IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of COMPUTERS

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hello there nice to see you and welcome to today's class today we're going to be talking hmm all about computers brilliant we're going to be looking at how we use computers what kind of computer you have what are the challenges we have with computers lots of language vocabulary adjectives idioms everything you could possibly need to talk confidently about the topic of computers looking forward to it let's begin let's begin with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] nice to see you here welcome um good morning if you don't know me my name is keith and i actually run a website called the keith speaking academy um this one here as well as this youtube channel um english speaking success oh and if you didn't know i've recently started a new youtube channel which is called well english speaking success shorts and it's short videos that just last for a minute to help you improve your english in particularly pronunciation so go and check it out and you can check out the website as well today we're looking at computers right we're going to look at all things around computers and it's nice to be back to come and see everybody here um i was off last week i just had well to be honest i only had a couple of days off just managed to catch up on a few things but lovely to be back looking forward to seeing you all here today let's see who's here kate pastebina hello nice to see you uh johnny beck from uzbekistan mafusa hello we've got nisa hi everyone um karan farshid great angel says how's your holiday with the sunshine yes we did have quite a bit of sunshine um we had a few strolls on the beach um because we live very close to the beach fortunately so it was nice irene says hello keith missed you last week well missed you all of what as well last week yeah but it is good to be back so listen we're coming back in today to talk about computers and everything computers great now um i realized recently somebody was asking me about the website and they didn't know i had a website they said oh i watch all your videos on youtube i didn't know you had a website i said well yes i do there's lots of interesting stuff on the website so i thought it might be beneficial just to show you all um well the website as well because and to show all of you how i can help you so i've got a very very short video it takes about a minute and a half i think um and it's actually called how i can help you which is strange right but this will just explain the different things that i have that may help you learning english and with your ielts have a little look now i can help you with my website keith speaking academy you can get information about the ielts test format evaluation and the different parts of the test i've got the free live lessons which means you can watch me on youtube or facebook and follow all of the lessons download the lesson notes or you can even study the different lessons directly on the website you can download all of the old not the old the previous lessons pdf and study those lessons if you're interested in the family go and watch that lesson you can watch it you can read it and you can just download everything you need here also if you want to look at the blog there are different tips and ideas to help you different areas of ielts and i've got the resources different tools guides on vocabulary pronunciation study plans if you like and so forth um i can also help you with my online courses if you want to study with me you can find out about my online courses here on my website or udemy it's the same course exactly the same course that you can get you can buy here and this tells you if you want to find out more you can watch the video and find out more about that course likewise if you want to focus on your fluency not just ielts but general speaking you can sign up for my fluency course which is on udemy um and here wow udemy they've got lots of discounts on they keep doing sales that i never know about and here you can improve your fluency and learn different pronunciation and start to use the grammar without thinking if you like you can preview the course and watch one or two videos and if it's right for you you can go ahead and buy it other things um i can also help you through my youtube channel lots of videos but also recently the shorts so this youtube channel is fairly new and it's just learning english in less than a minute lots of um pronunciation practice on different topics that you can do in just under a minute quite fun which city would you like to visit so there you go these are all different ways that i think i can help you interesting different ways to help you as well of course as today's live lesson um at the moment every thursday i'll be here next thursday but just to flag up in august i am taking um some time off to spend with the family we hope to take a little road trip um not to practice our il speaking but really a road trip we want to drive across the north of spain and take a few i don't know maybe a week or 10 days some time away just to relax to kick back chill out hang loose all of those things right exactly so listen nice to see you um i can see we've got su lee from china brilliant good that you can um get through to us that's great soybean home nice to hear you again nice to see your messages marat asks if i'm teaching lessons on a private platform i'm not i'm not teaching any private lessons at the moment i'm afraid k baal from kazakhstan great to see you here paula thanks for sharing the links that's brilliant good and rachael says this is my first live lesson though you are an amazing teacher thank you so much that is very very kind um and it's great for all of you who are new here you know welcome um and for everybody i'm going to actually show you today what we're going to do in a bit of detail so let me do that thing where i switch around um we're going to look at computers right that's going to be our main focus today and the first thing we do normally is just have a look at some vocabulary the essentials and some interesting vocabulary to talk about this topic we're going to look at the uses of computers and i did ask my facebook group all about what they use their computer for so we'll be looking at some of the uh ideas there and the language i'm going to dig into my toolbox and this is where i actually go into my toolbox and drag out a useful tool to help you learn english better we'll be looking at challenges of using computers because let's face it it's not always easy riding right sometimes we get lots of um problematic situations and of course we'll be finishing up with some idioms and the final kahoot is back the kahoot review and if you don't know kahoot well you'll have to stick in and uh just watch and see what happens right computers so the first thing if i remember correctly was vocabulary right okay let's come back vocabulary and let's boom go into that little circle we're going to start vocabulary on computers right so getting started i mean the first thing you do obviously with a computer is you turn it on right you can turn on or actually there are two words we can use we can also say to switch on and the thing i want you to notice is we normally with many many phrasal verbs is link right turn on to turn on so it's almost it's almost like this right it's almost none to turn on can you say that to turn on right exactly and almost the same with chon to switch on i switch on my computer can you hear the chon i switch on my computer none i turn on my computer so always good when you're um making notes to practice your pronunciation as well right to turn on um to switch on we can also of course say to start up top to start up so we've