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Video from 2018. Timestamp is 42:17 if the link doesn't put you at the right part of the vid. I stopped everything I was doing when I heard this in the background

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Raynpocalyps 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
Hi, hello welcome Top of morning this just started There's no menu or anything. Welcome to G. Nog, gnog, nog I've no idea how to pronounce G + n + o + G Ba na na s this is a game that I saw in steam that looked really cool. It reminded me of What's the name of it there's window sill and then there's the alphabet game Those types of games it looks really fun It's a puzzle game where I have to go inside monsters heads and figure out what's going on inside I nobody knows the monsters head better than I do, you know a lot of shit going on in here And it's made by Double Fine who are of course a legendary game studio, and I love them a lot. So let's let's Figure out what's going on inside. This dude's brain Ok, he got a beautiful face, oh Oh I can I can flippy flopper. Oh Oh look at you aren't you adorable? I think I killed him. He's out in space now floating around. He ain't nothing. Oh my god It is way too early in the morning for this shit I swear I only do like.. I Really need to stop doing meth before I record videos Okay, well it's not like my dad all right, what do we do So as I go along I am assuming these things are gonna get harder and the the solution to try and fix them Fix them. They're not broken Okay All right, what do we do with you? Get the butterfly to go away fly fly fly away Okay, it's all the case to figure out what actually does stuff oh my god, there's fish there's Ah am I matching up the right guy I Have no idea of what I'm doing. I have no idea how any of this works you look like the guy no, same TSA my butterfly Gotta make the butterfly fly away. Nope. I see what else this has That's a place Go butterflies. Fly away Okay, I have to make you eat the butterfly And then spit him out is it was that the sequencing and what I had to do I don't know you're back to the start All right, happy little fishies can I click anything else outside of this No Frog boy is hungry Then butterfly, yeah Then he eat the butterfly oh I had white what? There's something going on in the back of your head dude, I don't think you realize that there's a small version of yourself in there Okay, I got a bulb bulb goes in Trapdoor I can't release that yet. What's in the drawers take my dildo collection? another light bulb Beautiful turn on the lights The lights attract the butterflies or the moths or whatever the hell they're all right good now you can eat him Go for it dude eat him Or just here to sit here worrying about how hungry you are, but that's fine too. Maybe you need a knife and fork gain Cuz I whatever I eat ass, I like it to use a knife and fork as well, alright This is kind of confusing. Ooh now eat him. Oh Come on man, I killed him. Oh no, I Don't know what's happening in this frickin game There we go. The big guy got to eat him some time. You got pimples on your head It's kind of gross but you know what it's a part of life your body's changing Do you have hair in places where you didn't have hair before? This is super relaxing Nice music right now, what do we do? Okay, you should shake it all about it, that's good. Whoo now we hit the big button the big chin button He just wanted to be a singer all along You must be on some serious LS seat he became like this How was it I did it okay one giant crazy man had done Alright which one so I want to do do I want to do purp el Fergie Well the Fergie he's done sub one and oh, I don't have you Let's do purp L. Let's see what's going on in purple town. I like purple The art style is awesome. You know what it reminds me of Kurt's kiss act If you ever watch Kirk the curse Cossack there in a nutshell channel They do science informational videos their art style looks a lot like this That's what it was reminding me of Okay, I can do something with that and I can do something with that Oh Baby Oh Listening to those chill anime beats. So if you've noticed like this is obviously a radio, but it's a dude's face at the same time Okay Maybe we have to turn everything on Yep, a man twist twist II twisty twist. Okay. I open up something. Oh If the music is broken inside of him, that's cuz you're using beats by dre and they fuckin sulk Want to use some real decent headphones like the Philips Fidelio X twos Best headphones I've ever used in my life Okay, what do you need in your life besides the love of another human Okay, these things are on something should be happening okay your lights your eyes turn on your lights turned on Wait I don't know what that did. I Have no idea what that did. Oh That's cool They can shift the music This is what it's like when you take the headphones out and then you're talking to guys like what Yeah, no, I'm going over to chases house tonight No, I don't care what? What No That's why mom left you. Yeah, can I go back to it? Okay, I Never the headphone back. I see it's a bit. We just did all Right what happens if I put you down here? Not a whole lot right? I don't know what your eyes do You make sounds when they go to certain areas like there, but I don't know what