IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic NEWS

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hey hello good morning welcome hooray it's thursday and today we're going to be talking all about the news right it's a really great topic we'll be looking at language idioms vocabulary a bit of pronunciation sharing a few answers and all of that really really exciting so we're going to look at the news today fantastic so welcome all of you now our fingers crossed fingers crossed i hope the comments are working today and that you can all come in um i made some changes yesterday and i'm just checking before we start oh dear oh dear he says doesn't look good at all and in fact i'm not sure actually anybody is there because nothing is loading which is not good is it let me go into youtube and see if you guys are actually there am i actually live or not holy moly please be patient i think i am live yes i am live okay and some of you are there that's great it's really unfortunate but it seems that once again the comments are not loading which means i'll have to change my approach a bit but the important thing is you are there and you seem to be um watching so great listen guys if you are on youtube and please do subscribe to the channel and turn on that strange notification button so you can find out about new videos coming up in the near future excellent so as i mentioned today um well we're going to talk about the news i'm just going to see if i can find some comments from you let me see if i can do this like i did last time there may be a way to do it there may be a way to do it right okay i've kind of got in i think so i can see in facebook sin is here angela is there so nam hello good morning nice to see you here guys thanks for joining now at risk of overloading my um my whole system let me see if i can pop into the youtube channel pop into nice expression right to go into quickly to pop into right that's a bit strange i can watch myself in real time right is anybody here yes we have great so we've got hello right ralph lacks my dotted shirt thank you very much ralph krishna hello from sydney buran good morning sarah hi um ashraf oh i'm not sure about that one how to say it sophia good morning yeah news is a great topic right nimko good morning and anand from india and aaron right great welcome all of you so that's really really good um news is an interesting topic and we're going to look at different things i'm going to start off um as always i guess by having a look right by having a look over here not at this but by having a look over here at some vocabulary just to start so a very quick question for you right first of all news right is it countable or uncountable right so what i mean is do we say some news or a news is it countable or uncountable let's see what you say we've got a few coming in clara says uncountable ashraf says uncountable most of you say uncountable which is good news because it is uncountable well done right it's uncountable which means we can say um i've got some news right or little news um or i haven't got any news right i haven't got any news right so it's uncountable for sure and that's one of the biggest mistakes um because a lot of people say i heard a news yesterday right no not good not good at all not i've heard ah news but i'll get my smiley face if i can i've got some news i've got little news i haven't got much news i haven't got any news right so all of these to go with news so the question after that then guys is how to make it singular you can make it singular right for example coffee is the same it's i've got some coffee i haven't got much coffee but we can say a cup of coffee or a grain of coffee or a bean of coffee a coffee bean a cup of coffee how do we make news singular wow you're fast right sophia says a piece of news as well piece of news great yeah you've all got it good a piece of news exactly okay excellent so it's a piece you know i always get confused with e i right and i e and then i found a way to remember is i think of pie apple pie and a piece of apple pie p-i-e is pie right a piece of apple pie that's how i remember the spelling right a piece of news great so we can talk about a piece of news or in fact an item of news right there was an item of news on the telly the other day and they were talking about this they were talking about that so a piece of news or an item of news notice is an item an item we often link right you don't have to but at least when you're listening you'll hear native speakers say an item an item like nigh night like day and night a night excellent so that's the basics get these right right because they're so important because they're the common mistakes that people make even at band seven possibly band eight and it just it's like a slap in the face to the examiner right you're speaking fluently and then you say oh yes and there was uh an interesting news what that's a basic mistake so don't make that basic mistake let's move on and talk about collocations right um collocations what kind of collocations can we get with news right so i'm thinking about words that we put together with news let's see what you say uh burden piece means little no not necessarily it just means one right a piece of paper it's not little or big it's just one a piece of news is just one right big news breaking news great news manas says latest news ashraf says breaking um danish says important news oh updated from jean hong very good updated news right collocation is words that go together right words that typically go together right so with news we can talk about breaking news i heard some breaking news um updated news good news i got some good news yesterday right so these are words we can put together um with news happy news urgent news right latest news good now those are all adjectives what about the verb what about the verb fake news right the verb is a bit more difficult right what do you do with news get i got some break breaking news mike i got some breaking news today get news right so one of you have got it we talk about to get news uh to hear some news i heard some news yesterday i got some news right so collocations we've got verbs sorry we've got adjectives first adjectives that go together fantastic and down here we can also have some verbs that go together super super super