy i know how busy it is and i really appreciate all the hard work you're doing but this is really important it needs to be done by tomorrow can you do it okay yes right yes and so you take on the extra work and then on wednesday you fall sick because you're so tired and exhausted and your boss says oh it's a shame you're sick you know you should be careful don't take on so much work what does that happen to you i tell you what it happened to me once i was like oh but you said yeah anyway the world of management welcome to the mysterious world of management [Music] great so that's to take on to accept too much work let's get down to work is to begin right so very often especially at the beginning of a beginning of a meeting or beginning of a project beginning of a meeting everybody says hello how are you it's nice weather today yes it's raining did you get here okay yes would you like some coffee yes thank you right now let's get down to work let's begin right finish with the pleasantries finish with the greetings let's get down get down to work let's get down to work right get down notice the t you drop get down can you say that get down okay not get down no get down get down get down get down to work two ta get down to work try again get down to work let's get down to work nice very nice good lovely like it so there we have three little phrasal verbs phrasal verbs are so common in spoken english it's really worth learning two or three for the different topics you're studying it can really really make you sound more more natural right okay lovely good let me check in how are you i've not been speaking not been checking your messages ah right yes i burn the candles at both ends yeah burning the candles at both ends is also a similar expression arduous time consuming it can be yes yes manic yes it can be time consuming it normally takes up a lot of energy as well as time yes harry boy i have a life-consuming job as a doctor i'm sure you have no social life at all i'm sure right but you're doing a sterling job sir you're doing a sterling job right now this is interesting and ha thank you very much for just pointing this out i worked for non-governmental organizations however my parents said that was shoddy piece of work um okay so here right it's not quite correct because shoddy refers to a piece of work not the job right you can't say it's a shoddy job no it's a good job or a bad job or a well-paid job or badly paid job but for a piece of work is one piece of work like a project an essay a report that's a shoddy piece of work not the whole job right a whole job you would say it's a bad job or not an interesting job right a little bit different yes doctor zached welcome can i get the ppt what you have taught in the lesson yes you can it's actually a pdf so this pdf you've got over here this pdf is on the website not now because we haven't finished but maybe three or four hours after the lesson you can go to the website and you can download the pdf right i will show you later but the website yeah is the keith speaking academy um i'll show you it's the free live lessons tab and you can get all the powerpoints powerpoints pdfs i prefer pdfs normally good sadie i've seen your comment about access on the course um if you've i will solve it absolutely if you've messaged messaged me i'll go and check it and help you out um great anything else what does phrasal mean ah phrasal okay phrasal verb ah sorry i didn't explain okay these are where you have a verb plus a press preposition for example wake up right or speak out speak up let's say speak up which means speak more loudly so these are just very very common in um very common in natural spoken english it's a verb plus a preposition whoops put in take on get down get down to there's many many different kinds um maybe i can do a whole lesson on phrasal verbs maybe right in the future but i think it's best to learn them bit by bit as you go along good question though right pretty jolly watching from the office in dubai all the way from dubai great okay okay everybody's asking what are phrasal verbs well i hope that helps explain phrasal verbs okay excellent good let me move on see what's coming up next um what is coming up next what's after phrasal verbs after phrasal verbs yes oh yes we've got this one yep i'd like to move on and talk about your job or ideal job bum i've decided today to take let me get rid of that to take a full bottle of water because i got so thirsty last week so this today no problems we'll be fine um so what job do you do on this topic let me give you a couple of sentences or phrases and then i'm going to ask you right so you might say in this particular issue let me just make that a bit bigger i realize it's a bit small yes you might say i work as a teacher or as a builder right i work as a or an banker and link the words right work work i work as a teacher i work in sales or i work in education work in is the field you work in right maybe it's the field of sales the field of medicine the field of education i work in medicine right dr o'hare works in medicine i work in education or you can say i work for and the company either the name of the company i work for amazon i work for apple i work for i work for who i work for i don't know google why do i think of all those companies or i work for a multinational company i work for a local company notice it's not for it's i work for a multi-national company i work for a spanish company right so what about you let's do this one by one the first one i work as a teacher what about you great right you can speak out you can type but also speak out i work in education what about you i work for myself i work for myself i'm self-employed what about you nice good great good practice put a note down in the comments tell me what you do let's have a look oh nice so we've got wow all over the world i work as a professional accountant in the treasury unit wow in nigeria great adriana i work in construction great eda i have a startup i work as an entrepreneur