I Took The Same Personality Test 3 Years Later

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oh boy how the winds have changed flow passes through us around us and after years we become completely different people three years ago I took a personality test the sixteen personalities personality test the one that people say is one of the more accurate ones and the one that everybody does and everybody wants to know what letters represent you the most now the last time I did this oh hi tiny baby jacksepticeye with luminescent tennis ball head I got the ENFJ a and I saw somebody suggest this recently saying judge should take it again to see how much he has changed and that is a fair statement I think that that's a great idea because these personality tests are fine they're a fun little thing to see what type of personality you have you're always gonna answer them in a certain way because it's hard to get exactly who you are as a person out of a test like this but it's it's fun to see but I mean in three to five years you're gonna change as a person anyway a lot of your core morrel's might stay the same but people change all the time so I'm curious to see if we get a different result than this one if we get the same result then boy howdy am I about to waste your time all right it's easy it's fast and easy it takes less than 12 minutes my video is probably like 40 minutes long and it be yourself and an answer honestly even if you don't like the answer and complete it all try not to leave any neutral answers you got it sentient disembodied test all right you enjoy vibrant social events with lots of people umm yes I'll leave a blank for that one time that I'm like you know what I just don't want to see anybody I don't wanna be on my own and play video games but yes I very much enjoy social gatherings I like conventions I like hanging out with my friends I like all of that stuff people give me energy I love them you often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas the [ __ ] does that mean yeah well define exploring them is thinking about them exploring them I know I said my arse most times looking at the internet going wow I'd love to do something like that so yeah I guess your travel plans are likely to look like a rough list of ideas than a detailed itinerary I are more likely to look like a ruthless no I don't actually make that many travel plans a lot of the travel plans that I make revolve around conventions and stuff but when it comes to traveling it's usually work-related or like going to see friends or stuff I don't plan that many trips you often think about what you should have said in a conversation long after it has taken place yes not too much anymore I used to do that a lot right sit awake and be like man shoulda said this should have said that these days have a lot more mellowed out and I'm like you know what conversations go sideways all the time do people misconstrue what I'm saying no you're a normal person and everybody talks [ __ ] all the time when people don't care if your friend is sad about something your first instinct to support them emotionally not trying to solve the problem yes I definitely had to grow out of that I used to always be like or why don't you just do this because I was always like a matter-of-fact thing but the more I've gotten to learn about myself and other people and how to deal with others and things like that you just sometimes people are like [ __ ] off all I want to do is complain and you know what that's fine friends I am here to vent - you're allowed do that people can rarely upset you this is an interesting one because I feel like I'm very much a people pleaser and always have been before it was like oh god no any sideways comment that came my way like I would I would have my whole day ruined by like one or two comments that were on my videos and nowadays it's like I don't have the energy for this I'm also curious what I answered in the last video that I did if any of these answers are different yet because back then I definitely feel like I was answering the questions knowing that people were watching me these these answers are a lot more honest and a lot more upfront this this probably would be in here but I they said try not to leave any neutral answers so I'm leaning a little bit more towards this end but yeah how am i doing so far am I the same am i different you have to rely on other people to be the ones that start the conversation and keep it going no I'm pretty good at keeping up a conversation so again I'm very sociable so whenever we're out in places I don't like small talk but I might dislike for small talk is smaller than my dislike for awkward silences you rarely worry if you made a good impression on someone you met I used to worry a lot about how I came across with people and that kind of ties back into the going over conversations in my head a lot I still do care I mean I think everyone kind of cares about what sort of impression they make on people but it's not as important to me anymore because if I meet somebody for the first time and that's kind of the only sort of times we meet them then it doesn't really matter what my impressions gonna be I'm really gonna hang out with them again anyway but if it's somebody that I feel like I'm gonna become friends with and we were gonna regularly or semi-regularly hang out then the first impression I feel like I can like a bad first impression I feel I can be fixed and solved it would be a challenge for you to spend the whole weekend all by yourself without feeling bored no I can definitely entertain myself do you realize how much jerk and off you know I'm resourceful I have a lot of stuff that I could do I could do work I could do I don't need to explain this [ __ ] you know what that's my problem I said are you so over explaining things because I'm recording it and I'm like people need the information there you don't is my answer [ __ ] you you are more of a detail oriented than big picture person uh no I'm not detail oriented at all I like concepts I like ideas I like putting them into practice but I do not meticulously do anything because I am garbage at that again detail-oriented