I Spent 100 Days In Ark Survival Ascended [Primal Chaos]

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I found myself waking up on the beaches of the island for what I thought would be just another playthrough but something was different this time new powerful creature variants now roam the island obliterating everything in their path and I'm going to spend a 100 days here with these new creature variants and I'm going to defeat the Alpha dragon broodmother megap picus and the alpha overseer with them hopefully I'll actually be able to keep that promise this time unlike in my last 100 days day one and oh oh oh oh no the recording's messed up so yeah let me just fix that and okay we should be good now but I wasn't actually good oh ow ow yeah those are alpha dios this mod Primal chaos introduces a tier system of dinos that I'll put on screen right now the order of the tiers goes vanilla B normal dinos and beta Alpha Elemental Advanced Elementals Mythic SL legendary demonic SL Angelic and Primal chaos SL Primal light diners this is all sounding very familiar yeah I can't even lie to you guys this is basically a primal fear ripoff I might even throw into the video title my Primal Fear videos are some of my most popular all right I'm going to stop dissing the mod now and actually play it all right I guess let's just start with a note run since I'm going to be on foot for a little while so since I just spawned in and weaker threats that I wouldn't usually worry about I can now spawn in super strong I need to get some levels so I made my way over to the first explore note that I was close to and that got me up to level 11 but I then spotted the mortal enemy of every Bob when he first spawns in oh my God there's Raptors there's oh and they're already on me come on come on go I need I need this Turtle do no no can I get away come on Turtle put up a good fight I broken boats like can barely run and I did manage to escape because the turtle was actually an alpha variant meaning it was five times stronger than normal and it would have actually survived way longer if not even kill the Raptors but I think I'm going to stay out of the forest looking for explore notes for a while and start getting some basic tools and that led me to punch a tree as you do until I had 10 thatch and one wood to craft a stone pickaxe which I then quickly used to farm even more thatch and wood as well as a piece of flint to craft a stone hatch it this is progress baby anyways after that I farmed a few more resources and then crafted a reusable spear I'm playing with a few other Quality of Life mods that I'll have Linked In the description anyway this reusable spear is actually going to be the key to my success mostly because it outputs a decent amount of damage and I have an infinite amount of them but that was not good news for this dodo because I used a spear to kill it for my first hide immediately after that however I discovered that there was beta cloth armor which seems to be stronger than normal cloth armor and all I need to craft instead of it is to get some beta hide which I get from killing beta dinos and after that I killed a DLo but food was starting to become a more pressing issue just make this campfire and while I was waiting for some food to cook I discovered the different Kibbles that you need to tame the different tiers of dinos well there's different there's the different Kibbles right here beta kibble all right so Kibbles are going to be super important to taming different tiers of dinos but moving on I crafted myself some reusable Bolas so I'm now pretty safe from being attacked by Raptors all right we now might be able to fend off some Raptors if they come at us but instead of taking down Raptors I took down an alpha parasaur you're still able to bowl a creatures even if they are bigger than normal because of their tier which honestly makes them pretty easy to kill still anyway I got some Alpha hide and some Alpha blood which I assume will be used to craft different types of Kibbles later on and after that I killed a lowle Pteranodon and discovered that it looks like new tributes were added in one of the mods I installed since I got PT Talons but finally ending off the day I killed a beta PT after realizing I wasn't going to be able to craft any beta kibble for a while to tame it and I then used it high to craft my first beta cloth shirt day two I looked out over the river and saw what looked to be a treasure chest but the problem was I was freezing to death very quickly so I won't be able to check it out for a little while and that led me to try and actually prevent myself from freezing to death big shocker I know but I actually did craft some hide pants and boots as well as a torch and I huddled down next to my campfire to keep me warm but it almost wasn't enough we had a good run but to my surprise these last minute items were enough to barely keep me from freezing to death but I needed the heat from both the campfire and the torch so I couldn't even access my inventory to upgrade my stats without freezing to death but morning eventually came and it was warm enough to put my torch away and leave the campfire side and I then killed a nearby parasaur for its hide and I began harvesting it that's some good oh Oh I thought it was going to attack me yeah man I know these Alpha parasaurs are harmless but those glowing red eyes do not give off a friendly Vibe anyway I crafted more hi armor to keep warm and I also looted a wide drop but it was absolutely terrible but more importantly the treasure chest that I saw at the beginning of the day was now gone is it gone no so I decided to keep on progressing all right I guess let's just keep killing stuff for now but there's actually another chest literally right there and I looted it but I didn't know what I got because I couldn't see it in my inventory anyway I then killed a few dinos including some Mega nors for kayen so I can almost craft a PT saddle soon and I also had meat spoiling in my inventory to start narcotic production soon I've decided I actually want to tame a Pteranodon as soon as possible possible to get off the ground but I'm going to need a few Tran arrows to actually tame one so I started farming narcoberries by hand but I wasn't having much luck so I decided to knock out and tame a level five parasaur that was nearby and I actually had all the resources required to make it saddle so I did that and I named a monk for whatever reason but I then farmed a few Narco bees before realizing I actually need a little base of operations to start crafting the narcotics and that led me to craft a that foundation and a Mor pestle and the raw meat had pretty much all spoiled by now and I spent the rest of the day pretty much just farming narcoberries and crafting narcotics however I did also craft a bow and some Tran arrows when I did actually get some narcotics under my bow I finished up narcotic crafting in the morning of day three I had 14 Tran arrows and everything else I needed to tame a PT besides the saddle but I'll figure that out later on so I hopped on the back of Monk and set out towards the red Obelisk and the east coast and I did pick up my mortar and pesto as well as a campfire before I left so I won't have to craft another one but it only took me around 30 seconds to find my first PT but it was only a level 50 it's kind of mid just keep looking so I kept moving down the beach in hopes of finding a high level to tame what is what's glowing I don't want to find out I do not want to find out just a word from the wise from me to you guys if you're ever playing with a mod where din notes produce their own light make sure to approach them with Extreme Caution every time I see something like that I have flashbacks back to Primal Fear 100 days fighting peon Revenge anyway I didn't get much farther down the beach before I spent like 2 minutes trying to Bow this random PT out of the air so I could check its level but when it finally did come down to the ground it was only a level 10 so I decided I'm just going to cut my losses tame that level 50 PT I really don't want to spend any more time looking for a better level to tame because time is extremely precious when I have a bunch of different tiers of dinos I need to tame in this video so anyway I began making my way back around the red Obelisk but I passed a few Mega noros along the way and I do happen to need more cut in for a PT saddle but while I was taking out those buggy boys monk was having a scuffle of his own which he didn't end up winning because he was on passive and had the stats of a newborn baby yeah mon got absolutely shredded by a level five di but I guess it was an alpha do so it's way stronger than normal but still pretty sad that he actually died to that anyway I put the DI down with ease because I have weapons to defend myself unlike Monk and I then harvested it for a measly three hide in two alpha blood oh monk we're definitely taming that level 50 now yeah I don't really have any option anymore I'm going to tame that bird so I made my way back down to the P's location while killing some more bugs along the way and I knocked it out with a baa and only a few Tran arrows but right after the bird knocked out I had to fight an army of compies and one of them was an alpha compy which was surprisingly strong like so strong I literally couldn't kill it I had to swim across the River to finish farming the resources for the bird's saddle I don't think I can understate how mad it made me that I wasn't able to take out this compi so I really need to take flight as fast as possible or I'm not going to survive down here for much longer but moving on I took down more dinos like parasaur and Titan drones and I also got some explore notes to boost my level so I can actually craft a PT saddle and I even looted a blue drop which gave me some cayen armor as well as a toilet and an anleo saddle anyway I kept killing dinos but when I killed a parasaur a freaking Christmas present flew out from its dead body Christmas present A damn okay that's kind of weird but I'll take it and I then killed some doos and a treasure chest flew out of its dead body and I found that the loot was going into my Cosmetics tab in my inventory and I got a pair of Doo slippers which look absolutely hilarious but I also did get a pet fish that literally just takes the place of your head and it also looked stupid but more importantly my PT was finally finished taming and I named him Flappy but I still needed to get some Fiber to craft Flappy saddle hence why I'm picking bushes right now however I could barely fly on Flappy because it didn't have the best stats as t a level 50 isn't that good obviously so I got my bird buddy some levels by getting explore notes and pumping weight until I had around 250 weight and just under 300 stamina day four and I was flying North but I wasn't flying aimlessly I was flying towards my new permanent base location I want to build on that one Plateau that overlooks the Redwoods really specific I know but if you have some experience in Arc you probably know where this is I didn't have much reason for wanting to live here besides the fact that I've never built here before and because it shouldn't get that hot or too cold yeah so it's not the best motivation for building here but I don't really care I'm going to build the best base you've ever seen here anyway I thought the area was safe but pretty much as soon as I arrived I saw a glowing Raptor just below the plateau I'm pretty sure it's a volcanic Raptor which means Don't Go Near it but I think I should be fine as long as I stay up here anyway time to get to work and that first started with me taking out a parasaur that was unlucky enough to spawn here this is my land now anyway I then unlock the chaos Forge in G I want to craft one of these as they are very good at smelting metal and you also need them to craft the other types of metals in this mod and even better they cost the same as a normal refining Forge so there was no downsides to making this Forge seriously if you're playing in this mod make one of these bad boys but with this goal in mind I plopped down two that foundations and my Mor pestl to store some of my items I needed some more hide to craft a forge so I killed a few local weaklings and farmed the rest of the resource and just like that boom I have a chaos Forge the forge is also red so it looks even cooler anyway I discovered the different types of metals you can get by combining smelted ingots and different types of blood but I can't do any of that mixing blood with metal until I actually have some metal so I need to actually get that but I first Farm some wood to fuel my campfire that'll cook me more food while I get some metal and I then made my way out of the base towards the volcano and I farmed 30 raw metal which actually took forever because these stone tools actually suck so I'm going to get rid of them as soon as I can but anyways I made my way back to my base and spotted an absolutely terrifying sight what something tells me about how that Rex looks how big it is and how fast I killed that Diplo that I don't want to mess with it yeah I'm pretty sure that's a volcanic Rex that's 10 times stronger than a normal Rex so that's basically a giga right below my base and I'm also not sure if these dinos have any special abilities yet since this mod is pretty knew but I don't really want to find out so anyway I got the metal into the forge and got it smelting and it definitely does smelt faster than a normal Forge but I don't want normal metal tools those are for brokies I'm going to craft beta metal tools but I'm going to need some beta blood and hide to do that and that led me to put an ungodly amount of Spears into this beta Turtle until it died finally the turtle took a while to kill but I got all the beta hide and blood I needed from it but I first needed to craft a chaos Smithy to actually craft the beta tools but it doesn't require anything a craft so I made it pretty easily and look at these shiny new green tools I have but that's not the only cool thing about them they Farm more resources than normal tools and I approving the new tools because they were miles better than my stone tools oh yeah this is good this is very good and the pickaxe works great with the metal nose as well there we go that's some metal farming now anyway I finished up the day by putting more metal I farmed into the forge progress is being achieved my viewers speaking of progress I need a spy glass to find dinos to tame to keep progressing I know that's a stretch but I really need to find a spy glass Okay so I flew out to the volcano to get the crystal for it and I got just over 50 Crystal for the spy glass and whatever I need for the future but that's not the only thing I saw on the volcano my nervous system got a shock of adrenaline when I went to get back on my PT and fly home when I spotted a giga inside the wall it couldn't move and I don't think it could actually see me but if that thing got free while I had my back turned farming Crystal it would have been game over but luckily that didn't happen so I returned back to my Camp safe and sound and I then crafted my modded spy glass this bad boy was sh me Dino sets their torpidity and possibly even their social Security numbers anyway after that I decided to craft a normal Smithy so I can craft some more vanilla items and this was also made very easy with my new beta tools however I think it's time I start looking for a better PT now as I can easily identify levels Flappy's good and all but let's be honest he's not good at all but while I was out and about I first stole a beta Dino egg which I can use to make Kibbles later on but more importantly I did confirm that the glowing Rex below my base is indeed a volcanic Rex what what is this a volcanic Rex level 60 has 46,000 Health okay not going near that quickly after that I looted a green drop and I got some Tran arrows out of it and some raw primed fish meat and I actually took that meat back to my base and cooked it right away in case I need it for an imprint or something in the future and I also used some beta blood I had to turn into beta ingots and I used those ingots to craft me a beta sickle which is making farming fiber much easier but it was actually kind of terrible to be honest so it probably would have been in my best interest to just craft a normal sickle but what's done is done anyway I've decided before I go actually looking for a better PT to tame I want to secure my base area a little more I don't want to spend a ton of time taming and then get ran through by a rogue Raptor so that led me to go on a little murdering and then farming spree and I crafted up a bunch of Spike walls and a wooden G to section off part of the plateau I plan to expand my compound later with walls and spikes but I don't have the resources or the dino power to do that right now but now that that's on let's go do some taming I started flying Westward