IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Practice for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you from beautiful Central Europe near the Danube River here in Budapest I hope everybody is doing great hi hung get to see you in class today we are focusing on IELTS speaking part 2 the cue card as usual our materials our strategies come from our websites for academic IELTS check us out at AE that's academic English help calm where we have six original practice exams or a hundred hours of video lessons more added regularly and a fully interactive course and we're working on some incredible and amazing new features over the next month so look forward to that I don't want to spoil that yet but we will have the most advanced online I LTS learning software in the world in about two months time so something to get you excited about gee IELTS help calm for the general version of the test I Alvina hi I'm Rita hi Rahul for doves and hi Parminder get to see more of our members jumping in on time alright so students our websites they do look like this this is the academic version click that big red button there to join and this is the general version click that big red button to join us there alright students let's get into today's lesson just before we do that a reminder if you have questions comments concerns about the exam or about our products don't be shy send us an email our response time is less than 24 hours a DRI at AE help calm hi Rahul come Odia welcome to the membership on our channel make sure to send me an email here so I can hook you up with the perks the six practice exams for you hi uro I also saw that there was another new member so new members make sure to email me let me know your new members so we can set you up ok students so today again speaking part 2 then we will finish task to writing from yesterday that we started and then tomorrow we have some more classes here is the part 2 cue card question for today part 2 talk about a dangerous object that you have used you should say what it is and what it looks like when did you use it why did you use it why is it dangerous and how can you use it safely okay you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic you will have one minute to prepare your answer that is today's question and we'll get into it in just a moment first I want to tell you a little bit about what you need to pay attention to in part 2 speaking so part 2 speaking you need to keep three really important points in mind okay number one you must use your 1-minute preparation time effectively what do I mean by that so when I say you have to use your 1-minute preparation time effectively you have to practice this at home before you sit the exam okay it's not good enough just to practice answering these cue card questions I think what I see is a lot of students they just try to answer and focus on answering the cue card and they don't really spend time on actually focusing to learn how to use the one-minute preparation time effectively so in the one minute to prepare my answer to think about my answer what are some key points what do I have to pay attention to in this one-minute preparation time so that I can give a better answer what should I pay attention to and we will make some notes for this cue card okay so I mean says first of all try to visualize so try to see this yeah visualize it so see what you're going to talk about absolutely okay humans are visual creatures we see the world we see information and we process information best when we can see it that's why we love visual information that's why we love movies we love pictures so we need to use that skill even when we don't have pictures like in the part - cue card okay all right Alvina says you have to make sure not to miss any questions that's right all of you know but that's more in your two minutes response time that you're paying attention to that okay I mean yeah okay and your note-taking you should really focus on all of them but you're really kind of focusing on that more during the two minutes response time okay I'll read says answer three or four questions in short all right so I'm going to combine what Alvina and army are suggesting I'm going to say make a couple bullet points for each question on the card bullet points it's kind of what I'm doing here with the a/b but instead of letters it's just dots okay that's a bullet point all right yeah sure okay so in my one minute I should visualize it I should make some bullet points for each question but even before that so even before that Preeti don't worry the topics actually in the stream description Preeti so you can review it there but we haven't gotten deeply into it so we're just talking about what to do in the one minute preparation time so Gura it says i'm going to talk about a mosquito killer that I consumed recently I use that because I live on a farm land and there's a great deal of deadly mosquitos Gorgoroth before you decide on that that might be a little bit tricky and difficult to talk about even though its original don't don't run ahead don't jump ahead just think about what to do in your one-minute preparation time so what else do we need to do what's the first step that we need to do ok Alvina says firstly find the easiest answer to describe not thing Elvina always practice avoiding the word thing okay try to never use it try to never use it in the IELTS try to never use it in real life thing is just a useless word somebody asked me the other day they said Adrienne why do you hate that word thing I don't hate the word thing it's just got no value it's a zero value word so find the easiest answer to describe sure how do I do that I'll be you know so find the easiest original answer to talk about yeah so hong says choose two or three options so don't be quick to just think of one idea and say oh I got it like gujrat said