Free IELTS Speaking Practice - Tips for Learning Vocabulary 1

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great hello and good morning welcome here we are welcome Tuesday the 30th of June a big hello to everybody thank you for joining me this is keith from IELTS speaking success very nice to be here today we're going to be looking at the interesting topic of vocabulary how to learn vocabulary mmm we're going to be helping you out with how to learn new words and how to activate new words and vocabulary okay excellent good I hope you are all well and I'm just gonna put up the title here for those of you and for those of you who are watching this on YouTube and watching the recording if you like the videos please do subscribe turn on the notifications so that you can find out about all my new videos as I go live and as I upload them excellent good so let me just say a quick hello to everybody who's coming in the house so good morning Yulia hello good morning Elena and areata abhilasha cows are the Korean I can't read Korean I'm so sorry sassy Erica omnipotent s he gets everywhere that man Nisha grant Muhammad I'm good thank you Jerry from Myanmar nice to see you get great guys it's brilliant to see you and lots of you from Facebook I know we get most people on YouTube but a big hello to the Facebook guys and if you haven't joined my Facebook group please do it's IELTS no it's not it's Keith's IELTS mastermind community very complicated so you get confused but just look for me on Facebook so Facebook guys hello Beverly Mohammed ami Mukesh and Mike great to see you here for her den enos brilliant so I'm very very well today now let me just check in with you yes so what we're going to do today as I mentioned is vocabulary as you can see it's back to front my camera is a mirror that's a bit strange I'll have to get used to that hmm and it looks like I've got a lag on my speech never mind we will manage indeed we will so just as we start on vocabulary before we do right I got quite a lot of questions last time and I was going to spend just two minutes answering some of your questions there were some very very interesting ones so let me look at these questions first and I'll give you a few answers to these I'm gonna share my screen with you it might make it easier mm-hmm somebody's on cloud nine cuz they can see me live I'm very pleased about that I'm very pleased you're on cloud nine okay so here are some questions from last time okay and some quick answers for you first question how to get ideas in part two well don't just get one idea when you're in part two you really only want one idea I think a big mistake is many students try and think of this idea and this one and this one Oh what about that one and by the time you know the minute has finished they're still thinking of ideas don't just get one idea next question I have many vocabulary but when I talk I forget it what to do well listen my friend if you forget it maybe you don't have it and I'm going to talk about what we mean by having vocabulary and learning vocabulary right I suggest you probably need to activate these words I'm also going to talk about passive vocabulary and active vocabulary okay other questions will you give us reading and writing skills no what do you mean no no no I won't I'm only doing speaking but no I've done listening but I think listening and speaking are like brother and sister and I think you know vocabulary is key to speaking as is grammar so I might do grammar but no reading or writing will you always help us yes yes is the answer in the speaking test does the examiner Marco speaking by the time we speak or he uses the recording to mark later well most times they mark you immediately after your test has finished so as soon as they say thank you you walk out the door they write down the score ninety percent of the time because they have more candidates coming and they don't have time at the end of the day to listen back okay how to enroll on your udemy course well you just follow the link so the link is in the notes right if you're thinking where are the notes well okay where are the notes let me show you where the notes are right here are the notes after the class I suggest you go here to my sushi restaurant this is not my sushi restaurant it looks like it so after the class go to IELTS speaking success calm up here IELTS speaking success on the website guys there's lots of stuff here right you can get the recent questions you can get tips you can now even get the fluency Jim on the website you can have a look at that three episodes find out all about the tests of different parts of it but if you go to live lessons right this is where you can go and you can download all of the stuff there seems to be a small problem today with the recent files they've disappeared but they will be there I'll get them later but you've just come here and you download at the end of that class super-duper hunky-dory brilliant let me come back then to what I was talking about a couple of questions do you need a credit card for you to me yes how not to freak out on the exam oh right for things visualize which means you close your eyes and you imagine yourself being successful somebody's that they've got the test in three hours give me a quick tip well my friend this is your quick tip just before the test ten minutes before the test visualize find a quiet place often the toilet is quiet but now with coronavirus I don't know if you can use the toilet maybe outside is better close your eyes and just see yourself going into the room sitting down speaking fluently smiling see the examiner beaming and oh what a good candidate and have this positive visualization number two breathe when you get nervous many people stop breathing really and it affects their fluency so breathe just before you walk in the room smile you'll be amazed it changes everything and enjoy the test what enjoy the test are you kidding are you pulling my leg no seriously enjoy the test and it'll go great so those were my tips so those were the questions write a few questions that