IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Let's Start Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria the garden city of canada here on the west coast i hope everybody is having a great week so far welcome david hi daniel welcome to our members hi hong van gaat spell sibin nice to see many students in the class today we are looking at ielts speaking part one and of course you want to always begin with the band nine in part one you want to speak speak like an expert right from the beginning this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g that's on both of those websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you prepare for your next exam to get those high band scores our academic ielts website looks like this at with this blue background we are an official british council ielts registration center and certified british council agents you can click this big red button to join our premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access and because this is a speaking class i want to show you something real quick here on the website that you can use for free so you can create a my student account you can create a free account just sign up and then once you have your account you have this student partner speaking and you can click on the student partner speaking i accept and start speaking up pops another page and then you will get this page where you will find other students who want to practice their speaking right now we have kevin in here and you can video chat and audio chat so check that out and then we have our general ielts website at it's the same idea but a green background and again you can click that big red button to join the premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access okay all right um so we have a little bit here in the beginning uh somebody with a cyrillic name i can't read it when i passed my previous ielts exam the examiner didn't allow me to say the phrase please call me by my first name after he heard my surname he continued to the next question yeah you have to be fluent when i did my exam they definitely let me say that so when i did my exam i said please just call me adrian and they're like sure adrian okay so it depends on the examiner and the fluency but you want to be really really fluent and you want to show fluency from the beginning okay all right and we're going to talk more about these tips and strategies on what to do right away okay all right um so we have apps that are connected to our websites of course academic ielts help and general ielts help get those apps from your app store you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore a help or giles help and if you have questions you can send me an email adrian at ae help dot com and you can also get our exam books from amazon just search for a helps academic outs or g helps general ads on amazon to find our exam books all right see lots more members in the class that's great it's good to see being studious is definitely a cornerstone of success all right everyone uh so we have a full week of live streaming coming up and here we go we have speaking today part one tomorrow we'll have reading for members followed by task two writing for everyone and then we have more lessons all the way until the 29th so check that out okay all right um so this is a speaking class and we want to speak and repeat so uh make sure to not just type in the chat but actually use your english voice and speak throughout this class so hopefully you are in an environment or context that allows you to speak that allows you to enunciate just like what i'm doing and you need to copy my pronunciation my intonation as much as possible if you miss some of it that's okay this lesson is recorded and you can go back and review later okay all right uh ashura hiyan good luck on your academic ielts exam this saturday i hope it goes uh fantastic for you and uh mcafee song uh congratulations on your band 7 in your speaking you are very welcome please send me a testimonial at my email when you have a minute i would love to get that from you okay big smoke your voice um matters in the ielts to the extent that it needs to be uh clear you need to have good intonation so you're you do need to have inflections and deflections in your communication but it doesn't matter what your voice actually sounds like so that's not so important you just need to be comprehensible okay all right um so let's get into this um when you go to your ielts speaking exam your speaking exam will be separate from your listening reading writing it will take about 12 minutes to conduct the interview but the entire speaking experience will take about an hour and 35 minutes why because you should arrive to your ielts speaking exam one hour before it starts okay this means you have about 40 minutes to find another candidate and practice some speaking with them okay so just a couple of quick tips uh before we get going here all right so you're speaking again it's separate so speaking total time is approximately uh one hour and uh 35 minutes okay your actual speaking don't panic is only a 12 minute interview but why okay let me break it down for you so um a you arrive one hour before your interview time starts okay um let's say one hour and 20 minutes sorry correction uh one hour and 20 minutes uh before your interview starts and then spend one hour practicing your speaking with other candidates who are waiting for their exam so don't be shy um find other candidates there will be other candidates there who are waiting for their exam most people do show up early take some speaking questions with you i recommend having a piece of paper with two copies so you can give one to the other person with covid people are actually waiting outside of the exam center so go up to someone you'll notice they're just kind of waiting waiting so go up to them and say hey are you here for your ielts speaking and they'll probably say yes i am and then you can say would you mind practicing with me i have some questions i'm also here for my speaking and most people will be very very happy to practice with