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I'm curious what it's like to go back and look at some of the videos that I have made I've done a video like this before where I looked at the evolution of jacksepticeye somebody made a video of me and went through a bunch of like my first videos my earlier videos my later video is an up to date videos at that time and then WatchMojo went along and made a video of the top ten jacksepticeye videos and I did a video on both of those and then in the WatchMojo one I I talked about maybe reacting to my most popular videos because some of people's top videos some of the ones that I'd consider my top videos are not always the ones that got the most amount of views so by and large I mean I haven't checked my most popular videos in a very very long time so I'd be curious to see what it's like just to go back and look at those videos again to see why these videos are my top videos to see why these things are be watched by so many different people and what is actually in there so here's my channel lovely as it is I I mean incognito mode as well just to just so I can see the channel the way it's supposed to be from like an outsider's perspective and not from the inside the way I normally would so here's all the videos that I have just uploaded this will date the video very well so let's go to most popular I know it's some of them are I know that all the way is like yeah the most popular and then Lord it's a lot of animations so we have the the most popular video I've uploaded is the old way song which I knew I knew that that was the most popular one and I knew that this would be the second most popular one the James fire five nights at freddy's 2 animation because those were the five nights the phrase to animation was my most popular video by a freaking long shot at the time and then all the way came out I'm [ __ ] ballooned in success three of my top five videos are five nights at Freddy's animations which makes sense because anybody who has five nights at Freddy's animations on their channel that's usually some of the highest videos that they actually have but all the way [Music] to [ __ ] victory town oh my god this is this video I absolutely love I love this song this is so cool and it has transcended way beyond what this channel is or Who I am or what I do here which blew my mind because there's so many people around the internet now who I need them to see all the way a good example of this is every time there's a picture that shows up on reddit every now and then other of a wall that has graffiti on it the graffiti is kind of going in a wave that says all the way and it's made to look like it's kind of 3d and it's kind of like messing with your eyes a small bit but every time that picture shows up all the top comments and reddit are always like to [ __ ] victory town or jacksepticeye intensifies or something like that or great great Steve and that blows my mind because I didn't think that this would go I knew this song will go down well because it's happy wheels and it's a song and I hadn't uploaded anything like that before but to see a transcend way beyond that blew my mind and it to have it be the most watched video on my channel with 1.2 million likes 74 and a half million views almost 75 that is just bananas another reason I wanted to do a video like this was to kind of give some some insight into how some of these videos wear because a lot of these are pretty old now like 2016 July 2016 that's pretty old bye bye the internet standards at this point so well they I met these guys the schmoyoho guys the Gregory Brothers at the event the creator summit in New York that I went to in May actually yeah so I talked to them in May of 2016 and they had just done a song from America they were like we want to do one for you as well would you like that and I was like you serious of course a what I would love it and look at the sounds that you guys make and then July by then they came back to me with it so they had sent me like little clips here and there like the first minute of it like to do with most of the songs and I fell in love with it immediately I couldn't believe that they were able to take something like my happy wheel series and turn this kind of stuff every now and day I believe in you it's crazy I believe in Steve and then it became so quotable and there's like a good message behind it cuz it's all about trying your hardest and going all the way and I don't know it's really fun and everyone keeps telling me to be like check you should sing this in a video sometime I'm like but this is auto-tune I'm just screaming at the top of my lungs for the happy realz episodes my voice does even sound like that anymore and of course five nights at Freddy's stuff is welcome back to five nights at Freddy's 2 even my audio is different back then my audience as good as it is now cuz I didn't know what I was doing this is back in 2015 so this is a year over a year before that other video Lord that's it's almost four years old at this point that's crazy to think about but James who did this animation he was the one who did this one and I loved it I loved his style he makes such really great animations and you can see in the top videos he's he's there they're there and he's down here and he's probably somewhere else I might go on but no he's not okay but his animation style is so good and I've been in talks to him to do a new animation soon which I'm very very excited about but I love his style it was so good it became like one of the first animations that I did another one was the Christmas shopper simulator that Tristan did gastly ghosts does she still go by that name such a good animation as well and I was so fond of these styles and I was so happy that this did well I mean it's five nights at Freddy's so it's going to do well anyway but it also has chicas ass in the thumbnail which also I was going to do Freddy's gone now is wet Nereus this is even made on top of things getting nice this is even made back when I was wearing the Hat racial issues down there it's so well Joey so professional Oh cupcake nice dude chicas got a nice