Watch a City Crumble Before Your Eyes in Cities Skylines

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hello everybody welcome to the next episode of fictional city with me here we are with the city sent in by a vampire in black and it's nearly a hundred and forty thousand population and the traffic is pretty horrendous yep it's at forty nine percent so I just loaded up this city I've done nothing other than look at the traffic at the moment and I'm gonna show you what I do to make the traffic really bad before I try and fix it up so we've got the Traffic Manager mod down here we're just gonna click on that I'm not gonna click it because that will enable these boarding by hover over it that's telling me what is gonna happen if I click it which will make all the traffic disappear and be easier to fix I like to go for the disabled daddy spawning option so we have a look at this here we can see where the traffic is and then what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna record a little time lapse and I'm gonna leave this running go and have lunch and that's what I do to get the city's to the ridiculous levels that you sometimes see and my thumbnails 20 percent traffic 4 percent traffic I just let the city work for itself so I'm gonna do 3 speed 3 there we go which on a city of this size is gonna take a while and I'm just gonna let it run and that is all I do I don't need to do anything else to get a city to get bad so hopefully by the time I come back for lunch this hasn't crashed as we've gone down to 48 percent we've got a nice little time-lapse of lots of red lines spreading out all over the place and this get in pretty pretty bad so I'm gonna go and have my lunch and a cup of tea I will see you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] why just got back from lunch and mummy a 25% that is that is pretty pretty bad I can see there's lots of loads around here that have got really bad traffic on and it's just slow the game down because it's such a big city we've lost a lot of population as well well the game is moving very herky-jerky please don't crash please don't question what I'm gonna do a quick save one is in this position like well let's take a look and see if we can work out where some of these traffic problems are so we've got a lot of traffic coming down here into this roundabout and then see when you see something like that where it just intersperses and nothing happens and it's just making this all back up to me that says that this roundabout hasn't been set up correctly so let's just take a quick look it has you've got all the give ways and things like that coming on juncture restrictions what I would do here and now normally oh it's actually on already one it's just on pause a minute and see so they're coming down there and then they're stopping here okay right I can see so if we just do this and so you give way and you go straight through and also we're gonna change this lane here because there everybody's going in that Lane and if some people want to go left and some want to go straight on it's then holding up everybody so we're gonna have one lane for each so we're gonna find some of them down here we'll start changing lanes and what I'm gonna do is stop lane switching there just to keep things moving on but I am gonna say if you want to change lanes do it when you're coming around this corner here so pick your lane or miles will do it when you're going out as well pick your lane there and then hopefully it won't get all caught up here anymore and it will start spreading out and just because there's a lot of traffic coming down here I'm gonna do the same here one lane for left one lane for straight on yeah we'll leave that going so that should hopefully deal with that little bit there I'm just gonna or man such a big city it's causing issues it's gonna look at this Lane here come on now yes we've got this Lane is coming off and going on well I'm gonna just fix that by using I'm gonna use this here this two-lane highway so with three lanes one coming off then it's gonna go down to two like that there we go we're gonna start getting people moving along a bit better yeah and then you've got this merging going on here let's just have a look just make sure we've got this out yeah so what we're gonna do is gonna pause the game I'm gonna say you can go there you can go there and then they can sort of merge where they want down here so just to keep things moving along nice and quickly in fact I tell you what this can be then here it would make it much better sense let's just keep that off 25% much better sense to make this two lanes like that and then here will be select that one then we've got the two lanes so that one can go there and this one can go over here there we go excellent and then they can lane switch and do what they like good right that's gonna keep that bit moving that's just a zoom out a bit so this looping around here this is all going down here okay so this is just this coming off here is just Chicago and that's just how long it's gonna take because that only ever goes at the same speed trucks going in the now but at least it's not blocking up the highway so that's fine we'll leave that one right so that was this area up here I mean there's a few other bits and pieces in fact I want to just check these roundabouts before we move on although jerkiness come on now you gonna let me zoom in thank you very much I just want to check that these roundabouts are set up accurately so let me just quickly look at that yes that is set up fine that is set up fine here I'm gonna just say give way and through it we've got it we've got