Is a 9.8 MILLION Pop City w/ALL Five Star Industries & No Traffic Possible in Cities Skylines?

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city that is absolutely full of circles and never stops growing yes it's the arcology map look at this thing we are filling it up and it looks beautiful at night as well if i do say so myself last episode we built this amazing amazing high density area with all of these concentric circles uh in the middle wall in the middle here which is absolutely fantastic and today we are going to increase our industry all of these people need jobs they need somewhere to work and we are going to fill up one of these circles with industry and see whether it can cope and we're not going to do roundabouts today well i'd you know let me actually let well well well come on before be careful there what i actually mean is is we're not going to build like 50 000 roundabouts and go done that is it uh because we've done roundabouts last episode we had all of these roundabouts clockwise anti-clockwise and the traffic in this area i mean look i've got my arms in the air look at that i mean you can't say it's because of all the roads underground but there we go anyway good so where are we going to be building let us move over here this is our industry uh circle that we've been working on we have a lot a lot of unemployment uh let's have a look over here at our people population 28 unemployment and it's only going up as more and more people uh grow in here at this area here we had the name chosen it was the top voted name in the last episode so thank you for all of your suggestions by gj203 and the suggestion was target town because it sort of looks like a target from the top you know with the circles nothing was fantastic i like that name we shall keep that name 24 000 it was 23 and a half when i started the episode 24 000 and growing so let's have a look over here let us see what we can do well on this little spot here let's open this up we have everything we have our farms that are going down the middle we have oil and ore and our farm is nearly at five stars uh what do we need to get this up we need to basically just have more worker spots we're making all the items that we need we've got the resources look so many resources i think if we got the workers up we would just jump straight up to the next level but i want to start on another industry or two what was the one on this side let's do this one let's do all and see if we can make an interesting looking yeah let's see if we can make an interesting looking ore area over here and what i would like to do is do a little bit of terraforming look we can see we've got needs for industry down here so first of all i'm going to stop this there we go so it doesn't get dark and i'm gonna raise the land around here and we're gonna see how this works let's close that up brush size brush strength let's leave that on full whoa whoa mama whoa so we're gonna dig into this [Laughter] um not quite what i was planning okay not quite i was planning let's uh let's get rid of that we'll flatten that out there we go sorted oh why is this oh darn it okay so what we'll do we'll do undo instead pink there we go because i know this map isn't flat it is actually on a slope which is going to make things interesting let's pop that down a bit to down here there we go that's more like it's oh good grief let's get that back lower again i really want that one a tiny bit okay and then what we're gonna do is level terrain that's what i was trying to do and just see what we get you know maybe we don't want it quite as near to the road as that but i'm thinking we want them digging in to this hill and we can have like some more digging in around the back we might not be able to fit everything in here but we can give it a go i mean i might just stick with that shape for now yeah let's stick with that shape for now totally random shape and we're going to build off of this road here so let us mark this area out as an industry area there we go and we've got the bird song zone and let's see what that actually ends up being called once we put in i've completely forgotten what it is on this side it was all wasn't it have i done this on the right side uh this one here yep it's all so let's put in our all stuff uh all industry main building let's not have that right off the highway off of this road here yeah let's have a little road coming off of that where's our industry roads let's make it this one here we'll just have let's just start with that small one like that we're going to extend this as we go there we go bird song or area well funny that it kept the name let me know in the comments below a fantastic you know circle related tv related whatever sort of fits with this map or arcology stuff matt yeah you know we haven't even named our city yet i can't believe that but hey ho there we go right so let us see what have we got we have the small or mine so they're not too big they're all grinding meal which will take our or law or and turn them into stuff we can sell and then we've got our storage and that is basically it and our fencing so what i like to do is when we set these up is use our gravel two-lane gravel road and try and sort of make this look a bit interesting let's maybe just start it off simple as this is what we've got we're going to go with small ore mine let's maybe get like one there and one there that's good we'll smooth that out and then we'll put a store out we'll put this here oh auto save when i was going on there quicksilver t whoa there we go we'll plop that there and then we'll put our storage oh this is huge um maybe we'll just change that around we're going to move that to over here and then we're going to pop our storage over there so it's all sort of in the same area that's nice we'll just terraform that ever so slightly so that's going down that's going down just smooth this out a little bit in fact brush strength can go all the way up there we go just a bit and then once we've got this built up a bit more we could think about fencing it off and stuff but that will do as a little start for now