lovely word entrepreneur great kimberly i worked as a nurse so in the past right i wonder what you do now i worked as a nurse christina also i work in medicine great burak i work as an english teacher hey join the club great amer says i work as an engineer right always linking right work as an engineer i work as an engineer hasan i work as a telecom supervisor lovely great um aida i work as a lawyer and i love your photo that is right great justice balance great uh sheila you're either asking me or you're not sure i work for an educational institution yeah that's correct yes i work for an educational institution absolutely it's correct i think the question marks for me so let's take it off because it's absolutely correct nice maya i work as a photographer maya i need somebody to take some photos for me can you come over to spain and do a photo shoot for me please great uh mumtaz i work in hospital now hospital is a place right it's a place not a field so it must be if it's a place you need a i work in a hospital right so that is really good mumtaz because that will help us just clarify let me just take you down right so this is the field but i work in hospital school bank right is the place that's great oh mumtaz thank you so much that really helps us helps a lot actually i work in with the place right i'll just take you off i love your cat nice can you see that everybody the difference between work in the field and work in a place now billa is also a teacher kindergarten teacher brilliant uh jarjish is i work as a research where are you chargish i work as a research assistant fantastic great and farzan also i work as a teacher and work in education that is really nice if you're giving an answer in ielts right and you want to make it a bit longer you can build right build your phrases i work as a teacher and work in education and actually i work in the school near my house don't go chatter in the ielts test right don't do that can you give me your full name my name is keith right good come on seriousness please let's be serious um what job do you do great lovely answers now let me move on what about what do you like about your job because you're probably gonna get asked about this sometime in your life if not in ielts somebody sometime is going to ask you what do you like about your job so some nice phrases we can use here i love the fact that great i love the fact that i normally would say i can i love the fact that i can help a lot of people around the world i love the fact that i can work from home you know i love the fact that i can um organize my own time right it doesn't have to be can it could be any verb right i can but i have i love the fact that i have um a rewarding job because or you can say it's good because i get to it's good because i get to and then talk about what you are able to do it's good because i get to teach students across the world it's good because i get to organize my own time right similar thing nice or what is real what i really like about my job and this is nice english right instead of saying i like this i like that right it's a bit boring what i really like about my job is i can work from home what i really like about my job is i can be very creative okay it's nice what i really like and you stress the really right what i really like about my job is okay so stress and pause what i really like about my job is try that follow me what i really like about my job is ah interesting so that's my question to you now let's have a look write down in the comments what do you like about your job let's find out this will be interesting i think okay i love the fact that i can deal with with sorts uh with all sorts i think you mean right with all sorts i love the fact that i can deal with all sorts of customers yes great um natalia says it is good because i get to help people with the designs of their houses i get too lovely natalia nice great is that interior design or are you architectural doing an are you an architect maybe what else have we got we've got i'm not sure the name facebook users sometimes your name doesn't come up i love my job because i i great opportunity to interact with a lot of people right almost i have a great opportunity we would say i have a great opportunity i have a great opportunity to interact with a lot of people great suhail says i love the fact that i have authority to take decisions beautiful and very good right um what else have we got shruti that your answer here is it work in a bank or for a bank both if you're talking about the place it's in a bank if you're talking about the company it's for a bank so both are correct yep right enzoid says what i really like about my job is i can touch people's lives yes people with an apostrophe good i wonder what you do i'm very curious now mohid says what i really like about my job is the working environment and friendly colleagues who help me whenever i'm in trouble top-notch answer mohit fantastic nice um lanila what if one doesn't have a job well just say i don't have a job i'm a student or i'm a i work at home or i don't work i'm unemployed you can just explain your situation yeah absolutely fine you can lie but i i would just explain the situation uh i love the fact i can help the citizens help too no not help too i can help yeah you're thinking of the verb help to do something but help somebody yeah right that's why natalia i help you to do something but i help somebody i can help the citizens of this country to get better or to grow or blah blah blah thank you natalia nice um what else have we got ah yes i know this i know this i know you of course shakun i'm a blogger and i love the fact that i can work from home i think while looking after my family and what i really love about my job is expressing my thoughts through writing lovely nice great engra i love the fact that i can visit many places great good so listen some really nice phrases very interesting i'm really curious to find out more about everything that you're doing it's so interesting yes you