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uh good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is a children's travel consult we initially decided to do this every other two weeks but then we found it very appealing that we provide a lot of information on other platforms as well so those of us who have been joining us on various platforms on whatsapp and twitter and facebook you realize that a lot of updates are going on congratulations to uh our clients who have also won this discount scholarship that we provided for people or students who enroll in our tutorial sessions in ielts now i welcome you once again and good afternoon today we we want to discuss or provide information on various things in ielts and pte which of course i would want to people some people would not know what ielts stand for although fine it's obvious then but then ielts stands for international english language testing system and then pte which is the pearson test it's ambition now these are some of the things that we are going to discuss today we will be talking about how after going through your tutorial sessions with with us or wherever you you attended a tutorial session how are you going to register for the exams itself with british council now a lot of questions have come that how do you register is it that the travel agencies or the travel consults are the ones who are organizing the tests or is it that it's a particular body that organizes this particular test but then let me also pass out this information to you that if anybody tells you that they will help you to write the test the person is either going to scam you going to deceive you or going to find a way to take something from you without helping you or without assisting you to go to the whole system as well now we've have we've had instances where people come to our offices and then complain that they paid an amount to someone and the person would decide to try it or the person assisted or promised to assist him or her but at the end of the day he or she couldn't participate in the test so that is why we've decided to take this particular moment to explain to our clients and everybody who joined this feat to be able to understand how you will register for your ielts exams now in the first place ielts is organized by british council and it is not organized by any other body in ghana so whoever tells you that we will register you the person is lying because it is organized by british council and then before you can take part in the test you have to register with british council if your registration is not with british council it becomes either fraud or a scam or something like that now let me take you through how the registration is going to be done or how you register your tests the first thing is that you have to create an account the british council portal the first thing you have to create an account it is either you create a new account or maybe you have an existing account that you register your your account with the british council or you can register for your ielts test with the british council so without that account you cannot book a test date or a test center so first create an account with a british council so if anybody wants to assist you if anybody tries to assist you you have to look out for the account that will be created with british council now this account is mostly logged in using your using your name your your email address and then your customized password or your your own generated password these are the two most important things that you need in order to register now after creating the account you can go ahead and then book a test date now one thing is that the test date are not defined by whoever is creating the account or whoever is registering for the test but then the test date is defined by british council because of the limited number of seats that they have in a particular setting they they try as much as possible to have enough test date for any number of people who want to register so after creating your account you have to book a test date and then the test date and test centers as i said are defined by british council so you as an individual or as a test taker you will have to select the location that is suitable for you so for instance if you are in accra there are several test centers that the british council have with which you can select one of them you can write the test date in the accra digital center you can write it in the british council you can write it in ais etc there are several test dates and then in kumasi we have the british council offices we also have the new mission academy that's also a test center and also tamale they also have other test centers but then creating the account is very it is the most important thing after creating your account then you will have to book your test date now when you create your account you will have a particular link where you can click on to book a testing because that link is is labeled a test so when you tap on that it will give you something like a a column form where you will fill in your details your personal details then your name your date of birth your passport your id number it could be your passport it could be your any any acceptable id that you have so you fill in all those details then after that you select the test date and test center by first selecting the location the region especially where you want to write your test now it could be in accra kumasi tamale so you select any of these locations and then the various places and various tests dates that are available at that particular time will be revealed to you or you will see those test dates and test centers on in that link now all these that you are going through you are gradually going through and you are going to do this on the british council portal but then you have to create the account log into the account before all of these that i'm talking about will be possible for you if you don't have an account you cannot access a test booking dates if you don't have if you don't log into the british council portal you can also you cannot also book a