it's doing Hmm I Got an achievement for virtuoso. Oh You can face the desk Okay something I should be doing maybe if I put these in and then turn you around Cuz these are plugging into some stuff in the back it seems To what are you doing? I'm gonna make you sick. I'm gonna make you vomit Okay, I don't know what I'm doing it's all wait the thing down here is doing a thing This is changing Okay, and you line up down here somewhere oh Okay, got it What did that do I Did they turn I feel like Kanye in the studio making some beats What is this once I'm like Ah This is how you make songs in a studio, by the way, this is like my summertime jam That can be one of those guys now is this guy happy yet So don't really know what I'm doing though, I just click them all. Oh This is nice, this is telling me something though So the middle the bottom is for this and then the middle is for Whoa, these things started to do a jam There's things at the bottom that I didn't even realize before wait can I Now I only have three slots This is so nice, I'm just having fun playing music. Ah There we go, I figured it out We have to get the four green ones to light up like it says right there But you have to do it in the middle slots It's now we've created that so now we need to make the red music. All right, and red music comes from the bottom So we need to get the four Do we need to make the four red ones or are easy ones like these ones? Luckily you can turn them all on and then just turn off as you see fit There we go, okay, I got it I figured it out This is awesome. Okay. Now we need to make that the other set of songs Because I couldn't see the top this one up here. So now it's just a process of elimination That's the no that's the one I need a green toons This drawer is a fun one all God. I created the singularity that will destroy us all He's happy now look at him dance he found the music that was missing in his life. Oh And I hid this oh I feel like I need a cocktail and a Cocktail and a balcony and a lake and a dog and then I'll just sum Some fine ladies to talk to you and then you just be sitting there all nice and happy, you know Just chilling in your beats Anyway summer times are over and the autumn comes again and all the joy in your life dies. So That's what that's how it is. Let's go to soap one Since this is the other one that showed up. I think we're going underwater. Yeah, it's an actual submarine. Oh My god some eating his eyes. Oh No, you're fine, all right god it's such an enigma. It's like where do I start? Okay, I flushed the toilet apparently There's a water thing Do you twist nope Okay, mr. Fish is calling to Aquaman right now to help us help us Jason Momoa hey what's in the back Okay, get the fish to go all the way around Perfect Ha ha that's cool. All right, what's up next? That lifebuoy Nope, can't do any of that. Okay, there's no water in here. Maybe that's what I'm supposed to be doing Look at the little fishies. Oh Hello, mr. Diver man, he's going on to find a treasure. Oh I can actually see where I'm going They don't take me seeks fish I'm, mr. Meeseeks look at me There's the treasure You got it, dude Hey now you stay down there forever. Okay. Sorry, but you're gonna die anything else you can find down there though No, go back go back. What's this? What's that thing? I Need this whatever it is a Catalytic catalytic converter I knew it Whoa, the aquatic life, I got an achievement for going as deep as they could. That's what she said All right, you're back up you're not gonna die well you're still underwater so it's all much of a muchness really Oh God Oh god, I have to unlock you. Oh No, how do I know where the pins should go? Oh Jeez this this is gonna be a hard one Is there any hints as to what I'm supposed to be doing there probably is Three circles, don't do it. Does three anything do it? Not really. Okay, so you have a you've this under this? Which my teeth mate sounds like that plink plink plink Oh Bye we're in for a traitor Oh, aren't we? Oh Oh I filled it up Okay now close write Anything change in the water, okay, the lifebuoy, ah, okay So I think I have to fill it to a point where this is in the middle Okay, fill it up again and stop no Tiny bit more nice too much. I didn't go back ding it. Come on, man Okay, let's flush that out maybe there's a way you're doing it cuz I have to twist my hand on there on this thing, but It's not the most accurate of things See it just gets to a certain point and then it keeps going I tried to stop it, but it wouldn't work Yes, and now maybe to something out here No Whoa shit, man. Oh, here we go. Okay, so the second one needs to face that way Okay, and The fourth one, oh my god, this is so finicky I'm turning the medicine that sometimes it doesn't work. Okay, and then you go There cuz you're the fourth one Third one goes straight down. No no, no, no no, no, no Okay, hopefully you're not too picky about this and then where does the first one the first one goes top right all right Hey, okay giant coin for me I Fixed your one eye and then this got bigger. Okay, so maybe the solution to this thing is down here as well Okay, that's something I don't even have yet You kind of look like this thing Hmm you just keep going down keep going all the way down Oh No, okay, so I'm still kind of back to where I was so what if