IELTS Live - Speaking Answers for Band 9 on Part 3

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on vancouver island on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having an awesome weekend so far i hope that you're finding time to relax and enjoy life in amongst all of the other activities that keep you busy like learning for ielts students um in this class we are looking at ielts uh speaking part three and we're looking at some band nine answers for speaking part three so specifically we'll be talking about strategies on how to get those band nine answers welcome to tool hi samir hi maul laura welcome to our members uh samil simran nice to see so many students in the class waiting and ready to learn that is fantastic students this lesson is brought to you by for academic ielts success visit us there for general islets check us out at on both of those websites we have tons and tons of information for you and we're going to be using these websites today to speak to each other and to practice for the ielts speaking interview and to practice for those band nine questions so click that big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access it really doesn't cost a lot we are an official ielts uh test registration center and certified agents so you are in great hands with us craft umar says my had my exam today your lessons were so helpful thanks from pakistan you're very welcome uh umar um umar when you get your scores let us know uh send me an email i'd love to get your testimonials okay just for memories says i got only 5.5 on speaking can you help me i sure can just for memories pay attention to today's lesson general ielts website looks like this at you can just click that big red button to join our premium package there again it's a one-time payment ladies and gents lifetime access so it is absolutely worth it we are probably arguably the world's most popular ielts learning platform here on youtube and our uh website so um yeah we help uh thousands and thousands of students worldwide every day we're experts in education psychology and in exam preparation that's what we specialize in that's what myself and my colleagues have university degrees in not just english education but psychology of learning and psychology of testing that's what makes us different okay you can download our apps academic ielts help from our app stores general ielts help as well and you can use those apps to learn and get more materials instagram ielts underscore ae help and g ielts help that's where we post our live class schedules vocabulary for the ielts tip strategies for the ielts check those out mohina bonu welcome to the class hi william highmore um send me an email everyone if you have a question this is my email address i'm always happy to get emails my email is adrian [Music] uh just for memories is asking a good question there just remember he says sir i need a one-on-one speaking online test what can i do i've got the best answer for you um when you go to our website uh you can log in to your my student account and in your my student account you will see this a speaking interview practice that's right there you click on that button and you can get a one-on-one speaking online test with me and i will tell you your band score and what you need to do to improve we're going to be using this page today students for our for our lesson so uh you can create a free account as well and i'll get to that in just a moment we'll get your questions here okay so we've got lots more classes next week there's no class tomorrow for live class but we do have some hd videos coming out about writing so check that out and then our next live class will start on wednesday the 22nd and then we'll have a full week of live classes after so we'll have this um schedule on our youtube posts we'll have it on instagram so follow us on instagram subscribe to us on youtube so that you can get updates on ielts classes and regular lessons okay everybody so this is an ielts speaking class and it's speaking part three it's the last part of speaking it's the challenging part of speaking uh students make sure to speak and repeat in this class okay so speak and uh repeat okay uh copy me all right so copy me copy my pronunciation my intonation my enunciation laura was asking last class how do i improve my pronunciation one great way to do that is copy native speakers when you're practicing your pronunciation make sure you only practice one style like if you're practicing kind of that north american west coast style the hollywood style that you see in a lot of the films and movies that's my style stick to that one if you're going british then copy the british style don't copy me copy british speakers okay i'm not i don't think everybody should speak american english there are different accents in the us and canada as well so careful there's west coast east coast central southern central so there's different styles pay attention to that okay but anyway it is a speaking class so make sure to not just listen but also speak and copy me and some of you will be speaking in today's class as well so let's get into this so um speaking part three follows speaking part two there's some specific questions on a specific topic today we're talking about learning so let's talk about effective learning watch this youtube channel no just kidding there's lots of ways to learn effectively as soon as you hear that introduction of effective learning you have to think about technology and how that helps learning good teachers how that helps learning attitude people who want to learn who create a schedule that helps learning so there's a lot of ways to learn effectively okay psychology of learning analyzing learning techniques lots of ways so those should all be kind of coming into your head as you hear this title okay open your mind let your mind think about all of that beautiful information that it's picking up from different places and it does that throughout your life from school from movies from parents from friends so from lots of places okay so when you get when you get to part three continue to remember these elements so make sure to answer the question give an explanation uh example and use the question okay getting crazy and example okay so answer explain example and uh use the question to help your answer uh venom as venom says my uh exam is on the 20th i'm feeling so nervous venom um you can volunteer today and then you can conquer your nerves a little bit and i'll show you how to do that okay so um here we go everyone uh here's the question okay let's get into this question we'll do this together first and then i'm gonna start calling people and then we'll practice together with peer feedback okay so this first one we're going to um just uh focus on answering together so here's the question what are some steps to improve the efficiency of learning for school subjects okay so one more time um let's start nice