Doing A Couples Quiz With My Girlfriend

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they maintain top of morning weight you want to ring the boat names on the morning oh god I'm really annoying welcome today to the newlywed game okay this is my girlfriend Evelyn also known as gap smolders online she also does twitch and YouTube stuff as well she's a gamer yeah but we wanted to do it we want to do like had couples quiz thing so you guys can get to know us a little better and maybe really we'll figure out that we don't know how to think about each other but we're not married we're not newlyweds so but it's called a newlyweds game so we're in a catch-22 situation oh yeah where's my hand every time okay y'all gamers ready ready okay where I'm gonna pick a good first question what's gonna be a good first question let's get the [ __ ] out of the way first okay what is their worst habit we're gonna have to start off with what the worst thing is do to pursue what I think is my worst habit and would yeah we're gonna do it for both so you were gonna write down you're gonna write down what your Wars happened is or what you think it is and then I'm gonna write down what I think her worst habit is and then we're going to reveal them at the same time to be killing people oh I have it I have it straight away I hope easy some my worst habit what what you think your worst habit is something that you don't like that you do or want to change or something that you do that you know annoys me okay okay okay I'm not gonna look at yours and you're not okay fine uh wait how do i word this no peeking okay no peeking okay this is the right way okay so we're both gonna reveal in three two one complain about the dishes yeah I always feel bad that I complain about that no I'm a messy [ __ ] well it's not that I don't do the dishes it's just that we have a dishwasher and you prefer to do them by hand yeah said I'm always like can we just put them in the dishwasher but the dishwasher sucks yeah so I don't end up actually washing any dishes I wash them when I need them and then I do the dishes and then it's all clean and then you'd make coffee and then you'd rehab' friends the thing and then put it with the clean dishes and I'm like I just [ __ ] clean that I drink a lot of coffee but I always feel bad about complaining I wrote down that you don't focus or not it's not so much that you don't focus is that you [ __ ] laser focus if you're doing one thing she's all in on that she's super focused on it and I'm like so what are we doing it and you're like I won yeah I wouldn't say it's not focused but I always focus I have trouble with too many inputs yeah so if the TV's on I I can just focus on the TV and nothing else yeah and if I even listen to you I don't know what's going on well it's not that bad it's just if someone texts you and you're like writing back you're all focused on that and then I'm like I listen to me there's write down what my worst habit is oh yeah now we have to do what what we think is your worst but no I think I know what your answers gonna be but the idea is that I want to get points so I can just guess as easily now to get the point from you because I know what you're gonna write maybe we should do write both of them at the same time and then do two reveals one by one [ __ ] just we'll just write this one normally no okay I use the back okay three two one leaves our coffee cups it messy yeah I'll use the back of it yeah that was smart that's a big brain yeah I'm stupid [Laughter] your dad's the best kisser who's the better kisser your mom or your dad well your mom goes all in on it but your dad is tender that's a weird question your dad really effort your dad really embraces move and kisses anything was her favorite pizza topping favorite pizza topping that's that's that's a quick one we can do that okay so we do both perspectives so okay let's do one perspective on one side okay okay we're doing you first what is your favorite pizza topping I'm trying to think if this one counts or not it's it's okay I know no no no I got your answer I got it correct no no okay I'm gonna okay I'm not allowed see you're writing right in my face don't look okay I'm gonna I'm a [ __ ] nails okay you're your favorite topping yeah doing miss I'm finished first oh I showed the answer already for your way whoops okay so we're revealing yours okay favorite pizza topping three two one oh I wrote mushroom and goat cheese yeah so we do we always do a pepperoni mushroom pizza with goat cheese yeah as we can so we got all of it okay no wait I love goat cheese way more yeah that's how it was like I don't know if this one counts because you can't really get it in most places okay oh I thought I was gonna get mushroom crossed officer I thought it's gonna get double points okay an hour three two one no I like goat cheese but it's not my favorite one pepperoni for life well okay that was a trick question cuz we always do all of that damn it we're failing we're failing at life what is the worst habit not knowing anything about it these are weird questions though bra size shoe size yeah what's my bra size how does your partner like their tea or coffee okay that's a good one yeah okay we'll do tea for you because you don't like coffee and I'm gonna do coffee for me yeah so how do I like my tea bit I mean I know what it looks like it tastes like but how do I write this dude I can't wait to be long and now how do I like my coffee look at my answers everybody at home just cuz I'm too stupid to hide them does that mean you should look okay we're revealing your tea first yeah all right so three two one caramel with milk that's exactly what I wrote I could beam it into your head