The Worst Training Videos On The Internet - Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos

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ah don't want to talk about it okay no III don't want to talk fine it's just sad it's all going around all day is moping around don't know what to do big baby face man baby there's nothing around here to make me smile not around here to make me chuckle nothing around here to even make me [Music] [Music] see what I did there the old switcheroo I was using reverse Scientology on its another day another wonderful time for Funniest Home Videos decreed and proud don't go anywhere else cuz you're supposed to be staying at home anyway so just yell it out your window maybe Thanks Thanks why do we want more laughs when do we want them laughs you see see what we did second camera baby you know what that is your that's called show business now you never know where I'm gonna be I might be here or I might be right here who knows the world is our oyster we're back of course to look at more training videos there was way to money to put into the last episode we had to slice them up we had to dice them up but if you missed the last episode go watch it here's a little sneak peek no Billy I hope Jennifer doesn't catch me out here she's gonna start talking about Moxxi again we got to start off with my main girl Wendy because they have a sequel to the hot drinks video remember waking up putting on my socks and clothes go in downstairs and I tripped and broke my toes yeah that one they have a follow-up to that about cold drinks oh yes oh yes Joe drinks lemonade water cold tea it's up to you it's up to me that's what I say tilt the cup and push against the lever nice okay she's good but she's missing the pizzazz that the last guy had coffee which is maybe it's a shift in like tone that they want to go for maybe they were like okay hold on that guy was just way too much he did a light in a cocaine in the bathroom before we recorded that video and we didn't mean to come out that strong to our employees but I'm just I'm not feeling it I'm not feeling motivated or enthused or ready to work I love that camera angle if you liked this video then give it a like if you don't like it then I yeah make it pop wait and the drink to the coordinator also do you not put lids and cups and Mister being taken out don't get it I was really worried that this wouldn't have that that thing that like perfect thing she's she did more yes than though her yes yeah yeah yeah now it's time to serve cold to you but the ice is different listen carefully oh the ice is different for cold tea okay everybody batten down the hatches it's about to get real shaken up [Music] wait you're not fill it to the top if you're getting tea that's just free ice at that point oh my god that face at the end is very scary oh man no second chorus I wanted that like sweet why did that sound [ __ ] Hey what more of that you know you got it girl overall Wendy's a disappointing sequel honestly I was expecting so much more out of the sequel to hot drinks the dudettes style energy they really could cut back on this one maybe because cold drinks just aren't as cool as hot drinks they're very cool you know what the best part is I tweeted the last video at Wendy's and saying can you confirm these training videos I want my whole life to be something like this and they said like confirm they are real they are way too real my love for you grows deeper each day and then Wendy's been trying to slide into some DMS after that crazy man but I'm so glad that they're real and existed and people actually had to be trained like that I don't think I would have learned a damn thing if I have I was trained like that oh my god Wendy's the gift that keeps on giving there's another one Wendy's training video chilly can be served with cheese I'm gonna be able to be to work at Wendy's after this I want Wendy's to let me go in and film a whole day of me working at the restaurant because I know how to do cold drinks I know how to do the hot drinks I know how to do the burgers all right because you leave the thing wet cos moist juicy it keeps me high you see I get it Wendy's I know how to do it now let me learn her chili oh yes this is already the pizzazz that I know and love [Music] [Music] this is some genuine real fun music listen to the bass line in this song and that dude's soulful energetic voice I feel alive Wendy [Music] [Music] kids will say it [Music] oh man did you see that kind of work [Music] [Music] Bogey's if you please note under built-in check the expiration date mokuba's chile can be several cheese [Music] goddamn Wendy's I'm sorry I am NOT learning a damn thing I am busting out funking out base and out man hahaha those are gonna save a people from now on that's you what a great snack chili can be server cheese [Applause] my god those weren't those weren't funny those are just really good um how do you serve chili Oh blockbuster you'll remember blockbuster remember the year was 1990 that's me and it says be you be yourself oh I love this something I'm gonna play streets of rage god damn it Wendy you [ __ ] it all up again I don't think you in a week or so have you been out of town or something oh no our VCR was just in for repairs again it was awful can you imagine trying to make conversation with mr. Harris I don't really want to hear about your problems in your married life you know we have a lot of different movies you might not have seen before can I help you find anything in particular oh thanks I'll just look around I'm sure I'll find something what a great conversation lovely delightful what is happening hmm yo Murray hey let's wake up Oh who are you my name's Buster Buster sails the TV is talking to her the name is Buster Buster Knight I'm one of the world's