From Janky Junctions to Tranquil Turbines in Cities Skylines!

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sometimes you just need to take a city planner forms and rip the heart out of it and totally totally redo a highway because it is so badly done in this city it just needs completely replacing so we're gonna get some cool-looking intersections get them moving at smoothly and freely through the city and sort out this traffic let's go hello everybody my name is bitter and welcome back to fix your city in a city that looks pretty average on the face of it and until you see what the traffic is this city was sent in by a boos ward I think that's how you pronounce the name and the city is called His Majesty's Queen and battle City let us just zoom out a teeny tiny bit and check out the traffic because it has got pretty bad now I say this is a pretty average city because you've got separate industries dotted around the place you've got some nice built-up areas but it's not until we look at the traffic that we just go all my giddy ants what the heck is going on in here yeah looking very interesting let's just see what the percentage is of the traffic 27% and it's getting worse I've just been running this city we've got over a hundred thousand pot plenty of money but it's getting worse it's getting worse it's getting worse and a lot of that is down to this area through here it is absolutely nuts I mean you've got nice main roads you've got lots of traffic lights but it's all sort of backing up when we get to like areas like this and things like this you've got tall loads coming in yeah I want too much money you're making on a toll roads let's just have a quick look toll roads you're making 284 twice so if I forget to put the toll roads back in it's not the end of the world so what we are gonna do we're going to pause the game and we are going to do a major major redo of all the highways that you've got going through here and we may even change out some of these junctions because we know that these aren't amazing junctions but if you set them up correctly they can work really well but like all of this through here I mean this is all just gonna go this is gonna go I don't know what's going on there all of this is gonna go all of this is gonna go this is gonna go all of this is going to go all down here and let's just take all of these roads out there we go there we go I think there's that load of tunnels underground as well yep there is we'll get to those as well oh my goodness me there's so much to remove let's just take all of these a lot the way you've got some cross loads in here which are handy but yeah ah this little swing about land about it's not even a roundabouts I've seen loads of people use that sort of thing that's all gonna go this is all gonna go go go go go go that's gonna go yeah this is gonna go that's gonna go we've got the highway coming down there this is all gonna go as well oh my goodness oh my goodness me what else yeah all of these road connections I've deleted some Oh didn't mean to these are gonna go as well this just needs sorting out that is a good idea we'll come back to that I'm gonna say that these are gonna go and we'll sort this bit out as well Zippity doo-dah that's gonna go man we've got a lot of rebuilding to do that it's gonna go you've got this road coming through here that's fine okay let's just pause and unpause them innit all those cars will disappear what's the traffic light now still 26% don't have loads like that on your highway connecting things that and a lot of these aren't very straight are they but we'll get to that like this thing here okay so light I am gonna go and have a quick look on the Steam Workshop and find some good junctions that I think we're gonna use instead of these ones and then I'll be back weedy for some serious rebuilding in His Majesty's Queen Battle City whatever the rest of the name was so see you in a second like the first thing that I want to do is replace some of these junctions in here because they're okay they're not bad but when you've got lots of traffic they don't work fantastic and I just downloaded a few different ones I've got all the Timbo's intersections in here but I've also got some bonds see the name on it here and iris guard oh there we go a nice Andy interchange and I want to try this one here which is like a turbo interchange but smaller than this cloverleaf which I think will work really well so I'm going to pop that in there there we go like that so we're just done pause the game a little bit let all these cars work out what they're doing and what I like about this you do have a little bit of Lane management going on in here you've got this Lane and then extra little slip lane for them coming out if you really wanted to do some work on the she could just use the traffic manager tools to do this which means they really won't get in each other's way and then it goes back down to three lanes again after that so hopefully that will just help and it also helps me I'll get all the roads go in the correct direction so I'm probably gonna go through all of the cities and just replace all of these with the turbo interchanges there's one there one there one there and one this that's another how every minute that was number three to do and then we're going to work on this area over here what's the traffic 30% it's going up I know it doesn't count when you're removing cars like this but hey you know right let me get these lined up and I'll be back with you okay I've got the next one in over here and then you've got the road sort of going down there and moving back with it connected that's not really ideal so what I'm gonna do is to leave all of that and ideally you just want like a little roundabout in here that this could hit into it's not going anywhere else it doesn't need to be anything to you know much more complicated than that so let us grab I mean even this small little roundabout or two if we just pop that