IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Strong Essay 9 Finish

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today's alive IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest capital city of Hungary I hope everybody has had a good week so far staying strong and is looking forward to a good weekend in this class we are looking at an IELTS task 2 essay specifically focusing on how to write a strong essay and get those high band 9 scores we started this essay yesterday with our members this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch and we will have an all chat class in about 90 minutes that will be speaking part 2 and there some of our members joining in hi Pavan hi Janie oh hi Abhishek hi Beck John good to see all of you while we wait for a few more of your peers this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success please visit us there and for general outs visit us at G IELTS help calm on both of our channels we have or both of our websites we have loads and loads of materials for you this is our academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join and for the general IELTS it's this one here with a green background you can click that big red button to join and get access to all of our videos interactive courses and exams you can see lots more members joining in hi Amir hi Hassan hi Khyber MUC Sood dr. Krishna and Mahesh welcome to the class if anybody has questions again you can always reach me at a dream at AE I welcome your inquiries and to get our books in hardcopy you can always go to Amazon and find a tea helps academic IELTS there will be two exam books six exams and G helps general IELTS balram Shar welcome to our group of members send me an email which is still here to get access to those exclusive videos welcome aboard alright everyone so let's get into today's tasks to focusing on the body paragraphs and the conclusion okay alright here we go so IELTS task to writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task nowadays food has become easier to prepare has this change improved the way people live give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience that's very important here going into the body paragraphs I think we did a fantastic job yesterday of planning we realized that it's really important to focus on the question the topic the controlling idea and to ask the right questions in order to ask the right questions you have to imagine that you are not only the writer but also the reader who is posing this question to begin with right okay so we did a good job we plan this out we created the thesis we said the process of preparing meals has become significantly easier than before and I believe this has led to a positive improvement for individuals as they are able to save more time and experience more cuisines that's what I felt would be my best argument and my two clear points to get that high ban nine and then we got as far as the introductory paragraph now I don't want to reveal my background just yet I want you to share yours first members so the introductory paragraph does start with a hook the hook reads preparing food as a challenge most people face on a daily basis somebody wrote me an e-mail or comment the other day and they said what is the standard for IELTS is it to write a hook or not to write a hook students there is no such thing as an IELTS standard essay that's really important I wanted to emphasize that for all of our viewers as well as members that there is no standard IELTS essay the IELTS essays follow the rules of English standard writing and their standard rules for essays for persuasive expository narrative and descriptive writing and the IELTS only reflects or uses those rules which have been around for oh I don't know probably hundreds of years for these types of essays and the standard for persuasive and expository essays and sometimes even descriptive essays is to have a hook even some narratives will have that so it's good to write a hook okay I don't care who tells you what essays in the IELTS that have a hook a background and a good thesis will do much better okay all right so keep that in mind okay so there's no such thing as an IELTS standard or standard that the IELTS people expect that's a misconception that I think a lot of people are falsely advertising okay if you actually talk to the people who create these exams they'll say well there's no such thing as a Nile standard essay okay so anyway that sidenote important to keep in mind here's my hook preparing food is a challenge most people face on a daily basis I think some other members came up with a few different hooks that were also definitely acceptable and in the high banned range and now we need to go and write the background so what are we talking about and why is it important that's the other key element in the middle usually of your introduction that needs to be present so what are you talking about let's make sure we're on the same page why are we discussing this right so give me your background hopefully some of our members wrote a couple sentences for the background to this essay so we're talking about food preparation is easier nowadays what is that okay so dr. krishna says newer technology introduced to the culinary arts with greater pace and lesser physical effort are able to create delicious delicious dishes from desired ingredients very good dr. Krishnan I think you're on the right path there absolutely I like it Rajveer says it is a process of slicing chopping blending combining ingredients and using a gas stove to prepare desirable dishes ok Rajveer I think you're defining food preparation which is fine I would actually go one step further and define food preparation has become easier that's what I would do okay so let's see if somebody is that specific for their background