pair of cupcakes oh man those animations are fantastic these two are a [ __ ] anomaly I'm not my mama nominally the visitor why is this like my fifth most-watched video flash game the people really really probably because a lot of people have played it already take a breath Jesus cry Tevan it's so weird to go back and watch these videos because this is 2015 as well this is March of 2015 apparently 2015 was my year when she kind of was 2015 in 2016 or the year when this channel was going way into the clouds it was it was I think it was the fastest growing channel of 2016 or definitely one of the fastest growing channels of 2016 which was completely bizarre to me and I didn't know really what was going on I said literally know what I was doing I was just having fun and playing games and listening to this style of commentary now it's still me of course it's still like Who I am it's energetic it's it's loud but back then I got I it's so much more energy like these flash games I did the wackier games I did their Henry stickmin series that people like I did some of the surgery games why why is this so people haven't asked me to play this since I started playing some more of those again this is a baby Bradley I play as an alien and I have to go kill things and get stronger I don't know let's go so I just never stop talking do I it's just none sup I was so worried it's weird to go back and watch it now because like that that time and that version of me it's not like it was fake or anything it was just of its time at that time that's who I was I was so bubbly energetic I was so into the games I was so like yeah let's go let's do this like copy tomorrow do you like the starless or play the visitor now and it was so bizarre nowadays I'm much more relaxed I'm still loud energetic and it's still too much for some people but watching this now just feels like a different person it feels like this is this was me when I was back like please like me please everybody all the time like me and I was so afraid of not filling the silence like I was afraid to let anything like sit and just lie because I was afraid that people would get bored or something like that I don't know I just kept talking all the time general idea that I got is that me that's a worm okay click the Frog kill the Frog No kill the tree take that [ __ ] tree come on can I kill the bird oh my god my mouse is freaking out why stop that you silly oh my god it's such a that's fun to go back and look at that cuz I could I can remember recording all of these videos obviously I can remember where I was what I was doing where I lived since the scene like I I know I say that I'm a different person now but that doesn't mean I regret any of this this was still super fun to do and at the time it felt just like such a [ __ ] glorious time on the channel because everything was new everything was fresh everything was just like yeah let's go let's do it and I'd like every morning I woke up I still love doing my my videos I still love this channel I still love what I'm doing and I wake up very excited about doing it but there's some days when I wake up when I'm like I don't really want to do anything today where's back then every day was just like let's [ __ ] go what do we record today let's [ __ ] do it let's energy then what happened to me am i dead inside now did I lose that I lose the spark so they lose my passion no it was just a lot more to play back then as well because all these things were just there was just an endless supply of games to play because I hadn't played them yet well now I've played everything under the Sun it's like yeah what do we do now but wait wait this why is the visitor game so popular fishing rod I'm gonna come in through the vent I don't wreck your [ __ ] I hope you're having a nice night I hope you're sleeping very well I'm gonna eat your fish what oh I'm afraid of my net in my head my neck and my head together my net I have Athena my net Gilbert oh man and this it's such a different time on YouTube as well because that was a time when you could just upload anything you don't blow to anything and people who'd watch it people were just there the algorithms were all different there was no copyright claims there was no D monetization there was no copyright strikes as much like everything researched it was the Wild West on YouTube back then you could upload anything the algorithm just pushed gaming content so unbelievably hard it still does but it's it's more curated now it's because there's so many people doing it it's all just kind of fortnight and minecraft and things like that that get just pushed in the trending tab all the time for gaming now but back then it was just you could go in today it wasn't even a trending tab back then you could go into just YouTube but there was just in the supplies of gaming content and it was all completely different and completely all over the place and it was it was glorious everybody was just uploading whatever they wanted and you didn't have to worry about anything I mean it makes sense that all these things are like three years ago four years ago two years ago five years ago oh god yeah the first happy wheels video we click into that in a minute because I have some stuff to talk about in that but back then on YouTube as well I don't know it was just such a different time because it was so much more homegrown nowadays stuff is way more professional I mean even me like the camera I'm using now is way more professionalism back then the microphone I'm using the monitors the computer I have is way stronger all these things progress there's people who edit videos now I have Robin editing my videos there's more people working for youtubers and everything back then it was just me my camera my game and my room and I was doing everything on my own and I was working 9 to 12 hours a day to a YouTube all day every day never taking breaks uploading the exact same time every day 5 & 8 p.m. every day and it was just such a different time everything was just completely different let's say that it's well it is slightly worse now because a lot of things have changed for the worse