and comfy nice and slow what are some steps to improve the efficiency of learning for school uh subjects okay so i'm going to give an answer you give me an answer and then we'll take a comparison and go from there so you all right there's my answer let's see what others are saying um so amman preet says schools can make efficient use of technology by making use of visual aids uh to help students retain information rather than conversation or conventional methods just like last year my school established digital classrooms for better learning yeah okay so we could look at it from the perspective of the school or we can look at it from the perspective of the student i took the student's perspective on preet you're taking the school's perspective that's fine both of those work okay tutul ahmed says there are numerous steps that people can take above all i would say hygienic atmosphere secondly teachers can be friendly to teach students why tutu why do you think a friendly teacher will help the efficiency of learning school subjects okay you have to explain that like you have to tell me because then students will want to learn and they will enjoy uh getting new information so that's what you can do to tool explain okay don't forget this students it's very important answer explain example don't just give an answer always always give an explanation as well bandita says there are several processes to enhance the effectiveness of learning for academic topics such as providing more practical examples rather than theoretical so that students can visualize the topics more very nice bandita good way to explain it can you give me an example like learning about the human anatomy um the professor can show pictures of a skeleton okay bandita so give that example all right okay all right students this is my answer here so here's the question what are some steps to improve the efficiency of learning for school subjects my answer again repeat after me several steps to increase the effectiveness of gaining knowledge homework all of these steps all of these help students to not only understand but also use new technology or also use new knowledge i've been doing this for my biology class and i've learned much about human anatomy okay so i have my answer which is here then i have my explanation which is here and then i have my example which is here okay so answer explain example okay bajit welcome back to our group of members bajit was a long time member i love your new avatar baljeet looking good all right okay everyone so some good answers there and now we'll get to practice speaking in real time here with students some of you are already getting used to this so basically i'm going to take volunteers uh to ask questions from and then we'll listen to the answers we'll give a score a band score estimate and analyze those answers for some more strategies some more tips and think about it this way students if you're making this mistake other people are making the mistake too so mistakes are okay that's how we learn okay we learn through our mistakes that's what it means to be human all right okay so your first step is to go to our website which is okay so it's ae i'm gonna show you that in a second here as well okay so go to the website and then you can join for free by clicking this green button this try button that's right there or if you want the paid version of the website click the big red button both are really really great green one free version great to just start red one that's going to be the best to help you improve and then once you have that okay then you want to log in to your my student account at the top of the page so at the very very top here you click on that my student account and then you're logged into your student account with all of your tools like your practice exams your interactive course and then um you have the uh student partner speaking which is right here it's above my head okay so it's right there not the yellow button but the blue one that one yeah student partner speaking right there you click on that button and then you accept the terms when you do that make sure you enable your microphone and your speaker okay on the page all right so um again let me just uh quickly um copy these instructions for you for all of those who are new and i can already hear somebody volunteering so it's great means we've got lots of returning students okay so register a free or paid account log into your my student account click on student partner speaking enable the microphone and then you can send me a message in the class or in on the website saying i want to volunteer and then i'll pick a volunteer and i can hear lots of people volunteering so that's great now barrage i can see that you scored your target mark you're very welcome jaishi um please send me an email so i can get your testimonial i'd love to have it okay everyone so uh let's get going on this here we go um so i'll take some volunteers and we'll do some part three questions for ielts speaking i'll give some score estimates okay um very first one in here is moon and i think uh moon would love to volunteer okay moon and i see vipul after so i'm gonna go just one by one here uh hello i would love to volunteer okay moon are you ready with a name like moon okay are you ready moon i'm gonna reach out to you getting a hold of people from all over the world moon says yep okay moon all right now remember formal professional speaking right okay all right here we go so i am calling moon let's see if moon picks up i can see that we're in call now make sure your speaker and your microphone is enabled hi moon can you hear me i don't hear anything from your side so make sure that your microphone is connected and it's enabled that's very important students all right so check your microphone settings one way that you can do that for these live classes is just use this with other students and practice with them okay all right i don't hear moon's microphones so while moon is checking that out um we'll go to somebody else okay moon so can you hear me now oh yeah i can hear you now oh last second you caught me last second i was just it's just about i was i almost gave up on you moon uh but i can hear you okay great you figured out your microphone hey yeah all right okay moon how are you doing oh yeah i'm doing great thank you fantastic moon may i ask where are you uh calling from uh so i'm a regional vietnamese but i was born and raised in russia so i'm currently in russia oh wow okay so vietnamese russian but almost it's more like russian vietnamese you have great pronunciation by the way i can tell right away thank you so it's great okay moon so thank you for volunteering thank you for being our first volunteer today i'm going to ask you an ielts part 3 question and just give me a nice full sentence answer use the question think about your explanation and think about an example the way that you can do that is when you gave