test date so after filling out your details selecting the region in ghana particularly as i said accracio any other place selecting the origin then you can select the available test dates because the the portal will provide several test dates for you and then you can select the one that you think you'll be ready for or the one that you think you'll be comfortable in writing or writing on that particular date so if for instance i i if i want to register a test and i want to write it in two weeks and then i look into the available date and i have next week as available dates next two weeks as an umpire buddy it doesn't mean that i will have to select the one that is nearer or closer that is the need the nearest date but then you have to select the available date that you will be comfortable with so it is not necessarily that okay i want to write the ielts test therefore i out of the test dates that are available by all means i'll have to select the fed in the most closer one no somebody can decide to register the ielts test date today but then we'll select september as the test date that he or she will write the test so it doesn't necessarily mean you will have to quickly select the nearest test date otherwise maybe your preparation would have wouldn't have been complete therefore you might not actually be ready at that time so maybe your tutorial session might also not have ended there are certain things that you might have done you should have done that maybe you have not done so all these uh various things that you put into consideration so after selecting the test date then you go ahead to select the center now one good thing is that you have to also select the test type the test type i mean you know there are two type two test types the first one is a a general test and then the academic you have to select that one and then secondly you have to select whether you want to write it on the paper base or on a computer base but one advice that i always give my clients and then one advice i always give my students is that if you are not so much good in typing you don't have to worry yourself with the computer base because you will be beaten by time because with the computer base everything that you are doing should be typed using a keyboard and maybe you may not be very good in typing you don't have to worry yourself doing that let us go the traditional way by using a pen and a pen so a pencil or a pen to write our example as we all know so don't rush in selecting a computer-based test when you are not too good in typo otherwise your time will be you will be beaten by time during the the day the day of the test one other thing is that after selecting the whether you are going to do it on a computer base or whether you are going to do it on a paper base you select the one that is that you prefer you also have to go ahead and then make payments you know all these stages that i am talking about after creating the account filling out your personal details and then also going through selecting the test date and all of that all these are done i want to stress this again all these are down on the british council portal it's it's registered in their website so if somebody somewhere ask you to provide your details for the person to create the account for you or for the person to register for you you have to insist that all this is done in the on the on their website now one other thing is that it is not always that you have to get a personal account with the british council sometimes somebody can also use an account to create it for you but you don't you should know the person you should know who he who he or she is and you should also know you should also be there for the person to create the account for you because these days because of uh how people are getting so much interested in the test people are also getting smarter in deceiving people especially with the registration and then registration of the test is different from registration for a tutorial section tutorials are different from registering for the test itself as i said registration for the test is done in the british council portal whilst registration for tutorials is done by the consult okay so after entering all details selecting your test date and then test center which you're comfortable with that's the most important thing you have to be comfortable with the dates don't be too quick to write the test besides it takes two weeks for you to get your results so if you are not comfortable with the test date sometimes all your efforts may be in vain so you have to be very comfortable with the test date before you start no matter how much you have prepared if you think that they will not be convenient for you you will have to select the dates that are product will be convenient for you and the center with which you you'll be able to get to because time is very important now one other thing is that after all these after going through all these then you have to make payments now the good thing is that british council provides two options for you to make the payment the first is by electronic means and then the other is by going to the bank to pay and then as far as i know there is only one bank that accepts the british council payment which is the stand charts so you can do that payment in every branch wherever you are but then you cannot write the tests everywhere they are selected centers so now after registering you'll be given some limited time to pay the money so you should make sure that your your money is ready with you so that after registering entering your details selecting test dates 10 test centers you can you go quickly to the bank and then pay your your money or you should make your electronic transaction ready so that whether your mastercard or whatever or visa card so that after registering in on their website you quickly pay through the electronic means because if it takes too long for you to pay your test booking will not be confirmed if it takes too long because we've had instances where people that we are registering for they they don't seem to be ready they don't have the money ready so