SUBNAUTICA IS FINALLY RELEASED | Subnautica - Part 1 (Full Release)

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(High Five Sound) Top of the morning to ya laddies, my name is jacksepticeye! And welcome back to subnautica, but not only any subnautica This is the full release of subnautica. It has finally left early access, no more betas, no more alphas, nothing like that. This is the full public release of the game. It's finally finished, or into a state where the game is actually together now. We actually have a full game! No more bits and pieces and, that it's just an actual full game that we can play from start to finish. And I am SO excited. You guys know how absolutely much I adore this game. I love it to bits. It's one of my favourite games I've played on the channel. It's one of my favorite games I've played period. Just because of how much it surprised me and how much I got out of it and just how much How much journey I went on and how much I have emotionally attached and invested into this game now at this point and I'm just so excited for the developers to finally have the game released because they had to push it back and push it back and Push it back, and now it's finally out, and it's just it's an emotional time. It's a great day It's it's a day that I-has been a long time in the making and I haven't played the game in a really long time But I wanted to I said I was going to come back when the full game was released I wasn't going to do the bits and pieces Content that I was doing and I wanted to wait for the game to actually be released fully before I played it again So I could do it some justice and I want to share Something because I got this a week early because the developers messaged me about it and sent it out And they sent it out to a bunch of youtubers. I imagine and a bunch of press and different things but They sent me a really nice message in the email, and I want to read out some of it I'm sure they won't mind because it was just lovely and they were very very grateful for it They gave me the code and everything and then they said "I also want to take a moment to thank you, so incredibly much for your support. You've helped our studio so much we almost went out of business a couple of times before you started playing Subnautica. Seeing your crazy adventures and listening to your zany humor lifted us up many times and helped us keep moving forward, and now thanks to you the world knows about the game, and we're living the dream." How incredible is that? I mean...they don't need to thank me for playing their game, because I think I would have just played it anyway because it was a cool game and I loved it so much. But the fact--it just shows the passion that they had for this project and how grateful they are for the people who played their game and saying that like you saved their business and because playing their game showed the world what it was and now they get to make the game fully, but I also get to live their dreams of being game developers. It's--it's the most flattering thing a person could--could be told about the types of content they make so... thank you everybody, um, who made the game. It's--it's, I'm just so happy for you, that the game is finally out. BUT (Loud) Enough talkin', Let's explore-in'! So, I don't know. Oh, I have an old save. You know what, delete that--delete that shit. Get that shit out here, we don't need that anymore; we are starting afresh. We are starting anew and we're going to go Hopefully from start to finish. I don't know how this is going to go, I don't know what's changed in the game But I want to go start to finish. Ooh so you can do all these: Oxygen food pressure story and death disa--Oh, the stories disabled, so I don't want to do that Uueemm So hardcore is survival mode with only one life if you die No, oh two alerts, and you're dead. It's perma death Survival is *slurring* crash on-land-on-a-dangerous-alien-planet-scavenge-resources-and-manage-hunger. So this is easy mode you can do this you have no hunger or thirst Uhhh-Part of me kind of wants to do that one because I just want to experience the story I've done the hunger thirst side of things for so long, but I I just want to experience the game...fully now. Oh! This little logo is new. I'm gonna be pointing out everything that's new by the way, or at least the stuff that I realize is new. I'm so excited! I've been waiting for AGES to get back in to Subnautica. It's one of the--as I've said--It's one of the-it's one of the best series I've done on the channel, at least I think so and everybody seems to have loved it, and we had so many great memories back when I played it the very first time and And that's very hard thing to replicate with any series that I've ever done. I'm Just so incredibly invested in this game at this point *reading* "Press any button to continue." Okay. Story me up good. Whoo Oh, yeah some of this was in the original WHOOOOAAAA It's like space mountain! It's hard to- Whooaaaaa I mean it's easy to forget that the Aurora was actually a spaceship. I-I Played the game so many times now where the aurora has been Crash-landed in the ocean that I keep thinking of it is just an ocean. OOooOOOowwwWW I keep thinking of it as