IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 - Expert Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada more specifically on vancouver island i hope everybody is having a good weekend so far staying healthy staying strong welcome zokra hi shakzoda panchal good to see students in the class welcome jainil welcome to our members everyone in this class we are looking at speaking part three and we're going to discuss how to give those expert level answers so you can get band nines uh for the speaking section while we wait for some more of your peers this lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g that's on both of our websites we have lots and lots of information to help you improve your english your grammar vocabulary and your communication for your ielts exam and we have free speaking practice as well this is your uh academic web portal here you can click that big red button to join the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access we are a british council owls test registration center and certified agents general ielts website looks like this with the green background same idea click that big red button and again we do have free speaking practice with other students so when you create a student account you log into your my student account and then you will find our computer-based practice exams online course workbooks lesson videos uh cds we've got lots and lots of content couple hundred hours of content and then you have your student partner speaking here and when you go there then you will find other students waiting to practice with you right now we have uh jiraj and bhushan who are waiting for some students to practice so uh check that out when you've got a minute in your day keep the window open so somebody can ping you for your practice um students uh you can also get our apps academic ielts help app links to a help dot com general aisles help app links to gl's and you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help gl's help hi you jin love the emojis always puts a smile on my face that's great agnes good to see um you in the class as well mastermind you're awesome too thank you for the compliment uh if anybody wants to get a hold of me you can do that by sending me an email to adrian okay all right uh so today's class finishes this week when we're when we're done and then uh sunday monday tuesday no class that's usual we'll be doing some filming for hd video lessons and then i'm back on wednesday the 16th and we'll have another full week of classes i will post this schedule on our youtube community board welcome carolina our chat moderator fantastic to have you in the class here we go everyone so this is speaking we're going to get right into it and make sure to speak and repeat so um we just finished a class before this one on speaking part two which was the q card okay uh the speaking part cue card was uh a place where i go to relax that was the topic of the card and many of our members that were in this class and maybe some of our students that are in the class as well watched this speaking part 2 cue card we talked about the banff springs resort hotel in the rocky mountains which has swimming pools restaurants a spa massage therapy physiotherapy all kinds of great amenities charmin says yeah i watched it good for you sharmin it's gonna make much more sense in this class because um speaking part three is connected to speaking part two so the examiner will say okay now speaking part two is over your time is up let's begin part three for part three i will ask you a question related uh to uh speaking part two and some questions on the topic of uh part two for part three so they might ask you a question they will always ask you a question related to your response hey akshay that's awesome akshay just made a super chat donation of 100 rupees and akshay kumar is saying hi adrian just wanted to thank you for all your teaching and life classes it helped me to achieve a 7.5 band score in ielts general akshay congratulations and thank you for that uh sign or show of appreciation that's great that helps us to keep going um akshay please send me an email so i can grab your testimonial okay i would love to put your testimonial on our general ielts website students the hundreds of testimonials you see on our websites they're all real students that we're proud to have helped on their ielts journey okay so uh getting back to point here okay so again uh part three is a continuation of part two um and um in this case uh the examiner might ask you a question like um what is your favorite uh relaxing activity at this uh resort hotel okay that could be a question uh here they're trying to get you into conversation that's unique to you making sure that you're not just memorizing answers and templates okay all right uh md jashan yeah of course you can email uh questions the email is at the beginning of the class maybe carolina can put my email up in the chat for testimonials and questions as well okay um so all right here's the question so for those of you who saw the class that we just had you can probably answer this even if you didn't see the class you can come up with an answer so what is your favorite relaxing activity at this uh resort hotel thank you carolina um okay give me a nice full sentence for this okay now immediately even with this follow-up question to your response think about the answer plus an explanation plus an example okay so think about all of those elements be fluent give a nice well rounded answer okay all right so what is your favorite relaxing activity at this hotel right okay give me a nice uh full sentence answer all right while i wait for your answers i see that uh aldo mendes also wrote you guys were so helpful when i presented my alts academic for the first time may 27th i achieved the band 7. thank you so much greetings from cancun mexico what a beautiful place in the world cancun mexico uh aldo you're very welcome again send me your testimonial we'd love to have it uh congrats on your great score 7 is a fantastic score it means you're a good user of the english language you're a level c2 okay that's great all right um sharman says well my most favorite relaxing activity is the hot spring spas that helps me to decompress all my stress and recharge my batteries uh okay good charman yeah manu says well i love the spot the resort because it relieves my fatigue and the hot bath that