got non chon tub start up you can start up your computer sometimes we say to reboot so you can boot up a computer is to turn on and if you're normally reboot is when you've turned on your computer something's not working and you need to close to close it to turn it off and turn it on again so to reboot is basically to turn on again [Music] right this as is to restart it's exactly the same so to reboot or to to turn on again to restart to turn on again right and notice when we finish our work we don't close the computer that was the mistake i make and that's a common latin mistake right um like i think in some languages they would say to close but it's to turn off the computer right to turn off your computer or to turn on oh sorry that's the same we had that not to turn let's just go to turn on sleep mode to turn on sleep mode so this of course in the time of climate change and global warming is you want to look after the planet so save electricity so you can turn off your computer but if you're just going away for a coffee or for lunch you should turn on sleep mode and that's just where this computer goes to sleep it has a little nap a little siesta a little kip and that's its chance to use less electricity and then when you come back and you turn it on it takes less time right so you can turn on sleep mode all of those different ways of well turning on your computer basically right let's have a look talking about computers now i have a laptop you can say i have a laptop to talk about the laptop you have very often if you're mentioning the brand or the make right you would say i have an acer laptop or i have a lenovo laptop so normally the brand you would put before the word laptop or computer i have a lenovo laptop right so you would put the brand or the make right those are the words in english the lenovo is a brand or it's lenovo is a make um the model is not the same the model is the particular kind of computer that lenovo make so that's a bit different but you would say i have a brand make laptop or computer of course so um i have a macbook of course that's the other one right you can say i've got instead of i have in britain we tend to say i've got both are okay right in america it's more i have in britain it's more i've got but we do use both of those you may say i have a pc pc of course stands for good personal computer um and so most i i mean i'm not an expert right but my understanding is most windows computers are pcs and all of the apple computers are max i think mac stands for mcintosh right macintosh was one of the first computers they brought out so a mac is basically apple pc windows as far as i understand please do correct me if i'm wrong um i tend to use a tablet or a smartphone so yeah i use or you know in english we often put this phrase i tend to i tend to use which means often i often use i tend to use right basically it just means i often or usually either of those but i usually use is okay but it's a bit strange right i usually use is a bit strange so it might be better to say i tend to use i tend to use a tablet or a smartphone okay excellent good nice so some initial expressions there let's see what you guys have stravan says i have a lenovo laptop let's see what's the most popular laptop uh emmy has a dil i think you mean dell right emmy unless that's a new brand maybe that's a new brand i don't know about but i think you mean a dell laptop uh says i have a black personal mac right good nasim i have a lenovo laptop lenovo's winning although siren says i have a hp laptop nice i have a hp laptop good pawler is confirming pc's personal computer thank you very much brilliant and aphra says i have asus laptop which is very handy that's very very nice i'm going to add something here aphra and thank you for this because this is such a common mistake right i have asus if you notice what i say i have a lenovo right it's really important that you put the ah in i have a or in your case because it's asus i have vanessa's laptop right so make sure we get that um that article in which is very handy beautiful beautiful english thank you very much aphra that's really really nice brilliant we've got a rad van and as my family my whole family is here i tend to use a tablet or a smartphone right excellent very very nice nadja says i tend to use my computer okay sajan this is great putting it all together lovely practice i tend to use a lenovo laptop fantastic sony as well says yazaman also quite popular right yostra says i have a macbook air right fantastic great and rangana has i've got a gaming laptop so i'm guessing you're a gamer rangana i'm guessing you're a gamer brilliant which was we're going to talk about all the different things we do with our laptops very shortly let me move on let's have a look at adjectives because there are different ways that we can talk about computers right so adjectives let's talk about describing a laptop if your laptop is one of these old-fashioned big laptops right very heavy um and very big you can say it's hefty or clunky right clunky i can look up clunky it's great my computer can help me clunky right it means solid heavy and old-fashioned even last year's laptops look clunky it's a lovely word right clunky it actually sounds big and heavy i've got a clunky microphone right it's very big and heavy and the old laptops are quite clunky love that word great hefty is similar right hefty just means big and heavy right so that's more big and hefty so let me actually put these separately so that we can just make a note so it's crystal clear for everybody so that's just big and heavy great where is a a clunky laptop what did it say it says big and old-fashioned it's more about being kind of almost out of date big and old-fashioned clunky you know the the old clunky mobile phones now you're probably too young to remember but like when the first mobile thing phones came out and i was uh gosh i was at a i was a teenager they were like big massive huge heavy things like satellite phones they were really clunky hefty as well bulky we can say so bulky is um similar right it takes up a lot of space um so bulky takes up a lot of space basically space space a bulky desktop again in times gone past many desktops were bulky a lot of gaming desktops are quite bulky because they they not only do you have the monitor but you have this big bulky computer so it takes up a lot of space right um now the opposite if you like you could say slick and slick kind of means quite thin fashionable um glossy right nice looking let's say thin fashionable good looking nice looking not good looking i'll say nice looking that's a slick tablet so the macbook air right it's a slick it's a slick tablet some of the new mobile phones are very slick right thin fashionable lightweight obviously not heavy duh a nifty nifty kind of means small and fashionable that's a nifty little uh nifty little mobile phone you've got there a nifty little tablet um of course small is relative right i mean how small is small so nifty you can use for different things but it does it just means kind of fashionable it's small and you can use it for other things but here let's talk about computers right so these are some quite nice adjectives if you want to describe your computer um so you could start putting it all together right um i have a what i have a hefty lenovo laptop right you could start putting everything together k almost like you've thinking on the in the on the same wavelength k and i k and keith we're on the same wavelength i have still a clunky samsung laptop because it has a slick keyboard right interesting very good i'm gonna just help you okay with your position of your adverb right and your spelling and this is great because a lot of people make this mistake right a lot of people i have still i still