people had excellent let me just connect with you or see how you're doing Oh Francisco you're talking about the masks right that the examiners on a saw your message if the examiner is wearing a mask and the students wearing a mask that might affect listening and will it affect your score the answer is I don't know but I will try and find out okay I will try and find out okay yeah that's good from canteen ooh good advice how many seconds you can stop your speaking during speaking Oh like pausing maybe one or two seconds anyway I will come back to these questions later right okay yeah some people have to wear masks okay so coming back to vocabulary okay now I realized last week when we did listening it was so fast and I realized today I've got a lot to share with you and I would like you to share a lot so I might break this into two different lessons so maybe this Tuesday lists a vocabulary part one a next Tuesday vocabulary part two right because I think there's a lot of useful stuff here and rather than me just power driving through I'd like to involve you a bit more as well because I think you're gonna share a lot with each other okay so and stick around for the riddle we will do the riddle and if I forget just message me around 10:35 that's my time about half an hour to do the riddle okay learning vocabulary I'm gonna begin just first of all I'm gonna share with you some of the tips that other students are giving each other and some of these are really valuable and I want to share them my opinion about them just for a couple of minutes with you right so let me I'll show you and I will talk about them as I'm going through them now I actually just did this student tips I've taken here a selection as some of the ideas you've given me from the Facebook group not to repeat all of them but picking out some of them that I liked I didn't include all of them because I didn't have time but there's some great ideas here first learning the word from some article so that we are clear about their usage rate then trying to use it in day to day conversation and we get acquainted with it nice word acquainted means until we know it or get get familiar with it so I like that tip cause it's all about understanding the usage how to use the word and then practicing right very important learning with Keith nice then actually first hear from some native speaker and then see it again in written text that's the best way for me now this is important right it's student tips this is what works for you it won't work for everybody but that doesn't matter so nice idea native speaker I think or proficient speaker right anybody who's a very very high level so to hear it and then see it that's great I'm gonna be talking about different context today as I practice reading passages more and more I also record some new words so recording words is so important collect words from random life like while you're watching movies reading a book or articles facebooking I didn't know that was a verb fantastic watching videos and so on try to follow the comments of native English speakers and get those words if they are new to you that's nice follow the comments beef because of native English speakers because in the comments you get some very natural English they just translate them and write them down on your mobile that's very practical like it after one month you can assess yourself I'm gonna talk about testing because testing your vocabulary is a key part of learning my top tip is listening to the word before writing it down just like children learn to talk I totally agree learning two new words every day and tried to use them in sentences wherever applicable simple but effective that's right did you know that research tells us we can learn up to a maximum of seven words a day so trying to learn a hundred words in a day is just not effective maximum of seven to learn the word and I'm gonna talk about what I mean by learning words later never memorize words it's much more effective to learn expressions and chunks right so he means never memorize words right you need to memorize but don't memorize words memorize expressions and chunks chunking I'm a big fan of chunking watch interesting movies with lyrics then find new words in their meaning you'll never forget the word as movies will remind you of that word so that hooking and connecting to a real life interesting context is so important spaced repetition is really good guys you can try out the Anki app really helpful for me there are lots of apps out there Anke is great things like tiny cards as well but repeating the word after time again and again until you get it great idea one idea from me I used to write down the difficult words not more than five hey he's read the research or she with it's meaning on a piece of paper and hung it on the wall for a week at least wherever I regularly walk inside home I was reading them whenever passing through them passing by them I think unless he's a ghost in a week of time I was catching them in mind easily that is brilliant and I have done the same I have covered my house in post-its and notes of foreign words French and Spanish and Chinese for me it really works well especially a beginner level practice and comprehension is a key and I totally agree right understanding and practicing is so important so listen guys there are a few ideas some great ideas all about learning vocabulary thank you very much for those brilliant and I say some brilliant ideas from all of the the guys there as a muted yes okay excellent well done some really really good ideas so today I'm gonna talk about all of these things I'm gonna talk about active and passive vocabulary gonna talk about how many words you word learn I'm gonna talk about chunks give you some tools and resources to help you learn and then more next week okay grid so learning vocabulary now one of the key things somebody said is that works for me so just be clear there is no one best way to learn vocabulary some people say word lists terrible don't like them I don't like them much but I have used them other people love them