What if these guys are actually telling me how to do this one? Odd is the first one is a square I Didn't even realize that okay third one is a circle. Oh We did it oh Maybe one was a hexagon apparently Okay now I should at least be able to make some progress Do you not do anything yet? I'm still stuck I know it does a thing cuz it's in the middle. Haha. It was read before Are you done I Don't get it Now I still don't know what to do. Oh boy Jesus click the middle My god, you know what? I'd love I'd love if this was in 3d somehow for example to see this in 3d and all that stuff coming at your face and Going back and forth. Oh That was that was a neat one These are fun to take a little a little while to figure out sometimes but I like them Okay, we have a space one. How many are there total? I wonder That money So we have six left to do this one's called eater, oh This one's all cats Okay, oh We have a cat lock All right, there might be a hint somewhere as to what freaking cat lock there is To fix the pipes I'm a regular old Mario Awesome it's not water. It's gas. The pilot light is on Neat all right. What do you guys got to offer me? Okay knife and fork There we go. Let me just put some milk in the pan. So you guys can eat And let me just salt sir the water There we go and then drop these in Here we go, I'm making you a nice dinner Lovely would you like balloons for dinner fried balloon, please? How do I get it onto your plate though is the question Okay half oh no, oh no, oh I need three of those Did I just mess it up? Can I not reverse this? Oh Dang rats, okay. What's in here? Nothing what's in here for nothing? All right. I might have messed this off But I don't really know if I can reverse it now, no not up I didn't mean to click the cheese again How do I Timer three of those this is the thing just to the right Five of those I think I did that and then the cup thing Okay, I can't click any of this stuff again though So, I don't know how I go back or how I fix or how I change or anything like that If indeed I do have to go back oh Okay, Ravi just guessed it Is there a way that I could just get it right just by guessing it and then finish the level I Get that you guys are hungry and I'm trying my damnedest to actually feed you But I might have screwed the pooch on this one not gonna lie He doesn't like the mouse coming out to get cheese the mouse in the house that's fair enough I don't like mice either My god, oh, this is the solution, okay So that little guy goes here, right, yeah Over here is This guy, yeah and over here is long ears again Hey Cool ok Progress Box, I need to turn the cooker on That's half and the timer said it needed to be down here No Wait did I cook ok half of that. Oh My god, it slips through yeah and down to there. Oh wait, so it needs to be like 5 o'clock type of timer and then I need three of these. Oh I really like this one 3 4 5 Three of those Was I supposed to okay? Let me just do a thing again it's gonna sort of evaporate this so let's do it in turn so half of that got it Wait, do I need to do it in sequence? Cuz I can't turn on the timer now Because it just cooks the thing immediately Some of that For five Maybe I'm overthinking it maybe I don't need to do that kind of stuff at all Maybe I just need to get the the items, right? Okay, I've made death See the thing about this is that it shows the timer to be bottom-left But the the actual hands and the clock don't match that up Yeah, I did it okay, I was overthinking it I just needed to put the timer in the right place. Oh You got a sick cake and you got a carrot? Well bony appetite There you go dude eat up or you fall good now you eat up Yeah, okay chew with your mouth closed please that's very very rude now he's asleep so the mouse can get the cheese's And now okay there's one cheese, but you need to get the other cheese Neat this one was nice cuz it made me feel like I knew what I was doing. I didn't have to go looking around Too hard for solutions. It was just right there in my face all the time Ha I think that was the easiest one so far actually Something about this art style and these colors that's just really pleasing to look at Okay, that's done so I have four left eat or ooh Candy I Love some candy right now. All right, what do we got here folks? Okay, I can't do something with you it's just really delayed for some reason oh Okay, um just attach all these and something will happen hopefully Okay the initial Startup for some of these is not that complicated Like to actually get the panel to open is always fairly easy, but now comes the annoying burden All right, none of these match ah He he undid them as fast as I did them, can I go back to seeing the initial thing again Okay, there was points Sir anything else I can click on right now. You need fixit's. Oh my god. Oh, All right, this is for ice cream There's more coins I have no idea what I'm doing am I buying ice cream is That done a mighty good now. Can I go back and change this again? Oh, God, no, this isn't supposed to be here is it? Hey, let me have all the coins What the hell is going on Oh I didn't think I Have no idea what I did. Whoa. I created life like Reeves this little dancing man Okay, I mean let's face it this game is weird but sometimes it just gets way weirder than it usually is All right, what What