you when i did the exam in february i did this i found someone they were really happy about it they practiced they felt better i felt better okay so make sure to do that okay uh rasheed ansari is asking uh in the speaking can we refer to the examiner for any question like even if you go there you will not find anything interesting uh you means the examiner um that's awkward rasheed i probably wouldn't do that okay all right um so uh spend that one hour and then you have to register so you must register uh 20 minutes uh before your interview and then your interview is 12 to 15 minutes but usually it's they say 12 to 15 but it's actually 12 minutes i find it's closer to 12 sometimes even faster okay so go through these steps okay that will definitely help you arriving one hour early finding somebody to speak with before your exam will give you a really good chance to get a half a band or even one band uh higher okay has everybody got that so it's it's not like i'm kind of suggesting that you get there an hour early and practice with someone i'm really telling you to do this because you can easily get half a band to one band better just by that one strategy arriving early and practicing with another person you will have more confidence after you will be more relaxed when you meet the examiner because you just talk to a stranger say hey i'm here to do my speaking can you please practice with me before we go in and do this okay everybody good on that by the way i saw somebody write that they got a great score on the ielts and that's fantastic again uh send me um a testimonial where was that that was jay gajar congratulations jay i'm happy that you got a great score send me a testimonial send me an email all right so everybody good everybody uh follow me on that tip that's a really important one yeah thumbs up somebody okay all right uh great furry dune yes you can use slang contractions like gada ghana wanna they're common parts of uh natural speech just don't overuse them okay now i see some thumbs up from abhishek pawan deep david a new arc excellent all right good all right ahab khan congratulations on your fantastic score that's awesome okay so keeping all of these in mind let's get into it now as one student said before hey when i did my introduction um the examiner didn't allow me to say please call me this but that doesn't matter pay attention to yourself only and be really fluent okay mohit thank you for your super chat donation that's fantastic okay if you have a problem in writing mohit please send me an email this class is speaking so i don't want to go off topic but you can always send me an email and i'll help you out okay the email was at the beginning of the class all right uh so uh you get into your ielts speaking interview now you're feeling confident you warmed up with another student you registered you're using english the whole day the examiner is there the examiner meets you the examiner says welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test i will record this for marking and clerical purposes the exam is being conducted in paris the time is 14 o'clock it's candidate number 73812 now we shall begin i will give you instructions for each of the three parts for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic and they will sound kind of mechanical like this in most cases because they do this day in day out with 20 students okay so again don't worry about the examiner focus on yourself you're there to do a job okay all right so the question that the examiner will first ask you most likely is uh may i see your identification please please show me your identification during kovid they will not actually touch your id they will just ask you to show it so may i see your identification please okay all right and here you want to show your fluency right away um students please don't spam the chat big smoke let's get focused here okay all right amit says yes here is my passport please have a look sure that's good i would say that's the minimum that i would say for that question yes here's my passport please have a look reg preet says yes here it is it's an okay answer but it's not really fluent you want to show fluency right away not just for the examiner but for yourself also okay uh jay neil says uh yes of course here is my passport which is new so it's a bit tight on the binding uh one second so i can properly show my credentials yes here you go uh gino that is beautiful that's original yeah and it's i can empathize so when you have a brand new passport it's really tight the binding the binding is the part on the edge that holds together the passport and it's kind of hard to open it to uh the page with your personal information so that's uh it's great i love it janil okay very good it's clever sammy says certainly here's my id card which i used to register for the exam please have a look at my details and my details are better on the last page okay rajvir says yes certainly here's my passport that i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks ago please take a look sure kashirsha says yes here we go that's my id that i use to register for the exam please take a look very nice kashirsha nice and original okay i can see that you are investing time to explore your own natural diction and that's fantastic great faridoon says yes of course here's the passport which i used for registration please have a look yeah those are all great okay so yes uh just a moment while i dig it out of my pocket all right here are my credentials on the last page please take a look okay so again be natural practice different ways of doing this start with this every time that you practice for your speaking interview in your ielts classes with your speaking partners start with this step start with the may i see your identification and then you know role play yes here it is please take a look all right repeat after me so uh again speak and repeat may i see your identification please yes just a moment while i dig it out of my pocket all right here are my credentials on the last page please take a look okay what is your full name that's the next