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It’s MEME TIMMMMMMMMME :and this ones half an hour long :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Massive-Gas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's that sound is that is that what I think it is it's the mean Bell rolling everybody to meantime the show that I don't know how to start each and every time so we stand here and look at each other awkwardly and then a song plays let's see what you care but monkeys conjured up today shall we I am excited I'm excited for some memes I'm excited for to make her dreams come true it's going to be a great time remember this Oh know that I played the same level in happy wheels twice like six years apart from each other god dang it guys I'm so sorry I should have been more aware of the fact that happy feels has a diverse amount of levels that aren't similar to each other at all actually don't remember this if I had remembered it I wouldn't have played the same level I mean it was for a nostalgia week everything is foolproof if it's done for nostalgia finding that final boss you struggled against as a kid i'ma do a heck and violence not gonna lie kind of cringe meme but I do relate to it very heavily and you did say it's totally relatable so I can't fault you for that there are some games though that I've gone back to as an adult and I've gotten worse with them because I'm just a slow big thumbed boomer [ __ ] baby now and I can't play the things that I used to back then I was a nubile slim hip little [ __ ] and I was ready to like fly through the games and I had a good brain then not so much Lee now so glad I grew up with this but this is good too yeah I like these memes I like Kona it doesn't have to be one or the other doesn't have to be like glad I grew up with this and not this just appreciated regardless I eat doubt damn what I grow up or at glow down cuz my hair was [ __ ] neon green they used to put me at the top of lighthouses so boats wouldn't hit the shore way this is the rebellious teenage phase when I would dye my hair because screw you mom it's not a phase and then it turned out to be a phase but thank you I appreciate it apparently the thing the change is that my the hair was brown and I got glasses so glad I grew up with this but damn this is good too and no YouTube comments with jacksepticeye I like this meat this is a good mean people have been asking a lot about the reading your comment series and asking why does it go to come back are you gonna do more of them and I've tried I've gone back and done them like well a while ago by now but every time I go back to them people are like Jack you answered this question before or I feel like I've answered the question before or I'm just answering the same types of questions all the time and I've done over a hundred episodes of it so there's only a certain amount of questions people can ask me before it starts to feel like it's getting repetitive so I held off on it for a really long time but that's again why like you say it meantime that's why these types of series exist because I didn't want to stop interacting with the audience completely and just do Let's Plays I still like this kind of like you guys create some stuff and then I react to it that's a fun energy for a video so that's kind of what mean time is all about plus we'll do a little Q&A every now and then maybe we should bring back a hate comments one again that'll be funny what should my next video be meantime Minecraft happy wheels episode 102 god such an old face that you use well technically a young face but an old face at the same time but no no episode 102 I also found out that they're not shutting down the game apparently the developer of happy wheels because flash is shutting down this year but apparently they're making a sequel to happy wheels which would be awesome but apparently they're also working on a Java version of it as well so the game won't disappear completely which I had a feeling about because I don't understand why they would just let this massive game for them just disappear but ya know 102 teacher what are you laughing at me nothing fine you get this one if only because there's a height difference sure is she thick cuz Luigi be hella dummy thick damn boy why is it a recurring thing on this channel I'm like the one Bastion for kinky fetish Luigi lovers [ __ ] sake the manga the anime and the Netflix adaptation look I get it I'm shorter than my girlfriend but most people are shorter than Dutch people they're very tall and also I love it I think it's awesome it's a damn fine good-looking couple right here much better than the anime and the manga [ __ ] those guys also let's get rid of that stigma guys don't have to be taller than their girlfriends it's fine be whatever you want you think Kevin Hertz taller than his wife no you think Kevin Hertz taller than a barstool no you think Kevin Hart cares no I think it's great I've said it once before and I'll say it again she's my tall Dutch Queen and I love Sean make sure the [ __ ] up this is good this one is like if this one is like this wise I like this one keep this mean going keep keep that just that one though Sean any time you post another one that's not this one I'm gonna do a Sean Mike shut the [ __ ] up I like having that I like