along the Northern River where a ton of pts spawn and there were a ton of pts but no good levels that was until I got to the very end and I spot at level 130 which is perfect for me it took a little while for it to land but once it did it landed on a cliff where no other diners could could get to it perfect this is actually perfect and it knocked out super easy with my crossbow I don't think I mentioned I crafted one but I did after I got the bird knocked out I left to get us some prime me and there was a lowle Diplo nearby which was once again perfect for me it didn't survive too long after I spotted it and I fed the unconscious PT before the end of the day but it still wouldn't tame for a little while day six started oddly why is there so many bronos in the river I decided to keep flying up and down the islands Rivers looking for another highle PT to breed with the current one I'm taming but I didn't really have any luck finding any highle normal pts but I did find a highle beta PT beta level 145 oh I hope that stays alive like it's probably going to die of that Rex so yeah I didn't find anything I could tame for now but I definitely have to see if that PT is still around when I get my hands on some beta kibble so anyway I flew back towards the Redwoods to where my PT was now tamed and flew back to my base and I also looted a purple drop on the way back but it was garbage and once I finally did make it back to my base I bred the two birds now obviously the baby won't be good if I hatch it so I wanted the egg for other purposes but for now I need to level up my new PT and that started with me getting an explore note right below my base and I then set out for the volcano because I knew there was one on the inside of it I could get pretty easily but there was a roadblock or a Sky Block I should say what is that no no no other [Music] way yeah I was breathing pretty hard into the mic right there I almost had a panic attack luckily whatever that thing was it didn't see me but by seeing how fast it was flying it definitely would have caught up to me if I made a mistake of getting its attention I didn't see it for long but for a small glimpse I got of it it looked to be a dragon of the volcanic variant I'm not sure if there are any other variants of the Dragon but I'm pretty sure they are all deadly if I happen to run into one so anyway I got the explor now on the inside of the volcano and another one on the far side which I got my PT up to level 275 weight and 650 stamina but I'm not satisfied with this because I can't get that level 145 beta PT out of my head and as you all know I do need beta kable to tame it but it honestly isn't that expensive but I do need to grow some crops so yeah let's Farm some crops finally at the end of the day I had eight crop lines which I placed right below my base on the banks of the river and I flew back up to the top of the plateau to craft the intake and water tap day seven I placed both the intake and tap down making my crop plots now irrigated but I'm still missing the seeds and fertilizer to actually make the crops grow and I decided to tackle the fertilizer issue first I had a toilet which I got from a blue drop back on day three and as I said in my Island 100 days video the pooping glitch for infinite fertilizer was actually patched and I'm currently unable to tame any dung beetles since I don't have a creature or a weapon to protect me inside of caves while I'm actually taming the poop bugs so I resorted to my old method of just pooping jumping up and down eating and then pooping again it was slow and inefficient but it's all I got right now but it actually only took around 5 minutes for me to get two fertilizer in each of the crop Lots which will be enough for a little while so now I need to get the seeds I need and crop seeds aren't super common so there's no way I'm going to be trying to get them by hand I first looked at p theam in a nearby Diplo but after seeing it required 850 hide to craft this saddle I decided to move on to something simpler it will not be came me a Diplo that is 850 hide that's insane there was a level 75 of guedon that was nearby perfect and the Iguanodon went down really easily and this spy glass made it even easier with me being able to see its tort oh my God how many cies but while I was fighting off those compies I also killed a mega nor and it dropped a treasure chest with a mega nor pet inside and I equipped it over the fish and it put a whole Mega nor on my back and it would flap its wings whenever I moved but I liked having the fish on my head better so I swapped it back out anyway I then farmed berries I needed t the aanon and then flew back up to my base and farmed some wood to crafted saddle and once the uon finally tame I saddled up and spent a few minutes getting the two sets of four seeds I needed for each crop plot and after that I seed the crop plots and I also formed some Narco and Mayo berries because you need those to craft beta kibble and I then bred my PS once again to get another egg because you actually need two normal Dino eggs to craft a beta kibble but luckily fertilized eggs actually work to craft a kibble or else I'd have to be waiting a while longer from my female PT to just lay an egg I'm going to take a leak while my crop control wait en me I'm going to take a leak while my crops grow just thought I should let you guys know that I was taking a leak while my crops were growing that's it day eight I started with crafting four Alpha narcotics two alpha narcotics combined with an arrow can make an alpha Tran arrow and that Alpha Tran arrow is 22 times stronger than a normal Tran Arrow so I should be able to knock out that beta PT pretty easily but I also crafted a few beta arrows which are only 11 times stronger than a normal Tran Arrow but they're still very strong but later on I got my first rock carrots and I finally crafted my first beta kibble all right let's go see if that 145 is there so yeah I'm going to go off and tame the level 145 beta PT now if it's still alive it was dangerously close to that volcanic Rex but yeah I flew halfway across the map hoping and praying that it was still there but to my surprise it was actually still alive but it was still in a dangerous area so I'm going to have to tame it very quickly anyway after hitting an actual snipe with a bow to get the PT to the ground oh sniped out of the air I knocked the bird out and instantly tamed it with some beta kibble and I saddled it up and took it for a little test flight before naming it I named it Green Lantern come on is that not the most fitting name for this thing anyway I flew back to my base with my normal PT following close behind me but once again that's not enough for me I want to get another highle beta PT and breath the two I think once I have a good imprinted beta PT I'll be content so that led me to breed my normal pts once again and craft another beta kibble and just like that I was off once again looking for another beta PT but while I was flying through the Redwoods I spotted my first electric dyo an electric dire bear I'm not going to stick around and find out if has any special abilities because usually dinos with electricity can shock you off your tames so I kept flying making my way through the Redwoods eventually ending up at the other side of it and it's there when I spotted the dragon I saw back on day six yeah that's a little terrifying now then that's just flying around that was at the volcano earlier I was starting to give up hope on Day N of finding a good beta PT to tame but I should have known to look near the green Obelisk earlier because I found a level 135 out there and taming it went even easier than last time it was already on the ground so I could easily bow it and knock it out and once I was actually asleep I nearly got prime meat to tame before realizing you actually don't need prime meat to tame these guys you need the beta kibble which I had wait I have beta K once the bird was actually T I tried breeding the two out there right in the open but it didn't work because a few dialos decided to ruin my day and their lovemaking session I had to go full Doom Slayer on the dilos but in the end I decided to finish this back in my base but after that I finally made my way back to my base and I acquired a fertilized beta PT Egg and I quickly started incubating the egg using the campfires to heat it up and the bird hatched soon after and it had good stats so it was going to become my main transportation bird and these things also start with an insane amount of stamina but their weight is still pretty low but that's the only thing I really have to upgrade on them anyway I named them Green Goblin cuz I think it's a very St name just like Green Lantern and while I was waiting to imprint the baby I looted a nearby Beaver Dam and killed an alpha trike for its Alpha hide and blood and I used that blood and hide to craft Alpha ingots and then turned them into Alpha tools like a hatchet these tools should be able to farm even more than the beta ones but for some reason all the tools have the same durability as normal primitive ones and I think that's kind of dumb because they need to be repaired a lot anyway after that I realized I couldn't use fertilized beta eggs to make alpha kibble ooh fertilized beta eggs don't count so at some point I'm probably going to have to go around the map and tame a bunch of small beta creatures to mass produce me eggs I should probably tame an oviraptor since they're now overpowered they pick up eggs from your dinos even when they're over encumbered but moving on I got the one imprint I needed on Green Goblin so he now has some pretty good looking stats and after that I waited for the bird to be fully grown before taking out and doing some leveling by getting some explore notes and once I got some levels into it I decided to get some more metal because I was pretty much out of it back in my base but as I was bringing the metal back to my base I spotted a volcanic Raptor right below my base again what is what is under my base yep not going to go down there anymore day 10 I made an alpha pickaxe but I wasn't just making these Alpha tools for fun I needed them for a lot of manual labor that was ahead anyway I now want to build sort of a better base cuz I'm kind of live I'm kind of tired of living on those two foundations to say lightly I want to build a castle but more of a mini castle maybe an 8 by8 at most I just want a place to have my structures and storage and I can always expand on it in the future but let's get to the construction of this Castle but before I even actually get to that I need their resources to craft craft the structures for it so I just like to say I'm sorry to my editors for what I'm about to do to you the rest of the day went pretty similar there was a whole lot of farming whether that be rocks or trees and then once I did actually get the few structures I could craft I had trouble placing them you see I wanted four hexagonal pillars in each corner to make it more look like a castle but there wasn't a good way to connect the walls on all four sides so on two sides I had to use normal Square ceilings and on the other two I had to use triangle ceilings so it's not exactly even but it's the best I can do I'm not a world renowned Arc Builder guys but let me know if you guys actually struggle with building in the comments below too and if I don't see at least 100 comments saying that building isn't your strong Su either I know you're lying to me I've seen some of the builds you guys put together and let's just say yikes anyway I shouldn't be flaming you guys for your building skills because I didn't even finish the platform by the end of the day shoot I didn't even finish the outline of the platform at this rate it's going to take a while day 11 started with me repairing my Alpha Hatchet once again I think it's really stupid how these tools have the same durability as primitive tools tools I'm going to be repairing this thing quite a lot anyway after that I got back to work first farming thatch with my pickaxe to craft more structures then getting water because yeah you need water to live anyway I kept farming until I eventually had the outline of the platform done by midday and I did actually crash in the middle of farming ceilings which set me back a little bit but it honestly wasn't too bad no but once the outline was done my attention mov to aego who somehow managed to hop over my Spike walls and get into my base area so now it's nice to know that my defenses are pretty much going to do nothing if I'm under attack anyway getting back to my mini castle build just farming that small outline of the platform actually sucks I thought I was going to be able to farm all this by hand in a few days but that's not going to be the case at this rate so I want to tame an RG and eventually tame a doic since farming stone is the most timec consuming and labor intensive part of this whole process and obviously I want to tame a modded RG preferably an alpha RG so I'm going to have to farm some Alpha kibble and a bunch of Tran since I have way higher toror than a normal RG so I got to work farming NOCO berries and my Iguanodon then crafting a bunch of potent narcotics since I I can't afford too many Alpha narcotics right now but by the time the narcotics finished crafting I was able to craft an alpha kibble since my female Beta PT had laid two unfertilized eggs and after turning the potent narcotics into Tran arrows I set off I only had just over 10 arrows but I'm pretty sure it'll be enough to take down an alpha oversized pigeon when I come across one and I first searched the Redwood Mountain but I didn't find any so it moved on to the base of the volcano and that's where I found a level 95 Alpha RG which would be perfect for me but I actually need two alpha kibble to tame it and I only have one but by the time I got back to my base the same beta female PT had laid two more eggs so I was able to craft another Alpha kibble and I then hopped back on Green Goblin and began flying out towards the alpha RG before the end of the day day 12 I shot my first Tran Arrow into the bird but it didn't do near as much torpor as I thought it would definitely need some stronger TRS so I needed to return back to my base actually acquire those Tran arrows but I need some more spoiled meat first to make the narcotics and I then remembered the hundreds of comments I gotten on my Island 100 Days videos from a short time ago yeah that's right I read your comments guys even if I don't respond because there's just simply too many of them just know that I probably read it so don't be putting weird stuff in my comments anyway I was informed through my comment section that if I had a bunch of meat in my inventory and then took a dump into the toilet all the meat would spoil I heard if I take a poop on a toilet all this meat should spoil oh but first I have to deal with those trons I made light work of them but they cause more damage than I could have imagined you see when I was originally getting jumped they broke the toilet that I used to get the fertilizer yeah I did oh my God so it looks like I'm just going to have to wait for all this meat to spoil because I'm not able to craft another toilet right now and while I was waiting for the meat to spoil I took the time to farm the narcoberries that I also needed to craft the modded narcotics anyway I made 22 Alpha narcotics which means 11 Alpha Tran arrows as you need two for each arrow and if 11 of these bad boys aren't enough to knock this bird out I'm going to delete my channel but yeah I flew back out to the rg's location and put a few arrows into it then checked how much tour it had bro I know I need a trap for this thing yeah I didn't have enough of these Tran arrows once again but this time I decided I'm going to make a trap to knock this thing out so I can reduce the amount of TR arrows I actually need in case I miss any shots so moving on I returned back to my base and stared endlessly into a Smithy for a few minutes I was probably just taking a leak or something I don't know anyway when I was back in my desk I farmed up a simple stone RG trap I always use I now have one stone foundation eight walls and one ceiling and also a beaver dam which I looted for some cementing paste and some silica PRS but I still need more Tran arrows and I'm currently out of the blood I need to craft the narcotics so I got to do some killing real quick but it didn't take me too long to get the alpha blood I needed to craft more Alpha Tran arrows but I did also spot vanilla Alpha Car that I'll definitely be back for later to power level my new RG but now it's time to actually tame that RG so I once again flew back to the volcano and assembled a trap on a high peak and after a little bit of trouble getting the RG into the Trap oh you got to be joking I finally got the bird trapped where I could tame it I knocked out the level 95 in the morning of day 13 but it didn't