greatest authorities on opportunities I find people who need help I help them and clearly you need some help especially with finding opportunities I know do you get what it is that he does he finds opportunities and he's really good at give you people good opportunities and you look like you could use an opportunity and what am I good at good at opportunity I know an opportunity when I see it sure like the time mrs. Harris his son Bryan asked you out and you turned him down to get a chain all worth stupid slumber party gah his mother is right over there Buster came down with all these accusations okay you wouldn't know a good up a 20 if it came he slapped you in the face just like when Ricky Darwin came over and told you that he liked the look your legs and you told him I don't worry about it I'm closed this Jennifer Humphreys birthday party yeah [ __ ] is stupid idiot we'll talk more about opportunities later we'll talk more about opportunities later I was like to think that paper in the store are looking over at her and she's like looking up at the TV like no I don't want to talk about it a lot of hurt I wanted to remind you that we have video cassette players for rent so if you ever have to put yours in for repair again you can just stop in here and pick one up well good I'm glad to know that I'll do that next time well as usual you're out of the new releases I wanted oh I'm sorry what maybe did you want well actually I wanted to see Sean Connery in The Hunt for Red October but you're oh well I could reshoot the movie for you and give you that by the way how's Brian no he's fine actually I thought he might be meeting me here he has some friends tomorrow night and I guess he's counting on mom's delivery service to pick out the music videos will you help me here what do you think I should pick out wait you actually had to go to Blockbuster to rent out music videos i okay full disclosure I was born in 1990 I have never been to a blockbuster tell Brian I said hi okay and I'll see you when you bring those five children I said hi okay I get it you like my son get out of here hornball why did she tell me to rent big slamming booty [ __ ] I'm learning nothing about what it's like to work at Blockbuster other than the fact that they rent video cassette players that's it that's all I've learned so far you have Sean Connery you add mrs. Harris's interest and what do you get a weird Tim you get more rentals and a happy customer Oh act with good customer service oh my god he just threw a tape through the TV into her hand this is getting too scary for me guys boy I sure am thirsty whoa thanks buster look at this list of 50 best videos and commit them to memory get to know popular actors in all their movies oh that's a great advance I'm beginning to see why blockbuster went out of business okay fine maybe all the digital services coming out had a bit of an impact maybe hi Kristin how's it gone pretty bogus actually oh yes Oh Lord that takes you back dude that's not groovy oh no Buster's back what now you'll want to keep an eye on this I see an opportunity coming hey are you okay Chuck little freaked out hey are you okay you just talked to the TV behind you that's not normal oh oh I see see what what like my own hidden videos or something you know jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos haha Frank you got a future you just got home wouldn't you make more money if she keeps renting the same one let's say you rent I don't know how much it was to rent and buy the tapes in 1990 because $5.00 rented but 15 to buy it and she's rented at five times I'm no mathematician but where your Star Trek videos Oh Brad can tell you where oh my god did you see him he was waiting for his line watch he looks up but not yet no hello I am here for line I am act or and he's gone like an Angels kiss 1 or 2 and a rating system is that buster plus a rating out of two getting a 1 that's a great rating listen think at it's as easy as 1 2 3 also the training video I technically it was teaching you what to do but all it did was make their employees look like they have no idea what they're doing oh no / - no god damn it that's a tape wait maybe over here god damn it that's a tape as well how the pain something I can help you find oh I doubt it I'm a 60s movie buff and have been to eight video stores in the last three days looking for the last movie I don't know the name that had both Peter Sellers and Woody Allen in it it's okay she won't be able to help you either because she can't even remember listen think act it's as easy as one two three never be Casino Royale it's a spoof on James Bond film what yeah that's it okay now that I know the title you know all I have to do is find it oh I don't know that's a pretty rare title let's take a look great maybe we should look under c4 Casino Buster you play a shite what's wrong with you lady coming down here screaming over here for huh straight at work good holy Jesus it's like the Bible oh here it is Casino Royale you know if you ordered this today it probably be in by the end of the week and I could call you and you would be the proud owner of the last movie with sellers and Alan fantastic I get it's just what I need for my collection she listened to comedies and I'm just starting a Peter Sellers series I really don't know much about his films oh he's so you were a 60s buff come on man play the part hey um why not consider renting return of the Pink Panther yeah and I haven't seen that in years a great idea okay I'll go get your copy okay if they had more people working at blockbuster like what's-her-name that I can't remember from the start of the other video then they never would have gone out of business oh god he's back sorry everyone headache just trying to get your attention well if you don't mind I'd rather you