they provide is fantastic to relax my body and mind moreover they use organic products in the spa which is just so reassuring all right very good nice answers arda says at this resort hotel my favorite relaxing activities is listening to music while watching the sun rise because that really removes stress and massages my brain i like it arda nice explanation an example and i like the metaphor of massaging your brain very good uh rajvir says although this hotel offers various relaxing activities my number one activity to unwind is swimming not only does it provide me with physical strength but also helps to relax my mind [Music] through meeting fresh faces in the pool okay very good rajvir yeah and i like the use of the collocation fresh faces so not only does it mean new people but there's kind of a play on words with rejuve because people are feeling refreshed so fresh faces is a very good collocation there okay rashika says being a nature lover i love hiking in the snowy mountain areas they are there are many flora and fauna and the fresh air helps me to rejuvenate yeah absolutely some oxygen-rich air very nice okay so what is your favorite relaxing activity at this resort hotel um [Music] it's tough to choose but if i had to say i would go with the thermal baths as they relax both my body and mind in fact the last time i was there after spending a couple hours in the hot spring i uh felt um like i was 10 years younger all right uh yeah so all of those answers that uh you were giving i think they're fantastic okay i like the one with the sunrise with the hike they're all great so there's no one right answer what's more important is that you're fluent that you explain yourself and you give a smooth example like this it's tough to choose but if i had to say i would go with a thermal baths as they relax both my body and mind in fact last time i was there after spending a couple hours in the hot spring i felt like i was 10 years younger how nice all right great so be ready for this follow-up question okay it's guaranteed to come all right now um part three let's talk about the importance of relaxation okay so again it will be a related topic so let's talk about the importance of relaxation why is it important for people to take some time to relax in the day okay so keep your answers clear and simple don't go into a and a biological or a physician's explanation of the importance of relaxing okay unless you're a physician and you're sure that you can express this idea in english just keep it simpler keep it common idea but be original with the way you express yourself okay so why is it important for people to take some time to relax in the day give me a nice full sentence uh answer for this one okay all right says the reason for relaxing in between activities is not only to have more energy for further work but also for mental stability amanja maybe i'm not sure where the rest of that uh response was left but you want of course a little bit more i'm guessing you're still writing agnes says from my experience watching the sunrise and sunset during the afternoon and morning time too walking around eating hiking getting refreshed um watching action movies all right agnes you're jumping around with a lot of ideas and it's creating confusion don't do that okay focus on one maybe two ideas uh and have clarity okay so especially if you're answering the question of what is your favorite activity okay so one activity especially when it's your favorite activity okay uh gineal writes during the day people need to take a short break to unwind this is vital because they can not only be more productive for upcoming work and study but also less stressed okay geraldi reuter says i think one of the reasons for that is that people need to recharge their energy and let go of their tension why draw the so answer the why question okay create more fluency all right md jason says relaxation is very important for all because through relaxing people can uh recuperate more energy to do more work okay um a little bit more explanation jason notice how that's a very common answer so many people are giving that answer you want to be a little bit more comprehensive with your answers okay an maldive says it's pivotal for the well-being of individuals to find some time to relax as this kind of stress buster assists individuals in keeping up with the pace of life when people work 10 to 12 hours a day they need at least one or two hours of break time in order to catch their breath and regain some energy for more work okay so i'm all deep good again a little bit more detail here all right um mergol shakbani says let me sleep on it there are many reasons but the chief one among them is refreshing the mind and body after a hectic uh lifestyle and getting away from stressful days uh mcgraw i do not do not use the statement let me sleep on it that's awkward okay uh if you say let me sleep on it in the ielts interview and i say oh yeah sure okay come back tomorrow when you sleep on it it actually literally means that you're gonna sleep on it and uh come back the next day with a better answer okay obviously that can't happen in the ielts exam so do not use the expression let me sleep on it it's awkward and you might even get kind of a smile out of your examiner but definitely you will also lose half a band score for speaking incoherently okay all right so um it's critical for individuals uh to have a bit of me time in the day to let go of stress and regain some energy not only so that they can be more productive in their work and study but also for maintaining a positive attitude for this reason workplaces provide coffee breaks and lunch breaks for their employees okay so that would be your band nine answers so this would be the kind of answer where the examiner goes okay wow that's good communication because this candidate not only has mastery of vocabulary and grammar but they also have very good understanding of quality communication okay keep in mind students that band six means a fluent user of the english language so when somebody can fluently speak english like a native speaker fluently speaking that's a band six it's not a band-aid not a band nine okay band a band 9 are a very good and expert user of the english language this requires much much more than just fluently speaking english it requires communication skills and that's what we're doing here okay so again this is speaking so