IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Know Correct Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful summertime Budapest here in the Balkans I hope everybody is having a good week so far staying strong staying healthy being productive highly neuen high deep Makwana alma and john kohler diego nice to see students in the class high floor son hello members hi Sammy hi Janey Oh get to see our members in the class on time as well students today we are looking at IELTS speaking part 1 some practice some strategy and of course this lesson comes from our website AE help calm for academic IELTS and for general IELTS check us out at G IELTS help calm on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials for you to prepare improve your English improve your communication and understand standard essays reading strategies used in colleges and universities in the US UK Canada Australia so lots and lots of help there for you hi everyone welcome if anybody has questions you can always email me at Adrian at AE help calm and for those of you who want to find speaking partners and practice for free go to our website so I'll show you this real quick this is our academic IELTS website here with the blue background this is the general outs website here with the green background you can create a free account or a premium account up to you and then when you're in the account you can go to your my student page I'll just darken us up here a bit so you can clearly see this and once you're in you're my student page you get a walk through of course the reason I'm showing you this is because it's a speaking class and I want you to speak as much as possible and I know that's challenging sometimes so here is what you're looking for there's button the student partner speaking again it's absolutely free you click that button for partner speaking and then you have to accept that you're going to use it for IELTS and be nice with other students so you accept that and then another page will open up where you will find speaking partners and there's always somebody here you can see that there are people waiting here or chatting with each other you can see there's Stephan there's Sharn there's parth and of course you can audio video and text it's just kind of like Skype or whatsapp except the focuses on IELTS and everybody knows that so you can find speaking questions here you click on one of these and up comes a new page for you with loads of questions that you can use with your partner to ask them and this is absolutely free and I know a lot of our regular students use this all the time so hopefully our newer viewers or those who haven't tried it will try it as well and we're always building that improving that in fact later on this year you'll be able to use that from our mobile app as well so make sure to check that out all right let's get back to the lesson for today it's the start of a new week for live IELTS our brighten up our day here a bit again just give me one moment there you go now you can see it better you can see me a little bit so usual classes go from Wednesday to Saturday for live classes we cover all kinds of topics today it's speaking part one tomorrow we'll have a brand new reading passage that you won't find anywhere else for the exam and then of course the week will be filled with other topics listening tasks one speaking part two and the likes let's get into today's class let's warm up our speaking now I know you're all watching me and hearing me I can read your comments but I also want to visualize that you're speaking as much as possible so make sure to speak and repeat please copy my words my intonation my sentences if you catch some new vocabulary that's great make sure to write it down if it's a bit fast don't worry about it the lesson will be up on the channel as well you can review it later ok everyone so you get into your IELTS speaking exam and you will have a face to face interview with the examiner then the examiner will welcome you into the room and say welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian please take your seat there you can say thank you and then they'll say what is your full name and we often start with this because you have to be really confident and comfortable answering this question I'm just closing up the windows here so people stop pinging me for speaking all right so be really comfortable with this practice answering this question in a few different ways so what is your full name remember johnny'll says my full name is Johnny alga Bonnie please call me by my nickname Jarvis yeah please call me by my nickname is the missing preposition there Johnny Ola by pee by sock says my full name is Pia by sock you can call me by my given name pay up that's good pay if you say you can call me it's quite formal if you'd like to be a little bit more polite use the word please call me you can call me as from a position of authority now it's ok English is not quite as formal as other languages but definitely it's more polite form to say please call me okay Ashraf Hussain says my given name is Ashraf my family name is Hussein please call me Ashraf Ashraf always finished that with what you want to call you because they will ask you that so they'll say what would you like me to call you so get ahead of that question to show that you're prepared and just let them know what you want to be called okay Alex Joseph says