it's fine right different things work for different people it depends on your learning style it depends on your level right if you're a beginner there are certain techniques which are maybe more useful if you're more advanced there are different techniques which are more useful it can also depend on your mood right one day you're in the mood for a the next day you're in the mood for B okay so I would be eclectic and eclectic I mean choose and use different methods not just one but use different methods and the other thing about learning vocabulary right is it takes time learning vocabulary is like a relationship it's a lifelong relationship your relationship with English words is like your relationship with your boyfriend or your girlfriend or your husband or your wife it takes a long time to get to know them and just when you think you know them one day they say like my wife one day says you know I never wear red shoes what I never wear red shoes I didn't know that we've been married for 20 years and I just discovered something new I didn't know that it's the same with words when vocabulary you can learn them and then like two years later you suddenly see word in it with a new meaning go oh I didn't know that right like at the beginner right level you learn the word milk okay milk right it's a drink it's a liquid that we drink great and then six months later you hear the farmer saying I'm going to milk the cow milk the cow oh it's a verb as well and your relationship with the word milk gets closer like your relationship with your wife or husband gets closer together right and then 20 years later somebody says I'm going to milk that opportunity and you don't milk that opportunity was there that's not milk or drinking no to milk an opportunity is to make the most of an opportunity it's idiomatic and as your life goes on and you your relationship with words grows you discover new things every day right so you're learning vocabulary is like learning your wife or husband you're learning your boyfriend or girlfriend right it's really true it takes a long time and it's not oh now I know it right never say to your wife husband boyfriend girlfriend oh now I know you you never know them really to say with English words the good news is it's great fun getting to know them right that's the good news okay brilliant so let's let me have a look I'm going to start with a little picture which might help a little bit right let me share this with you so what do we mean by knowing a word hmm what do we mean by knowing a word I'm gonna make this a bit smaller to try and get it in here what do we mean by knowing a word so start at the bottom right at the bottom of this picture your vocabulary most of it when you'll be English is passive right and as you move up and you get to know words and learn words it becomes active you can use it so passive is that you recognize a word maybe you recognize the spelling right so you see the word M I L for example right and you go oh yeah I know that word that word is milk right so for example you can see that you go Oh milk you recognize the word or maybe you hear somebody you're listening to a video and they go blah blah blah blah blah blah but out milk blah blah blah oh I recognize that that milk milk that's the thing that's the thing that I drink in the morning Chiqui drink so you recognize the sound or the spelling but if somebody asks you what do you drink in the morning and you go oh oh what's the word what's that English word that that white oh what is it ma ma ma me right you can't use it yet so the first stage is your your recognizing the word and but you can't use it so if you can't use it you don't know the word yet right you then have to move on to the the next part the active part and to start using the word then you start to pronounce it so you say milk right if I go around saying oh yes I like milk in the morning you don't know the word because you can't pronounce it so first you learn to pronounce it milk milk and of course you do that by repeating and listening and repeating milk and then you know the meaning milk it's it's a thing we drink it's a thing right the meaning milk and then you start to learn how to use it so you learn the grammar and the Calico location what do I mean by grammar well most words have some kind of grammar for example we talked about milk is it countable or uncountable right now that's the grammar of the word let me write this down just to help uncountable okay so when we talk about milk right we say it's uncountable because you can't count milks one milk two milks three milks no it's like water right it's just it's uncountable unless you're in a coffee bar and nowadays we do say I'll have a milk I'll have a coffee so it can be countable there's some flexibility but by and large it's uncountable that's the grammar right the collocation is how to use it I drink milk I like milk right that's how we're using it the collocation so that's the next step is you know how to use it but the final step right the final step is actually using it right cuz I everyday I work with students who say oh I know that word yes milk I know that word yes I and then they say I like drinking a milk and I say is it a milk and they go oh no no no no it's not it's it's I like drinking milk that's right that's good yes great oh I know that and then a second later they say that's true yes so yeah I I like having a milk in the morning I like having a milk in the morning what's happening they they know how to use it but they're not using it and that last step I use it successfully comes through habit and changing behavior practice practice till it's automatic habit and only then only then can you say I know a word or I have a word right this is the journey of learning words and that is just one meaning that's a milk as I said later you'll discover two milk as a verb or idiomatic expressions right okay excellent good I can see lots of you loved to drink milk that's great right excellent a nice little reminder about the riddle the riddles on the way my friend okay so there we've got it