after entering all their details yeah then it gets to the point where you are supposed to pay the money then it is now that they are going to look for the registration fee to pay by the time you come maybe the test date and center that you have selected will not be available and then your registration will be cancelled because the confirmation that you get or the british council will get when you have entered your details is your payment if you pay that is a commitment or the consideration that you are now part of this particular day and center for the test so that is very important now don't forget to keep the receipts whether the electronic receipt or whether the pain slip that you get now when you get to the bank i'm sure the tellers who also or the bank will guide you and then filling the form is not too difficult you can just ask for the british council pay in slip then you will have seven degrees numbers on your registration where you get from there and you put that number on your pay insulin that is so simple so after that after payment you come back to your account and then you realize that your account has been or your booking has been approved but until the payment you realize your booking is pending so until you see booking approved you should know that your your booking you are not confirmed of that particular test date and test center so when you you pay your money it will be reflected in your accounts and then you will see that your booking has been completed and then your booking has also been approved and that is very important so now that your booking has been approved then you are sure and certain that on this particular day i have an appointment with british council or ielts so this is how you register and it's very important to me and to achieve that we all take this very seriously because if you are ignorant and how the registration is done somebody somewhere can deceive you and take your money you might not be you will not take part of the test and you know the test is as important as anything so you also have to pay a lot of attention to the registration especially until you see your your booking approved you don't have to rest yeah one other thing is you know we are humans and therefore uh sometimes once you are filling the form maybe due to how anxious you are how excited you are how scared you are and all of that you might make mistakes that this is bound to happen now one thing is that because of how authentic this test is because of how people use other people's accounts to do certain things because of of identity theft and all of that british council are very strict on making corrections and then make changing certain information that you have already provided maybe as i said because of how excited you are to write the test because of how scared or because of how too careful you are you might make a mistake in filling out your form but how do we make that correction now once you fill your form after booking your test whatever information that you provided will be shown to you so if you go through and realize you've made a mistake you cannot go back in the website and change it because british council they are very particular about identity theft and then how sincere you are with your your information or your details that you provide for the test now the only thing that you may change or you can change it's your login details that you can change any time but your registration for the test information that you provide for the test your name your date of birth your identity number etcetera etcetera all this information cannot be changed therefore how do we change it now the good thing is the moment you see a mistake or the moment you see that you have entered some mistakes or made some mistake or you entered the wrong information in the registration you don't have to really panic or you don't have to start thinking you have wasted your money and all of that stuff but the only way you can change it is to send an email to the british council now the good thing is the moment you send the mail they will they will send you a message of receipt that they have received your meal and that they will work on it so you have to state categorically and specifically the information that you want to change and how you want it to be done or how you want it to be changed then you attach an identity card whether passports whether national health insurance and the course card you attach a soft copy to the mail that you are sending to the british council now maximum three days well so far that's how i have seen it maximum three days your your the required information that you wanted changed will be changed and then they will send you an uh another mail or a feedback email telling you that your information has been changed so when you go back to your account you log into your account on the british council website you realize that all the information that you requested for them to be to change it they will they have already changed it for you now one thing is that after you receive the mail that your information has been changed you have to go back there and check go back into your account and check or you have to request that the person who registered for you you sit with the person and you go through the details again to see that the information that you have entered are the ones that you that are correct and the ones that you personally enter now one thing is that if you have or if you if you don't pay attention to the information that you have entered and then you leave it like that on the test day on the test day they will not allow you to write the test especially when you provide a wrong date of bet you know when you have your password there's a date of birth in it on the bio data page so if you enter a wrong date of birth and then on that day of the test you provide you provide your id card or your passport then which which doesn't actually tally with the one that you entered you should know that you will not be allowed to write the test so it is very important that after entering everything every information that they require you have to go through