my name is Alex Joseph and you can call me by my nickname chiku I think is the way to pronounce that okay good that works all right lots of nice answers again try different ways right parth nyuk says my first name is part that my last name is knuck but please call me by my first name parth okay good so I'll give you a sample answer here as well my first name is Francis and my surname surname is another way to say family name and in British English or Canadian English we often say surname in American English they'll more frequently use the word family name okay you might see that on some applications as well so my first name is Francis and my surname is Stevens please call me Frank for short Frank is often the short way to say Francis so Frank is short for Francis okay so you can use that as well and then of course the next question always is may I see your identification so again these two questions really be confident in fluent it will set the mood the tone for your speaking as well confidence is key to good scores on the speaking section okay so be ready for these two questions Mohamed is that says yes certainly here's my passport that I use to register for the exam you can have a look again you can have a look is the same kind of Mohammed is saying you can call me so again it's more polite to say please call me Aishwarya Gupta says yes you may and again that's okay but it's good to show fluency right away for these two questions so sometimes you know we get these comments like since they're like really do I have to say such a complicated answer can't I just say yes you can and pass them the passport yeah you can do that okay but I would rather recommend that you give a little bit of a more formal answer the speaking interview is not a chitchat so it's a good idea to show your fluency right off the bat okay so even if you start with yes you may so this doesn't show fluency and you're being marked on fluency and even though it seems like the examiner is only marking you for those part 1 2 & 3 questions they're actually starting to formulate and create a picture of you're speaking right from the start from the very first words that you use okay first impressions are true in the Isles just like in every other situation business meeting a new friend meeting the love of your life so you want to give a good first impression you want to show in that first impression that you're there for the exam you're there to prove your English and your communication skills okay so even if you start with yes you may continue with here is the passport where here's my passport obviously passport that I used to register okay why right away you're showing that you're fluent you're thinking this is an exam this is formal it's not a chitchat it also shows the examiner that you understand the requirements of this test which is to bring the ID that you use to register also you're using past tense right away you're using a form of adjective clause with that I use to which again not just shows the examiner that you know what you're there to do but it also reminds you as the candidate of your responsibility to show fluency to show complex language so I don't recommend keeping your answers really short like that okay clear everybody's good hopefully so the logic of why you want to be a little bit more expressive than you would be in just a casual situation okay and then the examiner will say all right now let's begin the speaking has three parts I'll give you instructions for each part I will record this for marketing purposes for part one I'll ask you a couple questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic what do you do in your free time so that will be kind of an icebreaker question again they want you to get going on your speaking ok all right so on Tanith FeliCa says well I like to listen to country music and watch American movies ok on Tanith it's a good start again it's just a start so built fluency show fluency ok fluency is one of the most common criteria where students really lose a lot of marks even students that are well read that are good at writing and know a lot of grammar and know a lot of vocabulary but maybe not enough speaking practice so the fluency score can really bring down your band score and you want to avoid that and one way to show fluency is use the question give an explanation and give an example if possible okay so on Tanith what I would do if I were you is I would say well in my spare time okay so all I've done here is I paraphrase free time I'm picking up lexical resource marks for that ok as well I'm immediately giving more fluency to my response ok so well in my spare time I like to listen to country music and watch American movies especially the classics I find both of these very entertaining and a great way to relax in fact I just watched Gone with the Wind last Sunday ok and that's it so all I'm doing here is I'm using the question I'm paraphrasing as much as I can okay I'm giving the answer just like you did unto death and I'm adding an explanation and a smooth example notice how I don't say for example or for instance I just say in fact or I can even take that out and just say I watched Gone with the Wind last Sunday and that all builds the fluency score and thereby builds the overall score now of course when you build fluency you also show more grammar because when you give explanations examples your grammar automatically