stay asleep for long because I instantly tamed it with the two alpha kibble I had and I named it Angry Bird because those red glowing eyes are honestly terrifying and quite honestly all of its stats were terrifying as well except its weight and they boost every stat except weight having good weight is really the only thing I wanted this thing for so I could have just Tam a normal RG and it would have worked just as well but hey at least I'll never run out of stamina anyway enough of me complaining I need to get this bird back to my base but once I actually got it back to my base I was missing just over a 100 kayen needed to make it saddle so I set back out to the mountains to try and kill some scorpions for the kayen but I only managed to kill one right under an electric RG before I decided to venture into a nearby cave that I knew I had a ton of spiders in it spiders are a very good source of kitan but can't take on too many of them at a time because I have some pretty weak weapons and I also can't catch the attention of any large bats or I'm definitely dead so I went in but at first I was getting swarmed oh get off me however I eventually managed to use a corner in the cave to separate the spiders and take them down one by one and I didn't have to kill too many of them before I was able to craft the RG saddle inside the cave but the spiders were able to destroy my leggings while I was fighting them moving on I left the cave and began flying back to my base but I was distracted by a yellow drop coming down with a ring and in the river and since I'm a lot Goblin I have to get it and good thing I did cuz I actually got some journeyman flat gauntlets good flat gauntlets anyway once I finally made it back I saddled on my RG and crafted a few pieces of flack armor to complete my set so basically I'm unkillable anyway remember that Alpha Caro I spotted a little while ago yeah time to go pay him a visit on the back of Angry Bird and the Caro was actually level 115 so it had a lot of Health but it would be no match for Angry Bird I just had to actually commit the time to spamming left click to Widow down its health I was still chipping down its Health going into the morning of day 14 and to my surprise Angry Bird was actually losing a decent amount of Health to this car it was mainly his bleed attack that would do percentage amount of damage but it should be fine anyway I got the Carno down to around 4K HP out of its 42,000 Max health and I flew off to find an explore note that will quadruple the amount of experience I get from killing it and honestly I'm kind of sad to admit this but it actually took me a little while to find an explore note to get I've put thousands of hours into the arc franchise so you think I'd be able to know where all the explor notes are but I only know we're like 10 at mostar and after that it's just a search party for one anyway I finally got a note on the the side of the Redwoods Mountain after I had to use an online Wiki to locate it and the Caro didn't last much longer after I got the note 51 jeez that's going to be a lot of weight that's exactly what I want they're all going in the weight Now 51 levels into weight sounds like a lot but after all Angry Bird only had about 2300 weight that is a decent amount I know but I still want more but I guess it'll suffice for now as I returned to my base and repaired my crossbow from the recent tame so now it's time to tame a doic to farm some Stone because remember I'm actually taming all these creatures to build my base but I first decided to Farm up some spike walls to protect the doic once I find one and knock it out and I remember these guys are pretty hard to find and tame purely because of the amount of dense foilage now in the game but once I had five Spike walls I set out to tame the doic I had 10 beta Tran arrows and a bunch of normal arrows from supply drops I'd prefer to tame a normal doic since they require the least amount of arrows and you don't really need a good level since all they do is Farm Stone like Griffin whoa I didn't know those spawn we're definitely going to have to tame some of those so yeah I was able to find some cool modded creatures but no doic I hate looking for doic they're so small you can never find them anyway I spent the rest of the day searching for my future Rock farmer but I didn't spot a single one and I'll take any level at this point and the search continued into morning of day 15 oh my God that thing's fast that thing is so fast that thing is so fast but don't worry I managed to get away okay but those things are seriously fast but that folks is why you don't scroll on Instagram in the wilderness without pausing your game anyway I kept searching and not too long after I finally found a doic there one right there I don't even know why I'm cheing level I don't care I want to be Tam it the doic was knocked unconscious shortly after me spotting it and I quickly assembled an impenetrable Fortress of Spike walls around it but if a Rex or Alo found it it's definitely dead um how many Mayo berries you needed him 13 I'm just going to go farm with myed on once I return back to my base I farm the mayho berries I needed and switch back to my RG so I can carry the doic back to my base once it's tamed and actually looked to see what I needed to craft some cryopods before I left but I'm not able to craft any right right now and if it wasn't obvious by now I actually did install a cryopod mod which you can find below with all the other mods I'm playing with anyway I made it back out to the doic a few minutes later and quickly tamed it and of course I had to give it the creative name of rock dude I I I don't know I snatched up the doic and flew back home but all I needed to craft this saddle was a few pieces of stone which I easily got and boom doic saddle all right now that we have a doic with the saddle this Castle should be able to be built way faster I hope and that was looking to be true as I spent the rest of the day farming stone with my doic and it was way way better than with my Hatchet I also set up two storage boxes on the outside of the build to store resources that I needed to craft with later on I formed a decent amount of stone by the morning of day 16 but I did have to go back to farming wood with my Hatchet but my Hatchet was once again having to be repaired why do they have such low durability crap am I out of metal so looks like I have to go farm some metal to keep farming for this mini castle so I took off on my RG to utilize on our first metal run together but there was also a yellow drop with a ring on the side of the volcano that was looking very enticing to me oh oh oh wait no wait is it here okay I think it's still here it's just invisible a Mastercraft crossbow yes oh even better doets that crossbow is going to be clutch for taming yeah as I said that crossbow is going to be really good when it comes to taming it's going to deal extra Tor port and it has a ton of durability unlike these freaking Alpha tools anyway I moved back down the mountain and got the farming the metal noge with my pickaxe BR your T ankio this is poverty metal man yeah and ankio is definitely the next t on the list anyway I farmed for a little while longer all right got a decent amount of metal let's head back to base and I got the metal smelting in the chaos Forge as soon as I returned back to my base but I had to set right back out as I needed more Alpha blood to turn the normal metal ingots into Alpha ingots and once I did that I finally repaired my Hatchet but his full durability won't stay for long however because I still needed to farm wood and thatch but this is when I remembered that the giant trees in the Redwoods give a ton of wood and thatch so I made the quick flight over and started farming those but while I was farming one of the trees I noticed that a doic was hiding out in a bush really really y'all just hiding in this bush when I was looking to tame you anyway I managed to get a ton of wood and that from the trees and I returned to my base and placed a bunch of shillings to try and finish the platform but I did have to farm a little bit more before the end of the day but I did finally finish the platform all right that's finally the platform done but I kind of miscalculated I think you can see on the top and bottom side yeah so I think I'm going to take out a row each of triangle ceilings day 17 I implemented the change that I was talking about I took some of the triangle ceilings off each side to make it look more castle like it gave the pillars a more defined shape and I sound like a person in an HDTV show yeah all right that looks way better but now the rest of the day I spent farming and building doing normal Arc based building stuff and I was pretty much just smacking trees and putting up walls and honestly I don't know how to make that entertaining so if you do please let me know in the comments but in the meantime look at whatever my editor is putting on screen right now I hope it's nothing bad all right honestly this is starting to look really good and I'm not playing with any building mods cuz I really want to experiment more with just the base game building as it was updated a lot and our survival ascended but I think it's honestly coming together I still got a lot of farming to do though anyway back to grinding yellow drop with the ring right outside my base Don't Mind If I Do you know what I'll actually take this that was actually a really good drop all right now we got the outer walls done but still a while away from completion and it's still yeah it's still not exactly connected to the ground how I'd like it to be anyway I had more building to do and that started with me adding these slope triangle ceiling roofs on the pillars oh yeah that's what I'm talking about all right it kind of looks like a Minecraft castle but uh it'll look better I hope it's definitely not going to look better day 19 and uh is that a chicken dude I've been working on this video for like 10 hours today am I seeing something or is that a chicken that's a chicken all I'm saying is I need that chicken so I dropped my doic back off of my base and went down and grabbed the chicken with my ARG and putting it inside my base and after struggling for a little while to figure out how to team it I found that you just have to press e so many times and it can be yours and I decided to name the chicken dinner I honestly have no idea which mod adds this guy I'm assuming it's Primal chaos but it's kind of a weird addition if you ask me but I'm not complaining though because I now have a chicken and it name is dinner what more could you want dinner is now the mascot of this video I don't care what you say he will be on the thumbnail I'll put an image of him in my Discord this dinner deserves the world day 20 in the mini castle was finally nearing its final form I added some railings on the top in between the four pillars which I liked a lot all right that makes it look a little better but it's still looking pretty rough man I think I'm going to take off the top wooden roof triangle slope things I I just think they make the build look corny I don't know I thought they'd look good but they don't so I spent some time doing that and it pretty much took up to the end of the day but it was definitely going to be worth it yeah that looks way better I should have done that from the start but now I just need to add some walls at the bottom here and then a ramp to get in and I think the Castle's pretty much done we can start actually moving in and doing stuff all right day 21 and it's time to fully connect the castle to the ground it seriously looks really Goofy standing on those skinny pillars so I started placing two stone walls that I had left over but obviously that's not going to be near enough so I got back to farming stone with my doic and ARG before flying back over to the Redwoods to form more wooden thatch but I'd like to say my doic weight stat is starting to get up there now so I could Farm a decent amount of stone while holding it with my RG and it would Auto swing for me anyway I did have to beat a tree with my Hatchet and pickaxe though to get the other resources I then crafted and began placing the walls to connect the castle to the ground and I watched the fiomia end itself on my Spike walls Midway through placing the walls that's free hide however I still didn't have enough walls to finish the castle I needed more wood and thatch but I did loot a yellow drop before I started farming those resources and I got some metal structures but for some reason I also got 12 12 metal water intakes who needs 12 metal water intakes anyway I farmed the rest of the wood I needed and finished placing the walls that I also needed to place and now my base is finally almost finished but I had another problem hey do you guys remember when I said maybe maybe 15 10 days ago where I said it wouldn't get that hot here yeah I was wrong besides me dying to the sweltering heat I crafted and placed the ram so I could actually get into my base all right I think my Castle's pretty much done for now I still need to put um windows in the window frames but I can always do that later but now I think I can actually move in and we can finally move on to something else and another housewarming gift spawned in is that another there's another chicken I have to tame it I named the chicken lunch so I now had lunch and dinner and now all I need is breakfast I honestly have no idea what I honestly have no idea which mod to adds these or this might just be the turkey Tri event cuz that is active as you can see right here day 22 started with me moving into my newly finished base but I was still running low on storage space so I made another quick flight out back to the Redwoods and Farm a bunch of wood which I then turned into way too many storage boxes 16 to be exact anyway I placed them all against the wall next to my little crafting corner and I did have some trouble trying to place them the first box would be at a slight angle and then all the rest would be messed up it was really annoying but I finally got them all down so it's all nice and neat now anyway I got the rest of my item sorted back into my base and I picked up a few structures that were on my starting platform and after that I got some raw meat cooking and two campfires as I was starting to run low on food and I tried to fix my constant water Problem by placing a stone water tap inside my base but it was in range to have water come out of it I guess I'll just have to get some cens as soon as I can moving on I want to tame an oviraptor oviraptors were changed in Arc survival to now pick up your tame dinos eggs when they're dropped when they're nearby and since this mod heavily relies on having eggs to make Kibbles that are used to tame different tiers of dinos I'm going to need more than one OV Raptor but I'm just going to start with taming one for now and they're pretty easy to tame actually you just knock one out and shove some eggs inside of them that sounded weird anyway I set out to look for one and I actually found some random beta eggs laying around on the beach and also two Diplo eggs that will make tment and over OV Raptor even faster and I spent the whole rest of the day flying up and down the nearby beaches on my RG looking for an oviraptor to tame but I didn't see a single one I can find them all the time when I'm not looking for one specifically but as soon as I want one for myself they all decide to take a vacation to who knows where I mean I guess that's just kind of the story of Ark you can never find anything when you want to find it but I digress however my luck changed on day 23 is that one oh finally man you're coming home with me yeah I actually abducted an oviraptor to tame it back inside the safety of my base and it only took one poent Tran to the head to put it to sleep all right now I'm pretty sure they just eat eggs right not totally sure but hopefully that works anyway my food finished cooking while I was waiting to see if the OB Raptor would actually tame I never actually tamed one of these things before but I can show you they eat eggs now but for some reason if you don't believe me just watch this oh it is working all right so we should just need one more Diplo egg sweet so once we get this oviraptor we can start taming other egg Lane dinos and just have infinite eggs I think I'm going to do that so yeah I want to at least tame a few beta Doos to start producing eggs so I can make some more Alpha kibble and I'm not sure if I said it yet but I plan to use Alpha dinos to fight the bosses since they're five times stronger than normal dinos and they're the last tier dinos that are small enough to actually fit into the boss fight believe me I'd love to bring in some volcanic rexes or some other insane dinos in but they're simply too big and won't be teleported into the fight so anyway I flew down below my base to get the crops I needed for beta kibble and I managed