and i tell you what i'd like to do actually is i'm just going to grab the gravel here from our surface tool i believe that's what it's called and let's get one here that's a bit speckledy we'll turn the brush strength right down and we'll just sort of add some of that in but not quite up the mountain just to just make that a little bit smaller there we go just to sort of spread that out a bit so it's not so square it looks perhaps a little bit more messy industrial there we go and we'll add to that more as we go along right that's the start to this area now don't take it off there there we go there we go nice and there's our first truck delivering the staff and then they'll deliver over here and we'll start making of the money which is what oh look at that don't get stuck don't get stuck good okay so we're gonna get people coming over now we want people to come over here for work so we want them to be able to get over here uh we do have fishing harbors i'm just wondering whether um didn't we unlock cable cars or we did how about a cable car to get to work from there and from here i think that would be fantastic this little gap through here is shouting out to me for a cable car i mean if we just literally went right across the middle yeah let's do this if we have end of line cable car stop that like fits there perfectly that will come out at that angle there well i've had a few people commenting about the jumpy game saying why don't you just fix it uh yeah if i knew what it was i would fix it it's mods people have said it's probably a mod you've got i've got nothing unusual i don't really understand why it's such a problem but if i ever get to the end of it to the bottom of it i'll fix it but yeah as it as it stands i don't know exactly what it is no i don't want to do that what i'm trying to do is see if i oh i go like this as far as it will go and keep straight and then if i go like that and then if i go like this just trying to get a nice curve in there there we go that's not too bad excellent excellent accent and then we can attach to that so let's grab our end stop so where are we going from from there to about oh it's it's too big isn't it to fit in oh we're gonna say there we go like that that will fit in and then we should be able to just go from there to there straight across oh look look at that that is absolutely brilliant i'm liking that very good i think the boat should be able to get under there if we had any coming past yeah they're only small little fishing boats look that's going to fit under there no problem let's take a ride in our first one there we go let's go for the camera view out the front oh look at that you can look at the sides look at the wind turbines you can press the fast forward button and go super fast and then jump out the other end brilliant let's come back to that and see how many people use that for work i think this needs to be a theme between all of our islands is having them connected like that so let's pop another one over here i'm gonna use the picker picker tool to grab that road and yeah we need to try and get a connection on here don't we so if we just go straight out like that that'll do for now we'll pop at the end of line i'm going to do them all as end of line ones rather than trying to sort of hook them up in a loop i think that'll work better i want that to come through to here so again we're going to have to sort of do a bit of a curve there we go that should be fine and then we'll attach that one there so that one there always getting close to the uh getting close to the wind thing there but i think we'll be fine so people can come in from there over to there and get to work which is good and then how about one to connect these two residential areas together as well oh look at that that thing's empty we can delete that now nice excellent so let's add on here some better trash collection i'm gonna go for recycling center for now until we put in all the proper trash stuff we're not quite there yet we'll get there soon we're not quite there yet so we have this road coming out here and then we'll have oh we've already got quite a few road connections over here we're gonna end up losing a building but okay sorry and then we'll add on one over here and then that'll come straight through over there really don't want to chop anybody's heads off if we go there and then connect that to that our perfect perfect perfect and then we want to just make sure that any mass transit that we've got oh that was weird that one just changed the direction he was going okay well fair enough uh well actually i'm going to change you back again i'd love you to be able to come up here and drop people off over there thank you very much i can see you need some water don't worry we've got this is actually one of those trolleybusy things so we're going to leave that where that is and there's actually a stop up here oh okay i thought i'd put a stop in well we're gonna add a stop now there we go so people are quite happily walk around the corner to that one and then this one here what have we got here oh that's trolley buses as well which is right over there and buses so let's grab are we going to make this bus route any weirder yeah it's going to go all the way up there and back again all right let's not do that no i don't want to move the stop please stop moving the stop yeah okay how about this one oh no that's even worse oh dear he's already going up there and turning oh my goodness he's going all the way up here to turn around and come back what the heck do you know i'm gonna remove that stop and that stop and they still do that why couldn't they turn around up here and go in on that road where are they going then they're going all the way up here to turn around and come back what kind of madness is that is there anybody even using that bus line 11 passengers yeah goodbye it's a complete waste of time and money we've got uh the trolley bus is going to stop up here we're going to add a stop in if it will let me troll bus stops come on there we go that'll do and then can they get from there to there easily if we add some water actually