Public Speaking Expert Reacts To Jacksepticeye

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lmao i thought I was watching a video from 2 years ago when I watched it last yesterday

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MIKHaIL05_ 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to another video i'm bringing back the old intro sorry that old i've been doing it almost my entire life at this point but i haven't done it in a while and the reason i bring it back is because today we're looking at a public speaker reacting to me now i've seen this guy react to felix before um why is he doing it and now apparently he's done a video on me so i feel like it's only due diligence to do a video reacting to him reacting to me and then maybe he can do another video reacting to me again afterwards and the whole youtube cycle can continue and we'll all have happy healthy channels and communities and all share in the love i don't know if i should be concerned that the video is 15 minutes though some of the other ones that he's done are like nine minutes where is he finding six minutes of extra content to talk about me is he gonna is he gonna complain about me hey before we go any further subscribe all right now you can continue [Music] [Laughter] okay okay i'll do it tell me what he's doing i got scared by him doing my intro jesus this is how it feels every time you guys have to watch me hey he's wearing an ireland hoodie dingle ireland don't enjoy um he's also i don't know where this dude is from maybe i should look that up sweden he's swedish he's got a beautiful head of red hair on him though so you're irish in my book what makes him so addictive why do we love him so much how could he become the titan that he is with the 25 million subscribers yes i am talking about none other than jack septic yeah i like that why that picture though i have better pictures use this one well you know him don't you he's got a high voice high-pitched voice he's got a high volume high pace loads of energy are you ready to have a look at one of his absolutely first videos that he launched seven years ago no strapping hey guys jacksepticeye here and right now i am on my way to do a radio tower is that the same jack no it's not at all no that's a scared little boy who was worried the world wouldn't like him no be gentle please so i thought i'd record and show everybody what it's like to do one of these is that his brother i don't know no my brother is even more well one of my brothers would be even less enthusiastic because they would hate hearing themselves on it's odd isn't it none of the characteristics of his voice and personality exists in this video nor in the first 30 or 40 videos i had to scroll down seven months from the start until i started hearing the characteristic high-pitched screams of jacksepticeye the graveling screams that he pushes out apparently that's what i'm known for i didn't even preface why we're doing this not only was i just curious i wanted to react to the video anyway because i think it's a neat idea but i'm curious to hear what somebody else thinks makes the channel successful because i honestly can't pinpoint it down i've had that question asked to be a lot of times over the years why the channel is successful what i think the characteristics are of the channel what i think made the channel successful and i don't really know i'd like to think it was because i had a positive outlook on things i had a lot of energy and i brought that energy and positivity together that sort of let people feel like they were having fun while they watched my content um as i've grown older that has kind of like settled down a lot of that energy has kind of not so much dissipated but it's it's brought itself out in different areas i'm still i'm still quite loud compared to some other people and what it's going to do is put little micro abrasions into that surface of the resin as it dries but just i think the channel is very different over the years so i'm curious to see what mr honorary irishman here has to say about it so far i'm into it first seven months pretty low pitched low volume slow pace and you know from my previous videos what that means that means that during this seven months somewhere he built up the confidence he increased his volume increased his paces increases his energy gives him more self-confidence and at the end of the day that also builds his self-esteem that's fascinating because that is a hundred percent true anyone who's watched my channel from the very beginning shout out and if you still hear i highly doubt it uh but back in those days and it was the hello all you beautiful people out there i was trying to be somebody else i was emulating other youtubers that i had seen without knowing who i was yet and that's absolutely fine if you're starting out your channel right now that's perfectly fine it takes a long time to figure out who you are what you're good at because you don't have an audience reacting to it yet when your audience reacts to the things that are key to your personality you start reacting back to that and then you sort of double down on those traits because that's what people like about you and then you get more confidence doing that i got more confidence looking at myself on camera hearing my own voice over and over again but it's it's interesting to see him key in on that and actually figure that out as well for you who haven't seen jacksepticeye this is what is characterized by this person top of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and thank you so very very much for getting the channel to 13 million subscribers 13 is considered the unlucky one unlucky 13 so i don't know if anything's gonna happen the whole channel will just collapse and explode in my computer what am i talking about i have no idea what is going on that is pure stream of consciousness not thinking at all just saying whatever comes into your mind that is what i believe is one of the core reasons why we love him so much thanks to something called mirror neurons in our brain we copy other people's behaviors so if we see somebody laugh like ksi we become happy if we see somebody that is energetic like jacksepticeye we become energetic so at the same time as i said as i'm not your doctor i order you to have a look at case i five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the afternoon this guy you should look at whenever you need energy whenever you need that reference of what energy can be have a look at him people