an ocean base. I keep forgetting that it was an actual spaceship that we were on that crash-landed Okay, okay, we're in. Man, the visuals are really nice. Okay, you gotta get out. You gotta put out those fires. Oh god we're right into it, Okay, I am in control baby. Ahhhh! I'm on fire There we go, woah, okay, thank god. Whoa WOAH HAHAHAAA! That's all new! Neat-o! Yeah, I'd agree. Woah Directive...? (Alterra assistant, Cindy) please refer to the the data bank for detailed survival advice, good luck. (Jack) Awww thanks Cindy. Uueeeemmmm Cool! So all of the icons are all changed, and the--the PDA itself is just completely different Neat-o burrito! Alrighty-roo. Now the problem lies with--I actually don't know where to start Because I played the game so often and every time I've kind of come back I've kind of used different means and methods to- OoOoohHh I have stuff (inhales) I've used different means and methods to kind of brute force the game and get through certain sections, but now I mean we just crash-landed. That's it. Let's go up and explore the world! Yeah, baby. So am I really the only person that survived this entire thing and of everybody that might have been on board- How many were on board? Twelve? Uuuueeemmmm Out of everybody was on board, I'm the only one that survived? That's a little crazy. Aahhh I got an achievement: getting your feet wet. (I'm) so excited. I'm gonna take my time with this as well, because I love this game and I love playing it and I just love being in this world and all that kind of stuff so... Oh god I already have an alien egg. I think I'm gonna take my time with it. I mean you know you have a choice now because I'm gonna have to um I'm gonna have to build everything again myself, and I don't know the ins and outs of how I -- oOh my O2 shit because I don't have a tank I don't know the ins and outs of how I go about leaving I know that people talked about howwwww How you actually leave the game is building your own rocket ship or at least getting a rocket ship somewhere? It was something that was in the files for a long time So I don't know how I actually do that. There's still a lot of basics or I have a long way to go Some of this I might have to do in my own time off camera just cause'... it would just take forever for me Hey hey! Yeah, thanks, okay FISH! Thanks, okay. We're gathering up metal and fish and food and all this kind of stuff. I need a bladder fish though. Bladder fish! Thanks Cyndee you're the best companion to have may have unexpected applications Okay, I like the UI now as well. I mean some of this was that was like that when I played at last like the stuff from the bottom left, but I just - really like how it looks okay, maybe make I Make a repair tool an air bladder. I don't need that habitat builder Flashlight repair tool any titanium caves sulfur silicone rubber Okay, I'm a crook my peepers Thus rendering them safe for human consumption Not gonna lie like fucking magic Cindy how this thing works? Completely blowing my mind right now Could you just metal me all up there real good? Thanks Titanium is the lifeblood of this game So titanium ingot silicone rubber creepvine seed clusters. It's kind of weird being in the game. Fully now I can't imagine what it's like for people who are just getting into the game cuz I kinda know where everything is now I Mean a lot of it. I'll forget Whoa Ahh, is that the animation if I would've left it for the first time HI buddy Okay because I know over there is the island you can see it within those clouds right there and over there is the other Island Cuz you can see it in those clouds right there, and I don't think they've added that much more to the game It's just all the areas that were in the game around now All kind of fully fleshed out, but I dunno if you go in this direction you get creepvines! Cuz I've done this a million bajillion times REEFBACKS!! I'm back reefback! Well, you don't I don't Don't care about you guys you guys are like in the starting area, and then I never see you ever again And you're fucking useless to me But my my reef back your buddies over here wait, I just saw them where did you go? Haha, man, I wish I could get back I envy Immensely anybody who is playing this game again for the first, er, is playing this game for the first time wait inventory full Because I would give anything to experience this game for the first time again There are few games that I'd I'd give to experience for the first time again Shadow of the Colossus Blood-borne Dark Souls even Zelda breath of the wild just cuz it amazed me a bunch of times this game is one of them because This is a game that kind of freaked me out the first time I played it if you remember back when I was playing it It was like all the freaky ocean kind of stuff. Ooo a waterproof locker. I don't want that A watuhploof lockur It was one of those things that kind of freaked me out because... Because you're in an ocean and being in the ocean was just already scary enough- oh you have a lot of titanium But then when you when you couple that with the fact that when you were walking around you just heard like *Imitates Reef Back noise* That was some scary shit Ooo, Nice Okay, you give me too much food. I can't eat you