back John says in every household at least one member of the family makes food once a day using different ingredients and modern kitchen appliances which makes the process of cooking easier than in the past very good Beck John so members take a look at Beck John's background I think it's the best one so far because it defines for the reader the concept of modern-day cooking as an easier process and that's what you're doing well Beck junning for that you get a double thumbs up at the beginning of class so Beck John says in every household at least one member of the family makes food once a day using different ingredients and modern kitchen appliances which makes the process of cooking easier than in the past this evolution has a major impact on individuals health and society very gud Beck John health and society me depends on what your thesis will be but sure so that's your important Sobek John very nicely done thumbs up okay good job Hassan says reducing time and effort and meal preparation is becoming trendy in household kitchens nowadays mmm okay Hassan I'm not sure if it's becoming trendy or if it's simply the development in society so when it becomes trendy it kind of like oh it's popular and I get what you're saying with that hustle but I think it's a little bit awkward because I don't think it's just trendy I think it's just the course of technological development okay Abhishek says they want to enjoy a diverse range of foods with varying tastes and for that we have invented many new and complex recipes they want to do it easily and swiftly with the help of modern tools and technology okay I'll be check it's not bad I think you have some good ideas there be careful with what's called dangling pronouns in English the pronoun they in this case it's a bit awkward who do you mean by they try to be specific with your subject noun okay all right so here we go I'll reveal my full introduction now as well and then we'll get into writing some body paragraphs so this is my introduction here my full introduction preparing food is a challenge most people face on a daily basis fortunately modern day innovations like kitchen robots and the convenience of international food exports and supermarkets have made cooking at home much easier clearly this is having a major impact on people's lives and eating behaviors okay now if I want to create a little bit more parallel grammar here in this sentence I can just take out the word behaviors because eating is a behavior so always refining this is having a major impact on people's lives and eating fine I genuinely believe this ease of preparing meals nowadays has led to a positive improvement for individuals as they are able to save more time and experience more cuisines every day again notice the parallel grammar form in the points of the thesis right save more time experience more cuisines ok so parallel grammar I know some of you know that some of you are still practicing that it's very important that you have parallel grammar when you're listing points ok alright now again so notice in my background I indicate the definition of what we're talking about so we're talking about food preparation becoming easier what does that mean in my mind as the writer becoming easier well it's easier because of Technology kitchen robots or kitchen appliances ok they're synonyms and convenience of international food exports and supermarkets right so we have many more ingredients available to us now locally than in the past which is definitely making it easier for us to prepare foods quickly right and effortlessly we talked about this in the planning stage so when we talked about planning and we defined easier we said it's not just the technology but it's also the availability of foods and ingredients compared to before okay so there's my introduction it's relatively short I would say it's probably no more than about 50 words maximum and that's fine for an introduction so now we go on to body 1 and clearly body 1 here is save more time now when you have an essay that's dealing with a relative comparison where we're comparing the present for example to the past it's a relative comparison it should be fairly straightforward to write the topic send for body one so as many of you know and some of you maybe it's new information a body paragraph always starts with the topic sentence and the topic sentence is a deeper perhaps clearer definition of point one in your thesis and this is why students is so important to write a direct thesis where you have clear points like save more time and experience more cuisines because when you have a direct thesis you know very clearly what you have to do for your topic sentence if you don't if you say well this essay will further explain why this has become an improvement then well you only start to think about your body paragraph one when you get to body paragraph one and that usually makes for less effective thinking less creative essays and lower band scores right so okay Kuipers asking worded my background come from my background came from why is it easier it came from the controlling idea khyber why is it easier and how is it easier today to create meals at home and we talked about kitchen robots and convenience of ingredients at local stores and the rest of it came from visualization km so that's where it came from okay so let's write that topic sentence together so the first one is saved more time so tell me what does that mean to save more time give me a better definition of what that means okay so give me a nice full sentence that clearly defines for the reader what it means to save more time saving more time is quite subjective so there's a lot of defining that you can do there okay so Reggie bier says this advancement plays a significant role in human lives as people perform prepare food for pleasure