me your answer immediately use the word because or therefore as a result and then go into your explanation and then to give an example right away um use the word just or as or like and then you can go right into an explanation as well once you feel like you've finished just stop okay so you don't go off topic yep okay all right okay so we'll come back to our question and again the topic stays the same so right now we're talking about uh learning um all right so here we go what teaching aids have been used by schools over the past couple of decades to improve students learning teachers have been trying to make learning more engaging and effective over the past years interactive slides and games have been used in the classrooms more and more not only does it help convey concepts more clearly and effectively but it also makes students view studying nasa and nightmare but rather a game something that is enjoying uh enjoyable so uh our math teacher uses uh to create this um competitive healthy competitive environment and um it is this way this method is being favored by my um classmates including me all right moon thank you um okay so a very good answer overall i must say you're clearly very very fluent i can tell you've had a lot of experience with the english language learning it practicing it using it may ask have you lived abroad anywhere where you've used english um nope just locally in russia okay yeah all right um that's uh very impressive all right um so your band score would be overall for this one question about a band eight okay and you should score a band nine as long as you are taking the right steps your initial answer was a band nine so your first couple of sentences was clearly a bad mind meaning that your fluency was a ban on your pronunciation everything was very clear you used the grammar of the question so notice everybody that moon was very good at reflecting the grammar the grammar of the question is present perfect the question is asking what teaching aids have been used and moon you said teachers have been trying to make so you're using present perfect progressive right away at the beginning and you immediately showed me that you're comfortable with complex grammar and you have a good grammar range so that was very nice you did some good paraphrasing so instead of saying past couple of decades you said past years which is a good paraphrasing for that you gave me a good answer you said interactive materials and slides and so the beginning of what you said was a band nine a clear band nine and then um as you kept talking your score started to slide a little bit so it went to eight and went to seven and then in my head as the examiner i'm trying to average your score right because this is what happens so um students when a per when a candidate responds to these questions some of your responses are going to be better some of your responses are going to be less and that happens even within one answer so what the examiner is doing is they're trying to create an average of the person okay and here the average that i created was an eight and the reason why is because near the end you got a bit nervous you started to fall apart a little bit some of what you were saying i was kind of like what are you saying exactly um so my biggest tip to you moon is be more concise so don't overspeak and that's it's kind of ironic right because when we're nervous we tend to overspeak but you have to stop so uh teachers have been trying to make learning more effective over the past years they have been using interactive materials and slides to make lessons more interesting for students as well as more enjoyable okay and then you should have gone right into your example i didn't actually i wasn't able to type fast enough because you're so fluent so then you want to go right into your example and keep your example short okay so our math teacher uses interactive slides interactive slides to teach algebra and um i just love it okay and then that's it with your level of english don't overspeak don't don't decrease your score keep it at a bad night so once you get to a band nine stay at that band line don't decrease it okay so i'm going to read the question um read the answer and then just repeat after me okay moon so um here we go what teaching aids have been used by schools over the past couple of decades to improve students learning teachers have been trying to make learning more effective over the past years they have been using interactive materials and slides to make lessons more interesting for students as well as more enjoyable our math teacher uses interactive slides to teach algebra and i just love it okay teachers have been trying to make lessons more engaging to students over the past years um they've been using interactive slides and um game elements um in the classroom and my algebra my algebra teacher uh uses um slides to make learning better and i just love it yeah okay and i because you're reflecting the um the explanation of that it's enjoyable right so whatever you're explaining you reflect that in the example so if you say make lessons more enjoyable then your example says and i just love it or i really like to go to class right so whatever reflects that explanation all right that's fantastic you're going to do great so all you really need to do is just get this kind of communication format going for you and you will get a fantastic score i'm sure of it okay yeah thank you you're very welcome okay moon uh keep up the good studies and practice and um keep going back to class okay all right thank you so much thanks bye okay everybody so that was moon um give moon a a clap or a thumbs up um i could tell she was fairly nervous as would anybody be i mean you're presenting yourself here in front of so many uh viewers and listeners and it takes it takes a lot of courage okay so it's it's very brave for people to be volunteering all right william says congratulations moon keep going um and we've got some claps from la cuen here uh so very nice yeah and you're great absolutely okay um let's take some more volunteers i see the pool here and i think the pool was your last class and vipula i think has an exam if i remember correctly that was the pool so vipul are you ready um let's see if vupool is here all right so stick around make sure everybody that you hang around because you never know i might be picking you next so hang in there okay i know sometimes some of our viewers have to take off in the class they've got work in school but vapool is still here okay the pool i am going to call you and make sure your microphone and speakers are enabled on your browser and then we'll get going here so here we go with vipul hello the pool okay i don't hear the microphone yet sounds like the situation with moon but i'll give the pool a few seconds here to see if uh yeah it's usually the microphone viewers where you have to kind of make sure it's plugged in right or your windows