just yet Filtered water filter water okay. You're all the same Nice. We are at 72 health. And then like my reaction to the first Reaper that I saw Was such an amazing moment because it was so genuine When I was swimming along, and then I was like wait, what's that? I knew they were like bigger creatures in the game But I thought it was like reef backs and stuff, and I was like maybe there's something else maybe there's like a big bad somewhere and I was going along and I was over by the Aurora And I saw the tail drift away and I was like what is that and of course I went in closer to it, like everybody does in a fucking horror movie and Then all of sudden the thing turned around and came at me and it my reaction to that was fucking hilarious Because I had no idea what was happening, I didn't know how to react to it I loved it. LOVE this game So good And even like the the very late episodes of playing this I was still coming across stuff that I had never seen before What wh- Vehicle Bay fragment? Could I just scan you? I don't have a scanner or anything Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh! Okay, we're fine. Ooof... Okay, I have a very very long way to go in this game There's a lot of stuff I have to build. I don't even know if it's worth building Many bases anymore before I was just building them to figure out how I built them and now it's the case of being like well You need to build them in the most optimum locations because otherwise You're fucked How many silicone rubbers I need? I think I'm gonna need one actually I think I just bought got a bunch of creepvine seed clusters now for no reason I'm only building a repair tool because this place needs to be repaired Should check out what else I can make? Or should be making um Where are my tools? What are you? Equipment! Fin silicone rubber trans translate vertical limb movements underwater into forward thrusts. Hell yes. I also want to make an air tank, what do I need to make an- Ooo! Okay um Sweet so now I have I have these oh wait no go back in it was just a plus on them I thought it was gonna leave me something, but that's very good. That's a good start. These are two essentials high-capacity o2 tank glass titanium and silver ore Okay, so I need to get some quartz I'm just going to find out all this stuff first. Just why I can have them because I have to use lubricant for a lot of stuff later on it's just nice to have it Right what did I need for my repair tool cave sulfur and silicone rubber and titanium Okay, I need to make another silicone rubber because they just used the one Ohh, I'm fucking with whittling it down into lubricant when I needed the clusters. That was dumb, okay, I'll go get more. Oh, it's dark Hello Majora's Mask Jesus oh, it's already creepy again Man the visuals are gorgeous now, and I mean we're only very very start of the game So I don't know how much that is gonna change, but the game runs really well But again it was late. It was later on That stuff started to run badly because you end up getting a bigger inventory And you have a lot of different locations that need to load in so we'll see what happens. I assume it runs better I mean it's the full release of the game We ain't talkin'- We ain't talkin' baby stuff here no more Let me just get a bunch of you God oh god. Oh god. Oh god Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Ahh! Were you even near me Probably not, but I heard the snippy snap of your jaws. I don't like it. I also need more fish come here peepers. You were just swimming in circles. Ah come here come here nice Sure why not some boomerangs come here boomrang. Shit yeah, I need to build a suit, don't I There we go I have a hundred and two food That doesn't even make no God dang sense. All right, I'm gonna make a few silicone rubbers just the way I have it my dude is running out of power Security test failed, secondary system offline Radio offline distress sig- Ok I need to build a thing quick Go go go go go go gadget Right cave sulfur is that inside those little dudes who thinkin you who come after you I? I don't know, but I guess we'll find out Caves caves, okay, I can't see shit. It's so much darker in this game now, ooh Light oohs yeah, I would know if we got quartz so now we have enough glass we should be able to make a High-capacity o2 tank So I need to take this one out put it in my inventory yeah Whoa that one looks cool Jesus I had 75 now 135 Nice one okay, that's very very good And I don't think I need to do anything else right now Maybe drink a little Wawa. Maybe drink two of them cause I'm running low What's the outer space in this so I just need to find sulfur. It's it's from the even Susie Cindy whatever her name is I keep calling her she even said that it's in their caves There are a lot of sulfur deposits. I mean I didn't fucking see any but If she says there are I believe her. It's from these guys. You're a crash fish, right? Hello, maybe not Yeah, the crash fish are the guys who are in the the plants? Yes, yes yes, that's that but you're a crash fish Well, where was the plant? Huh Are you fucking shitting me You don't leave any more sulfur around? okay hear me up good. Okay, so those guys are not the crash fish nevermind I'm all turned