it that's good alright we'll leave that so these are coming down there they're cueing over to here oh man and there like something look that's a one-way let's just check this one setup okay it is we have got see normally I don't want that set like that when people are coming on I only want this green one for people going around the roundabout on and sometimes what will happen is these friends that have come on and then brought these colors from moving which has then held it all up and then go it along here and hit in this roundabout so let's just check this is all dance I don't want that yeah and then the give Y is all fine then they hit in this roundabout okay so let's just do the same thing we're gonna check here yeah look don't go straight on don't go straight on that's why they all get all hokey-pokey and all blocked and all sorts there we go and then they're all go man's here and then they've all hitting this here okay so this is probably not being helped we're now sort of at the end of the queue normally I would go to the beginning of the queue but we're gonna sort out this one we're here so it can go down to two lanes same as that side and then when they come on here we're gonna say you can't like shoot across like that although in a minute that is sort of healthy because people are driving over the other cars but normally you want that to sort of merge through to here like this so let's do that anyway so let's follow this along that's going to go underground yeah once they get out here they're moving away and then this bit here they've all come in over that so a bit over here we've got some trees in the middle of the road that's never gonna help well you can fix that yeah we've got a lane issue there so let's see one goes off okay I'm just going to manually change this lane there we go and say you can only turn off and those do can go straight on so there we go and then this bit here is gonna be around about definitely we got two lanes coming on so let's say when you come on you have to go there you have to go there and then when you hit this bit this is just gonna be around about just to keep things moving although you've got all of that coming up it's all hitting this section here yeah we have two little roundabouts a two-lane roads let's go with the we'll go with the two-lane highway roads but it's only actually in every way we'll go with a three lane there we go that should all be set up let's just turn that mod off that should all be set up let's just double check yep yeah and then this one again because it's so much traffic I don't want them going through there and then I'm also gonna just drop the speed down on this as well 250 that one just to give people a chance to come out and then here you've got this massive four-way Junction people going everywhere and it can't move this also just needs to be a little roundabout so we're gonna drop that in on there and I'm gonna assume that that's all setup okay as well okay there we go so that will hopefully get this bit moving here get some people coming off there and then let's just go back to this yeah so these are all heading down to that section which is just all over the place and this bit here will hopefully just sort of clear itself up what I'm gonna do here because there is a roundabout down here is I'm gonna say to these guys you can't cut across I just want them to go straight on so then they can turn round the roundabout and come back if they want to so I'm gonna say come here you go there and you go there like that so nobody's getting in each other's way we've got all the lanes going the right way and if some of these need to turn around there and come back and go a different direction that is fine they can do that because eventually this will all go down and that people will start moving this is going of this is going to check these roundabouts yes we did so again it's gonna be one of those cases of waiting for things to clear up this is far too close because that is then backing up onto there so ideally you don't want you roundabouts that close together but again as the traffic goes down things will get better and what you'll probably noticing is that it doesn't take march for traffic to start backing up really bad but it doesn't take much to you know unfit unfix it fix it and to get things moving again so what are we at 35% that is good let me have a hunt around and hopefully that will start getting better and stop backing up so much here and see some of these cars will start once this Dan here goes then these will start moving down the highway in fact what I might just do to speed up that process is say no Lane switchin there there or there just to get some of these what that was me press the wrong button just to get some of these moving along there we go and clear things up a little bit right where is all Olek we've got another situation here where I bet you've got the lane for straight on and right yes we're gonna change that one Lane first right other lane for straight on and then we're gonna say no Lane switching for a few blocks back just to get the traffic going and there as well there we go excellent and let's just look under here full of that also that's coming around here merging with this oh okay forty percent forty percent that is nice so I'll look at this bit we did before look look all cleared up all cleared up brilliant so this bit over here that we've sort of works on will hopefully clear itself up let's head down here we've got this side of town he's all looking pretty bad I want to check these two junctions here and see what's going on so let me so let's just pause this a second and