know no i can't tell you that no but i think it's really interesting um doing asking people these questions and finding out about their background and what they do lovely great so what's next what's next water pump keep hydrated keith brilliant tell you what it's great to see so many familiar names here more and more of you coming back week after week i recognize a lot of your names now oh that's really great it's like we are a little community i know there's like a thousand of you out there but it feels like a small like we're in this little room together like cozy and warm nice love it so what is next i'd like to know what is your ideal job you've told me about what you do what you like but is it your perfect job or is there another job right so what actually is your ideal job the question might be conditional what would be your ideal job and why let me know nice i'm watching your messages i'm reading yes burak i would love to meet you and well all of you we should do a conference shouldn't we somewhere be hydrated yes right okay ah man let's start with you because you bring up a very very good point um aim right is is target right it's your right but here does it it's not the right collocation um so instead of my aiming job i would say either my target job or my ideal job i'm going to help you out a bit so i would change that to my ideal job is to work as an aerospace engineer right so i'll put my ideal job or my target job or my dream job right all of those we could say let me just change my font dan okay great nice random my ideal job would be to become a nomad capitalist you mean like a i don't know a world traveler making lots of money absolutely why not this is nice i wish i worked at at a school remember ah great i'm gonna add that i wish i worked whoops i wish i worked that's a really nice phrase actually i wish i worked at school or as a teacher or for a school depends if it's the place or the the company nice great safri ceo right ideal job ceo i wonder why you want lots of stress right janelle my ideal job is carpenter yes remember i think this is the other important thing is that most of you are forgetting the the article my ideal job is a carpenter right a uh carpenter let's see what was the other one astronaut something like that right so remember to work as a my ideal job to do yep brilliant thank you jonelle your baby looks lovely probably not a baby anymore right maybe three years old sword swad says i would love to become an entrepreneur and start my own company yeah it's a great idea great nice raihan says chef me too actually i would love to be a chef asha says teaching would be my ideal job get online asha get yourself a camera start teaching online oh this is nice from yo-yo i'm dreaming of being a scientist for helping more people with cancer very nice good good nito says my ideal job would be a football team manager indeed why not why not becoming doctor was my dream job unfortunately i ended up being a nurse well i understand the disappointment but it's still good being a nurse um still good but biakran thank you very much because you've reminded us all to put the article becoming a doctor becoming a doctor was my dream job right lovely very very nice excellent okay i'd like to share so many more but there are so many of them right my ideal job is working for myself um i wish i would work as a doctor i wish i could work as a doctor not would but could i wish i could work as a doctor says all of you okay excellent i'm going to move away and i'm going to move on to well give me a moment so i'm going to show you a video next right um video was the next thing on my plan we've been talking about ideal jobs i have to come over and go i'd like to show you a video next and give you some listening practice the video is actually me talking about my ideal job can you guess my ideal job what do you think my target job would be if i could do anything i wish i would what do you think see if you can guess stan the man it's not stand the man it's me it's the real me chef photography cooking yeah i do talk a lot about being a chef don't i i would love to be a chef singer oh i'm a terrible singer ielts examiner not again i did that enough go to mars comedian chef true true to become a millionaire on youtube well me and everybody else yes right rock star yeah off no i yes probably not now but in my 20s i wanted to be a a professional rock star footballer not quite some interesting ideas right so listen i'm going to show you this video and i want you to let's get rid of the cat i want you to watch the video and see if you're right about guessing my job also as you're listening try to fill in the gaps over here try and fill in the gaps put on the adrenaline financial and it's more of a blah blah blah than a passion you can probably guess some of these collocations but i want you to take take a pen and paper it's ielts listening no it's just listening practice find the collocations that i say in the video right are you ready ah let's see okay so you've got your paper you've got your pen you've got your head on you've got your ears open let's watch the video and see if you can find these um these things you'll need to write these down of course because you because when you watch the video you can't you can't see them so make a note just write these down put on a to my the adrenaline financial it's more of a than a passion okay let's get down to work let's begin just give me a moment because apple has put it on the cloud again an interesting job that i would like to do wow well for me you know i've always wanted to be an actor i would love to be an actor ever since i was young i've been fascinated by acting dressing up interpreting how people think and do things differently when i was at university i was a member of the french drama club and we put on a play i went to the audition and actually got chosen for one of the leading roles well to my surprise because i was quite you know a shy introvert and i got the role so i worked really hard on my