question make sure that you give them the same name that you have on the passport okay so what is your full name again if the examiner cuts you off or starts asking you a question don't worry about it just move on okay uh papandeep says my full name is pabandeep singh my relatives call me pawan please call me that okay good um [Music] deepika is asking how should we address the examiner you can call them sir or madam it's fine yeah you usually don't need to address them the pika you'll find in the interview okay all right ghdvn says my given name is gazal devanyan uh but please just call me gazal okay gori nandha says my full name is gauri nandha you can uh call me gory for short okay gory if you use a short version of your name just say for short okay amit says my given name is amit and my last name is kumar please call me by my first name amit that works okay so first name given name those are synonyms it's a nice paraphrase in that response uh bashal says my full name is bishal aryal but my nickname is roman my friends call me roma please do the same so bishop finished that statement by saying please do the same okay rashid says my full name is rasheed raza abdul aziz ansari but you can call me by my first name rasheed okay good yeah so you can say something like my given name is cassandra and my uh family name is davis um please just call me casey for short okay so i'm just going with the girl's name uh right now for this one uh here we go so repeat after me what is your full name my given name is cassandra and my family name is davis uh please just call me casey for short okay casey so again i will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study very common questions do you work or study okay so make sure you're ready for this one and you can give a clear answer again if um if you say something like my given name is cassandra my family name is davis and then right away the examiner says okay um then do you work or study then just go with it and answer that or you can still finish your sentence and you can still say oh just please call me casey for short sorry could you please repeat that question and then i'll gladly answer okay so be natural be in that conversation okay all right so um do you work or study currently i'm studying pavan is a bit too simple fahim also i'm currently a student what do you study what are you learning give a little bit more information okay let's see we've got lots more answers fantastic so debesh says i have currently completed my bachelor degree in bsc computing and i have been working in it um called cyber for the last two years in an i.t company called cyber for the past two years debash just the end there needs a little bit of correction to be more natural okay all right jay neil says i both work and study i'm working as a technical illustrator at expert global and nowadays i've just started online english tuition for this exam so i can study for my master's degree in canada okay daniel very nice nice fluency so here again give full sentences shoira says currently i'm i'm unemployed half a year ago the company i had been working at for many years um started massive layoffs one day i was made redundant among others uh sure yeah that's good i think the last sentence is a bit awkward one day i was made redundant among others you already said that you're unemployed so it's clear that you were laid off okay so don't over speak students don't don't overspeak just for the sake of speaking be fluent but make sure that your sentences have value okay you're giving new information throughout the speaking that's very important hong von says not only do i study at the university of economics and business in hanoi but i'm also working as an english teaching assistant about 15 hours each week okay hung van good notice how i gave a little bit more detail about where that university or which university is i just came up with one based on your name and then also i gave some quantitative information so i'm working as an english teaching assistant about 15 hours each week okay abhishek says i'm currently doing um both work at an i.t company as a senior business consultant for these past eight years and i'm pursuing my nba and it from delhi university very good abhishek so uh yeah so i am both working and i'm a student i have been employed as a marketing strategist at a uh social media firm and i've been uh studying english for this exam over the past six months at a local language school all right so yeah be fluent okay use fluent quantitative language give new information that's really important okay give new information avoid repeating yourself okay very important all right here we go so repeat after me do you work or study i am both working and i am a student i've been employed as a marketing strategist at a social media firm and i've been studying english for this exam over the past six months at a local language school okay fantastic those lessons are paying off uh notice the paraphrasing okay and right away i'm introducing complex grammar i have been employed uh what kind of grammar is this i have been employed okay so in the old speaking you're being marked on coherence fluency okay so are you clear are you able to speak continuously so coherence and fluency you're being marked on grammatical range okay so how many different kinds of grammar you can use easily in your communication you're being marked on grammatical so how accurate is your grammar are you using the past tense when you should be or the perfect tense or past participle when you should be so how accurate is your grammar lexical resource so how many words or word range so are you switching up your words like working and employed studying learning okay and also a little bit on pronunciation not much just enough to make sure that you're comprehensible um so what's which grammar is this pop quiz i have been employed i'm sure some of you will get it uh very good sita so sita bc says it's present perfect passive yeah exactly kashir yeah it's passive right i have been employed by a company by a social media firm so it's present perfect passive okay that's the