they could go through the park and then if we add a little entrance over here hey we're on to a money winner i think so let's put a park side gate on there not in park area fixable there we go park side gate there and we'll add this little path can join up to there so they can walk out across the road and come over there yeah excellent they've got access to get everywhere and then all we perhaps need on here is a bus to bring people into the different areas because let's just see they could walk down there and then it's a bit of a trek yeah there's no sort of easy connection i'll tell you what we'll put some walking paths in and we'll trust that people are actually happy to walk vast distances in this game so we're going to see how that goes uh i want to go somewhere there to there so i can walk across there come there and then i walk down here and get access to this and then i'm actually going to put another one down there so for yeah other people that want to come in okay i think that'll do so let's speed the game forward a bit we're gonna see have we got enough oh we just need some more workers to get this thing to level up um so how about we add in another one of these off of this road if we go like that use our picker picker tool we'll get another one of those actually i'm going to run the road out that way you can go nice and flat for me that'll be good excellent then we'll do that again pick a tool grab that i want it facing that direction there we go and that should now give us enough workers to at least level up to the next level so yeah let's hang around and wait for that [Music] right so just checking out the all industry here we're having an interesting little issue that i know some people get well let's take a look at this one not enough buyers for products all of them are saying that what is the problem well the problem is is they don't have an output space to put what they're making so the buyers for their products in this case are these metals are either going into our storage or they're going into the outside world and what's interesting is is these aren't using any trucks these aren't used in any trucks these aren't using any trucks and these aren't using any trucks and these aren't using any trucks here's a truck so he's come from here what the heck is going on why are these items not being sent out into the world to be sold we do have outside road connections that is really really weird okay quick test i've moved it to this road here and now all the items have been sent out so i'm thinking there's a problem with the roads here i've just rebuilt this road and this road um i'm just going to pause the game and rebuild these roads there's definitely something weird going on let's just maybe use a normal industry road we'll take this one here so that one can go up there there we go that one can go up there and then we want another one going across here so these should start sending trucks out to this guy over here oh we've got a truck have we nope okay so another test we can do to find out what's going on is use our buses so i'm going to start a bus route up there and i want it to come over here ah and it won't connect so it'll go there it'll go there and then it won't come off of this roundabout right ah look what i've just noticed all the roads come in and none of the roads go out oh no of course they do they're two-way road so why the heck does that not come down there and go up there now i'm just looking at these arrows here that should be coming off i've set this roundabout up like that and for somebody oh hang on look it's put connectors ah look why is it done that so the connectors here are okay but not in these ones well i don't know how that happened let's get rid of all of those all right now it's all gonna work okay this is going back over here move back let's get rid of our bus line that we started putting in look if we delete this and try it again so we'll start there we'll go down here what the heck okay is it now because of the arrows so if i take that section there oh yeah look it set them all up long oh that is weird that is really weird so let's do that now all the trucks are flying out that is really strange isn't it and we want that one to go in there that wants to go in there that one's going there this one to go in there now everybody can get to where they need to go now we have movements ah fantastic that was a really weird issue with that roundabout i'm wondering whether any of our other roundabouts have a weird setup like that but anyway now that we've fixed it this thing's gonna start going and hopefully our resources are now going up which is fantastic we've got enough workers so yeah this will hit level two any moment now and i'm even thinking if this storage doesn't empty we could really do with some more storage here too aha there we go we've reached level two and unlocked all of these other fantastic items and this area is probably making us some money now no minus 1 400 well once these items start getting sold it's not going to do i'm going to put these on empty i'd rather have them empty and sell sell the goods go out sell make money right we will continue building up that area as we go but i want to see what's our unemployment like 34 well that tells me that we could build up an ore industry over in this area because we've got no not all oil industry over in this area because we have the uh or to do that the oh the oil come on biffa get your brain in gear it's not that early in the morning so let me just draw this zone in there we go so names on a postcard this is called the birdsong sensor what the heck is the thing with the birds i don't know right we're going to do a similar thing over here we're going to pop that like that and we are going to start our oil production now we're going to have a lot of sea oil production the further we unlock when we do we will get to that obviously this is rather large item can i go a little bit further out or is that still not going to fit in oh it goes that way well you know what we're going to do we're going to take our road and we're going to go up like that then