it once again and look at your name the name the spelling of your name whether it is hyphenated or not you have to look at the position where whether it is a the position where each of your name is whether it's a last name first names this middle name you have to look at all of that so every information that you provide should tally with the information on your data on your on your id card on your password because when the results are being given or sent to you your name and all of the information that you yourself provided will be will be found on the results so it means that when the moment you get your results you cannot change anything again and then maybe you might have applied to a school somewhere with the correct or the right information but then the information on your ielts test might be different so you have to pay attention to that so once again if you make a mistake you don't have to panic you don't have to pant you don't have to feel scared or worried because once you send them an information that you have you have made a mistake and you want it changed it will be so easy for your data to be resolved all your mistakes or pro errors that you've made to be resolved so most importantly in order not to not for you to go through all the stress of sending emails and waiting for them to reply and all of that you have to pay very much attention to what you are entering especially with the registration or or the provision of your of your personal details that is very important now whilst you are watching you can send any question that you have maybe a clarification or maybe something that performs your mind you can send it and then we will immediately answer your questions for you okay so now that we have we have uh registered the test now that we've selected our our test date and centers what are we supposed to do before the test date it is just like preparing for an exams so you know we have an end of semester exam that you are you're supposed to write you know we have uh your you have your uh index number you have everything registered and everything ready what are you supposed to do before the test dates now i'm going to talk about what you have to do before the test dates what you have to do on the test date and then what you have to do after writing your test so let me start with before the test dates so after registration you know just like as i said preparing for an end of semester exams or what c or end of year exams once you have you know your date you have to prepare for the test now the ielts is it is not so it is simple but not too simple what i mean by that is there are certain basic tips that you are supposed to know that you are so you are required to know you are supposed to get them on your fingertips to be able to pass or get the required score that you want so if you just relax after registering for the test and say oh i've registered for ielts i'm going to write my test next week and then you relax you will be surprised that during that particular test day because of you know they create the the test environment so serene that if it is your first time or if you are not confident of what you have left you you will be confused although the test the test center is so serene so relaxed and all of that but then you know examination scares everybody but then if you have prepared enough you will not be scared now you have to make sure that you are you familiarize yourself with the ielts answer sheets if you know the type of answer sheet that you are going to answer your questions on you have to know what how it looks like what it contains or what it entails you have to look at you have to familiarize yourself with where you are going to end and enter your information whether you have an index number where you're going to enter it and all of that but the good thing is that here in actually links we have samples that we show to our students especially those that we organize tutorials for we have samples that we even organize uh frequent mock exams for them so that will create the test environment as it will be on that particular test date so you will familiarize yourself with how the answer sheet will be how the audio which is the listening test will be how the writing test will be and all of that so by the time you you get to the to the test center you know what you are going to do sometimes you use a pencil sometimes you use pen whether pencil or pen you have to familiarize yourself with both you don't know what will happen so you have to know whether you're going to use a pencil or whether you're going to use a pen but the good thing is just like they'll provide you with a very nice pencil and then they also provide you with the audio gadgets that will help you to go through the listening test but as i said you have to always familiarize yourself with the answer sheet that is very important to me so i always tell our students that you don't know the type of answer sheet that you're going to use so if you are giving or they place it in front of you for the first time because you are not familiar with it because you don't know what it is or how you are going to write information on it you might be scared and it it can affect the results or the score that you get so each time whether you are writing a general test whether you're writing an academic test you have to familiarize yourself with the british council council answer sheets before the testing now if you want to find out how it looks like they have a sample on the british council website where you can also download one of them and look at it and then at least try to especially for those of us who are studying by ourselves so you can download one of them and then you use it to practice your test and then that will give you an idea of what it looks like it is very important now that is what you're supposed to do before the test date and then you shouldn't forget you shouldn't forget the test date and time sometimes people confuse the test they you know most of the times you do the speaking tests say three or four days earlier before the other the other aspects so some people confuse or