like I know you should had to bring in the copyright system and the claiming the D monetization and all that kind of stuff and ad pocalypse and all these different things have happened since then and back then it was just a lot more fun because you could just sit down and record literally anything and as long as you were having fun with it people at home were having fun with it as well but nowadays it's much harder to keep people's attention there there's click-through rates on YouTube or your thumbnail and your title and all this kind of stuff mean much more now than they ever have so it's it's it's interesting to go back and watch that back then let's click into happy wheels let's see what this was like oh it's gonna be so different my name is jacksepticeye welcome to happy wheels yeah I finally got around to playing it I have never once played happy wheels before in my life oh my god that's such a different style of commentary I still wasn't comfortable with myself I still didn't really know what I was doing I still didn't know what I wanted to do on YouTube and I've said a lot of this stuff in the WatchMojo video and I've heard we gonna repeat myself a lot here but this November 2013 good lord I I started off making my very first video in December 2012 I basically started in 2013 because December 2012 was like right in the middle of December so it's basically 2013 well that was my solid snake impression video but it wasn't until like 2013 that I started making gaming videos a lot more and happy wheels was one of those games that everybody was playing it was already known at the time like Oubre hacks or nova tobyturner felix everybody was playing happy wheels and it was already known as the game you play to get views kind of thing Marik was playing a lot of happy wheels so I was reluctant to play because I didn't want to come across as like me just playing it because I wanted to get views and I wanted people to know that I wasn't doing youtube for that kind of reason so happy videos was a weird one but I really wanted to play happy wheels because it seemed like it would suit my style because I was very bombastic I was very energetic I was very over-the-top and everything so happy with would have been perfect for me so I put it up on Facebook sure I think I put it up on Twitter as well asking should I play happy wheels and the vast majority of people said no the vast majority of people came back and said no because everyone's playing it's like oh it's just click played these different types of things and I almost didn't report I was like you know what I record one episode and see if people like it if they don't then I'll just stop playing it and look what it turned into a hundred episodes later 16 and a half million views in the first episode Mother of Christ ever seriously I've never played it I've never even tried to play it but I have seen a lot of videos of it and I know what kind of game it is and I know what it's all about hey I sound like I'm drunk I sound like I've never played it seriously I've never played it I've never even tried to play it it sounds like somebody has likes half-speed have spent my video hey I've never played it I've never even touched it kind of thing because again I didn't talk in my regular voice really yet I was so pronouncing words slightly Americanized because that was how talking clearly to me was just talking slower and also talking in a more different accent abour a more clear voice ended up pronouncing things like the American sometimes I've wanted to play for a while I wanted to put up in the channel for a while but channel for a while now let's go play user-created levels because those are apparently the best yeah I didn't even have facial hair back then they'd like a tiny little chin thing going on I was wearing my hat and everything and I look at me I'm a [ __ ] hairy monstrosity look at that glow up so fun fact about this video as well I have it in the description here saying in-game audio didn't record so try to add some effects I'm sorry if it sounds bad so when I recorded this episode none of the game audio recorded I think I was using seasoned bandicam back then I don't know what software I was using to actually record the game and it just didn't record audio for some reason it didn't pick up the audio from the game so I had to add in all the sound effects again myself I went back and I recorded I looked at the episode I saw what type of sounds I needed and I went back and recorded some more happy wheels and just took bits of audio and put it back in high touch and I've never actually watched it again to see if it matches I have absolutely no idea how to play this game see there's no song on that thing still sound going on at all there's no sound in this oh I can't do it oh just keep going there's no sound happening rather easy so there's just something not be trying to kill me oh god there's a mess this is trying to kill me oh Jesus Christ Little Billy Oh Billy no no even in the first episode I was calling him Billy holy crap I call him I call him Billy because that was the kind of like the generic name that I gave to all kids it was like that if you've ever watched like Futurama or a 1950's commercial or something I was like or like I'm Troy McClure kind of videos I'm it was talking to the kids and it was like oh you got it Little Billy or like don't touch that little Suzy kind of things and that's why I called everything Billy and Suzy earlier on in the episodes oh man and I started off calling things Billy in outlast I think boy back flips back flips like a boss Jesus Christ like your head kind of went it did a wheel there for a second there's no audio or anything do they pass my very first level he's peddling like a [ __ ] [ __ ] I did yeah finish it first try didn't even die first time to ever play happy wheels like applause oh my god Jesus that is oh that's cringy that's hard to watch that's a completely different style of recording and editing and commentating are things and there was no audio in that entire level when I put the audio back into this level into this episode that was the biggest editing job I