we're going to fit it in come on come on you know you want to ping there we go oil pumps oil sludge hydrolysis plant and storage so you know similar what we've got over here but all oil related cool right let's see what are we gonna do here okay so here we go just a simple little setup with our oil i always call them oil derricks oil pumps over here our storage over here and uh pyrolysis plant making a petroleum for us which you know actually we could just do with some storage for that there we go excellent we'll have that on empty so that only has to deliver to here then that can deliver outside and sell it and that reminds me with these making the metals we could do with a little storage there as well pop one of them in there very good and then we'll set that to empty as there's nothing else we need to do other than sell the stuff at the moment and we'll pop metals in there so yeah they can come over here to store it and then these can use their trucks to go out and sell it now at some point with all of this industry stuff going on in here we are going to need to have some sort of train system set up i'm probably going to utilize this place in the middle here for some sort of cargo train setup we got those unlocked we do cargo train terminal where are our train lines oh what the heck is that that's a metro line what no way i've not noticed that before that is a metro line there's like a big metro loop i thought that was a train line well flipping it there's a train line over here anyway which i think we will be able to branch off so that goes around there they look like they join the same thing that is definitely a metro line and not a train line but they both look like they join that one joins onto here is there like one underneath the other or some sort of weird thing going on there definitely something happening anyway yeah so we're gonna set up a cargo in here to help these guys let's see how are we doing over here so we've got 169 workers with 150 to get to the next level so again that's just going to be a matter of time we are importing a little bit which is a bit odd but we'll leave that going anyway we should be fine so let's maybe take a look at how we're going to set this up without causing tons of traffic everywhere oh there you go look if you look at just the right angle you can see the trains are on the top one and the metro is on the bottom ring okay well excellent that's good i can't believe i never noticed that before every single node of the circle has a metro train metro train uh metro train yeah all around anywho right yeah so we're gonna get this thing in the middle here and i'm just trying to sort of work out where i'm gonna connect this up the outside train line connection is over here so it's going to come down this circle we can come around like that and then it can come in here to our cargo train terminal thingymabobby what i don't want to do is clog up a junction here so i might have like an in and then an out going the other way and it would have to go all the way around and yeah looking at this you see it can't get out there because of the way that train line's set up so i might have to set up a train line coming up here and sort of connecting who don't own this square so that's going to be that's going to be weird does it go out the other side let's use our camera mod to be able to move over here and do these connect up yeah so if we manage to get it onto one of these other loops it could loop its way round and round and round around around and head out over there yeah okay well let's get it built and let's maybe use our eyeballs to see how it all works and then we'll take it from there so what i'm gonna do just to start us off is i'm gonna grab a industry road i'm going to connect it to that road just so we can get it in the middle because i like to line things up on this map and then we're going to get our cargo train terminal and it ain't going to fit darn it darn you game that is really not what i want to see okay so we're going to use the movement mod and we're going to make it so it's not all lined up nicely what if i could just get it lined up like halfway down the middle here let's just see if there's a oh look there is a node oh look at that and i've lined it up perfectly almost halfway new road it's lined up halfway between that junction and that junction so in my mind that's okay good so if we have say the input i need to leave myself some space so the train's going to come in this way and branch off there and come up there and then i'm going to have it come out this way and loop around underground and just sort of connect on here and then it can start going out so we can go out on that one loop around there go out on that loop and then head out the other way we'll see how that goes it's going to be interesting um and then this road they're going to come in that side turn around and come back and drop off and go out again if they would do that if i use the road that has the median in the middle otherwise they would just cut straight across and get in each other's way there we go so they'll turn around at the end and just to help them with the turning around at the end jobby i am going to use the roundabout mod and put a teeny tiny little roundabout on there and it's going to be made of this rose upgrade upgrade upgrade up great like that and we're gonna do that there just so they get the idea excellent good so let me see if i can get these train lines connected up and it's gonna be a one-way train line so let's go to underground mode let's connect that on there and i'm just sort of hoping that we can get this to line up correctly okay might be the prettiest but it comes under here one way and goes in there uh we probably just need to slightly change that one rail so the game doesn't get confused there we go into there and then we're gonna have this one going out the other way this should be easy to do there we go so it loops around curves around and joins over here and then they're gonna have to go all the way around go across here all the way around and just work their way out the city i would have no idea how