pronunciation on my lines with a lot of support from a teacher and it was great i loved it and then in my 20s i was living in france and i went to several drama clubs for a few weeks here and there um i guess i just loved the the emotion of acting um the adrenaline rush when you go on out onto the stage and you perform and you share with everybody your interpretation of a certain scenario or person or character i think it's great so yeah i'd love to be an actor um i think one of the challenges though of being a professional actor is the financial instability yeah it's not a regular income um you know you may get an audition here or there you may get cast or you may not um i think it's quite difficult unless you're one of the top kind of five percent you get really good money you could be struggling for quite a lifetime so for me i think i'd like to be an actor but um it's more of a whim rather than a passion that i'm going to do wow so there you are well done uh well i'm just looking at your comments so many people got it right an actor right a really interesting job one of my ideal jobs would be to be an actor you might have guessed right i love being in front of the camera well done and actually it seems that a lot of you got all of those answers right i mean let's just go back to the the questions i was asking here where are we so to put on uh i'll try and pick out somebody who could who got the answer narry man yep put on a play well done to my to my try and find another one somebody who got the answer i have to go back away hang on a minute to my surprise absolutely right so my surprise okay i'm just trying to find somebody who's i can put up i can't find anybody okay never mind the adrenaline rush the adrenaline rush we had somebody had the adrenaline rush um silesh said the adrenaline rush financial instability so krishna said financial insurance instability and the last one was a bit difficult right it's more of a whim so dusky says it's more of a whim than a passion a whim is something that you feel like doing suddenly right um i have a whim to eat chocolate if you suddenly feel like doing something i have a whim to eat chocolate i have a whim today to go for a walk i've just decided right i remember when my wife was pregnant she had lots of whims to have ice cream chocolate right all these whims just suddenly i want chocolate like three o'clock in the morning i want chocolate okay a whim right to have a whim is a sudden feeling for something so my i decided at the end that it was a it was more of a whim than a passion because being an actor has this financial instability right so there's the adrenaline rush is when you're really excited and really excited about something but the financial instability not a lot of money meant for me it's more of a whim i would like to do it but acting maybe is not my passion maybe cooking is my passion actually okay so well done all of you i mean some fantastic answers um i wonder if that's useful for you doing listening uh activities as well maybe that helps because we can identify a lot of interesting language i think one of the best ways for you to learn new language for speaking is through listening a you know it's spoken language b you can pick up pronunciation and c you get all these collocations right brilliant nice if you want to watch an analysis of that video go to youtube my youtube channel and look for this it's in the part two in the youtube channel there are different playlists um and you can find some part two questions um and one of them is an interesting job you like to do it's not only it's actually a full analysis of everything i said a grammatical and vocabulary analysis if you're interested right great very helpful keep doing it model answers are useful right great i have a whim to start a youtube channel na duni it's a good idea it's great fun right let's move on we're going to move on next well of course i'm going to move next onto idioms right as i mentioned earlier before i love that idioms right for example she doesn't pull her weight i wonder if you have somebody in your office or job environment who doesn't pull her weight let's find out more we're going to talk about idioms now i'm going to share some idioms i have about work and jobs and then you can share some of yours as well right so we've got about another 20 minutes i'm gonna try and finish on time today um because last week it was too long but normally the class is about an hour and a half i will try and finish on time in 20 minutes so let's get and have a look let's get down to work let's get down to work great so it suits me down to the ground lovely expression it suits me down to the ground which means it's perfect for me it's a perfect match right so for example hello go away go away if i say to you right i love um being in front of the camera i love acting then being an online teacher suits me down to the ground it's great right i love teaching people new things well being a teacher suits you down to the ground it suits you it matches you down to the ground means a hundred percent completely right so that's a nice expression it suits me down to the ground which means it's uh it's a hundred percent match or or perfect for you for me let's say i'll just change that okay i'll just make this slightly bigger i now realize it's a little bit small so it suits me down to the ground she never does a stroke of work i bet you have this in your office environment or whoever you work with when you work in a team there's always people who work very hard and there's always the freeloader people who are so lazy they never do anything right they don't pull their weight your weight is how heavy you are and it means to work hard is to pull your weight so people who pull their weight are great because they work hard but there's always one person one person who sits in the corner does nothing playing candy crush oh i'll do the report later yeah right that person doesn't pull their weight right she never oh doesn't does do stroker work sorry