IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Communication

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here the garden city of canada on the west coast capital of british columbia welcome carolina our moderator hi kyber and georgie and welcome members good to see you all welcome alexander hi shaheed and saiful good to see many students in the class ready to learn i hope everybody has had a good start to their week in this class we are looking at speaking part one and we're going to discuss band 9 communication because to get those high band scores in your ielts speaking you need to do more than just use english meaning vocabulary and grammar but you need to really communicate well and you can learn these two skills together while we wait for a few more of your classmates this lesson is presented by for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's generalised help dot com on both of those websites we have lots and lots of information to help you and this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat so copy my english copy my language use my intonation pronunciation as best as you can good morning janiel i hope you're having a fantastic day i'm guessing it's quite the afternoon or late where you are if you're on the other side of the world um students our websites look like this this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access really doesn't cost a lot people are always amazed at how much material and help they get for their investment we are a british council ielts test registration center and certified agents when you have access to our premium ielts account you have access to computer-based practice exams full course apps workbooks lesson videos over 100 hours of lesson videos and you have access to student partner speaking and speaking interview practice so check those out to help you with your speaking roster you can have a voice like me just work on it keep practicing your voice keep practicing your english you can develop a great speaking voice for sure i got you thanks for the compliment i appreciate that um general ielts looks like this with the green background again click this big red button to join the premium package one-time payment lifetime access uh to get our apps academic ielts help general ielts help in your app stores we're always working on making all of our products better and better um if you have questions send me an email adrian we'll get back to you quickly okay rd thanks for complimenting on my shirt color yeah people seem to like this green i don't know i guess it's a good color i'll have to look at more of these green colors for my wardrobe right so there's a nice new word to start off the day your wardrobe right it's all the clothes that you have in your closet it's called your wardrobe okay all right we've got lots of classes this week live classes um the times are now which is 14 to 15 o'clock universal standard time and then we've got some classes for members chat a little bit earlier in the week or earlier in the day throughout the week so we'll have speaking and we'll have lots of writing this week so we'll have task two and then task one general task one academic and we'll have lots more speaking on saturday so check out the schedule subscribe to the youtube channel uh click the notification bell so that you know when these live classes are on okay uh let's get cracking on our speaking for the day so uh ielts speaking interview it's very quick you don't have a lot of time to prove your english in a perfect world the interview would be like an hour long so you can get really comfortable and really get talking about a lot of different topics but then the ielts exam would cost like thousands of dollars so you only have 12 minutes to show your english ability so show it you must okay you really have to put your best foot forward i gotta start writing down some of these vocab for you so you can use it in the future so wardrobe okay it means all of your clothing uh in your closet that's how we use it in the modern days in the olden days you actually had a standalone closet okay so vocabulary is really good to of course improve your uh communication because the better word selection that you have in context the better you can express yourself so you always want to work on vocabulary it's one key element of the ielts speaking interview it's called your lexical resource mark they don't just call it vocabulary because vocabulary pertains means like words right but lexical resource actually includes the concept of using expressions idiomatic language and so on so in the 12-minute ielts interview you want to put your best foot forward this is an idiom it means present your best possible self okay very visual idioms usually are all right ah kamal from uzbekistan i'm doing great thanks for asking happy to have you on board here okay all right um so definitely always work on your vocabulary back when i was learning japanese in university it was before the advent of like smartphones like smartphones really you know kind of um [Music] coming into action and uh i use lots of different tools to learn vocabulary uh when when i was in university in in high school for learning japanese uh one of the tools that i used was what's called the keychain flash cards okay i don't know if you guys know about this but i always try to present you with some kind of new idea so um if you can you can still find these i think use keychain flashcards to learn new vocabulary they're really good because they're always with you and you don't really need to turn on anything to start studying okay um a keychain flash cards they kind of look like they they're so they're small pieces of paper like that uh you write the vocabulary on them and then they go on this kind of like keychain loop and there's like a little book of like 50 of them they kind of look like