being able to tell people to shut the [ __ ] up we were told anyone legitimately to just shut the [ __ ] up I never have but I've always wanted to someone just rambling talking about something stupid you want to be in the middle of the room while everyone else is afraid to say something you school look Karen shut the [ __ ] up oh shut the [ __ ] up when you show your mom a meme but it doesn't have a minion in it Wow Facebook memes are strong damn jack versus the ender dragon let's [ __ ] awesome holy [ __ ] I love that thank you uh neo Alex thank you so much for drawing this I really really appreciate it that's how it was in my head that's how when I was fighting him this is what I saw a lot more lens flares and explosions though but pretty pretty accurate I should have brought like my dogs into the nether with me can I even earn to the end can I do that could I brought salmon what do you just died yeah probably let's not do that people in 2100 I wonder how the people in 2020 reacted when World War II broke out people in 2020 its meme time yeah the only thing that's happened with World War 3 so far is memes about World War 3 and people dodging drafts it is an interesting time in history to have a world war scenario maybe possibly crop up I eat I mean I'm not gonna get into a too much because again I don't know much about politics in war I'm just a big dumb Irishman who like state look at memes if you want politics in your youtubers then you might want but it is an interesting way to cope with it because I feel like people back in the day we're probably also joking about them to try and get through it to be like it's not so bad right the world's not as [ __ ] up as we think it is mean aren't the good words of my friend Solid Snake was saying war has changed ethnicity check uploading meantime the only cure for sadness therapist the next day need work you know what sadness is just one facet of the mental brain yeah just cuz you cure the sadness does not mean that you cure at all you can still go to your therapist and still talk about stuff it's still healthy to go to a therapist even if you're not sad why is it every time I see therapists I read the rapists okay me thinking subnautica has gone forever jack says he's waiting until below zero it gets fully released why would people think that I would just leave the below zero so neurotic is a huge deal on this channel it's a huge game for me I [ __ ] love it why would I just suddenly stop up learning below zero when it's getting updates and then never ever go back to it I'll come back to it when it's properly done or at least people are saying there's a ton of updates for it right now but the problem with that is I get into it then I'm like wait where do I go over to my friend the update I can't remember what I already did and what I didn't so unless it takes like another year to come out I don't know whatever Nautica Goods meme Goods sadness by small youtuber I really enjoy watching me when they reply to my comments no that's really nice I I have never had a youtuber reply to my comment when I haven't been doing YouTube I remember watching youtube videos a lot before I started doing YouTube that's why I started doing YouTube but I have never had a youtuber actually respond to any of my comments and that was the reason why when I started off doing YouTube it was a big deal to me to interact with the comments now that the comments are so big and bloated and the comment system is a [ __ ] shitstorm how many comments below are like Jack boo me stop it it's obnoxious it's the worst [ __ ] comment meme that's gone on for far too long normally this [ __ ] lasts for like a month what is this [ __ ] leafy his [ __ ] stop YouTube commenters man I really wish more youtubers replied to comments also commenters Oh copy paste everything you can't have both I still reply to comments not as much as I once used to but I still think it's an important thing to do I still read a lot of comments even though most of them are just copy paste stuff but I try to at least be in the community and be part of it and not just be on the outside of it showing and showing entertainment down your throats all the time but it is a lot easier for smaller youtubers to reply to comments cuz I remember when I was getting like a hundred comments a video which is still a lot of comments but I was able to answer all 100 of them and that was an amazing feeling cuz I could answer them as they were coming in it didn't get bombarded and get overblown by stuff so it was a really really fun time and I always encourage people who are starting off YouTube to really listen to your comments and talk to them and interact with them because it's a great source of motivation and feedback but it's a little sad when I used to always reply to comments a lot and then when stuff kinda got a little too much a little too fast a little too quick and I just couldn't possibly keep up with it anymore it did suck to see some people be like well he just doesn't care anymore because I didn't reply to every single comment anymore that's not the case and I wager that it's not the case for many many many youtubers the majority of them would probably love to sit down and answer comments all the time it's just very hard and we have a lot of videos to get done at