around backwards Anymore demon fish trying to come after me? Any at all now, I need to find more caves, there we go There we go there we go cave sulfur How much did I need please only tell me one? But don't want to have to do this more times Mean I will if I have to I'm real, man, I know how do The fuck okay, okay, ah now that one got me okay now I have to fine Good Buddy Jesus, it doesn't fucking rain, but it pours doesn't it? You don't find one, but you find a billion okay? I have first aid Good as new. Fuck you crash fish! Have bested you I am the big boy here check out my big boy balls I did it. Okay move so far. We should be able to make a repair tool now and one sir, right What's the repair tool? His main it can fix up little Henry here. What up Henry boy Forgot that that's what I called you Fix up Henry, and then all systems should be a go go Yeah, okay Equipment... a rebreather? noo Ah, I need titanium Thanks Nice Cuz this is one of the tools you just need in general in the game Don't fuckin touch it it's electric fire boogie mio mio mio mio mio. Radio online! This thing sucking itself back together Auggh it feels good! Henry you're alive again You're smoking still though Like secondary systems online how according radio communication incoming? Floatation devices deployed, hull integrity okay, environment uncharted ocean planet 45:46B ocean, nitrogen- oxygen , nitrogen, atmosphere waterborne bacteria levels. hi Hi All righty-roo That is very good What next.. "Rescue operation will be dispatched to your location in 9... 9... 9... 9... hours." That's not what you want to hear Yeah, that's what I'm looking for so all the other stuff comes in here, and then I go there You know that's how life works, baby This thing just keeps on making med kits for me, and I... ... Am living for it Right, so what should we make next then you don't need flares a flashlight would be handy a scanner Should be able to make a scanner already. It should be able to yes Scanner is very handy because that's what I needed to scan the parts that were over there Aquired. Now what are you doing to me equipment scare scanner repair tool all these things are like Maine state equipment It sure can Cindy, baby Now I just need to remember where the hook I saw it. I think was down here. No that was a different one Oh my eye has something in it stoooop You guys got anything good. Oh, I should sell scan Vital signs normal continuing to monitor Okay, good, so when you land You're fine, but we all know at this point that The contagion spreads, and I end up getting infected near the end of the game I Can't remember where that Salvage piece was I think it was over here, so I was attacking these creep lines Massive douche there- it is whoa. What was that? Did you see that I saw that I want to know what that This has to be the one right? I am da one...* No, I have to scan three of them... Fark. Wheeere oh, where has my little dog gone, OHHH where oh where can he be~~~ oh OHHH!!!! Jesus!!! oh BOIIII Grav trap? - fuck is a grav trap when it's at home The boys want to find out- Seaglide is very very useful yes Need to make one of those pieranto..(?) Don't need more Seaglide fragments Okay, I feel like when I scan enough of them And they get the thing you should just evaporate them from the world and replace them with good stuff Jesus Christ. Hi Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, yeah I agree Sandra right The fuck does she know?. Oh where oh where has my little dog gone It's getting dark and I'm scared and I don't want to be here! So let's go back to Henry, Henry's good, Henry's nice Henry takes care of me All right Henry, I'm underneath'cha. I want to try and see what's needed for the sea glide Mobile vehicle bay is very very useful. That's how we make our little sally's But I want to figure out this one first sea glide Sea Glide Seaglide! battery, lubricant, copper wire, titanium Feel like your boy is capable of this yes Okay, what else battery lubricant titanium I have all these things Naisu (Nice), see this is why you plan ahead? Not just a dumb factory my friend! my god that was big Save me are you trying to teach me how to subnautica right now, I know I am The King the master of subnautica The originator, the OG, I got this baby, don't you even worry about jack. On the way down No you don't want to antagonize them no, that's a That's a bad. That's the that's the dude Evidence suggests that a substantial number if not all the local species Reproduce through egg-laying. Eggs can be found resting on the seafloor buried beneath detritus or even wedged into cracks in the rock Different species likely favour different biomes as their nesting grounds eggs discovered in the wild are in some form of natural Stasis likely awaiting ideal conditions in which to hatch or the delivery of some vital enzyme Which will kick-start the process and that's going to come in very very relevant later on in the game It is impossible to calculate the species of the egg from the exterior However it may be possible to simulate a hatching responsive and eggs location was suitable in containment Okay Then you- Aw, you did upload it to my location oh that's nice when you hover over them it actually shows their information