have so put your adverb here before the verb i still have i still have a clunky samsung laptop because it has a slick keyboard oh that's the reason you keep it because it has a slick keyboard lovely very very nice great cling king kang kong come on the other day my daughter and i we were watching um godzilla vs king kong right i mean it was one of the funniest most confusing films i've ever seen i really didn't understand the characters and i don't mean king kong i understood king kong i didn't understand the human characters um on skull i was just mad don't if you if you're tempted to go and watch king kong and godzilla don't waste of time utter rubbish but we had a good laugh together so king gang gong i like nifty gadgets nice very nice thank you very much [Music] fio says iphone 12 mini is a nifty one it is a nifty one indeed yes i've got my eye on that pradeep says i have a nifty laptop from my father as a birthday gift lovely very nice language what a good father you have please but use what a plethora of information well yes it's a lot but just pick out one or two that you'd like to practice um rtm i changed my clunky sony laptop with the brand new macbook right right very very good when you change something rtm and everybody you change a 4b i'm going to change my coffee for a cup of tea i'm going to change my clunky sony laptop for the brand new macbook it's you'll never look back seriously you will never look back i think the macbooks are fantastic that's what i use i know they don't sponsor me yeah i have a clunky laptop that's from muhammad yes lots of people do mohammed yes econ says i have a nifty samsung tablet fantastic brilliant so you're putting all the language together you're making some really nice phrases let's move up and just talk briefly about activities right so what you can do with your computer so once you've got your nifty new samsung laptop with the slick keyboard what can you do well you can install new software so we talk about installing software well of course you have to download first right so let's so normally these go together download and install download and install new software you install the latest updates so most computers actually give you a little pop-up window and tell you to install the latest updates because it's safer right give more security to your computer we talk about downloading an app an application nowadays we just tend to say an app right the official word is application but you can just say an app i've got lots of apps on my phone do you know that one of the apps i use the most right on my phone is google i hope you can see it google translate i use this all the time it's a great app it's a nifty little app google translate um and the opposite of downloading when you're taking if you're giving then you're uploading a file right to upload a file so think of download as taking uploading as giving like offering a sacrifice to the moon uploading something uploading a file there you go keith goes all esoteric again of course you want to be careful because you want to make sure that you back up your computer and to back up is to make a copy of the data right basically copy your data so make sure that you back up your computer just notice especially if you're writing that the verb is two words to back up because it's a phrasal verb to back up but when you use a noun it's a backup it's one word a backup to make a backup of files just in case you're writing of course when you're speaking and you make a chunk it's a backup it's a cup like a cup coffee muffin wi-fi it's a cup back up a backup or to backup you can't tell the difference right but when you're writing there is a difference likewise you may want to turn on or turn off your firewall and that's your protection right your firewall protects you from viruses to protect you to protect you from it's the prepositions that are difficult right everybody knows firewall everybody knows protect but not everybody gets protect from right it's a bit like rtm was said before to change a 4b change 4 protect from to protect you from i'm going to highlight that viruses i'm not gonna highlight that great firewall great word and here i just got i was gonna add some very common binomials you know like black and white i saw a binomial is where you have a and b and the pronunciation by the way these are really interesting and if you if you if you're studying english you should study binomials we say a and b just to make it clear so binomials is this idea it's a kind of vocabulary basically where you have a and b but we pronounce it a and b an a and b if you've heard about b and b you've heard about b and b in england right a b and b is a bed and breakfast so it's a kind of hostel b and b airbnb of course you have so binomials with computers we've got copy and paste right notice is not and it's an copy and paste copy something paste it somewhere else right this is copy and paste [Music] copy and paste or cut and paste where you don't copy but you take it away and paste cut and paste try and say it because let's get the pronunciation right cut and paste copy and paste can you just copy and paste you need to cut and paste nice you need to cut and paste okay in this quiz you need to drag and drop right drag is to pull and drop you know in the quizzes sometimes you drag the word down and you put so it's to pull and put drag and drop drag and drop so those are nice nice binomials right for computers and then of course you've got scroll down scroll up is to go up or to go down when you're scrolling right all of that is vocabulary for computers that's a lot of stuff right a lot of stuff let's see how you're doing oh some good yeah let's let's just have a look at some of your phrases because these are good uh aos says a slick phone will become a clunky phone after years yeah very very true yes um jung says i have a bulky laptop yes uh kang says i still use oh look good student i still use you've learned that very quickly thank you to the previous student i still use a clunky dell laptop but i think this very useful till now i think this is still very useful until now ah right i think this is very useful until now good great gaurav says nifty is a computer course ah right the name of a computer course it's a good name yes great uh davia says i have a lightweight surface laptop with a nifty keyboard brilliant here you go says i have a macbook air which is synonymous with nifty well yes i would totally agree because i am an apple buff a big fan of apple great ha says i seldom use firewall to protect my laptop from viruses interesting you're very very uh throwing caution to the wind just remember we again put in that um article ah i seldom use a firewall to protect my laptop well be very careful what you're surfing my friend mind you if you've got apple they have a built-in firewall right so you may not need one or whichever computer you use who knows who knows indeed right um i need to have what do i need to have i need to have a drink so let me play this oh great i go oh because it's um it's ginger it's got a nice kick brilliant good um so what am i looking for i'm looking for the next thing use of computers yes so we've been looking at vocabulary right let's have a look at the next thing which is use of computers what do we use a computer for now as we look at this i'm as i mentioned the other day right you can as i mentioned the other day as i mentioned at the start of the class um i asked the guys in the facebook group what they use their computer for by the way if you don't know the facebook group you can come and join us i've actually got a facebook page which you can find out more stuff about keith speaking academy um but if you want to join the group it's the keith's mastermind community for ielts we just focus on ielts speaking