have a look at this one here so give way give way give way give wine looks like yes that's fine and you don't these three lanes going down into two if the roads coming off and it's a two lane keep it as a two lane don't come in on all the times let's just change that just got on that's fine okay and then we'll just check this set up so anybody on the highway keeps on going round yep that's fine however not coming on okay so that we'll get that moving a bit and then it's backing up under this road so let's see it okay so that's joining onto that it's like an underground highway right so we've got three lanes one coming off we can definitely downgrade this to two lanes and that will solve lots of problems as we've seen so let's do that all the way along here there we go and then the third one joins again and then we want to stop this look you see the way that that guys cutting ride across the traffic so we don't least emerge nicely so that's trying to sort of line this up and that one's gonna go there so that will stop these going across keep these moving and then weigh everything hitting next and it's just pause the game and follow it along Wow Oh then you've got it going down too too late what is going on here so they're all going down into not too many lanes let's just change that back it's a what it's a totally hidden below ground Junction okay so that's all starting to back up from up here right let's just check your lane I think we've done this one other way yes just going off and the Mester moving uh okay so has all of this moves all of this will move and stop sort of going into one lane let these guys dive in Pass going along and that will basically fix all of this this one here to two lanes all the way along and then not worry about it because there's tons of traffic down there and then I'll just do the same thing here when the cars come through we've got come here there we go and then I'm gonna stop them Lane switch in there stop them lane switch in there it's moving already look at that move in move in move in move in so their Lane switch in here I really want to get know I'll be okay once the traffic goes down alright look move in move in we move in I just gonna do some of this I've never seen underground highways like this before this is fantastic so I'm gonna grab this and I do the same thing so they don't shoot across the load so you've got two lanes plus two lanes so ideally you want this little bit here to be a four lane and then there and then it will just merge back down to three again so that'll be fine so let's get this sorted every go put a little stick to their lanes looks a bit wicked it's on the ground like I said and then they'll just merge down here that's fine there's not much traffic coming through there look at all this clearing out this is clearing out this this will take a while but it's getting there okay so where were we we were down here weren't we following where the traffic winds so zoom in a bit oh come on game you can do it this is a pretty busy junction and so is this here and let's just come out of that view this to me looks like it needs to be around about just because there's big main roads and a lot of cars coming along there so I'm gonna do the three lane highways soundproof barrier roundabout doohickey on there just double double check that that's okay and then I'm gonna turn off go straight through I know like I said before if it's not who renders traffic like we've got now have both of these little green signs on that one and that one twins for block Junction but when there's this much horrendous traffic you just want people to to go and then what I'm gonna do is I don't want them doing this lane switching rubbish and there's two ways we can help them let's just pause the game we're gonna take our lanes and say this one here one straight to straight on and one off and we're gonna do that all the way round there we go and there we go and then to make sure that there's the ability to get in the right lane we're gonna say when you enter you can change lanes pick the lane that you want this is just a way that I find works really well and then I'm gonna stop them lane switch in all down here which is what they're doing at the minute so no no and no and then when you come in here you can lane switch so if you're coming down this way you can lane switch coming up this way you can lane switch coming out you can lay in switch so they pick their lane there and then they just go straight through so now all other three lanes are going to be used and you'll stop getting these lanes blocked up because of cars and just look at that move in you just look at that moving we're getting a bit of traffic back up down this way again a roundabout let's just follow that yes all right look these guys are stopping here for some reason let's just double check there's no traffic lights hidden in there I think it's just because of the amount of traffic there is what are we on 51% again you've got two lanes going into three lanes you just don't need that you don't need that so we'll just make that two lanes as well double check that that's kept its give way this it has so that's alright that should do good you've got this little slip line here where is that going oh oh underground onto that highway I'll allow it I'll allow it oh look this is going down already look oh I know what it is you've got a bus stop right here ever no no don't put bus stops right after right after a roundabout because this is what happens everything gets stopped there it is move that down here so now buses can get around the corner keep on moving that so I'm going to put it a bit further