great to get news to hear some news now as always what i like to do is go to this nice little tool because people ask well how do i find out the collocations well it's all on the internet and if you go to ozdik right ostic is an amazing dictionary let me show you ostic it's over here and if you search let's just take this off it's right you can see here i hope you can see let me just bring this myself over um so news meaning new information adjectives encouraging excellent good great marvellous right the good news is or if it's negative bad gloomy grim tragic unwelcome that's nice unwelcome news right when i heard that my auntie was in a car crash that was unwelcome news right you don't go oh come in have a cup of tea no go away i don't want to know it's bad news unwelcome news um quantities right here you can see we've got what we've got quantities uh a bit of news ah a bit an item a piece we had a bit of good news get have hear learn receive are the verbs catch up on let's catch up on all your news i want to catch up on all your news like it right very very good so you can find here in ostig all of these different kinds of um different kinds of collocations right excellent i'm gonna add one here to catch up on and it's always good right i think to put examples when you're making notes let's catch up on all the latest news on all your there you go i want to catch up on ketchup on is is a chunk you can say it as one phrase together catch upon a bit like ketchup when you have a hamburger and you put ketchup but not ketchup as in cat catch up on cat chop on i want to catch up on can you say that i want to catch up on all your latest news and all together i want to catch up on all your latest news nice can you hear the stress i i want to i want to catch up on all your latest news all your latest news i want to catch up on i want to catch up on all your latest news it's a bit like dancing the samba or the salsa i want to catch up on all your latest news it's got a rhythm a melody right excellent good so we've looked at collocations let me put you to the test right let me see if you guys can get this um here's a few let's do number one i heard some bum bum bum news yesterday right number one what could you say for number one uh manu catch up is to get to get up to date right catch up on to get up to date let me just go back and make that clear great and that gives you a moment to to have a look here number one let's do number one [Music] so the question is i have heard some bum bum news sad shocking says pot interesting says nancy pleasant says sonam right great tragic right gloomy says manas yeah great so all of those it could be gloomy it could be um i heard some happy somebody said breaking is another one right i think we mentioned breaking means the latest brand new right breaking is brand new what's brand new very very new it's a great expression actually i love that brand new i've got a brand new car well i wish i don't but brand new is really new right i've got a brand new car um so latest right i heard some breaking news yesterday so lots of different ones what about number two have you um the latest news have you um the latest news let's check on facebook i'm trying to follow both of you right ahmad says have you heard the latest news yeah have you heard the latest news that's a good one heard any others let's see heard seen a few people have said scene conceived not conceived no so heard seen red exactly red that's a good one caught up on very nice right scene heard read caught up on lovely brilliant well done that is very very good all of those are great number three the news is like wildfire oh now wildfire i'm not sure if you know wildfire if you have a fire a fire going through the forest does the fire go quickly or slowly the fire i'm trying to do the fire through the forest goes really quickly so something like wild flyer wild fire it's really quick yeah we've got it some of you if a lot of you have got it fantastic best students in the world look at that namrata now man great dynamic king yep very very good right so you've got it and make sure you get the gerund right just get your grammar control get on top of your grammar the news is spreading like wild flyer wildfire help i know i need some honey lemon tea new cup not brand new but new number four this is new it has just been released news sorry this is news it has just been released wow hot breaking brand new latest this is the latest okay yes it could be the latest but you need the excellent you've all got it so you could have the latest or just this is breaking news the only reason we've got the by the way is because it's the superlative right the best the biggest the latest you don't have the with news here right so although that's correct i'm going to take it away this is breaking news it has just been released you could say brand new this is brand new news it's just been released but breaking again is the is the typical one it's the common one you see we use breaking news for the media right so when it's on the bbc or the voice of america or cnn it's breaking news when your neighbor tells you that the price of fish has gone up you don't say that's breaking news right that's the latest news because your neighbor is not the bbc your neighbor probably is not a media channel or a media outlet so we only use breaking like with the tv internet media not with your neighbor or your family okay excellent nice very very good so listen we've looked at lots of um oh sorry we've looked at lots of different vocabulary there about news now now what when it comes to news um years ago there were questions in ielts about the news and they come and they go and i think you know this is why i honestly don't think it's so important to focus on the specific questions that are coming up because these topics come round again and again and what's important for you is not what's the latest question what's important is what's the topic how can i speak confidently about this topic and so to do that you want to focus on the topic so that said years ago there were topic there were questions about talk about a piece of news tell me some news you've heard and what kinds of news are there right what kinds of things can you talk about there's lots of different kinds of things [Music] um let me show you here okay so news we can