had ever done in my life up until that point and I thought oh I'm so I'm so good at youtuber so good at editing I put on all the sound effects again there was no sound effects in that whole first minute Billy and Bobby on the bike again how do i what sound effects - there you go you can hear it in my headphones coming into my microphone oh my god I might just actually have like broke in the game today oh god I can't even play happy wheels you call yourself a happy wheels veteran get over it I mean so that that victory sound I added in for some reason the other one I didn't I was like yeah you know it's deserved there God November 2013 and then it just exploded into this phenomenon and I kept going on forever and then I finally ended it a hundred episodes is that in here yeah there it is they the very last episode let's click on that one and see how different it is God who ever thought that this day would come I'm so nervous hi are you come the finale of happy wheels it's here sorry it took me so long to actually get to the finale so I'm much more like the way I am now in this video because this was November 2016 so three years later was it no it's November 13 it was almost the exact day wait didn't they do that ah that would have been perfect but this was also a livestream i think i think i streamed this and then edited it back down pretty sure I did oh geez because I think I was looking at chat because I didn't really wanted to do it as the anniversary because November 16th I think was the anniversary for like three years of happy wheels which is a lot of happy wheels yeah and this is the longest running series on the channel I think besides reading your comments so this this also I started to get a little bit of facial hair and then I have green hair that that green hair does not look good that green hair looks like a mess right now that is disastrous get rid of Billy oh yeah just kill them that's just as good [Music] yeah god I [ __ ] blew out my mic and everything I didn't know what I was doing still still have no idea what I'm doing welcome to undertale jesus [ __ ] christ that's a lot of information to take in in the first three seconds can I even do that anymore welcome to undertale haha still got it what happens in the old jacksepticeye I miss the old jacksepticeye I miss I miss when Jack wore a hat this is also when I was learning hat undertale is like three and a half years ago at this point that's not really October's not a half year but October 2015 mother of Christ that's old of course undertale isn't at the top that's like people know me for either happy wheels or undertale at this point it's my hair green back then yeah it was cuz the second thumbnail has green hair I'm really curious about it myself because there's so many good things on the internet about this lately a lot of people are talking about it and saying that it's a really good game that it's fully the correct right why is he yelling why is he yelling about everything that's happening why come on again I I can say that now and look back and think like God why is he yelling so much but at the time that was just that was just who I was I've I've changed a lot since then and I've I've matured and I've grown and I've evolved and different things on my channel have have moved forward so I'm just saying I'm just a different person by then which is good you you should become a different person every few years if you're not then you kind of just reliving the past over and over again it's good to grow it's good to learn new things it's good to evolve that doesn't mean that this is bad or I regret this or anything like that it's just just such a different time such a different energy on the channel such a different vibe of things that were going on and when I played undertale first off I didn't care at all about undertale when it came out it came out I saw some videos of it I looked at the gameplay and I was like god that looks awful I'm not playing that and then which was the point it was supposed to look crude Toby Fox himself said he made the airside look like that for very specific reason and then some people had asked me to play it some other channels are playing at game grumps were playing it at the time and I decided you know what why not I'll throw my name in I'll give it a shot and I did a couple of episodes and nobody gave a [ __ ] it was the same in happy wheels like when I uploaded the episode no one really cared a few people watched it god it got decent views but at the time for what the channel was and what the regular views on the channel were it was getting kind of crappy views so I thought oh maybe people don't like this so after like the third episode I was like ah I'll see and but the third episode then I just really liked it I was having a blast playing it so I was like okay I'm just gonna keep playing it I want to play it I don't really care how it's gonna do anymore so then it just took off everybody started watching it and now it has sixteen and a half million views there's no weird there's no weird how that happens I almost didn't play happy wheels I could have gave up on undertale and I was there two of the biggest series on the entire channel that's bizarre and of course of course this episodes ok well maybe this is why this series it so well is cuz the first episode had the P break in it oh man never ones like we heard you peez like no you can't you can hear me pee I don't pee like a regular human I pee in the shower but Burt this was not late left in on purpose as much as people want to believe that I left this is in on purpose to get watch time back then this is October 2015 no one was really even I guess they kind of were talking about watch time but it's not it wasn't the really known metric for getting views and money and all that kind of stuff as it is now so back then when I recorded this video I I made a mistake when I recorded it I okay a little background information on this video when I recorded this the first time I did it I got tutorial and I killed her I accidentally killed toriel what didn't accidentally kill her I killed her on my first playthrough and