do you want from me? Can I just go to a different place again, please? Okay, not that one. I don't know what that is. I Don't know if I actually did this one Oh So I need to make the ice cream Got it that one Right Oh and it changes again, so that's right on that side I Know this is right. Yeah All right now I got the ice creams I'm helping a small business I'm helping her get back on her feet because she's lost everything in the recession And now she is people to help her and people are gonna pay her money Because she gives them stuff. Hey, can I click on you? Oh There's a solution to that thing Okay, that's kind of hard to remember but I think I might have it So one two, three, ah Nice Chocolate whipped cream full of water foods There you go kids Everybody's happy diabetes for everybody Yeah childhood obesity Just feed them all feed them all give them everything they want I did it Is that the end of that one oh Hey, oh god, I want ice cream. Now one thing about being in LA is that it's hotter than the devil's anus Home home alone. I'm sweet home with that one that one and vortex lefty and now we have four left feet. All right Certainly get the hang of it the last two were fairly straightforward Beef That's Scandinavian Santa he's a lot different looking than regular Santa Okay Let's see what we got behind the door. I feel like I'm peering into people's private lives and I shouldn't be doing that I'm gonna see someone I found you, I Guess I don't do anything with you that you're sleepy. Do I need to wake you up? What did you mangie drums Okay, okay I can't do anything with that. All right, let's let's go down a level and see what's going on down here Okay washer/dryer We shouldn't open these when they're in the middle of a cycle, oh this guy's having a shower All right, so there's a cascading sequence it would seem for a lot of these so let's see what they all have you're doing binary Ok, so the thief is here oh I can actually do stuff Hey, there's two I Had it okay go back a little bit a little bit just a smidge just a tippy-tap here we go Alright, how does this go? I Don't know What was the sequence game was I supposed to remember something you put down 1 0-0. What is this loss? I Don't know I don't have any information on any of this. Oh God don't tell me the solution is here somewhere It is here somewhere I'm gonna have to take pictures of this shit you can't remember this I'm not cheating. Okay, I'm doing it Okay decide was that actually the solution that I just found I know I asked even paying attention Okay, this does not help me this did not help me at all third one is is this But it's it the first one is an arrow pointing that way that doesn't make any sense like This that doesn't help oh Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait go back. Go back go back. No, there's another one in there There we go, it showed up for a second there it is okay. This is the one I need This is what I want. This is what I need. Okay, just take a picture of that and we're good All right. Go back to the solution. No, I'll go back There you go. This guy's all sleepy. So the first one is This second one is this I don't know what the third one is God make pictures cuz Sixth one is the dot line Okay, this one is tedious Come on there we go Hey, I found him now I can scan for him What is this do I'm helping the thief steal No, I thought it was being a nice person okay, is that one don't know. Okay. I've done one of them at least Alright, let's see what I can do What the hell did that do cool So I have to heat you up or something oh Okay, this is actually a thing so I Need you to be yellow Come on should be here somewhere. No, I need a full circle. There we go. And then this one Did that woke you was I supposed to do that I don't know if I was supposed to do that That was the solution because if you do this you fall asleep, okay, let me go back to some of the other ones All right That made you yawn, it seems Oh God, there's stuff in the background here we Need to make you fall asleep I Have to turn out all the lights ah, ha ha okay cover Now we can turn on your little Sookie vacuum and steal all your money Okay, there's another one done now, what did you have to offer Let's do something with the water for you I'm not sure this-this-this Can I turn these off can I put them out Opening and closing those doesn't seem to do anything Okay, this one's confusing, ah, there's another one Oh Do these help each other? Can I go back up to it? Wait, I think I just rerouted some pipes Yeah, you're fine now Okay, this one is done didn't and you're fine now but worth it That's incredible I Helped him steal everyone's money. Oh, no, he's spider-man Capitalism Wall Street Stocks stealing, Robin Hood There was a weird one, that's the weirdest one so far do the ones it's like Oh Corki weird things happening This one's like now the home invasion steal. Everyone's money All right, that one's not unlock. That was not like we have to do a vortex We have three left Oh No, we're a dye on space Okay quantum fuel accelerator on do something with something else I can't Okay, let me go around the other side first, maybe I should have tried that Oh God Nope none of those go there you need to be reversed Go back Perfect perfect circle Hawking it in boys. Oh This is worse much worse than I