I Took A Personality Test

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what's the personality test first time i've heard of that is this like introvert extrovert whatever 16 personalities.com personality tests or scams yeah i kind of think all that [ __ ] is okay let's give this thing a whirl so is this a reliable site 16 personalities dot com is this the test right here we just get right into it you enjoy vibrant social events with lots of people yes you often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas yes a lot of them involve dildos and stuff but i don't think there's going to be like a follow-up if they involve phalluses or not i don't think that's going to be integral to my personality travel plans are more likely to look like a rough list of ideas than a detailed itinerary hard disagree i don't travel you often think about what you should have said in a conversation long after it's taken place sometimes if your friend is sad about something your first instinct is support them emotionally not trying to solve their problem [ __ ] nerds what do you mean of course i'm gonna solve their problem they need me i'll go but sometimes i'll just listen so i'll go like somewhat disagree if you don't want your problem solved don't tell me about it people can rarely upset you depends you often rely on other people to be the ones to start a conversation and keep it going kinda if you have the temporary if you have to temporarily put your plans on hold you make sure your top priority is to get back on track as soon as possible no if my plans get put on hold i forget about them nine times out of ten you rarely worry if you made a good impression on someone you met disagrees as well not hard disagree but like a medium like low disagree it would be a challenge for you to spend the whole weekend all by yourself without feeling bored yep you're more of a det you are more of a detail oriented than a big picture person nope you have a careful and methodical approach to life you are still bothered by the mistakes you made a long time ago yes god that one speaks to me i still [ __ ] get cold sweats thinking about the day that i didn't listen to reddit when it came to bitcoin in 2014. [ __ ] me yeah and even more recently gamestop at parties and similar events you can mostly be found further away from the action depends on the party like if it's a birthday party or something for like a child i don't want to be anywhere near it but if it's like a frat party or something i used to i used to get like right in the thick of things so it depends on the party you often find it difficult to relate to people who let their emotions guide them i'll just go right in the middle on that it depends on the emotions i'll never understand people that are super prideful to a fault even though i think pride in and of itself is a pretty useless thing anyway i don't know what intp stands for it sounds like some kind of old rap group from the 90s when looking for a movie to watch you can spend ages browsing the catalog not super hard disagree right in the middle i'd say you can stay calm under a lot of pressure depends but in a group of people you do not know you have no problem jumping right into the conversation nah that's usually like the worst way of jumping into like new people last thing you want to do is shove your way into their conversation but if it's people i do know that are talking it depends on the subject when you sleep your dreams tend to be bizarre and yeah oh yeah your opinion is sometimes okay to step on others to get in life that seems like a call out uh i guess it really depends like if some people are holding you back like let's say you're addicted to drugs or even opening cards for some people and they just keep enabling it maybe it's best that you just move on without them so i'm just going to go right in the middle you are dedicated and focused on your goals only rarely getting sidetracked i i'm getting sidetracked on the question i don't know i'll just go in the middle it depends depends on the mood really if you make a mistake you tend to start doubting yourself your abilities or your knowledge yeah like in chess or something absolutely when at a social event you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and mostly talk to the ones you already know again that's all up to the party and the people there but usually you don't want to like go up to random people and introduce yourself that's how you make a negative first impression for most people like if i'm in a group and someone comes up and introduces themselves like hey i play you know lacrosse here names darren it's like okay darren you need to shove your way in here and introduce yourself you know what i mean so i'm just gonna go with like a disagree because i don't really do that you usually lose interest in a discussion when it gets philosophical hard agree good lord yeah nothing is there is nothing more boring than a conversation about philosophy out of [ __ ] nowhere you would never let yourself cry in front of others wait wait i misunderstood that i disagree i wouldn't be super afraid to i just don't usually like break down into tears but if i did it wouldn't be like the first thing on my mind like oh no someone's seeing me cry you feel more drawn to places with a bustling and busy atmosphere than to quiet an intimate intimate ones agreed i love the bustling craziness you like discussing different views and theories