least I do so it's hard to sit down and actually like answer every single thing but I I at least try start of the decade end of the decade my god I remember that hoody I had that hoodie for like four years and it really should have been thrown out a lot sooner than it was back in the cabin man these are very different people I mean same in a lot of regards but even looking at myself am i who is that is this what the kids call a glow up have I gotten aid have I got to go up did I shine sparkle shot done fun so Oh yikes good old race to the ground boys oh my god that's i also remember that hoodie this picture was taken at the back of the cabin there's just pure woodland behind the cabins and we were like okay we're making a little EP I actually still have some of them back in the cabin that might be a fun thing to do at some point is to give away some of those you actually have the album itself I think I have like 200 CDs just back in the cabin still lying around I one of them here actually hold on this is our album razed to the ground risen from the ashes and then you have like the four tracks on the back we had some very good names risen from the ashes spin it out which i think is actually a Slipknot song neglect and your freedom my bird we weren't even 14 but we were still deep and here's the album and here's another picture if you might recognize the exact same outfits the exact same faces and almost the exact same poses it's better ridiculous this was also at the back of the cabin it was like a peat factory right next door and we just went over onto the concrete cylinders and started and we're like yeah we're [ __ ] dope I had a camera that had a timer function on it we put them in black and Hawaii cuz we're artistic they're so cool well I play the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of those drums those are good times I do not regret a single moment of any of those days those are really fun I had a great time with all my friends we had some pretty decent music for our age and our time and our friend groups because no one else was really playing heavy metal music and the stuff we're playing was not nearly as good as the stuff we made but we just really took pride in what we were doing miss those guys III the guy in the far right if you've been to my tour you know that I mentioned a person named porec and he was my one of my childhood best friends the guy the guy in the very far right but I met up with him and his brother again recently and they were like my childhood best friends so that was that was kind like a blast from the past and it's so weird because the last time I interacted with them we were all like very early 20 year olds and now we're all 30 or close to it so Roenick fully grown men now at this point and it's so weird to meet people after that that amount of time but I hope all these guys are doing so well because they deserve they're all incredibly talented you all y'all you ever you ever you eat you eat your vegetables eat your vegetables now Dakota Chicago Michigan you eat your vegetables right now dead-ass everyone watching meantime for some fun laughs and giggles that's yeah me watching if my meme your featured moved what is that face what video that I make that face in I am one handsome son of a [ __ ] there you go now you memes the meantime are you happy are you accomplished can you run into your parents and tell them right now that you made it into meme time the Internet's and YouTube's most esteemed and established meme show apparent from that several thousand other channels reacting to memes and subreddits it's all PewDiePie's fault I blame him let's tape this break anyone else is hired not sure if it's supposed to be anyone else so tell me playing Minecraft for the very first time beating Minecraft 33 episode the warms my heart it's really bizarre to think that I had never played Minecraft before such a big as a gamer as Twitter gaming's third most talked about gaming personality of 2019 apparently that's not a joke by the way I have no idea what this list beams but by god am I gonna meme the [ __ ] out of all these things what I'm like I'm a gamer now I have actual factual proof I mean not as much a gamer as ninja but really can any of us compare to four right but considering all the games that I've played in my channel and had never played minecraft and now that I've actually gotten to the end of it I'm glad I finished it it took a long time and I waited too long to do the last episode for whatever reason it's pointless now boy I'm glad I did it I'm glad it's over well lets them do some more minecraft stuff but they the story side of it now is kind of done I'm the first view oh my god you are you're the very first view on that video now you can hold that over everybody else you are the you are the only person who can say first in the comment section anymore the rest of you all rating first in the comments you're all phonies okay Gaming picks one is the only person allowed to say that in any comment section forevermore we have proof now there is a first ding ding ding new meme format time me my crush awkwardness oh that's great oh my god so much so much me mobility out of that one in video I I've seen the original video for this the actual Billy Irish video I had seen it before the deep fake one