becomes more complex that's why it's so important to do that ok so repeat after me what do you do in your free time well in my spare time I like to listen to country music and watch American movies especially the classics I find both of these very entertaining and a great way to relax in fact I just watched Gone with the Wind last Sunday ok so much more fluency there alright don't keep your answers really short because you're there to show fluency not the examiner the examiner's not there to hold up the conversation in fact you're there to hold up the conversation especially because the questions are random ok all right Ravinder Singh says I have not too much free time because of my studies but usually I play video games or read a book as recently I'm reading the skyscrapers written by Robin Sharma really nice rev indir so notice how revenge has an answer an explanation and an example and that's a great response so when you say that fluently you get a really high band like band 8 band 9 even okay pronunciation is not that important pronunciation will not hurt your score too much especially if you're fluent okay keep that in mind sometimes students will ask me like how much does pronunciation matter okay well that depends if I can't understand what you're saying that's a problem also if you're not being very fluent that's a problem okay so the two ways that pronunciation matters more is if you're mispronouncing words to the point where I don't understand what you're saying making it incomprehensible or you're not being very fluent and your pronunciation is emphasized as a result okay so you must make every step to be fluent but not go off topic and not ramble okay ramble means just to keep talking repeating yourself without any clear point or ending to what you're saying okay being fluent will increase your overall grammar range and lexical resource thereby improving your band score okay and if you watch other channels and other examiner's like IELTS advantage or e2 IELTS on YouTube you'll notice that they say the same so when they're doing their assessments they'll often get hung up on this okay you need to give a little bit more information right they'll often get hung up on that and this is the technical reason why right also when your fluency is low pronunciation becomes more pronounced or I could say obvious so in turn I could say with greater fluency a thick accent matters less okay that's just natural hopefully again that's clear for everybody and I did see those okay's and thumbs up before so thank you for that students I like to see that you acknowledge what I'm saying so you're chewing on it you're thinking about it you're digesting it that's great okay keep doing that alright so when I make a clear point for you alright I see that so I see Natalie's got it and clear Samuels got it alright excellent so keep those points in mind okay all right students let's go to the next one here we go nice full answers who do you live with so again give me a nice clear complete answer without going off-topic so who do you live with alright Bhoomi shut bar says I live with my parents and younger brother in a two-bedroom apartment on the first floor of a five-story building in the heart of Ahmedabad city situated in western part of India Ahmad yeah booming that's a great answer it's clear gives me a picture you're giving a couple of quantitative pieces 2-bedroom apartment first floor fifth store five-story building that gives me a good idea okay and the game on says I've been living with my parents and younger brother since I was born staying in a nuclear family and this gave me privacy and freedom at home came to gain couple of Corrections I really like your use of present perfect continuous of course the examiner will catch that okay so definitely show grammar range early on and on that was a very nice way to do it okay to catch that Samuel Sudhir says well I used to live with my parents during my schooling in Delhi but now I've been living with a few of my friends from college in Mumbai as part of my internship in IBM beautiful Samuel so you took a little bit of the past there and then you went into the present you made it flow you used use to showing habit or continuity in the past and then you switched to present perfect continuous that's how you do it that's how you get those high band scores present perfect continuous of courses have been verb ing okay very commonly used by native speakers a shrub Hussain says I live in a two-bedroom apartment on the seventeenth floor of a high-rise building in a slap bang with my family and my wife very nice lush rough okay very very nice all right great nice answer students nice answers so who do you live with of course you have to include that but where you live kind of lends itself in the question so even though it's may be seemingly a little bit off off topic to say where you live in this case it's part of it okay it's good so I used to live with my friends during college not so long ago but recently I've moved into my own flat in a bachelor suite in the heart of Vancouver I've been there for the past half year by my lonesome okay all right not quite true in my case but I thought I'd give you a different answer today to help you with some more vocabulary as well so who do you live with I used to live with my friends during college not so long ago but recently I've moved into my own flat in a bachelor suite in the