work where you have to like sit down and be like okay do this and then do this and this and this I'm terrible at that my accountant [ __ ] hates me because I can never get all the documents together on time whenever I'm working on stuff I'm like how do do they when the feeling strikes me you are very affectionate with people you care about yes I am an incredibly emotional and empathetic person and I share my feelings a lot you have a careful and methodical approach to life no not at all I am all over the place I mean that's kind of the fun of it I like the spontaneity of things and again the planning aspect of travel goes back to this where I don't really like planning to fire in advance because I just like to see what happens when it's happening because I like to flow through the energy of it Rises them planning stuff too far ahead because then I have something in my head and it's like this thing is coming up and now I have to worry about this thing and I can't do anything between now and then because all I can do is today good example today a package came where I got a cable that split one cable into two cables it was coming at 4 p.m. I waited around from noon waiting for this [ __ ] thing to come it wasn't gonna come before then but I sat around being like no I can't record yet when it's that cold it's like even if it came he's just gonna throw it over the fence but I sign around like no this is a deadline that's in my head I need to sit around wait for this does that contradict me is that a methodical approach to life I'd say that that's a clumsy stupid approach because I could be getting so much more done you were still bothered by the mistakes you made a long time ago and I mean this is very heavily dependent on the mistake like if I fought with somebody or punch someone I've never punched someone in my entire life not like in the face in the arm or whatever yeah but those kinds of mistakes yeah if I like really hurt somebody then I'm gonna be bothered by that but like I mean no I don't really have any mistakes in my head that I overly think about no I need a little room for error you know there's always a couple of regrets but not too much to like keep me up at night I parties and similar events you can mostly be found further away from the action yeah I like I like to get stuck in and just talk to people and see what's going on I rarely like hideaway you want to find it difficult to relate to people who let their emotions guide them no do i I don't know this is a weird question how am I gonna answer this you often find it difficult to relate to people who let their emotions guide them ah no because I let my emotions guide me a lot so I'm not gonna judge somebody else for doing that is it the smart decision who knows but it's where my heart is sailing looking for a movie to watch you can spend ages browsing the catalog yes because I don't get a lot of time a lot of my time is spent making videos and a lot of time is spent doing work stuff and emails and calls and all that [ __ ] so I shouldn't say [ __ ] people who are be like is he not enjoying his job I [ __ ] love my job but a lot of my time is spent doing it and not a lot of time is spent doing like personal stuff and when it comes to the evening I like to pick out a movie but I always want to make sure that I'm spending my time wisely with it because I don't wanna put on a movie then I'm gonna forget in five minutes or just not pay attention to or want to be on my phone during so I I spent a long time going through the movies to make sure that it's something that I actually gonna want to watch you can stay cam under a lot of pressure yes it depends on the pressure if it's like a health-related pressure I times freak out like especially like now when everything's going on like any sort of wheeze or cough is like is this it is this the big one the big job am I is this a dairy strapping in but when it comes to like touring and that stuff the pressure never got to me I kind of reveled in it so let's go with this one we're in a group of people you don't know you have no problem jumping right into the conversation yep I have no problems with that I think that's one of my strengths as a person one of my stronger traits in my personality is that I'm able to read people incredibly well I'm able to read the energy and the dynamic of the group and the body language really well where I can like blend into the conversation and kind of find out the base level of humor and then attach myself to that and go along with it I'm very I'm very quick to pick up what's going on and not make things awkward of course that doesn't happen every time but I'm usually fairly good about that I'm a very social person when you sleep your dreams tend to be bizarre and fantastical yes I dream that I [ __ ] die a lot I had a dream that a cat came in last night and start fighting with BB and that was the whole dream and that's not fantastical but it is kind of bizarre in your opinion is it is sometimes okay to step on others to get ahead in life no I don't like that especially doing YouTube you see people oh boy imagine if I just dropped it all what if I just dropped all the tea right now this person's an [ __ ] this no but whenever I see people do that I I just don't like it it just it just rots me to my core I don't like cuz there it's not the only way of doing things you can be a nice person you can get along with people and you can still get ahead and it doesn't have to be a thing where it's like me or them it can be both of you it's just some rising tide all ships that kind of thing you don't have to step over people to get ahead for yourself you are dedicated and focused on your goals only rarely getting sidetracked yeah but I get I get pretty sidetracked whenever I have like stuff that I want to do and I really want to do and I'm passionate about I definitely do them but I leave a lot of room for like I leave a lot of room for life to happen I don't be so oriented that work and focus on goals and just sheer focus is like the only thing that's going on in my life that's not fun I like I like when [ __ ] goes awry I like when things go tits up and you can kind of