but you can come and join the group and um now and again now and again binomial now and again um i go in and ask them different questions um especially about the live lesson and i was asking them about what they use a computer for it was very interesting and i'm going to share some of my comments with you but i noticed two mistakes time and time and time again binomial time and time again binomials they're everywhere um so i'm going to show you what the mistakes were stop doing that uh here we go right the number one mistakes so the first one and i think you know this now i use laptop for watch movies there's actually two mistakes there i have only smartphone and there's another mistake so there are three mistakes here in the comments below can you just write down what the mistakes are mohammed would like to join the facebook group please do go and join just go and go join answer the questions join you're in it's all there it's all free okay we've got bexsod as picked out the first one for watching for watching movies ride pradeep as well says for watching movies no name says a laptop no name no place no name a laptop a laptop right as not zenith you told me it was zenith right zenith says to watch ah to watch to watch movies right interesting let's see says i use a laptop somebody else says for watching nasrin yi says for watching movies oh tuan says only have oh that's interesting that's brought up another question right my laptop for watching interesting so lots of really good things i'm going to tell you what i was thinking and then um i'll put the other possibilities so let's take the first sentence first there are several possibilities i'm gonna copy copy and paste copy and paste okay so the first one is that i use a laptop right and we've mentioned this a couple of times today um i use a laptop we must have that um article in there okay i use a laptop and for watching yeah for watching movies if you've got a preposition before a verb it's always ing simple rule right preposition before a verb the verb must be ing for watching and i think that's true 99 of the time because it's english i'm sure there is one or two exceptions that 90 percent of the time you said 99 okay 99 of the time um preposition plus a verb is with the gerund the ing right for watching i use a laptop for watching movies right so that is the first possibility now some other people brought up other possibilities i use my laptop for watching movies is absolutely possible right that's also possible i use a laptop if we change if we keep watch then we can also change to right i use a laptop to watch movies so there are two possibilities for watching or to watch great the second phrase i have only smartphone so yes let me paste and copy i have only the first one to mention is the article ah i have only a smartphone i have only a smartphone and the other one that somebody pointed out was absolutely right oh come on cut and paste keith cut and paste i only have a smartphone yeah i've only got a smartphone i only have a smartphone so just to make it clear if we use got i've only got a smartphone brilliant okay so let me put the unhappy face just to make it clear right that this is not correct paste and copy not correct these are all correct but i think that's pretty clear i hope that's pretty clear these are good right i use a laptop for watching movies i use my laptop or i use his laptop for watching movies or i use a laptop to watch movies i only have a smartphone i've only got a smartphone a smartphone nice good and of course my yeah i've only got well i've only i've only i've only got my smartphone in in certain context yes you could say that yes absolutely right gwyrav it's not my birthday stop saying it's my birthday it's not okay brilliant use of computers so let's go on i'm gonna okay i'm gonna show you um a i'm gonna show you two things okay i'm gonna show you first of all this picture and this picture is a word cloud of all the comments you made in the facebook book page group where is it i made a word cloud there was a word cloud somewhere let's have a look is it here yes here's the word cloud look at that so this is a word cloud of all of your comments talking about what you use a computer for worktop laptop reply computer watching movies so see you're clearly watching movies is very popular reply i suppose is for emails i'm guessing or messages um desktop was popular studying english was popular which is nice to see learning as well editing videos work of course a lot of people using it for work job came up a lot interesting business purposes lots and lots of words but it's interesting to see right what the most common words were um so the next thing i'm going to show you a very short video it's a screenshot screen recording of the comments i've just picked out one or two comments and made my own comment about it so listen carefully to the corrections that i make so you can see the mistake and then correct them yourself because these are very common mistakes people make it's also very interesting just to see what people what people said right okay so let's uh let's have a look this is the facebook group this is what people said so i asked them how right i'm just gonna have a look at some of your answers to this question what kind of computer do you have and what do you use it for thank you very much all of you who've answered um i'm sorry i haven't got time to answer everybody um i'm just going to pick out some of the different answers and comment on what you've said first of all sakataka laptop i basically use it for reading nice i like i basically use it for reading that's great laptop i would say a laptop wackass i have a hp core i7 laptop great you could be a salesperson perfect and i use it to watch mr keith i use it to watch great you use it to watch my video lectures great i am now a fan of yours too mira patel i use laptop notice again it should be i use a laptop for rendering images so i prefer laptops with high graphic cards interesting you've got laptops right but it should be high graphic cards nice mirror very good sonia says mac air just business i guess just for business i think i would say just for business nina says either fixed one i guess you mean a desktop one which i used when i was preparing my thesis it's actually used by my children without connection to read texts draw lovely pictures oh it's used by my children without a connection notice the article again without ad connection to read text draw lovely pictures great i've also a mobile one right which a mobile like a portable laptop which helps me actually in working studying and following all what is happening all over the world excellent nina very very nice rosh knee i have a desktop computer perfect with the ah very good and it's mostly used for educational purposes lovely language very very nice used for educational purposes arsene nice to see you again long time no see i've got a laptop nice and basically i use it for almost everything i love the use of basically again here also nice expression here it comes in handy when i want to read watch movies pay my bills yes especially pay my bills during the pandemic it helped me with my teaching job as well as you know the world switched to online learning very nice switch to online learning my apps and os are always up to date as well as my online security program these are must-have tools lovely when it comes to an efficient and user-friendly laptop computer very nice amazon lovely tai tung hong i have had a dell laptop since i was a fresher lovely so not only i have but i have had since i was a fresher a fresher i think is one of those american terms which i assume means first year at university right freshman i think yes one that we don't say but in in england but i've watched so many american