I Tamed The MOST DANGEROUS Flying Mount in Palworld

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so I've got a problem my weapons aren't good enough to continue attacking more creatures well taming them thankfully I am leveling up nicely and I'm about to unlock the double barrel shotgun but I do have the single shot rifle so let's unlock this and then unlock the rifle ammo as well as the metal armor and the metal Helm also refrigerator sounds good and that means I need to make more refined ingots but I don't have any coal now I do have charcoal but that's not quite coal so I'm going to have to fly around and get some thankfully our farm here that that's getting us tons of money is pretty close to some coal deposits my goodness would you guys please clean up your mess look at all of that money all of those are 10 gold coins my goodness look at all these po balls too pal spheres there's so many of them I just got to check all right we have 478 eggs in there which is a good number we've got 4,000 money which is a good number too5 pal speres that's awesome and since our base is right there all of that coal is right down here here I would say I planned it but I didn't I didn't even know the coal was here and I thought charcoal worked as cool but it doesn't which is stupid it's also stupid that you're picking up my sparking leave him alone he's mine I told you he was mine a nice I only need three more for the big XP boost my goodness there's a lot of coal here 99 in that one that was awesome look at that there's a little guy in the tree a I didn't launch that used to be a bug where you can launch into space come here buddy I need you for science purposes I want a launch launch me come on launch me my bird die no yay oh this game uhoh I am totally going to run out of stamina now so I got a ton of stuff let's Max that out 61 should be good unfortunately Dingus is stuck in the trees you know what we haven't needed this in a long time that also clears up a lot of space which is awesome good and we'll make those refined ingots that we need and crafting to furnaces should make both of my van Dragon van worms van worms you should be able to cook up some reinforced Ingot faster and uh the charcoal's it's broken I can't I can't actually get the Char whatever I don't care but the good news is I do have 17 refined ingots that are made now and these guys are making lots of concrete up so if I come over here I should be able to have them make the actual rifle if I got polymer I still don't know what polymer is maybe we just go get some double barrel shotguns that sounds fun okay scratch that I found the polymer recipe polymer was in here at level 33 yeah there it is takes high quality pal oil and these guys Blitz through it like crazy thank you so much sir so I might as well make a single shot rifle cuz it sounds powerful and then you are going to come over here and do that one instead good job buddy I'll help you even though I don't really do much next up we'll max out the it's not that many whatever you can start working on that 40 bullets I do want to see what this thing looks like not what I was expecting at all all right so it's like a Old Musket or elephant gun or something that's a weird looking gun I'm excited ammo is ready the gun is ready and the adorable little chicken is ready hello friend oh 2,000 damage do I I'm the same level okay we can try this should we try the boss MMO rest I really need some XP so I can level up to extra levels so I kind of want to see yeah 4,000 damage isn't that much and if I do 2,000 per shot all right Stomp and fire that was only 70 cuz he's higher level than me I'm also hungry don't wh me I'm just going to eat an omelet in the middle of this battle thank you sir just swimming Upstream should be okay I feel like he's doing all right right shiny you going to be okay bud fire ooh 100 in the eyeball that was good oh that's dangerous shiny okay the single shot ah ah nope nope nope okay you're going to fire that at me I'm going to dodge that this is working pretty well actually he's agroed on me shiny's doing all the damage although this gun is pretty solid uh-oh shiny got knocked out a long time since that's happened all right I'm pulling you back I just got to do a little bit more damage here maybe one more oh okay we got another good one uh-oh Aim Fire face good all right catch that in your life wow that was only 2% ouch oh I don't have very good balls right now I'm going to have to weaken it even more if it'sit a for % chance does that mean it'll take me 25 times to capture him I think that's how percentages work come on be a I love how you can uh ride on this here oh boy oh nope that was close no it wasn't it was still 28% okay this is like 30 now ah all right buddy I'm going to give you two more attempts to join me there's number one come on you know you want to you know you want to you know you want to aw fine we'll come back for you later that wasn't so hard though and I come to check on my iron farm literally every single one of them are stuck on top of the sink it what are you dorks doing up here get down and get to work they're starving and injured and weakened my goodness so I got my friends here to build me some Ultra spheres that sounds fun and our friend shiny should be ready to go again oh little chickpea you can go back home we're going to dangerous modes so I've heard there's two things happening somewhere up here there's like a frozen Island and over here