thought it was gonna be. Okay, you need you need the power things on Okay Then what does any of this means Okay, let's eat all the sex first I need I need protein and carbs so I can actually oh That was actually good you guys aren't fine What oh, can you fix this I don't know if you're actually doing anything you you might not actually be doing anything. Ah, fix the window. I Thought that was clapping I realized it probably wasn't actually after all that fix the engine oh The boys are back in town why can't you fix this one though? Cuz you fix it that way and then you Know and then you go around all kind of sticks to the things that it can fix Okay, that's all good right I should be able to pull you back in Come back in buddy. All right. What are these ooh? That doesn't seem right All right, that doesn't seem right that's done This thing apparently we need to do What what did I do did I do a thing? Guys I'm just gonna be honest III don't know what I'm doing. I'm not Elon Musk Whoa, okay. Okay. Are we on the right trajectory? For whatever the hell it is. We're doing who the hell knows I don't know what I'm hitting. Ah This is fun Think you actually have to stop by certain things. Oh god. No, I need to get the moon. It's in the bottom left Okay, we're here it's moon time Did we do it did we do a moon I I think we did a moon. I'm assuming we did. All right moving on to the next piece of adventure We did it one of them We're just discovering stuff on space. Oh wait. No, there's something over the other side You go ahead a Rika digger go again No, that's the moon again That's that thing and then there's something over here. Oh Is that not it did we not discover everything? Okay. Maybe we have to go Oh Almost there. We're still discovering stuff space is a big place. Okay, that's why they call it space Okay, one more Oh I have that There we go tada Okay, that one's son that one apparently not done Wow, oh geez, I Forgot that they were supposed to be monster heads I like the ones with space. I like space As a weird one well, I keep saying that but they're all weird the game is designed to be weird All right, what do we got next Log All right, let's see what log has to offer nature theme I like it I'm into it is this log Whatever you first the rooster crows at morning What I do oh oh You can actually eat the worms are You depositing them, okay So do I have to reverse engineer this thing So we go from no no No, why is me turning left making the thing go right we go from that to that to that To a birdie boy Yep, turn faster. There we go. Oh steamy fresh you Ooh Are you feeding your babies? Oh wait Oh my god, there's no birds in any of these yet Oh have to crack them, okay. There you go Eat it. Oh I didn't see what bow guy got does that matter? Oh my god his face Okay, I can't do anything right now until I figure out the right bird that this mess goes into Possible emanation I'm assuming I'll know when the when the thing is, right Yeah, it's nasty mama bird Okay, apparently I can't feed any of them I have to hold the thing to eat it. Oh My god, okay, I get it now. All right, where's the next wormy guy showing up? There we go This is gross, I don't like this one I don't know if it matters which one I'm feeding it to. I think it's all the one As long as there's just hole and they grow up Those are some ugly-ass children, you know what their children on the last and we love them. Oh I have to do it when they're sticking up, okay? Who wants to stick up next go mama bird eat the worm see the early bird gets it The early bird catches the worm and then vomits it all over there children. Oh God you got you're getting the brunt of this You're getting nothing but sheer bile Go mama bird. Oh I feel bad for the worms. I feel bad for the birds who have to eat this shit, I feel but I feel bad for us as Consumers of this products that have to look at this Are you even getting any of it? No you're not There we go Still no No, okay go down a bit there we go now you're full as a buss Alright and go last worm Gross It's just a fountain, a never-ending fountain of just *vomitesque scream* All my, my 'beautiful' family are all alive now Okay, now what Okay you're all singing Did that wake him up or anything? No, is there a sequence? I don't know. Okay, let's stop you for a sec *whistles along* That did something Okay, now it's stopped. This guy on his own radiates a green line Wait. Hold on or is that just when they're on their own they radiate the light? Yeah, okay There's nothing really to indicate what color I need though So only some of them radiate the lines And? Apparently these do something as well and I can still do something here. I- this is the most confusing one that I've done so far Okay, d'you radiate lines as well? I think so I'm not sure. K stop that for a sec. Let me see the lines *Confusion intensifies* Nothing really changes. Oh I just have to do all three at the same time Nice Oh god, all the worms are back out I- this is what you see when you trip acid I'm assuming Okay, this should be the last one then Lab-o! I have to do this in nintendo labo for the last one so I just make the keyboard again Did that in the Power Hour? Ooh, you're a cool looking one Let's start fiddling with some knobs as I like to do Okay, don't really know what that did I can see behind your