grammar there okay so showing that kind of grammar gets you points all right you want to show complex grammar next question uh what do you do at weekends if you're doing your exam in canada or us they might say on the weekend okay so in the uk they say at weekends uh what do you do at weekends all right pawandeep says at the weekend i'm going with my friends to the beach in my city we are playing uh cricket at the beach okay pabondeep when's the last time you did that give me an example ozoda pronunciation is not really vital okay you can have a thick accent and still get a great score as long as i can understand what you're saying let's see janil says well on my off days uh usually saturdays i hang out with my friends and on sundays i uh follow my pastimes to unwind i just last on the last holiday i sketched a futuristic car okay daniel good um don't say unwind my mind that's awkward okay then it sounds like you take your brain and you untwist it because it's all twisted up just to unwind okay we don't add any phrases to that so i like to unwind on the weekend unwind just means relax we don't say relax my mind it's awkward okay so careful with that avoid awkward expressions that are unnatural all right uh ashish turon says at my weekends i relax a little by watching movies spending time with my family cleaning my vehicles for the next day and i spend quality time with my dog as well i take sparky to the park for a walk okay ashish same thing as what i said to jaini i'll be really careful with this relax my mind um okay so okay this is not natural it's awkward okay uh you will not hear this in english relax my mind unwind my mind it's it's awkward english all right careful with that i've seen other students do it as well that's why i took a moment to make a point of that so don't do that okay keep it simpler okay lepay young says uh le peyon says during uh during um the weekend i usually go for a hike in the mountains uh to photograph some vistas as well as flora and fauna i like the beauty of mother nature last weekend i caught a glimpse of a blackhead bowl okay lepay very good i made a few corrections there students it is the weekends so make sure that you actually refer to that okay so um well on saturdays um i like to be active i like to either go for a hike or play basketball with friends and on sundays i like to chill out at home and re-energize for the upcoming work week this last sunday i sat on my couch most of the day reading books and watching netflix all right so uh what do you do at weekends well on saturdays i like to be active i like to either go for a hike or play basketball with friends and on sundays i like to chill out at home and re-energize for the upcoming work week this last sunday i sat on my couch most of the day reading books and watching netflix okay um so natural answer explanation example using a co-related conjunction either or okay really focus on these correlative conjunctions when you're practicing they definitely help bump up your score okay so correlative conjunctions like either or neither nor both and not only but also whether or these emphasize your points and increase your band score so make sure to uh practice them okay uh notice how i'm including lots of them as well and again weekends i break it down right so weekends are saturday sundays for some people in some cultures it's fridays and saturdays up to you just be really clear with it again that's quantitative language so that's something i can measure in fact my weekends are kind of monday or tuesday so if i were to get this question on the ielts i would say well my weekends although for people it's usually saturday sundays for me it's monday tuesday because i work wednesday to sunday and so i would say and on monday and tuesday i like to do this okay so but if you want to keep it simple don't over complicate then just say saturdays and sundays okay and answer explain example that's the key all right that's what you want to do to get those really really high band scores all right okay um let's keep going ali ibrahim if i missed your answer don't worry about it keep writing keep practicing and i will get to as many answers as i can okay all right so at this point the examiner will introduce some kind of topic they always you know don't be weirded out some of the questions can be kind of strange um so they'll say let's talk about computers uh how often do you use a computer give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so how often do you use a computer benad says well i frequently use a computer for doing programming as well as learning new skills uh also i take online classes from popular education websites such as udemy and uh coursera okay and bernard maybe you can check us out at a help dot com for some classes as well all right but not good um whenever you start with a qualitative answer like frequently use the computer follow it with a quantitative answer like five hours a day okay so well i frequently use a computer about five hours a day for learning programming as well as new skills also i take online classes from popular education websites so add that quantitative information okay really emphasizing that especially for part one you want to get these going so that you use them in part two and part three as well okay anjali don't use the word things okay um erica i think that's for the previous question on weekends well i try to be socially active on saturdays and chill out at home and recharge during sundays yesterday i met with friends at a coffee shop to talk about our summer plans um erica that's a great answer uh catch up to this one okay all right uh sir polyglots as well as a polyglot i use um the computer for communication with natives to improve my speaking skills i use it about one to two hours per day okay very good throw an example in there um potato op potato op says well i frequently use my computer for watching movies and playing games just yesterday i watched a couple of movies and the rest of the time i played some online games with my friends all right not bad um quantitative information how many hours okay uh anjali don't use