down there we go so now you're not getting anything blocking up that's this is all free and up look at that what are we at fifty-six look at and then I just want to check this Junction here yeah we've got two lanes for turning I'm just gonna adjust that we're gonna say one lane for left to four straight on and we cool let's just follow this back oh there's not much traffic do you look it's going down nice that is what we want to see cleaning up I know quick game say even then we're gonna see we could find anywhere else sixty percent already and which way round will behold the map is this way yeah look this is all cleared up on a look at this bit next this is cleared up nicely this is cleared up nicely let's just check this Junction here there was a lot more traffic down here but it's moving smoothly this bit here looks like you've gone from three lanes to two lanes four lanes to three lanes why you've got too many lanes going on in it three lanes one off this only needs to be one lane coming up here so I think you've just lost a bit of what you doing with the amount of lanes that you've got so this through here can be two lanes and that will solve a lot of you issues as well I'll do that all the way through for you do one lane coming on two lanes back to three yeah that's fine so that means this can be three lanes and then this can be three lanes and that's all three lanes yeah that's good and then this coming down here three lanes you've got two lanes and two lanes I'm gonna change this down here it's a one lane get yourself all in the lane which looks a bit silly at first by then means that here we have one lane going off and two lanes going on so some of these cars will start diving on the outside if we stop them lean switching okay we'll do it there then I think that is actually where the lane switches that's fine we're not we're gonna stop them doing it along here a bit well come on game come on now there we go and then stop them there and they've got actually they will delete that one there we go and then now start moving that this will start going let's just check this roundabouts out all the give ways go in the right way all these go in the right way so it's just a little bit slow that's all it's kind of hundred I'm gonna slow this one down to fifty there we go just to give people a chance to get out and I'm also gonna do the lane thing that I like to do Hey what you're doing you're gone what a visa still trying to merge in what's this guy doing he's like completely lost where will you go in just just drive your bone aids there we go okay so that will eventually clear itself up you've got loads about look at all these buses nuts and that wall I hope yeah stop all this happening look look stop lane switching you don't want to do it just wandering actually where most of these cars are going and we just use this menu over here it routes and pick just pick this Lane back here so most of them are heading up this road here so the base you want to get across to this road here I'm just wondering whether we could just have a little slip lane come off of here and go over the top and join and of course you've got a bus stop right here by the junction let's just get rid of that and stick it up there out the way hopefully then some would just start taking this up here I might just change that back to two lanes now that we've got an extra Lane coming off that goes there we go that's going much better look at this traffic is going down it's not backing up all the way up to here like it was before this is getting pretty busy here they're doing a bit of hope you walking Lane switching but once this traffic goes down it'll be fine let's have a look they're all coming around here I think we've got the same sort of situation here we've got too many lanes doing the same thing yeah as soon as you change that things just works so much better so two lanes for going around one lane for going off and then we'll just make sure that here you can switch your lanes if you want to there we go keep things moving keep things moving excellent what are we up to 72% fantastic this was all read now it's all nice and green this will go back to green in a minute and this is the bit we've just been working on we just want to wait for that traffic to go down this area up here looking okay this is still busy but not backed up this is just where the yep the truck situation is the trains are getting a bit backed up one imma look at those separately this bit here okay let's take this section first of all check of the highway we've already done the three lanes down into yet two lanes one lane going straight off I'm gonna stop them doing the whole Pewaukee Lane switchin a few stops back here pressing shift + s by the way to stop the happening so they'll pick back there and then when the game decides not to stutter to March we've got these guys here crossing over the lanes and going into three so doesn't mean it doesn't need to be three lanes let's change that to two lanes and let's grab this tool here and say if you're in that Lane there you can go there and if you're in that Lane here you can go there and then you're gonna do all he will-he lane switching there will stop it and down here I want you to pick your lane let's just check this roundabouts all set up okay so give way give way give way give way that one wasn't done and this one here yeah that one but not you know changing lanes that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine and that's fine here's a lot of traffic coming down here in junctions right and extra around the back which is normally not very good you don't need that so what I'm