that somebody made and I really liked it it was so endearing and nice and all of these younger teenagers coming in and talking about their troubles are talking about her they just like pilly Irish music and Billy Irish his face and her reaction is just so sweet it's so wholesome and nice but this kid right here was my favorite parent the whole video because Billy comes in and it's like just standing in the background to surprise them this girl realizes that it's like oh but they were playing just dance and this girl just goes ham she still just dancing around [ __ ] Fortnite dancing all over the place and she doesn't even realize but she's killing it and I love her for that she's amazing whoever that person is I love you you're great please keep that energy and that positivity and that vibe for life going because we could all desperately use it we see if I can find it this oh my god it's the best she just goes fur and she's still dancing and then the other girl realizes what this girl's still dancing it's so good I love it my weird new format from the ladies video people on the sub enjoy me this is great I love this keep on dancin and keep on me menu fun love and little Internet dweller how to talk to your cat about gun safety and abstinence drugs Satanism and other dangers that threaten their nine lives I need this book Jack I think bebe needs the talk yes now that I'm a cat dad now that I have a cat I need to buy this just for the meme alone my god what a ridiculous thing for a book you know what bebe has been a little trigger-happy they're not using proper gun control every time I walk into the room he's just sitting there with his ak-47 I'm like baby it's dinner time come on stop Jack meme time depression but baby in my home yes that is exactly what we need is more imagery of people likening me to Jesus Christ that's not gonna go badly the Irish a great bunch of lads ah made me mattock come on that's pretty crazy bro I was I was making a reference to father Ted cuz he does a everyone calls him a racist for he says something too it's an episode it's all about the Chinese people come with the craggy Island and he does a thing and it's very funny but he does a slide show at the end to prove he's not racist and then he just switches back and forth between slicing the Chinese a great poncho heads that's how you get over any racism on the internet just ex culture a great bunch of lads oh I love these ones what do we got this time what are we what are we watching wait what's it going to be it could be anything is it me slapping something is at the top of the morning is it a Vince from Slap Chop I don't know it could be anything Oh perfect God that sound effect is so good because I edited the skate three video myself and my goal was to increase all the sound effects by like 40 percent just to give them that lights like squall she smacky bang sound I just [ __ ] love it it's perfect comedy sound [ __ ] it sounds like your head exploded it's called jack dance [Music] she's twice what is this what what are they just watch I spent four hours on this crap and Vegas crashed six times ah so you are a youtuber I don't know what I was just watched but I enjoyed it very very much Thank You bandy Pat has anyone ever done a happy wheeler son oh how dare he all the way is the anthem for happy wheels it's the song of a generation all the way was the song of the 2010 decade is the best song of that entire decade I don't care what you think I don't care what other song has more views or listens reigning like that I know my bias Jack after all this time fans still making levels and games from his old game plays oh yeah do this to me man you can't that's this is a double-edge sadness and niceness snape the true hero of Harry Potter oh I want to watch Harry Potter Snape is my favorite Harry Potter character he's amazing I I had only ever read the last book I read Prisoner of Azkaban I'd never I didn't finish and I got very very far into it and then the movie came out and I was like okay I'll just watch the movie I never went back to the book but I read the Deathly Hallows I read the whole last book and I made it a point to do that before the movies came out and I [ __ ] loves it it made me wish that I had actually read the previous books and I'm not a reader anybody who's been on this channel for a while knows that I don't really read all that much I wish I read more but that book made me cry at this moment and Snape it solidified Snape as my favorite character so this is really really sweet and it does kind of feel like that it's really nice that people still make levels for me in games that even though I've moved on from all of these iconic games over the years that people are still remembering me in a way in those games and that really warms my heart so thank you very much Idaho drops a giant potato on New Year's instead of a ball why he was I in England why was I here oh [ __ ] I wish I was there as their representative can I have that potato I want to build just a giant I'm gonna build a swimming pool that's in the shape of a potato in England all we dropped for New Year's was our EU citizenship potatoes have skin I have skin I'm a potato that means everyone's a potato though I'm the only real potato you know what this is this is poopie poopie mean no