talk about international news or foreign news right news from abroad national or domestic news news from your own country local news tends to be from your city or province so we're going international national local right it's your local area and then we've got personal news right so personal news is not about the war brexit trade corona it's about things about your life your family your friends the neighbor next door have you heard the price of fish has gone up oh my god that's terrible news so personal news there's lots of things you can talk about and it occurred to me you can think about greeting cards now i know in many countries right you don't have greeting cards but in america and great britain at least they're very very popular so when it's somebody's birthday we always send a greeting card and there's greeting cards for all kinds of occasions for all kinds of personal news right so take a look you may have greeting cards for example for a birthday right happy birthday yippie it's a girl what's the news somebody has had a baby a newborn baby yay and it's a girl hurray right that's the news um the wedding over here invitation to a wedding the news is somebody's getting married oh did you know jackie and john are getting married oh they'll be so good together that's news you've also got exams over there congratulations on passing your exams so oh have you heard timmy has passed his exams he's going to university in september well done timmy uh other things down here you've got one over there um for what's that for oh christening when a baby if you i guess with christianity if it's christian they are christened they put some water on their head and the baby cries everybody goes ah and it's cristing oh have you heard um jackie and john who got married nine months ago i've just had a baby and the baby's going to get christened next week right so all of these kind of personal news you can get ideas from greeting cards right and things you can talk about about news and pers let's say personal news great good so ideas for us to talk about okay now the next thing before i just break into um into a cough don't worry you've got to be careful right coughing in these days people get very very nervous nada congratulations for your sister she got her master's degree good news great yeah good some great comments there really really good i'm going to share with you very briefly next just a few websites to get ideas so we're focusing now on ideas to talk about right and there are some great websites here i mean i think these are excellent let me show you very very briefly um these websites and then you can just go and search them the first one breaking news is by a chap called shawn if i remember correctly breaking news you can see it here if you can kind of get past the adverts it's funded by adverts so he's got lessons so this is ideal for teachers but the great thing about this website is it's up to date so every week look at the date 10th of september pope says gossiping is worse than covid have you heard that have you heard that news 52 of young adults in the u.s live with parents that was on the 8th of september here's another piece of news another piece of news bodybuilder delivery helps sushi business in japan oh great so whether you're a teacher or a student right there's lots of stuff here different um going back different programs you can choose right just choose one let's say 52 you'll notice you've got different levels right um so you can go in at different levels you can do a listening reading and grammar right the reading is here this is level six it then gives you warm up it gives you vocabulary things to talk about it talks about more vocabulary more vocabulary explanations true and false to check your reading synonym match phrase match loads of fantastic activities i mean this is all free it's fantastic it's great and you can do spelling you can do reading you can do grammar all sorts of stuff listen it's called breaking news the best thing for you is just to go and check it out right it's a really nice website well worth visiting um another one you may know is the bbc lingo hack um and the bbc news new report one the bbc actually have lots of um websites about news and they're well worth having a look at right i mean if you just want a quick look at lingo hack um lingo hack is aimed at intermediate levels um and get up to date up to date right get up to date catch up with the latest news and then understand it with lingo hack and what they focus on is hacking the language so in the news journalists use lots of new trendy words right surfing therapy heard of that driverless cars what else free flowers to bring happiness the worldwide plastic problem and they really dig deep into the the kind of trendy language the new language that's coming up and don't worry it's not you're not learning slang you're just going into depth in different topics and some lovely language but what's interesting is the idea yeah you want to talk about news you need ideas this is great source of really nice ideas right lingo hack from the guys at the bbc again it's all free it's great intermediate level which is most of you will be around that level even if you're advanced it's well worth it just to go in and get some ideas okay excellent news report well you can go and find out about that yourselves go and do it yourself okay good so i'm just gonna i'm gonna close that i'm just gonna check how you're all doing how are you doing great you're doing well so listen the other day a few people in the chat box mentioned to me um could you do a bit of a focus on part two because part two is really really challenging um knowing getting your ideas the one minute preparation how do we what do we how what who how how do you do the one minute preparation um how do you get your ideas what if you don't get an idea what if i've never done that what do i do right so let's have a bit of a focus on part two to help you out right so part two um let's have a look i'll just come back to my notes okay tell me about some so part two question could be right i'm not saying this is a question but this could be tell me about some news you heard about recently okay um now so here a lot of students might ask what do i talk about do i have to talk about international news can i talk about news in my city