and nutrition I think that was for your background reg beer so that was good okay I can tell that that's your background information for the importance which is good okay Beck John says preparing food in today's world requires a fraction of the time compared to three or four decades prior yeah bet John that's good so preparing food today requires a fraction of the time it's how we write it back John okay so preparing I would say the same dishes let's have a close relative comparison so preparing the same dishes today as a century I would do a little bit of a bigger timespan here than three four decades I mean we've had technology around now for a while so I would do a century right when the question students doesn't say the relative time it just says nowadays food has become easier to prepare but the question doesn't say compared to when right and so in this case I would jump back a fair bit like I would jump back to like 1920 a century before even 1920 we start to see some pretty good innovations in food preparation but definitely not like today so I would jump an entire century back John not just three or four decades okay so preparing the same dishes today as a century ago requires a fraction of the time as it did back then all right I used yours back John because I wanted to show you that correct expression here okay it's a fraction of the time that's how you clearly express that okay but that's a good that's a good start definitely that's a good open for the for body one for the topic sentence okay all right reg veer writes people require less time to prepare food than a couple of decades before due to the use of the latest utensils and kitchen appliances again Rajveer I jump back further than a few decades utensils that that brings the fork and knife to mine that's a bit awkward I think reg fear you're already transitioning into the explanation maybe leave that separate so you can leave explaining why until after okay Hammond says people require less time in making ingredients ready as it can ask Rhett hmm okay let me try that him out one more time people require less time in making ingredients as ready condiments and spice mixes save time it's ready to cook okay him on too much detail too quickly okay now make sure students that you're always paying attention to every word in the question and in your planning right so we're talking about improvement here and remember your planning so maybe I should have gone over the planning I was hoping everybody was kind of keeping that in mind a little bit from yesterday or reviewing notes from yesterday members it's good to keep notes by the way so the questions that we asked for the controlling idea remember and we even reflected on what Abhishek said there's what is easier food preparation better for people so we use the word better here and I said this was the best one right and then we asked it here again why does this make people's life better or worse right so you have to remember that the question is asking has this change improved the way people live so you don't want to forget that okay those are the key elements that will separate your essay from a simple band 6 and push it to a band aid or a band 9 and you want to have that in your topic sentence so preparing the same dishes today as a century ago requires a fraction of the time as it did back then which leads to an overall improvement in life quality as time saved in the kitchen can be invested elsewhere okay so that would be my full band 9 topic sentence keeping in mind not only the definition of how it's making life or how it's saving more time than before but also giving that deeper definition of why that's improving life does that make sense so you really do have to keep a lot of elements in mind as an author okay does that make sense students give me a thumbs up if you're following my flow here so this would be my topic sentence for my band 9 essay preparing the same dishes today as a century ago requires a fraction of the time as it had back then which leads to an over overall improvement in life quality as time saved in the kitchen can be invested elsewhere okay that most directly and effectively answers and argues for the response to the question okay yeah so hem on says always go back on track right that's absolutely right hem on so as a writer your goal is to see the tracks and any time you're kind of off you have to get back on those tracks and go into more details okay so now we want to give the explanation so explain that why does this happen and why is life better right so I'm giving you a couple of hints here but this is the dialogue so continue to have that dialogue continue to see yourself as both the writer and the reader so at this point your reader is going okay well can you tell me why it takes a fraction of the time and can you explain to me why that's better so why can I invest time elsewhere what do you mean that I can enjoy life more and of course again you're visualizing here so this is where you want to explain this concept in the next step and now keep in mind again so the question has to basically be burned into your four thoughts throughout your writing because remember this part of the question give reasons for your answers using your own ideas and experience so it's a very personal response here because it's the question is saying your answers using your own ideas and experience so don't just generalize okay we're definitely writing a first person essay here so give me the explanation in this sense I'm going to do the same and then we'll compare okay all right so well let's give me a second my camera seemed to have an issue there I'll get you back it'll give you a little bit of time to write here camera actually had an error there so just give me one moment you know try to get us back here I can already see poojas got it going