is picking it up your browser's picking it up right so i'll give the pool a couple more seconds here to see if i can figure out the microphone situation i think the pool said that uh there's a test coming up yeah okay yep now i can hear there we go yeah so it's worth the wait all right patience is a virtue hi vipul yes sir hi sir how are you doing how are you doing i'm doing good what about you sir i'm doing great vipul can you mute your youtube so just uh silent like mute the volume on youtube so we're not getting the feedback on youtube so we're not getting the feedback uh so now it is okay yeah it should be yeah it's perfect okay yeah it should be yeah no i can still hear myself but that's it's fun to hear myself but it's hit hit the little uh speaker icon on youtube and then that'll stop youtube sound sir i switch off the youtube okay okay so it's maybe just feedback through your um your computer or something that's just fine okay that's good all right vipul do you have a test coming up tomorrow coming up tomorrow uh no sir uh i have filled my test for next month for next month okay i thought i remembered somebody saying they have their exam tomorrow with your name but uh okay next month and may i ask why are you taking the alex exam sir i am planning to move canada for my higher studies right on okay great did you already pick a university uh not yet sir okay all right okay the pool so we will do an ielts speaking part three question and uh just give me a nice full sentence answer again when you feel like you've finished what you're saying make sure to stop okay okay all right okay so here we go with the next question what new teaching aids may students see in the future future well from my point of view i think an advancement in new type of projectors can be seen in future like nowadays a teacher use projector but they are very less effective and in future they can use them very easily even students can use them for their help okay let me just finish here all right good fluency that's why i had trouble keeping up with my typing so that was really good fluency and it was a good start you're kind of buying some time to think about like yeah what about like teaching aids right it's a tricky question like teaching aids in the future um you have to make it up right so whenever you have a question about the future uh technology is definitely a good idea so new tech thinking about something like projectors or ai artificial intelligence or robot helpers for the uh teachers that could be possible as well the internet virtual learning okay all right so all of those can come to mind okay so whenever the question is about the future think about elon musk and all the technology he's talking about it's kind of a joke but um but but that's the idea like ai robots it's the future i like how you kind of started with this um well from my point of view i think there will be i could tell you're using those phrases to think about an answer for this question because it's tricky and then you said there will be new types of projectors okay and then you kind of switched to like nowadays there are projectors but they're less effective you don't need to do that so don't switch to the now the now okay okay keep thinking about the projectors of the future right so what do you think might be unique about a projector in the future if you visualize this and this is a big trick in good speaking is visualize it right so if i'm thinking about a futuristic projector what might that look like they will work on internet and i think if human [Music] need will be less okay so it will have ai the projector why not right projector with artificial intelligence all right um all right um if you think about science fiction movies and this is where movies and tv shows can be really helpful um when we see like the projectors of the future in movies right like star wars for example or these kinds of science fiction movies what do those projectors do projectors do sir i have not watched that movie okay i'm sure you've seen this so even if you haven't seen star wars i'm sure you've seen this kind of uh futuristic projector in some part of your life i guarantee you've seen it i guarantee you've seen it okay okay i can see that my voice is repeating a bit it's the feedback students but bear with me okay so um 3d images right so instead of like a 2d image it's a 3d teacher that you can actually walk around for example okay so stay with the future okay um um all right all right uh so here's an answer what new teaching aids may students see in the future ah well from my point of view i think there will be new types of projectors in the future they will work on the internet there will be no need for humans maybe it will be an i uh ai like a 3d projected image image in a student's living room i saw this in a movie and it was incredible and it was incredible all right let's try this what new teaching aids may students see in the future in the future uh from my point of view uh the new kind of projector will be introduced in the future which will work uh on internet and also uh they should show us 3d images and like there is no need of teacher in the class and i have seen this similar kind of projector in a movie that was great okay so that was a solid 7.5 maybe even as high as an eight if you keep answering like that okay your first answer was definitely closer to uh six five seven and this one was at least about a band higher you see how it's really the information that is very important okay yes sir okay so keep practicing that thank you so much for volunteering and thank you for your bravery your bravery thank you thank you okay have a great day vip bye bye okay so that was the pool everybody give him a thumbs up give him a clap it makes people feel good and it builds their courage they know that you know their english is good right so i think most of our viewers have solid solid english it's just a matter of practice building your bravery and just fixing those um kind of mistakes in language and communication and that's what we're doing right now okay all right okay so let's take another uh volunteer okay we have bandita here i believe bundy is maybe one of our members as well so let's take bandita so are you ready bandita when you're using our software a this is exactly what you want to do so you want to first send a message to a person and say hey you know are you ready to practice and then they'll say yes and then you can voice call them after voice calling if you're comfortable you can even do a video call with picture uh students when you're doing this use a headset and microphone it'll be better okay students when you're doing this use it all right hi bandita hello yeah hi sir how are you doing yeah yeah i'm doing good how about you i'm doing quite well thank you for asking bandita may i ask why are you taking the ielts exam yeah so i'm taking the ielts exam to get a permanent residence and move to canada