there is a little bit of an explanation about knowing a word and what we need to do to learn words right okay brilliant so let's start here I'm gonna I'm gonna go through my first tip and then I'll do the riddle okay so the first tip is probably the most important one actually and let me make this bigger my notes are too small here we go so here's the first tip come over here that is to learn words in context I'm trying to move it across why is it moving here we go slightly better is it slightly better yes okay that will do learn words in context so again I think you can make word lists but don't go and buy a book that has a thousand words and start learning them one by one my god that's death by boredom that's like learning English with a dictionary don't do it look for different contexts right look for a text an audio or a video or a written text and and as you're listening to that identify new or interesting or input or important words and for example write these guys I've written this is an interesting book English vocabulary news the advanced-level Michael McCarthy now it's a nice book it's a little bit dry sorry Michael I mean it's great it's a little bit dry but I didn't say that it's a good book but what's good about this book right is if I can show you right is they they organized it by topic so the news and then they do it with context so you look at you read the text and you get all the words of vocabulary the explanations and then they explain it to you but it's all in context and it gives you the collocation right so the context whoa is really important do you know what I really like as well is that they test you they give you exercises to test you as well but so that is a source of context right that is where you can find vocabulary you can also find it well you tell me guys where do you find your videos your audios your texts to learn vocabulary what do you watch or listen to to learn this stuff what do you watch and listen let's see let's have a look at your ideas I think it would be great and don't sorry don't just say YouTube that does a really help us give me the name of the channel a specific channel or a specific book right don't say podcasts no give me the name of the podcasts that's gonna be more valuable for everybody okay let's see any ideas some nice ones coming up I'm going to share a couple of these with you some of these are really nice okay remember don't say novel don't say novel give me the name of the novel right hey I like this one rock'n'roll English are my friend Martin great website and they got some nice stuff right okay we've got BBC learning english apps some nice stuff there dictionaries mmm give me specifics right the animal planet channel brilliant I love I tell you what I don't know if you've seen the BBC earth or Planet series with David Attenborough some fantastic stuff there and he has one of those lovely gorgeous voices do you listen to his voice and it's like chocolate or an amazing voice write songs now guys give me the name of songs or the name of a website right Bloomberg GameChanger brilliant TED Talks excellent thank you juvie and Michelle as well TED Talks excellent Discovery Channel nice nice and if this is a good source for reading absolutely the a the the economy it's actually called The Economist and the HBR the Harvard Business Review hey dr. English I thought you're gonna say Doctor Who Doctor Who's pretty good six-minute learning brilliant now these guys Eng vid are fantastic there's about six or seven teachers there and there's Jade there's David there's James some fantastic teachers and they're really good source I totally agree hey IELTS speaking app excellent IELTS that that's the official that's not me that's the official IELTS one it's really good so newspapers okay ABC News Australia British Council website excellent rock'n'roll English again hey Martin is really popular I'm gonna tell him the Hindu daily nice so good sources okay watching Gilmer gilmoregirls don't know that one mmm-hmm scientific America website brilliant so later I will kind of callate no I won't I will just blow that up I will collate that means collate means to collect a list of those and will share them with everybody right cuz I think that would be quite quite useful so learning in context right now the one of the key things here about learning in context is again research tells us that we need to see a word in three or four different contexts before we learn it so just seeing it or hearing it once is not enough right that'll take it over here but when you listen to it in a second context or a third context it starts going deeper into your short-term memory and then as you start practicing it it goes into your long-term memory okay so watching two or three contexts let me give you kind of a very simple example of this different context so the other day I was reading an article right on the website and it's it's a it's a website I really like and I'm gonna share it with you and let me explain what I did okay that these are different sources chrome come here here we go it's newsela news lr and if you've not been there newsela calm let me get rid of this newsela calm great website you sign up for free it's full of articles at different levels so I was looking at one about people have made first computer that can hold a debate with humans it's about a I write the artificial intelligence created by well IBM have created a computer that can debate against other people so I read this article and there was some interesting vocabulary there but then what I did is I went into YouTube for example that's going to YouTube and I wanted to find a video right so if you go into YouTube and then look for artificial intelligence and I was looking for the IBM debater it was called the debater project so I got the main title basically let's see if I can find it here and then I started looking for videos and sure enough I actually found look at these different videos on the same topic right so I'm going to be listening to similar information IBM project debater and one a live debates subsidizing