is like a volcano island I guess I don't really know but I do want to go try it out I really just want to get to level 40 oh that's the wrong button I wanted to go down so I can collect this thing and there is a boss hiding over here a falope I don't know if I've captured one of those yet but there are some relaxasaurus here hey budy how are you ow that didn't do too bad come on okay that's working pretty well hit him with a night bear ball too whoops I evaporated him all right let's see how this does boom Oh I missed ow yeah that's the problem okay it's going to do big damage I like this gun oh have I been over there yet oh no I haven't weird that looks cool right this is cool I always love it when games hide secret things behind elevators this is the Falls M shaft did I say elevators I'm totally meant waterfalls and I'm guessing that's where this boss fight's going to be the Fang lope is going to be deep in here oh yeah a Fang Lop that thing looks pretty cool look at him 2,000 hit points let's just see what uh shiny can do there you go shiny my goodness that does look neat just hit it with some Blast From Space all right that ooh all right it's working pretty good shoot it in the face ow I missed my pal team's hungry I'll feed them really quick with money uh I figured it was you and I'm hungry too he's actually doing really well I'm kind of surprised God oh yeah there's a big hit nope not allowed and another big hit get him shiny oh you're getting toasted ah and then oh ow okay you're on me now good no what is that thing no no no that was like acid rain the '90s have called okay we have six Let's uh get a shot there I'm going to pull you back so we don't accidentally do the dumb let's get another head shot another head shot I missed head shot okay oh no no no you stay back falou oh come on let's do a body shot this time good and catch that's a 14% let's get a better sphere these are the Ultras this is definitely Ultra moment ow 80% to start with I'll take that I'll take those what come on those are expensive come on come on capture the Fang lope yes got it beautiful boss kill ages pass mutal Vision was common sight in paintings huh oh and a high-grade technical manual I always like it when I get these that was a successful trip not quite exactly where we were going going but I'll take it I'm also hoping we can score a few big eggs over here because those are worth a lot of XP and I just really really really want to level up and tame a bunch of new creatures is that that's like that's the area I'm going oh a dang that's cool okay Crusher you do whatever you do best oh there are eggs here is that like a huge whoa uh something just happened to the sky what is this egg just a regular a large scorching egg that's cool what is this place why is there two pigasus is is fight what is that oh yes I think I've come to the right location those are the same things I am currently riding is that the same skin it looks like what is this what is that a repo oh it's a level 36 this is dangerous and it's also going to be a fire type isn't it so my oh my that looks cool all right right we still do pretty good damage to it oh yeah I do great damage to it yeah we're going to pull you back and shoot it in the face and now capture it that said like 36% to start with I don't really care it's a new Pokemon palon pal pal why do you escape a Ultra Mega Ball Power Ball whatever this is called oh no those are expensive get in my ball yes yes I got it I got it what is it magma likee blood runs through its body a large amount of water runs thrown on it huh immense o okay those guys are scary oh I'm also hot interesting I have my heat shirt on let's put this one on I mean it makes sense since this is a volcano there's a lot of these uh flying things o another egg okay so this guy's a level three Mining and three rekindling that's kind of awesome what are these up here oh flum Bells cool those should be worth a lot of XP Ready Aim Fire oh that's perfect what stop you're not allowed to play ruin all my fun oh wow I got it with a blue ball beautiful and that's a level up cool I totally want to get to 40 today though cuz there's some fun things in here H we got the double build shotgun though oh there's two eggs cool I hear like magma burbling and gribling it's regular scorching eggs there's got to be boss fights here oh wow there's an actual boss fight up top oh and another egg yes okay what is that I need it those are cool hey hey don't do that again no wrong button all right and wow okay we'll shoot this one first yikes but that wasn't a crit so ow ow bad dog should you guys stop please what are you doing why are you so mean to me what have I ever done to you besides shoot your friend in the face okay I need a I need one of my friends out here to play oh what is that oh wixon ow ow ow got 700 shot that's going to do big damage all right come back here going to try non crit ow and attack got it come on come on ow ow ow shoot go play over there got you yeah yeah yeah get him bird say get him bird what I want those things too there's so many fun things over here no oh did the did the donkey run over the edge he did he got a case of the Dums do I have to use the bigger balls on you for real come on here fine we'll use one we'll just use one ultrasphere no just kidding I didn't need to wow that was intense where' the other boy go oh there he is Ain bodies evolved in a efficient radiator someone has mounted it okay it's a flying