heart of Vancouver I've been there for the past half year by my lonesome this tells the examiner that you are living by yourself so nobody's living with you and it makes clear the answer to this question okay also notice that I'm using a little bit of idiomatic language in the heart of okay when students ask me like should I use idioms in the IELTS yeah you should but you don't need to use idiomatic sentences okay so using idioms and using idiomatic language there are two different points all right so I'm going to make this clear for you because I think it's very confusing for students and the definition of idioms in the English language is sometimes confusing as well like what is actually an idiom right so the better way that this is expressed is use idiomatic language so use idiomatic language which includes phrasal verbs okay and I'm sure that lots of you know these also called verb phrases phrasal verbs like saying ran across I ran across my friend at the mall meaning encounter or run across let's keep it present tense it means encounter okay that would be considered idiom language so if you're using phrasal verbs you are technically using idiomatic language okay so also use short idiomatic expressions like in the heart of meaning at the center of okay so that's a short idiomatic expression but you shouldn't use long idiomatic sentences or phrases okay okay so keep that in mind the reason I say that is because most of the time they're forced so they don't fit the context the examiner picks up on that and often time at times they're misused okay so do not use long idiomatic or long idioms I can say in this case so do not use long idioms like don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house okay this means do not be a hypocrite okay so don't use these kinds of long idiomatic sentences because again most of the time they're being misused by students and it makes your speech really confusing okay these are often misused which really make the answers incomprehensible that means we can't understand what you're trying to say as the examiner okay and often they come across as forced okay so you don't want to seem like you're fishing for banned scores that's not going to really work well okay all right hopefully that's clear definitely use phrasal verbs and maybe some short idiomatic phrases but short ones okay all right so here goes the examiner continuing with the questions let's rock on okay all right um Khyber I did answer the question I live alone I live by my lonesome that means I live alone okay all right so here we go let's talk about food okay let's talk about food so they'll introduce the topic now when they introduced the topic food there can be thousands of different questions that they can ask under that topic okay so again keep an open mind all right so here's the next question who usually makes food in your home give me a nice answer for that one Charlie Sen says well generally my mom prepares meals for us but sometimes I assist my mom to make the food like yesterday I put together a vegetable pulao for lunch obviously my mom gave me some instructions on how to do that Charlie it's good notice how Charlie I changed the word prepared twice try to avoid word repetition as much as possible so you don't want to say prepared prepared prepared okay change up the word use paraphrasing as much as you can all right Pusa Grune says I always prepare cuisines in my home I would say two times a day just yesterday I cooked chicken curry and steamed rice which was enjoyed by all of my family members pooza that's good nice steamed rice it's it's awkward to say nice we might say something like a nice cup of tea or a nice cup of coffee but we wouldn't say a nice steamed rice delicious steamed rice tantalizing steamed rice there's other adjectives but not so much nice for a lot of different dishes okay Sammy rocky says in my home my wife usually prepares delicious food but on weekends I cook food and give rest to my better half we enjoy the weekend this way last Saturday I prepared some fish curry which came out really yummy yeah came out Sammy is a nice example of a phrasal verb so Sandy's using the phrasal verb came out I'll give you a few other ones so that would be considered idiomatic language ok the band 9 and band 8 speaking descriptor for outs examiner says able to use idiomatic language if you use phrasal verbs you're using idiomatic language so came out or turned out means finished ok and we do use it in this context so it turned out really nice or it came out really nice came out came out of the oven think about that ok that will help all right all right so ali sher bobo Jono says in our home usually my mom prepares meals and is the best at cooking like a chef in a restaurant sometimes I help her and learn to make some delicious dishes not help her to learn because it seems like you're teaching her Alysha if you say help her to learn so careful with that ok all right Abdul Rashid says I with out any hesitation would state that my wife is the second best cook at home after my mom had retired from her chores like cooking and cleaning retired yeah okay you could use the present perfect there Abdul Rashid you could also use the past perfect in that case as well all right let's take one more khyber moment says while my sister who always prepares the dishes for us is the person I choose since she's been doing this for almost 10 years and