space exploration is like investing in really good tires it may not be fun to spend the extra money but ultimately you know both you and everyone else on the road will be better off cold project to beta the system scans hundreds of the system scans okay so I've put on the subtitles and then I'm listening to lots of the same vocabulary I've just read in a diff context right that is really really really helping my learning having it in a different context right brilliant so I can read it I can listen to it I can even I can do this I can go into my podcast area right if I just want to listen and I was looking up just before that the class science AI there were different results for science AI look at them all see the episodes and there are some interesting things right questioning AI there's a whole series on questioning AI research intelligence wow there's a whole slew so I could actually go and listen just the audio to something on AI right so can you see what I'm doing yeah I'm getting a context written video audio and hopefully listening to a lot of the same vocabulary and that's what's really really really going to help me okay excellent good so that's the first tip right the first tip there was learn words in context now I'm gonna go on to the tip number two but before I do tip number two I've got a little riddle for you hooray it's time for the riddle hooray I love playing with these toys great okay are you ready guys the riddle right so every week I'm gonna try every class I'm gonna try and get a little riddle going do I remember what the wid riddle is the widdle the riddle attire today's riddle right here you go are you ready hands on your buzzers I wonder if you'll get this will anybody get this okay oh excuse me that's quite rude in my house whenever my I did that as a kid growing up I go see my dad or my mom would go boom don't do that and they're so rude right the riddle sorry I scared you with the pbbb pbbb are you ready what word begins and ends with an E but only has one letter what word begins and ends with an E but only has one letter some interesting ideas interesting ideas and share a few of your ideas because they are interesting so if you got AI that starts with an E and ends with an E but that's got three letters right hmm be well mmm not really a word is it no no is it a good try eliminate starts with an E ends in a we ends in an e but it only that doesn't only have one letter it's got one two three four five six seven eight nine letters nope nope nope or brilliant I've got you I've got you ha ha nobody can get it right again if I write it down all one person's got it one person's got it there's a lot of ease no not ease a couple of people have got it it's not this one but you're very close but let me show you here's the answer so well done - Jackie and - and jalee and maybe one or two this right its envelope begins with an e ends with an e and it's only got one letter the letter inside the envelope get it it's the letter in the envelope you put a letter inside the envelope before you post it to your friend right well done guys that's it thank you quite a few of you got that I'm so pleased it took you so long to get it excellent good so let's briefly move on to our next tip right mm-hmm I'm gonna come back so I can find my notes again tip number two okay tip number two I've gotta make these a bit bigger he's learning vocabulary by theme or topic okay so let me show you this learning vocabulary by theme or topic so again rather than having lists of words in alphabetical order right try and learn the words connected to a theme so take a theme for example of animals or the city or environment and focus on that topic and make your notes related to that topic hello what's happened there so make your notes related to the topic one way to do that is to use spider grams spider grams for vocabulary topics okay what are spider grams let me show you a spider gram it's similar to a what you call that a brain a brain a mind map my brain it's similar to a mindmap okay so to do this one so similar to this let me so you take a topic for example love okay we're talking about love and here we draw little boxes connected to love it's like a spider's web right so you've got words like fiancee honeymoon husband and wife to Wed as a verb the bride the bridegroom and then you've got topics around breakup and there may be divorce fight ditch dump know love and others here feelings then maybe overexcited maybe addicted to beauty talk about girls how do you describe beautiful girls gorgeous lovely sexy and attractive verbs like go out with and so this is a spider Graham okay and it's a very very simple way of gathering and noting your vocabulary but also this is the way your brain works your brain a bit like a computer stores the information and connects everything so the key is to connect the new words to something you already know so if you create a spider gram on love when you learn new words connected with love you can add them and you connect it to your existing knowledge about love for example right so that spider grams are really really good you can do that earlier I talked about passive knowledge and active knowledge and you want to activate your vocabulary so the key is to start using it you can use it just making sentences right so on a very simple level you could very very simply just take your mind map over here mmm this one right you could very very simply just take this and make some sentences fiancee I have a fiance we are going on a honeymoon I am now a husband okay all I mean that's very very simple level right or you could and this is a nice technique make simple stories so take your spider Graham and practice very very simple stories using this right for example right so I met a gorgeous girl and I fell in love with her at first sight I decided to go out with her and then we got married we went on a lovely honeymoon I was over excited no stop and then several years later we had a fight she wanted to ditch me but we worked it out I seduced her again and we lived happily ever after I don't know but