this probably doesn't mean much to you but if you google uh keychain flashcards you will definitely find them on amazon and things like that so i highly recommend using these keychain flash cards for vocabulary just um write out like i had one that was just for japanese idioms and then i had one that was for phrasal verbs i had one that was for just regular vocabulary so try that out and everybody picking me up on that so are you are you clearly understanding what i mean by this uh keychain flashcards i still have them actually my japanese vocabulary keychain flashcards and they're fantastic kyber says yes i got it okay i think a lot of people are over dependent on digital tools for learning and it's good to break out of that box and realize that paper and pen still have their place in learning in many ways um and these keychain flash cards are a good one okay so carolina says yes earphones got the little man with the thumbs up so that's good okay cool all right all right everyone so that 12 minutes that 12 minutes to prove your english the first um five minutes or so are the introduction it's your part one it's your first impression so you really have to do a great job in part one so that you're not playing catch up in part two and part three okay so do not play catch up in part two part three um immediately show in speaking part one that you have some great skills communicating with the english language okay all right thomas venad giving the thumbs up there too that's great okay so you walk into uh your exam and you're met by an ielts examiner kind of like a person like me possibly especially if you're in canada or the us and then uh the examiner will say welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian so hopefully i'm back it looks like i'm back anyway uh let me know if you still cannot see me okay um all right okay i i think it worked i think that was a weird youtube connectivity between obs and uh youtube so i had to do a full restart there that was a really bizarre technical issue i didn't touch anything and then suddenly the obs and youtube lost communication so hey that's life but we live and learn and move on um a lot of moving parts all right no worries uh let's keep going uh good for the students who hung in there and by the way um just a little bit of a life lesson there that's what it takes uh to really be successful in life and even on the ielts is just to hang in there and if you don't get the score you need the first time hang in there don't give up okay it's a very very important part of uh success is perseverance all right so let's get back to um this first question we'll just keep rolling um may i see your identification so i saw a few answers there give me a couple of nice full sentence answers you want to show fluency right away um so here we go i'll give you an answer yes of course just allow me a moment to find the page with my credentials okay here it is please have a look okay so often times we have to flip um some pages to find the page that has our picture our name or passport number uh so you can say this um may i see your identification yes of course just allow me a moment to find the page with my credentials okay here it is uh please have a look all right uh naji says hi adrian i entered this video just to tell you that i've taken the test and the results were very good for me overall seven i would like to thank you for your videos it really helped me naji good job uh send me a testimonial that's fantastic all right vg says yes of course here is my passport which i used for registration of my exam a couple of weeks ago please allow me a sec while i flip to the page with my credentials here it is please have a look okay good all right ashu don't be afraid i'm sure you'll do fine all right so some good answers there um the next question is always what is your full name uh give me some nice full sentence answers for this one again i always give your full name and then what you want to be called the examiners they will ask you they'll say what do you want me to call you or what should i call you okay all right um so all right so there's an answer um my surname is mckinley and my given names are andrew and david uh please just call me dave so that could be a typical answer okay a surname is your family name given names are also sometimes called your first names okay uh kuch nuen says my surname is newin uh please address me by my given name hoach um does this make sense sir yeah it does cooch it's fine yeah so my surname is newin please address me by my given name which is hoach i would add the witches in there okay irfan says my first name is irfan and my last name is muhammad please just call me irfan it's what i usually go by very good all right okay um shaheed uh give me a nice answer can everybody in general english help their um follow along now too it looked like it was a just a general streaming kind of issue that was being experienced so uh hopefully it's all good now thomas venad says my full name is thomas van odd uh please just call me thomas all right super so uh then they'll ask you a couple of um icebreaker questions just to make you feel comfortable and also to get you uh speaking fluently okay so they might ask you a question like uh where do you live okay uh so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where do you live all right i'll give an answer and then we'll compare so all right uh so there's my answer uh where do you live i live in the beautiful city of victoria which is the capital of the province of british columbia here in canada and i live in a two-story townhouse with my family okay so city province country and residence my shelter house flat town house okay so give detailed answers it's very very important for good communication all right um okay alexander says actually i'm from fergana but i grew up in uh andijan okay alexander