do it it's the same she never does a stroke of work right she does she's so lazy basically so lazy they mean the same thing i've just realized she's so lazy whoops she doesn't pull her weight right it's the same she doesn't do enough work she's too lazy she doesn't pull her weight so you always get people right like that who they never do a stroke of work they don't pull their weight so notice if it's she it's her if it's me i pull my weight i like to pull my weight i like to to work hard um right let me just make that clear i like to pull my weight do what i am respond responsible for basically right i like to pull my weight is i do what i am responsible for she doesn't do what she's responsible for right she doesn't pull her weight i like to pull my weight i do pull my weight um okay he made light work of it it's a nice expression he made light work of it right basically means he did it easily he made like work of it for example ronaldo christiano great football player right now for him to help his team to win the world cup it's really difficult a really really difficult job but he made light work of it right he did it so easily because he's so good it was so easy for him right he made light work of it have you seen the film good will hunting the matt damon film very old film good will hunting this young boy who's a genius absolute genius and the professor has this mathematical problem to do and he's really difficult and he says will can you do this problem and will goes yeah 22 right in seconds in the blink of an eye he gives the answer he made light work of it right he did it easily he made light work of it great film by the way good will hunting nice old film this is a cushy number means it's an easy job it's an easy job it's a cushy number you know so when you've got a job maybe it's um let me take this up it's a cushy number well i have a job where i get up at uh 11 o'clock in the morning i finish work at three o'clock in the afternoon whoa it's a cushy number that's not true by the way i wish um that's the trouble when you work for yourself you actually work more and more you think you become independent but you end up working more and more as a self-employed person but if you have a job you get a well-paid job and very little or very few hours hey it's a cushy number it's an easy job right talking about a job or a profession uh and also we've got it's not a great job but at least i can get a foot in the door now to get a foot in the door is to begin working for a company so very often people want to work for the big companies right they want to work for google they want to work for amazon and but they can't but maybe amazon offer you a very low paid job right and you think well if i start working with this job i can begin to move up in amazon i can enter the company i can get a foot in the door right means to to begin working in the company start working in a company and the idea that you may be able to move up i can start working in a company i can get a foot in the door good i'm going to share some of your comments in a minute you've got some great examples here i have hit a glass ceiling i can't go any further in this company the glass ceiling as you can see in the picture um is where you want to move up in a company but there's this barrier and it's an invisible barrier nobody talks about it but you can't move up right so the the truth is that for a lot of women in business there's a glass ceiling that the company is organized so that only the men get the best promotions it's not official it's not a policy you can't see right in the documents and say oh no it's just it's an invisible barrier there's a glass ceiling um not only for women but in many many situations but that's one of the most common situations we talk about the glass ceiling right i've hit a glass ceiling so normally it's about promotion in a company right so it's an invisible barrier brilliant right very very good let's have a look okay good celine share what you've got here whoops come back there is a lot in here who is being paid lucratively for just a cushy number of work rubbish well good examples right my job is a cushy number i enjoy being on duty all day nice when you enjoy your job it can be a cushy number um this is nice from rose i love music and i think being a musician suits me down to the ground brilliant yes aziza this is a nice example teaching seems to be a cushy number these days well seems to be that said sometimes i have to pull my weight and think of the ways to make it like work lovely very nice yes this is nice from taher i will never change my job it suits me down to the ground and everyone in my workplace pulls their weight yeah nice brilliant brilliant very very good ah here thank you very much some great examples guys really nice um so that's good what's next i know what's next i'm gonna move on from idioms to something else and that something else is this one let's have a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've stopped it early great sample answers or model answers all the same sample answers model answers oh let me just get rid of that for the moment so remember right we have been talking about the topic of jobs so it would be good to look at any questions you have for me ielts questions about jobs write them down in the um in the thingy the comment box and i will try and answer them i'll pick out one or two great love the transitions good arda is your keith is your youtube channel a well paid job it's a quite well paid job quite well paid job yes right oh that's interesting what is the job with the cushiest number ooh cue card yes koshal you could ask me a cue card if you like oh there's a nice question this is a part three question i think so let's let's go with this one uh it's really interesting why do you think people quit their jobs nice so if i can just copy that and put it over here great i'll just take the jobs off thank you diane that's great why do you think people quit their jobs i would say that's probably a part three