can i talk about gossip and the news from my neighbor about the price of fish going up that's terrible news what do i talk about many ielts speaking questions are deliberately open right so they're deliberately open to allow you to talk or choose about different things so it's absolutely fine to talk about international news domestic news national local news in your city right the cat was caught up the tree the other day on florence street that was in the local newspaper can you believe it yeah but that's fine news from your family somebody's got married somebody's had a baby somebody's just passed their ielts exam right so it's all good so long as you're talking about news yep that you heard so somebody told you maybe the tv or the radio or the the the neighbor right and it's recently right so recently again is subjective but if you're 35 and you talk about some news your six-year-old friend told you when you were six that's not recent right so not childhood recently the last few weeks or months or the last year or two possibly so these are the important things right that you must talk about news you heard recently but then you can talk about anything don't worry too much about the right or the wrong answer oh are they looking for national or internet doesn't matter right again always remember ielts is not really about your knowledge of facts and news your knowledge of the international landscape no it's about your knowledge and use of english right that's the key thing okay great does that make sense right okay yes okay right good great now um the one minute preparation okay ah the one minute preparation okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna try and show you a way of doing this the one minute preparation my suggestion right is you spend the first 10 seconds maybe 15 or 10 seconds getting an idea do not brainstorm and think of lots of ideas right it's a common trap that people fall into and they go oh news well there's the news about the donald trump there's a news about putin in russia oh there's the belarusian news oh and then there's the local news about brexit um oh and there's the news about the schools starting back and and you start thinking about all those different no no no no no no no do not do that because your one minute will finish and you haven't got any idea right so take the first idea that is good enough right so if you're thinking the news about trump well trump is maybe a bit political i'll be careful but then there's the news about brexit well okay brexit i can talk about brexit take the first idea that's good enough if the first idea is is not relevant then no but just take the first idea that's good enough take it and go with it and then give yourself the next 45 seconds to get two or three main points right now most people follow the bullet points that's fine you can follow the bullet points right um what was the news who told you um and how did you feel about it that's fine right what who feel just in your head just think about each point who well who told me well actually i heard it on the bbc i was listening to the radio the other day okay what it was about and that's the the the nitty-gritty it was about brexit about the problems the british government breaking the law surprise surprise great feeling i was how i was angry actually and because i then just get a few ideas and that's it your minute is gonna fly past right it really is gonna fly past so i suggest these the following one get the first idea that's good enough right do not brainstorm two get two or three main points mania no main points yeah okay and that's it that's all you've got time for if you can think of an idiom great or a collocation that might be useful right great but you may not have time but that's okay it's just an extra and basically right that is that that is it oh let's come back phone demo so i'm going to show you i'm going to give you an example right this is the best way for me to do this is to just go through talk through an example with you technology i'm going to see if this actually does work or not it might let's take a question um let's take this question scratch my nose tell me about some news you heard recently okay so that's the question i'm gonna turn on i've got here huh this is my yes this is it it works this is my paper right so i'm given a paper i'm given a minute right as well gosh only a minute that's all i get to do this i wonder if i can add a clock can i add a clock oh i can oh that's interesting hang on a minute then okay i'm going to add a clock and give myself 10 seconds extra where's the clock there's the clock there you go so for one minute i'll try and show you what i might write for this answer okay so i'm gonna talk tell me about some news you you heard so the news the idea um is my i'm going to talk about my friend's son who's gone back to china that's it okay that was 20 seconds too much the things i'm going to talk about i want to talk about um who he is the friend's son who he is so he's the guy he's lived here he works in a restaurant he had to go back to china because his parents wanted him to get married i'm going to talk about who told me how i heard it well that was my friend we were having coffee one day and he talked to me about that um and yeah i'm going to talk about catching up because we we were catching up on the latest news on each other's news and that's it right wow can you see how fast that goes right if you waste a second it's a real problem and here i only got two points that's fine that's okay right remember the three bullet points you don't have to follow them you can and they're very useful but you don't have to the important thing as i said is that you're talking about news that you're talking about you heard and recently so how about i try and talk for up to two minutes on this answer and see if i can do it yeah let's see if i can do that i'll try and talk for two minutes i'm using my notes so you can see how i integrate them into it um okay let me begin can you start speaking now well i'd like to talk about um some news that i heard recently from my friend and it was all about his son um he's chinese and the news was that he's just gone back to china it's an interesting story actually because he's a young chap he's just turned 26 um and his parents are very anxious for him to get