in there let's delete that road there try and sort of line it up with that that's fine and then we can hook up this road into here and this road and these roads as well and of course with the roundabout like this you want to use your Traffic Manager to make sure that is set up correctly so we're going to do that and then we're gonna select each one of these and say if you're on the roundabout you can go straight through the junction and I'm not sure I'm gonna do much more than that on the roundabout I think that will be OK for this amount of traffic it's only your garbage trucks coming in and out of here but that's going to work much better than what you had before so I might just do the same over here stick a little roundabout in and also this up here the way you've got these going straight into there isn't really gonna work out so let's just do something a little bit different in this area there we go we'll go with something like that let's just uh unpause the games you've got the trucks coming in here and coming out here if we just go into this flute piccolo dairy it got one-way Road so we'll stick with that and then once the traffic starts going down a bit that should move a lot better and then we might come back and look at the one-way one-way road system you have down here and I'm also gonna also save subsea Oh I'm also going to change what you've got here and we could just let's see rather than stick a whole roundabout in there we could just take this road let's grab this grab our neck picker there we go we're just going to take this load out here and curve it round into the middle of there there we go and then we'll just connect that up to both of those and that will do for now so we're not going in there we go and going out there excellent excellent excellent so that'll do is a quick little connection okay that's that and that one done I'm gonna connect up this route down here and then I'm going to change these two roundabouts as well well you know intersections rather than a roundabout or something yeah you know what I mean there we go just in the middle of sitting this one up here and if we just turn round like this and follow this road you've got these highways coming smack bangs straight into your roads there which is really not what you want to do at all that is not gonna help your traffic so let's just remove those for a moment let's just draw these in here and show you what you can do instead there we go so really what you want is this load just going straight over the top so if we grab that load their net pick up very good if we go page up and just go over the top or connect that up to there and then connect that up so there there we go we need to move that cuz it's lost some road access very good so we've got the road going up over the top and then if you wanted to join it to your highway without putting a roundabout in you don't always have to depends how busy it's gonna be you can just get your slip loads here and say look if these guys are coming up here they can join we're gonna lose a few Hales you see but that's the way it's going to go they can go there and then they can go there and I can go there we might need to do a little bit of management of this in a moment but for now that will make that little Junction much better so I've just got to change this one here okay that Junction has now been finished these roads sort of run into a dead end here I will sort those sitting me now just notice you've got all of these landfill sites I think you're perhaps going for an industrial look because most of them are turned off but I'm not gonna worry about those so we are gonna have some sort of junction over here you've got like highway roads coming through here which we'll take a look at and through here so we do actually need one big junction in the middle here which we'll get to back over here again I've just bought this one down and curved it round into a roundabout and connected some of your roads up here which weren't connected up so there we go we've got that going for you and let's just bring some of these together down here and then we'll get more of an idea of what we're gonna end up with so these some of these are gonna be the long way round but don't worry about that you've got this coming in down here as well I just want to get an idea of how many roads we've got to connect up to get all this going you've got this one down here so I'm also deleting all the toll roads if you want to add those in again a bit later you can and I do realize that there's underground tunnels whether I connect those up again or not that remains to be seen because if you do your loads correctly you do not need all the underground tunnels okay so you've got this one here it's gonna come in and this one here it's got to come in with Oh always a never mind - got that that and that you've got this down here oh my goodness so many tall roads yeah there we go so then we've got that one he's gonna come in let's just curve it around like that and then I guess that one's also gonna connect up to that and come in there good grief there's so many roads so many roads okay so we've got five different sections of roads coming in here and I'm just wondering whether we could use I think there's a Pentagon interchange that's just do a quick search in case there's yeah more than one just that one there got the Pentagon you interchange and the Pentagon interchange not quite short the differences between those two BOTS and u-turns all okay all right then that sounds quite good maybe we'll do the one with the u-turns as well and trying to squeeze this thing in here and connect all of these roads up to this what do you reckon okay there we go I can see what it means by the u-turns we've got these little lanes round here for switching around be interesting to see how that works but that is now the beating heart of our city and connecting up all of these other ones and I just need to go through and let's have a look