speak and repeat uh for those students who are confident with their english try to do the repetition without reading okay so try to do it without reading just through listening okay uh so from the question to the answer here we go why is it important for people to take some time to relax in the day it's critical for individuals to have a bit of me time in the day to let go of stress and regain some energy not only so that they can be more productive in their work and study but also for maintaining a positive attitude for this reason workplaces provide coffee breaks and lunch breaks for their employees okay that's your smooth kind of example all right notice this kind of interesting vocabulary the me time okay this is a modern type of slang and yes it's absolutely okay to use this kind of expression if you know it this is a reflection of modern english and that will definitely get you some points because the examiner will realize that here is a student who has been familiarized with modern types of english expression and slang as well okay all right um so expect the follow-up question what can happen if people do not find time to relax give me a nice full sentence answer for this one chani uh dully wall use english in the chat please all right arda says if people don't find time to relax um and have rough schedules that can impact them in negative ways like not being able to focus uh not giving their attention to their performance and this can cause mistakes okay that's why um truck drivers are required to stop after a certain amount of driving time so they don't cause accidents okay arda so think about those smooth flowing examples uh arda by the way you did a good job of using the question so if people don't find time to relax that's a great use of the question okay it's good to use the question in your answers so what can happen if people do not find time to relax if people don't find time to relax use the question to build momentum to build fluency okay ahmad jaad says the only result will be exhaustion and ultimately decreased productivity which will further influence the economic status of the individual and cause severe mental illness yeah amanja country i don't know we haven't gotten to that extent yet okay justerbeck vlogs says well i guess it's extremely important for individuals to have some time for themselves in the day to unwind as well as let go of stress and to gain more zip why just rebecc can you give me an example okay all right um zohra says what is the difference between speaking part one and three they seem similar they're quite different zohra speaking part one is about you on a more general topic like hobbies or talk about computers and pencil or talk about math and it's about you so the questions are specifically dealing with your life and your experiences part three is a more specific topic so here it's relaxation or the importance of relaxation and relaxing places uh it's connected to part two and it's asking about objective opinions or objective truths or facts uh based on your knowledge but not specifically about you okay zohra so that's the big difference between part one and part three rashika says if individuals do not take time to relax their body and mind they will become exhausted and they will not be able to concentrate properly on their uh work and their productivity will uh decrease yeah okay and their error rate will increase right um all right tanu dave i think you're answering that previous question as well all right gordon jung says some people may feel depressed because they have to work and study day in and day out without having time to relax um and this leading to insufficient time for them to actually enjoy life okay gordon yeah i stretched it a little bit to reflect the question a bit more all right uh jeremiah manzin says if people do not find time to relax the tendency will have a big impact in their activities on their daily life um and their work productivity will decline jeremiah not bad ideas but you do have to be careful with your grammar and your word choice okay so you don't have repetition mahi says if people would not have time to unwind it would not only make them unproductive but also lead to severe stress to ensure the well-being of employees many mncs provide various facilities to relax um yeah and mahi instead of the acronym just use the full word multinational companies okay all right carlos writes [Music] people are going to be physically affected their bodies cannot maintain the constant stress of the workload for long periods of time if they do not relax from time to time they will be burned out nice expression burned out carlos do not use you and your in your speaking or writing of the ielts okay so there is no use of you or your except for general ielts writing task one letter writing it's the only place where the pronoun you and your should ever appear not in any other part because you're never directly speaking to the marker or the examiner okay so i'm gonna make a note of that for everybody it's a very common mistake and it is a mistake okay so just keep this in mind this is an important tip okay uh do not use the it's called the second person voice where you speak directly to your audience in any part of the ielts exam except for task one writing of the general ielts okay you should not speak directly to your examiner okay because you don't know them right so it's uh flawed communication right that's a very important tip okay um so what can happen if people do not fought in time to relax well if people do not have an opportunity to release stress they will eventually burn themselves out yeah to be burned out means you have no energy their work will be less productive and error rates will increase this is the reason that transport truck drivers are [Music] mandated by law to stop driving every few hours and take a break so that they do not fall asleep at the wheel and cause traffic accidents okay so that's the real world example there i mentioned it a little bit earlier also there are lots of other examples that you could use somebody who's a computer programmer you'd want to take a break after a while so that you keep writing clean effective code that functions all right so you can think of different different examples but smooth following examples certainly make communication clear and more connected all right now again another reminder is use your concepts from part two to make