mosquito killer it's actually called an insecticide Gork rot so that's why it's tricky because if you don't know the word insecticide and you're saying mosquito killer but kind of be like okay I understand but a native speaker would say insecticide or insect spray not mosquito killer okay so or mosquito repellent Gorka rot that's right so you have to be very careful right so find the easiest answer to talk about and as hyung said to think about two or three and choose the best one that's your first step in your 1-minute preparation time okay so sure all right what else so in my 1-minute preparation time I have to visualize it see it make some bullet points before I do that I should actually find the easiest answer to talk about right okay what else should I do maybe even before I find the easiest answer so that might be my second step so even before that what should I do by the way students here is a huge tip for the IELTS especially for the speaking and the writing sections you must develop your systemic thinking to improve your band scores quickly okay and that's what I am working on with you right now is I'm working on improving your systemic thinking your step by step the brain tends to kind of jump around we want to train our mind to develop ideas and strategies in a very systematic fashion it's much much more effective to get those higher band scores irate says relax euro thank you with confidence euro you have the right answer so don't use that question mark just state it don't ask it identify the topic yeah absolutely identify the topic and the nature of the question and the type of question okay so this is our systemic thinking in that one minute preparation time for the cue card we identify the topic or the type of question and the topic then we find the easiest answer by thinking about two or three answers we visualize it and then we make a bullet or two for each question on the card all right now we have some systematic steps on how to get a high band for these part to cue cards all right and I have one more step what is it so I have one more step here step II what do I need to do for step II in that one minute okay we there's you know you probably have some teachers that give you some other pieces of advice and that's fantastic but these kind of five points are extremely important yeah very good there you go Preeti i'm reed hyung Parminder all of you got it right have your first sentence ready to go okay the reason I say that is way too many students what they do is they they wait about 10 or 15 seconds thinking about their first sentence after the examiner says okay your 1-minute preparation time is up now please begin speaking and then the students kind of going um well I've used many dangerous objects in the past and thank you for letting me talk about this topic one dangerous object that I remember using and it's like whoa you've just used 20 seconds from your two minutes if they give you two minutes and you haven't said anything okay you haven't answered the question so many students do that that's not a good idea right away you should have your answer ready so when the examiner says okay your 1-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking immediately you can say recently two weeks ago a very dangerous object that I used was my lawn mower to cut the grass in my backyard okay and then BOOM oh okay person got the cue card and they've already given me their topic answer all right so you're ready to roll all right okay all right students so these are the points that's that's key for part to identify the type of question the topic find the easiest answer to talk about think about two or three choose the best one visualize it make a bullet point or two for each question on the card have your first sentence ready to go all right let's do that so now we know what we need to do okay systematic thinking systematic thinking all right students so here we go looking at the cue card again let's work through our 1-minute planning so part two talk about a danger this object that you have used you should say what it is and what it looks like when did you use it why did you use it why is it dangerous and how can you use it safely you will have one to two minutes to talk about this object okay so let's do this what are we talking about so let's work through each of these points we'll do the example now for each one using this cue card okay so using this cue card what's the type of question okay I'm right it's an object that's right yeah hyung that's right object so object we know that we have to talk about its appearance its origin where you got it many in often cases okay it's utility how you use it and its value okay it's worth to you alright so what does the object look like what is its origin where do you get it what is its utility which means how do you use it and what is its value what is it worth to you all right so in this case that's the type of question and the topic is Raul Singh says well the topic is a dangerous object yeah so begs audit value is important same thing value importance and the topic it's a dangerous object sure awesome let's go to the next one so we know we're talking about an object we know what we need to do we want to think about two or three so dangerous object that we use right think about the controlling idea as well so it's a controlling idea here are all the other questions so that you needed to use what you need it to use it for all right Gork ruts still on the mosquito repellent agar cot we might get to there Fisk Ito repellent but I'll put it up there just for fun you've been so adamant about it mosquito repellent yeah [Music] it's also called an insecticide okay so anything used to kill insects or deter insect that's called an insecticide all right beg that says a knife begs not be more specific do you remember the different kinds of knives I think you were