That's a very very necessary... UI improvement. Very good developers, I like. Anything new in here? A rebreather conserves oxygen when diving deeper absorbs and recycles co2 into breathable air. Okay? Maybe we should make that I've nothing on my head right now Do need to make a mesh Isn't the mesh made out of creepvine pieces Wiring kit just needs silver ore x2. Do I not have more in here Damn it Had a lot of silver ore at one point I used it all to make the stuff I have. Is it day time yet? Hey, it is. Okay? There is a very very valuable Where the fuck am I? where's the Aurora God I was all backwards. It's a very very valuable tube Somewhere over here Like one of those coral tubes that I can go into Can't remember where it was.. It's a really big long tube. Hey another one. I'll be back to there listen to you in a minute Hopefully it's my new favorite song that you're playing on the radio. Okay, honestly. I have no idea where that tube was It was like a big dandy boy oh Here it is nice Okay, this just looks like part of the rock formation the reason this is very valuable is because it is absolutely covered in all of these deposits Copper silver titanium you name it, baby. We got it Okay no silver though, I need silver Please a copper titanium, that's all well and good in the hood but It's not silver, Oh Silver's in sandstone outcrops not the limestone ones Sandstone outcrops have the more precious metals lead gold and silver may be something else, but I don't know right now Okay, I I have two silvers now ah Shut up, Cindy. I'm only joking. I love you, you're the best back to Henry Henry Henry Henry Hi, buddy. I'm coming back. I need to put some stuff in you and you need to make it into other stuff Do you think you can do that Henry you think that you you do that for Jack for good old times sake I? Think you can Outta my way, fuckin fish Wasn't making a wiring kit with this No, I want that wiring kit, what was I making? God have the attention span of a fucking spoon And a habitat builder or rebreather and fibermesh oh Aw, is my fish dead? Get me a lot of food, but my Wawa has gone way down, okay Are you gonna get some bladder fishes, but I'm gonna get those on the way over to the creepvine zone The creepvine zone to the creepvine zone everybody get to the creepvine zone Where everybody is respected and everything is expected to be awesome? That's what happens in the creepvine zone. Ah Fucker nuts. I don't has a knife. I can haz knife? come here, you bladder. I can just make a knife apparently The massacre on Abraxas Prime. the knife remains the only exception following the massacre The fuck happened Did shit go down that i missed? was i not part of the massacre. Oh yes, yes indeedy for scuba stevie! very nice We should get this salt actually Now i got no room Cool dude get those creep vines I'm inventories full What- oh my god. They're so fucking big Well ok drop the mushrooms can I eat fit another one now? Otherwise I'm just gonna be going back and forth like a dumbass whoa Pathfinder Pathfinder tool deploys holographic Pathfinder disks used to map a way back out of caves or hard to navigate spaces That's awesome they were never in the game before Fibermesh so my stuff has been updated now since I got this Since I picked up some creep vines okay, rebreather, so you pick up the items Then it kind of gives you some blueprints for what you can do with that Coolie-oh. should I make some more silicon bush yes should because otherwise just taking up space Let's make a waterproof Locker Do i? Do i deploy you outside? Wait why're you all the way down here What the fuck, I didn't send you there Do you not float?? Okay, I'm just putting you inside Henry then. can I put you inside Henry? I want to be able to put you inside Henry. That's what I want to do Can't top the item here use storage containers to say Troubled I am. can I put it on top of Henry? Cheatsy little hobbitses. right, let's put some of this stuff in here cuz i don't need you Definitely don't fuckin need gold right now And some of my flares and this creature egg okay lots of space Alright right gonna leave this first episode of subnautica here. We made some decent progress Probably could have made it a bit faster, but you know what I'm exploring again. I'm learning again I'm figuring this all out again, but we made a seaglide, knife, scanner, repair tool already off to a fantastic start after this Maybe mobile vehicle bay. I need to find the rest of the parts for that cuz then I can start making a Sally I i miss Sally and then we can start exploring further reaches and then going after these areas and we Can figure stuff out you're fucking miles away, though Anyway, thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like Like a boss! And, high fives all around... Thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes... In the next video!! Man it feels good to be back in this game. I missed it so much.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 12,569,034
Rating: 4.9404068 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, beta, subnautica full release, starting over, update
Id: yAKhFIbpKeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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