after I killed her I was like and people got to be mad about that yeah people are gonna be mad about that aren't they and I I went I kind of like looked around the internet and then I was like yeah people are really mad when you kill characters in this game so I went back and I redid the toriel part because I didn't want to get her killed I didn't want to kill toriel so I went back and I redid the fight because I wanted to keep her alive and I ended up dying in tutorial fight which I didn't even know as a thing or people didn't even know it was a thing you could do because her attacks dodge you and I managed to be that good at the game that I managed to get killed by toriel um but because of that I was like oh yeah remember there's a part of this video you need to edit out cuz I was editing my own videos back then and in my head it was like oh the part that I'm supposed to edit out is the toriel fight and I'm supposed to like rillette at that section because I'm not supposed to kill her but what ended up happening was the part that I was supposed to remember to edit out was the pee break so when I went back I completely forgot that this happened I completely forgot I was such a long video that I didn't go through every minute of it I just kind of left it and I should have known because you can see in the waveform that I'm not making any like voice file anymore so I should have known that that was the part that I was supposed to cut out but nope then it just goes on how long is the pee break [Music] is it like a minute yeah and that's why people think that I left it in okay eyes I just left it in okay eyes back no p.m. so it's about a minute long and then the video ended up as an hour one minute and 12 so people like ah he got the extra minute of watch time it's like if you do YouTube you know an extra minute of watch time means fuck-all in an hour-long video so let's just say it was just a mistake but that's funny I can't it glad it was left in because it was kind of like a behind-the-scenes peek at like yep I'm human sometimes I [ __ ] up I do pee people often ask like do you ever needed or the bathroom when you record do you ever like fart when you record yeah I'm human of course I do everybody does and Robins animation Robins animation is in the the top videos so some of the background on this Robins watching right now hi Robin wave to the people so Robin made this animation before he started animating for me before he started editing for me because he had made he had made America animation and he had made a grumps animation these are the character models from those animations he had made those and I found them randomly and I was like it was his rocket ship animation for the grumps and I looked at it I was like holy [ __ ] this is way beyond any animation that I've ever seen on YouTube it was like the highest most polished animation that I'd seen because everything else was 2d at the time that I'd seen and here was Robin coming along with [ __ ] 3d animated stuff with crazy-ass depth of feeling and gorgeous lighting and colors and it was just it was phenomenal to look at and I know Robin this is weird because you're watching this now and I'm Tooting your horn for you but it was so well done that I was like I would love something like that on my channel his [ __ ] face I would love something like that on my channel and I reached out to him I emailed him I said oh you've made one for those guys so maybe you'd like my channel and maybe you'd want to make an animation for me and he replied back very I can't remember what the email said Robin has the email still and it's something like hey my name is Shawn mcLaughlin I run channel jacksepticeye who's really awkward but kind of sweet at the same time to look back at it now but what I when I messaged him he he very nicely said yes thankfully that he wanted to make an animation for me and I Robert did you make two animations before you started editing for me he definitely made this one January 2016 and then it was May 2016 when he started working with me so he when when he made this animation then after that I had said I'm looking into getting an editor maybe in one of my vlogs and then Robin just messaged me one day and was like hey I can edit for you if you want and because we had worked together already and I kind of talked to him a little bit and I I trusted his comedic timing and his sense of style and everything because of this video then I was like you know what let's try it out if any of you out there are watching and yours and you make youtube videos and you're thinking about getting an editor I would highly suggested because it has made my life a lot easier anyway it's freed up a lot of my time to be able to do other things but it's also given like fresh eyes and a fresh perspective on the videos I'm making it puts a different kinda style into it when my style had been very much just me me me me me all the time and then bringing somebody else on to help out with it kind of brought a fresh perspective on it I changed up the content a slight fade so that kind of stuff is fun but also just the amount of time in his freed up for me to be able to do things on my own and just give me back my life I was doing YouTube just so so consistently and so constantly that it was all I could think about it was all I was doing I had no time to hang out with friends to go outside to go eat somewhere else to go grocery shopping I didn't even have time to cook for myself half the time I was just order food all the time because that's that's all I had time for I was just working 12 hours a day on my own doing my videos if it wasn't if I wasn't recording it or editing it or uploading it or rendering it I was looking for new stuff to play I was progressing a game in my spare time to try and get to a different location to try and get to where I wanted to be for the next episode I was practicing something I was looking into some other content I was answering comments I was on Twitter it was all just part of the job and bringing Robin on to help me one of the best decisions that I've ever made for the channel because it's not only has it