connections as well so whenever you feel there's an opportunity or a chance to connect your part two cue card response to part three you should do that that will increase your band score you're going to have more coherence and more connection among your ideas all right so uh repeat after me well if people do not have an opportunity to release stress they will eventually burn themselves out their work will be less productive and error rates will increase this is the reason that transport truck drivers are mandated by law to stop driving every few hours and take a break so that they do not fall asleep at the wheel and cause traffic accidents that's just one example of why taking breaks and relaxing is important all right next question here we go everyone by the way you're all doing a great job and certainly expressing yourself and using the language that you have that's your path to improvement so keep doing that if i miss one of your responses in the chat worry not i tried to catch different people at different times with slight priority for our channel members okay here we go so here's the next question some people feel that keeping calm and staying relaxed is a skill that can be learned and improved do you agree with this and obviously you should explain why or why not okay all right so agnes says all exists in this world we can do capacity enough to people do not find relaxed probably they get sick or more productive or not more productive like a machine we need to stop if overheat comes agnes that's quite confusing you have to work on your grammar okay all right oh it says although people are influenced by their surroundings um stress and tension i agree with this notion that staying relaxed is a skill which people can learn um okay what do you mean oh so why do you agree that people can learn to relax how do we do that okay rashika writes yes i agree with this statement because many people and employees become calm and stay relaxed when they work a long period in comparison to the initial time this transformation happens through their experience and knowledge which means yes it can be learned and improved okay not bad rashika i'm following you and i like your original diction okay all right uh depica says oh yeah of course i do agree our brain is always ready to learn uh new information forming new habits and routines the earlier the better but whatever the age of the person the idea works okay um depica not a bad start be more specific though here we're talking about the skill of relaxation so this is what i mean by part three is more specific don't generalize the answer but stay specific okay i like your style i like your diction you need to be more specific also deepika don't use the word stuff it's a low low low quality word okay so uh new information okay new information uh tanu dave says many individuals think that learning skills like relaxing and keeping calm is necessary for them to be energetic and i do agree with this notion that it can be learned okay students focus on the question okay answer the question directly manvi says yes i'm in agreement with this idea that the skill of relaxation can be learned because in schools teachers train their students with activities to help them unwind by playing certain kinds of games yeah including sports right okay okay uh jb rock says certainly not it's not a skill at all we can say that it's a state of mind it depends on the activity which is performed by the individual for example listening to music or watching a movie that's another opinion uh jv rock however do you know that saying no is sometimes more challenging than saying yes okay all right june says yes i strongly believe that the ability to keep our inner peace and to unwind can be acquired by making plans uh with enough breaks could help to reduce anxiety on deadlines very nice paraphrasing june fantastic beautiful paraphrasing june uh keeping inner peace very nice paraphrasing there can be acquired instead of can be learned very nice june and just like me your examiner will catch that paraphrasing and you will score better on your lexical resource marks and in your overall band score rajvir writes i certainly agree that keeping a relaxed lifestyle is a skill that can be learned through online and offline training some centers provide relaxation exercises which provide guided training to enhance people's abilities to experience peace of mind uh yeah beautiful rajvir very nice um visualization when i read your answer rajvir i can feel that you visualized your answer you thought it through and then you responded and that's what you need for that band-aid band nine so i concur with this idea 100 percent people can participate in a variety of both physical and mental exercises in order to acquire skills to find inner peace immediate ones that come to mind are yoga and meditation in fact uh many tourists participate in such activities at the banff springs hotel such as guided meditation all right so again making that connection with part two right as i mentioned before so repeat after me some people feel that keeping calm and staying relaxed is a skill that can be learned and improved do you agree with this i concur with this idea 100 percent uh people can participate in a variety of both physical and mental exercises in order to acquire uh skills to find inner peace immediate ones that come to mind are yoga and meditation in fact many tourists participate in such activities at the banff springs hotel such as guided meditation okay all right okay yeah june i thought you would catch that so conquer uh to give opinions yeah it's not conquer it's concur and i believe the correct spelling is that concur okay so yeah june not conquer but concur concur the pronunciations concur and i concur means i agree okay all right and um skills to find inner peace okay all right uh good let's go to the next question uh what kind of exercise can people do to let go of stress when is it a good time to do this for people so uh they might ask you um probably the second question here uh so if you've already named a couple of exercises that people can do to let go of stress they might just follow up with this uh when is it a good time to do these kinds of exercises for people okay so the examiner is not locked into asking every question that they have on the sheet in front of them it will also depend on the answers that you give okay so the follow-up question