like mess with life and get jiggy with it you know I feel the energy feel the vibe god I sound like a [ __ ] hippie if you make a mistake you tend to start doubting yourself your abilities or your knowledge yes yeah I feel like I do that a little less now but I used to do that a lot if I made a mistake and people called me out on it I was like all God no everything's wrong it's all over I don't know what I'm doing I'm a dumbass but a social event you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and most you'll talk mostly talk to the new ones you already know yes yeah that's actually yeah I feel like I do that a lot I have no problems walking up to people and starting a conversation if I have to but if we are at a social thing I usually just stick with the people I know and then if we start talking to other people then I'll mingle you know dip in dip out usually lose interest in the discussion when it gets philosophical oh god no that's like my jam now philosophy how people work how they think how the world came about what is true happiness and true virtue that's my [ __ ] jam bro you would never let yourself cry in front of others heavy disagree I cry all the time and not like oh you hurt my feelings boohoo kind of crying like that put more they like we're watching a movie and it's sad guys a moment if you're more drawn to places with bustling and busy atmospheres into more quiet intimate ones ah this is this is this is like a one of my feeling today kind of thing if I'm in a work oriented mode than yes bustling busy atmosphere is one thing to get attracted to because you want to feel like you're you're moving you're part of the gears you're with society and you're working and you're focused but more often than not I'm I mean when it comes to games and it comes to visual imagery and that kind of stuff you guys know me by now that I'm more drawn to the more somber quiet like nature II type of stuff but that's what am i more drawn to you what am i more drawn to you right now it would be a nice forest maybe some snow and a cabin and a fire so yeah I don't know some of these questions are all over the place anyway when he goes make life-changing choices you mostly listen to your heart rather than your head oh do i yes oh sorry I was trying to think like what was the most life-changing thing that I've probably done in recent memory and moving here to Brighton and buying my own house was probably one and I definitely was listening to my heart more than my head because I think I was able to that was there was very little that could go wrong in this scenario so I I kind of went with my heart a bit more usually prefer to get your revenge rather than forgive no it's it's too much energy it's that thing that I believed reading a lot about stoicism recently and it's a lot of that stuff for like shits happening and it's how you react to what's happening that is really going to change your brain like if you're gonna get sad about something it's usually because you're indulging in these negative aspects of your life and these negative emotions whereas if you think about things objectively and it's just like oh somebody did something bad towards me okay it's that sort of like distance yourself from it and if somebody is really awful to me then I'm not gonna have you in my life I'll try and understand where you came from but it's revenge is just too much energy the time you spend by yourself often ends up being more interesting and satisfying than the time you spend with others not really I mean I can be productive in my time if I really put my brain to it but a lot of times I just sit down and browse the Internet I'm not bettering myself what I'm alone most times it's just kind of like sitting down relaxing and having fun which I guess could be more interesting yeah let's go here you tend to focus on present realities rather than future possibilities ha no no I I do I look ahead this is thinking about these questions is that some of them are phrased in a certain way and then I answer it a certain way and then now this one is answering I'm like wait I feel like I've answered this already I do think about what's going on now but I like thinking about like oh I have this thing that I want to do and Oh coffee company coming out and like all these things are like moving and it's like where's the channel going to be in this amount of time where videos games gonna be and will I ever make a movie those kinds of things you often have a hard time understanding people's feelings no I feel like I'm pretty good at understanding why people act the way they act just the way they take and why they're doing certain things I'm starting to work in a project you prefer to make as many decisions upfront as possible no I'm more of a like get stuck in and learn as we go type of person and that's it's part of my problem is that I need other people who are really good at the detail-oriented work and the focus to like get all the pillars in place before we start whereas I would literally just jump into the river and then learn how to swim for a lot of the stuff that I do is what I did with YouTube and there is a quality to that and I do like that about myself but if there's like a time crunch or a financial crunch or something like that that's not always the best way to go about something but it also leads to me putting off a lot of the ideas that I have because I'm waiting for that like right spark to really ignite the fire and then we just jump in and all burn to death together when you know someone thinks highly of you you also wonder how long would it be until they become disappointed in you to a certain degree I used to care a lot more about that and I'm very curious what I answered on this the last time I did this because I feel like it was a complete [ __ ] lie well depending because I cared very much about this sorry I always wondered about that I still sometimes I kinda do hence this like wiggle room if if people don't like me I've put in I'm I feel like I'm a decent person I've put in the efforts to talk to people if they don't like me after that then maybe it's just not meant to be and that's fine you feel comfortable