the word things okay transactions and other household things online what household things okay the word things doesn't make sense to the examiner or me or anyone else abhishek says abhishek verma says well i work as a systems administrator and my profession glues me to the computer all day i must say computers are my life and i earn my bread and butter by using the computer so i would say that i use a computer 10 hours a day seven days a week okay again students don't forget that quantitative language that's what i was referring to by saying quantitative language so how often um i often let's take the word off and make it frequently i frequently use a computer whether it's my desktop or my smartphone which is also a type of computer i would say that i spend at least eight hours each day doing both work and watching movies or playing games yesterday i spent many hours answering emails and um playing earthstone it's a strategy game sure all right um so uh here we go uh repeat after me how often do you use a computer i frequently use a computer whether it's my desktop or my smartphone i would say that i spend at least eight hours each day doing both work and watching movies or playing games yesterday i spent many hours answering emails and playing hearthstone which is a strategy game okay sure next question what do you use the computer for okay now some examiners if you give that information like i said uh answering emails for work uh for games they might skip this question but some examiners might just ask it anyway and see if you can give more information or see if you can explain that you just talked about that so what do you use the computer for give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay simple tech says i regularly use my computer for almost uh anything i do in my business i study with my computer i watch movies on my pc um it's not wrong to say that i use my computer at least 10 hours each day okay simple tech you just answered that in the previous question so don't repeat yourself okay all right um jitesh papara says generally i use my computer for watching games playing games and other entertainment purposes entertainment purposes yeah very good okay surash goyal says um or suresh i see that you're asking a question suresh is asking uh would you advise me using my own simple daily vocabulary which i feel comfortable with uh more than fancy words used by native speakers suresh definitely use words that you are comfortable with in the sense that you're going to be accurate and coherent and comprehensible so it's very important that your answers are clear and easy to understand and you're not making grammatical mistakes okay so don't use fancy words if you're making mistakes because then you will get a low score okay it doesn't matter if you're using fancy words if your communication is not clear all right vishnu vardon says as i previously mentioned i use my computer to ensure the quality of the products and also for troubleshooting moreover i use my desktop for watching a web series on netflix okay vishnu good yeah um so what do you use uh your computer for aside from what i had just mentioned emails and games i also use my computer for communication with software like skype or zoom to hold meetings and discuss business strategy as well as for personal errands like online banking or even booking travel for my family just last a week i booked a flight to calgary to visit some family there in the summer okay so again additive information don't just repeat yourself always add information so here we go repeat after me what do you use the computer for aside from what i just mentioned emails and games i also use my computer for communication with software like skype or zoom to hold meetings and discuss business strategy as well as for personal errands like online banking or even booking travel for my family just last week i booked a flight to calgary to visit some family there in the summer okay and i don't want to repeat words like family so instead of family here ideally i would say something like relatives okay all right let's jump a question or two here here we go uh let's jump to this one so questions get a bit more and more complex as you progress okay uh the one way that you can see this is with the grammar so here this question is in present perfect has the way you use a computer changed in the past 10 years right away you want to answer in present perfect yes it has uh this is really important okay um just a simple start like this can help you get a better band score because you're showing the examiner right away that you recognize the present perfect grammar in the question has the way you used or has the way you use a computer changed okay it's present perfect i recognize the present perfect yes it has okay so respond with the present perfect all right robbie dong says definitely there are lots of changes in using the computer no present perfect robbie previously i used computer for communication storage and official task but nowadays computer is one of my indispensable devices robbie no present perfect okay you want more present perfect yes call deep it's great to see many people in the class today all right ryan welcome so again just simply yes it has so right away and watch this double up on the present perfect okay to improve your score so yes it has i have been using my smartphone much more these days than a decade ago as where back in 2011 i used my pc for most of my computer related work however with advancements in mobile technology the my a smartphone has become uh a primary uh device okay so i'm just coming up with it here importantly though what i want to show you here is the double up on the present perfect this is a great way to bump your score up a bit as far as grammatical range and accuracy okay so has the way you use a computer changed in the past 10 years yes it has i have been using my is everybody clear on that tip again that's a very important tip like that tip that i gave you at the beginning of the class to show up one hour before your exam to start practicing with other candidates this is another really