question right going into more detail so i'll try and speak for about 30 seconds on that because normally we would do about 30 seconds for that let me see if i can add this i don't need a clock but it might be useful okay um why do i think people quit their jobs i think there's probably a multitude of different reasons and obviously it depends on the circumstances but i would say for a lot of people um nowadays one of the main reasons they give up their job is because of the stress you know a lot of people are under stress they have to work very hard they have to meet deadlines tight deadlines it's a huge amount of pressure on them and so a lot of them will just give up the jobs because it's not worth sacrificing your health for the the work that you're doing wow 30 seconds that's quick right okay quit your job give up your job um meet deadlines tight deadlines meet tight deadlines um sacrifice it's not worth it right all interesting collocations to use in that kind of answer great i will type this up and later on the website you can get the full the full thing the full thingy yes great oh right um okay let's try this one this is a part two question kevin says describe an awkward moment at your work an awkward moment is a bit like an embarrassing moment right this is a very good question describe an awkward moment at your work okay let me just take this so that's great kevin thank you very much for that and i think in that case i'm going to change this to two minutes but don't start the clock yet no describe an awkward moment at your work just give me a minute or a few seconds to think of an example here normally you have a minute right just a tick okay right okay here we go describe an awkward moment at your work um so i'd like to tell you about a time when i took my boss for a meeting but the people we met didn't turn up now this is going back quite a while it must have been oh about six years ago i was working as a project manager at the time for an educational institution and i was the i was organizing a project where we helped teachers in their schools and i had to go with my boss to meet a local government official and what happened is i was responsible for setting up the meeting and organizing the discussion the content of the agenda and all the follow-up points so i spend a lot of time meticulously working out the agenda setting up all the details and i even agreed on on the the location the date but absent-mindedly i forgot to double check with the government official the day before that the meeting was still on and so the day of the meeting i got in the car with my boss we drove down to the government office we arrived just on time and then said that we were ready to meet mr x but we were told that mr x was not there that he wasn't aware there was a meeting and my boss said to me did you telephone this morning to double check we had a meeting and i was so embarrassed because i hadn't and it was a rocky mistake like a beginner's mistake the first thing i should have done was check the meeting i was so embarrassed um because the meeting was cancelled it turned out to be a total waste of time for my boss who was rather angry and we drove back in complete silence to the office that was a awkward moment or an embarrassing moment at work right expressions there well it must have been or it this is going back six years ago it must have been six years ago i was working at the time those are very nice kind of structures to give the setting or the background right so what you're doing um what else i forgot to double check double check confirm um the meeting other expressions there anyway listen i will go back later we'll put all of these up so just to remind you right when it comes to getting the notes from today's class i know we've not quite finished but if you want to get all the notes then all you need to do is in about four hours time because i need time to set things up go to the website right keith speaking academy go to the free live lessons up here and you can download the notes here right you can actually see the videos here as well but all of the notes we last week we looked at cue cards more cue cards we did part one topics but you can just go and download the the lesson notes there from today but in about three or four hours okay stop what is next i've got too many things going on here i'll tell you what is next this is next not this one but this one not that one this one kahoot is next right okay kahoot is a fun game that we are gonna play together um it's a way for us to finish up and just review and revise some of the language we've been looking at today if you've not been here before pay attention you need to go to a website or there's a mobile app kahoot www dot kahoot k-a-h-o-o-t dot i-t let me show you this will make it easier you need to log in basically and then we play the game they're going to ask you four questions and you have to guess the answers right so let me show you kahoot it's taking some time login uh let's play jobs no don't need that thank you very much i need this one teach i'm gonna show you kahoot is now loading tell you what i'm gonna do right normally you put your names in today don't put your name in because all right not why because right what you can do is you can choose a nickname so you know who you are right so that we don't have any stupid names choose a nickname and also you've got personalized learning this time which means i'm going to turn this on personalized learning which means that this means that you can practice after the game so after the game if you've got any questions wrong you can practice the difficult questions after the game you can go back and try and do it again so that's just called personalized learning so you're going to choose a nickname today rather than uh rather than before here we go we're going to play the classic one now just bear with me a moment i just need to change something here we are let me take this off you don't need that anymore so go to kahoot hey or download