just walking up to someone you find interesting and striking up a conversation now this depends on the person like a fellow youtuber yes but when I met Hideo Kojima I was very nervous to go up and say something to him because of the language barrier and the translator and all that stuff and I just I I don't know it depends on the person but I'd say I've gotten better at it it's just yeah well I guess that was a different scenario because it was a language barrier we're so than an understanding bear what what's the term I'm looking for you know what it mean there was more to it even when you have a planned particular daily routine you usually just end up doing what you feel like at any given moment yes I I sometimes write down a bunch of games and a bunch of video ideas on this like notepad that I have next to me every time I do it the next day I wake up and I'm like okay what did I write down to record and then all of them I'm like I don't want to do that I'm being very good about it lately because any sort of idea that comes to my head I'm being better about just doing whatever the [ __ ] I want instead of worrying about all these other factors I'm like if it's a if it's a half way tangible idea just go for it do it whatever and then see what happens but a lot of times it's just like whatever is happening here we go you find it easy to empathize as a person who has gone through something you never have yes again I'm very good at like feeling the energy from another person and like bonding with that even if it's something that I have never gone through I can usually get myself to a place where I can sort of figure it out your emotions control you more than you control them not anymore because I understand them more again like the stoic philosophy of just like it is it is what it is [Music] you still honor the commitments you have made even if you ever change your hurt no and that's another thing that I've gotten better at as well as just saying no to things because before it was the idea of well if if I say no to this then people might stop asking me to hang out wears now it's like no I don't feel well or I'm busy or I just got other [ __ ] going on or I just don't feel like it and that's again completely fine you rarely feel insecure um these days yeah rarely again this will be interesting to see what I wrote in the last one because back then I was definitely insecure this is interesting is see how my brain has shifted to some of these I'm still kind of over explaining some of them but that's not me because I'm recording and I feel like people will poke further and I'm like hey just this is what I'm thinking right now but no I don't feel that and every now and then but not as much as I used to I used to be very insecure about what I said and how people perceived me and whatnot it's whatever I'm thirty I've I've lived a pretty cool life so far and I've done a lot of cool [ __ ] I'm early happy with what I've done and right now everything after this is just icing on the cake and I'm just having fun with him oh my god that I get the exact same answer that was the exact same as last time oh no that was E and F J a this is e and F P a I don't know what that means I'm more extroverted an introverted yes I'm more intuitive than observant 69 what bro yeah I a lot of the stuff with me is like I'm not I'm smart about certain things and I'm observant about a lot of things but not not the stuff that would it's more like street smarts than it is like actual like math and [ __ ] and I'm more of a go with the flow and have fun type of person that I am like a figure everything out and be smarter than everybody else yeah feeling rather than thinking prospecting rather than judging the straight reflects your approach to work planning and okay assertive or turbulent tre underpins all others my identity what was it last time I was 70% absurd of absurd or assertive last time I was 61% judging last time that 69 again I was 76% feeling last time I was 51% intuitive and I was 60% extroverted I feel like this one is way more accurate to who I actually am than that last one I definitely feel like I was answering some stuff for the video there's probably a couple of answers in there where I was like I don't have to look bad and I probably answered them like knowing people were watching I think this one was a lot more honest campaigner personality is a true free spirit they are often the life of the party but unlike types and the Explorer roll group campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others very interesting charming independent energetic and compassionate know who do go on just say more nice things about me the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd more than just sociable people pleasers though campaigners like all their diplomatic cousins are shaped by their intuitive end quality allowing them to read the lines with curiosity and energy they tend to see life as a big complex puzzle where everything is connected I don't know if I'd go that far campaigners see it through a prism of emotion compassion and mysticism and are always looking for a deeper meaning Allah always but I do like the deeper meaning of things campaigners will bring an energy that oftentimes thrusts them into the spotlight held up by their peers as a leader and a guru but this isn't always where independence loving campaigners want to be worse still if they find themselves beset by the administrative tasks and routine maintenance that can accompany a leadership position yeah I mean it depends on the leadership position like you could say that this is a leadership role on this channel for this community and that I mean I don't feel bad about that because the administrative tasks and routine maintenance of that is something that's enjoyable and something that's fun to do but I guess it's because it's more freeform and I can kind of do what I want I guess if you are like a politician or something like that then yeah that would weigh very heavily on me and I would hate all of those tasks but also just because I know nothing about politics and I [ __ ] hate it campaigners self-esteem is dependent on their ability to come up