that's all gonna work um yeah good okay excellent so i suppose what we need to do now is just wait and see whether these junctions here get super busy i didn't want to connect it to the roundabouts yeah so tell me what we're going to do actually along here i'm just trying to engage my brain thinking how busy this is going to go we're going to upgrade these roads we're going to give them dedicated turning lanes on each of these junctions like that this one i'm not too worried about and then we're gonna say let's go back to here again give way there that's the main road so that's gonna give way and that's gonna give way and this is gonna give way and we'll see how that goes see how well that gets used i need to just lower this little bit down here a bit it's all getting a bit hawky bulky above the surface there we go yeah so let's keep an eye on this and see whether we've got it set up right and whether these guys are now happy to come over here they can go on the roundabout come through here and join onto there yeah oh oh oh we've got people coming we've got people dropping stuff off we click on here and press the traffic route button it shows us absolutely nothing which is fantastic i thought it'd show us where that traffic is coming from let's just see if these guys are going to drop off as well yes excellent so what i want to do is when a train appears i want to follow the train and just make sure it can get out the city okay i'm assuming the answer is yes otherwise they wouldn't be dropping off their cargo but you never know and that's always the danger of using a map that's been custom made by someone else they you know let's be honest they've made it to look they've done it for the looks haven't they but actually testing the map and seeing whether it works 100 doesn't always happen we've been there before haven't we viewers or picked a map that just looks like the perfect map to play yeah and it was a disaster so yeah let's wait for a train and then we'll see what happens oh look at that while we're waiting bird song oil area has reached level two fantastic okay it's here it's getting loaded up let's see where it goes okay yeah it's gone underground we all knew that was gonna happen it's going round the circle yeah it's going round the circle where's it going to go next it's going to go all the way around the circle yep then it's going to come up over here it's gone round the circle again then it's coming up over there i'm thinking maybe we could have put our connection ah i know what's happened we don't own these squares so we can't see let's go underground mode and see if we can find the train there it is there it is okay let's follow the train okay so he's going around that circle then he's going up there then he's going round this circle then he's going up there and he's going around this circle imagine being this train driver so take a net a left at the next circle the one after that straight on the one after that second right the one after that straight i'll be like what the heck draw me a map yeah sure i'll draw your map so there's this circle and then there's that circle ah there we go and he heads out the city okay so we know that it works which is great so yeah now we have to just where is it here we go now we have to make sure that doesn't get too much traffic over here which i think i think will be fine i think we'll be fine right well let's add our next big item in that we've got here which is the glass manufacturing plant which is going to take some of our raw ore and use it for glass which is fantastic i'm going to see if i can just pop that along here can you go back to ground level that would be nice okay and can you do that i don't need to connect to that road there we go that's good will that fit in there that's not the thing yes just alongside that road there we go so that's going to take the ore and turn it into glass and then i'm just going to put a little bit of storage over here it's a shame i don't think i've got any more small warehouses or have i yeah let's go for that one we're stacking up the glass in here instead we'll have that on empty as before so that's just sort of a buffer for these products to go into there yeah let's see how that goes and then to get to the next level uh 350 workers we've got space for 225 flip an egg oh oh oh we've got the small or mine underground i missed that one i want to add some of these in yes it will just squeak in next to there that's what i want looks like you're going underneath into the mountain fantastic we'll just mess this up a bit with a bit of gravel let's grab that one let's get a bit more speculy not bad let's just fill that in take that bit off there yes there we go so how many workers does that give us 35 workers all that is a nice jump so we can fit in another couple of three of those i think we'll be good to go i'd like to get a road across here somewhere but i've locked off my access we could have a secondary road coming in why the heck not let's use the let's go back over here i know we have this one there we go if we make sure that is give way coming out dedicated turning lanes just like that and then we can just sort of draw uh let's see if we go like that and across there like that i think this just probably needs to just go down a smidge a touch a teeny amount there we go and then we can add another one in over there nice there we go let's just ever slightly smooth this edge out okay we're gonna do that that's not too bad there we go and then let's mess that up grab a bit of this mess up a bit of that excellent excellent so what's that giving us 295 we're nearly there we're nearly there there we go we're there we've made it i put some workers barracks in and that will just take us over the limit let's just pop that in there excellent so we'll leave that one humming along what have we got now for our oil industry mood to you okay so we have the crude oil storage cabin which i like look at that with all the pipes and everything and we've got the this one here the no we've had that one before the petrochemical plant which is going to start making the plastics for us