going to do rather than remove these junctions I'm gonna funnel all the traffic the other way yeah so we're gonna say you can't come this way in so we're going to make these roads one way I don't normally like to do this bar it comes a point when you just running out of time to get stuff down so we're gonna change that one there too one way going in now going out and that one there as well there we go so then this should keep moving that should keep moving and we should be okay just check the lanes on it's very small roundabout is it gonna let me pick yeah we're gonna do the same here one lane off to four going straight on try and keep it all moving as much as possible there we go and there we go and then we're just gonna make sure that when they come in switching lanes Richard Lane switchin lanes you can switch all the lanes do you lie there we go and just get ya like I said this is far too close I mean I would I'm just looking actually whether you just don't need this here this close yeah okay I'm gonna I'm gonna remove this one what I am gonna do is this I'm gonna use my net picker pick that load that thank you very much I'm not gonna have that go straight through that I'm just going to delete that bit and that bit I'm gonna have those going straight out instead I'll draw it this way and then I'm gonna turn it around there we go you can go out that way you can go in and then you can keep moving and you can give way oh we don't need giveaways do we so keep moving going through I haven't sort of added up the different lanes and the lane mathematics and stuff there I'm just chucking downloads you go straight through okay we're gonna do that I mean this needs to be a smaller bowl because too many lanes but that will do just to keep this one flowing if they need to turn around and come back they can use that roundabout down there and that should just keep all of this going yeah hopefully what are we at 74% so let's just maybe keep an eye on this for a few minutes and see how this goes down there we go a few minutes later it's okay I just slowed down the speed of this roundabout to allow more cars to get on an adjust to lead to this little slip load here because if they need to they can go up and come around and that's all cleared up look at how's this bit going up here traffic's all going well actually that's okay that's just Park cars there's a few cars there but yeah that's going through I'm just gonna slow down this roundabout as well I guess it's all a hundred yeah I'm gonna slow this one down too if I mean on arbitrarily picking 15 miles an hour you know you might find you can set it to 60 or 17 it still does the same thing what are we at let's have a look 74% can we get to the magic eighty I think I might just need to let things run a little bit more yeah we don't need like all these massive big six lane roads here I'm just going up it's going up next grab at this one here there we go that will do choose to help things work out a little bit better and yeah we'll see bringing out up to 80% because yes things are moving really smoothly this was two little roundabouts right next to each other I've just turned it into a bit of a wonky wonky oval about and it stopped it all backing up down here and I'll back him up down there I did add this little extra road so cars could come up there and avoid all of this you probably don't need it anymore to be honest it's looking okay to me and it's just moving smoothly and let's just take a view of this not bad at all not bad at all some things have red just because they're busy packing up lever not too bad let's look at this bit here backing up a tiny bit it's just busy again this is always gonna be busy I think there's a lot of people coming off there trying to get through this roundabout that could probably be made a little bit bigger to try and deal with that traffic in fact let me just make this one a bit bigger it's just taken look at the city I mean this had a lot of red hot spots it's just this little bit here it's just busy it's just busy this is just busy again you look you can see there's no cars backing up everywhere there's no cars backing up down here this is just the cargo thing so that's always a bit slow this is just busy I've made that roundabouts bigger and look at the traffic's not backing up half as much as it was before and this is okay so anywhere that we've got the minute he's just busyness rather than traffic backing up which is fan flipping tastic let's see what the percentage is at the moment seventy nine percent eighty percent there for a moment maybe we will the city is growing the money is increasing I think we're gonna easily get back up to whatever the city was before ah that is brilliant I just want to get it to 80 percent if I can that would just be great just flick up into 80 percent 78 right I said I'm gonna take it off that screen that we're gonna go with that I think that is pretty good what do you reckon what are you reckon to those fixes let me know in the comments below if you want to send me your city then out the description below on how to send it to me and thank you for watching thank you very much for your support always always appreciated I like that we have a nice community here let's keep it that way folks let's be nice to other youtubers nice to other City fixes and nice in the comments below that is what I want thank you very much I will see you all soon take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 171,192
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: kBAk6OnVTwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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