and settle over there so that is my primary nice do you know what part of canada you wish to go to uh toronto or yeah so that that i am amy but i'm not sure if i get him from other province okay sure yeah most of canada is very very beautiful so uh weather is very different in different parts of canada but it's all very beautiful toronto is on the east coast it's about uh 5 000 kilometers from where i'm teaching from i'm on the west coast um okay so uh bandita i will ask you um a question give me a nice uh answer and then i will give you a man's score and analyze it sounds good yeah yeah yeah okay all right so some people believe that focusing on effective learning is more important than studying hard is this true why or why not yeah so this is a kind of true as for my opinion to concentrate on the effectiveness of studying rather than doing the hard work as uh as the effective studies will make the students to remember the things when the visualize or they study with a better techniques uh rather than uh just reading the books always reading the books and theoretically uh like uh as i have seen uh there are few uh like my neighbors kids they have they are going to the school where their teaching techniques are good so that's how they are scoring more as compared to the theoretical uh way of teaching okay so that would be um a solid 6'5 i would say um first of all your answer is quite good okay so you have quite a good answer i love how you paid attention to giving the answer the explanation and the example i was able to pick that up very very clearly uh so great job there the where you're making a mistake is you want to be more concise okay so the way to practice this is um when you're doing these speaking questions with partners or uh practicing by yourself record it on your phone so record your answers and then listen to your answers and think about okay my answer is good now i just need to say it faster and shorter okay and then you'll move up to a band 7.5 maybe even higher okay so i asked some people believe that focusing on effective learning is more important than studying hard is this true why or why not i really like how you didn't say it depends or if both are important um i i like how you chose one side and then just went with it it made your answer easier to understand and it made you more fluent so that was really smart of you to not go with the it depends or both of them are important those often end up being really confusing answers so that was very smart so you said yes uh so this is kind of true as per my opinion uh that's a bit it's a bit wordy okay so when you're fluent you wouldn't really say all that you would just say yes i strongly i believe that this is true okay and then you reflected uh the question which was really good you said focusing on effective studying rather than doing hard work is better so you actually used the question and gave that clear answer and i thought that was really good okay and then you said as students will remember the things um avoid the word things okay things is a big no-no okay uh what's up what's up what's a better word than things students subjects absolutely absolutely subject and now it can give you more lexical resource marks right so you always want to avoid things as students will remember the subjects by visualizing uh thinking critically um and then you can say and then you said as i've seen with my neighbors kids they are going to a school where there's good teaching methods and they are learning very quickly okay okay the word quickly or learning quickly is good here okay i'm going to read the question and then i'll give the answer i'll read the question again and then uh repeat okay all right bonita doing great so here we go some people believe that focusing on effective learning is more important than studying hard is this true why or why not yes i strongly believe this is true focusing on effective study rather than doing hard work is better in the long run students remember subjects by visualizing and thinking critically as i've seen this with my neighbors kids they're going to school with good teaching methods and they're learning quickly some people believe that focusing on effective learning is more important than studying hard is this true why are why not yes so as per my opinion this is true learning by using the effective methods rather than doing the hard work as students can remember the topics if any new techniques is adopted as i have seen my neighbors kid they goes to a school where new techniques is adopted and they are scoring really high score and then learning it very quickly good okay better yes and i like how you remembered that yeah learning quickly right because effective uh steps lead to quick learning good okay much better so that was more fluent there was less pause more fluency definitely your fluency score jumped that second time and uh that was much better bonding so that's what you want to keep practicing okay keep that up all right okay thank you so much for volunteering um everybody please give bandita uh an applause um she did a fantastic job and a really good job on fixing mistakes um the second time thank you bendita yeah okay okay all right so that was uh bandita who's planning to come to toronto canada okay unkit says you never call me sir my name is unkit singh um unkit i will look for you in a bit um i'll reach out to somebody else first here and then i'll look for you on kit okay i promise so i'm trying to catch different students at different times uh here we have loon let's see if i can reach out to loon and i'm also trying to catch you know girl boy different parts of the world just so you hear different forms of english so hi lun are you ready let's see if we can reach out to loon and then unkit bhandari i'll look for that okay let's see if we can catch loon first if luna is still with us in the chat okay uh loon does not seem to be replying to my message so i'm always messaging you uh first students just to kind of make sure that you're still here with us i don't want to just cold call you okay if you just call somebody without knowing anything it's called cold calling in english cold calling it's a form of advertising as well okay let's see if we can reach tran two on okay um tran um i see it looks like you're chatting with somebody else i'm not sure if you want to volunteer but let's see if tran is here wants to volunteer would you like to volunteer it seems like tran is maybe practicing with somebody else but let's see if we can reach tran um and that's great tran by the way if you're working with somebody else don't let me interrupt you okay tran says yes all right trent okay um so yeah definitely use this interface to practice with each other students you can use this on your mobile as well okay all right let's let's reach out to tran hi tran hello hi how are you yes i'm really good how about you doing pretty pretty good as as well thank you um