to scrape together five of the green Kibbles now I have everything I need to tame the modded Doos but I want cryopods so I don't have to make a ton of trips carrying them back to my base but before I start farming The Craft those my oviraptor tamed whom I named egg anyway I then started Gathering some resources I needed to make the cryopods since this mod allows you to craft them in your inventory I had all the fiber hide oil and metal I needed but I'm going to need to farm Crystal and polymer so I first flew out to the snow to try and find some penguins to kill for organic polymer but I got distracted by a yellow drop that had a canteen inside of it it was in the middle of an actual war zone but I managed to run in loot the drop and fly out of there but moving on I finally found some penguins but I got an insultingly low amount of polymer from them and I also saw a dragonfly overhead while I was looting the blue drop which did have a toilet inside but I was more concerned about getting obliterated by the dragon so I pieced out but future me knows that there is an update that would come out not long after this clip that would completely remove dragons from the mod this is most likly because they would cause too many crashes and glitches so that's definitely lucky for me as those are pretty much the bane of my existence right now anyway instead of flying straight home I flew to the top of the volcano and formed some Crystal that I needed to craft the cryopods and a fabricator so I can craft polymer and I finished off today by crafting spark powder because I also needed to craft a fabricator and that led me to craft the fabric Creator in the morning of day 24 and it took me a little while for me to figure out where I wanted to place it but I finally got it in a decent spot and on a side note I unlocked the four new tiers of kibble being Mythic legendary demonic and Shadow kibble these tiers were just added in the recent update while I was playing and I know I mentioned them in the intro so I'm hoping to tame a few of these dinos in this 100 days but anyway I now need to go back over to the volcano to farm the obsidian to craft the polymer I need to craft a thing and then to craft the other thing yeah I I just need obsidian okay anyway I placed a toilet that I got from the blue drop on the way and farmed a few obsidian knowe at the base of the mountain before flying the rest of the way up whoa what is that that's definitely new a Mythic snow out that's got to be so fast how do you make Mythic kibble uh yeah we're far away from making that so yeah I'm not going to be able to tame that Mythic snow out for a while but I can farm this obsidian which is way less fun but I do need to do it moving on I got all the obsidian I needed and I returned back to my base but when I got back there was another chicken inside my base but I did tame it and I named it breakfast all right no more chickens I now have three chickens breakfast lunch and dinner anyway back to doing productive stuff I crafted 80 polymer from the obsidian I farmed but polymer also takes forever to craft and I wanted to craft a bed just in case I die at any point but I didn't have the wood to make it fun fact I actually haven't died yet so I'd like to keep it that way maybe I can go this whole video without dying I don't really know probably not anyway that led me to fly over to the Redwoods to get some but I found a Mythic megaloceros that was under attack but instead of saving it I killed it for myself but once I did actually kill it as it took forever to kill because the sheer amount of Health it had I got some items oh what what did it give me what are these XP potions Sim recharge your stamina remove ooh those are very good anyway I got the wood I needed and return back to my base and crafted the bed and the polymer was also finally done crafting so I pulled the resources and crafted 10 cryopods and after that I crafted one alpha kibble as well cuz I want to tame some Alpha Doos as well to craft some Elemental kibble but I can only craft one right now so I have to make some more later on once I have better B egg production but I can now finally start taming some beta Doos to produce me eggs to make him more kibble and that's what I spent the rest of the day doing all right there's no way I should be able to pick this up I was still out taming Doos in the morning of day 25 when I spotted something absolutely terrifying is that Shadow Rock Elemental yeah nah after spotting that Shadow Rock Elemental I knocked out and tamed another beta Doo not too far down the beach from it and I tried taming another one across the channel water but I may have accidentally killed it oh come on also if you didn't know for female dinos to produce unfertilized eggs over time a male needs to be nearby so they have mate boost so don't go tame in an army of purely female dinos because you'll have no eggs to show for your efforts moving on I Ted three more female Beta doos and after that I now have four females and one male that'll be more than enough to give me all the beta eggs I'll ever need and I also spotted the shadow turkey that was super interesting what no I don't want to know I don't know I don't want to know what that thing does anyway on my way back to my base I spotted my first demonic Dilophosaurus what is what is that well that's just terrifying to know that's right outside of my base so just as a precaution I mov most of my important dinos inside my base just in case that demonic di gets too close and after that I began throwing my Doos out of their cryopod just kidding none of that happened because oh did I just crashed man and when I logged back in I was falling out of the sky but I managed to save myself with one of my reusable parachutes and I then returned to my base and throw out all my Beta dinos like I first intended to do and I was cryos scking most of them but they would all wake up soon and start producing me some eggs so now moving on I decided I wanted to craft a refrigerated trough from the automated Ark mod that I had installed this mod adds this trough as well as a few other normal structures just with extra inventory spots or other quality of life mechanics but to craft this trough I need an automated Arc workbench so I pulled all the resources to craft one of those pretty easily as it only costed some hide and wood and once I placed it I crafted my trough as it only required some metal ingots and wood that's honestly much better than crafting a normal trough that requires raw metal for whatever reason anyway I placed a trough down but saw that it was unpowered I guess I need an automated Arc generator to run it and to craft that I need an automated Arc fabricator I know this is a lot of confusing high-tech mod stuff but trust me this will all be worth it anyway I'm currently unable to afford this fabricator I know it's broke boy season okay anyway I have to do some farming so I set out to the volcano my RG to farm metal and Crystal and then I returned home and once some of the metal had finished smelting in the chaos Forge I was able to craft this tiny fabricator why is it so tiny but even though it was Tiny it still worked like a normal fabricator as well as a modded one so I ended up just demolishing my normal fabricator to get the resources back and after that I combined pearls and metal to craft 10 electronics and I then combine those Electronics with more metal to craft an automated AR generator and that allowed me to finally power my base and the trough which I then filled with raw meat and berries that I farmed with my Iguanodon and this trough had a giant range oh that's a big feeding range okay you see that green circle any of my dinos that are inside of it will get fed by this trough that is awesome day 26 and now that my base is powered I can worry about other things and by other things I mean metal I really don't like doing these little metal runs with my pickaxe so I think it's now as good as time as any to try and find an ankio to tame and that started with me first crafting some Modern narcotics to make Tran arrows as I really don't want to use any of these normal arrows even though I have a lot of them and I then crafted some beta and Alpha kibble because I really don't care which anky I have to tame just not a normal one but honestly I think I'd prefer an alpha so I made a few more pieces of alpha kibble just in in case anyway once I finally have enough TRS where I thought I'd be able to comfortably knock out and tame a modded anky I set out to find one I searched the mountains the Redwoods the planes and these These Nuts I'm sorry that's just kind of my way of telling you I didn't find any ankes to tame like I flew around for a solid 20 minutes but didn't find anything bro that is until I found myself an ankio all alone and it was a level 140 I mean I would have tained any level over 100 but this is nice like really nice like super nice yeah the ank Leo did not put up much of a fight and barely even tried the run so I managed to knock it out and tame it pretty easily I seriously do love that modded creatures nearly instant tame with their kibble it's really nice anyway I didn't give the Ango a name however because I'm pretty sure I just forgot but I did get the anky back to my base and I did have a journeyman saddle for it I don't know when I got it but I did anyway I hopped on the back of my RG swooped up my anky and then set up for the volcano to farm metal and obsidian and I farmed a little bit of obsidian but I farmed an absolute ton of metal like an absolute ton I finished farming the last few metal nodes on this run in the morning of day 28 I just farmed over 27 stacks of raw metal so that should give me around okay 27 * 300 / 2 plus the extra 55 metal I don't know it'll give me a lot of metal ingots and I shouldn't have to farm anymore for a while anyway I picked my anky back up with my RG and slowly flew back home as my RG was carrying a lot of weight but once I did get there I realized that all my metal wasn't going to fit into just one of my chaos forges so obviously I pulled the resources and then crafted another chaos Forge and I placed it on the small platform above my Smith the and fabricator Sav space on the floor and once I placed it down I crafted what I thought was a transfer gun so I could evenly split the metal between the two forges but when I tried to use it it picked up the structures that I was looking at so that's definitely not a transfer gun so after placing the stone structures back down I manually split the metal evenly between the two forges cuz I couldn't figure out if I had a transfer gun or not but I then also put just over two stacks of wood into both forges as I thought it' be enough to smell all the metal now moving on my Beta doors were finally all awake and producing eggs now but my OV rptor wasn't in range of them so I moved a little bit closer to them so I can now pretty much reduce all the alpha kibble I want but I will say the O Raptor's range for picking up eggs is super small when I have more dinos lay fertilized and unfertilized eggs later on I'm going to need a few more oviraptors to keep up with them but more importantly now that I can produce a good supply of alpha kable I want to start taming Alpha boss dinos more specifically Alpha rexes is I want to kill the alpha MEAP picus first and I'll also use them to take down the alpha overseer anyway I don't actually have the Tran errors to be able to knock out a Rex right now let alone two alpha rexes with their insane amount of torpor so as spent the rest of the day flying all around the map killing smaller Alpha dinos for their Alpha blood I was still using Green Goblin to take down dinos for their blood so I wasn't able to easily take down creatures that will give a ton of blood like Pacers or bronos cuz they're just too big I was out by the green obelisk in the morning of day 29 my mass genocide on Alpha dinos had taken me out there and I'd got around 150 Alpha blood when I decided to pack it in and head back home but I did stop to lot a green drop on the way home which gave me some paste a few wooden gates and some Chows anyway I finally made my way back to my base where I crafted 24 Alpha narcotics yeah that's definitely not going to be able enough to take down a high level Alpha Rex when I find one so I had to farm some more narcoberries with my Iguanodon to craft more narcotics I do want to T A Bronto soon because farming barriers with my Iguanodon is honestly kind of butt cheeks anyway I was able to craft more Alpha narcotics and eventually 29 Alpha Tran ER after staring into the preserving bin for a few minutes yeah it's pretty easy to tell when I'm either on my phone while recording or just taking a leak anyway I now have 31 Alpha Tran arrows and 13 potent drank arrows and I also now have three Alpha kibble I'm a baller like that and speaking of being a there was a yellow drop with a ring coming down right outside my base with some insane new drip for my RG sorry that was really cringe anyway I'm trying to say that there was a Mastercraft RG saddle some decent pieces of fur armor and a flak blueprint I'll probably never craft but now no more distractions I'm not going to stop searching until I find a highle alpha Rex to tame I could probably get away with taming a bad level simply because Alpha creatures are so much stronger than normal ones but I want the most powerful Army I could get I'm not going to let what happened in my vanilla Island 100 days happen again that was terrible uh day 30 and I found a 150 yeah I was expecting to spend a lot more time searching for one anyway it's great that I actually found this but looking at how much tort has I'm not totally confident that I'll be able to knock it out with the amount of Tran arrows that I have so just to play safe I'm going to fly back to my base and farm a few more narcotics I'm really not trying to throw this team anyway I flew back across the map to my base killing a few small Alpha dinos on the way to get more Alpha blood I forgot to mention that this Rex was accidentally in the bottom right of the map across the sea from the herbivore Island so the flight time was really long anyway when I did make it back to my base I didn't stay there for too long mostly because I needed to farm way more Alpha blood than when I got on the way back so that pretty much consisted of me killing parasaurs mostly since there are bazillion of them surrounding my base but once I finally had a sufficient amount of alpha blood I put it all in the chaos Smithy before having to farm some more narcoberries with my Iguanodon seriously I want to T my Bronto to farm berries soon I can't keep doing this anyway I got a few stacks of narcoberries turn them into narcotics M Stone arrows and then finally made more Alpha Tran arrows now all I got to do is fly all the way back across the map again but when I finally got back out there at the very end of the day I realized I didn't have a trap to tame it so I now have to farm four stone gates by hand bro now this video was recorded over the holidays Christmas to be specific so there was actually a giant gap between me recording day 30 and day 31 and even if all I do sometimes is just play this dinosaur game sometimes I forget what I'm doing all right I just logged in after about like 10 days of not playing I'm pretty sure I'm taming a Rex since I have start of a Rex strap that that's it okay yeah we're taming a Rex now that I know what I'm actually doing now I have to finish farming up this trap all right I have the four Gates that I need to actually trap this Rex but now I have to actually trap the Rex y why is there so many dangerous things around here yeah so this doesn't seem to be the safest area to Tam Rex and something is glowing over there and it looks to be on fire there was a Mythic trike that was dead but the glowing seems to have stopped so maybe this area is safe now I don't know probably not but I'm just going to try and quickly tame this Rex anyway I assembled the Trap like a Lego master builder but I had a lot more trouble actually getting the Rex inside the Trap I think it was a combination of the AI being too stupid and too smart at the same time the Rex also hit like a truck when I was trying to get it in which definitely didn't make it any easier for me shoot shoot oh my God y he hits hard I mean that'll be good for me once I tame him but like but after a little more struggle in my PT getting bit a few more times I finally got the Rex stuck in the Trap I think I got it but oh that thing hits like a truck but it's now time to knock this Rex out and make it mine what um I'm going to go over here I don't like when stuff glows after moving my PT and putting a few more TRS into the Rex it fell over like a ton of bricks but it was unconscious yes oh it's ours it's ours it's ours oh my God this thing is insane all right it health is insane but it's melee is kind of mid that's fine though it health is super good already