married and he was finding it difficult to to meet a girlfriend here in spain um he doesn't speak much spanish so he was getting a bit frustrated on top of that his parents were getting frustrated as well um because he's getting older right he's no spring chicken according to his parents they think that he's almost over the hill and it's time for him to get married so he went back to to china i heard about this um so from my friend um we were out the other day uh having a coffee i wanted to catch up on all the latest news we we kind of tried to meet up every every month or so um and we were chatting away and he told me uh this really surprising news because i was surprised that he went back i didn't know really um i thought he would be staying here for a long long time um i kind of had imagined he would find a girlfriend here but no he went back to china so it was my my friend uh jack let's call him jack who who told me this and yeah really that was it that was if you like was some surprising news that i heard recently right so what happens there i finished you noticed before two minutes so the examiner might ask a follow-up question you should try to speak up to one and a half minutes right less than that you're missing an opportunity but after one and a half minutes you can stop in in a way it's good because if you stop the examiner will ask a follow-up question right like have you seen that friend recently and then you give a short answer oh yes i i saw him last week when he was at work and you get a chance to speak a bit more up to two minutes two minutes will be the top and they will stop you after two minutes okay great let me uh get rid of these and these great lovely so that's it news if you're joining us if you've just arrived we're looking at news we've just looked at a part one i can get rid of that i think the whole table is shaking because it's on a hold or lamp great does that make sense keith is panicking yes i was panicking everybody panics but you know what panicking is okay a bit of stress is okay you really need to just let the panic happen okay you can stop you can pause you can just carry on you can stop that's okay gather your thoughts and carry on always carry on examiner will not give band score good band score for pauses okay can i just explain this because this is a really good question right this is a really good question so somebody said this this one here no so there's a difference between pause and hesitation and i'll see if i can explain it's a really important thing right so pause is good hesitation is bad right so what do i mean a pause is where you stop to think about your ideas okay for example today i'd like to tell you about a friend who told me some news that was a pause that is okay hesitation is the um and the uh um uh when you're looking for the language you're looking for the word that's not good so for example today i'd like to to uh to say tell to say today speak tell i'd tell you about a friend um for a friend who um um who um live in uh england right that is hesitation the um and the uh looking for the language that is not good right but pauses where you stop speaking for one two three seconds as you gather your ideas that is okay because we do that in natural conversation okay it's a very good point thank you haplit for that it's a really really good point uh i finished so rosaline says during my speaking test i finished before the time the examiner asked me to go i finished before the time well how do you know before the time because i don't think you have a watch do you and remember the test is between 11 and 14 minutes that means some people's test might be a little bit shorter 11 minutes others people other people might be up to 40 minutes it depends on the test but those are the limits so there may be small differences in timing i wouldn't worry too much about it yousef reading listening and writing i don't have time i'm too busy i'm just focusing on speaking right okay so there are some ideas let me move on then i want to oh i just want to share this with you right part two on the on youtube i've got six videos there's a playlist of vizio videos hello my friend it's keith from ielts speed um there are videos about people places events you know part two is all split up into different categories or we can think about categories there are six videos on youtube all about part two if that's a part that's difficult for you go and check them out go and have a look really on on youtube some nice videos there even if i say so myself okay so that's something about part two let's move on um and let's have a look at a question so i'm gonna ask you a question and just if you like in the comment box you can write down your idea i asked you in instagram facebook and youtube last night this very same question so some of you have already answered um but it's basically do you believe everything that you read right this sounds more like a kind of a part three question right do you believe everything you read just give me a few comments tell me what you think do you believe everything you read nope right some interesting things here do you believe everything you read do you believe everything you read see if i can copy some of your answers there's some nice examples here nice language right some good things i'm just going to copy one or two it's a bit frustrating i can't show the it was so much easier when i could show them static suture you're late you're incredibly late yes we're almost finished okay great nice let me share a few of the ideas you've got some really good ideas here coming through um augsan says uh no i don't of course i'm just gonna change some of the typos some of them can be uh some of them can be economical with the truth that's great right that's a euphemism excuse me a euphemism is where you say something because you're not comfortable saying something else so economical with the truth is to lie right they can be economical with the truth or lie through their teeth lie through their teeth is to lie a lot and without hiding it it's a lovely idiom to lie through their teeth augsan thank you for that thanks for sharing we've also got from pal cubes no i don't due to the to the due to the reason are you irish pal scoops due to the reason due to the reason sounds irish due to the reason that some articles available