stinky get out of here boo this video keeps getting recommended people lately I went by it some people had said it and I was like wait it happened before with the shout out competition video that I made the little vlog back then that got boosted again and now suddenly this one is getting boosted I went back and looked at the analytics and it was a huge opps well in views on it and I don't know why why is YouTube recommending this to everybody have they recommended it to you now 2,000 subscribers six years ago this this little boy didn't know anything first of all if I was to do this again great thumbnail but lose the text secondly start growing the beard now it's not gonna look good but it was never gonna look good in the beginning anyway I almost remember that hoody that they had for way too long Jesus I had no sense of fashion then or now that was the vlog I ran down the field saying I love nature so much hello Birds I'm so quirky and random and fun but also as to kind of show that yes I lived in the middle of nowhere and no one no one could hear me at all Lauren McLaughlin dawn McLaughlin Swan McLaughlin GaN McLaughlin swarm at large and Brian McLaughlin llamo GARC oh my god jack is Jack okay I don't care how they want to do it but Jack is Jack why would they change Jack Jack is Jack I'm so glad that this meme is not dead yet so super happy you know all those times and I was like man this is the funniest meme ever yet never happened let it die happy birthday to all the moms out there crazy that all moms were born on the same day speech 100 intelligence 100 I love the reaction to that tweet cuz so many people were like Jack I don't think that that's really how it works I'm like wow guys big brain we're gonna break brain here see see no one cares oh oh oh I've seen this they said make jack see this this is not my video but make him watch it I've seen this before this is the one where they doped in a bunch of youtubers voices over some of the superheroes and I get to be spider-man of course and it's super good I mean it's nine minutes of 40 seconds long so I'm not gonna watch it all here but I'll show you some of it there's other ones as well hold on so delirious is Warmachine Marik is Iron Man felix is Atman and I'm spider-man but it's only I think Cory Kenshin then is Black Panther but it's only the masked superheroes make me get angry those are some old feel good I got I can't remember who actually made the first a doctor soap ok so go watch that one but there's another one that I had seen before I love this the shield's cool so who talks first I talk first you talk good there's a lot going on here that you don't understand arlynn damn that's good oh yeah god I would have be spider-man could I be spider-man it fits so well this person nason McCray made a bunch of them there's a there's a ton of them like spider-man homecoming spider-man vs Avengers Nathan McCray made a Deadpool one though that has 2.6 million views and this is also amazing I also want to be Deadpool there might they're both of my favorite superheroes there it is from The Beat Generation my sweet I'm murdering all my friends well can I really friends which really attack you and kill you probably not bro as much as it hurts but it just makes me laugh anyway it's a funny kind of pain and I'm raised kick some ass it's so good oh America me me Felix it's funny cuz it feels like stuff Deadpool would actually say in the middle of a super violent car chase where he's killing everyone be like this is very violent okay last one last one last one I know I'm looking at a lot of these but this is another one that they made where I fight Francis and this is five point six million views which is crazy hey dude how's it going is there supposed to be a challenge up here somewhere okay let's take it from the top what better way to pull back inside that head of yours you really want to know buddy what stuff you better get out of my [ __ ] way because I might can to [ __ ] you in the face in a minute no you go back body parts now Wade when I'm finished I'll still have to grow back here this [ __ ] thinking that he can beat me so it makes sense but also [ __ ] you Jesus Christ how did you find such good clips to put in my real eyes how many sound effects I make as I play games ah man so good Nathan thank you for those videos I saw them years ago but I'm so glad they exist I want to be Deadpool that's gonna do it for meantime what a very strong way to ended up Wow don't forget to keep born Nieman and keep on dreamin if you wanna hang out with everybody submit some memes go to the subreddit or slash jacksepticeye and join in on the fun but don't forget this smack a big old like in this video and subscribe if you want to and until next time I'm gonna see all you meme dreamers later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so young so precious
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,918,342
Rating: 4.9696374 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, funny mug, jacksepticeye mugs, floppy banana, jacksepticeye floppy banana, old picture, young jacksepticeye, old jacksepticeye, raised to the ground, jacksepticeye band, jacksepticeye old band
Id: IOb_fjsln44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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