in that lesson let's call it a utility knife a utility knife it's your standard knife kitchen knife that you can use for many different purposes all right Rahul says a stove right electric stove sure okay hoom says a drill okay sure Alvina says a grass cutter a grass cutter Alvin in English is called a lawnmower okay I love how you're coming up with some fairly simple but realistic ideas so for Dobbs says light bulb work rod says maybe shampoo I think that's a stretch the shampoo it's possible okay any object can be dangerous but I think a shampoo would be kind of a weird choice cork rot light bulb is okay sure there's one other dangerous object that we use frequently yeah very good begs odd brilliant yeah I see that your thinking has come a long way car it's one of the most dangerous objects that we frequently use in society is a car absolutely okay a car can be one of the most deadly objects a motorbike absolutely for doves yeah okay so we have are all we've got lots of objects now lots of dangerous objects which is great so now we need to choose one okay so we have mosquito repellent let's just insecticide utility knife electric stove electric drill lawnmower light bulb car and a motorbike which one do you think euro electric scooter yeah very similar to motorbike so let's just keep it with the motorbike which one do you think is a great choice so here which one would you say is okay that would be a very good choice hung says I think a motorbike for Dobbs says motorbike Pegasus car Parminder says stove gujrat I'm not surprised you're sticking with your mosquito repellent I'm read says car yeah so I definitely agree that car or motorbike would be an exceptional choice it would be very original so most likely many students would not think about that one which one do you think would be a very common choice for students sitting the IELTS exam on this day who got this question which one you think would be one that many students would think about and try to give an answer for yeah I agree I Marie and bags odd I think many students would choose knife they'd be like oh I have to use a knife right so knife is not a good choice if you can think of knife stove and motorbike or car knife you would probably realizes okay I think a lot of students probably spoke about knife so I'm going to choose the car as an alternative because it's easy to talk about but I think maybe many students didn't actually think about the cars a dangerous object so stove would be okay stove would be okay a gas stove would actually be a better one than electric stove gas stove but car is a very good one knife I would avoid because I think it's a very popular choice and you don't want the examiner to compare your answer to other students okay motorbike could be a good choice too if you're familiar with it so if you ride motorbikes or if you've ridden a motorbike in the past it could be a good choice but if you're not familiar with the motorbike might be a bad one if you're not familiar with if let's say you don't have your driver's license car or motorbike what could be another good object that we don't have here yet the reason I'm spending a little bit of extra time on this is because choosing the right answer can be the key difference between a band six and a seven or a seven and an eight yeah for dogs that's right a bike absolutely absolutely so if you don't have your license you've never driven a car or a motorbike you could just go with a bike yeah definitely a bike would be a very good choice okay in fact so much so that let's do bike okay are you guys in girls in let's do bike together do we agree can we vote on bike yeah okay all right let's do bike all right so we visualize it okay when we visualize the bike what do we see what do we see when we visualize the bicycle that we are using and we're using it as a dangerous object now of course you read the card right so you should say what it is what it looks like when did you use it why do you use it okay why is it dangerous how can you use it safely so what do you see okay Preeti says why see two wheels yeah definitely it's common okay I'm read its appearance and purpose but what is it what do you actually see so what's the color yeah begs lead says so two wheels black color what do you see those so you have to you have to visualize as students when you see yourself riding that bicycle right so you're pedaling along okay imagine yourself on a busy street you're carrying groceries okay maybe you have some grocery bags on the handlebars if you have grocery bags on the handlebars it's maybe a little bit more difficult to control okay what's the danger so let's get into it okay what's the danger of the bike Alvina very good so that's what I'm looking for when I'm visualizing these words should pop into mind so needs balanced cake because I have to keep in mind that I'm trying to answer the question of why is it a dangerous object I'm not just talking about a bike but I'm talking about a bike as a dangerous object so need balance k2 Wheels pedals chain brakes okay seeds sure but I need to balance [Music] difficult to balance okay move the pedals okay sure okay so I'm rich says no bicycle lanes dangerous because we're with traffic so okay what else what else do you see when you're riding a bicycle okay let me there's still some really key visualizations that I don't see coming up okay when do you ride the bike there we go for Dobbs says helmet why do we wear a helmet for dogs because of head injury right so with a bicycle we wear a helmet why do we wear the helmet because head injuries are very common with bicycles when we fall off we can hit our head or if a car hits us we can hit our heads alright Gorka rod very good that's what I'm looking for in the evenings tell me more Gork rod that's very good okay so so you need lights right there you go for dogs you need lights on your bike okay