I knew it I knew it I weave you very loud because you you like your tea with milk but you don't it's I would say English breakfast tea is also good but you don't know any brands of those no it has to be yeah caramel with milk boom ding for me who's winning who knows we're not keeping scores and we're terrible at this okay how do I like my coffee three two one mmm black with two sugars oh yeah is that a lot of sugar I don't know two sugars see it was some day it depends on the coffee sometimes it's sometimes it's very delicious well it's actually no sugar at all it's sweetener but yeah same differs bro I feel like we're answering like the lamest questions everyone's like yeah but what about this really important information is like no pepperoni who's the better driver well I know shut up I will everyone's yelling at me to do it it's too much pressure that's my worst habit it's not getting my driver's license what's their favorite movie what's your favorite scary movie yeah I feel like I got me something the trouble with this one now your favorite yeah let me think about what your favorite movie ever is do you even know what your favorite movie is do you know of my favorite movie yeah you told me I know I know a lot of movies that you really like but you're not as vocal about your favorite one of all time as I am so I know I know some movies that you really like but I don't know if think count is your favorite of all time yeah I'm writing this down but it's wrong okay we're going to reveal my one first okay three two one easy I talk about it all the time Hot Fuzz is the shadow of Colossus of movies yeah okay three two one he pulls it your favorite horror movie though well or is it just your favorite Japanese horror yeah favorite Japanese for a movie but favorite movie of all time over everything is the thing that was the seed that's in my head as well I like Treasure Planet and those kinds of things but those are movies you just really like yeah but you're not your favorite of all time cuz you don't yell it from the treetops like I do Hot Fuzz this Hot Fuzz that was the first movie we saw together I'm writing it down roll that the reason that it's hard to remember is because we watched like four movies the first time we hung out I don't think this is it three two one I was gonna write Harry Potter one as well it's Harry Potter water Lord of the Rings 1 yeah I was either lowerings or Harry Potter I think it was orange rings we watch both and the first time yeah first night but I can't remember which one we watch first damn our bad memory everyone at home is like I don't think that they should be together they don't know what would be their last meal what does [ __ ] count which one of you is the biggest procrastinator this is only gonna be a one question thing or one answer thing as well so it's either your name or my name yeah it was the biggest procrastinator Lord of the Ring is the Fellowship of the Ring is the biggest professor oh we got wrong okay the biggest procrastinator is it me I have a lot of things that I want to do that you're well you're more organized than I am you you have the well that's I think that's my hyper focus coming in yeah where it's just like okay today I'm gonna do these things and then I just do them yeah and you're like I should do this but I kind of for me for you I think is that you don't take on more than you know you can hand me and I love to take on everything I'm like I have a cool idea let's do this oh and then let's do that oh but I have a call at this time damn and I'm supposed to record this then yeah and everything just piles up and then I'm like huh whoops so a lot of stuff gets put off kind of involuntarily sometimes yeah other times I'm just a lazy bastard but I'm sitting here and I'm like man I don't feel good what was your first job my first thought was like what was my first I think I know but I'm just gonna write down the vague like general area of work luckily English teacher was not and spelling is not my first job because I couldn't do it okay revealing your one first okay so your first job was job after that yeah god you were a you were a paper boy yeah when I was like 14 damn yeah cuz we ran out in bikes you told me that you were you delivered newspapers and I still remember the route yeah dammit you did work in retail for a while though yeah after that I did like five years of retail yeah oh god these Mariners my first job was construction how do you spell that my first job was constantly yeah yeah you had a lot more jobs than I did yeah I I basically went to college for music production and then fell out of that was unemployed well I went to I was in construction before music production and then I went into that for college and then I came out of that and then I was unemployed for a while and I was miserable and then I started recording YouTube videos and that thankfully took off after being in hotel management so I probably would have been in a hotel if YouTube didn't click exactly at the right time so I got very lucky and I did newspapers retail i was an english japanese and dutch tutor worked at a translation agency I taught English classes like going to a school and then they did YouTube thank I just did this really cool thing where I used like my really big brain to do all this cool [ __ ] and then i did this other really cool thing i was also really good at this and then i was like yeah whatever youtube lets okay this one it's just off the top of my head we we kind of talked about this before but i want good answers so let's write down our favorite thing about each other since we did our worst habits we talked about that yesterday i know that's why i wanted to answer what points