so we can just level straight in the melee yeah to say lightly this Rex alone is insane and once I have an AR Army of these things that are all imprinted probably with good Saddles I'm going to absolutely destroy every boss anyway that's still far far away so for now I picked up my Gates and took the long flight back to my base and once I did finally make it back to my base I unlocked the Rex saddling gram but before that I put down some chickens cuz I'm honestly getting really tired of them they only spawn inside my base and they just run around making noise anyway I was only missing a few pieces of fiber to craft a re saddle so I took my baited sickle right outside my base and swung it over a few bushes and just like that I now have a re saddle so after yking it from the myy I threw my newly tamed Rex out of the cryopod and killed everything I could get his teeth on oh my that is base yeah I don't know if you can see those small green numbers on the screen right now but this guy is putting out over 1,400 damage a bite without imprint and without leveling I would be having severe diarrhea if I was a megapithecus right now anyway I spent most of the day killing nearby dinos collecting blood and leveling up my Rex but I did also do some narcoberry farming and Alpha Trend crafting because your boys got to stay on that taming boss Dino grind day 32 and I have just under 50 Alpha tranos and three pieces of alpha kibble I think you can see where I'm going with this I want to tame a female Alpha Rex pretty soon now I didn't start taming boss dinos until about halfway through my last 100 days and I'm pretty sure that was what caused me to go way over 100 days and honestly I don't want that to happen again so I'm getting on at this time anyway I now have all that I need to tame another Rex so I got on the back of Green Goblin and set back out but it's looking like I'm not going to have near the luck I had last time that's to be expected though I first checked back out by the green Obelisk and where I tamed to level 150 last time in case that spot was super lucky or anything but it wasn't but however I paused the search for a good female when I spotted a few bad rexes and I realized I need to kill these ones so that other good ones could spawn in so that led me to fly back to my base and put my current Rex back in a cryopod and I also made the smart decision of crafting a large bear trap that should make trapping a Rex when I find it much much easier and after that I spent the whole rest of the day looking for another one to tame and I didn't find another Rex I wanted to tame but I did have an idea while I was out searching around cariv Island I saw a few electric Griffins none that were high Lev enough to be worth taming but I think I think I want to pause looking for another rexit tame until I get me one of these bad boys moving around the map on the back of Green Goblin isn't bad but being on the back of a griffin let alone a modded one will make searching for dinos way way faster so I decided to make a U-turn and start flying back to my base at the end of the day but I did make one more Pit Stop to tame a female Alpha Doo on the way back I made it back to my base a few minutes into day 33 and I threw out my newly tamed Alpha Doo next to the one that I've had for a little bit they're both females so I have to tame another male but I'm probably going to try and tame a couple more females as well I'm going to need Elemento be able to tame the electri Griffin so that requires a few more Alpha eggs I'm pretty sure I only have one egg at most right now so I need to tame a few more Doos before I work towards taming this Griffin anyway I set out with Alpha kibble that I already made for taming the Rex so I can always make more and I managed to find and tame a male right away but I wasn't able to find any other females after a few more minutes of searching so I returned home two females should be able to produce me enough eggs for now but going off topic I wanted automated Arc industrial cooker I'm tired of using campfires and I need cooked pie meat to make Elemento kibble so an industrial cooker is going to be required but I was missing the oil I need to make one so I made a quick trick about the snow and the icebergs to Fed a few oil rocks there it's so hard for me to differentiate between normal rocks and oil rocks now since they were changed and AR survival ascended but anyway I got the oil back to my base and I was able to pull together the resources to make a cooker I'm going to put the grill right next to the chickens it's cool but I seriously am getting tired of chickens in my base after that I flew down below my base and threw out my Rex out of its Cod to farm some prime meat for Kibble and I was also getting small amounts of modded hide and blood for future years and I also looted a yellow drop with a ring that was nearby but I didn't get anything good out of it what is that a shadow arthrur I don't want to fight that that's terrifying anyway I farmed some more raw pery and blood before going back to my base and cooking it I did have to get some more gas however as the generator had run out but I decided to first set my sights on a fridge for automated Arc as well I still had all my spoila bles in a preserving bin which isn't great so I want to change that before I have tons of eggs and kibble so just before the end of the day I crafted 25 more hard polymer day 3 before however I started looking for more female Al but do is a tame because apparently two isn't enough for me it took me a little while to find any because I had done a dino R recently to keep Dino spawning incorrectly but I eventually found one in a fight so I scooped it up and took it to another Beach to tame it and after I tamed that one I quickly spotted another one down on the beach but it was right next to a beta dodo that would get in the way of me taming it so I had to hit a quick trick shot on it to get it out of the way baby and yeah after hitting that sick clip on that unsuspecting dodo I tamed the alpha one that was right next to it and after that I made my way back in my base and threw out both of the Doos out of their cryopods one did have cryo sickness though because I'm too lazy to wait for the 5minute timer but it's legit not even 5 minutes since having single player settings on makes the time go down way faster anyway after that I was browsing through the chaos Smithy when I spotted Mythic Tran darts they're 25 times stronger than normal Tran darts so I really want some to knock out this Griffin the problem is they're expensive I can't hit my hands on Mythic blood that's needed to make them that easily so I'll only be able to make a few if that but I did start with making a long neck SU I can actually shoot the darts once I get them and later on I crafted my first two Elemental kibble I needed a couple more Alpha eggs to get to three that I'll probably need to tame a high level electric Griffin when I find one but it was just a few minutes later when I did have the last kibble made and after that I have pretty much everything I needed okay so I can now tame another Alpha rex or an electric Griffin whichever I come across first but I'm really hoping for an electric Griffin to get around faster so yeah I can now either tame a Rex or a Griffin and I decided to just say screw it and not get any Mythic darts right now because I'm pretty sure I'll be able to knock out a griffin with the amount of arrows I have I'll just have to find out when I find one started day 35 out by the northeastern Mountain I'm not 100% sure where these Griffins are guaranteed to spawn but so far it looks like they mainly spawn where RGS do so I was making sure to Circle all the mountainous regions and I'm flying out to Carno Island right now because a ton of RG spawn out there as well oh that's exactly what I'm looking for that thing has a lot of toror I I can't knock it out yeah so that electric Griffin would be perfect for me it's a level 140 but the problem is that it has 140,000 Toro or and I only have 48 Alpha Tran arrows and since each Alpha Tran Arrow only does an average about 2,000 torpor I can only output about um I don't I don't have enough TRS okay got to fly all the way back across the map again though bro so anyway I made the long flight back to my base and I made the decision on the way back that I'm going to bite the bullet and farm up some of those Mythic Tran darts so I made some Gunpowder which I eventually turned into rifle bullets but even after all that I was only able to put together two Mythic Tran darts the reason they're so expensive is that each Dart requires two Mythic narcotics one Mythic Metal Ingot and one rifle bullet so each Dart requires a total of eight Mythic blood which honestly doesn't sound like a lot but Mythic dinos have a very low chance to actually spawn so it's pretty hard to farm the blood that is needed but I'm going to do what I got to do to get more darts and that first start with me farming some more Narco berries with my iguan but while I was farming the berries I spotted an elemental otter is that an otter what I have to tame that basically I can get a giant Kipper and for those of you who don't know who Kipper is Kipper is what I name my otter whenever I tame one but I have a problem of actually keeping him alive so sometimes there are multiple kippers in one video it's a problem but maybe if I have a giant powerful Kipper we will be fine anyway I can't worry about that right now though because I need to tame this electric Griffin so I finished farming narcoberries but I was once again distracted when one of my Alpha Doos died inside my base I thought something was in my base meat running all my dinos but it turns out the bird just starved to death dinos lose food pretty fast when they're unconscious and I didn't have any food in the trough so I guess this guy just never ate after waking up from IO sickness but it's fine I can do without one alpha Doo now I have to farm Mythic blood Mythic dinos are 25 times stronger than normal dinos if I remember correctly though they have a ton of health and put out a decent amount of damage even if they're low level so that's why I decided to use my Rex to farm the blood to reduce the risk of any casualties and I managed to kill a Mythic duroa and a few Mythic monkeys before I was jumped in the Redwoods oh wa it's electric help help help help help help help kill it faster I died the reason I sound so shocked that I died because that was actually my first time dying in this video so far I'm not playing hardcore obviously but I'd say going 35 days in a mod as crazy as this is pretty good anyway I respawned back in my bed which I luckily had decided it was a good idea to craft and place a little bit ago and I flew my RG back over to my own murder site where I was able to get on my reck but I was once again jump scared by the same DLo another wait no it's the same one oh it missed me jeez anyway I put my back in the cryopod and returned back to my base and I then repaired my Flack armor and was able to craft two more Mythic Tran darts and a few more Alpha Tran arrows before the end of the day all right I should finally have enough of everything that I need to tame this thing so I now should be able to tame this electric Griffin I really hope I can cuz I do not feel like doing any more work for it so anyway I set back out for Carno Island and I did spot a hydro rex on the way back out there but it wasn't near enough high level for me to actually consider taming it and besides I have to stay locked in on the real prize luckily when I arrived the Griffin was still there all right we're going to try and kite it and tame it over on this little island so it's safe so I set up the four Stone Gate trap that I also used for taming a Rex earlier all right let's hope this goes well cuz I remember the last time I got jump scared by one of these things what happened next is what I can only describ as 3 minutes of pure mental abuse it was 3 minutes of me leading the electri Griffin into the Trap multiple times it getting out because of it actually being smart or me not closing the Trap fast enough and this happened over and over but eventually it happened oh now I can hit my bird okay I think it's trapped though my bird did have to take a few hard hits but I was finally able to get the Griffin inside the Trap so I then to my four Mythic Tran darts into it which it then shot up to over 20,000 torpor out of 140,000 but I was more worried about the Griffin getting out of the Trap since it looks like its HIIT box was just barely big enough to stay inside the gates dude it really looks like it can get out but to my surprise and Delight the Griffin wasn't able to get out and I had more than enough Alpha TRS to finish finish the job yes out and I shoved my Elemento kibble into it right away and I actually only needed two so I had one left over yes yes we got it oh my the's going to be a beast all right let's crry up this Pteranodon and we're taking this for a test ride anyway I named my newly tamed Griffin leonido and as you can probably tell I'm very excited to have this Griffin as my main flyer now but what I forgot to think about is it's probably been just less than a year since I've last flown a griffin or any flying Dino with a swoop mechanic and that sadly led me to be very bad at flying so bad to the point where I actually flew into the water got dismounted from my Griffin and then was torn apart by mantas as my Griffin hovered above the water surface oh come on come on you're joking push me to shore push me to shore move stop so it seems that me dying yesterday has set off a new trend anyway I spawned back in on a beach that was nearby and began running back to where I died and I had to outrun some modad Doos which gave me Primal Fear flashbacks but I managed to get get my stuff and get on my Griffin safely that was pretty traumatic I can't lie moving on I finally began flying back home but that's when I spotted a level 110 Alpha Rex and a clearing on the side of the mountain and taking a closer look I found the perfect Rex I needed to start my boss fighting Army oh female 140 it's exactly what we need all right we're going to come back to tame this so with that new goal in mind of taming that Rex I began the short flight back to my base as this Griffin is super fast and I also tested about how much damage it could put out when I was doing the diving swoop attack thing I I don't know what to call it I need a name for it all right perfect how much damage is this thing doing 5,000 anyway the Griffin put out a ton of damage as well but I wanted more so I devised a plan to get the perfect stats on this guy it's got so much stamina already I'm just going to get 100K health and then straight melee anyway I spent the rest of the day killing nearby dinos to level up my Griffin and get more blood I wanted to use Mythic Tran ARS to knock out the wreck since they're so good so I also ended up crafting some more Mythic narcotics just before the end of the day I'm still out trying to farm blood and levels in the morning of day 37 and that's when I spotted a Shadow Rock Elemental my Griffin now does about 7,000 damage per swipe so it only took a few attacks to take it down but it turned out to be a complete waste of my time because I didn't get any loot from killing it or any blood or hide anyway I moved on with my life and discovered how to use the electric ability my Griffin has since it's an electric Griffin duh oh when you just do normal attacks then it shocks it so it can't move thank I would finish my Killing Spree in a few minutes but before that I finally realized Iz how much damage my Griffin was actually able to do if I hit a head shot while using the diving attack oh if you hit a head shot it's 25,000 damage okay yep I I can kill anything anyway after that I finally finished my spree and returned back to my base with over a 100 Mythic blood and after some masterful crafting and chemistry I managed to put together 12 Mythic Tran darts and I had over 30 Alpha Tran arrows just in case all right let's go t this Rex so I flew out to the northeastern Mountain on my super fast Griffin and and once again located the Rex and I assembled a trap on this Cliff that was sticking out but there was some giant rocks in the way that may propose a problem when I'm actually trying to trap the Rex eh screw it we'll ball so I spent the next few minutes trying to get this lovely looking lady into the Trap but it was not going well the Rocks were in the way and its AI was being super annoying so I decided I'll just shoot TRS into it off the back of my Griffin and after putting all 12 Tran darts into the Rex it had just under 60,000 torpor and it only needed 12,000 more to knock out so I finished the job with Alpha Tran arrows and I then put the AL kable into the Rex and had to Swerve a rogue electric rgy from it but it tamed out to be all right all right so the mail came out better but we can breed