Mount oh uh okay let's uh fly around and explore a little more this place is super ominous but those aren't man I could do so much damage if I was closer catch this flamb Bell ow oh W I actually hit that shot wow catch and catch what are those things why do you get such long shots all right I should have this one I should be good no no okay I just need to keep throwing these gigas spares at you you than your friend fell down the cliff would you not oh you killed that one thank you for protecting me friend didn't fall down the cliff come on one more yes tons of XP oh 10,000 XP my goodness those are the things I really want to play with whoa Brothers of the Eternal py martyr that's my nickname in high school torch him torch him ow can't see okay just a regular fire shot did you kill my Mount you better not kill my Mount one more shot okay working good working good we'll try one of these just barely gotten that sphere before it got obliterated there you go all right come back here my goodness these things are hard to capture is a level 36 after all I might need to level up my capturing a little bit I haven't done that in a while okay I'll try five more times cuz I want to explore a little bit more about this island two oh yeah nope come on come on come on you know you want to join me you know you want to do it you know oh yeah 36 come on yes yes we got a good one okay uh Sun LM add normal not that great all right I want to try to capture one of these fellas the wixon you coming at me you coming here wixon oh that was was amazing nice job and catch good catch you too you catch whoa whoa whoa whoa nope oh good I got him oh a diet lover that's not a great skill would you not you don't like head shot though do you they do a lot of damage to you okay and you catch too wonder what these guys do I mean obviously they're their fire type ow do someone attack me from behind it is shoot that's not my friendly that is my friendly no it's not that hurts Oh wrong one nice shot you see that well that happened at least I got one wixon and they killed each other what kind of odds are that and I spawned back here at this Bas this is stupid I love it just like hundreds of thousands of coins coming in to my pants thank you Game 4,000 and climbing those aren't even the ones that ever put in the cage okay I do have enough to level up my capture power one more time that's fine I need a bunch more to get capture six but I did get a bunch of these eggs and I want to see what they are so the green one is a purin that was the horike thing and this one is a Les Punk ignis interesting those are the bomber guys but that's the first time I ever captured him a van worm these are going to be so much xp too I think yeah that's 10,000 oh that's a new one too kelpy ignis all right this is cool I've been searching around this mountain oh what just happened to the screen and I found a cave I found a dungeon I don't know what level it's going to be but I totally want to check this thing out uh 40 the boss is level 40 would I like to absolutely absolutely now I don't think it's going to be hot in here it isn't so we can uh change it over to my refined metal armor I can pretty much snipe these dorks too oh my goodness they have a lot of hit points here go fetch make him blow up and stuff yeah there they go oh balls boom oh my goodness that is a lot of damage all right uh-huh uh-huh don't do that to me don't do that to me all right just a shield everything's fine everything is fine indeed hey he did it he actually got a kill get out of the lava you Dingus really kind of interested what the boss of this level is going to be like for real I have no idea what it's going to do but this is so much more ominous and scary than the water one the love Anders are in here what are you doing in here this just weird oh and the Les punks okay I just walked in lava and started himself on fire what a dummy so did the love Ander hold up here let's switch over to uh a decent sphere try to catch you there we [Music] go what are you looking at me for whoops what is that my goodness I need it a moss send of Luxe wild okay I mean shoot in the eyeball oh hey wait the Mand those are the ones that oh it just is doing a lot of damage okay no no no no no no not too much buddy not too much I said thank you why is the ground striking okay I I want to capture him so bad cuz I can get rocket launchers for his shoulders and that would be amazing no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes I got hot dang that's so cool he's waterproof and he's electrical I'm not I for science like I tried one time but I'm kind of glad these toos are going to destroy all the Syndicate Gunners uh-oh it's not a good sound oh my goodness you see how big that Crusher is I will crush you uh-oh oh and head shot my goodness here play with him I only have 15 bullets left we better save these there oh he's not dead oh he got knocked out for a second oh he gave me two gigas speres too wow oh sad little chicken's dead nicely done now play with uh that one so I can capture this one come on come on come on yes another one these are worth so so much experience that's 11,000 if I get four more of these guys I will get a big bonus too hey you you really is that what we do right now oh you're trying to fight now ow ow ow one more hit and one more and then one more catch I like that 54% success rate if he doesn't he's going to get teleported into the Rock anyway way nice got it oh I found the end