and what the world could look like in the future wow nope that sounds like a boring conversation unless we're talking about like sex robots and stuff i'll bring it one back when it comes to making life ooh and crisper when it comes to oh also time travel i'll go right in the middle when it comes to making life-changing choices you mostly listen to your heart rather than your head [ __ ] i don't know what life-changing choices have i made so far thanks the prime sufti and the gifts of paradox in recent lazy i guess choosing to speed run mr krabs overdoses on ketamine but that was my head and my heart telling me charles you gotta do this like they work together not cutting your hair oh yeah that was definitely more of like a like a feeling rather than logic so i'll go with like in agree a light agree you cannot imagine yourself dedicating your life to the study of something that you cannot see touch or experience what does that mean what would you dedicate your life to that you couldn't see touch or experience the study of history i guess yeah i'd hate to be like some kind of historical scholar that sounds [ __ ] terrible space yeah but math you can experience everything around you is the product of math math is very wrong religion absolutely couldn't get into history also couldn't get into so mainly just religion and math even though math is literally something we experience every day so i don't think that exactly works but if it's about like religion i'll go like hard disagree oh wait did i answer wrong how do i go back i clicked the wrong one oh [ __ ] i oh yeah yeah you're right uh how do i go back son of a [ __ ] oh okay no i'm really [ __ ] [ __ ] okay uh we'll just we'll just go through this again and here this is where i [ __ ] up you cannot imagine yourself dedicating your life to the study of something you cannot see touch or experience yes i would not want to just walk around slapping a bible or whatever so hard agree absolutely could not imagine myself doing that you usually prefer to get your revenge rather than forgive what depends what am i forgiving them for i'll never understand people that forgive like a drunk driver or something like that like if your you know your friend gets in an accident and the drunk driver kills them i never understand why people think it's strong of you to forgive them i think that is the dumbest most delusional self-jerk-off behavior of all time i hate that [ __ ] and cornwood that's another good one yeah i'm definitely going hard and disagree son of a [ __ ] i did it again you're right you often make decisions on a whim depends but mostly yeah the time you spend by yourself often ends up being more interesting and satisfying than the time you spend with other people again not always but sometimes thinks the prime milk carton in the bits warm you often put special effort into interpreting the real meaning or message of a song or movie what do i look like some kind of turbo virgin of course not if there ain't titties rock and roll in action [ __ ] i don't care you always know exactly what you want eh you rarely think back on the choices you made and wonder what you could have done differently again that kind of ties back and harkens to the other question where if you regret your mistakes which yeah oh [ __ ] yeah i do what i could have done differently could have just listened to reddit and bought the [ __ ] bitcoin six years ago seven years ago you have to have a hard time understanding other people's feelings i always know what other people are feeling i feel like people are super easy to read no one's pulling a fast one on me i think that shit's mad easy to tell what someone's feeling when you know someone thinks highly of you when you know someone thinks highly of you you also wonder how long it'll be before until they become disappointed in you that's not usually something i think about like ever like disappointing someone or whatever that's uh yeah not ever really something that crosses my mind you feel comfortable just walking up to someone you find interesting and striking up a conversation no that's how you end up on the sex offenders registry you often contemplate the reasons for human existence or the meaning of life i already know the meaning of life to get the world record back in mr krabs overdoses on ketamine you often talk about your own feelings and emotions yeah that's me yeah i can't stop talking about my feelings and emotions you've got detailed education or career development plans stretching several years into the future nope you rarely dwell on your regrets always i always dwell on my regrets hard disagree there again right back to bitcoin this is like i honestly feel like this was made by redditors and at the end it's gonna be like we told you to buy bitcoin charlie like he's just rubbing salt in the wound your emotions control you more than you control them no i control my emotions i'm in control after a long and exhausting week a fun party is just what you need [ __ ] yeah is 16 personalities thrown a rager you frequently find yourself wondering how technological advancement could change everyday life not f not frequently but sometimes yeah you always consider how your actions might affect other people before doing something nine times out of ten yeah you still honor the commitment you have made even if you have a change of heart oh if i make a if i commit to something i am going to [ __ ] do it you rarely feel insecure