making very very simple stories is a very effective way of connecting well using the words connecting them into your brain and activating and it's all about activation right so so so important starting to activate all the language Oh exhausted there's a lot of stuff going on my friend a lot right I can see some of you now I started to make your stories hey great nice so making very very simple stories it's a very very simple thing to do right but it's very very effective now by theme or by topic on this I'm gonna mention an phrasal verbs because as students you'll be aware about phrasal verbs right now some people say phrasal verbs you should learn as a list and other people say as a topic so if we take the word cut right cut with the preposition cut off is a phrasal verb but we can also have cut what else can we have we can have cut in cut to cut in is to interrupt cut down right to cut down a tree we're talking about deforestation cut down on is a phrasal verb which means to reduce cut down on your smoking to reduce cut away is also one cut away the grass or that's in the way cut away cut off cuts in cut up if you're cutting up a piece of paper right so you've also got cut up so you could learn the list of all the cuts phrasal verbs you could and some people do that and it works well but I think it's better to learn by topics right learn the phrasal verbs by topic because I just think it's more practical so for example if we were talking about the topic of love what are the different phrasal verbs we could use well on the topic of love we said fall in love with right fall out with someone that means you have an argument and you're not together it's a fall out with make up with after the argument you become friends you make up them and I think this is just much more practical to learn around the topic right now you may be thinking well how do I find these right well there's different things you can do you can go to the good old Google right and you can search there so let me show you hang on a minute where is my Google I've lost it it's gone away oh okay let's go into let's go into Google and we could look for phrasal verbs about love for example you could go here I find images or pretty gut right images you can see straight away so just do phrasal verbs about love or whichever topic sorry you can't see me sorry so let me just go back just to make that clear so I've typed in phrasal verbs about love right I type that into Google go into the images because I think images is much more practical and you can see very quickly different faisal verbs phrasal verbs about love right so maybe for example you want to look at this one over here check out hit on a scout for for makeup that's what we had makeup with and learning these by topic for me is much more useful especially then if you're going to make a story about it right excellent so that's something you can do very very very easy so that's my approach to phrasal verbs what about you guys how do you guys learn phrasal verbs do you prefer lists or topics yeah yes okay some good questions coming out let me address some of your questions so that's in Russian a car read it SID thank you for your story very nice Sophia thank you for your comment what about learning the idiom learning the idiom hmm learning the idiom learning the idioms so this is this question what about learning the idioms there are different ways you can learn idioms but again the key is context so there's no point I think you can buy books right that have all the idioms but it's out of context I think as you're learning through context through listening to maybe British Council or YouTube or TED Talks you will discover some idioms as you go make note of them the idioms are at that higher level of learning to remember that picture at the beginning passive active knowing how to the grammar and collocation the higher level is the idiom I will talk more about idioms maybe next time as well but I think it's just part of your learning rather than a separate part so a lot of you prefer topics some of you like the list yep-yep topics both of them well nice that's a nice answer why not both of them absolutely topics and practice with my husband excellent it's a nice idea Francisco I try to avoid phrasal verbs as much as possible so I'm a - 80 some are not I don't think any phrasal verbs are hyphenated there they shouldn't be hyphenated if they're a phrasal verb but they are an essential part of your speaking especially natural spa in English we don't use them as much in writing but for speaking they really are very very useful a Miller hands down with topics hands down means absolutely completely sure topics great Susan nice one I like it yes watching the IELTS speaking success with videos and they are a great topic right if you look at all of our videos from the live classes most of them are in topics we've talked about globalization about cities animals toys all sorts of so topics I think a really really good way to do it okay great now then let me move on to cover one more thing for today I knew I would never cover everything okay the next one is this one is as you're learning words really important I think is to be making a note okay let me share this with you so as you're learning make a note of new words I think it's really important you can see them you can practice them but in this start make a note whether it's writing or in an app or typing it but make a note of them and there are some key things you should note these I think are some really useful tools right ah stick is a collocation dictionary which I will show you in a minute whoops so this is a collocation dictionary which is really good this is a so the word if you want the word in a phrase like how do I use it then phrase it is the tool for you it's really really useful and dictionaries I like the Colin's dictionary they're all good well most of them are good where there is Oxford whether it's Collins or any of the others that they're all pretty good but let me show you the he's in action a little bit how you can use them okay so make a note of