I Can’t Believe These Videos ACTUALLY Existed- Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos

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there is nothing wrong with your television set do not try and adjust the picture we are controlling the transmission if you wish to make it louder we will do so for you we will control the horizontal and we will control the vertical the next 20 minutes sit back relax you're about to go on an amazing adventure [Music] what are you [Music] let's get out of the way early okay laughing all you want over here now welcome back giggle boxes and laughing pants alike I found a brand new channel well it's not new it's old tie a TV time ever since I reacted to the Irish sex education from the 80s let's get a little top of that it's slippery into a vagina I have been perusing the internet sniffing out the [ __ ] looking for all the good stuff that we can watch together and I found this channel called old TV time I think that they're an old American broadcasting but they have a lot of the same stuff dating do's and don'ts the story of menstruation young man's fancy and as boys grow but I would know anything about that cuz I got at this height I grew up to here and then I was like ha no more for you stop but I am very curious about the do's and don'ts of dating from 1949 did people even have faces back then yes what's that what is that is that a condom the central high high teen carnival Wow that's that I went to a carnival a clown bit a child and tried to kill everyone in the village pretty weird that means a date that's all right how do you choose a date that was a lot of internal thinking that was a lot of struggle going on inside that young man's mind alright but if you go through the carnival with a girl in 1949 no torching before marriage but even look at her well one thing you can consider is looks oh no woody thought of Janet's and how good-looking she was Oh have to rate to date somebody like her we're starting off Rio sure well you gotta go into the shuttle parts before you can hit the D parts except well it's too bad Janet's always act so superior and bored and make a fella feel awkward and inferior okay that was it it is superior so we can't go with her I don't want to be a beta nothing wrong with a strong powerful confident woman all right you got their [ __ ] together and they know what they want well perhaps someone who doesn't feel superior there's Betty and yet it just doesn't seem as if she'd be much fun Betty's a mess she hates herself when she's no self-esteem oh my god poor Ann Ann's great she looks alright but she is a Moute hunter like a like a raccoon no yes that's what a boy like he wanted to know he's appreciated and would be fun on a date that's true oh they're normally together he worked really hard and he's been thinking for the last 10 minutes and his ears or steam well you're rather young if you don't overdo I'm dating it knows what I mean weekends only and not too late if you don't overdose and date and I'll let you do it all right ed over here his whole life went downhill once he started dating he couldn't stop doing it Wow Ed's so dreamy all he did was like I'm sure he can get offers nice 730 good boy you sure make it seem easy I'm with you though phone calls terrify me I don't do any of them now I don't want to do any of them in the future this is before texting you poor bastards Oh is he gonna do it is he gonna do it my boy golfer it no-no-no pick it up here you go how do you ask for a date oh I want to know well oh oh oh it's heartbreaking it's ok what do you don't need her dad's a cold-hearted wench you're better off an hour well suppose he did it this way oh man what do you do on Saturday night well I guess I'm busy oh yeah and they get to giving him the brush-off for me damn woody striking a mess on that one and this is woody well I have a ticket for the carnival Saturday and would you like to go why yes woody I have to talk to my folks about it but I think I can girl that'll be fun that'll be fun thanks for giving me your ticket I'll bring my brother Jeff they're so cute you know blossoming in the wind huh is it just me or is n right now wearing exactly what woody was wearing in the previous scene they're wearing the exact same outfit oh my god to dine in the Sun look the exact same the exact same outfit ah 1949 for those only 10 outfits in the town and you all had to share why the night of my birthday woody nice stroke in your woody while your parents are telling you a loving story Wow Ann won't expect flowers will she oh I hardly think so I'm thinking these two marries because it's a special occasion I love that everyone back then just sounded like I'm taking her to the ball on a special occasion super olive learning the do's and don'ts of dating in 1949 is show up in time and don't look like [ __ ] here we go the big day but in the loving [ __ ] [Music] they're so dolled up I'm gonna get their fortune told together yes the 1940s teen carnival where everything moved at a hundred miles an hour encoding the life itself teenage fun I hardly know her oh come on and don't be such a lady it's a hot dog there's no clean way of eating them you either get [ __ ] in your face or [ __ ] in your clothes either way you're getting it on balloons everywhere oh no [Music] [Applause] just wait for it oh man he was like a shark and rate of bite donors and tasty seafood god damn it woody you