bro i'm five foot six i'm made of insecurities oh is that the last question how did i do your personality type is entertainer e-s-f-p-t what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is e-s-f-p-t and who's jay leno here what does all this mean thank you buzzfeed entertainers you may know elton elton john marilyn monroe jamie oliver adele huh yeah i've heard of those i don't know them personally but i have heard of them if anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance it is the entertainer personality type yep that's me man sometimes i'll just boogie down out of nowhere like you know that's that's what my friends always say watch out for charlie he's real wacky you never know when he's gonna bust out and start wiggling his finger you know something i guess this isn't entirely wrong a lot of times when i'm eating something especially cold food i'll oftentimes dance and i'll make up stupid shitty songs about poop and pee so to be fair i guess it's not like super wrong tiana you like when i make the poop and pee songs when i eat right why all right well they couldn't hear that anyway so it's fine yeah i guess it's kind of i guess that isn't like totally off it's not something i'd ever do around people but often times when i'm alone i'll just start singing about poop and pee and i'll dance to it well that was an interesting uh experiment do the human benchmark what's that sounds like some kind of human centipede [ __ ] let me look it up human benchmark measures your abilities with brain games and cognitive tests get started reaction time test your visual reality if it's free i'll try it when the red box turns green quick is click as quickly as you can [ __ ] all right i wasn't ready son of a [ __ ] mouse is lagging that's all it is it's just a latency issue oh ooh that one felt long all right hold on sequence memory all right memorize the pattern oh haven't i i've done this before i'm pretty sure i've done this before oh i'm [ __ ] crushing this one oh i'm going all the way to level 100. we're cruising boys oh my lord i'm still going i'm moving chimp test are you smarter than it oh god please oh lord all right let's see can i do it what am i looking for i'm just clicking these oh i have as much time as i want to memorize this oh these are these are real wacky holy [ __ ] alright have i beaten the chimps yet oh it was the left one [ __ ] this is oh these formations these are the ones that do me in oh i didn't click it i didn't click it i was right but i just missed the click because i'm going too fast okay oh take that chimpanzees [ __ ] was eight i think eight was here eight nine ten eleven yes all right close chimpanzees almost got the best of me their average was nine numbers oh nice idiots exactly jello see i i was in the top percentile there aim trainer hit 30 targets as quickly as you can right just like shroud oh hold on my dpi is all over the place hold on can i restart and go what is going oh i'm clicking too early yeah let's try hearing i'm using one earbud i'm going to be at a disadvantage how how's that huh oh must just be the earbuds typing okay i'm not very quick at typing words that i have to read but when i'm typing like my own thoughts i'm [ __ ] faster than anyone i think okay immediately okay really cooking here [ __ ] that was sad i absolutely cannot write other people's [ __ ] maybe if i try and memorize what it says jesus christ i cannot write other people's [ __ ] wow 88 words per minute is in the top 93 can i get into the 100 percentile i'm not gonna risk it that's probably gonna be my best performance verbal memory you'll be showing words one at a time if you see a word during the test click the screen whatever i'll figure it out non-distribution what am i looking for oh is it supposed to say the word to me all right what am i supposed to do oh if you've seen it already ah oh non-distribution phoning cryptal quacks cryptal quacks cryptal quacks new turd all right new new new scene scene new scene new new scene scene scene scene scene new see ah [ __ ] wait hey 93 i only fell apart at the end not bad not [ __ ] bad and i probably did it faster than most people i think let's do number memory the average person can remember seven numbers at once can you do more yes eight [ __ ] yeah 63 okay easy let's pick up the pace let's go three four one four three looking good 819 203 819 203 looking good this is where most people fail all right 330743 330-743 three thirty oh seven four three all right game time 236 46037 236 46037 236 46037 let's go 089 887 let's [ __ ] get it 517 five 636 three nine five seventeen six thirty six five thirty nine nine five seventeen three thirty six five [ __ ] [ __ ] i know it's not i know it's nine at the end five eight nine nine i think i'm just going with instinct [ __ ] oh and i got this backwards son of a [ __ ] not bad uh crushed it on typing in verbal memory absolutely [ __ ] slapped him there uh hearing though people absolutely [ __ ] cheated no way no that's not boomer hearing that's literally people just immediately pressing it so we've taken a nice personality test easily beat these [ __ ] chimpanzees here on a human benchmark god damn just showing why i'm the ultimate [ __ ] gamer here top of the food chain
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,741,787
Rating: 4.9703064 out of 5
Id: iLOTnSWmrdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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