what is that a Robin quill Terra interesting as long as nothing follows me into here are we are we alone are we safe I think so all right shiny we're going to have some fun with some Robin quill teras I would very much like to oh they're burning my goodness this is so cheesy all right that one's going to die makes it easier you're going to go follow your other one into the lake of lava my door face ooh that's a good shot hey have that that'll distract you a little bit you're jumping for joy uh-huh we need Huggy fire oh wow that did really well it's Huggy fire time or not that that works pretty good too hey come back here it's Huggy fire burnning Nate we've got other powers oh my that does so much damage to it yes it's highly effective burninating bonting bonting burn okay that worked really well and then you get another dose of the burn ination station and you'll have one of these in your life okay okay you know what you are going to do too much damage coming back to me now it's my job to do the damage got to reload and we're going to switch over to the ultr sphere I don't have many bullets left so we got to do the best we can all right we're good I could hit one more time if this doesn't work maybe a crotch shot ow there we go that also doesn't tickle I don't like it when you throw your junk at me like that just want to bring you home and let you meet my friends come on come on yes we got it cool Robin kill oh man we're so close that was 27,000 x XP hot dang that's awesome a look at that cute little thing hey dude what are you all about I have five bullets let's see if we can get him oh wow 888 right in the back of the head how about one in the front of the head that worked really well let's switch over to yellow balls okay 23% start uh-oh that's not a good sign okay I caught him oh I guess I've caught him before man Ive made all of that Lo was really mad at me that was fun run away a scorching M shaft what is this I don't know we're exploring today oh never mind a level 49 to blaz mut I don't even know what that means oh look at the little fish swimming in the lava why they got to be so dumb poor fellas oh what is that hold on is that a new flying mount a ragn hawk we got to get him all right all right you do what you can and we're going to try to tame this thing good job elky boy bring him over here I totally want a flying fire Mount another good shot oh good hit no don't go down there you dummy I have two more bullets left uh-huh and then attack ooh good hit and another one one more last bullet last bullet I said good good good good that's perfect catch this oh those are super expensive wait we have the better ones there they are the Ultras this is what I was really hoping for yes we got a fire flying Mount the ragna hawk oh he's a slacker though a I don't have any more bullets oh this is bad news too my deer did die so I guess we get to take the fast travel home that is by jumping right into here oh oh that wasn't so bad actually wonder if I can make it over to that other egg before I perspire it's going to be close come on oh oh I can make the saddle it's 37 that thing is so expensive ingots we can make ingots no way I can get this thing oh come on I got ingots got to make it at the Derp table R saddle it's going to take a weekend got it got it is it faster we need to know we need we need science purposes here there it is okay um it's a slacker that doesn't affect speed but look at that work speed it literally doesn't work okay let's move this in here since that guy's dying and then let's see I'm excited for this oh my goodness come on come on hey slacker why is it locked why is it locked cuz I was Dumb and didn't grab the saddle off the workbench my goodness do come here hockey come here oh he looks so cool oh he is faster even without the speed boost my goodness all right flamestorm what is flamestorm ooh fiery tornadoes that's awesome sand tornado oh and there's an egg right here yeah that's the regular tornado that just one shot the boy and then uh an arrow wow oh I love this thing that is so stinking cool is this the best flying melt in the game I almost think it might be unless there's some like late level 50 something or another but I do know I have a lot of eggs let's hatch those really quick found this one right next to base that's just a tomat we got a couple scorching eggs this boy is a van worm cool I like those we have a large egg which is uh wixen my goodness the amount of experience we're grabing from these next one is a repo awesome well my friends I believe that'll do it for today's video of pal world I hope you enjoyed this one we got some good progress done I think I'm going to try to level up a little bit more off camera before the next video so give me some comments of what you'd like to see next time thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you later and i' like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread dton SE SC D Mr one Bon please fussy badge missing sniper Len H Tyler J Nitro VR nitrox White H Auto Dave Ben Dicky J T hippus General Harris Trent M Cino rler Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra BC engineer scarx Spencer te whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 231,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld ragnahawk, palworld mounts, palworld best mount, palworld best mounts
Id: scSykkqRhks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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