tv series i know at that time i use it i used it in the past right i used it for preparing presentations so if it's for it's with the gerund for preparing presentations or watching many films but now i often spend a lot of time in my laptop you can't spend time in your laptop it has to be on your laptop to study english great with the english speaking success channel great tran i am now your number one one fan brilliant very very nice what else have we got um thomas jackson for gaming absolutely check-in box anuja says i have two laptops one is for office stuff that's nice one is for office stuff brilliant and the other for my personal use i use it mainly for blog postings and what ching movies for blog postings and watching so again because it's for i use it for watching movies but very nice anuja very nice great moving on kao aman i possess a laptop of hp company possess sounds a bit formal here i would just say i have i've got a hp laptop it has sleek and compact body remember the ah as well it has a sleek and compact body i have modified its body with graphics nice i use windows 7 more for office work my kiddo also takes her classes on it i love it very nice informal language very good let's move down we've got huda i have a laptop acer or i have a i have a nasa laptop i got it as a present nice when i graduated from from university graduate from university without the you don't need that and i've been using it since then good use of the present perfect continuous i do presentations lesson plans and edit pictures using it i'm guessing you're a teacher then i also save my wedding photos and all those sweet memories on it lovely i do use it every now and again but i use my smartphone more frequently nowadays very nice very natural lovely huda very very good we've got dewey i have a dell laptop which is renowned for its super duper durability lovely i'm a digital marketeer now so i can't imagine how my life be with would be without my laptop that's lovely i can't imagine what i would say what how or what yeah what my life would be without my laptop i can't imagine what my life would be like without my laptop great time for one more let's come all the way down fatma i have a macbook pro remember the ah okay brilliant fantastic i'm gonna stop was there some really really nice um well some very very nice phrases just to give you a flavor thank you very much everyone indeed thank you very much for all of those posts and um i apologize i cannot answer all of them but some really nice posts there and some good language great so if you want to join us come to the facebook group just join up um look for keith mastermind community um you'll find us there in facebook and you can come and join us um a couple of questions came up one is it's very difficult to see the screen i realize that um the the writing is so small if you're on your phone i will try and make it bigger in future and maybe make the video shorter because i realize it's hard to see another thing somebody noticed absolutely right my mistake smartphone of course when you're writing it it should be one word a smartphone otherwise you're talking about a smart phone smart as an adjective but here it's the noun right so it should be one word thank you for uh pointing that out excellent okay so the just going back then looking at what people said some nice language right um so we've got either i use my laptop to watch movies right or i use it for watching movies both of these are fine we can also say i make use of it right just to change instead of ius i make use of it to do something to do some research to follow the news to play games to check my facebook status maybe right so there are different expressions we can use to talk about i use my laptop to i make use of it to do some research if you're a student or maybe a teacher or not right i make use of it to do some research on how to cook or how to bake right you can do research on that as well moving down um i use it for watching movies that's fine um we can also say right i use it for or it's really handy for watching movies right it comes in handy for watching movies or whatever um i'll put that as the example because that's the the one that a lot of people say so handy means convenient right convenient it's handy it's easy to put in your hand right it just means it's convenient whoops it's really handy come in handy is to be convenient it's the same thing really it's the same thing to be convenient it comes in handy copy and paste to be or to become convenient okay so it comes in handy for watching movies it's really handy for coding right the tablet is really handy for watching movies it's true um my software that i have comes in handy for preparing presentations um my smartphone right it's really handy for surfing the internet it's really handy for shopping maybe right shopping online it's far too handy far too dangerous for shopping online you just click click click buy at one click i always disable that on amazon because one click buying is so dangerous you just end up yes yes yes you buy so many things okay um great so these are different ways we can talk about it i use it for and just notice when we say four normally that becomes fur so instead of saying i use it for watching movies which is a bit like how the robots speak i use it for watching movies for for watching movies for coding i use it for coding yep you can hear that i use it for coding great now we can have for plus a verb right verb and ing basically i use it for blah blah i use it for coding but we can also use it plus noun [Music] i use it plus a noun right um or or an adjective in a noun so i use it for work somebody you remember said i use it for work stuff for work things or for tasks for work stuff that's nice nice informal english for ielts speaking that's great or i use it for business same thing i use it for personal use i use it for personal use notice the difference between use z z it's a voiced z as a verb use and use use there's no voice use it's a s right so here you've got the s sound [Music] here you've got the z sound i use it for personal use yep can you hear can you make the sound i use it for personal use good excellent so the noun is an s sound the verb is a z sound or for educational purposes somebody said that's a lovely expression right for educational purposes or for almost everything somebody said i use it for almost everything which is true right we use the computer for almost everything brilliant lots of different ways and expressions of talking about use um nice let's just have a quick look sahar says oh i love your avatar looks like a disney avatar it comes in handy to do some research dangming says it comes in handy for improving my english listening skill perfect hey sun says it's handy for surfing and shopping very nice really nice but hadeep says it really comes in handy i like that i like the adverb it really comes in handy for keeping in touch with friends and family on social media that's great you've got your adverb really keeping in touch there's a nice chunk a nice kind of idiomatic expression friends and family binomial brilliant pradeep nice emmy today's my birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear me happy birthday to you by the way great i love the cake have a fantastic day emmy um those of you who are asking earlier my birthday is on the 12th of august so please don't say happy birthday to me yet brilliant good so puja this is nice let's share this pooja says i have um you're almost there i love everything else you've got i'm just going to add one small thing puja and you can probably guess it's a i have a mac airbook which is sponsored by my company lucky you it's very sleek good you can have sleep or slick both words are okay an extremely lightweight i use it for