freed up more time and made the videos better in my e in my opinion it's just made them it's made the system a lot more fluid but also now Robin's a good friend of mine and I got that out of it so it's just a really not a really great decision on the channel at the time but it was a really hard thing to do and I I was going to that creator summit in New York at the time and it was right after PAX East I had four days to get videos ready and I just didn't have the time I didn't have time I didn't want to edit when I was at the creator summit I wanted to just enjoy that so when I when I was going I was like okay this is the time when I'm gonna ask you to edit some stuff for me Robin because I have no time to edit them I'd record them and send them to you and we see what happens and the first one he did was radical rockets yeah this game that's so Jesus Christ that scared me that's not a Robin edit rockets I saw this game a really long time ago and I was gonna play it and then I can be completely separate guys so loud but I'm wearing the Berlin jumper in that one but that was the first episode that Robin edited and I was really worried we were both kind of worried me and Robin cuz he wanted to edit stuff in a way that didn't seem like somebody else was editing it that's what I wanted to or what is it to be seamless but some people immediately like some people know people apparently I talked about this before some people immediately picked up that somebody else edited this which was crazy to me that the style was so engrained in people's brain that any slight change in it was noticeable and I could watch this video right now and wouldn't see a difference I guess cuz Robins been editing for so long now at this point but but that was the first video he edited and then after that it was like I had almost no notes to give him I wrote back a couple of notes to be like maybe we could tighten this up and make this a little fast or change this kind of thing these effects are slightly too loud or something like that and then after that it was fine everything just progressed the way it was great that two high notes you got lightheaded nice mercury use this is my favorite animation of the channel you'd be like Icarus not only for the style of it the style is my my main reason why I like it so much does the 3d animation is just so good with the pacing of it and the material that Robin pulled out of that universe sandbox video to be able to make it into like a cohesive classroom environment kind of thing that was just remarkable to me and like the little the little legs the the leg walk cycle is my favorite part of the whole animation it really just felt like me that like loud energetic like let's go okay the kind of energy and he really nailed it this one I'm wearing a PewDiePie shirt superfan subscribe to beauty pie that's me see all of you think that you're the real nine-year-olds I was an original nine-year-old I was a pro but this video this only did well because of Trump this only did well because Trump's in it and it's a video where you can do surgery on Trump and potentially kill him that's the only reason why this video did well it has 15 million views basically it's about to cross over into 15 million 15 61 thousand comments all because Trump is in the title and in the thumbnail he's in the game as well but but this is at the time when all of that [ __ ] was kicking up so people were just looking for Trump's off and this was cathartic for people now before I do anything I just wanna say that I have absolutely no interest or care or worries or anything about the American presidential election campaigns that are going on right now I don't know who wins I don't even think I know all the people who were running actually I probably do but I'm not gonna say anything yeah I was just like I'm you playing this I like surgeon simulator anyway and I wanted to play all the content they had for the game I did all the VR stuff afterwards as well but I remember doing this I was like oh this new thing came out that might be a fun thing to do a video on people might get a kick out of it because it's Trump stuff but I was like I'm not bringing politics on to my channel I still don't bring politics on to my channel politics and religion are like two things that I never really want to tap into on the channel or at least I'll allude to things every now and then or where I stand on certain things but I never want to like make a video talking about politics or religion or talk about my stance on things because it's just a [ __ ] hornet's nest I don't know it's just a pain in the ass to try and deal with and then you're never going to appease everybody something like other people can talk about these issues much better than I can and if I don't know I was just like I don't want the comments to turn into that and the comments for a [ __ ] [ __ ] show anyway of course I mean it's always gonna be that way any time you bring up anything like this it's always gonna be a [ __ ] job but this this really just took off then on its own and it's one of the most it's one of the most successful videos I've ever done and I think it's one of the most successful watch time and revenue based videos that I've ever done if I if I go through like my lifetime of most or highest earning videos and highest most watch time videos it's it's up in like the top five or the top ten it's [ __ ] crazy people people in this video man I don't know Trump the people love to talk about and of course back to back is skate three and Grand Theft Auto five Holy Mother of God Brian at which video is this make it make it yeah make it make it flying planes so awesome it flying planes I remember I used to do like these little specialized intros for the Grand Theft Auto videos because they were so I'd done so many of them that I didn't want to do with the regular top of the morning intro was the first thing you saw so this was ah man this was was this before or after the PewDiePie shout out hello beautiful world don't mind me I'm just flying this is my pilot license this is one of the tests make it Oh Lord that face Jesus Christ this soft