plastics yeah which is great and then we have our workers barracks i'm gonna put some workers barracks uh what can i build off of this road here it's let me build off that road there but a long way away that is rather weird but why the heck not let's go with it let's add another one over there fantastic we're going to chuck these in oh and we've got this small oil drilling rig which i'm going to put in between these two uh they pick up even more oil 6400 units a week instead of 4800 and having them overlapped in their area effect doesn't actually make any difference because that one's picking up more than it should be recommended and so is that one so whatever we will just go with that and i'm just going to put some fencing around that like i did the other one so let's turn all of those off it just makes it look a little bit nice why the heck not there we go makes it look like it should be there and there we go that one was not quite as straight as i would have liked to have done it there we go nice excellent and then we've also got this here this here this one here the petrochemical plant what i'm going to do with that is i'm actually going to take one of these roads we're going to sort of imagine in our brains that this has a little bit more traffic than other stuff might do um tell you what i'm going to do it like that even though it overlaps so i'm just going to use the move it mod there we go and pop that up a little bit higher and then we're going to have that coming off of the end there so trying to sort of yeah make it all look a bit cool plastic [Music] i think we're gonna have to end up going for another small warehouse i'm gonna try one of these we're gonna pretend that this plastic has been stacked up in a yard we'll put that as empty pop that on plastic so that's our buffer to the outside world they're coming in with the oil delivery to get this bad boy going yep there we go some oil making the plastics excellent so that's going to start making us some more money as well so let's see what we need to get up to this level 429 workers we only needed 350 we've got some bonuses as well which is good so we're going to just let that one run as well well blow me down striker light that took like five minutes we've now got the ore area up to level three and we're unlocking factories like there's nobody's business i want to put some of these all mine in oh the seabed mining vessel oh oh let us have a look at that as we are basically surrounded by the sea where is it seabed mining vessel you know there's lots of there's lots of sea going on around here um how could i hook that up i could at all what is that like not an industry area look how far out that's gonna go i could remove this fishing one here as it's right by the ore sorry guys let's just uh let's just um have a look at how much fish you bought in recently 100 efficiency it's just not good enough i'm sorry you're out you're done uh not an industry area well that's my problem i can fix that uh let's do this one there we go excellent and let's pop that oh yeah that's gonna fit in perfectly uh oh let's just remove our fishing lines before we go any further otherwise that's just going to confuse everybody okay it's not letting me delete them please let me delete them i'm pressing the button i don't want to be on the ground delete thank you we've got the required secret combination in the end nothing's ever easy is it right okay let's put that back so if we pop that on there how far out is that thing going to go that's nuts i want to sort of line it up so it's like in between those two circles what why is that got out so hello over there on the shore oh my goodness how's that going to work with the ferries coming around here uh let's see what happens when they come around this is like the perfect spot i'm going to take a screenshot of that that's great thank you very much oh something else is upgraded hey the oil area is upgraded as well we're just upgrading everything can't we oh oh we won't talk about that so fantastic so he's going to be bringing stuff in over here getting all the ore i am also going to put a little storage thingamajiggy over here yeah they're going to be coming out that way and we're going to do that it's going to be on empty and it's going to be or no all aha specific all storage devices that's that's what we need let's just grab at this road here i'm going to downgrade that road there there's a lot going on there and we're going to pop that right there that is going to have loads of all we're going to have that on empty don't yeah so they'll use it just to drop some stuff off and then this guy will use its trucks to send it out so nowhere how are they getting it from there to here that is what i want to know is there like some guy swimming through here with the awe on his back and then they climb up the rock anyway anyway we've added that in so yeah this is going to be upgrading again oh man we're going to get this what level are we up we're getting up to level four oh that's great what else can i add let's just have a look we've got the rotary kiln plant which takes ore and turns it into metal and stuff which is absolutely huge um could i oh i could you know oh this is gonna look so industrial over here it's gonna be fantastic i'm gonna drop that over there oh that just looks great isn't it right on the seafront i'm liking that i'm liking that a lot well that's gonna have all stored there and then gonna be taken across the road to over there what's that 550 workers bang on the exact amount we need to get to level four that is just brilliant so now i'm going to make a couple of little changes to my area because now we have items that need oil instead of these being as empty i'm going to keep them on balanced there we go there we go we've got this one over here which is our plastics we'll put that on empty because that's our end product uh petroleum is an end product we'll put that one empty uh we've got this oil storage cabin i will put that on balanced as well and we'll put that one on balance as well there we go so between all of those that should be enough to keep those things