everything like bill payments to check the emails and check social media puja spot on that is great nice very very nice what else cool dip it's really handy for reading books it's really handy for watching youtube says marta okay brilliant lots of nice things here okay so let me move on let me change for the moment i'm just going to switch around use of computers um what's next ah toolbox toolbox is next which means which means what it means it's time for this then if it's toolbox time bear with me [Music] toolbox is a little bit where i like to share with you a tool that i either use or i tell my students to use or i've discovered recently that i think can help you learn english this one's really simple but i think it's really useful right it's over here toolbox it's the chrome screenshot for youtube right so if you're watching youtube you may find yourself trying to take screenshots of useful parts of the video but chrome already has a tool to do that let me show you very basically how this works right if i open my chrome um i don't have it but i'm going to install it now if you go to this link and if guys if moderators you could chat share this link with everybody of course you need a chrome browser i'm afraid but if you go to here you'll be able to oh i have got it connected already remove from chrome so where is it come on it's not there extensions i'm showing you all my extensions i shouldn't be showing you all my extensions should i okay the important point is that it's already there so let's go to youtube let's imagine you're watching a video on youtube what does video what does youtube suggest i watch today it suggests i watch myself i'm not gonna watch myself but maybe you could watch yourself yes i watch myself no i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna watch another video let's watch another video um but maybe you could watch yourself i'm not going to do that i'm going to watch another video let's watch another video okay here we are any useful idioms for any topic i just got too many screens going just a moment okay so you're watching this right run of the mill and you and you want to take a screenshot that little thing adds a screenshot on your screen here right so i just press it and look it downloads and i get the screenshot which you can't see but i'll share it with you so that screenshot this is getting complicated but not to worry not to worry the screenshot goes into my download area and i can show you what it's just given me i can add it to my um you see that's the screenshot that it's given me run of the mill fantastic so wherever you are if i'm back on uh run of the mill run of the mill can you say that let me take off the captions look here's another one none other than or here right this comes up you think right then you just press the screenshot and you can get it and instantly it downloads um and it's there in my download area and so if i just want to upload it that's it that's the download it gives it me instantly so it gives me instant screenshots basically of youtube to do just as you're watching um for whatever videos especially educational videos i think it's a nice little tool that's well worth downloading on chrome and it can just save you a little bit of time right that was it great that was the toolbox okay so after the toolbox what comes up next it's time for me to shift around too many of my tools i've got over here after the toolbox challenges of using computers okay so i'm gonna ask you first of all before i share all my ideas what challenges do computers give you what are the challenges of using computers for example it's difficult to be connected to the internet sometimes because you can't always get wi-fi things like that what do you guys think what are the challenges um of using computers let me know in the comments and i'll have some coffee muffin and what well coffee no it's not even coffee ginger tea and wi-fi the muffin will come later great some ideas here it can be easily damaged by malware and scamming poor internet connection yeah cyber criminals yeah good battery dies glitches absolutely you sometimes get glitches in computer [Music] especially during live lessons that happens to me learning new software that's a good one yes a man that's a difficult challenge learning new software being a mouse potato a mouse potato i think you mean a couch potato don't you or maybe that's an expression a couch potato maybe you have a different expression but i think you mean a couch potato anastasia said viruses are one of the greatest problems yes glitches to the system as well difficult to connect to the wi-fi yep absolutely cyber attacks battery problems all of these are absolutely good spending a lot of time yes that is the challenge of using computers spending too much time risks of virus great excellent great so lots of um challenges there i'm going to add some and then i'll add some of yours there as well brilliant let me bring these up challenges of using computers they do exactly what you tell them not what you want them to do right so computers you're telling them to do something and they don't do it but they actually do what you're telling them but you actually want them to do something different if you understand me very true they are so fragile right fragile means easy to break they are so fragile and easy to break right um somebody talked about the battery the battery can run out too quickly that's a problem as well other challenges they often have compatibility issues so nice collocation compatibility issues so for example i can't share my mac pages with a windows computer right i have to convert it insufficient storage space that's a nice collocation insufficient storage space can be problematic right that's interesting instead of saying that bubba bar can be a problem right wi-fi connection can be a problem you can make it a bit more sophisticated right and you can say can be problematic use the adjective instead of the noun it just sounds a little bit more sophisticated but more complex nice language right can be problematic stress the ah problematic um the battery can be problematic malware can be problematic there is a threat from malware and viruses and all of that absolutely um [Laughter] cyber attacks that's the other one there's a threat from malware viruses and cyber attacks good old autocorrect thank you um glitches can be problematic right glitches somebody said glitches can be problematic [Music] i said that somebody said glitches happen what else something interesting somebody said i'm trying to remember i think that was it those are kind of some of the main ones anything else we've got forgetting passwords can be problematic hey soon very very nice very nice beck's bexsod also this is nice stability of internet connection can be an issue great this is nice outdated hardware sometimes makes my computer become painfully sluggish love it sluggish means slow right very nice i and i get your problem absolutely fishing is another one fishing is a problem price can be a problem well very true that's true price can be a problem with everything right okay great so those are some things we can talk about about different uh challenges that we've got excellent challenges so we've looked at i'm going to move on because we've looked at the toolbox we've been looking at challenges of computers what's next idioms i'm going to move on and take a bit of time looking at some idioms for talking about computers so bear with me a moment this is a tricky one because i really racked my brains to think about idioms not using the word computer but idioms we can use to talk about computers and using computers it's a different thing right if you look up on the internet idioms with computers it gets things like bells and whistles and i don't know