they don't pay attention to the time that you do the speaking test and then they will they think that maybe oh the speaking test and then the other aspect they have the same time so you have to look at the details of your test dates time and center and if possible you can go to the center and then look at the environment or you go you go to the center and you familiarize yourself with the route to the test center in that case when you are going there whether you are driving walking or or using the public transport you know the estimated time of arrival to that particular test center now it is always very important to arrive early at the test center because you go through some registration you will go through uh registration where your password picture will be taken and all of that so at least be there so very early go to the registration get yourself relaxed examination is all about relaxation when you are test everything that you have learnt will not come back to you but then when you are relaxed the things that you didn't even learn will force their way back to you so you have to make sure as early as possible mostly i advise you get there before you get to your test center an hour and a half or two hours before the time in that way you get yourself familiar with the environment you see how the places then you look at what's what will happen and then you look at the environment and then also understand what's going to happen there so if there's any information that will be passed to you you will you wouldn't miss that information because you have you you'll be there early to get to registered to get yourself relaxed then you release some certain tensions and then other things if if even if you are scared i'm telling you when you get the early and you sit down to look around you will be relaxed enough to have the confidence to write the test so it's very important that the first thing is that you prepare for the test second that is after registering and knowing your test date and test center you get yourself prepared and equipped and you get yourself familiarized with the answer sheet you get yourself familiarized with the route to your test center you note down you note down you note down the time and date that you are going to write each of the tests as i said the speaking test is taken about three to three or four days earlier than the writing test sometimes a week so you have to look down the different times that you write these tests so if you are taking your speaking test says say 12 o'clock i suggest or i recommend that you get there around 10 before the test day so i'm sorry the test time but then don't confuse your test time with the speaking test time with the listening reading and writing test time because these two times are different and then in addition to that you have to find a way to visit your test center before the actual test date because you should know where you are going to write the test if you know how you get there you should know how the time that it will take you from your home to the test center you should know that so that when you are leaving to the test center on the test day you know how many how much time you are going to spend to get there and as i said don't forget to get to the test center about two hours before the test time because you will be they will take you through some registration before you start the test that is very important and one other most important thing is get yourself familiar with the test um sorry the answer sheet because it's not it's not like our traditional answer sheets where you're supposed to shade and all that these are the objective sheets and then the theory should know it's different so you have to get yourself familiar with it so you can visit the british council website to download one of them but then if you are if you are if you are tutoring with us they will provide you with an answer sheet will actually get you familiar with it before you even get to the exams the test center okay so as i said whilst uh this presentation is going on if you have any question you can also put it across then we and then one other thing is if um you make a mistake in entering your information you know what to do because i've already discussed it now let's talk about what to do on the test day on the test day first you have to be present as early as you as you can because i always earlier stated that you have to be there about two hours before the test time so you have to stick to that if you can be there earlier than that that will be fine but you should make sure that on the test day you are there as early as possible and then you shouldn't be you shouldn't be there say 30 minutes otherwise you will be test you'll be tested and then you know ielts is not a chew and poor kind of thing where you have to sit down and begin to recite that it is it is a skill that you learn as a language that you learn and then it's just certain tips that you get you just learn so there wouldn't be the need for you to go and then sit down and be reciting certain things that is why tutorials are very important that is why you always have to go through some some form of schooling especially when you want to register for the test that is very important so on the test day once when you are leaving your house make sure you pick your id card it can be your passport it can be as i said your equals card it can be your national health it can be but then mostly if you have a passport that will be better because the password book has a lot of information about you which is related to the one that you you entered files you are registering so it's important that you carry along your id card it is best that the kind of id card you use or you upload it when you are registering you carry the same id card although you can decide to carry another id card but then it is advisable that you carry the same id card so if you use your your password to register for the test on that test day you have to carry your passport along if you use an ecowas card on the test day you have to carry it along but then if if by any means or by by by chance you you