are being prescribed jacksepticeye now i told you the only cure for sadness that's weird though um in a good way because i mean i don't go into the videos thinking that i'm not like okay i'm gonna be energetic because i want to make other people energetic that was just who i was and that's how i wanted to record videos and that's my personality this builds energy oh my god i love it and i want to show you something in the end which is so sweet really really nice use of skills and everything it's time to get back to work i'm i'm gonna keep continuing functional gestures it's consistent schedule all the time let's let's keep it going function just again double shoulder shrug tilting his head tilting head shows empathy to those that you're speaking to yes intentional does it i've never heard that before that's so cool i guess i was doing that i don't know is is the way i'm doing it subconsciously tilting my head hey what's up also what does a double shoulder shrug mean i don't know shows that you care about them where you say i hope you're all doing great out there wherever you are in the world i hope that you are amazing today and as active goes down in volume and energy do it anyway up in energy ah watching this video if you liked it punch that like button in the face old intro oh my god you cannot not like that can you oh believe me there are a great many people who hate it but that's not why i'm making the videos he's got sound effects he's got visual effects he's got his functional gestures he's got his facial expressions he's so talented as a public speaker he's oh that's really nice does this count as public speaking because technically i'm talking two people but it's a lot easier than actual public speaking which i've gotten a lot better at over the years as well i'm very curious to see if any of those like pax panels will be in there when i speak about these five synchronized layers where you've got to have your facial expression you've got to have your gestures your body language your voice and your words he's got all five of those we can see some beautiful facial expressions coming up later wow i just thought that i was all over the place and really animated and just couldn't sit still all the time apparently i'm a public speaking genius next video be like what's up guys welcome back today we're looking oh man that really feels like a youtuber intro doesn't it thank you guys no one say all you dudes i'm not gonna even copy that last come on high pitched register try it's just unique to jack i don't know how he does it actually because he's got a grubble in his voice and such a high register how on earth do you combine that i've never heard anybody do that i'll let you know a little secret it's called i don't [ __ ] know so the first thing is he brings out energy in us second thing is is it this is volume and what i found interesting about that is do you know that the only common fear we human beings have when we are born is high volume like i do that oh jesus stop now i'm wondering i have a theory that every single time he increases his volume which he now does now and then over and over again multiple times through his videos more than any other youtuber i'm wondering if that does not provoke our one and common fear but only on a subtle way in a subtle way which means that every time he does it we go like yes what's happening yes what's happening yes what's happening yes yes yes yes i'm with you i'm with you i'm with you so whatever you're doing if you're playing something at the same time you'll go like yes i'm with you oh yes i'm awake i'm awake giving me energy giving me energy it's like an irish red bull with green hair uh i prefer top of the morning coffee get your beans today that's also incredibly interesting because again none of this stuff is intentional i don't go into it with like a formula thinking okay i'll go down the volume here and then i'll raise my voice and now you're paying attention and then i'll just go back to normal again like that was never the thing but maybe that's what the youtube algorithm reacted to because that sort of like attention spike every time sort of fed into the watch time of the channel which then gets boosted more i'm learning more about myself than i thought this guy knows more about me than i even know which is also curious because i started getting worried about that about the over volume and the over energy and i i hate to say it i almost started to not like that i did that even though it's my natural personality i started to not like doing it because i feel like so many other youtubers then figured out that that's a good formula for a video and then i got lumped into all these people who are doing it like this who are calculating it out and i i don't know i just didn't want to blend in with all of that noise and then have people look at the channel and go like oh man so annoying he's just being energetic because he's appealing to kids and that that was never the thing i never ever ever consciously did any of that that's just if that happened it's a it's a byproduct of just who i am as a person um sure people reacted to that and maybe i i subconsciously then like double down on it like i said and just wanted to do that more and give people more of what they wanted but it was never a conscious effort one of the obvious reasons why well we have this sexy study we cannot get enough of ms because irish is obviously rated the sexiest dialect language on earth to hear that lads come on to irish all he buys out in belly video her tomb all of you thinking that you're worthless nah a bunch of sexy lads over there in ireland you'd listen to them talk all day so you would saw you would mikey is convinced over 45 sheep have been stolen well there was 55 sheep missing like in the lamps and there wasn't the shape that's going to count out a nice bit more like can be done about you nothing combine that with his other personality skills who wouldn't want to marry him [Laughter] no who wouldn't want to marry him poor marzia i'm a poor felix as well but come on don't do martial dirty like that energy high volume third one by far i know this is his thing after going through so many of his videos i noticed that he has one beautiful feature and that beautiful feature is that he cares so much about his community he cares about what you do he cares about how you're feeling he cares about the response that you give after a while i just came to the conclusion my god i've got to do a i've got to do a jack medley