strange idioms that have the word computer but are not really about computers so i was thinking about this and i came up with these but you've got some more i'm sure right for idioms let's have a look i've got the following let me make it slightly bigger i feel brain dead is the first one so very often when you're working at your desk and you're working on your computer working at your desk on your computer you get very tired and your brain gets very sluggish slow and you can feel like you want to sleep right i feel brain dead right it means i can no longer no longer focus or i feel sluggish i'm going to use that word because i love that word i feel sluggish [Music] and they're basically the same i feel brain dead and i feel sluggish very very similar right i can no longer focus so after you've been working for a couple of hours or even three hours for the whole day right you will feel brain dead if you feel brain dead then you say i need to focus i need to get some energy i need to get my brain in gear so to get your brain in gear is to to start to focus to start concentrating on what you're doing [Music] concentrating normally in order to work right i need to get my brain in gear it's normally when you're beginning work i mean you could go for a coffee to get your braiding gear you could do but normally when you're sat at your desk and you say right i'm going to begin i really need to get my brain in gear i need to start focusing another expression i've just had a brain wave a brain wave is a great idea [Music] i guess i got i got hooked on the word brain right i've just had a brain wave i've had a great idea brilliant another expression and i think often when we're looking at computers and some people get very technical especially i.t people right they start talking they use technical language and difficult words because that's the language of computers and if you don't understand you say listen can you say it in layman's terms can you say it in layman's terms can you say it simply use simple language say it simply please just say it in layman's terms a very common expression i think especially with computers and i.t because sometimes your i.t managers they speak a different language seriously i listen to my i used to listen to my i.t manager and when i was working in a big company before it wasn't english i don't know what language he spoke i mean he spoke english but i couldn't understand it so sometimes i would say can you please say it in layman's terms and he said yes just turn off your computer ah okay thank you similar expression cut out the jargon cut out the jargon right so the jargon is the technical language or the special language for a field so it just means again say it stop don't use technical words say it simply [Music] don't use technical words so these are all expressions to use with your it friends and it manager of course the last one i like to surf the net right to browse is the same [Music] to look at so these are idiomatic because you're not surfing literally because surfing is on the waves in the sea um but you're browsing you're looking at to browse the internet to look at the internet and that's such a common one right i think okay pradeep says i've just received a brainwave from mr keith to use on speaking part three nice good brilliant can you say it in english yeah exactly can you say it in english jargon language that is difficult to understand nice very good great there's because somebody brainwashes him maybe right possibly i'm not that tech savvy that's a nice expression yeah let's put that in i'm not really tech savvy [Music] i actually like that i'm going to keep that i'm not that tech savvy so i don't know much about computers bear with me let me put this up here i don't know much about computers that's nice thank you very much for your message that's great somebody says i often feel brain dead at work yes any others we've got navi says i'm susceptible to feeling brain dead because of the distractions from social media this is good rahul i also do this right i need to meditate to get my brain in gear yes ladder says my brother always speaks with difficult words i used to tell him to cut out the jargon nice this is good sally my internet connection has been hit and missed today yep it's been a bit hit and miss means it's on and off right it's not very stable so that's nice the internet connection [Music] my fingers are typing much faster than my brain the internet connection my brain's a bit sluggish is a bit hit and miss today equals not very stable that's a nice expression to use right it's a bit hit-and-miss we can use it in many contexts but i think it works very well here nice surfing can be used for people yeah of course surfing people surf on this sea right especially here in santander everybody surfs on the sea ios says i usually surf the net all morning yes i google about it later why is google users a verb well paula because because we we because yes because it's become accepted it's one of the new um technical verbs that have been accepted in modern language to google something right like a message i'll message you or to chat i mean there's lots of new words that come up just become accepted words would you please tell me what the topic is computers is the topic my friend any others great jotish good luck with your test tomorrow we've got raja suarez says i have just had a brain wave to install antivirus to avoid spare spyware brilliance excellent okay excellent good so listen lots of expressions there lots of different idioms that you can be using to talk about computers and i think especially if you use english at work some of these could be very useful lovely very nice so that's it just give me a moment i'm gonna have um this drink effects are too low aren't they bad bum bum it's the ginger it's very good for you apparently ginger in the morning but not in the afternoon i don't know why maybe that's a i don't know it's a strange thing anyway moving on kahoot we're coming towards the end of the class the last 10 minutes we're going to do a review we're going to do a kahoot review i think that's the very last thing up right um if you don't know kahoot maybe you're new here then this is just a game that we play you need to go online on a different browser so keep watching me but in a different browser you need to look up which i can share with you this is the address and if you go there in a moment i'm just going to set it up in a moment you can go there you need to put in your name and a pin number but just bear with me while i just set this up it's better on another device it is it's a bit tricky because you have to keep watching the screen so you can see the question and the answers and then on another browser or mobile phone you can download the app on the mobile phone um then you can also do that and that way you can press your answer on the phone so here we go i'm just setting it up give me a two ticks silvio in england now it's 10 30. but i'm not in england i'm in spain so it's 11 30. um get ready to join you can join at you need to put your name in jennifer yes this is saved on youtube all the live lessons are saved so you can watch them after as well i mean you can split screen it i can't but you can there's the game pin so you put in your name and you put in six three two oh three four five great six three two oh three four five as paulus says if you download on an app or another device it's easier brilliant uh joe bed del mondo it's only thursday that's right only thursday i have the live lesson and every saturday there's a recorded video vandana says i'm a couch potato okay elmir from germany hello i'm glad you like the tips thank you very much toy yeah there are there are hundreds of comments literally it's like a sea of comments for me so i