running all the time and then i'm going to do the same with my ore over here now we've got the glass manufacturing plant that needs the ore let's get our storage here we could put it on full right next to it but i'm thinking balance will be okay and we'll put that one on balance that is the only storage we've got over here um we'll see how that goes we'll keep an eye on it but yeah everything's running really really well do you know what i'd really like to add over here we've got farming one we've got oil too we've got all three but we've also got forestry that we haven't started i feel like i want to put a forestry area over here as well why the flipping egg not let's have it coming off of this road let's have this road come down to there let's just run a little side road down to there and oh we're gonna have to just change our zone a little bit so let me just quickly do that there we go we now got prospect lands not another birdsong area that's what i was expecting and let's get our forestry main building and we're gonna pop that in there prospect woodland excellent so let's get this thing set up and i think with this one as well we're gonna go with the let's have a look we've got those down there i'm actually going to upgrade these roads and now i've started doing this let us get the industry road for here we're going to change these ones there we go just to speed things up let's just saw the load of fences this one i'm going to leave like that so this one we will definitely use the two-lane gravel road to make this look a bit different now i'm just wondering how this is going to work because obviously we've got no trees over here so if we get our tree brush mods let's grab some trees let's make that a bit bigger and if we just like plot actually i don't have the tree brush mod i'm just using this one here to add in some random trees in this half let's just spot a few of them about i'm hoping that that will be enough that when we start adding these items they will work nicely so we've got the small tree plantation i'm going to have along the road here we're going to have two or three of those let's just make this road a little bit bigger there we go i'm gonna go for four oh that looks fantastic along the road absolutely brilliant and then we have the sawmill and the storage so the storage is gonna go there and the sawmill is going to go there brilliant so we're going to put that on balance which it already is that's going to be taking those and making those which it already is nice so if we've got enough 166 workers we need 150 for level 2. let's get this thing to level up [Music] just a quick look at our unemployment levels 22 percent are excellent so they're getting better that is good and let's have a take a look at these four people used that last month last week well that's fantastic what about this one 74 people that's good and what about the other one that'll be over here there it is 148 okay fantastic that's good at least some people are using it anyway oh level four bird song or area more factories maintenance buildings more storage large or underground mine that looks fantastic right so let's get some of these all mines around the back here i'm gonna pop let's see can i fit two on there if i go like that oh yeah we can sort of build up the land around there i think that'll look good excellent excellent let's just grab our industry road i feel like i need to change this to an industry road it's a bit too it's a bit dude bit too trified for my liking if we go out a bit on there nice yeah i want to get those lined up let's grab that move that ever so slightly across grab that move that ever so slightly across yeah that'll do excellent and then let's see if we can get the land looking a bit closer around here i think it's going to be a struggle there we go and i think we can just squeeze in here and all maintenance building as well there we go so we've got some storage and all maintenance building and this is digging into the cliffside here i do like the look of that i think that looks very good and then this one over here we're gonna save it for the big boy when we get that our large aw mine and have that sort of working in an area over here somehow that is the plan so 720 workers we've got we need to get 800 workers or the space for 800 workers i'll tell you what i'm gonna just do is pop in some industry barracks next to that one there because they have a few workers and then this one over here looks a little bit like offices i think as well 800 spot on so now it's just a matter of time before we get level five and i barely sipped a cup of tea and we now reach level two of our woodland area flipping that we're flying through this aren't we this is fantastic so what else can we add into here and i'm gonna just start putting in some gridded roads and you know before i tend to sort of go with uh let's have that one go up to there and then connect up to there well that really didn't connect up straight did it let's try that again on woodland areas i tend to sort of go didn't line up straight what is my issue today we'll do that and then that'll be nice and straight i usually go with sort of bendy roads and things with these but i'm thinking with this one just to sort of be a bit different let's do this so we've got the biomass pellet plant which we're going to put what's this one here that's the sawmill yeah so we're going to have that there uh no that's this one here isn't it that's the one i want there we go we'll have that there as well i think that goes well we'll add a sawdust storage yeah that's the one i wanted there let's delete that i want to have that in there we're going to have that as balance because this needs the raw forestry products to make the paper and then we're going to put a little one of these over there and that is going to be set to empty as that's the final product in that little chain a little paper chain i was going to say there we go and that will do that and i like the greenhouse look yeah that's nice that's nice that definitely should have taken us over the amount of jobs that we need uh 311 350 no seriously okay