or what what are those special little plastic pieces that bounce light do you know what those are called yeah very good I'm read so every says maybe a rear mirror to see better alright by the way those are called reflectors okay so need lights or reflectors alright so now we're rolling now we're visualizing now we can see what's going on Gorka ah very good a horn to warn people or it's called a bell yeah sure absolutely so now you're visualizing the bike with details very good excellent job now students see why it's important I really want you to acknowledge and see why it is important to choose the correct object to talk about for part two and to visualize it well so in this one minute okay and this is what you have to practice at home this can really and I kid you not this can be easily the difference between your band five point five and even a band seven score on the IELTS exam students often lose that very critical one two two band scores in part two they choose awkward topics they speak off topic they speak in an unstructured confusing way even with high English skills so you need to really focus on this one minute preparation time so that your structured and you can speak effectively notice how well you can collect ideas and choose the right answer to help you get that high score do you agree with me do you see where you can elevate your skills to when you are taking the right steps in that one minute preparation time okay all right so make bullet points for each question on the card we've kind of done that so we'll just say see previous with the visualization and then we want to have our first sentence ready to go so if I thought about all of this information so helmut difficult to see at night need lights and reflectors what would be a good first sentence for the question talk about a dangerous object that you have used okay so talk about a dangerous object that you have used what it is what it looks like so let's get our first sentences give me some suggestions for a good first sentence based on the fact that we were able to write down these notes in our one minute preparation time give me your first sentence came and think about your visualization when you think about that first sentence I mean says a risky object that I have used lately is my bicycle okay yeah that work summary risky yeah okay I'd keep with the word dangerous in this case the other synonym I'm rate for dangerous that works really well in this context is it starts with an H I don't want to give it away because maybe one of you will get it ger crowd says I'm going to talk about a bicycle that I use every day Gertrud it's good just gurkha reflect the grammar of the question so notice how the question ger Korat is present perfect that you have used so try to use that present perfect in your first sentence right away just to show them okay so say I'm going to talk about my bicycle that I have used frequently okay that will work better not a bicycle my bicycle that I have used frequently okay it's better Rahul says a dangerous object that I have used is my bullet bike all right Rahul I like how you added that descriptive feature of a bullet bike it's good okay begs ID says a dangerous object that I have experienced in my grade 9 is my bicycle that my father bought me for my birthday yeah and maybe it's a racing bike bags odd it's good it was clever answer Rahul bullet bike or racing bike where you actually lean over with the curved handlebar right Margie says every object is dangerous if we don't use it carefully I'm Reggina didn't ask you about that I asked about a dangerous object that you have used I didn't ask about dangerous objects in general MRG be specific to the question okay for Dobbs says one of the most dangerous objects I use nowadays is my bike however it's useful for my health okay for Dobbs you're kind of answering too much with your first sentence with your first sentence just show the examiner that you know the grammar form that the question is asking and you know the specific topic don't overdo it you have two minutes to talk so with your first question just create a clean clear answer that shows the grammar of the cue card and the topic okay hyung says one of the most dangerous objects I frequently used when I go to work is my bike hung beautiful that's a band 8 it's just the bike instead of the bike my bike and it's a band 9 K hyung so that's how you do it one of the most dangerous objects I've frequently used when I go to work is my bike hyung that's how you start a band 8 response to the cue card question ok yeah Rahul very good so Rahul come Odia our new member says about a month ago I had gone with my motorbike late night near my home to buy some groceries or something like that Rahul okay we're gonna stick with a bike Rahul but that's the idea and I really like how you included the concept of late night okay I was hoping one of you would include that especially since we talked about lights and late-night adding that extra level of danger to the scenario right euro says the bicycle is a hazardous object I use on a day-to-day basis that's great euro you're not using the present perfect yet but hopefully you will to show that grammar or to the examiner Danish says I would like to talk about my bicycle which I rode and experienced an accident unfortunately I'm okay now or I Danish kind of the same as for dogs you're I think you're trying to put too much information into the first sentence you don't need to do that okay so again with your first sentence when you have that first sentence ready keep it simple don't make mistakes don't over complicate okay so with your first sentence keep it simple do not include too much info or over complicate that leads to mistakes okay in your first sentence you simply want to reflect the grammar of the cue card in this case its present perfect and immediately show the topic