edit that's soft transition cuz I was like I don't want to cut straight to my thing because it'll be too abrupt people won't want to see that and now it's like that's all my editing is is like hey how's it going I don't know it's up you know like that kind of editing is this is November 6 2013 and this was the one from the pewdiepie shout out September 17th 2013 so offset as of September 17th 2013 I have two and a half thousand subscribers or three thousand sometimes you can even go back and watch Felix's shout out competition video and you can see how many subscribers I have in that video and I remember that very vividly Phoenix is like top of the mornin [ __ ] I don't know this guy seems really cool and I like it is whatever he's doing or something like that I remember how he described me but this this was that video I didn't even have that they're like high-five daddy I had that the soft like Hello but it was before the whole egg slap my ass my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the big one I just installed it and I haven't done much I only play the intrepid guy but then I ended up as Franklin who you're forced to end up as at the start and now I'm just here at my house in my care let's oh god it's so [ __ ] different that's wild three and a half million views there's a whip noise at the start the video that noticed PewDiePie yet the video noticed PewDiePie my video gave PewDiePie a shout out that's why his channel got so successful is it just me or just jack sound less Irish here than he does in 2018 yeah I was I was well I wasn't less Irish I didn't have less Irish in fight DNA in my genetics but I was still just a version of myself that I wasn't happy with I didn't know what I was doing I didn't know what people would react to I didn't know I didn't like the sound of my own voice I didn't like hearing my own accent things like that so I was just I was talking in a different voice cuz I I don't know I didn't like myself I didn't like who I was oh it Carlos do you wanna go get some food oh yeah yeah I'm hungry I was doing that as well for [ __ ] stay three videos of doing these cringy intros yeah I'm horny why you know pay attention to me anymore Carlos baby I know I slept with Jerry but it mean nothing you are my one true love stop [ __ ] me well [ __ ] you Carol off loses like March 2014 when skate 3 was becoming a thing this is this is part 16 wait is part 16 Oh cuz I finally did the double flip oh yeah that's that's why I but this was this is like high-five territory then at this point my name is jacksepticeye and Carlos is still following me hair loss is still following me yeah cuz you hit him with a skateboard in the intro two seconds before that but yeah I don't know what to do with this video that's kind of why I haven't been recording a lot of skate 3 lately that's been recording much scary lady parrot 16 and that was every skate video it was just doing so well and people liked it so much and I was enjoying it was like yeah but what do I do what do we do next I have no freaking idea I'm just gonna keep playing it and hope fun [ __ ] happens and I was still editing my own stuff back then so it was like I I don't know what to do I want to make fun parts but at this point how many how many skate videos that I end up doing 23 Oh Mother of God April 2014 was when I stopped playing skate three and everybody's always like bring back skate three do it again please every well everyone wants me to bring back all the old games anyway but it just wouldn't be the same I could go back and play happy wheels Kwanzaa thought of five skate three but when I go back and played everyone wants the child to be what it was like four years ago three years ago when really it's like no the channel shouldn't be what it was that time because that was a completely different person it was it was still me it was still authentic it was still who I was at the time but Who I am now is completely different I'm I don't do videos the same way I don't I wouldn't react to the game the same way I wouldn't have the same towards the game as I did back - and so it just wouldn't be the same and a lot of people just be like a lot of people would just say that in the comments as well I don't know maybe maybe for like a special thing sometimes we'll go back and just play some old games who knows but I I don't know I like where the channel is now I like how things have progressed and grown and evolved to where the air now I don't regret any of this this is super [ __ ] fun to do back then it's just it's not it's like this is March 2014 this is almost five years ago at this point if I was I'm still in the log cabin back then I'm very unhappy here you can watch these videos and look at them and think like Oz it could all days like I want the old Jack back it's like really you want the guy who was miserable and alone and had nobody really to talk to and outside of his videos was just depressed like recording videos is my happiest time and that's why I got so involved in it is because I felt like I was the best version of myself when I was recording my videos that's why I was so passionate about it but this this guy is not happy this is not a happy person at this time in my life I mean I'm living in the log cabins I'm miserable I'd had like no friends to really play video games with or hang out with I was I was living in a cabin that got so cold that the ice would form on the inside of the walls that when the wind came around you were worried that it was gonna blow the roof off the cabin was like now I'm here in my own house and I know people will say that oh you changed that yes of course I've changed um but there's a difference between how much I've changed versus how much your perception of me has changed because the channel is as large as it is now and I think I think that's an important distinction whenever you're talking to people about these types of things and to just be aware of how much happier people can be in the state the air now when people say like I way I miss the old you I wish you would go back to that you please think about the person you're saying this to is well