the free app it's hello what's happened [Music] [Music] exactly celine thank you it's not working it should be working you just have to choose um you have to choose a nickname and you know who you are exactly ashraf it was a little bit annoying you can put your answers in the comments section if you prefer absolutely shakun got zany lion strange names right okay let's do it let's move forward let's go straight in and let's start with the first question jobs so true or false i mean correct or incorrect good news i have a new work is that correct true or incorrect false good news i have a new work i have a new book is that correct true or false incorrect the answer is oh that's interesting 50 50 it's false right it's false i have a new work remember work is not countable i have a new job you cannot say i have a new work right you can say i have a piece of work to do today but not i have a new work no so it's false that's the answer it's false it should be i have a new job right good you're all saying uncountable false exactly what's interesting 60 60 50 50. okay let's move on school aboard aquatic gator you're at the top there's an excited chicken second let's move on next question i work blank education i work blank education what's the right preposition i work blank education right well done i work in education right i work in education not four some of you said four i work for education not really you work for a company i work for this school i work for the keith academy but i work in education in with the field right i work in education okay great where are we aquatic gator always disappeared it's now awesome wolf at the top and super gnu whatever that is next question number three he is so lazy he never pulls his blank he is so lazy he never pulls his blank now this one should be easy peasy he is so lazy he never pulls his blank well done dr sabiha nice well done aziza and raka good oh sure of no be careful exactly it's weight he never pulls his weight right a few of you said finger now there's a different expression with finger which is to point the finger is to blame or accuse somebody i point the finger at you as i blame you but pull your weight is to do your job what you should do right so he never pulls his weight well done let's find out scoreboard the wolf is still at the top the red puffin is trying to get in there come on then let's find out the last question women never get promoted in this company there is a glass blank women never get promoted in this company there is a glass blank well done yuko and clara despite your spelling eugenia eugenia well done the answer is ceiling fantastic that's great to see yes there is a glass ceiling that's why women never get promoted in this company well done very very nice that's good to see let's have a look on the leaderboard what's happening honest condor third super gnu second and the winner is awesome wolf well done awesome awesome wolf well done my friend excellent that's nice first place let me come back so guys thank you for staying with me um it's been wonderful today i've really enjoyed being here and showing you some different language vocabulary we've had idioms phrasal verbs talking about your jobs and your ideal jobs a bit of listening practice we've also done some sample answers and a review of all the language you can go back to kahoot and you can do that again to make sure you get the right answers remember review review review it's so important for your english so do remember you can go and get the pdf in maybe three or four hours um on keith speaking academy if you're on youtube well even if you're on facebook this will be recorded so you can go back and watch it again don't tell your friends or students about it please do remember to subscribe on youtube and turn on the notification button that would be great you can find out about my video coming up on saturday which is going to be all about um part three tips nice if you like facebook and you're on facebook and you want to join us there is a facebook group keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking um you can join it's free there's a lot going on people are sharing their questions their results we're practicing with each other and just trying to motivate each other to keep learning because it can be quite difficult at times right so that's there as well facebook group and the website go and check them out and just to let you know i have updated my online course ielts speaking success so i've included some of the new 2021 questions around farms farming singing handwriting telling the truth unusual clothes so go and check it out if you're already in just go back in you get it for free if you haven't bought it maybe now is the time go and have a look see what you think you can find the links on my website or you can go well yeah go to the the website keith speaking academy and you can find the links there to the course if it's right for you great okay lovely thank you very much those of you doing the test fingers crossed let me take that off fingers crossed break a leg best of luck for tomorrow or saturday if you're doing the test then let us know how it went and i look forward to seeing you next thursday for another exciting edition on the keith speaking academy take care my friends see you soon now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 56,283
Rating: 4.9357352 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking tips, ielts preparation, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking part 2 jobs, talking about jobs / work ielts speaking, describe a job you would not like to do in the future, describe a job that you would like to do in the future, jobs ielts, jobs ielts speaking, jobs ielts speaking part 3, keith ielts speaking, keith ielts idioms, jobs idioms in english, ielts speaking idioms and phrases
Id: XU30Eu6UPkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 26sec (5846 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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