all right tren where are you right now i am in vietnam okay what part of vietnam i'm in the central part of vietnam hating province actually okay right on all right how's the weather there well it's i don't think it's like it's it can be described as cold for the foreigners but for me uh personally i think it's pretty cold yes really cold how many degrees celsius would you say um it's it's about like 20 22 20 22 that's summer time no no it's like it's actually higher actually it's like 26 but like the the weather i don't know like the like we used to we are used to the weather that's about like 32 or something so when it got lower right it's really cold yeah so what you're saying is relatively speaking that's that's the expression that uh english speakers will use in this case they'll say relatively speaking for me it's cold right try that relatively speaking for me it's cold well relatively speaking for me it's cold yeah and then i get you yeah for me that would be fairly warm i'm on vancouver island and for us it's like four or five degrees right now summertime is around 27 28 but last summer we even had a couple of days that were like 42 45 so the weather's changing around the world wow yeah well that's well that's really rough yeah so some parts of canada have a wide range of um weather like in toronto um where uh bandita would like to go to in the winter it can go to minus 20 but in the summer it can go to plus 35 plus 40. so the temperature minus twenty yeah oh my god i would i would be frozen to death if i were there well if you're not wearing a big warm jacket that's exactly what happens to people yeah yeah the freezing chemistry wow yeah okay all right trent so i'm going to ask you a part three question and then just give me a nice full sentence answer and i'll uh analyze it after okay okay all right so let's talk about successful ideas what is required for ideas to become not only a reality but also successful well i believe for an idea to become successful and re uh realistic it would need to satisfy to meet the people's need that's the first thing and the second thing is it needs to be visible so that it can actually be turned to reality so for an example um in my in the region where i live actually uh there there is a startup which starts and a new program a volunteer program for uh like it's not a new program but for the for us in this region it's a new program so the volunteer we got a volunteer group we collect the trash and uh like we collect the trash and recycle them with like machines yeah with machines so that's a new thing because in my in the in my region there is so the developments are not really great all right okay a tricky question right yeah um but it's it's a good one so and the reason why ielts is asking this and especially tran um somebody with your level of speaking or for example moon who also has a very high level of speaking the speaking interview goes faster so the examiner has a chance to ask more questions in part three and the questions do become more and more unique and challenging in some ways so they are looking to see if you're a band eight or a band aid five or a band nine so that's why they do get to these more kind of challenging questions so don't be surprised um if if you if you get them right um yeah the better you are the more questions the more difficult the questions right so don't be shocked if you get like sometimes we get emails from students saying oh i just got the weirdest questions near the end and that's why so um your start was really good you know i could tell that you have the english you have the vocabulary your fluency is a band 9 because i know that you weren't stopping to think about vocabulary or grammar you're just stopping for ideas so you would probably get about a band 8 for your speaking or that response but i think just like with moon i think you can get even a band 9 because your pronunciation is incredible i can understand it very clearly may i ask have you spent time in living in a foreign country speaking english no i've been living in vietnam for the whole 15 years my whole life but actually okay i think the the reason for my pronunciation got that like that good is because i watch a lot of like foreigners videos okay yeah i can definitely hear that you have a lot of interaction with english which is great um so it's kind of the same advice as for moon you just have to be a little bit more concise and i think where you made a mistake as you started to really focus on telling me the truth especially for your example like you said for example there's this new program it's for well it's not it's not new but it's new in my region you don't have to go into that level of detail so don't you know don't tell me that it's not new it's only new in your region just say that it's new right it's totally fine right so i'm not i'm not going to judge you on the um on the reality of your um answer as long as i can believe it it's it's okay right you don't have to detail the explanation so uh just a few corrections and you're good um let me let me do that so well i believe for an idea to become successful and realistic good use of the question it would need to meet the people's needs that was brilliant that was it's great natural way to express that it needs to be feasible to turn into reality i love that word feasible if that's new for any of our viewers make sure to learn that word uh feasible or viable is the other word viable as well is a great word all right it means that it it can it can be completed so um you know i want to invent teleportation where we can teleport to another planet uh in the blink of an eye but that's not viable right now we just don't have the technology right yeah i want to invent a candy where you just eat the candy and then you don't get sick no covered nothing it's a great idea but it's not viable right it's not feasible yeah so feasible means that it's a realistic idea and that was a very good piece of vocabulary okay for your lexical resource mark that when you said that as soon as you said feasible in my mind as the examiner i'm thinking lexical resource eight nine okay especially with meet the people's needs that was the other phrase that i was like okay that's a band eight nine level lexical resource all right and then you said in my region there is a startup which is a new program for volunteers and you kind of really got lost in that example so keep your examples short practice these specific examples okay so in my region there is a startup for volunteers uh to collect trash and recycle it with machines in just a sec just a sec uh this is uh viable and the people need it as the streets are uh full of uh litter so it is successful one trick uh for everybody is when you finish like when you want to put an end to your sentence so it's like okay how do i like how do i put that period on the end of my example right like how do i put that end a good trick for that tran is