if i were your examiner that i would ask you at this point is when is it a good time to do these kinds of exercises for people give me a nice full sentence answer for this one amore chamec says there are many activities that help to blow off steam in order to let go of stress some people prefer to walk at the park after a busy day at work or university others may sit uh on on the sand on a beach and watch the sunset okay amore you're answering the previous question that i deleted but that's okay i like your expression blow off steam blow off steam is another way to say let go of stress so i'll put that up here for everybody that's a nice idiomatic expression for letting go of stress blow off steam okay and it's off in this case blow off steam okay it means to let go of stress decompress is another way to say it okay all right whenever you hear new words new vocabulary new idioms make sure to add it to your study notes okay bald beer singh says well as i mentioned before doctors suggest uh aerobic exercises and physical workouts to let to release stress and doing these in the early morning is the best time when people have some uh energy okay physical energy bald beer good i made a couple of corrections pay attention to that all right abhishek says in my opinion the best time for these activities is the morning or the evening depending on the person's schedule or the type of activity i usually go for a jog every morning and do some meditation in the evening very good abhishek nice yeah so it can absolutely depend on the activity something more active for stress release in the morning like jogging and something perhaps a little bit less physically active for letting go of stress or blowing off steam in the evening very nice nicely done okay so um well the timing of such exercises um slightly depends on the individual's schedule and the type of exercise it is a good idea to do physical exercises that strengthen the body and mind in the morning like going for a 5k jog and doing meditation in the evening and our before bed okay good um 17-545 hemanth says i think breathing exercises will release lots of stress uh in the day i would also say doing these in the early morning is a good time to feel some positive vibes mentally good hamant i made a few corrections there okay all right arena naeem says well in my opinion the best time for doing relaxing exercises is in the early morning and in the afternoon i usually go for a walk in the morning and also a walk in the evening okay arena good i like your smooth flowing example there very nice i made a couple of slight adjustments to make it more accurate okay vg pusala says the best time to do decompression exercises is in the early morning where one can find some silent time without disturbances there they can concentrate on the activity that they're doing yeah early mornings are a great time because there's a little bit more peace and quiet so people can be more engaged in their relaxing activity absolutely okay anonymous anonymous says people usually do these exercises in their free time however many companies started to offer relaxing areas that contain equipment to help their employees relax from work stress okay anonymous anonymous the focus here is the time what time is it good to do these exercises so focus on that okay danielle says the most effective activities from my perspective are yoga and meditation and the best time for these is in the early morning hours to unwind from the relentless work and study stress of the previous day okay janelle yeah finish your idea make sure it's clear okay all right um here we go everyone so uh when is a good time to do these kinds of exercises for people while the timing of such exercises slightly depends on the individual's schedule and the type of exercise it is a good idea to do physical exercises that strengthen the body and mind in the morning like going for a 5k jog and doing meditation in the evening an hour before bed yeah maybe sitting meditation it might be worth adding at that point all right and as long as you're doing a really good job in your part three and you're staying fluent and you have two maybe a little bit more two minutes or a bit more left in your speaking the examiner will ask you some more questions they'll introduce a secondary topic like let's talk a bit more about places for relaxation where are good places for relaxation what are the differences among these do you think it is the responsibility of people or the government to ensure places for people to relax can you elaborate i'll let you practice these questions after this class i'm going to finish here for now again remember everyone that you can go to our website or you can create a free student account when you log into your student account you will see all of these materials computer-based practice exams online course lesson videos audio cds and you will also see this student partner speaking option it's absolutely free we created this to encourage students to practice you will find other ielts students in here right now mohamed abdul is waiting for somebody to link up and chat with him so you can video audio chat and of course if you like our courses you can sign up for the premium package just click that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and we are an ielts registration center and certified agents so you are in good hands with us for sure students that's it for this week of live classes the next class will be speaking part one starting on wednesday and then we'll have our regular wednesday to saturday schedule really great interaction in the chat today everyone i wish all of you have a great weekend as well thank you rajvir you have a nice weekend too thank you to all of our members congrats again for those students who got a great score on their ielts exam remember to send us a testimonial again practice makes perfect remember your strategies i'm adrian i'm signing out from the beautiful garden city of victoria here on vancouver island west coast of canada i hope to see you all next week much love to all of you and if you like these live classes be sure to subscribe to our channel so that you get all of the schedules and information bye for now everyone have a great rest of your weekend you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: 6ue7zp5xdFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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