maybe you don't have your password with you but then you have another id card that's also fine but make sure you have the id card that you used in registering for the test that is very important now you have to also be there very early to go through the registration process now when you are writing the speaking test sorry when you are taking part in the speaking test where you have a one-on-one interaction with the examiner because sometimes you'll be tensed you'll be anxious you'll be scared you'll be too excited and all of that it is very important that when you enter the room where the examiner is going to or where you are going to interact with the examiner you try as much as possible to relax your mind to relax your self and to organize your thought let your thoughts be very close to you so that whatever that you want to do or whatever that you want to speak or talk about organizing your thoughts will be different the most important thing is the key word in the key thing in answering or taking part in the speaking test is relax you should be totally relaxed and then just take it as you're going to have a conversation with someone so it's not there's no right answer there's no wrong answer but then you have to make sure you have your tips but then assume that you're going to have a conversation for instance with a friend or with a family member or anybody else so that your mind will be relaxed so that your thoughts can be organized because if you are too tense it's difficult to organize yourself you might be mixing certain things or you might be mixing ideas that will not be parallel and that will not make meaning so you have to be relaxed and it is very very very important okay so these are the things that you are supposed to do on the test day so earlier i talked about what you do after your registration which is before the test day and then i also i just spoke about the things that you're supposed to do on the test day now so god willing you have gone through the test successfully without any tension and all of that you came up you well you came out you're laughing you're happy you gave me high five and all of that so what are you supposed to do after the test date you know there's not much to learn you don't have to go back to your books and be reading because there's no there's not going to be any form of test again but after the test date you have three to four days for you to get your results so you the only thing that you should be expecting is your results so you can be checking or login into your british council account say two day two or three days after the test and then be checking whether your results has been released to you now the the results are always released to you or in your in in your account before you get the hard copy of it so after after the test you have to be checking your account log into your account with your details and then check whether the result has been released now one thing is that you can also decide to check after the test you go back into your account and you check whether your result your test has been completed because after writing the test when you visit your account there will be an indication that the test that you registered which was approved has been completed so you have to go back into your account and check whether the test is completed so if it is complete or if your test has been completed then it means that you took part in the test but then if still there is no indication that your test is not complete or there is no indication that you have taken part in the test that is where you have to go back to the initial ideas or the initial thing that i talked about that you have to send them a message for them to clarify for you so after the test you keep checking or you check whether your test is complete then you keep checking after two or three days because your the test will not be released to you or into your account or on into the the the quarter after a day or two after it as i said the results are released to sorry three to four days after your exams so that is one thing that you should be checking so from the fourth day to the seventh day you can be checking whether your test results are released now it doesn't matter how quick you want the results to be released you know they have stated categorically the duration that the test results are released so you only have to be checking as i said from the fourth to the seventh day then your results are will be ready for you to check then you by then you know your advanced scores in each of the aspects you know your band score in the speaking you know your band score in there in the listening in the writing and then you're reading so after that the overall band score will also be indicated there for you to know that this is my performance or this is what i got in the ielts test i'm sure this discussion is is indicative unless you know what you are going to do and then how you're going to do it and then when you are going to do it now the last thing that i want us to talk about is very important to me as personally because if we write this test we take part in this test and at the end of the day we don't get the benefit of the test it becomes somehow disappointing so i i keep getting questions like can we use ielts to get scholarship can we get scholarship with ielts results can we all of that the answer is yes yes i mean how what will be the importance of writing the test if you cannot get scholarship with it it's very very important that at the back of our minds let us try as much as possible to find a scholarship which can attach our results to it now you know scholarships always have requirements scholar every scholarship have requirements but the basic band score the overall band score that you have to get to to be able to get any scholarship anywhere is 6.5 which is the overall band score but then it this tells you that the minimum bound score you should get for each of the aspects of the test which is speaking listening reading and writing should be at least the minimum should be 6.0 so if you want to use your tests to get a scholarship somewhere