makes delicious meals in fact she cooked a really amazing pizza with being the last couple of days yeah careful with your verbs Khyber we don't cook pizza we bake pizza so with food you have to remember your verbs like cook baked steamed there are different ways to prepare food fry and lots of others make sure you're using the correct word because you will lose points if you're misusing verbs okay so pay attention to that all right let me give a response here and then we'll go to the next one so in reference to my last response I am the one who makes meals for myself at home most of the time but I don't mind it since I'm quite a foodie so I like to really get into cooking and baking last or yesterday I made a delicious beef stroganoff I hope I'm gonna spell this right stroganoff if I do say so myself right okay so here's my answer have a look repeat after me again copy my intonation copy my pronunciation enunciation okay so who usually makes food in your home in reference to my last response I'm the one who makes meals for myself at home most of the time but I don't mind it since I'm quite a foodie so I really like to get into cooking and baking yesterday I made a delicious beef stroganoff if I do say so myself alright so make connections keep your answers in mind remember for the last question I said that I live by myself by my lonesome means by myself so if I live by myself clearly I'm going to be cooking for myself unless maybe my mother visits me on the weekend she might cook something for me I could say that ok that's why I started with in reference to my last response I'm the one who makes meals for myself at home most of the time unless my mother comes to visit me then she'll make me something but I don't mind it since I'm quite a foodie so I really like to get into cooking and baking yesterday I made a delicious beef stroganoff if I do say so myself ok if I do say so myself we use this expression in English when we're kind of bragging or saying something about ourselves and we try to be humble ok so keep that one in mind that's kind of an interesting one so I'll make a note here for you to keep that in mind if I do say so myself is an expression which is used to humble a self glorified opinion ok such as I make a delicious beef stroganoff ok all right let's go to the next one if I miss yours don't worry about it students I'm always trying to catch different students responses for different questions of course I can't catch everybody otherwise we'd be here answering just one question all day but nevertheless you should keep practicing typing and speaking okay it's good to type make sure students that when you type your answer you also say your answer okay so type and speak all right here's the next question where do you eat most often so where do you eat most often obviously this one's fishing for location all right Irene Domingo says most of the time I cook our food at home cooking is one of my passions like today I cooked a delicious Hawaiian pizza for a dinner it's made with flour tomato paste pineapple cheese we loved it Irene that's okay that's an all right answer I think you've kind of gone off topic there so you answered it at the beginning try to give more information about location rather than your own cooking habits so where do you eat most often that can be your home and also where in your home right so in the dining room at the dining room table okay in the living room we have our dining room table it depends what your setup is in your house all right so you can be even more specific with location of course you're gonna pick up more points for that okay so visualize this is where visualisation is very very powerful all right Mingo Skye says I have my breakfast and lunch near my office every day however I have my dinner at home because usually my wife gets home before me and makes food though I clean the dishes afterwards okay min Goss Ming Doss that's good don't jump to the future we'll have just say however I have I get what you're saying with the will have not future but it's the purpose that you're putting in there it's okay careful with your pronunciation when you say that so however I will have my dinner at home so you have to emphasize the will in that case if you want to do it that way all right all right aha Jung says well it actually depends on my tastebuds like Monday to Friday I prefer to have dinner I prefer to have meals and my dinner table but on the weekends I choose restaurants twice in a week okay huh or sorry Gyung that's good that works it's a nice clear answer sigh Raj Wayne says though I live with my parents I haven't had meals at home recently I usually eat out since I love street food there's a place where all the street food vendors gather and I go there every other day okay sigh Raj that's good where is that place can you give me the location maybe I'll go visit no just kidding but the more accurate that you can be the better your mark okay Allie sure let's take one more Ali sure but would you know of says mostly I eat at home with my family around the table in the kitchen it keeps us close just yesterday we had dinner and good conversation we had a lot of fun okay Alex sure that's good don't use for example okay so avoid that for example examiner's are kind of scared when they hear for example or for instance because from their past experience when students say for example or for instance it sounds like