answer to the question okay here is the example a hazardous object which I have used frequently is my road bike especially now I know I'm complicating it a little bit here but pushing you for that grade 9 that band 9 especially when writing it at night okay so that would be my first sentence now again you have to be careful don't overcomplicate but this works well so a hazardous object paraphrasing dangerous with hazardous okay that's a very good synonym in this context a hazardous object which I have used frequently is my road bike road bikes are those racing bikes are the ones where you're kind of hunched over and you're holding the curled handlebars you have a lot of gears and you can really get going fast with those very skinny high pressure tires okay so a hazardous object which I have used frequently as my road bike especially when writing it at night okay your examiner will be will be thrilled with that first sentence to this cute card question they'll be going ah okay I can give this candidate really nice high band score alright so let's keep going let's keep on giving this part to response what should follow after this so what should I talk about now I think you know so just start writing give me some suggestions I in fact I just gave you some tips my road bike has a 20 inch aluminum frame which is black and two large skinny high-pressure tires for maximum speed alright Danish the cue card question is in the stream description so you can see it there okay I'm read says it is gray with blue stripes and it's frame is an alloy mixture of aluminum and steel okay sure I'm reek that works well also it was manufactured by a brand company Nike and it's black color with two thin wheels which give it a high speed as well as a front basket sure yeah that works two bags out so I'm rate bags odd you're describing what it looks like fantastic that's great okay the handlebar are curled and have the brakes and gear shifts attached of course it has a narrow seat and a basket take the basket on the back for some light cargo sure all right now of course use the vocabulary that you have all right so what ever you know all right Rahul says it has shaped indicators to rear mirrors on the front side and I can get to a maximum speed of a hundred kilometers an hour Rahul that's one heck of a road bike that you have if it can go 100 kilometers an hour most road bikes I think you can if you're really pedaling hard you'll get up to sixty kilometers an hour but hey Rahul why not it's not completely strangest if you're going downhill okay our meet says it can accommodate one more person behind the writer as it has an X seat sure roshni says my road bike is red in color and made of an aluminum and has an aluminum frame with stainless steel accessories okay for DAF says my lovely bike is of is of good quality and not only suitable for the city roads but also for the mountains for dogs what you're describing there is a mountain bike okay it's a mountain bike alright good rot I think you're talking about a motorbike if you're talking about CCS and speed okay so let's stick with the bike so not motorbike ok Rahul's first comment is it is a jet black color with a 300 cc engine with two Pistons it's a two-stroke bike two wheels alloy structure leather seat and two giant diamond shaped indicators ok Rahul you're also describing a motorbike we're just focusing on a simple pedal bike here we're not going for a motorbike so focus back onto the simple bike ok Alvina says it is a bike that can go very fast with two black wheels and with smooth leather seating ok good alright so we've done lots of description that's fine we could always describe more but don't get lost in details remember that you have to answer all the questions so this is plenty for the description ok usually the frame the wheels the seat the handlebars that's what you're describing so we have that what should i do at this point so I have my first sentence I have the description of the object what it looks like what should I do at this point kay hyung that's also good my road bike has blue and yellow color it's made of carbon so it not only weighs less but can also reach very high speeds yeah uh yeah that's right look at the notes look at the cue card so bags I'd says glance at the cue card Rahul says take a look at the notes what do you need to talk about bags that says maybe start thinking about the function right so we look at the notes we see okay needs balance it's dangerous in traffic helmet all right let's not get ahead of ourselves we look at the questions okay what is it we talked about it what it looks like when did you use it why did you use it so when did you use it why did you use it okay so let's talk about that when did you use it why did you use it so here we go I'm visualizing just right students and we'll compare okay I'm read says I had to use it when I needed to run to get groceries when some unknown guests showed up at my house after their call I saw that there was no milk in the refrigerator and I rode not ran I'm rate careful with your verb choice I rode my bike to the nearest grocery store okay sure I'll take that on rate you're first out of the gate so I had to use it the other day when I needed to run to get groceries for some unexpected guess who showed up at my doorstep unannounced okay sure I wanted to make some cookies for them but realized I had no milk so I rode my bike to the nearest grocery store about five blocks away at a p.m. in the evening okay good all right we'll take on rates that works okay of course there are a lot of other ways that you could visualize it I have ridden by bike to and from my workplace in the past few years most often in the dark at nighttime because my shift always started very early at 6:00 a.m. okay that could be another one that's what I was kind of thinking about but I'm REITs is very good so I just decided