we're still people I know it's easy to take shots at a youtuber especially if they have a very large channel but at the same we're still people we still hear this stuff it still gets to us when you say these things if you catch us in a certain mood if we're not feeling great about ourselves and then you go into the comments and you see stuff like that it's just gonna make you feel miserable again and that's I'm saying like back then when I was doing grand theft auto and and this type of stuff I just wasn't happy I mean now in my life I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life and for people to come around then and say like I miss the old him it's like I I don't I it's nostalgic to go back and do this and again don't regret any of it I wouldn't change a thing and this is not I'm not being fake I know I said I'm depressed outside of the videos but that's only because the video has brought the only source of joy into my life and that's why I was so energetic I was so bubbly I was so into it it's because I finally had something that was mine that I could like sit down and record and just be happy and forget about the rest of my life and the channel only had a couple of hundred thousand subscribers at this point if even this is March 2014 and the channel hit a million in August of 2014 so even back then I was just having a blast doing it I was just doing it for the love of doing it there was same way I've always done it the same reason I started doing it it's because I was bored and I was sad and I had nobody to talk to and I wanted to play video games like some other people in video games did and though the very first I've said all this stuff in the tour this is like a big part of what the tour was and you'll see it in the documentary whenever that comes out put the first channel I ever found on YouTube the first time I ever actively watched was level cap gaming because I was playing a lot of Battlefield 3 at the time and I wanted to get better at it I wasn't doing YouTube myself I wanted to get better a battlefield 3 so I was watching his channel I was learning like the tips on how to like learn the maps and fast ways of just getting better at the game and it blew me away because he was playing games on his own and he was just having fun and he was doing it as his job but I didn't know that I was just impressed by the fact that he had a channel and all these people came along and watched it and it brought me out of a difficult time watching him made me feel less lonely being a part of his community made me feel less lonely less sad and it just pulled me out of a very very rough part of my life and just gave me something to look forward to each day and a piece of joy and something to watch every day and I was like you know what I want to do that for people I I know what that feels like to not have anybody to talk to so who knew better than me at that time so I I made a channel of my own I started playing games and I wanted to I wanted to do that for other people I wanted to create like a little pub for people to call them and have fun and forget about whatever was going on in their lives and just have somebody to talk to and somebody to feel like they could interact with an intern I needed that as well I needed people to talk to I needed a community I needed friends so it's good of a sad origin story for the channel but um that was just my reasoning behind it now why I was so involved in community and why I was so into and why I was so like why I interacted with the community so extremely heavily was because I just loved it finally people were there talking and having fun and I felt like I had friends and I know it's a little sad wouldn't you think about it but that at the time that's where I was so no I current jacksepticeye whatever about the subjectivity of how funny the videos are or the games I'm playing and things like that that's that's all subjective to your own taste that kind of stuff you can miss but me as a person I feel like I'm just much better now okay I'm just gonna stop the video here I could go through this all day maybe I'll go through some more of these videos again at some point the [ __ ] try not to laugh number three is up there and it even back then it had laughs in it your videos did well these flash games always used to do well back then the douchebag games the Eevee game Oh megalodon I don't know why this episode does so well that was that was really weird because I played with Felix spoon and Marik I think and it was just such a random think the game we were gonna play that day didn't work so we chose this some more animations from Stef a lot of happy wheels papers please man it's fun to go back and look at all these old things I'm really I'm really happy with this channel it's so it's the greatest thing I've ever done with my life and it's afforded me so many cool opportunities and I'm so extremely lucky to be where I am today to be able to do this everyday and just have fun with it and I'd like to think that my my reasoning for doing it and my morals behind doing it and those types of things have never changed I still do it just for the love of doing it and numbers and all that stuff are great but it's never really been the driving force behind it every now and then kind of yeah but it was never the reason I started it and it's never the reason why I keep doing it it's just it's just fun it's just a it's just the coolest job in the world it's the coolest thing to be able to do so why not have fun with it and keep going god I've been recording for like an hour okay well that does it for this video thank you for watching I hope you find some sort of enjoyment out of it I have no idea this video is gonna turn out by
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,206,863
Rating: 4.9707923 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, most popular videos, reacting to most popular videos, jacksepticeye react, jacksepticeye reacts to most popular videos, jacksepticeye's most popular videos, funny, looking back
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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