and this is it just hi how you guys doing you guys okay if you guys are the ones who have changed everything for me and i should be thanking you all the time and i will i'll continue thanking you every single day that i can since i don't feel great why don't we make other people feel better just injecting something good into the world and well that's a recent video too i thought it was going to be all old stuff so this dude did his research and actually like brought up old and new stuff and actually feels like he went through it and really studied it i like that there's a lot of these like coach videos that really don't do any homework at all and just do it to try and get views out of it but i like this guy paying it forward and trying to make people feel good and surprise them and make their day just a little bit brighter i wanted to remove my sort of voice from the internet for a bit and kind of amplify other people that were fighting for this this is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me meeting all of you and this community forming around itself is so cool and i i could never thank you enough i can never put it into words how thankful i am because not only are you guys there for me all the time whenever i need you but you're there for each other all the time not only does he care about what you feel and thinking how you're doing he cares about that you are there for each other in the community that he's created and when you go through his youtube comments it's a super positive community the thing is that's you guys you're the snack what'd i tell you great community wonderful community i'm very glad to be the leader of this call i'm genuinely really happy with this community um whenever stuff comes our way we sort of deal with it move on we've been doing this for a very long time it's coming up to eight years at the end of this year it's hard to keep a community together for that long and have them all care about each other it's it's really nice he becomes the community he becomes everyone in the community they are a copy of his personality otherwise they wouldn't be there so whoever you want in your community see them as they they are a copy of you and i i absolutely devour and love his perspective on humanity paying it forward being kind being humble we've come to god he's so nice too nice stop i'm gonna get a [ __ ] toothache listening to this look i'm not going to say it in the sort of messiah way that he's making it out even though it's very sweet of him to do so but i just like people i i was once a very sad person i have been a very sad person over the years and have had things happen to me and it's not even a fraction of the the turmoil and pain that some other people in the world have had go through them and now more than ever humanity's going through a tough time so i don't know it's just nice to try and uplift people it's nice to entertain people it's nice to just make people smile and laugh now you saw the first one where jacksepticeye was more or less whispering low volume low pace so he did an amazing development the first year of his career and he's done an amazing development this last year because this last year he's refined his voice in a new way he's toned down his register a notch which makes it more it's like a softer scream and it's a softer jacket and interesting has he improved his storytelling skills the last year the last two years i can't even compare it i have no idea where this is gonna go i'm kind of nervous honestly have a look at this this is art oh for years mankind has asked the hard questions are we alone in the universe oh sorry i shouldn't be pausing it so much i just find it hilarious that i was expecting some like serious video and then it's me going to area 51 in flight soon do aliens walk among us and does pineapple belong on pizza a lovely and lovely lovely beginning does it answer me yes it does pizza is like a canvas you wouldn't go up and tell somebody that yellow paint doesn't belong on a canvas oh no no you eat that beautiful canvas don't eat paint though what he's doing here is he's building dopamine anticipation for what is to come if you want to learn more about that you can have a look at my ted talk the magical science of storytelling oh cool which tells you exactly what dopamine is and why it is absolutely required in storytelling otherwise your stories will fail over and over again i actually will hear irish so this should be in his blood but it's only appeared really well during the last two years the answers to none of these questions and more and humor today's episode of jack skeptic i [Music] well look i can't take all the credit for this you said some very nice things about me and storytelling and all of that i i gave direction for this but a lot of the atmosphere of this also comes from robin some positive compliments have to go his way as well because he really takes what i say and the sort of direction that i want some of the edits to go in and takes him to a new level way beyond anything that i could do myself last time in flight simulator oh my lights aren't even on last time in flight simulator we proved the theory that time travel does indeed exist because we went back in time and killed jacksepticeye that's it right there that's where i used to live now ram it ram the building ram the apartment how can you scream and grovel at the same time ram the building ram the building come on lads we can do it it's easy you just learn how to not tear your throat apart but try doing that for six hours a day and it's not gonna work run the building i can't do it it's impossible it's i can't do that with my voice it's impressive but listen to how he's kept the register and the high pitch in his voice making it it's a tighter nuance easier to listen to and it really stems in with the storytelling that he's doing top of the morning to your ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to i am a world-class renowned pilot though i have my pilot's license all it really is is this cap this cap comes in the mail and then it's brilliant editing oh he gave a shout out to robin as well see i like this dude he does his research he he even knows who edits the videos and even put in beta pixel which is robin's let's play channel you should go check it out it's very fun so i like that i like that he actually knows what he's talking about and he sits down and actually watches the videos that's cool oh yeah oh yeah my geography and my knowledge of america is pretty damn garbage it's