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my brain so large my brain so big my brain so wrinkled in here can't see it right now because your brain tiny your brain stinky small I even have glasses but with my hope and with these riddles we might be able to make that bagel smoother of yours turn into a wrinkler there's this website that's our website it's a well technically it is it's a YouTube channel it's called seven second riddles now I am very good at these I have never failed a riddle in my entire life you know how I be you know I'm out here with the biggest roundest best brain of all it's very coveted I'm starting to sound like a certain person on Twitter right now I'm in the mood to have my brain teased and tweezed and bounced around so let's do some riddles this YouTube channel uploads all of these riddles if you want to go see some of them for yourself go check them out seven second riddles since I'm using their footage for this video so hopefully that's okay who's the fake eight out of ten can't guess the country no I want some let's go to their their most popular 14 brain teasers that'll force your brain to work we'll see I don't think my brain has worked a day of its entire life yeah seven second boodles yeah get my brain o get my wrinkle on seven second riddles what up okay where did you choose a smart but ugly be rich but stupid see sexy but poor uh smart but ugly she's not ugly she's very cute is this seven seconds this feels like a lot longer than seven seconds [Music] if you choose a you don't take quick decisions and prefer to consider all your options I would object to that considering that it's a seven second riddle which means that all decisions are quick oh that's not a riddle that's a preference that's a subjective decision your emotional state is what's important for you thank you not only do I have a massive very muscular brain I also have very muscular emotions okay a man suspected of smuggling drugs often flies the same routes okay the police check him over and over again they're up his ass they're up his ass that's my answer final answer lock it in there up his ass the suspect carries the same items every time they're up his ass a new detective read the list and immediately guessed her to look for the drugs worthy of his ass I know well up their asses like the perfectly reasonable honest answer but I guess in the toothpaste or what is this a clam to the clam the tube of toothpaste that was up his ass the suspect never carries a toothbrush yeah that's uh that's exactly my reasoning that's exactly why I picked that here's been one of those people that goes to the airport probably not anymore you can't go to airports right now it's a very dangerous place but when I used to go to airports in the long time ago in the long long ago have you ever been one of those people that has no drugs on you you have nothing in your suitcase that's dangerous you're just going on a nice trip to somewhere inconsequential and nothing can go wrong but for some reason you're convinced is a bag of cocaine up your bone I'm always like that you get to customs in the lake any fruit or veg cocaine all up in me can you detect your partner's infidelity all right oh you called him honey so boring to have dinner without you there's two glasses of wine I named it immediately true max is away Sheena has somebody over or she just doubled up ah my brain so Renko can you take your partner's infidelity okay here we go going to watch football I can see the reflection of someone on his lap in the TV come on what is that is blow-up doll god these people out here being so dumb they probably have smooth brain they probably don't have massive wrinkle like I do what does my Quarantine hair doing i don't know it's taking on a life of its own can you spot my hair is infidelity apparently I'm very good at spotting cheaters can you spot your partner's infertility there's a brow there I have a lot of work I mean you do what is going on man I know a good brow when I see one there's something on the debate I see something under the bed I played horror games before I can sense the things under the bed Oh God Edward : what are you doing under there all right what's going on in this one uh urgently going to New York for business then why are you bringing a basketball with you oh god I don't know there's a shoe resister late Oh what is this car let's say you get caught cheating I'm gonna work I wanted a work trip it's like I know you're cheating on me gerald I know it I saw the Stiletto on your dashboard don't even try to deny it Gerald I know how much you clean the rest of your care you got keys you're a glass is all over the place you got a basketball in a bag I'm sure if you go to New York for business they'll have basketballs in there in New York in in that place your coffee cups you got stilettos you got a little looki cat there's also a guy over there in the other carrier that's staring at you that's a that's a private investigator your your significant other sent a private investigator after you and now they've seen the Stiletto in the front of care and now your relationships over I'm sorry gerald a newlywed couple was walking over the falls okay incredibly dangerous don't be the newly dead couple could you jump down the Falls to prove your love to me absolutely a hundred percent unequivocally no he slowly the precipice dude I'm telling you newly dead turning around he told her just one word What did he say he said no he just said no he turned around or he said divorce if you ever get newly married nearly wedded nearly time you should actually anything at all you should never ask somebody to jump over the edge of a precipice into just the most tumultuous water how about did you say I love you can't proves your mind my love for you that way she's not worth it Ricardo she's not worth it don't jump just say no and go push and they lived happily ever after what they're not gonna have a good relationship you got married and then told him that he needed to prove his love to you he married you he got down on one knee and proposed probably I have maybe good attitude ease I don't know his preferences planned out a whole wedding top married to you I think you should prove your love to me by jumping off a waterfall oh are those divorce bells I hear ringing who is the kid's father neither cuz neither of them have blonde hair it's secret dad number see no the answer is that his father left years ago he's an orphan his father left years ago hey he is keeping his eyes on the kid just skimming the newspaper lightly [Music] that means nothing someone who likes to kill children at a playground would also be doing the same thing the kidnapper would be doing the same thing that means nothing he's tense and ready to take care of the kid be he's all consumed in his phone a lot of parents are are you saying that you can't be a parent and bring your kid to a playground and not go on your phone his legs are crossed he's gone way inside what does that mean if you chose a you're a person with great analytical skills whoopsies guys no analytical skills here Bell of smooth brain you rely in your logical mind and don't rush to judge before you collect all the facts I said that his father left or that his father was dead so let's say about me you're exploring an ancient Mayan tomb ooh finally some action that was hidden in the jungle for thousands of years