important one use the question and when you hear these present perfect questions double up on the present perfect so that the examiner's like oh okay this student can use the present perfect all right and i see regis going all right kashish is going okay clear um very good and uh muhammad uh don't spam muhammad muhammad hassan says yes it has over the decade the computer has significantly changed computers these days are more slim and small and convenient to take with myself anywhere muhammad the question is you has the way you use not people but you so make sure that in part one you're staying in the first person you're talking about yourself yes it has the way i use a computer has changed okay all right darbar tunvier says yes it has changed using the computer uh in the past 10 years it has changed through the complexity and ease of use these days i use my smartphone and i also have been using my laptop much more so i can do my work from anywhere at any time okay all right good angelo uh christiano says yes it certainly has it has changed in terms of the applications back in the days i found it perplexing because there was less applications to be installed so i have been making a lot more use of my computer for communication navigation as well as entertainment all right good angelo good so you're doubling up on that present perfect fantastic all right yash singh says yes it has i used to use my personal desktop for gaming purposes only but now i have started using my laptop not only to play games but also for net banking as well as for education purposes very good yash that's that double up on the present perfect um rajvir says yes it has changed a lot around 2011 i used to use my computer for study and entertainment only however these days i have been using my laptop uh to carry out my work assignments very nice regime nice double up on that present perfect very good everyone okay um so here we go let's do one more question for today if you could change anything about the computer that you use what would it be and why all right so answer this question again use the condition very clearly so given the chance to upgrade my computer i would install a new graphics card because the current one is having difficulty playing a 4k video unfortunately the cost of graphics cards is through the roof these days because of their high uh demand in crypto currency so i'm gonna have to wait a bit all right so answer this question for me if you could change anything about the computer that you use what would it be and why so the explanation okay um given the chance to upgrade my computer i would install a new graphics card because the current one is having difficulty playing 4k video unfortunately the graphics cards uh the cost of graphics cards is through the roof these days uh because of their high demand in cryptocurrency so i'm gonna have to wait a bit and it's kind of true on my end um so anybody got some ideas for good graphics cards at a good price let me know um all right let's see some of your answers uh jitesh kapopara says when it comes to change when it comes to changing my computer i would like to enhance the security because there are many uh kinds of fraud which is happening and i'm a bit paranoid that some hacker is going to take advantage of my personal information uh jitesh about the computer that you use not people so again it's about you okay rajvir says given a chance to alter my computer i would definitely replace my hard disk with a solid state device as it is extremely fast uh this was i can use my laptop more so i can use my laptop more productively and improve my user experience we also call it the ux okay janil says given the chance to improve my computer i would install extended ram and boost my laptop so i can easily accomplish my tasks without irritating delay times watching a software load okay yeah uh eunice says if i added a feature to my computer this would definitely be a regulation practice regarding the light and radiation with this i aim to keep personal and mental health in balance um there's um a piece of soft software eunice called flux f-l-u-x i believe that can do just that for you okay it's called flux it's free um muhammad hassan says if i would get a chance then i will certainly upgrade the screen and the layout and toolbars i think it's hasn't been updated in a while and i would bring a bit more diversity in these to make it more practical more efficient and easier on the eyes okay all right uh honey says given the chance i would install a solid state drive in my laptop as my laptop is very slow and it's becoming a hindrance for my work the new ssd will improve my working speed yeah so you're getting a bottleneck bottleneck in your hard drive sure solid state drives are good um absolutely all right everyone so that's how you do it lots of tips for today's class i will be back tomorrow at the same time with task two writing and a little bit earlier our members will have a reading class so uh make sure to come back tomorrow for that if you have questions about ielts or english we are here to help you adrian and uh if you want to get all of our videos and practice exams and applications we are world leaders when it comes to ielts training uh visit us at for academic ielts and for general ielts our websites look like this this is the general ielts with the green background click that big red button to join the premium package we are british council house registration center and agents our general or sorry our academic ielts website looks like this and you can click that big red button or this one to join our premium package there that's it for today everyone great job there was a lot of fantastic response in the chat today it was beautiful to see keep up the good work you're all brilliant people keep pushing forward stay productive stay optimistic and hopefully i will see you tomorrow much love to all of you wherever you are in the world i'm adrian signing out from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 10,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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