online aren't reliable it's a nice word it's a very good word right you can't trust them they're not reliable there's another word which is a really lovely word trust worthy that's the adjective right if you can trust something it's trustworthy if you can trust the bbc the bbc is trustworthy right or reliable it's a lovely word whoops some are fake news yeah that's the other the new trending vocabulary started i think by donald trump fake news mariko says i tend to check everything from some alternative sources right sources is nice alternative sources different sources so sources of information that's where you find the information oh let me get rid of me i'm in the way sources of information that's nice some really good language there so do you believe everything you read um you can add oh there's a link there you can i'll leave this in the notes if you go to quora i don't know if you ever go to quora but quora is a great question and answer forum you can ask basically any ielts question at all um put it into quora and you'll get some interesting answers a list of answers you can i tried it here do you believe everything that you read some of the information that came up generally yes if the sources are reliable right you've anticipated that reliable sources is a nice collocation some information is misleading right so misleading is not false but it's not quite giving you the right or correct information so we have to be careful i'm always wary wary of right wary of is cautious about or careful with basically that's what it means right um it's a nice again nice language to use i'm wary of be really careful with the grammar of the words and i mean the preposition i'm wary of something i'm wary of somebody i'm cautious about it i'm really careful with right so when you learn a word learn the grammar of the word get the preposition right so i'm always wary of stories that paint things black and white right that's another nice expression to paint things black and white is to say things are simple are easy right basically black and white right say things are easy or simple is a better word so stories that say you know stories for example okay stories that say don't worry about the coronavirus don't worry about all the children going back to school because everything is safe we just wear masks social distancing everything's safe come on it's not black and white it's not that black and white it's not that clear it's much more complex than that so i'm always wary of stories that paint things black and white painting black and white it's a great um great expression right painting that paint things black and white here's another one a rule of thumb a rule of thumb excuse me a rule of thumb is to be suspicious of stories shared on social media like facebook right suspicious of right so to be suspicious of is to again to be wary of and if you don't know what where he is wake up i'm joking no because we just studied that right we just said over here wary is to be careful with so to be suspicious of to be wary of suspicious of remember the grammar of the word a rule of thumb is a nice expression it just means an informal rule right an informal rule a rule of thumb so a rule of thumb is to be suspicious of stories shared on social media like facebook right um where can i go i gotta go here a rule of thumb informal rule right um when you're if you want to improve your english a rule of thumb is speak a lot it's simple right but it's an informal rule a rule of thumb is to be suspicious or wary of stories shared on social media like facebook why because you don't know where the story comes from you don't know if the source is reliable it could come from anywhere anybody can share news on facebook so be wary of uh stories shared on facebook um it's hard to know for sure because everyone has their own agenda ah their own agenda to have your own agenda means to have your own objective right own orb objective your own goal if you like so you hear a story you don't know if it's true because it's not sub it's not objective everybody's got a reason to tell their story um so you can't often trust it's not always trustworthy right so that is all about reliable or unreliable news right what was the question it was do you believe everything you read right interesting great loads of answers from you brilliant yeah the source is not credible enough pile that's nice let's add that let's add that credible credible means believable right credible credible enough nice not good enough not credible enough okay where am i there we are great hunky-dory lots of stuff there so some nice expressions there for other kind of questions um now gosh as always keith is going on far too long um so i'm gonna go for another 20 minutes if you don't mind if you need to go you need to go if you need the toilet go to the toilet but what i would like to share with you are some model answers and not my honey ginger tea model answers and a kahoot model answers first last week well the last few weeks i've been sharing some model answers with you and i like just to share a little analysis of it that might help you speak natural english which is what ielts is all about right you need to be speaking natural english so um what i want to say here with model answers you can take that off so here's today's tip right today's tip is when speaking we often personalize our speech written language is less personalized um spoken language is much more personalized okay so here is a very very simple example right and this is from last week's um model answer what i said in last week's model answer was the following right i said i know some people say that clothes represent your identity and it's a way of expressing your personality but to be honest for me i take a much more pragmatic approach okay now the spoken language says i know right it's my it's personalized it's i'm making it about me i know written language doesn't do that written language is much more it is said right we use the passive a lot more it is said some people say that and the danger is if you're writing your answer for speaking is that you might be using written english and that is not quite right some of it's okay but some of it like this is not you want to be personalizing it like i know da also but to be honest for me right very personal for me to be honest