who is the bird's father all right taking pictures earthquake whole place is coming down suddenly the door behind you closes and you are turbed Oh No there are three ways in front of you the first is guarded by poisonous plants the second leads to a very deep hole the second one is literally just jump off and die that's the third way out and the secret way out is the way out of everything the third is closed with an ancient iron door okay which way would you go so either dive poison die of death or go through a door I'ma choose the door if the tomb is thousands of years old iron doors should have totally rusted in the wet climate of the jungle yes that is exactly why I chose the door I deduced it guys I thought Mayan temple hmm hold on the Mayans didn't have iron stinky smooth brainer come on Bell of disappointment it wasn't cuz I thought I'd die of poison right died of breaking everything nah it's because of the rust on the iron door come on guys use your brains the foreign tourists came to the police all right we're off to a good start a guy with a long beard and a tattoo damn it it was me but a good on my face and forced me to hand over my wallet don't worry the attacker is one of these quintuplets they've already been arrested you just have to identify him good all righty the guy in the far right Oh Oh No that's good okay yeah this guy has a short beard and the other guy has a thing on his hand yeah come on don't even test me I'm too good at this Oh some of these have bad rating 78% 54% why is this one hated by 42,000 people guess the word [ __ ] rooster feet toaster oven toaster alarm clock climb why can't even want to tell me how I don't get it these are not riddles that's not a riddle that's a spot the difference this is just flag knowledge that's not a riddle listen here seven second riddles okay i'ma give you some seven second knowledge a riddle is a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning guessing which flag is real requires ingenuity to answer its answer properly but it's not phrased intentionally for me to do it is it a riddle am I wrong all right this one is a high rating oh yeah seven second brittles what yeah use your brain ah don't be stinky who has a girlfriend I'd the the guy in the left cuz there's a second toothbrush in the cop I am sweaty or he could just have two toothbrushes who has a girlfriend are you gonna say the guy in the left cuz there's a brown on the chair cuz maybe he likes to wear the bride maybe they're not even a he what about the person at the right huh cleaning up no person who's single cleans everybody who cleans are in a relationship because they know what the other person to see what a slob there when I'm here in my own single in the beforetime and the long long ago I never cleaned place was filthy it's like walking through Mount Everest of dust whatever dust are we gonna say the guy on the right because there's lipstick on the cup maybe he likes wearing lipstick not very hard they're riddles I told you I'm too smart for this I have glasses people have glasses are way smarter than everybody else come on I'm very wrinkled the power was out all over town Jim was in the hospital that day shhh he had to be out soon when the power was back on the nurse entered the room excuse me she found Jim stop to death what I know we were going down the line of Lake Jim was gone Jim was already dead what happened backup generator didn't kick in maybe even Jim changed clothes but no Jim was stabbed to death one second you're lying alone in the hospital bed power goes out next minute you wake up dead the police questioned the suspects nurse cleaning lady doctor Jim's wife I was in the doctors lounge until the power was on okay story maybe checks out I was having tea in the staff room okay yeah guys I'm into this Oh solving murders has never been so late I was speaking to a patient okay I was buying food at the vending machine it's the cleaning lady or Jim's wife the power was out how could you be buying anything doctor how are you talking to a patient in the dark a cleaning lady you can't make tea in the dark you'll burn your hands god damn it all don't you need electricity to boil water to make tea how did the cleaning lady make the tea and how did she pour the body of Arthur into the cup but I poured it all over her hands and burn in herself I don't trust anybody you can make tea in the dark I'm sorry distrust Belle now never trust an Irishman never trust anyone who can make tea in the dark it's one of the four tenants that were brought up with in Ireland one potatoes are awesome to eat more potatoes three never trust anyone who can make tea in the dark and for sure fake immigrant who is a terrorist okay we're just jumping right into that one am I supposed to be seeing a terrorist here the person with a suitcase that could have a bomb in it oh there may not be a terrorist that might just be a dumbass all right I'm deducing terrorists again I that guy who left first hey cuz he doesn't want to be near a bomb ah damn man he'd never suspect she's walkin around there in her red little skirt and her white shirt with an envelope in her hand boom terrorists and all these times that I was putting trash in the bin I never realized I was being a terrorist oh definitely the lady in the front who needs a shirt with that many cats on it huh nobody's doing anything does she have a corn on the cob in the back she's the terrorist where'd he get a corn on the cob at the cinema who do you sneak one of those in hold on I need to use my yeah perhaps I saw it and I saw it immediately absolute definite terrorists corn cob lady reading the comments boo boo let's use their tactic let's use their tactic against them radar in my comments who you think was the terrorist I think it's corn cob lady she just had a look about her somebody said the guy with the coat because if you look carefully there was a bomb in his popcorn there's a bomb in the popcorn oh those are so subtle why did I not see that this is oh I would like a large popcorn please so I can hide my bomb in it well that's going to do it for the 7 second riddles not as hard as I expected at it but I do have a pair of glasses and a very wrinkly brain let me know if you want to see any more of these types of things or if there's any other websites that have really good riddles that you can send me to because these these are always kind of fun to interact with and see if we can get the answer then a lot of did you get all the answers right I knew it yes all of my wrinkled brains out there you guys know what's up very wrinkled no stink but I must go now farewell and as we always say all wrinkled no stinkle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those are so dumb
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,114,306
Rating: 4.9576659 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, riddles, 7 second riddles, riddles jacksepticeye, 7 second riddles jacksepticeye, 7-second riddles, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, brain teasers, reaction, riddle reaction, funny riddles, playthrough, riddles and brain teasers, test your brain, visual puzzles, tricky riddles, detective riddles, crime riddles, logic riddles, puzzles, easy riddles, hard riddles, boost your brain, riddles and brain teasers with answers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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