let's have a look there's some cross roads that I've deleted which we could do with adding back in again there's like this little thing that comes off here which I might just connect up and leave it and see how it goes and once I know all the roads are connected all we need to do a little roundabout in here once I know all the roads are connected that I've changed then I'm gonna let the game run for a bit see how it all goes we might get another little Junction down here as well see how it all goes and then we'll be back to check on the traffic I do have another little let's go along here one of these there we got a small three-way stack interchange which I think I'll fit in here with pay well so I'll probably put that into you okay okay this has taken many hours to do this we've replaced that one we've replaced this one with replaced that one I've had to add another one in there it's a bit close but we'll deal with it these come down into a little roundabout go into your car go we'll look at that in a bit we'll see how that goes that all connects up to this Pentagon that shaped one here in the middle we've replaced that one I put some connecting loads in here I've added this in so we've got a nice little way to come in and out of there and I'm pretty sure any rows that I'm removed or deleted I mean this isn't set up right but we're gonna just leave that as it is I'm pretty sure I've set that roundabout but the walls that we have and we're gonna just sort of see how that goes so far that is a big change so let's take a quick look at the traffic 30% I've literally been doing this all on pause mode we're gonna go into fast speeds there we go and we're gonna just keep an eye on this little Junction here and see whether we get any cars coming down here at all so I will be back with you [Music] [Music] well as you can see this thing is run in a very very smoothly let's just take a look at our traffic at the moment and let's come out of that one twenty eight percent so we've done all that work and the traffic's gone down like we said it's gonna take a long long time to start yeah to start getting better because there's so many dead ends and AH so many so much filled up so much build-up let's take a look at our roundabouts up here alright let's start with this one so we've got a load of guys coming in I don't want to come in they don't want to merge they want to get round here and they want to go straight on and they can't because they're hitting this here ideally you wouldn't have these connected - he'd have them maybe go around go around that way rather than just hit that and you'd have this is going out because we have the one-way road system going on here don't we so let's maybe use that same at one-way road system and say you need to go that way there we go and this way can be two-way so now we've got going in going in going out there we go that would make much more sense there we go to keep that moving and they can go all the way around ideally this would be one way going along as well just to sort of follow the way that everything else is going so let us which they're doing anyway oh it is one way look Becky pardon so that would be one way that'd be one way then they come back down there and that will solve this issue and keep things moving along I am sure and I'm just wondering whether we could just have a teeny tiny bypass so anybody coming out wanting to go straight over doesn't have to block up these guys here and also a little tip somebody gave me if we look at the speeds on here this is set to a hundred because it is a piece of highway if we just downgrade this to 50 or he said 40 but I'm gonna try 50 and it would just slow the trucks down a little bit on here and give these a chance to come out maybe but let me just take a quick bypass on there we go so I've got a bypass going up the top there and this is a two-way Road so I've got the bypass going down this way instead of going straight across before this is one way and then I've just done the lane management here so we've got lanes going up and then this is six lane one goes off down to five and then when it joins over here this is four lanes yes and it all matches up correctly I'm gonna take the traffic lights off of there and then I'm gonna say everybody goes straight through no hanging around we'll do the same over here go straight through that is fine and you're going straight through excellent so hopefully these coming down there will bypass most of the time and to try and help them do that we're going to set this back up to be a hundred at the top we're gonna set that to be 80 and we're gonna set as she was sell it to be 50 the same as the roundabout yeah so this is now a better choice is to go up and over the top if they're wanting to go straight over and that means then that this traffic up here won't back up as much that is the plan let's just leave it like this and have a look I'm also just gonna help these guys sink and they're all getting in each other's way so we've got this one lane here it can go over into this orange one and these two can go straight on let's grab this green one here so that'll stop them doing that I'm then gonna stop them switch in there and then this one here that should go into four lanes but unfortunately it doesn't let's just take a quick look at this so we've got three lanes one goes off that can go down to sue and then ik yeah so we could slightly change this you've done yeah you've done this as four lanes which we mentioned earlier was good for a slip lane but we're gonna do differently we're gonna have three one goes off then this one down into two which is that one yeah and then when that goes one-off we're gonna make this one here as well so now we've got to one lane roads and that's just gonna help at the other end so now we've got one plus one goes back to two two plus one goes back to three there we go so that is just a better way of doing it I think if you've got lots and lots of traffic and