on all right yeah it's pretty intense for these DSLRs to keep their eyes open for an hour non-stop but anyway here we go back we are alright gives you a bit of time to catch up with this explanation anyhow just good all right okay so let's see what you have I see lots of explanations coming up now that's fantastic so here we go pooja says dishes like roti which took around an hour are now done in seconds with a roti maker in fact breakfast options like Maggi has substituted long breakfast recipes making it easier for the working class to manage time Pooja that's a great explanation I love it okay very good Rajveer says with the use of the latest kitchen appliances such as pressure cookers chopping machines and microwave ovens individuals can prepare food and half of the time which it took a century back and people can use that spare time for pursuing hobbies and learning new skills fantastic Rajveer that's a beautiful explanation very good charlie says nowadays thanks to technical advancements many kitchen appliances exist like microwaves and blenders which did which were not around a hundred years ago and these gadgets reduce cooking time significantly and then your looks like you're going into an example charlie with the like I use microwave ovens to make pizza in just under five minutes but it's good charlie you're on the right track charlie don't use contractions okay Hassan says that presents kitchens are not only loaded with appliances that can help to reduce food prep time by 30 percent and effort by 20 percent but also they perform multiple functions at the same time and within one gadget people can cut chop slice and boil as well very good yeah excellent ok back John says due to the ubiquity of different ingredients in grocery stores and the availability of various kitchen appliances many individuals spend no more than an hour a day to cook a meal and invest more time into edge Haitian and entertainment back John I would finish with very good Helen says modern white Goods have reduced the time required for pre cooking like kneading dough and chopping vegetables appliances like choppers slicers have given more time to try new activities himand don't use ET c and don't use things ok students that's a side note but please keep that in mind in good writing we don't use the word things and we don't use the word ET c ok so i'll put that in the notes here because i still see that too often so note and there's a simple logical reason for that so note in good writing and of course band 9 is expert level writing and good writing authors do not use ET c or things as these words have zero value for the reader and in fact has the reader guessing so don't use these ok alright stay away from those alright khyber says the time for food preparation has decreased dramatically because technology has simplified this process people do not need to spend 60 minutes in order to cook and clean up dishes good khyber the first sentence is just a repeat of the topic sentence ok bisher is asking what can we use instead of things sir good question mister always use a more accurate instead of things okay so in Hammonds example the more accurate nan was activities okay there's always a more accurate noun Visser because things is just a cheap replacement for the better noun if there isn't a better noun that you can use instead of things which are very rare cases usually the word things is not needed okay all right so but in most situations when students use the word things they're just replacing a better noun like activities okay there's always a better word all right I think I got a little bit off the handle in my explanation and I actually think a couple of your explanations were a bit better I think reg beers was very good so this was my explanation today's mixing machines can create dough within 10 minutes as we're the same process took an hour of kneading by hand before the mid-1900s furthermore baking that dough into a loaf of bread is achieved in just an hour with the convection oven as where it took at least three hours in a wood stove in years past the saved hours can be spent on playing games with children or learning a new skill like playing the piano okay so now we need an example okay and we need a real-world example and of course you should use I in your example to show the first invoice because this essay is first-person so use first-person voice I my friend okay again sometimes people learn and students learn that oh you shouldn't use first person in the essay that's not true you can write a first-person essay especially when the question is very much asking first person it says use your own ideas in your own experience as well of course then you include I so I'll be Texas for instance before my mom used one hour to make palak panner but due to the microwave it hardly takes twenty minutes now and she can spare 40 minutes learning new skills what does she do I'd be Scheck so be even more creative so she's picked up needlepoint her she started playing video games to have more fun so be creative Abhishek what's the what is she doing in those forty minutes maybe photography okay more time with the family sure she's reading to the children or so on okay so be specific okay all right Kyra I'm not exactly clear on your question maybe send me an email there Hassan says lately I'm busy with my work schedule and studying therefore I need just a couple of minutes approximately ten in the kitchen to cook a delicious dish of noodles egg and butter very good yeah absolutely okay sure I know that my grandmother used to slave away in the kitchen for hours to put quality meals on the table but my mother now does the same in just a couple hours a day aside from cooking she has time for hobbies like photography and planning picnics for the family okay and then the connecting concluding sentence