these tats out it's not a big deal we now have a breeding pair of rexit on day 37 though that's really good moving on I put the Rex in a cry pod and flew down to a nearby Beach to get some water before flying back to my base and I did actually crash two times on the way home just because the game likes to do that every once in a while but once I finally did make it home I didn't throw up my rexes right away I wanted to craft an automated Arc fridge so I can finally upgrade from keeping all my spoiler BS in a preserving bin but I need more Crystal so I repaired both of my Alpha tools and made a quick trip up to the volcano and once I had all that I needed I returned home and made the automated fridge with a thousand slots I'm never going to run out of space now so after transferring all my spoila bues I decided to lay out my plans for my base expansion all right but now that I have a breeding pair rexes I want to expand my base area I want to build I think a wall from that pillar to this pillar and then from this pillar to the ledge and that should give me enough space to breed all three boss fighting armies that I need I don't even think I can fit one boss Army into the area I currently have but I actually need to build some walls to protect my dinos since there's actually dangerous stuff that could kill them so with that plan on my mind I need to start farming I plan to use Gates as the wall so I can easily get dinosaurs in and out and I also plan to play some spike wall just to defend the areas that are a little weaker I really don't want anything to get into my base and kill my tames so I first started with farming a bunch of stone with my doic and I then flew over to the Redwoods and farmed some wood and thatch I'm starting to have ptsc flashbacks to when I was building my castle anyway I was now able to craft two Behemoth Gates and the rest of the day went a little bit like this the first part of day 39 was pretty slow to say the least I finished farming and placing the gates I also added some spike walls around where the gates and rocks met to try and secure the area a little bit more and now that I have a lot more space and it's safe I think it's time to start working on my boss fighting Army and I also now have my first fertilized Rex egg but anyway I need to get a few air conditioners to actually hatch this egg and future eggs I discovered there were automated air conditioners that are probably more effective than normal air conditioners so I decided to plan on Crafting those the crafting requirements for them are a little bit different though but they're not too far off and I'm just short out of the amount of silic pearls I need so I mounted my electric Griffin and flew over to where there are a bunch of those little icebergs there are a few pearls under the water that I can easily get and luckily I was just short a few pearls because I barely got any from these notes and I did also loot a blue drop with a ring and got another Behemoth gate among and other things but after I got the pearls I returned to my base crafted more polymer and got another fertilized Alpha egg and just before the end of the day I managed to craft two automated air conditioners I honestly don't know how powerful these things are but I'm hoping I don't have to form more because I basically drained all of my expensive resources right now day 40 and I'm going to place these air conditioners on a small platform right outside my castle but I'm currently too broke to make the foundations to actually place the air conditioners on so let me quickly do that all right I have the four stone foundation and I'm going to plop them down right here and then place the air conditioners on top just like this and luckily just these two air conditioners were more than enough to be able to hatch this egg the range of my generator is also very big so I don't have to worry about making another one outside of my castle anyway I put the air conditioners to use right away by incubating my first three Alpha Rex eggs remember I still have to get the best stats on a breeding player before I start going Balls to the walls and raising the Army but since the male has both the better STS I only need to get a female with the STS so this shouldn't take too long and while the eggs are incubated I decided to to take leonida out and farm some meat quickly to feed the babies if they're actually worth raising but um they weren't all three eggs hatched and they were all either males or female that didn't have the stats I was looking for so I put them all down painlessly with my Griffin who am I kidding it wasn't painless at all but after I killed all the babies I noticed an alpha oviraptor right under my base I want another oviraptor to chill by my rexes and pick up fertilized eggs so I picked up the OV Raptor dropped it inside my base and nailed it with a Tran arrow in the butt and fed it some Alpha kibble to tame it and I moved it right under my Rex instantly so I'll never have to worry about picking up Rex eggs ever again speaking of eggs I hatched another but it was bad so I killed it it's a cold world and I'm only making it colder but I have bosses to kill everything comes at a price and sometime killing babies is the answer all right that sounds horrible next clip anyway just after that I hatched another egg and actually came out as a female with the good stats so you my friend you reserve the right to keep living congrats I spent the rest of the day raising the baby however I did have some trouble getting an imprint on the baby either I had messed up my breeding setting since I last recorded my last video or or raising modded creatures messes it up anyway after a little bit of struggle and some setting changing I managed to get 100% imprint on the female by the end of the day and before putting any levels into it it had over 63,000 Health if I don't roll through these bosses I'm going to be mad there's a random Hydro turtle in my base is this Blastoise I don't know I killed it just thought I should let you guys know a few minutes after that the perfect female baby matured into an adult so I then lined up the two perfect rexes and an oviraptor and I will have hundreds of op Rex eggs before I know it after making sure the OV Raptor did did its job and picked up the egg the Rex's laid I decided to take a gander at how much range my feeding trough actually covered if I'm going to raise boss armies I'm going to need to feed them but luckily this automated trough has a huge range that one trough covers my whole base moving on I want to leave my rexes alone for a little while so I can build up a decent stash of Rex eggs to raise in two big batches and while that happens I want to at least tame an elemental or alphao for cave and artifact treatement purposes so I pulled the resources from my fridge and crafted three Elemental kibble and three Alpha kibble I don't don't really mind what thila I tame but I can tame a lower level elementa thila simply because they're more powerful than the alpha variants also their special abilities might come in handy who knows so once I had the kibble I crafted another canteen to keep myself hydrated but I then set off into the Redwoods on the back of leonida looking for a thila to actually tame and it didn't take me too long to find a level 55 Electro thylo it doesn't sound too good but actually look at those base stats I'll be able to run through any cave with those stats already and it would only take one elemental kill with a tame it so I decided to actually do tame it I can't it can't hit me for some reason this has to be like a glitch with electric Doos cuz the Griffin couldn't hit me either until it finally did hit me I think there's a glitch with electric dinos or something I don't know it could affect other dinos but they weren't able to hit me that easily as I said with the Griffin it actually did have a hard time actually damaging my PT and this thila is making me look like I'm in god mode but I swear I'm not this is a glitch and I'm not complaining about it anyway I got the thila knocked out and tamed it's pretty strong already I'm going to still fly around the Redwood and see if I can find any better ones yeah so that was actually a lie I returned to my base and remember that I actually have one of the T of Bronto I think a beta Bronto would do just fine so I crafted some beta kibble but while I was doing that my oviraptor that was under my rexes was actually killed by a d so I instead spent the rest of the day searching for another one to tame because I really need one under my rexes but of course when you're looking for one you can't find any I finally found a beta over rptor on the morning of day 42 but it didn't see me before I shot an alpha Tran Arrow were into it off the back of my electric Griffin and the oviraptor tamed instantly with some beta kibble and I put it in a cryopod and took back off towards my base and after flying past a drop that was somehow stuck in the sky I arrived at my base to see that there was more dinos inside the walls of my base there was a DLo so I took it out so it couldn't kill the over Raptor that I just tamed don't really want history to repeat itself with this one but this is going to be a bigger problem later on I built these walls to keep the dinos out but they literally spawn inside so I'm considering putting a bunch of thatch foundations down inside the walls to hopefully block all the spawns but I'll probably put up another wall of spikes to create another section so I can safely breed my boss fighting dinos maybe that'll solve my problem anyway moving on I got my new oviraptor set up under my rexes and I flew back into the Redwoods I decided to check the giant trees once again to see if I could find any better thas I'm not totally content with my lowl electric thla but if I don't find anything this thla should be able to handle the cave still 5 minutes later and you can probably tell by my tone that I didn't find any thos worth taming and I even killed a bunch of them to try and get better levels to spawn but nothing anyway while I was still in the Redwoods I spotted a herd of three Beta bronos And if you can remember I won a beta Bronto for myself they were all low levels so I locked in on one and shot a few Alpha TR I was into it until it fell asleep and I then killed the other bronos while it was unconscious listen it doesn't know that I killed its friends while it's asleep so what's the big issue I still have beta kibble in my inventory so I tamed the Bronto but I had some trouble getting it into a cryopod because of a Diplo who decided to just make my life harder why are you like this oh my God I then killed the Diplo and decided that I'll use as high to craft my Bronto saddle so if you've learned anything from this little Excursion just know not to make me mad or I might skin you what moving on I returned my b face and saw that I was short on fiber to craft the Bronto saddle so I assaulted some bushes with a sickle then crafted a saddle for my new green friend and after that I farmed a bunch of narcoberries with my new Bronto and it was much much better than farming with my Iguanodon now I have something kind of embarrassing to tell you guys towards the end of the day I actually threw out my Electro thila out of its cryopod with cryos sickness and it has quite a lot of torpor to drain still so I think I'm going to have to tame another thila even if it's a low level simply cuz I just don't want to wait for this one to wake up but I didn't have to look for too long until I found another electric th that was also level 55 so I proceeded to knock it out once again as it couldn't hit me electric dinos definitely had some sort of glitch while I was recording this but I didn't have any Elemental kibble on hand so I did have to return back to my base to get it but I managed to tame thla all right and once back at my base I farmed some more fiber to craft a tho settle just before the end of the day day 43 started with crafting more Alpha narcotics and eventually Alpha Tran arrows but I wasn't crafting these to tame a new creature more of to endlessly knock out one over and over again until it loses the will to live okay losing the will to live might be a lie but what I'm trying to say is that I'm going to use these TRS to knock out a Megalania over and over again so I can get all the Megalania toxin I need I need 10 toxin to start the alpha Mega picus boss fight and if you didn't know anytime you knock out a creature that has tributes in its inventory it'll wake up with more as long as you take the first ones out and I don't know if I've ever said this but I actually hate looking for megalan as to kill they're always in caves hanging from the ceiling or something stupid so I'd rather just spend a longer time bullying one over and over to get the toxin I need then hunt five down so now that I've explained my plans I had a newly tamed tho and a cryopod and and I flew out to the Carno Island when I arrived I did have to take down some creatures that were blocking the cave entrance but it wasn't hard at all since my Griffin is insane and I then put my Griffin in a cry pood and made my way into the cave with a thlo and immediately after emerging from the small pool of water I found a red drop which had an ascended compound bow with over 400 damage on it I mean I'll probably never use it but it's really cool to have all right I'm here for Megalania and Megalania o I need to stay focused I made my way down to the cave killing tons of bats and spiders as I went with ease because my electrio was putting out over a, damage a bite I knew would be worth taming another electric variant anyway to my delight there was one megal lenia who was all alone that is after I killed hundreds of his cave dwelling friends anyway I began the process of knocking it out and extracting the toxin over and over again and I did also retrieve the artifact of the devour which I also need to start the alpha MEAP picus boss fight but then another peculiar thing happened during this time I noticed I got a Christmas present from Kina Dino and I decided to open it what what mod adds Christmas present why did I just get element that's crazy I can't even use it I mean it's only too but anyway it's nice that I now have two element that I can't use more importantly though I finished the day with having eight of the 10 toxin I needed so I'll have to wait for this poor guy to wake up one more time so I can R knock him out the Megalania took just under 5 minutes to wake up in the day 44 and you guessed it I knocked it out again I dude got all that I need and before leaving I decided to let the Megalania live after the actual hell I just put it through just kidding I killed it on my way out and speaking on my way out I first scaled the walls to get out and just before I was about to leave the cave I crashed oh I crashed the crash didn't set me far back however I logged back in threw up my Griffin and then left the island never to return again probably but flying back to my base took a little longer than expected mostly because I crashed once again as soon as I started flying over the mainland but once again I logged back in and continued with my mission and once I got back to my base I deposited my new tributes and then started to stare off in the space for a little bit but what I was actually doing was deciding what to do and after a few minutes of pondering my existence I decided it's time to start raing my boss fighting Rex's Army but I'm running pretty low on Raw me to feed my carnivores right now so I took off on my Griffin and spent a few minutes committing Mass genocide but this genocide was only motivated for the high amounts of me that sounded weird anyway I got all the red stuff that feed to my carnivores that I'll ever need and I deposited in a trough and began incubating my first batch of Rex eggs and the babies all hatched a few minutes later and I then proceeded to name them all boss so I knew exactly which of them were bred to fight but a few minutes after that I realized a big big mistake I somehow had messed up my imprinting settings once again and I wouldn't be able to get 100% imprint on any of them printing gives a big boost to the Rex stats so I really don't want them to go without it so that thinking led me to commit Mass Baby Rex genocide I killed all of them except for two I kept these two alive so I could use them to get more Rex eggs because it takes me a few days to accumulate a decent amount of eggs and I also plan to use the baby rexes is my main way of power leveling my boss fighting Army so I'm going to need a lot of eggs but yeah I didn't do anything for the rest of the day I'm raising a new batch of baby rexes in the morning of day 45 and I made sure to only hatch one egg first a time to make sure I had my imprinting stats set right and I did so I laid out the rest of the eggs to have the incubate and hatch as well and I then spent the next 10 minutes raising the babies until I