whether a school or that a government somewhere is going to provide that kind of scholarship you know ielts is a physical requirement so you have to make sure at the back of your mind try to get a minimum bank score of six points five which is the overall minimum bond score of 6.5 in order to secure a scholarship in whatever that you're using the test for now as i said every scholarship has a requirement now i'm sure by now we all know what is going to happen you know because of the week we will be having another facebook live to for on on scholarships and you realize that ielts is a very most important requirement in the score in the in the scholarships so before you can get whether whatever scholarship that you are looking for make sure you get a higher score in ielts because every school every country wherever you are taking your test to wants to know what whether you are capable in communicating in writing and then in speaking or in listening to people when they speak their language so it is very important that at the back of our minds let us know that we want to use this test for this particular purpose and then yes as i said we can use the test to get a scholarship somewhere now scholarships always as i said i stated earlier has requirements and then one of the requirements is ielts and trust me if you have a band score of 5.0 you cannot use it to secure a scholarship especially in u.s and australia but then as i said if you have a minimum band score of 6.5 or above if you get 8.0 then you are heading towards a full scholarship then but then try as much as possible to minimize your bond score to 6.5 before whatever other documents that you attach to the today to the test results will also come but as much as possible try to get so even if you are using it you are using the test for uh for school purposes for example if you are if you are using it to to study abroad and maybe the course that you are going to study the requirement for ielts is 5.5 ladies and gentlemen i'm telling you try as much as possible not to limit yourself to the 5.5 bank score that the course is required but then try as much as possible to get a bounce score for instance say 7.5 or 8.0 who knows after your application you might get a quota of scholarship to also lessen down your burden in the payment of fees and then living expenses so you can use the test score to get a scholarship which is very very important because if we are using the test for for uh studying abroad and then we get a scholarship come on it's just a plus for us and then we'll be you myself i'll be so happy to see my clients or some of my students getting scholarship with this test always we try to aim at 8.0 total band score that is what we try to do here in i in actually links so in ielts in any time you walk in here to join our tutorial session you try as much as possible to set a minimum target of 8.0 so by the end of the of our of our tutorial session of our interactive sessions with you and then the tips that you you you have with you or provide to you you will be fully equipped that you are going to write the test and you're going to get this got that scholarship that you're seeking so um i would want to end here so as i said if you have any question or questions you can put it in the comment section and we will attend to you immediately and our tutorial session is also still ongoing if you want to still register as i said we always put the student first because you are going to write the test i'm not going to write it as you are so we try to put your needs and your requirements first here in attilinx we do we try as much as possible for you to customize the meeting time and then the meeting days so that we will meet up to the number of weeks that we will be able to catch up with and then equip ourselves to be able to get the required score that you want so ladies and gentlemen we are still registering students whether if you're in accra if you're in kumasi any part of the world right now i have a student from nigeria where it is being done online which is very very very effective because every tool that we expect every material that you need everything that you require to pass your test we provide for you and it's not like we are here to make it a usual thing we try to go a step further for you to understand the test itself so by the time you get to the test center you are fully equipped and assured that you are coming out with a bounce score of 8.0 so we are achieving travel consults and anytime you can walk into our offices in kumasi in accra and then register now we are doing something very important very very important is it's a week that we are supposed to share our experiences with each other so just go to our page and share your experience that you've had or you're about to have or you you have you think you have you anticipate that this is what i'll get you see try to share your experience on ie whoever is uh wants to take part in the test we'll also know that these are the things that are going to happen these are my expectations these are the things that people have experienced so that it will serve as a benchmark for whoever is whoever wants to take part in letters so go to our page and share your experience with us it's very important sharing is caring so um from achieving here we say have a lovely week and then we our doors are still open for ielts and pte registration our next facebook live will be two weeks from now and we will talk more about pte and then also talk some provide some information about ie or ts so have a lovely week and i pray that those of you who are going to write the test this weekend we pray that god gives you that confidence and that tense tension free to be able to face the examiner during the speaking test and then for you to be able to organize your thoughts whenever you take the test have a beautiful week and then thank you for being part of this god bless you you
Channel: Study Abroad TV
Views: 352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vkfT-7lkQ9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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