my grandmother would agree that this is certainly an improvement okay all right so that fairly long body paragraph depending again on your speed and fluency of English you might not need all of this information I think I especially went into a little bit too much detail in the explanation I could probably use just half that information and it would be just fine I would still get AB and 9 but you get the idea okay you get the idea so let's reread this body paragraph make sure it makes sense and then we'll go on to body paragraph 2 so preparing the same dishes today as a century ago requires a fraction of the time as it did back then which leads to an overall improvement in life quality as time saved in the kitchen can be invested elsewhere today's mixing machines can create dough within 10 minutes as we're the same process took an hour of kneading by hand before the mid-1900s furthermore baking that dough into a loaf of bread is achieved in just an hour with a convection oven as where it took at least three hours in a wood stove in years past the saved hours can be spent on playing games with children and learning a new skill like playing the piano I know that my grandmother used to slave away in the kitchen for hours to put quality meals on the table but my mother now does the same in just a couple hours a day aside from cooking she has time for hobbies like photography and planning picnics for the family my grandmother would agree that this is certainly an improvement okay so I'm making that connection concluding and then I'm going into body two now body two it's not rocket science it's going to be about experiencing more cuisines okay so again easier more cuisines and an improvement that's what you want to think about for your topic sentence okay I want to keep rolling here hopefully we can get to the least the end of body two so for body to think more cuisines and keep writing students more cuisines easier plus improvement so you want these keywords to be in your mind as you're creating your topic sentence just a second I'll get you back on screen here my cameras having a bit of fun but hey that's giving you more time distracting you with my cute baby face picture of my daughter there alright so once more more cuisines easier improvement that will equal your topic sentence your topic sentence okay so give me the topic sentence for body to that's the goal right now okay and I'm going to look at some of these I see that some of you wrote some examples which is great for the previous body paragraph that's fine I think they look good for the most part I kind of skim over them out of the corner of my eye now I'd like you to create body paragraph two topic sentence which is more cuisines easier and improvement that's your topic sentence okay I'm gonna give you a little bit Head Start here practice your writing fluency remember find that balance members between speed accuracy speed accuracy maximize the band scores okay okay so Rajveer says people enjoy the luxury to try different dishes prepared worldwide with the use of modern technology and greater availability of ingredients yeah and I would probably Rajveer start with furthermore here it has become simpler - yeah okay so this is very much a big plus addition we use the conjunction or shouldn't say conjunction the leading expression furthermore when the next idea that you're going to state is like not only a plus but it's an extra okay Hassan says the availability of many ingredients minerals and vitamins on the daily meal table has significantly improved human health okay members careful here more cuisines easier improvement don't forget this word it seems like some of you are forgetting this very important word easier so Hassan try again okay Beck John says compared to the past today's individuals have a greater chance to eat and cook for meals which are easier to buy and prepare yeah absolutely yeah okay so furthermore it has become simpler to procure and prepare meals from around the world thanks to the wide availability of international ingredients that can be found at most local supermarkets okay something like that now I know that's not true for all parts of the world but it's arguably a lot more true than a hundred years ago so I'm sure some of our viewers are saying well yeah sure that might be true especially in Canada maybe in Hungary but it's still not true in some rural parts of some parts of the world but it's definitely more true than a hundred years ago for most parts of the world okay all right so let's see what others have who just has more over technological process has brought in an opportunity for us to be acquainted with most cuisines of the world in fact even the ingredients are easily available than ever before very good puja so you're putting in the element of easier that's so important here dr. Krishna says instead of having monotonous meals at home new cultures are invited by various cuisines due to higher availability of exotic ingredients or easier accessibility that's the other word combination that we can use here easier accessibility okay easier accessibility to ingredients okay so this is what I wrote furthermore it has become simpler to procure procure is another word for purchase or buy and prepare meals from around the world thanks to the wide availability of international ingredients that can be found at most local supermarkets okay so is not only so now a little bit more maybe this not only provides a broader palette of tastes at home but also arguably more nutrition now we don't want to go off topic here right so let's get into an explanation before we start to go into ideas that are not highlighted in the introduction okay so explanation about a hundred years ago local grocers offered foods that were grown in the region but now supermarkets offer ingredients from Asia Europe