could get them all up to 100% imprint and to where I don't have to worry about them starving and it's by this time that the two rexes I spared from the last mass murder were now fully grown so I wanted them to start producing some eggs as well but once again I ran into the oviraptor problems the one oviraptor that I did have under my rexes didn't have enough range to be able to pick up all of their eggs so I need to find and tame another but luckily I didn't have too much trouble finding another as there was a level 45 just right next to my base but I made the mistake of using beta and Alpha eggs to tame it I had a ton of them because my Doos were producing them for quite a few days now but the problem was they didn't have that much taming Effectiveness and it was taking so long in fact that I decided to just move my OV rptor that I had collecting dodo eggs out to under my rexes also my batch of rexes that I started raising in the morning are now fully grown I know my rates are pretty quick but there's not really a reason for these to take too long so I then moved my now fully grown rexes from the hatching area into a nice neat line so I can easily access all of them and I ended the day by beginning to incubate a new match rexes and they had all hatched by the morning and everything was going swell raising them that is until it came time to imprint them I wasn't having a problem with my settings but more a problem with the whole game I managed to imprint on a few of the rexes but while I was working on doing that I crashed I didn't think it would be a big deal as I logged back into the game but I realized that the babies didn't want an imprint from me anymore they wanted an imprint from granty but I'm granty my character name is granty how does this make any sense I guess the game somehow thinks that I'm not on the same character that was us to claim these babies even though I am I can see this happening if I maybe crashed and my character gets deleted like in the last video but I didn't lose my character I'm right here but to make this even worse the babies that I imprinted before I crashed didn't even actually get the imprint I managed to give them so I decided to once again commit Mass baby genocide and I terminated all the baby rexes on One Singular Rex and let's just say these stats are nasty Health goes up so much all right we're getting our Rex to 100,000 Health than just all Mele I have more to fertilize Rex egg so let's try this again I plopped down all the eggs to incubate and farm some more meat while they did so and they all hatched and I got the imprint on all of them easily this time the end that's how it should go every time Ark why do you have to make it so difficult moving towards the end of the day I was farming some more raw meat and hide off the back of one of my boss rexes this time and I made the mistake of accidentally aggroing a Shadow Rock Elemental I mean I've killed one of these before but this time I found out the rocks that they throw at you actually catch you on fire so that's always nice anyway after nearly losing the Rex I had to return to my base on foot because it was too low to risk it being out in the open I managed to to somehow get back to my base safely honestly forgot how scary it can be running around foot on a mod like this anyway I deposited the meat that I farmed in the trough and I watched to get torn through by all my hungry dinos are are you in the storage box these chickens are crazy man now it's time to get back to the tribute grind I still need the artifact of the pack and brw but the artifact of the brw is inside the easy underwater cave and I do not feel like doing all that right now so the pack artifact it is I crafted a reusable grapple to make this trip a whole lot easier and once again all the mods I'm playing with can be found in the description anyway I then hopped on the back of my Griffin and flew out to the cave and I also had my thila and a cryopod but once arriving at the cave it took me a little while to actually get my PHA where I wanted it but once I did I began taking out the cave creatures and one of them dropped a Christmas present which of course I wanted to open cuz I had got an element a few days ago but uh this one was different oh I got narc blasted if I die to this I'm going to be so mad so yeah this present actually really sucked luckily I had managed to survive as I had already killed all the surrounding cave creatures so I kept making my way through the cave until I came across another Christmas present luckily it only had some Advanced rifle bullets for me they're not too good but definitely better than getting knocked out in a cave anyway I eventually made it to the last chamber before having to Grapple to get the artifact and I had to take down a shadow Arthur plural which is super strong it seems that all the shadow creatures also set you on fire since this guy managed to do it just by biting me so I think I'm going to try and stay away from these guys at all cost anyway I grappled into the tunnel with the artifact ran past a few dinos got the artifact and sprinted back out to the safety of my th and now that I have two out of three artifacts I need I feel pretty content right now so I spend the rest of the day organizing my rexes day 48 I decided to set up another lay of protection for my dinos I had a stone Behemoth gate just laying around and some wooden Spike walls so I assembled an impenetrable wall that will be once again dividing my compound it's definitely not impenetrable but I'm really scared of anything spawning inside my base and killing my important dinos and after that I organized my rexes for a little bit more so that they all on the border of my area and I have the middle of my base to do more activities but moving on I'm no longer content have you been paying attention you know what I'm talking about I think it's time that I go down and get the artifact of the brute that is in the easy underwater cave but you might be saying Grant you don't have any water dinos to do that and you're right but I'm still crafting scuba gear right now aren't I well let me fill you in on my little idea all right hear me out would a th electric dial make a good caving creature water caving creature it's super fast it honestly swims pretty fast dude I think I'm going to make an electric dial my creature yeah so I have two electric Dias and that means one is Expendable these guys are pretty strong which I Pro by taking into other caves and they also swim fast so I figure if I pump some points in the oxygen they can also be awesome underwater mounts so I got the pho up to around 700 oxygen this is a tho that I tamed and thre out of the cryopod of the cry sickness so I could put some levels into it and I also renamed it scuba Kitty but after that we were off I decided to run out to the West Coast on the thla since it was close by and then Dove head first into the water this is so scuffed but it's working and I made my way through the cave into the artifact room with no problem I did spot some electric eels on the way that I hope won't be be a problem but I should be able to kill them if I need to and I dove into the water got the artifact but then the eels found me I'm not sure we'll check no I've come too far I'll post up in this corner that's right that's right thought they would shock me off my tame but I guess not I managed to survive the eel attack without too much stress but it's now time to escape oh my God there's so many eels but lucky for me my thilo was able to swim faster than them so I was able to make my grand escape and once I got back to my base I deposited the last artifact I needed to start the alpha megap pagus fight now I have pretty much everything I need to start the fight but I need to farm a few more tributes but not too many but I'll do that later anyway my rexes only have a fraction of their current Max health and they haven't even been leveled yet so after doing some research I found that there are healing potions that are super strong but they require medical Brews to craft so I'm going to need industrial cooker not an industrial Grill I realized I confused those earlier in the video but I want to craft an industrial cooker from automated Ark mod as it's cheaper and better but I'm still going to need to farm a little bit to craft raed and that started with me raiding some poor beavers home but as I was flying back to my base one of my boss rexes died what dog are you joking so it turns out I should have invested in better walls somehow a the spawn inside my base got close enough to my rexes to aggro then destroyed Spike walls to kill them this game is going to drive me crazy the first half of day 49 was spent getting everything back in order my rexes were scattered all over the plateau because I whistle them on neutral to try and kill the the as fast as possible so I had to get my rexes back in line and back in the breeding group so I can continue my egg production and I also had to see in my tri blog just how many rexes I had actually lost was three rexes just like that now after that the rest of day 49 wasn't that eventful I spent a lot of time AFK mostly because I was pretty mad that my base wasn't even safe from stuff like that this is supposed to be my safe space just look how many Spike walls and Gates I have anyway I spent some time flying around with really no goal I honestly can't remember what I was doing but I returned to my base just before before the end of the day and picked up my ANA I need to form obsidian to make in the polymer for that industrial cooker so I set out to the volcano to do that I finally made it to the volcano in the morning of day 50 and I hit a few obsidian rocks before logging off for a little while and here's a clear example of how long it takes for me to record these 100 days I came back once again having no idea what was going on or what I was doing it's been a minute since I played I what am I farming cityi and sounds good I'll keep doing it anyway I finished my obsidian run but I couldn't remember what I actually trying to farm for so I have to craft the cooker later on when past me actually remembers this is why you can't take giant breaks between recording I I'm making something but what am I making anyway since I couldn't remember what I was actually doing at the time I decided to focus on getting the last few tributes I needed for the alpha MEAP picus boss fight all right so I need Megalodon teeth and spider sails I decided to focus on the Megalodon teeth first since I only need to kill three sharks to get the 10 teeth I need and I ran out to the West Coast on the back of scuba Kitty since it's still the best Dino I have to do underwater missions with but I was having problems actually finding a Megalodon I I mean I had done a dino wi recently to keep things running smoothly but I was not able to find any of the Sharks I actually found two basos which I killed for the blubber because I need it later on before I found any sharks what does a brother have to do to find I need three megalodons that's all I need but I did get three megalodons I needed to kill a few minutes later however I really need to get better at not complaining so soon but I did also take a Mythic paracer down on the way back home for some more Mythic blood and nothing really happened for the rest of the day just me crashing a few times day 51 and you're about to witness probably one of the biggest Pro Gamer moves of all time I decided that it's about time that I power level my rexes by killing baby rexes because I want to fight the MEAP pacus in the next few days and obviously I want to tame a lro since they give dinos experience boost for a short amount of time when he pet them so I set out with my PT to the Western beaches and searched for a little while and flew home with a beta lro and once I was back in my base I got the lro trapped inside my base while I made a beta cable to tame it and loaded a Tren Arrow into my crossbow I then use set Tran Arrow to knock out the lro instead of passive taming it like normal with kibble I guess for some reason I was under the impression that that science technology and the world hasn't Advanced far enough to you actually be able to pass the tame a mod Dino with its preferred food but I guess I'm just slow and good thing for me because these lights actually take a surprisingly long time to wake up so I decided to fly back out into the world and find another one to tame luckily these things are everywhere and it didn't take me too long to find another lro which I actually tamed with mayo berries before bringing it back to my base and yeah once I got it back to my base I decided to eliminate the beta lro from this world sorry little bro anyway I got my lro in place and started the process of power leveling my rexes I'm going to hatch about eight eggs per Rex which should give each Rex quite a few levels anyway while I was doing this I finally remembered that I wanted to craft a cooker oh I remember what I wanted to craft I wanted to craft a cooker that took like 2 hours for me to remember but I got it out so I finally got the 100 polymer crafted that I needed to make the cooker and I also made this other weird structure that I thought I needed to pull items from other structures but it didn't really work can't even remember its name it did nothing anyway the rest of the day was spent baby murdering and it may weigh on my conscience for the rest of my existence but it's looking to to be very worthwhile my rexes are going to do about 3,000 damage a bite sometimes A52 I gave my newly tamed blro the classic name that I always give my lros Cody and the next 20 minutes we spent grinding away at leveling up my rexes it's pretty boring but it's necessary and if you're wondering about my Rex stats after leveling they're sitting at about 100K to 110k HP and around 750 melee now since Alpha dinos are five times stronger than normal dinos their melee is way higher than it said to be but basically I have an army of Boss killing machines now so moving on I finally crafted my industrial cooker so I can now farm and craft the medical brewes that I need for healing potions to heal my rexes but it'll take me a long time to do so mostly because it's still takes me forever to craft narcotics is I don't have a chemistry bench so I'm going to bite the bullettin farm for a chemistry bench so I don't have to worry about this stuff again however I need 250 Electronics to craft a chemistry bench and I don't know if you've gathered it just yet but I've been using atha to get around underwater so I have no good way of getting silic Pros with me using all of my brain power to solve this problem I don't need a good way to get Pros I just need to get them so I've decided to power level my thila and go all in I'm going to kill some baby rexes with scuba Kitty and put all the levels in the oxygen and I'm then going to head to the Southwest part of the ocean where there's a large concentration of silica BRS and I'm going to swim down there and collect all that I can with my hands and swim back up when I need air and I'll repeat that until I get over 750 pearls that I need I told you I don't have a good way of getting pearls but I'm going to get the pearls so anyway I enacted my plan I killed a ton of baby rexes with Myla just before the end of the day and got it over to 2,000 oxygen this is probably the most cursed thing I've ever done in Arc but there's no way I'm taming an angler fish I just don't have the patience to tame one right now day 53 and I did it I had my thla in a cryopod and scuba gear in my inventory and I mounted Leonid and flew out to where above the pearls are located I then jumped in the water and threw out my th and I swam down to the ocean floor and I had to take down a few eels but after that it was smooth sailing but it was cold and it was dark but I was getting the pearls that I needed but seriously I could Farm all the pearls I would ever need in less than a minute with an angler fish but as I said there's no way I'm taming one in this video so I spent over 10 minutes swimming around and pressing e on the keyboard I would only get six to eight pearls off each node but I hit my goal this is where dedication gets you folks wasting your life away on a dinosaur game for in-game silica pearls bro anyway I swam back up to the surface and flew home to begin crafting the electronics and another resource I'm missing to craft the chemistry bench is Crystal so I put my anky into a cryopod and flew out to the volcano on my Griffin I didn't need a ton of crystals so I didn't have to bring my ARG who has much more weight than my Griffin but once I returned back to my base with the crystal I was able to put together my new meth FL I mean chemistry bench anyway I immediately got the mass crafting narcotics for medical brds and I also learned that the pretty much the only cool thing about this chemistry bench is that it's refrigerated it's pretty lame to be honest anyway