to take on rates here thank you I'm right okay Dana says I had to use my bike when I went to work and the grocery store it also helped me in emergency situations when I had to go somewhere quickly how fer daf says I have just used it as I came here with my bike for dobbs very clever so you're actually going to the IELTS test center with your bike okay sure begs that says not only do I use it to go to school each day at around 8 a.m. but also to shops on the weekends to buy some groceries like bread or milk very good bags odd ok now sure so now we want to continue with it right of course the questions were when did you use it and then the next question and this is a very important question to answer so you want to make sure you answer that in the first 80 seconds why is it dangerous and how can you use it safely so my bike can be a very dangerous object because it requires a great deal of balance and control when going at speeds of around 50 kilometers per hour also since there are no bike lanes near my home I have often found myself in car traffic and [Music] vulnerable to unattentive vehicle operators or instead of unattentive let's go with distracted a fall from a bike can be very serious especially since many bike injuries are [Music] to the head okay so here I'm just moving along I think a lot of you can visualize it now roshni we're not talking about an accident that actually happened but we're talking about why is it dangerous okay so you have to think about why is the bike dangerous and use your notes right so certainly there are several safety precautions that can be taken to make the experience much safer such as wearing a helmet and bright clothes as well as having [Music] lights on the bike to see others and be easily seen by vehicle operators by drivers all right so I'm just nice and quickly moving along I wanted to show you that once you have the right ideas you can really move along quickly all right as such I'm REIT is a synonym for in this case okay or in this situation so anytime I'm read that you think in this situation or in this case you can use the word as such it's a good question all right Bagshot says each year the number of cars are increasing significantly and as a result it is very challenging to control bikes in traffic and this can end with harsh injuries such as head trauma head injury begs let another way to say this head trauma begs I said there's additionally it is quite risky to write in the evenings because of poor visibility and having lights and bells can help the ride to be much safer yeah poor visibility begs odd is the other word that you're looking for there all right good okay all right so some very good responses there students all right let's uh look at our response now and just repeat after me so let's do a little bit of speaking practice and repeat with me okay so here we go a hazardous object which I have used frequently is my road bike especially when riding it at night my road bike has a 20-inch aluminum frame which is black and two large skinny high-pressure tires for maximum speed the handlebars are curled and have brakes and gearshifts attached of course it has a narrow seat and a basket on the back for some light cargo I had to use it the other day when I needed to run to get groceries for some unexpected guests who showed up at my doorstep unannounced I wanted to make some cookies for them but I realized I had no milk so I rode my bike to the nearest grocery store about five blocks away at 8 p.m. in the evening in the dark my bike can be very dangerous object because it requires a great deal of balance and control when going at speeds of around 50 kilometers an hour also since there are no bike lanes near my home I have often found myself in car traffic and vulnerable to distracted vehicle operators a fall from a bike can be very serious especially since many bike injuries are to the head certainly there are several safety precautions that can be taken to make the experience much safer such as wearing a helmet and bright colored clothes as well as having lights on the bike to see others and to be seen easily by drivers this is why the bike has been a dangerous object in my life but one of my most useful possessions as well okay be a nice way to conclude that idea members try this one at home viewers try this on your own okay here's the cue card again choose a different dangerous object send it to my email recorded an mp3 all right so talk about a dangerous object that you have used you should say what it is what it looks like when did use it why did you use it why is it dangerous and how can you use it safely okay again in your one-minute preparation time remember these steps identify the question type the topic find three four good ideas for the answer choose the best one that sounds original and is easy to talk about then visualize it write down your notes two points for each question at least then get your first sentence ready and you're off to the races alright my possession I'm ready because I own it it's my bike whatever I own is in my possession so possession here is a noun okay all right members fantastic job today always improving make sure you're not just practicing writing these ideas but also practice speaking them in 30 minutes we will continue yesterday's tasks to writing question with body paragraph one and two as well as the conclusion see you later Rahul bye bye um reads fantastic contributions welcome new members Elvina I love how you're regularly participating in these classes now that's fantastic keep it up students communication languages English is a true treasure that will help you lead to a happy fulfilling life bye for now hopefully see you in 30 minutes
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: Ugp8KI3WmYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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