where is that what country what part of the world all right earphones says i reside in a two-bedroom apartment with my family in the suburbs of kolkata the capital of the state of west bengal very nice that's a beautiful detailed fluent answer that's what you want to do okay ashu says i'll have a visa interview in november okay um ashu uh the same kind of idea as with an ielts speaking interview if you can do an out speaking interview well you can do a visa interview well also okay vg says i reside in a three-bedroom flat in a two-story building in the southern part of india i've been living there with my parents uh for the past 30 years okay all right um let's see some more okay uh gv ed says i'm from davao but i'm currently living in bulacan yeah it's not bad just include the residents right like do you live in a house and the question is where do you live now right it's not where you grew up or what's your hometown it's where do you live now okay nitin says i live in uh karem nagar city in a three-story building with my family good okay so residents and city all right next question uh what is your favorite food all right now um if you have lots of favorite food don't start talking about all your favorite foods just choose one so um oh that's easy i love pizza especially i'm uh fond of hawaiian pizza which is with ham and pineapple i love the combination of the sweet uh and salty flavor with the tomato sauce and cheese right so again fluency right um and this i'm coming up with in real time like i do love hawaiian pizza i would say it's probably one of my uh favorite foods it wouldn't be the food i would ask for on my deathbed but it doesn't matter okay you want to be fluent so you don't want to be like uh i really like steak but i really like lobster too um but i actually really like a good salad as well so don't be wishy-washy okay just pick one target and speak all right you want to be very confident and productive in your ielts speaking interview all right so um what is your favorite food oh that's easy i love pizza especially i'm fond of hawaiian pizza which is with ham and pineapple i love the combination of the sweet and salty flavor with the tomato sauce and cheese okay and if some of you have eaten hawaiian pizza you know what i'm talking about okay to be fond of means you really like it okay it's delicious all right so your favorite food what is it uh vg says i love biryani which is my favorite food every weekend at any cost i consume it with delicious mutton gravy and ratio in fact last week i had it with my friend viji very nice answer explanation example beautiful okay i love the natural language that's going to get you a high band score for sure paulo says i love pasta it's funny because my family has no relation to any italian heritage i love it especially when i have it with a delicious sauce mainly a juicy tomato sauce okay very nice paulo i like it it's a good answer it's original you've got your own diction there and that's very good okay i can tell that you didn't just memorize it but you're actually talking as you that's really really good all right um kyber says my beloved food is rice and beans as i cook it almost three times a week it has a delicious taste and it's rich in proteins it is valuable to mention that this food is very popular in my country uh kyber the end of that is going a little bit off topic we're not talking about popular foods in your country i get the connection but careful not to digress too far into a different direction okay so our students really really focus on uh answering the question directly all right okay so uh don't be wishy-washy okay answer explain example and then the example can be i had it just last night with my family while watching a movie okay so one more time oh that's easy i love pizza especially i'm fond of hawaiian pizza which is with ham and pineapple i love the combination of sweet and salty flavors with the tomato sauce and cheese i had it just last night with my family while watching a movie okay that'll get you some um good marks okay so let's keep going here then part one will be introduced part one is always about some kind of general concept that everybody should be able to talk about and this one for sure everybody can talk about because we all do it um so let's talk about sleep okay the examiner is going to say let's talk about sleep as soon as you hear the word sleep you should start thinking about some word association like wake up go to bed dream nightmare okay and so forth so you should immediately think about these kinds of concepts all right uh first question how many hours do you sleep in a day okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one again remember answer explanation and example okay so give me a nice full full sentence all right how many hours do you sleep in a day alfie says i sleep about six to seven hours a day uh why alfie and what time do you go to bed when do you get up what did you do last night how many hours did you sleep okay so give me a more detailed answer all right gee ed's daniella says i usually get five hours of sleep every night but sometimes i let myself sleep in and get a few extra hours last saturday i slept the whole nine hours gv ed's good start stronger finish as needed okay blue blueberry well unfortunately for me i only charge myself with about five hours of uh sleep which is bad for my health since i'm in high school um and i'm burning the midnight oil to catch up with homework okay that's a really good expression for you blueberries i'm burning the midnight oil to finish all my homework june says as an early bird i usually hit the sack at around 10 a.m and get up at five or six in the morning so that's seven to eight hours of sleep for each day that said i sometimes have to burn the midnight oil and there's june using a plethora of idiomatic language um all right june let me