words BBC audio zone ah I was going to show you an example here hang on BBC audio zone yeah okay so my example is I'm gonna share with you it was the British Council it was the British Council website let me show you where I am it's not actually here but the British Council website general English right they have videos though they have a thing called audio zone so for listening and for text you've got the audio zone done by well topics right music living in London cities music and social media keeping fit so these are some nice contexts for learning living in London for example so you can listen which is great this recording is from the British Council Caray but there's the nice thing right you've got the transcript hi Luke thanks for talking to me today so as you're listening you can learn and then let's take an example right let's imagine I'm listening to this [Music] hi Luke thanks for talking to me today hi Joey nice to me and what would you like to talk about I'm gonna talk about living in London and the kind of love-hate relationship I have with it unless you the love-hate relationship I have with it that's interesting I've not heard that before right love-hate relationship so let's imagine do you want to make a note of that right the love-hate relationship so what you'll do I imagine is you'll have a notebook most likely hopefully right you'll have a notebook and you'll be writing in something like this then then a relationship so when you're making notes make a note of what it is is a noun or a verb or an adjective okay we're looking at relationship and then the adjective a love-hate relationship make a note so you know if it's an adjective right this is part of the grammar of the word and then the definition I love and hate something or someone so definition right maybe you want to go to the Collins dictionary that I mentioned right so if we try the Collins dictionary where are you my friend let me show you here we go let's go to the Collins dictionary it's ever so slow maybe I've got too many things open the callings dictionary love-hate relationship it is there brilliant what does it mean do you know why I love Collins right is because love-hate relationships you get the audio they give you the grammar so it's a countable noun right relationship countable noun they give you examples I have a love life if you have a lover if you have a love-hate relationship with someone or something your feelings towards them change suddenly and often from love to hate okay you may also like it sounds like Amazon right so it gives you the definition excellent good we can get rid of that we can come back to our notes hopefully so you've got your definition and then what you might do is think okay what are some other adjectives I could use with relationship right other adjectives and how do i how do I use relationship exactly so go to Oz dick it's a great name right let's put in the word relationship relationship so this gives me collocations so it will give me with the adjective we can talk about friendly relationship harmonious relationship a broken relationship right lots enduring relationship brief or casual relationship maybe if you're not very serious but it can also give you the verb so we say to have a relationship right or to enjoy a relationship and it gives you some examples they enjoyed a close working relationship the school has a very good relationship with the community so it's giving you examples as well right which is great enjoy have begin build so I can take some of these right I don't want to be taking too many to be honest but I can take some of these that I think are interesting or useful and I can add them to my notes harmonious right so my notes if I put them all on one page might help so and I just make a note just to make it clear for myself that these are adjectives harmonious healthy fragile and we say to have a relationship as a verb and I can enjoy build break up so I just made a note of some right so this note-taking really really important and also right you probably want to add some examples or maybe just one example either write it or at least speak it out let me just show you phrase it because I think Fraser is quite useful for this write phrase it raised dot I T this is the one right phrase it real a ship for example fifty four thousand results holy moly seriously but what you get here is a feeling for the kind of context right professional relationship that kind of relationship your relationship overall relationship you just get different examples right that sours a relationship right most folks are not aware is the relationship between obesity and cancer oh the relationship between this sickness and that sickness so you're learning all the time and this may it's nice just to get some extra examples on how to use it okay so that is phrase it so with your notes then you're able to do the following you're able to identify the word the grammar the definition some other useful collocations right collocations are so important again the grammar to have a relationship and joy build break off and then make a phrase right with it right I have a good relation ship with my students for example right there's an example okay so that's note-taking really important and you can see here if I go back do you remember this so what we're doing here we're starting to move up we've gone from the meaning to the grammar and the collocation to knowing how to use it right so we're starting to know how to use it it doesn't mean we can use it but the note-taking is an important step on moving and getting there right excellent good so so far we've looked at understanding what we mean by learning we've looked at learning words in context and the importance of that and you've suggested some interesting sites we've talked about the different contexts so read it see it in a video listen to it in audio right really important as I mentioned in the introduction with the student tips probably five or six words a day is enough really we've talked about learning by topic or theme and those spider Grahams that can help you