to think back to the original questions controlling idea okay so reality and successful so you kind of start with that for an idea to become successful this needs to happen because of this here's an example so it can be successful and then you see it's like the start and it's the finish of what you're saying does that does that make sense so it like helps you to start it makes sense it makes sense in the in the writing part too actually it's similar exactly it's just like an essay right you start with the main idea and you end with the main idea you introduce it in the introduction and you kind of do that in a miniature version here with your answer so here we go i'm going to read the question give you the answer and then read the question again and then you give me the answer sounds good okay all right so what is required for ideas to become not only reality but also successful well i believe for an idea to become successful and realistic it would need to meet the people's needs it needs to be feasible to turn into reality in my region there's a startup for volunteers to collect trash and to recycle it with machines this is viable and the people need it as there's lots of litter in the streets so it's a successful program okay here we go what is required for ideas to become not only reality but also successful well i believe for an idea to become successful and realistic it would need to meet the people's needs and it needs to be feasible to be turned into reality in my region there's a there's a startup program which volunteers to collect the trash and recycle them with machines uh this is a viable solution and the people need is that the streets are full of litter so it was really successful that's a bad nine okay so that's it that's that would be that would get you a clear band nine there's no question about it the examiner wouldn't think twice to give you abandoned with that kind of an answer okay it has all of the elements and it's very clear you give me a very specific idea answer explanation and example and the examiner is confident to give that bad nine okay all right so that's what you need to do trends so remember that little tip that i gave you there and everybody else who's watching use the question to help you start the answer and help you finish the answer as well okay okay all right trent keep up the good studies and i hope it warms up for you as soon as possible yeah goodbye all right bye check bye okay so everybody give tran a a nice kind of applause and thumbs up very brave so it sounds like trends is i think maybe just 15 right because 15 years of life he said and it's very brave in your teenage years to volunteer like that in front of so many people and share your english and maul says volunteering um trend clap clap so mal is clapping for you thank you to our members for all the support you're showing to all of our viewers that's superb all right okay we're almost out of time but i did make a promise i think so i'm going to keep true to my word it was unkit bhandari um ankit bhandari said uh you never picked me so i'm kid i'm gonna look for you here if i can find you i'll we'll we'll take i'm kit uh unkit i i believe ankit said it's on kit singh here unkid text me next time i think it's on kid sync so i'm gonna reach out to ankit here and see if ankit is there is this unkit um bandari all right so you can call me on it if you're really really trying to get a hold of me and i keep missing you then you know you can say adrian i've been coming to these classes and trying to get a hold of you like five six ten times please please um i check the chat and i check what you guys are doing so i try to be fair and i try to respect when somebody is very adamant and hard working and studying so um just reaching out to unkit here i'm not sure if unkid hung around maybe was like he's not picking me again today here so i'm gonna go all right so unkit next time okay if you're watching this class later or if you're catching this then um try to catch me next time and and send me a message okay all right let's see one more here is anna let's see if we can catch anna may i volunteer please sure anna are you ready so we'll take one more volunteer just so we end on a high note um here we have anna anna says may i volunteer please please yes indeed anna if i catch it then you can definitely volunteer okay here we go with anna hello hi anna hi how are you doing yeah i'm really glad that you called me actually all right well i'm glad i was able to catch you so um anna uh may i ask why are you taking the outs exam well i'm taking an ielts exam just in order to enter the university in amsterdam and live there oh university of amsterdam in holland very cool and what do you plan to study economics economics yeah we can definitely use a lot of economists to keep our economy stable in the world that's i yeah all right um well um good luck with uh that uh project i'm sure that uh you know you're taking the right steps to get there you're in this class you're studying hard okay anna so i'm going to ask you a part three question just give me a nice full sentence answer and then we'll analyze it and see if we can improve it a bit does that sound good yes all right so here we go where is it common to observe successful ideas in society these days well now we see how large number of people are becoming successful in their field and this stimulates us to work harder for example in my country i live in russia and in my country there is a very widespread online store called wild blue wild berries its owner is a woman who is currently one of the richest women in russia this example truly embodiment is the embodiment of successful ideas and um watching this successful people we can motivate ourselves and just work hard in order to become successful and um and make our ideas to become true okay all right so that was a great attempt okay so um your uh pronunciation is a band nine your uh fluency is a band let's say eight um your um uh lexical resource i would say is like a band nine and um your coherence grammatical ring your i'm gonna go with coherence first your coherence was closer to a band seven um and your grammatical accuracy was closer to band seven so those really pull your score down okay i think you have i think you have good english but if i were your examiner i'd have to give you like a band seven for that or a band 6.5 even um especially if you kept doing that and the reason why anna is because i don't think you're clearly answering this question i know it's a tricky question and we're kind of at the end of speaking part three here so this is where you get all these tricky questions so if you're not sure um and if especially if you know it's like what is that question you might want to ask for it to be repeated so if you have good english it's totally fine you can say can i hear that question one more time just so i have more clarity and then i can say sure where is it