the student will go off track and we'll just keep talking and rambling if you use for example or for instance maybe once or twice in the whole speaking it's okay it's not the end of the world but try to make your examples flow smoothly into your answers okay Jew is asking a good question Cuddy is asking can we use hmm or mmm in the real exam yes you can it's called a natural filler and there's a lot of misinformation about this there's absolutely no marking criteria which tells the examiner to take marks for natural fillers in fact use of natural fillers helps your score on sounding natural now of course you have to use English natural fillers because there are some different ones like in Japan people will say it oh no those are not English natural fillers so if you use those you'll lose marks okay but if you use English natural fillers it's totally okay right so I'm gonna give you a note on this again a lot of students don't understand this clearly so it is absolutely okay to use English natural fillers it's interesting for me that a lot of people don't even know the technical name of these the technical name is it's called natural fillers if you're a linguistics student you'll know this okay most people use natural fillers quite frequently in any language their own language any other language okay so it's absolutely okay to use English natural fillers like and ah notice how even the spell check in microsoft word recognizes those as natural parts of language because even in writing only narrative writing we actually use these when showing speech in English okay so it's absolutely okay to use English natural fillers like um or ah during your speaking interview now here comes the tricky part as long as you are using these to buy time to give bed and more complete answers the same as a native English speaker okay so it's clear for the examiner when a candidate uses um or aa because they're thinking of more information and they're putting it into their speech naturally to continue expressing their thoughts okay it's not okay it is not okay to use natural fillers if you are buying time to think of language like vocabulary and grammar or to better understand the question okay so if you're using the natural filler because you don't know the word that you need to use or the grammar that you need to use or you can't understand the question you're having a lot of trouble and you're using or to stall or to buy time for that yeah the examiner will catch that they'll know that and what will happen of course is this will hurt your fluency lexical resource grammar and other scores okay so that's clear obviously because that's why you're stalling you're stalling because you don't know the word or you're stalling because you don't know the grammar so you're losing points on lexical resource or a grammar of course at the same time you're losing scores on fluency is that clear everyone so use of natural fillers how that works okay but to think of an answer it's totally fine okay I hope that makes sense all right everybody's good on that yeah natural fillers how to use them you should use them all right okay let's keep going with some more questions okay here we go next question I didn't answer where do you eat most often so I'll answer that one first just so you have a sample for it okay and we'll do a little bit of repetition here let's not get ahead of ourselves let's not be hasty so again question repeat after me where do you eat most often and sir I most frequently enjoy my meals on my couch in front of the TV as I'm bachelor in it these days and it would be really boring to sit at my dinner table by myself even if I had one all right so I'm giving you some dynamic responses today getting you thinking outside the box so here we go where do you eat most often I most frequently enjoy my meals on my couch in front of the TV as I'm bachelor at these days and it would be really boring to sit at my dinner table by myself okay now you'll notice here's something interesting weird as saying bachelor ring is spelt wrong or it's not actually a word which is kind of interesting I'm using the word bachelor as a verb okay and that's new English it's kind of a slang but it's commonly used so you wouldn't lose marks for something like that in fact the examiner would realize that you have a a lot of experience with English being able to use modern-day slang slang is okay in the speaking interview as well okay again that can make your answer sound much more natural but don't use way too much slang in awkward ways that would be strange okay so bachelor in bachelor in it all right let's go to the next one here we go so next question when do you like to go out to eat when do you like to go out to eat Janna came it's a bachelor is a noun usually but I'm using it as a verb in this case so what where when it's time time question here when do you like to eat flowers son says Friday evening is the best time for me to go out to eat with my family or friends after a hard working week Friday is the day which is the most relaxing so I can really enjoy my meal and get into the mood right flower son that's good okay a little bit of a change on the end there on my end just to make it a little bit more natural all right Sarah of deep singh says hmm I often go to have food to restaurant on the occasion of a festival I usually like to go to nearby restaurant with my family moreover I also make a