well what we're gonna do is we're gonna take that along here and we're gonna bring that down there now we're gonna add these onto this side like that there we go and we're going to add a little road down the middle as well just to the end there we go excellent i think that's good we'll just move that up a little bit cool cool cool and then we can fill that in there we go there we go and there we go that should definitely take us over the amount of jobs we need i'll sort out that gravel there don't worry let's see what it is uh 386 350 yep excellent so how's this one doing oil yeah we're just waiting for that we might sort of hit a point where we don't have enough workers coming in so yeah let's take a look at our unemployment 17 percent there are still people out there that want to get jobs oh 6 40 800 yeah we need to i'm struggling to upgrade my farm because the area is so small it would have gone down here but we've got this guy in here we might be able to build around that we'll see we'll see how it goes about to go for my lunch and birdsong oil areas reach level four oh my goodness oh there we go prospect woodland has reached level three we're getting there we're getting there and there goes another one level five washington estate the farming industry that is absolutely brilliant i think we're gonna get our factories going another time but what i did with the farming industry is i've spread it out over to here and just popped a few buildings in around the uh around the train area and that has just worked out absolutely brilliant are we gonna have enough people to get everybody up to level five we have eight percent um unemployment so we do still have people uh what do we need over here we need ah let's speed up we need another five to get this one to level five four three two five okay it's going up and down uh this one over here we need oh barely hardly any and this one we're gonna need another level and a load of people so oh my goodness me i think we're gonna get four level fives in one area oh is it so exciting i don't know who's in charge of this area but it got up to 798 out of 800 then he's fired a load of people just get the people in and give him jobs we want to get this up to level five come on go go oh prospect woodland has reached level four he's catching up who's gonna be the second to get to level five place your bets now oh we've hit 800 workers and now two people have left we just need the resources we are so close but then catching up is our wood area oh one yeah it's got enough workers it just needs the resources our oil area is like two people away and just need the resources i think we're gonna get all of these to level five birds on all area hit level five fantastic oh my goodness me oh my goodness me yeah i've upgraded our woodland area just a little bit with some items yep looking good we'll have a nice time lapse with all that later on let's see if we can get oh man this is exciting this is exciting let's get our all items in here so i want this one the large all mine i want that to be like digging into this road here super super special um how are we going to do that let's see maybe if we get bomb bomb if we get one of these and where's that going to go if it goes on there that's going to get right into there okay well that's fine we can work with that so we'll get our terraforming tool we will flatten this all out so we can get our great big all mining machine in there i want it right on the end like that and i'm even gonna just connect those up fantastic oh yeah look at that look at that love it and then we're gonna bring this up around here as much as we can but not that bit and try and not get it looking square that is the idea there we go get that a bit there so how's that gonna look when it starts swinging around i'll tell you what we could do as well just add a little bit of this in just a bit here and there we'll take that one please there we go just to soften the edges a tiny bit there we go excellent look at that oh i like that a lot i like that a lot ah yeah birdsong oil area the next one to reach level five fantastic we have one left to go oil level five farming level five let me say that again or level five farming level five oil level 5 and finally we are just waiting for six more workers seven more workers eight more workers six more workers and a bit more resources and we're there and then i've hit colossal city as well well i'm just sat here waiting for these things to level up oh so many good things are happening look at all this cool new stuff that we get to use oh in the future ah yeah prospect woodland has reached level five oh my giddy aunt that just took ages level five level five level five level five wow [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] well this is weird i've just finished recording that time lapse and yeah apparently i've hit megalopolopolis fifty-five thousand population unlock all the squares but you look down here 9.8 million population in the city what the heck is going on wow that time lapse didn't take that long 9.8 million population let's just see if everybody sticks around flipping it our city is so amazing they've all just left well thanks very much well i don't think 30 000 is too bad wow so how about that four five star industries all within one circle in a city of a population of almost 9.8 million and the traffic is nothing i say negligible it's just non-existent that is absolutely brilliant what do you reckon let me know in the comments below be sure to check out the video on the screen dyson sphere program if you like factorio satisfactory that sort of thing i think you'll absolutely love it i am hooked to building bases having lots of fun with that thank you for your support and i will see you all very soon have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 205,094
Rating: 4.8818164 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines how to make a circle city, cities skylines industries tutorial, cities skylines 5 star industry
Id: G4Xnp1rxryY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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