eyes. Oh, yeah, I should look out the back first What happens if I just light them all up There we go Not too bad hello little man, so confusing as well cuz you don't know what's clickable and what's not Brain power activated! Alright so That beams onto that. Got it He's not having a good time. I can't click any of these though. Am I swapping consciousnesses into each other? I don't know how I feel about that. I have no idea what I'm doing. I mean have I really this entire game? Not particularly Yeah Put you back up for a second. I don't know if you're even supposed to be working yet Oh his brain power turned on these things. Oh god I gave him so many arms. Umm Oopsy floopsy, um. It's number one. Is that what that's telling me? Maybe I just had to turn them all up to max. I don't know This is cooonfusing oh he's changing more Do I just have to keep guessing until you change the most? Cuz I'm gonna be honest dude, I have no idea what I'm doin! You're still getting fucked up Can I take this thing off your head? Okay that powers everything back down, so let's not do that let's Maximize you wait, what does that change? does this turn off? Yeah, okay that turns off so I need this to be powered Okay, I don't know what the sequencing is, I don't know I don't actually know if these are doing anything cuz you're still the same This is the first time in any of these that I don't really know what I'm doing at all I'm just guessing. Oh I don't know what I did I was literally just messing around with all the sequences Did I do it? woah I'm.. Maybe? Wait. Oh, I need to make this Okay, I think I need that wait why is Okay I don't know None of these. Hey, there we go. This is how I figure out my solutions. I just guess things until it works (Tripping MORE balls) Have I become life itself Okay, align the circles become complete Stabilize the atom I don't know what's going on. Did I create life? Am I a dad? I think I am Mitosis Cells science terms All I know is that I did it I think that's it right? I have done it I have become the master of my own domain Turns out this is actually just symbolism for the facets of life space, birth, home, the lab The music is lovely in this game Did I just come up with the formula on how to be lol epic Yes you did Jack... yes you did All it did was decorated their fucking room and got you better eyes and teeth My achievement is head of the class I'm proud of that one Sleepy sheepy. I did it guys. I'm a genius That was lovely! That was great Man such a simplistic little game, but that was fun as fuck Good job developers It's this type of stuff that I really like. I mean, I just like games in general, but I like that I didn't really have Anything else? Oh you didn't need a crazy story you didn't need plot or pacing or anything like that was just Puzzle game figure it out and go but it's it's a puzzle. It's a casual puzzle game so it's not too hard and even the stuff that was in it was a case of just being like I I can figure this out if you give me ten minutes? And some of them were a bit more straight forward than the others but overall That was lovely tim schafer and Greg rice. I know you guys Aw, artstyle was nice music was nice controls were a little awkward though, like trying to spin stuff around sometimes just didn't work but overall I enjoyed that a nice cheap little experience not cheap as in like bad cheap as in like financially. It's affordable The double fine presents family Oh the double fine presents family all our friends and family. That's beautiful was there any...Um, production babies Can't imagine you were creating the game for that long that you needed production babies It's not like something like a god of war that took seven years. I Know this is co-op. But I keep pronouncing it as coop. Oh and then it just goes back to the start, okay, well that was gnog or gnog or gnog or gnog I don't know. I'm gonna go with gnog like gnome Silent G at the start. gnog your noggin That's it. That's what it was. gnog What a fun little game. I leave a link in the description. So you guys can go get it for yourselves It's not a free game but um It just showed up on Steam randomly and I really like the art style and I just like simple little puzzle games anyway, it's when the hard puzzle games kick in that I'm like duhhh So I like I like these types of ones And I literally got it on art style alone And the fact that Double Fine made it I knew it couldn't be something bad if Double Fine were apart of it But that was gnog. Thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it PUNCH that like button in the face! like a nog! and high fives all round *WHAPSH!* *WHAPSH!* thank you guys and i will See all you dudes... In the next video! Like Coment And Subscribe! Wonder what goes on inside this head what's going on in here probably something like that
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,273,268
Rating: 4.9363518 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, GNOG, GNOG Game, GNOG gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, GNOG jacksepticeye, monster, monster head, puzzle game, solution, full game, complete, puzzle solution, VR, GNOG VR, eater, vortx, labo, candy, hom3, soundtrack, music, OST
Id: bU0-CHFBp2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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