visit there when we have birthdays it's not when do you like to go oh yeah it's when you like to go out - yeah though that'll work okay very nice all right sir I've deep sorry yeah when do you like to go out to eat good nice answer Oh waz Ahmed / member says I like to eat out on weekends because on Sundays and Saturdays I have more time and energy to go to restaurants in the centre of the city which is much cheaper than the restaurants in my district really nice it was nice explanation okay I like it it's great all right Nick Hale pace says I usually go out to eat with my friends or family whenever we have occasions like birthday parties meeting someone to a nearby restaurant to try a new dish yeah Nick Hill don't use etc that's obviously awkward it's awkward and speaking especially but it's awkward and writing as well so don't use and so on or etc that has no value for your audience came all right okay roshni koonta says that's an interesting question I'm really obsessed with eating outdoors on special occasions like Independence Day or Friendship Day because I get umpteen amounts of quality time to spend with family and pals as well nice use of Samaria Matic language there roshni Nazir Beck says to be honest with you I prefer to eat out on Saturdays with my friends since on that day we have less subjects at school and as your Beck it's okay don't use the term to be honest okay students if you want a tip to get a better score and speak better communicate betters don't use to be honest okay unless you want to be honest okay so students use this too much and incorrectly okay so avoid just a tip here okay so avoid using to be honest all right so this is especially bad in business communication keep that in mind okay so avoid using to be honest this phrase we generally only use when giving a critique or a critic critique critique to another person and we do not want to hurt their feelings okay I'll give you an example of that so I my friend you can repeat this I asked my friend how did you like my beef stroganoff he answered to be honest I found it a bit too salty for my liking okay so this is the typical situation where we use to be honest and this is a not a everyday situation or not a very common situation so don't use to be honest because it's gonna take away from your score in the sense that you're losing quality time and your interview if you keep saying to be honest you're gonna be repeating yourself over and over and you don't want repetition and often times students misuse this in business is especially bad because in business if somebody says to me to be honest so in business I'll give you this really quickly it could save some of you some headache and some good business deals so in business if a person says when someone says to me to be honest da da da my thinking or my answer is why are you usually not honest maybe we should just skip this deal then da da da okay so in business the words truthfully or to be honest you have to be very careful using those terms okay so that's just a little life tip there in communication as well okay let me give an answer for this when do you like to go out to eat here we go most of the time I frequent restaurants on Fridays and Saturdays in the evenings from around 6 p.m. onward when I have time to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family especially on occasions like birthdays or anniversaries okay all right and then again I can give a smooth flowing example like my brother's 35th birthday last Friday alright so here we go students repeat after me when do you like to go out to eat most of the time my frequent restaurants on Fridays and Saturdays in the evenings from around six pm onward when I have time to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family especially on occasions like birthdays or anniversaries last week we went out to a nice Szechuan restaurant to celebrate my brother's 35th birthday okay all right students here's a few more questions for you to try on your own do you think it is important to learn to cook has your eating habit changed in the past few years if yes how if you could make one food free for everyone what would it be and why I will let you answer these questions on your own you can practice these questions and answers with each other on the websites remember everyone that free speaking the student partner speaking on the websites okay that's for you to use for free again our websites where you can get lots and lots of materials its AE helped calm for academic IELTS GL's help calm for general IELTS and if you want to see lots of HD video lessons and get our practice exams and interactive course for your mobile and so on join the Premium Package I'll give you a code to get a discount the discount code is our 4t y-j you'll get a 20% discount on the premium package again 80 help calm for academic GL's help calm for general IELTS students tomorrow we'll have some reading some lists I believe if I remember correctly and I hope to see you then so that will be around the same time as now in a little bit earlier you're very welcome Khyber Raghav you're welcome it was a pleasure thanks for all your participation keep up the good work everyone bye for now I'm signing out Adrian from Budapest ciao
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: II3Q94OUe50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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