right when you're writing you never say to be honest right you wouldn't say that you wouldn't write that so what you would write is however right but to be honest for me no however my approach is much more pragmatic my approach is right again it's less personal the spoken language is much more active i take i do i take not my approaches i take a more pragmatic approach so this idea of personalizing language i think is is important and it's useful to remember when you're speaking to say i know you know to be honest i think this i take that i take a positive approach right make sure you're using personalized natural language right that's today's tip so the second one as always is if you write your answers out in perfect sentences it will not sound natural it will sound like you are a book so my suggestion is don't write out your answers first speak your answer first and then if you want record it and then write it out okay but the key message is when you're practicing you're excuse me come on the key message is when you're practicing is speak out your answer first right that's it okay so model answers let's take one or two model answers um can you write down in your comments box a question you would like me to answer on this topic ah oh yes 250 elf i've just seen is spamming and being a nuisance sorry i've just noticed that yeah so elf do us a favor stop okay questions let's have a look oh that's an interesting question that's an interesting question don't go away yet okay i'm just going to take one or two questions right yeah this is a common question okay i've got two questions there i think that's great hmm here's the first one let me come down here right okay um do you think newspapers will be replaced by computers someday okay it's an interesting question to some extent i think newspapers have already been replaced by computers um i think we're living in a digital world where more and more people are accessing information online and so they would rather get the latest news through social media like facebook or through newspaper websites on the internet so i said to some extent because what's also happening at the same time is the newspapers and the media outlets are moving from the paper to the digital source so papers still exist and i think they will always exist i don't think it's black and white i don't think we have to choose from one or the other i think it will be a blend of paper physical newspapers and online newspapers um yeah so to be honest i don't think it's a question of replacing one by the other i think both will continue to exist but people are more likely to access the news through the computer in the future right okay it's a great question um now at the end of this um you i will type the tape script and you can get these answers you can get these answers later on the on the internet on the internet great okay next question where am i here we are here's another question do you think getting updated news is important right okay listen carefully to be honest for me i think getting updated news is overrated i think we've been pushed into this society where the breaking news or the latest gossip is the most important and the most valuable but i think it's nonsense i think the most valuable information is not necessarily the latest or the most updated um and it just pushes us to follow fashions and trends all the time so i'm actually an advocate of not following the latest news i think you can pick out pieces of news or items of news that are relevant and useful for you but i don't think we should be dragged along with this current of always chasing the latest news it's just media hype that is there to try and get us to buy newspapers or information right that's it okay so with that question you may have noticed it was a bit radical right um sometimes in my answers i say well this is true and this is true both this and both that you're kind of sitting on the fence but do remember it's absolutely perfectly fine to be have a very strong opinion and say well no that's nonsense i think this that's absolutely fine the important thing is not your opinion the important thing is the language you're using right that's what's important okay great those were two model answers you can get the answers on the internet just to let you know we're going to do coke hoot in a minute but the website after the class today you can go to my website and download the lesson notes from today it's the keith speaking academy and if you want to know exactly where to go let me show you go here go to the key speaking academy get rid of me um if you go from the home page just click on free live lessons there in the middle um and that will take you to the oh there's a lot of fluke there it will take you here where you can then go down if you want to make a donation to help me spend more time on the live lessons that's great um and here you can just download you can watch it and download it and read the notes at the same time listen again it's all free and look there are now quite a lot of past topics right talk about cities food notice it's all topics these are all topics that do crop up or appear in ielts so it's all there it's down there and if you like the videos do remember you can always go and check out the online course i have on udemy always nice to get a little advertisement in right okay kahoot time kahoot time this is where we do a little bit of vocabulary review have you been paying attention are you on your toes can you think on your feet and answer the questions in kahoot well we're about to find out right so just let me um get kahoot ready i just need to find it and then uh we'll start for those of you who are new to this you'll need to log in to the kahoot website um if you can't you can always put about to sneeze i'm absolutely fine really um you can always put your answers in the comments so here we go just wait a moment namrata i like your style i totally agree with you okay um i'm gonna learn how to block people i will learn that for next time so here we are kahoot that's you and that's me this is kahoot we're going to go down the teach and we're going to go and play the classic game okay so you need to go to [Music] you need to turn down the volume and then put in the pin number um five nine four four four three six you need to add your name like you can