with original solutions and they need to know that they have the freedom to be innovative they can quickly lose patience or become dejected if they get trapped in a boring role yeah I don't know if that's actually how I am or if that's because I do YouTube I know that's how I've become um I guess if you become that and then you air that I guess it doesn't make a difference again you change constantly as time goes on but yeah if I was in a role where I didn't really get to do what I want because I've tasted what it's like to be my own boss and do what I want that now it's like yes this is what I absolutely love doing and keeping like my own freedom is very important to me creatively don't lose that little spark of madness well when most of your head is a blazing flame of madness then it's kind of hard to lose it luckily campaigners know how to relax and they are perfectly capable of switching from a passionate driven idealist in the workplace to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit of the deaths may the dancefloor off with a suddenness that can surprise even their closest friends yeah sometimes I'm like hey let's do this thing oh I have this idea for this thing let's go and then everyone else is like why you didn't you've never mentioned this before the campaigner personality type needs to be careful however if they rely too much on their intuition assume or anticipate too much about a friend's motivations they can miss read the signals and frustrate plans that a more straightforward approach would have made simple yep that can definitely happen especially if we have to go do a thing like if something has to be done for me I'm very bad about putting off all of the details of it for a long time or if we just want to plan like a day where we take a day off to do something I'm I'm just bad at getting that across because I just like live in the moment and it's like a that was good campaigners will spend a lot of time exploring social relationships feelings and ideas before they find something that really rings true but when they finally do find their place in the world their imagination empathy and courage are likely to produce incredible results Wow that's what YouTube was for me for a long time I had no idea what I was doing and I was exploring all these other options and no one ever understood like video games the way I wanted to be understood they always felt like a really weird person and an outcast and an outsider and nobody liked things the way I did and I was a weirdo so my social relationships always suffered from that but finding YouTube and finding like-minded people who would come because if you're uploading stuff that you're interested in people who are interested in what you're interested in are gonna find it and then you're gonna share a lot of the same sort of mindsets I believe so it took a long time for me to find those relationships and feelings and ideas before I really started to understand who I am and felt comfortable in Who I am and that really only started happening in the last couple of years and I feel like right now I am the happiest most confident most secure I've ever been they're always a little work to go and I'm sure when I'm 40 I'd be like no I didn't know anything but right now compared to who I was at 25 26 27 I feel like I'm much better and I went through a phase of worrying that oh I'm too loud in my videos and people are kind of annoyed with that and I want my content but now I'm like no just do whatever you're good at man people like that put put your energy back into it and have fun with it and like just crack jokes and do whatever you want I don't I don't need to be the best at video games I don't need to be the best of what I'm doing and I don't need to be extremely skilled at it but I can definitely have a lot of fun doing it and I feel like that that's what my strengths is and lately I don't know if any of you have noticed but over the last couple of weeks I I just sat down and I was like you know what [ __ ] this I'm just gonna do whatever I want and really have fun with it again and like talk to Robin about the editing and I was like we need to just we need to just do whatever we want and have fun with it and stuff has gotten for me a lot more fun over the last couple of weeks and hopefully it shows in the content because I feel like I'm making the best content I have in years this is doors at the conclusion to personality types are as creative and charismatic as campaigners known for their idealism and enthusiasm campaigners are good at dealing with unexpected challenges and brightening the lives of those around them campaigners imaginations is invaluable in many areas including their own personal growth so there you have it apparently now in 2020 I am a campaigner I am an ENFP a or any if ENFP T which is assertive or turbulent is what they mean again I'd be curious like go back and watch that other video I let I leave it linked in the description and watch that first and then watch this one I'd be very curious to see how different it is and how similar it is in different ways and then let me know down in the comments what it was like but I look forward to taking this again in another three years and then we'll see how different I am then and if I've gotten more confidence and if I'm better as a person or worse at certain things who knows that's the beauty of life baby it's not a competition especially not what yourself you should just learn and grow and try and be as the work towards the best of your abilities and try to be the best person you can be in the given day that you were given every single day and that's all you can do that's all I'm trying to do at least well thank you guys for watching don't forget to subscribe ring that bell and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,264,044
Rating: 4.9772873 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, personality test, 16 personalities, 16 personality types, personality test jacksepticeye, what type of person am I, what personality type are you, how much have I changed, personality test 3 years apart
Id: hT_oY9INPS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.