can only pick out one or two i'm afraid okay we've got oh we've got 200 people in great if you want to just take a few seconds and keep joining us no name has joined i think there is music emmy let's turn it up because it's your birthday let's turn up the music it is crowded yes you're in a lot of people i love from india thank you abdul steve i have not met mr southgate unfortunately i'd love to meet him right okay listen we've got lots of people in let me just take off the um this and let us begin right start here we go first question so you read the question and choose the answer number one i use a laptop for blank movies i use a laptop for blank movies come on this must be a piece of cake for you guys easy peasy i hope you've got a total of 30 seconds to answer if you're new here well done nadira sergi well done look at that over 200 people got the right answer i use a laptop for watching movies so remember it's a laptop and it's for watching movies some of you said to watch of course you can say to watch but you cannot say for to watch no so be careful that with your prepositions well done let's see who was the fastest chris wu got the right answer and was the fastest followed by un and lana okay question number two which is the odd one out meaning which word is different it has a different meaning hefty bulky big fragile which word has a different meaning if you've been paying attention this is also a piece of cake well done tanuj abed well done the answer is fragile if you remember fragile means easy to break delicate the others hefty means big bulky is big big is big there you go let's see is chris still up there no he's not he's fallen because martha has kicked him off the top place chris is in second okay is in third and look powder's in fourth nice one third question it doesn't have much blank space this is a bit tricky it doesn't have much blank space storage memory capacity or data well done marta well done abed well done krishna nice well done 158 got right right storage it doesn't have much sport storage space some of you said memory but we wouldn't say memory space right you would say it doesn't have much memory full stop right not memory space the collocation with space is storage space right that was a bit tricky but well done all you guys masa is still up there oh chris you've been kicked off never mind okay second paul is coming up third place hats off fabio hello fabio nice to see you and nice to see you in fourth place and mitch 69 places up well done we're moving on to the last question i need to get my brain in blank start thinking clearly i need to get my brain in blank moving mode gear action [Music] well done well done hung martyr two well done good tamina nice mohamed said well done katarina well done yeah 181 got that right gear get my brain in gear right get my brain in action kind of sounds right but it's not the the correct idiomatic expression get my brain in gear that's the idiomatic expression okay excellent let's see what the final results are fabio well done bronze medal okay wow come on out of the blue where did you come from and well done congratulations look at that very very nice uh excellent well done so listen here we are um well done to all of you who did really well and got some good answers there today then we've been looking at computers right we've been looking at vocabulary we've looked at uses of computers we've looked at idioms around computers the challenges of using computers you can always go back and watch this video because it is it's recorded on youtube so after the live session you can go back and watch it again likewise if you're watching on facebook on the page or the group you can go back and watch it again as well if you are if you happen to be on youtube please do remember to subscribe and turn on notifications so that you can find out about upcoming videos and just to let you know talking about upcoming video every saturday this saturday what's the video about it's about something people have asked me for many many times and i've not really done because it's a really complex topic and one video is not enough but i've decided to go ahead and do it and the video is complex grammar how do you make complex sentences in speaking and what is complex grammar exactly why is it important well you need complex grammar to get a band seven or eight so it's really important so look out on saturday for the complex grammar video they will it's released about midday more or less um just to remind you as well that every tuesday i've got this one the shorts right so i am doing the short videos every tuesday there's a new short video so you can go watch that um that's just a minute and helps you practice pronunciation what else if you've not joined uh or followed the facebook page please do and come along and join the facebook group you're very welcome to join in um and participate in the discussions and the sharing that we've got there the you the youtube the website by the way is the key speaking academy at the end of this uh lesson let me take some of these off i get a bit crowded at the end of this lesson go to the website go to the live lessons and you can download i'll show you you can download the latest um pdf notes so all of the notes i've done today i put on the website when if you just go to the free live lessons you'll be able to go down and find the latest live lesson here you can watch it you can click and study or you can just download it and all of the live lessons are here so if you want the pdfs you can go and download them here from all those we've done hundreds of live lessons they're all there they're on the website okay so go and have a look and uh check them out if you like my teaching you may be interested in following my course i have ielts speaking success get about seven the moderators have got the links but you can also go to my website and find the link just look for the online course or study with me lots of little buttons to press pop-ups that will show you and you can study with me on the course as well that's a an online course ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus great so listen guys thank you so much for joining me today any final questions do you have instagram says nadja nadja i started instagram and i'm afraid to say i don't like it so much um and so i don't i'm not active on instagram you can find keith speaking academy but i'm not very active i'm mainly on facebook and youtube to be honest brilliant good so listen that's it i will see you next thursday i can't wait to be back here again if you've got any ideas for topics you'd like to do in the live lesson drop me a message let me know or send me an email or message me on facebook anyway i'll be very very happy to hear from you anytime that's it please do enjoy the rest of your thursday and if you're just starting your thursday go get a cup of coffee start the day with a bang get your brain into gear have a fantastic day take care my friends and we will speak um very very soon all the best now bye-bye [Music] ginger [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 52,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts preparation, ielts speaking success, ielts technology, ielts technology vocabulary, ielts technology speaking, ielts speaking technology topic, ielts speaking 2021, ielts preparation at home, ielts speaking part 1 computer, ielts speaking computers, ielts speaking topic computer, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking practice at home, ielts speaking practice 2021, ielts speaking practice with you, ielts speaking practice band 9
Id: 8E26qr8Fijs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 31sec (5731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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