blow it again or it could go this way oh my god you're gonna do it Wow see that's the best contraception you can't get pregnant if you don't get kissed cuz as Yoda says kissy it's too [ __ ] well it's getting late I'd ask you in for by feet if it works for me let's plan to get home in time for a sandwich or something next hey that sounds good I'll call you next week where you well thanks so much I have no advice it's cold I good night that's gonna happen this oh I guess I guess you don't kiss in 1949 that's it that's it that night woody went missing on his walk home he was never found again except his ring finger was sent in the mail to his parents I didn't learn a whole lot about the do's and don'ts of dating I just be on time look nice I don't kiss her at the door apparently man 1914 I was boring not like 2020 well we've got like self-isolation and a pandemic sorry I am don't know what came over me you've all learned what to do and not do on a date in 1949 let's learn how to be well groomed in 1949 and I mean just your hygiene that's a different type of grooming that you're thinking of and it's not allowed yes indeed both Don and Sue look like the kind of people you'd like to know don't they not like those are dirty bastards out there both Don and Sue look like the kind of people you'd like to know don't they yes and that's no accident who's the lady I think I can get away with one narrator but nowhere do I have to help posture cleanliness and neatness what what do health and posture have to do with grooming grooming the practice of brushing and cleaning the coat of a horse dog or other animal the action by a pedophile no it's great to be neat no it's 1949 all I have to do is polish my shoes and iron my shirt and then go to bed oh my god I remember when I used to go to school maybe I would earn my shirt but like the collar of it because it looked stupid because I threw it in a ball in the corner after school and I just a person who never irons their clothes looks fine doesn't it I don't have time I can't be arsed if other people are looking at my clothes going hmm that's quite a few wrinkles it's already a person I want to talk to keep your clothes looking neat and clean have you gotten it yet everything is neat and clean it's not neat and clean then you're doing it wrong you're going straight to hell sue avoids red nail polish since it would call attention to her stubby hands what since it would call attention to her stubby hands she avoids red lipstick because it would draw attention to her stupid little gremlin face and now for at least eight hours of sleep good what's that like how does that feel eight hours of sleep my body requires like ten and then I wake up and I'm like more please good health is a rule for health is one of the foundations of your appearance alright okay I'll agree with that good health good hair good health good stubby little hands need some hot water for me and hurry I'm very dirty what do you think now how will done look in this combination hideous alright that's too much going on if you wear a shirt like that it's gonna draw attention to your stubby little urns how about this combination now there you go bland boring blends right in a normal give a [ __ ] Don is putting one more finishing touch to his appearance he's going to shave his arse now for a cleansing morning shower meanwhile Sue Gibbs thought to the day I want to see how to clean myself into shower what if I go in there and do it wrong you know it's all this effort going into my hair my nails my stubby little face and my outfit what if I don't clean behind my ears are under my nuts I'm never going to know now I'm gonna be dirty all day fellows like to see girls dress up but in general only for a special occasion yes choose clothes that are suitable suitable to your needs and situation but remember that any clothes look better with good posture she's Christ yes god forbid that you go out dressed just for yourself that you just wanna look nice for yourself you know who cares what the other people think you can't go out show an elbows everyone else here or Bella thank God it's not 1949 anymore after breakfast sue goes back to a room for some finishing touches God what else can you do God you're already dressed up to the nines let it go come on we'll be late oh boy at the mirror again the whole [ __ ] video is about how long you spent getting ready and looking neat and then he's judging her for being at the mirror while the mirror could help you check your clothes too and improve your posture yeah done you look like a gorilla Oh jazak oh thanks and I could straighten up couldn't I how does sue look well she looks like sunshine on a cloudy day how does dun look he looks like a basket of apples oh this is where we came in and this is where done and Sue go out for a pleasant evening Oh hold some good grooming habits help them in friendships and in business for your success depends a great deal on how you look my god does it a 1949 was it really that important how you looked your success is based on how you look that is a god-awful message to end that video on don't forget if you go out with dirty nails in a dirty face no one would want to be around you I wonder what would happen if you showed the people of this time and they watched this video first of all I am astonished that these videos exist that there's a ten and a half minute video on how to be well-groomed and all