making stories right phrasal verbs we've talked about maybe using both lists and topics for phrasal verbs and finally we've talked about making a note of new words such and using tools like dictionaries collocation dictionaries phrase dictionaries which can all help you identify how to use the word correctly right that is a lot for today there is a whole more actually which we're gonna carry on with very much around activating the vocabulary that you're learning so I'm gonna do that next week because surprise surprise we've run out of time but before we finish let me just touch base with you all cuz I'm sure you might have a question or two before I finish up let me just have a look I love it you're all looking for speaking partners this is a great forum to look for a speaking partner why not come and find people here it's a great idea right this is an interesting question Keystone I'm not sure what you mean I exchange the process what's your take on this what's my opinion what's your take which process are you talking about I'm not sure they've changed the process are you talking about IELTS indicator or something else I'm not sure you'll have to clarify occasionally great okay Maddy cool yes have you heard about the golden lists method does it work so I've known a couple of students who've tried this they did it for about a month and then they stopped doing it I think one of them because it didn't match their personality right some people are very scientific and systematic and they like analyzing and this method was quite good for that some people are quite creative and artistic and like things to be not systematic so this didn't really work for them so as I said at the start it may work for one person but not for another but I have seen it I've tried it and it was okay it works for me it's very systematic yeah okay a final question or two anything burning questions why don't you develop your udemy course again nari man I'm not sure what you mean Jimmy make it bigger I do every four months I add to it I'm not sure what we mean there Amy how can we use a context clue how can we use a context clue so the context clue is where the context helps you understand the meaning of a word right now that can be sometimes it's a visual clue like you can see two people stud in the farm talking about milking the cows and you go all milking the cows something to do with farming cows so it could be a visual clue but also sometimes other words in the sentence can help you right if I say I'm if or if you know if I'm saying and you're listening right I'm gonna milk this opportunity and make lots of money so you're thinking the context what's he talking about opportunities making money right so I can guess milking is something to do with here making money maybe or doing something good milking an opportunity what do we do with opportunities right use your knowledge of opportunities we make opportunities we take opportunities we make the most of opportunities so we can start to guess maybe milking is to take similar to take an opportunity right so we're it's a bit like a puzzle you're putting the pieces together to make the picture and you're using maybe grammar or vocabulary or something else to help you guess the meaning that's the complex clue very very important right when you don't understand a word the first thing is not the dictionary don't go and look it up in the dictionary first things should be context clue try and guess the meaning look before the word look after the word look at the context try and guess the meaning and then if it's important go and look it up in your dictionary I'm pointing at my dictionary go and look it up if it's important if it's not that important skip it keep going right there's nothing worse than reading an interesting article and then stopping every second to check the meaning right there's something wrong there either you're checking too many words don't or the article is far too high for you and then you need to find something easier okay great nice avanti you're having your IELTS speaking on Sunday please set some last minute tips go back to the beginning of this video and I gave you four crucial tips for your speaking test go back and watch it brilliant final one yes the merriam-webster dictionary fantastic great dictionary very very good absolutely I would use it okay guys I will go later and check if there's any more any more questions coming up but I am gonna finish because it's quarter past eleven my god it's too late okay thank you very much for joining me today I've really enjoyed it I hope you've picked out or picked up picked up right pick up to learn I hope you've picked up some new ideas some new tools and you can start using in your learning of vocabulary next Tuesday we'll do part two some more ideas about activating vocabulary Thursday the day after tomorrow we're gonna be looking at some more questions IELTS questions and doing a bit of practice come and join the Facebook group if you haven't and I will also their be telling you more the day before we'll be sharing some questions and some activities that you can do and also after the classes I usually give you an activity to do so you can practice more brilliant good so listen guys thank you very much for joining me have a fantastic day go and learn some new words but only four or five not too many brilliant that's it time to go take care my friends adios
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 57,997
Rating: 4.9411998 out of 5
Keywords: ielts vocabulary band 9, learn vocabulary english, tips to learn vocabulary in english, tips to learn new vocabulary, tips to learn vocabulary fast, strategies to learn vocabulary, strategies to learn english vocabulary, improve your vocabulary in english, ielts vocabulary, how to learn vocabulary fast, how to learn vocabulary in english, active vocabulary and passive vocabulary, active vocabulary
Id: tHwCpN_DeWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 58sec (4318 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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