see that sin pritika and and gabby have done put your name in join up i'll just give you a second to join and then we'll start remember if you can't join um don't worry just write your comments in the comment box right okay we've got lots of people in you can still keep joining even though we start and let's get the ball rolling so first question coming up [Music] all that news i heard interesting news yesterday okay and add some eddy [Music] oh that's interesting that's interesting why why did 98 of you go for an well that is interesting and i'm guessing because you saw interesting right i heard and an interesting so it's ah not it's an interesting news but no no no no you're missing the point the point is news is uncountable right news is uncountable you cannot say ah news or an interesting news it's some it's uncountable oh dear that's the first time more people have got the wrong answer than the right one oh right question number two come on pull your socks up let's go let's see how we did there scoreboard teemo is at the top and salad is second okay question number two come on guys you can do it have you seen the news about covid have you seen the news about covid [Music] you've got 20 seconds [Music] way that's reassuring that's great exactly so we've got 169 of you got breaking news yes not broken not late no not lately it could be the latest that's possible but here there is no latest it's breaking right with the same meaning it's the brand new latest news nice well done guys let's see how we're doing leaderboard oh sd rocks has moved up above teemo and soph has stolen into second third place question number three when reading the news i look for sources when reading the news i look for sources [Music] wow outstanding absolutely brilliant you've gone from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain excellent reliable yeah not really relying really no reliable sources so remember you can talk about reliable sources trustworthy credible great vocabulary nice where are we on the scoreboard s d rocks is holding his own um aditya is stolen into second and soph is still holding strong on third it's the last question a good rule of um is to be wary of stories on facebook a good rule of m is to be wary of stories on facebook come on guys [Music] a good rule of thumb is to be wary of stories on facebook wow excellent excellent it is a good rule of thumb rule of thumb informal rule right it's a good idea it's an informal rule to be wary of careful of cautious about careful with stories on facebook right okay excellent well done um let's have a look about about what let's have a look at the scoreboard here we go third place anjali came in third well done out of the blue adi chassis out of nowhere [Music] sd rocks holding his own stayed up in first place from question number two question number three and question number four well done my friend excellent very very nice so i hope that helps you i hope now you've got lots of interesting adjectives collocations and language for the topic of news as well some tips and ideas about part two answering questions model answers and so on and so forth that's great let's take kohut out all those great music right brilliant excellent yeah your comments are coming in late there's a lag it's quite funny great guys i'm gonna finish up here um but just to let you know this is really important right as i mentioned on tuesday um i'm in the process of creating a new course it's called fluency for ielts speaking and in order for me to have time to do it i've decided to just do one live session a week so i'm only going to be doing thursdays for the next month or so right just for a short time to help me find time to make the course because i think the course could be really really useful um for you um so that will be coming in several weeks but as of today the live lessons on youtube and facebook only on thursdays right so just thursday 10 o'clock spanish time come and join me and the same the recordings you can get on the website or on youtube or on facebook and all of that that's it if you haven't joined us on facebook let me show you where we are um there is a facebook group very very interactive lots of activity lots of sharing of ideas it's keith's mastermind community the focus is on ielts speaking a few people ask about reading listening writing i'm not focusing on that this group and the work i do really is 99 speaking maybe listening a bit because speaking and listening go together but it's very much about speaking so if that's where you want to focus come and join us by all means okay so the next session is going to be next thursday the 17th of september right next session thursday 17th of september right maybe i could just make that very clear next live session thursday 17th of september yep i'll just put that down there 10 o'clock spain time on youtube you can see all the timings there that's it great namrata thank you very much let's get keith's to 300k subscribers that would be lovely i think the more people we can help the better right excellent thank you very much everybody it's been a as always a pleasure being with you today um i hope this is useful for you do join me next week i will be releasing a recorded video on sundays sunday or monday as usual so you still have that so you can still get me twice a week right thank you very much have a fantastic weekend if you're doing the ielts best of luck keep calm pause be in control if you're nervous just let it be we're all behind you we're wishing you the very very best good luck with your test okay take care everybody bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 11,424
Rating: 4.8914728 out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking, ielts keith, keith speaking, keith speaking videos, keith speaking academy, news ielts, news ielts speaking, news ielts speaking part 3, news ielts vocabulary, ielts news 2020, ielts speaking newspaper magazine, ielts speaking newspaper, ielts speaking news and media, describe a piece of news that you received via text message, describe a piece of news you received on your phone, describe a piece of news that you received
Id: SPW7aHcQE04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 14sec (4874 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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