it is is like yeah just shower and make sure you look ok what about you going back and showing the people after they watch this video just giving them tick-tock and being like here why do you think they would lose their goddamn minds I don't know about you guys but I have a strong desire to iron my shirts and polish my shoes now what am I gonna do it's mayhem playing ok this one is all about are you popular from 1947 we're going to years further back this is crazy I didn't even know videos existed then I know it's 1947 are you well-groomed because apparently that depends a great deal let's watch and see what makes people like one person and not another I'm so excited we're going to learn a lot here today guys we're going to become even more popular here in the jacksepticeye variety channel I can't wait who only get seven billion subs after this why you know her not very well but I wish I did Jerry Jenni thinks that she has the key to popularity [ __ ] in cars with the boys at night when Jerry brags about taking Ginny out he learns that she dates all the boys and he feels less important that's not how you get popular Ginny sleeping arounds going to get you nowhere it's probably cuz you have red nail polish and everyone's the connector still be little hands no parking cars are not really popular not even with the boys they park with not when they meet at school or elsewhere he just told me that she's not popular now you're calling her miss popularity was that sarcasm when was sarcasm invented it is first recorded in English in 1579 oh man no sarcasm in 1579 oh sure I don't need my air map it was chopped off in battle I'll be just fine I'm on the committee and Jerry and I are stage two among a dozen or so how about you Wally where do you fit in all this well I'm a one-man team that does a job with no glory attached it's called masturbating you sound like you need a helper could I lend a hand [Laughter] waiting so work so well I don't know anything about craps but I could learn [Music] we currently just sat down with her lunch she does even got time to eat it say we ought to get together and talk over those props a little could you meet me backstage at fifteen hey maybe you should leave those guys alone kinky for my liking Oh are you asking her out on a date hello I uh I know what to do um I didn't learn anything I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Strand to see a movie Saturday night and then go over to teen town maybe or if you'd rather go with the gang on a skating party and weenie roast we'd have to leave earlier for that song we learned that you don't just get so direct with it he's just straight like hey what's up girl yeah what that mouth do we roast Wally has used a lot of common sense and putting the invitation this way it shows he has thought about what Carolyn might like and he has implied his price range I love the idea of them not saying anything was that entire section they're just sitting there like Hello by well that phone call didn't go on for hours don't you ever go out with anyone else at all nope so don't you ever want to huh nights like this I do I never what do you plan major said for you decide out the cinematography queued run out of ideas I'm getting to that point that's dope sure you're in the reflection that's [ __ ] awesome also I still have no idea why Carolyn is popular and I'm not I'm not learning a damn thing no one's calling up my phone asking for dates Oh Carolyn I made some brownies today maybe you and Wally would like somebody get back there's some milk in the icebox too isn't there how does that sound gee that sounds good we'll take you up on it mrs. Anne thanks Carolyn and her mother have found one way a girl can repay a boy for entertaining her a bite to eat at her house will save him money perhaps they'll bring another couple home with them that would be fun that would be fun wouldn't it don't I just sound like I'm having the best time oh you know nothing about being popular yet this is like the dating one all over again have fun you two I'll take good care of her mrs. Ames bye earmuffs on I'll take good care of her mrs. Ames don't worry we're gonna go down now we can finally bust out the weed and start the real party both parents and personality all help boys and girls to be popular I didn't learn anything from that all right well I don't know how to be popular that didn't teach me a damn thing it was just like hey maybe be a normal person boys your help maybe I could be popular if you smash like in this video or else mash your head in hoping that I could teach you some stuff here today I was hoping that I'd learn something myself here today but all I really learned what to do is and at the end of the day isn't that the most important lesson good night [Music] that's it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,669,076
Rating: 4.9750948 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to laugh, funny videos jacksepticeye, funny video reaction jacksepticeye, funniest home videos jacksepticeye, reaction, funny videos, try not to laugh impossible, funny videos 2019, jacksepticeye's funniest home videos, dr phil meme, funniest home videos, funny reactions, try not to laugh challenge, try not to laugh jacksepticeye, funny, funniest videos, do's and don'ts of dating, old videos, old tv time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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