Africa and the Americas which make it possible for the cook to quickly creates new dishes okay something like that all right let's see what you have okay so here we're on to the explanation so you have to explain what do you mean that it's easier to make dishes from around the world okay keep that in mind here all right okay let's see what you have for this explanation hopefully something similar to what I have BEC John says since globalization is widespread in any city of the world people can find International restaurants and not only try their dishes yeah let's not go into international restaurants back John let's keep it international foods at home but also learn how to cook them with the help of gadgets that's true yeah the internet and recipes Hamas says since the inter since the ingredients on one hand and the availability of preparation manuals recipe books one can fulfill their desire to enjoy and relish global dishes which were only which were earlier only seen on cook shows but not made at home yeah okay home on I think you're going kind of in an interesting direction I think a lot of us including myself we're being a maybe a little bit too creative today we don't need to be that imaginative for the IELTS exam Rajveer says people can learn new foreign dishes through social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube can easily buy ingredients from local stores to prepare these dishes which was impossible in the early 1900s not 1990s Reggio 1900s doctor Krishna says history denotes that British sailed all the way to India for herbes and spices but now just a drive to the supermarket is sufficient that's great dr. Krishna I love that that's beautiful take note of that members doctors Krishna dr. Krishna's example is or explanation is very well said so history denotes that British sailed all the way to India for herbs and spices but now just a drive to the supermarket is sufficient and everybody can get the healing properties of chordoma or other spices like curry right absolutely okay very good all right so here's my explanation about a hundred years ago local grocers offered foods that were grown in the region but now supermarkets offer ingredients from Asia Europe Africa and the of Americas which make it possible for the cook to quickly create new dishes from recipes from international recipes okay now let's get into the example okay so we'll do an example here and this should be fairly easy okay again let's not be overly creative here okay so let's do an example for this in my family we have different international food nights each week like Tuesday is Italian night and Friday is French cuisine this makes eating at home fun and exciting as well as highly nutritious again this is a clear benefit of the ease of preparing foods nowadays compared to before I'm sure that if I really want to conclude that paragraph as well we don't have to but if I want to okay oh that's my example alright let me read my paragraph again furthermore it has become simpler to procure and prepare meals from around the world thanks to the wide availability of international intents that can be found at most local supermarkets this not only provides a broader palette of tastes at home but also arguably more nutrition about a hundred years ago local grocers offered foods that were grown in the region but now supermarkets offer ingredients from Asia Europe Africa and the Americas which make it possible for the cook to quickly create new dishes from international recipes in my family we have different international food nights each week like Tuesdays Italian night and Fridays French cuisine this makes eating at home fun and exciting as well as highly nutritious again this is a clear benefit of the ease of preparing foods now in days compared to before okay that makes sense maybe it's a little bit wordy after the class I'll likely go over that revise it a little bit take out some unnecessary words maybe shorten it up a bit I'm confident I could write this much all right here says I bet this was simply not possible in my grandmother's time and Rajveer you're absolutely right so Rajveer says for instance my mom prepared Mexican pizza in 30 minutes after watching a video on YouTube and procuring the required ingredients from a local store I bet this was not possible in my grandmother's time that's very good Rajveer it's an excellent example okay dr. krishna says i'm a bon vivant and i love to take my tastebuds on a tour so on possible occasions i try new dishes for example on my parents anniversary we prepared mexican food at home and Mexican food is delicious very good okay all right students I don't want to rush the conclusion so I'll leave that to you I will post this essay as well on our community board with the completed conclusion and may be tidied up a bit so that's what it looks like that's what a band 9 response would look like for this question of course there are many ways to skin the cat as the saying goes so there could be a lot of different essays that can get banned 9 but that's certainly one of them for all of our viewers make sure to check us out at AE help comm for academic IELTS help we do have task 1 and task to editing professional proofreading services on both of the websites for general IELTS check us out at G Al's help calm coming up in 30 minutes I will host one more class today where everybody can join the chat and that will be speaking part 2 some cue card practice and strategy I'm glad Khyber that you learned tons you're very welcome us on goodbye Roger you're nice writing great writing dr. Krishna as well and I will hopefully see you shortly in 30 minutes bye for now see you soon
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: d-e7DGl-mjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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