in nevada good thing as well show weakness weakness bonds to other people so that's brilliant again not intentional i'm just a dumbass break off throttle up here we go baby it's just like a video game shake he shakes his head in disbelief beautiful non-verbal communication skill apparently i'm doing a lot of things that i have no idea that i'm doing it right now i again not intentional but that's very very interesting oh man i've got to be so hyper aware of these things going forward now i shouldn't have watched this it's going to make me all paranoid so this is exactly what's going on in nevada right now it feels just like england what was that look at that facial expression that's 10 points brilliant that's a youtuber i'm not going to take you through this entire video but i absolutely recommend it because it's got some brilliant storytelling in it my conclusion is this jacksepticeye we love you because the energy that you give us when we look at you doesn't matter how we're feeling at the moment when looking at you you become energized through the mirror neurons number two the volume keeps our attention high based on that it is our one and common fear that we have you initiate that in such a subtle way number three amazing storytelling number four maybe the most important one he cares about you who cares about that you care about your community and he is so grateful so thankful so humble and it expresses it over and over and over again you can just feel his heart it's incredible just have a look at his latest videos where he talks a lot about charity and the charities that he's doing to me jack is truly uh or shawn to pay him the respects that he deserves oh i deserve no respect but thank you truly inspiration to me just listen to this section again you guys are the ones who've changed everything for me and i should be thanking you all the time and i will continue see what what's interesting about this though is that [Music] these types of videos i used to do a lot and i i don't know i was i was still kind of struggling to find myself and figure out who i was and what i wanted to do and i was kind of lost and doing youtube was great and it was the only like pillar in my life but over the years people started making videos and studies and everything about parasocial relationships and there was one video in particular that talked about it but talked down about this sort of interaction with your audience saying that it was unhealthy and in some ways it was and sometimes i kind of shared too much and i went a bit too much in depth but videos like that and talking about that subject and all the conversation that went around that made me so insecure about this sort of stuff that it sort of stunted me in a way and then i was like man is it unhealthy that i was doing that and it really made me question myself and i think that that had a huge impact on why i don't do as many vlogs like that anymore i always felt like i had to make vlogs now where i had something to actually say instead of just repeating myself over and over again because i thought man is that how people are seeing this that it's coming off as disingenuous and fake and forced but this guy in this video have really reinforced so many things in me now that a lot of stuff that i felt like i had to distance myself from because of the public perception of it i i like i just want to say thanks to this guy because it it's kind of bolstering me to find that side of me again and that's stuff that i've learned in therapy too that this is like the the quote-unquote boy in me that wants out to play every now and then that's sort of like energetic and energetic what they say like that and the hyperactive version of me was like the kid wanting to come out and play and i feel like i kind of kept them behind closed doors a lot but i don't know there's a lot of inner turmoil going on over the years to try and figure out like oh should i be doing this should i be doing that that's why i feel like now i'm much more comfortable with who i am and finding my voice again and being more creative in the content and it's really nice that he paid credit to that in the flight sim video because that did take a lot of effort and energy on my end and the editing side of things to make it into a more creative product than just here we go here we land here so thanks to this guy it really means a lot and i just want to say the same during this last three months i i cannot i cannot express how thankful i am to all of you out there commenting and liking and sharing that's being part of the discord and the subreddit and wow you are making a difference to this world that's really nice go check him out his name is davidjp phillips on youtube highly recommended some really nice videos um and he seems to really know what he's talking about and he seems to do the research and the work so credit to him for that this video has kind of like reignited a lot of passions in me and made me feel not only better about myself but you you tend to forget the things that you've done and where you've come from every now and then and i'm i'm my own worst enemy and my own worst critic no one will be harder on myself than i am because i'm always like oh man i should have done this i should have done that and i always forget about all the things that we've actually done already so videos like this are really nice to just remind me that hey things are all right i did it again anyway guys thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it seriously i'm going to be thinking about this all the time i need that to kind of stay in the subconscious the more i think about it the more i'll not do it because i'll be self-aware of it but thank you for watching this video i hope it was interesting um again go check david out i i really like this i've seen his video on felix and i've seen his video on ksi as well and they're just really nice he he has a lot of nice things to say about people um and it's a lot of very constructive things to say so i appreciate that also he has a beautiful head of red hair and he's wearing an irish hoodie and that's all right by me lads
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,375,207
Rating: 4.9875097 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, expert, public speaking, public speaking expert reacts to jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye public speaking
Id: pOQ6iT7Jf6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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