contrast you a little bit although it's not true but i'll contrast you with some other idioms okay so all right so yeah idiomatic language can be a lot of fun but you have to make sure that you're using it correctly okay so i'm going to read june's response again excuse me so june says as an early bird i usually hit the sack at around 10 a.m and get up at five or six in the morning so that's seven to eight hours of sleep for each day that said i sometimes have to burn the midnight oil to finish my research project before deadlines and go to bed after midnight and only sleep for six hours most times i feel quite exhausted throughout the day when my biological clock is out of tune okay this is what i wrote here all right so how many hours do you sleep in a day as a night owl i like to hit the hay at around midnight and roll out of bed at seven a.m each morning so i get about seven hours of sleep daily it's not the best as i often feel like a zombie in the mornings nevertheless i made sure to get ample sleep for the exam today okay so you have an early bird it's a person who wakes up early versus a night owl uh a person who goes to bed late okay another piece of language there that was introduced by june and i gave you a variation is hit the sack or same thing hit the hay okay it means to go to bed all right so those are some nice expressions uh to be able to incorporate into your responses okay all right so um here we go next question uh where do you like to sleep okay so location ielts usually targets different types of questions like what when where why okay so be uh ready for that um where do you like to sleep all right um give me a nice full sentence answer for that one all right so where do you like to sleep all right while i wait all right uh amman john says usually i sleep in my own bedroom where there's a blue small intense light that gives me uninterrupted sleep for five hours but sometimes i prefer to sleep with my mother all right amanjad pavon preet says i love to sleep uh in my own bed in my room because i feel more relaxed and comfortable as sleep without these things is not a sleep that is a sleep that makes me more tired okay uh paul and pre careful with your double negatives without these things is not asleep and makes me more tired it's a bit awkward okay careful with your negatives ritesh says i like to sleep under the stars because it's all just perfect for me i'm obsessed with astrology so i look at stars and the night sky and i don't even notice when i fall asleep very nice answer ritesh yeah i can empathize with you i love um to go camping in the summer and sleep under the stars in a sleeping bag that's fantastic yeah the fresh air with the stars is magical okay amu says i always love sleeping in my room um with my mom my room is beautifully designed in such a way that during night hours a nice breeze comes in and out through the window and i feel really relaxed okay we've got lots of great answers coming now um all right hashna says i like to sleep in a comfortable bed with air conditioning set to around 21 degrees and i love my room to be dark okay very nice very very nice all right uh rb and mala i think i just read yours i'm not sure who or what you're referring to george jean says i prefer to sleep in my cozy and relaxing bedroom because it always gives me um comfort while sleeping there also the mornings are beautiful as my bed is located on the ground floor next to the window so i can see the sunrise georgian very nice answer try not to repeat the word relaxing and relaxation okay all right let's jump to this question so um what helps you to sleep better and why okay so what helps you to sleep better and why now if you have to think about that for a moment it's okay it's okay to ask for time hi says i love to sleep in my bed because i'm used to it if i sleep otherwise i don't feel comfortable if i sleep elsewhere otherwise i don't feel comfortable okay you have the word elsewhere missing there all right what helps you to sleep better that's an interesting question please give me a moment to think it's okay to do that okay it's okay to ask for time to think so you can say hmm that's an interesting question please give me a moment to think uh but make sure that it is an interesting question like if the examiner says uh what's your full name and you say hmm that's an interesting question allow me a moment to think that's gonna be like uh what i just asked for your name right or what's your favorite color that's an interesting question uh no not so much but this kind of question might take you a second right what helps you sleep better all right manta says my comfortable room helps me to get a good night's sleep and it gives me a relaxation okay just make sure you're not repeating your previous answer okay mohit says a nice uh cold bath helps me to sleep better all right mohit why a cold bath would really wake me up so um i'd be curious why a cold bath uh helps you to sleep better actually a hot shower helps me to sleep better so udaya says my pretty pillow makes me feel more comfortable and helps me sleep better yeah pillows right i like a cold pillow so a hot shower a warm cup of herbal tea and a cold pillow all helped me to get a great night's rest um [Music] these uh creature comforts help me to relax and doze off in fact i take a hot shower just about every night before bed all right um so there we go there's my answer uh and yes i'm using a little bit of what you're telling me but it's true so what helps you to sleep better and why hmm that's an interesting question please give me a moment to think uh a hot shower a warm cup of herbal tea and a cold pillow all helped me to get a great night's rest these creature comforts help me to relax and doze off in fact i take a hot shower just about every night before bed and i let a cold breeze cool down my pillow that's true too with