then you can just do this all along here so they know exactly where they go in that's it that should just keep that move in there when they come down here I'm gonna make sure that they have the ability to change lanes here there we go so they can keep going and I've got a sneaky suspicion there might be some hidden traffic lights in there let's turn that off or stop lights no that's fine that's all going okay so we just need to give that a little bit of time look they keep stopping why are you stopping it's like nothing coming and every single one stopping that is ever so slightly weird it's got give why if you went through that time it's not gonna do I'm gonna put this on just to keep them moving because not much it's coming down there yeah let's take a look at that [Music] there we go look at that all that traffic's cleared up it's all moving nicely and this isn't too bad up here it's gonna get busy but I'm not gonna go through every single area and change everything might need to do something with this but we'll see let's have a look what's our traffic at now 23% 24% I was gonna say it's getting worse it's getting better as well so as I'm going around the city I'm just finding any little hotspots where we could do something to make it a lot better and there's quite a few places where you've got big main roads like this that one and not big main roads because you've used small roads and - they just like a cross road that's all getting in each other's way so yeah we're gonna do a few things like this to try and help these guys there we go so work a bit better okay so I put some roundabouts so either ends here so these guys coming up here can only turn right everybody on here can then you go straight on if they need to turn around at the roundabout and come back up again that is fine and that will just keep this moving at much much better we also could do with a little teensy-weensy bit of Lane management here so we've got two coming up and one going off so this could actually go down to a normal single lane road like this there we go one in each direction and then it joins back up again over here and we could use our lane tool just so everybody knows what's going on you can go there you can go there and you can go there and you can go there and then we'll do the same at the other end and if you want to keep these guys moving so we're gonna say when you hit that Junction keep going through and when you hit that Junction keep going through and I think that should be there we go we'll keep all of these moving that should be okay and then as long as the roundabouts are set up correctly when it looks like they are it might take him a while but I think that would definitely help this area here over time [Music] [Music] [Music] you know there's a good reason why I don't take on huge cities like this because there's normally so many fundamentally wrong issues with the city just the way that it's been built but I just need to end up rebuilding so much this bit is German this is all backing up down in and we'll get to that but this is clear that I've put the roundabouts at either ends whoops I did the lane thing one lane off one lane round so we've done that on both ends and that's helped this move through here why this is backing up down here I don't know so you're coming up here getting in each other's way so part of the problem when you try and fix a big city like this that's been dying because of the traffic causing issues and problems is you'll get tons and tons of rubbish trucks on the load you'll get tons and tons of fire engines and ambulances and they are just clogging up absolutely everything so I really just need to let this city run and breathe for a while and start to get back to normal and once that happens the traffic will die down I am going to go through and fix and things like this where you've got weird junctions coming off and hopefully we're gonna be able to fix this one and get it to a respectable if I can get it to 70% I will be happy with that and again it's things like this I mean what is going on there with that you just need a roundabout in there so these roads can come over and this doesn't need to be a whole Winky wonky like this does it oh my goodness me it's gonna run much smoother so I've been letting the city run the for a few minutes and let's just see whether it's gone up at all 60% it is getting there it is getting there and I've also done a little adjustment with this connection here as well the same as the other one I've just put a roundabout to either end set up all the lane management and stuff like that just to keep things moving and yeah we've got a lot of traffic we got a large jacket we're gonna get there folks we're gonna get [Music] [Music] okay well so far this has taken me absolutely hours to get to the position we're in let's see what the traffic is at at the moment 74% it's very very slowly rising so changing out the main backbone of the city is definitely smooth things out of it but you're still gonna get traffic building up in these sort of areas here to be honest I've spent so many hours on this I've spent so many hours I'm gonna have to hand it back to you and let you do some changes we're gonna do a future episode on Road hierarchy because that is something that you sort of got missing in a lot of these areas here which is why you've got so much traffic building up but this is certainly gonna help this is certainly gonna help so if you would like to send your city in don't forget to check out the description below if you're new leave a like and subscribe as one and maybe check out the next video on the screen and thank you very very much for watching I will see you all again soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 316,068
Rating: 4.9224339 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken, cities skylines expert
Id: Thce_P5RDMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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