common to observe successful ideas in society and then you can say well that's an interesting question let me think about that so really kind of try to figure out what the question is asking right um and then you can come up with a better answer and i could feel that your answer was kind of like disconnected it was like pieces that somehow just didn't fit together did you feel that at all yeah yeah so if you feel that i feel it too right as your listener so um you started to say um there is a woman who's got an online store called wild berries that's really successful and she's a millionaire right yeah okay that was really good that example was really good because you actually answered the question with that example so when you think about an example like that then you can reverse engineer your thinking so what you can do is you can think of like okay that's where people are successful right and that's where when you buy time you think of an example you can reverse engineer so if there's a woman who is really successful with an online store then where do we observe successful ideas well different companies uh from all over the world or in my country and where are these companies operating online on the internet exactly right so that's your reverse engineering so now you can say after buying some time like that's an interesting question and then as you're saying that's an interesting question you're thinking about your example instead of the answer because then it helps you to think of the answers so that's an interesting question and then you realize oh yeah there's this woman i know who's really successful through instagram and through an online store and called wild berries and that's because a lot of business is successful online so then you can that's an interesting question i guess uh one place where many people are really successful is online why why are people successful online well i guess because lots of people now are doing online shopping and everything that is connected with the internet okay slow yourself and choose your words because your thinking is good but you have to choose your words a little bit more carefully okay so as successful is online because many people are shopping through the internet and the market is millions of customers right and now i can stick in my example that i started all of this with and finish my sentence right so there is a woman in my country russia with an online store called uh wild berries and she is a millionaire okay so you can so that's one really good trick to kind of figure out the answer explanation example is don't just think about answer explain example but you can actually flip that logic and go oh yeah okay i see people really successful online like youtubers who are millionaires and people selling on amazon who are millionaires so online is a place where people are really successful these days right you might quickly think of another one right so medical people are really worried about their health so the medical field and the industry of medicine right so okay but anyway let's just stick with this one i'm going to read the question the answer and then i'll read the question and repeat after me sounds good yeah okay all right so uh where is it common to observe successful ideas in society these days that's an interesting question i need a moment to think i guess one place where many people are really successful is online because so many are shopping through the internet and the market is millions of customers there's a woman in my country russia who has an online store called wild berries and she's a millionaire okay all right so here we go um where is it common to observe successful ideas in society these days well that's an interesting question i consider that the place where people can be very successful is online because nowadays many people are shopping there and there are lots of fields where people can um be successful so um there is a woman in my country russia she owns an online store called wild berries and she is now a millionaire and one of the richest one of the most rich but one of the richest women in my country yeah maybe she's selling a new type of jam i don't know what wild berries is but you know so it's the idea right so that's where she presented her idea so you can finish with that and this is what i said previously to our last volunteers that you always finish with the idea tran right that you always finish with the idea that you start with and here's the successful idea where is it right that was much better okay so there of course i'm sure you realize the answer was much more connected right you always want to have strong connection in your sentences so your ideas were much more connected and that answer would have easily gotten you a band 8.5 okay all right okay thank you very much you're very welcome does that make sense of how you can use the example to create a clear idea for your answer and your explanation yes sure okay and if you're really stuck like if you're like oh but that's really hard because if i start with my exam or if i think of my example it's hard to reverse that so quickly plus use english start with your example you could even do that so you could say there's a really successful woman in russia called wild berries who presented her idea about a new type of jam online she's now a millionaire so i guess a place where people can really have successful ideas is online because there are so many customers so you can actually start with the example and then go with the answer explanation okay okay cool all right um thank you so much for uh volunteering anna that was fantastic um and thank you for helping everybody else as well we're going to stop there okay anna good have a great rest of your day in russia okay thank you thank you very much you're very welcome by anna okay give every everybody give ann a round of applause uh we're going to stop there uh for today everyone uh we had wonderful volunteers and examples today so remember all those little tips strategies and techniques that i was discussing with our volunteers because everybody can use them so these are of course strategies that work for everyone practice them at home okay practice practice it makes perfect and use the website so again go to our website for academic ielts um and go to for general ielts all right um sign up for the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's really really worth it if i didn't get to you today don't worry about it come back next time i'll try to catch you then i'm adrian i'm signing out from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada much love to all of you wherever you are in this amazing world bye for now everyone you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: c8iz9ewqgm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 30sec (4290 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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