an open window all right um let's jump to this last question okay have you ever had difficulties sleeping if yes why okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one all right so have you ever had difficulty sleeping if yes why while you think about some answers for this one i'll read some answers for the previous questions from some other students bakrat says well i take a shower before going to bed and play a lofty song in the background this gives me a good vibe and positive ideas to put me into a heavenly sleep and instead of saying put me in heaven bakra because that sounds like you're about to die um heavenly sleep okay that's a collocation or that's a word combination heavenly sleep okay uh georgian says listening to podcasts and drinking a glass of milk before going to bed helps my brain to slow down and eventually shut off for the upcoming night also a dark and colder environment helps with that helps with alongside with a glass of milk yeah that works as well georgie and i like it okay all right uh yeah i i think i saw one person say doing exercise in the day helps me to get a good night's rest absolutely right being active going for a run going for a swim going for a good hike during the day will help you to get a good night's rest okay all right so vg for this question so have you ever had difficulty sleeping all right vg remember to use the present perfect in the question yes i have had some trouble sleeping in the past especially when i have my exam scheduled uh practical exams sometimes after watching a horror movies it gives me insomnia okay not insomnia issues vg just insomnia insomnia is an issue it means you can't sleep okay all right um we've got some great answers there marshall says actually when it's raining outside i sleep better because of the sound of rain or even thunder calms me down so that's for the previous one okay um alfonso john says yes i always have problems with my sleep if i sleep at a relative's home um i think it's because i don't feel comfortable in beds other than my own alfonsa i had to do a couple of corrections there so uh pay attention to that check the time uh le van trump says honestly i have had difficulty sleeping i had sleep troubles yesterday because of a horror movie i watched with my younger brother but uh i tried to rest and tried to have a good night's sleep carefully yvonne make sure that you don't get lost in your ideas and create confusing language uh vinay rykar says yes certainly many times i have had difficulty sleeping especially when there's a change in my bed a few days ago i had visited my uncle's place and at that time i had a lot of problems uh falling asleep okay veneer yes very good oppa duffy says yes i have i live in a crowded area and all the time people are doing something noisy day and night so i have difficulty sleeping yeah noise pollution yes i have had troubles with insomnia in the past either because of internal or external factors what i mean by this is that if i am stressed or worried about an upcoming exam for relationship issues it's tough for me to get a good night's rest also if the neighbor is throwing a party and making lots of noise uh that is a problem as well okay um so internal external yeah so sometimes it's our own mind that gives us troubles or problems with sleep and sometimes it's the world around us right so the bed that we sleep in some noisy neighbors a train that goes past our building use the present perfect student so here we go have you ever had difficulties sleeping if yes why yes i have had troubles with insomnia in the past have had present perfect insomnia means not being able to sleep either because of internal or external factors so when you think about your answers you can always think about the dualities or the multiple perspectives of the world around us so the world is understood and experienced from our internal being right so what's inside of us and it's also experienced from the external world so what's happening outside of us and that can always give you a little bit more dynamic answers thinking that way okay so what i mean by this is if i am stressed if yes why if i am stressed or worried about an upcoming exam or relationship issues it's tough for me to get a good night's rest also if the neighbor is throwing a party and making lots of noise that is a problem as well okay so lots of nice natural language present perfect correlative conjunctions you need to start doing this in part one so that you can pick up your grammatical range and accuracy scores and complexity scores for those high band scores okay so make sure to do that all right everyone i'm going to stop there for today um and i hope everybody enjoyed this class i know we had a little bit of technical issues there at the beginning that's out of my control but i was able to get us back on board which is great um and um upward and onward everybody so uh if you want to get some hd videos uninterrupted uh then go to a for academic outs and for general ielts again general ielts looks like this with the green background academic outs will have the blue background and once you log in and get that premium course you'll have access to all of these awesome [Music] materials there's just tons of them and uh audio cds and videos and so on um and then you can continue practicing your speaking and i wish the best of luck to those of you who are sitting the ielts exam this week make sure to tune back in and catch some of the more live lessons that are coming up over the next three days thank you uh carolina for moderating the chat thank you everyone for being here thank you members for your support hopefully i will catch all of you tomorrow and i wish you an awesome rest of your day much love i'm signing out from victoria goodbye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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