stick with the whistle I seriously everyone around her is just being like you know it's okay I'll go to a different video store then blockbuster he's out listen think back right Peter Sellers comedy movies for rent yes you did it on now think again baby t tapes that's right Pink Panther movies are for sale there you go well you said it was listen think act not listen think act think again oh boster what he's just staring at her ass listen it's but hey what's the big idea oh you again look I haven't missed an opportunity in at least 15 minutes Wow 15 minutes if only your shift was 15 minutes long here comes Marge Simpson you know the one that keeps trying to introduce you to her son Doug Doug's a nerd marriage Simpson her son Doug hello mrs. hi Marie have you never met my son Douglas I fully thought that a cartoon version of Marge Simpson was gonna walk in the door yes this poor kid what is this face buster you are so helpful in clever yeah agent she's sweet she's she's sunshine on a cloudy day Oh Doug roll your eyes at that he's lovely oh I guess you like Brian as he heeds Raisinets have you cleaned your vcr heads recently no come to think of it I don't think we ever have well they say you should every 20 hours or so release this is what we use on hours here in the store I think it does a really good job oh my god I remember I remember when we didn't when the tapes wouldn't work we had a blue tape at home that you could put drops into the back of and then you'll put it in and let it play and it would clean the VCR holy crap I completely forgot about that oh ye young uns out there up and comin he had no idea I was like it's like you know when you're watching Netflix and the internet goes down for a little bit so you go down to 360p quality it was like that except it could catch fire and burn your house down goodbye Marie parting is such sweet sorrow I can't away with words doesn't he he sure does Duke that chair Doug's a player dude out here throwing down all the lines who is this serial killer in the back so tell me what have you learned well to listen to the customers very carefully and to think because anything they do or say may be signed to their needs and to act on the opportunities once you see or hear them so what you're telling me is that after two videos you've learned the exact same thing that he taught you in the first two minutes you killed him by being good at your job I guess now I'm the opportunity expert and that's how Murray went on to kill 50 people and bury them in the back of her house okay okay okay already I should have told him about the vcp Reynolds and cables Joe Oh Murray have we found a little friend to talk to you a friend oh no I was great right hi Murray O'Brien that's very Harris I just missed your mom but I helped her pick out some great videos I hear you're having a little get-together over at your house no okay just remember listen think and act no trouble don't listen to the TV cuz he'll tell you nothing he'll throw popcorn at you and then make fun of people that comes in if you just actually use basic common sense and go through the motions you'll get there also company's going under in in about a decade so no one really cares never mind two decades 2010 damn good for you Blockbuster oh god that's stupid face I'm glad he's dead all right well I'm gonna leave this episode here I hope that you all learned something here today did you learn how to listen yeah you heard what I was saying did you learn how to think yes you thought about what to write in the comments after watching the video and did you act did you actually do it yes you did you didn't need Buster to tell you that either because it's it's just what you do but at the end of the day working in these places is actually pretty hard I can be stressful especially if you're if you just you want to make some money you want to save up you want to like save for college or you want to just save for something to go out with your friends or whatever or just even if you're working there in general as a full-time job these places are hired to work at it may make the places seem goofy and kind of silly in the training videos but if you have to work retail and fast-food those are some stressful jobs so I commend anybody who is in those industries as always thank you so much for watching if you have any suggestions on what to put into Funniest Home Videos next time leave it down in the comments below and I'll go through them and I'll try and pick out some of the funniest stuff but I think that's gonna do it for our training videos because those weren't nearly as funny as the last ones so I think we might have tapped our potential unless there's some real juicy golden nuggets out there that we can tap into but thank you guys so much for watching as we always say here and jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos oh and I'll see you in the next one good night everybody [Music] here we go soft drinks lemonade water cold tea it's up to you it's up to me cold drinks come in four cups gonna know the size before you fill it up so how is that not bad one out of two
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,983,381
Rating: 4.9717808 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to laugh, funny videos jacksepticeye, funny video reaction jacksepticeye, funniest home videos jacksepticeye, reaction, funny videos, try not to laugh impossible, funny videos 2019, jacksepticeye's funniest home videos, dr phil meme, funniest home videos, funny reactions, try not to laugh challenge, try not to laugh jacksepticeye, funny, funniest videos, funny training videos, wendy's training video, blockbuster, blockbuster training video
Id: yteyK7tdFD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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