okay but i want to see what we talked about it in generalized term so i want to see what you write down as like a single thing okay especially in my mind this so write down wyatt your favorite thing about me is and I write down what I think your favorite thing about me is and then know the way around okay so now we're writing what my favorite thing about you is and you have to write what you think my favorite thing about yes this is very confusing wait what what are we doing why is everybody afraid of love no did you guys know that love has the same amount of letters as yeet that's deep we're writing it's a long sentence okay it's like my favorite thing about him is the Epcot ball not just because she's pretty but okay so we're writing down my favorite thing so we're showing we're showing what my favorite thing about you is no no wait yeah my the thing that I like most that you like most about me okay okay three two what does your handwriting is so much less childish than mine mine looks like a caveman was hit in the head and then he tried to spell his name with [ __ ] and now you've ah thank you laughs and then the other one is the litter yeah I left a lot at your jokes yeah you do cuz the first I wrote that I laugh a lot and I was like well I can laugh at anything yeah well it's it's a very good synergistic relationship yeah cuz I like your laugh a lot and you laugh at it's not that you laugh at anything and I just it makes me feel good about myself but it's that I feel good having made you laugh yeah okay we're on the last piece of paper really I know you have more over there I just didn't split the stack woman OH will your wife say is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning go back to sleep I mean what is your favorite soft drink for each of us oh well I see that is it my favorite or is it just the one we get a lot oh no your Trenton's I'm trying to make this a little Trixie's I think because I know there's one I didn't show it to the camera already there's a brand that you prefer trust in your instincts trust your instincts escape so who's first you three two one zero vanilla I'm the one about the meme of that and I even got that wrong yeah it's book zero short coke zero vanilla same great coke taste your sugar now one hand about it enough can't even say to me many more Who am I see the thing about it is that to me there is no other coke zero it's just code zero vanilla the other ones are the anomaly so coke zero to me is vanilla just same thing you know why life is a box chocolates nice a paper which one of you is the first to fall asleep Italy I mean one of us falls asleep and the other one dies as soon as they hit the pillow one of them falls asleep before we even get to bed the one was what's your husband's favorite late-night snack our favorite thing to get after streams that's like midnight 1:00 a.m. favorite food to get on god there's so many what's so easy what I'm gonna write this down I'm a poet anyway okay a favorite thing to eat at night after you finish streaming yeah I was like it's a Taco Bell is it Haribo tank fast --ax that's a snack the afternoon snack we eat very healthily we're very good about our eating habits biggest fear hmm I don't have another side of my page but you don't have another side in that page either your biggest fear my biggest fear right now is getting this question wrong there's stuff that you're afraid of but in office your biggest fear can I give hints give me a little bin T of this one I have and I have a nightmare about it at least once a year okay so it is what I was thinking it's your dad isn't hey I have a fear of commitment okay my first is three two one Huygens Heights I hate them they suck and your fear biggest fear is pizza spiders spiders get your pizza that's my least favorite pizza topping no cuz I so I get these nightmares where I dream that spiders coming down from the ceiling about the land on my face and that I wake up just before he hits my face so I have to like jump out of the bed to avoid the spider and turn on the lights so yeah thanks you but I'm really good about hiding the spider afterwards and looking like I was just asleep say but yeah twice in my life I had spider walk across my face and I didn't notice until he was walking over my eye that's why you hate when I do this I think we did pretty well you want to let's see how many we got right no 1 2 3 4 that counts coke zero counts give it to me come on gang come on yeah I got construction right but you got paid retail wrong we both got the movie my favorite movie you got mine wrong the tea and coffee was good I got goat cheese for you wrong see I don't know if I want to leave this in because it makes it look like I got more wrong than you didn't there is no winner we're both winners there is no winner when it comes to love God Mike is gonna be like [ __ ] I hope you all enjoyed listening to us be very loud don't forget to love each other forever but thank you thank you guys for watching thanks for being here yeah thanks for being on a video no problem oh now to end his video no me neither give them a sign off let's shout love on three or after three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,739,060
Rating: 4.9643574 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, newlyweds game, jacksepticeye girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend quiz, gab, gab smolders, girlgamergab, gg gab, boyfriend, girlfriend boyfriend quiz, funny quiz, couples quiz, dating, quiz, funny moments, funny, relationships, relationship, couple, how well do we know each other
Id: yM8SM66G7g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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