I spent the rest of the day farming Tinto berries for the medical bruise as well day 54 and look how many Tinto berries and narcoberries that I farmed yeah I really just made you jealous of the amount of berries I have in this dinosaur game all right this bit is corny next clip moving on I set up my industrial cooker right below my base so it could get irrigated by water and after accidentally crafting a ton of red dye because I had AutoCraft enabled I finally started crafting medical Brews and once I had all the Brews I brought them up to inside my base and combined them with mayo berries and Crystal to craft an alpha health potion this should shoot my rexes straight up to Max Health oh crafts two at a time all right let's hope they're as good as I think they are oh yeah yeah these potions are very overpowered they heal tens of thousands of Health in seconds so I then proceeded to heal all my rexes within seconds with these potions so now it's time to actually get the saddles for my Rexes problem is they're very expensive especially when it comes to metal I think it costs about 50 ingots per saddle and I have an army of nearly 20 rexes so I had to take my anky out to the volcano with my RG to of course Farm more of that shiny silver and white stuff and I farmed pretty much all the metal on the very top of the volcano in a few minutes and I returned back to my base to begin smelting it but I made a discovery when I looked inside one of my chaos forges oh my I did not need to do that metal run yeah so I had a ton of metal left over from a previous run anyway after that I repaired my Beta sickle and flew outside my base to form more fiber for the Saddles and I had to take out vanilla Alpha Raptor who was guarding the bushes but he didn't stop me from getting the fiber that I needed and I spent the rest of the day crafting primitive Rex Saddles because let's face it my Alpha rexes are seriously powerful if I need anything better than primitive Rex Saddles there's a problem I saddled up pretty much all of my rexes by the morning of day 55 I was still missing a few though but I was pretty much out of hide so I had to go on a little fight with my Griffin that had absolutely no violence whatsoever in it anyway I headed back to my base and promptly crash nice but I crafted the two last re Saddles that I needed for my Army so now that everybody has a saddle and is fully healed I think I can finally start delivering these bad boys to the blue Obelisk I only had 10 cryopods my name and some were being used so I'm going to have to make multiple trips and it would take a total of three trips so I made the first two to get the bulk of my Army to the Obelisk and I returned to my base and put the last few rexes into the cryopods but I didn't fly back straight away I wanted to farm some more Medical IAL Bruiser for myself because the Boss Arena is very cold and I didn't have any good fire armor to keep me warm but while I was farming Tinto berries with my Bronto my RG got attacked by a volcanic Raptor who began burning it alive come on oh it's it's still dead come on come on come on cryo cry cryo oh we got out oh my God yeah so it was a pretty scary way to end this day but hey at least I got a decent amount of medical Brews but if I die in this boss fight because I'm too cold I'm going to be so mad so now you think I'm ready to fight this boss right well it turns out I'm actually missing nine spinos Sals one of the worst tributes to farm oh I didn't get spinos Sals and I'm going to be honest I spent literally the whole day flying up and down the islands Rivers but I didn't see a single spy not but fusure me knows I'd have much better luck on day 57 but it's still kind of ridiculous anyway the only notable thing that happened was that my character got stuck like this for a little while what oh no what is wrong why is my camera angle like this hello what this is not right this is oh there's a Rex relog day 57 and I'm cutting straight to the chase cuz I know what you're all here for now me flying around the map all of day 56 made a ton of spinos spawn in so I got all the sails I needed and I also crafted a bunch more medical Brew so there's no way I should die in this fight anyway I now have everything I need let's do this boss fight [Music] too easy too easy we killed the B oh my these things were on the front line and barely took any damage yeah I didn't even have a Udi and I still shredded that boss like it died seriously fast and I'm now one third done killing all the normal bosses on the island so at this rate I think I'll use my rexes to Kill The Brood mother as well but I'm probably still going to make an army of fairies to fight the Alpha dragon anyway I got my spoils from killing the boss and begin to return home but I got distracted when I saw a purple drop with a ring it had an ascended pump shotgun blueprint inside which is really expensive but it might be super useful maybe I'll craft it who knows anyway I returned to my base and deposited all my gear and I also set up the MEAP picus boss flag right outside my base and lastly before the end of the day I don't want to make multiple trips bringing my Rex Army home from my base so I want to craft more cryopods but to do that I need more Crystal from the volcano so I set out there towards the end of the day with my anleo and my cryopod I was smacking Crystal with my Angy in the morning of day 58 I farmed just over 300 Crystal which was just enough to allow me to fly on my Griffin with it without being encumbered but it definitely wasn't a quick flight because Leonid was still moving pretty slow carrying all this weight anyway when I finally did make it back into my base I threw my anky back out of the cryopod so I wouldn't forget about it and speaking of cryopods I crafted 10 oh just kidding I crafted 12 actually it turns out looks like I needed some more polymer to craft the last two which I made in my fabricator but now that I have all these futuristic pokeballs I can bring my boss fighting Army boys back home and that's exactly what I did I felt kind of bad leaving there on top of a Snowy Mountain after I made them just fight an angry ape on way too many roids now that I have literally my whole Army in my pocket it's time to do some stuff yeah all right I want to jump straight into getting the tributes for the alpha brood mother fight as I said I'm going to use my rexes to Kill The Brood mother instead of taming a megatherium army to do it you guys saw how fast that monkey died The Brood mother is tougher but not that much tougher anyway the first tribute on my list that I needed was Sarco skins I someh only have am easily won after 58 days of playing even though I pretty much all the other tributes I need anyway no use in complaining sarker spawn all over the map so they shouldn't be too hard to find with my Griffin but it did take me a little while to find my first Saro but once I found one I found all the rest the swamp is a gold mine for these things so if you need their skins for tributes like me go there immediately I literally got nine socer skins I needed in the matter of minutes so I was able to move on to getting the other tributes I had pretty much all the tributes I needed from dinos so it's really time to get the artifacts now you need the artifact of the clever massive and Hunter for the boss fight and they're all a piece of cick to get especially when you have an overpowered moded thila like I do and they're so easy to get in fact that I didn't even return home before the end of the day I went straight into the cave below the volcano to retrieve the artifact of the clever those poor cave plebs stood no chance against me but I didn't actually claim the artifact until the morning of day 59 but yeah after that I just walked out of the cave with my prize and headed back towards my base and when I returned I deposited all the new tributes and if you think I'm slowing down on the tribute grind now you're wrong I took back off as quickly as I came to my base and this time I'm heading towards the cave with a hunter artifact inside and I actually had more trouble with this cave than I did with the Cave of the clever it was mostly caused by the insane amounts of arthop plures inside I was worried about getting my armor broken off by their acid spit and there was also a few Shadow arthop plures which if you can remember they uh set you on fire so so I decided to just run and jump over them instead of fighting I don't feel like being on fire and having acid spit at me but after I got around those guys I was able to throw my PHA into the artifact chamber so it could take down all the bugs inside and I walked in and claimed my prize now I only need one more artifact and then we can start the alpha brood mother fight this might be the least amount of time I've ever spent grinding to start a boss fight moving on I exited the cave and returned to my bit just kidding I went straight to the lava cave to get the artifact of the massive because I'm a dog like that and once again I made my way in out of the cave with ease the only slight problem was that there was a demonic D half guarding the entrance but I was able to slip by it with no problem day 60 started out with me delivering my boss fighting rexes to the green obelis I wasn't quite ready to start the boss fight just yet though I wanted to leave them out here because they had all lost a few thousand Health in the MEAP picus boss fight and I want them then naturally heal it back over the next little bit it's not worth using health potions on them since it's such a little amount of Health but after getting all my rexes out of their cryopods I returned back to my base and grabbed some Mythic Tran darts and I then set out towards the snow I bet some of you can see where I'm going with this I want to tame a udar ranis for the boss fight to give my Alpha rexes even more of an edge there aren't any modded variants of a Udi sadly but that means I'll be able to knock one out fairly quickly when I do find one so now the problem is to actually find one but this might be one of the most eventful times where I was ever searching for a dino to tame one because of this what yeah that sounds like a megap pagus in the Overworld I really hope I don't run into that there were is oh hey there oh my God yeah that makes tense and I'm going to fly this way yeah so I'm definitely not going to be looking for a yudi over there and flying around the snow I actually noticed that there were quite a few of these giant Rogue monkeys which were making it more difficult to find yies that is until I found a level 145 problem is that it's way too close to one of those monkeys so I got down towards the ground and I had a pretty low Health since I just fought something bigger but the bigger problem was that there was a monkey close by that would definitely kill me and the Udi if we don't get out of here so I got the yui's attention and started to lead it away no I was trying to break the tree yeah so I was trying to break that tree that was in the path of me leading this yudi away but the yudi got too close and of course it died why does Arc have to be like this anyway I didn't find any other good Udi to tame for the rest of the day day 61 and I finally found the level 135 that wasn't in an active war zone so I could actually try and tame it this time udis don't do that much damage at all when they're fighting so I was able to sit right in front of it and shoot with Tran darts while it slowly chipped away at my health hello stared at me okay now since this yudi is a vanilla creature it's going to take a little time to tame because I can't instantly tame it with kibble so I took that time to fly around the snow for a little bit longer and kill other udies as I need their lungs to start the Alpha dragon boss fight and I also AFK at my base for a little bit I was definitely power washing the toilet bowl IRL anyway I flew back towards the Udi when it was nearing being done taming and I took it home as soon as it was done in a cryopod but I encountered a problem when i r back in my base and went to try and make the ud a saddle what dog you got to be joking right Saddles need silica pearls yeah so for some reason Yi require a pretty hefty amount of silica pearls to craft their saddle and I basically used up all of my pearls making the chemistry bench a few days ago so this really soured my mood however I only need just about 50 more pearls to actually make the saddle so I set back out over to the Little Creek by the snow that has some pearls in it and it did take me a few minutes to get the pearls since there's such a low amount of them but I got all that I needed and I also spotted a level 110 Hydro Rex but I really don't have much interested in taming it right now my Udi now has a saddle though and that's all that matters and I put the Udi ride to work by mass murdering a ton of baby rexes oh these are going to take forever to kill and I was right yudi do basically no damage and with these babies being born with a few thousand Health each it took the rest of the day for me to kill all the babies that I had scattered all over my Bas now that my yudi is all leveled up I'm now ready to fight the alpha brood mother so I grabbed the artifacts and tributes from my storage box and made sure to give my yudi a health potion so is now at Max health and the leveling had given him a ton of health and stamina so I should be pretty safe on his back now oh and I also named him chicken master all right let's go do this brood mother pot we're rolling through them this time probably because I have an army of op rexes but hey and since the time I threw out my rexes at the Obelisk they were now all healed up to Max health or NE Max Health when I got out there they're all pretty much healed and ready to go let's do this all right so I didn't fight The Brood mother in my last 100 days but from what I've heard is that it it's basically right on top of you as soon as you st spawn inside the Boss Arena so I'm going to be ready to go oh I spawn on its [Music] side that was so quick I love overpowered re yeah so I absolutely moop the floor with that brood mother hopefully the same thing happens when I fight the alpha overseer but I still have to fight the Alpha dragon even before that I'm getting ahead of myself anyway I put all my rexes and my yudi back into cryopods and headed home to where I put the Alfred brood mother flag right outside my castle as soon as I arrived and after that I threw my rexus and yudi out of their cryopods in the giant area I had gated off it's definitely not the safest place since they're only behind one wall instead of like four like the rest of my base but they should be fine I hope moving on I think it's about time that I start to find some Theos to tame I'm going to use them to fight the Alpha dragon after all and I may even bring them into the Ascension cave with me so I got the crafting the stone trap I had to farm a little bit of stone with my doic but I was able to craft with everything else I needed and I still had over 20 Mythic Tren darts left over so I should be able to tame at least one thory just fine but now it's time to actually find a good Alpha Theory to tame and I've seen a lot of alpha the's in my time playing this 100 days but I've never seen any amazing levels but I guess I wasn't looking directly for them so maybe I'll find a good one quicker this time and speaking of the devil I found a level one 40 out by the green Obelisk oh hey there so I set up a trap as you do and tried to lead it in there but uh I can get out okay I got to redo the Trap so I led the theory away and remade the Trap so it wouldn't be able to get out this time but by the time I was ready to get its attention to get it back in the Trap I decided it was time to fight an electric Rex what are you doing so that killed me on the inside a little bit but more importantly how did that theory not kill that Rex I mean I know it was an electric Rex but that theory was level 140 and that Rex was level 35 I guess Elemental dinos are way too overpowered anyway I now have to find a new the to tame now so I packed up my trap and headed home to my base first though to regroup myself and when I was ready to start looking once again later on I spotted a level 130 beta Theory right outside of my base whoa beta 130 I'm considering it I'm really considering it I really want an alpha now that beta theory is really good but I'm really set on having an alpha Theory Army so they can be even better wait no the AR gods have blessed me for what they took from me yeah I don't know what the chances are of getting twoo high levels back to back like this but I'm not going to ask any questions so I flew over to a small clearing and set up the Trap but I was soon distracted by Christmas present that dropped from a dead dyo oh anyway I set up the Trap but I didn't have enough ramp so I had to return to my base to get more but it wasn't a problem and after a little struggle of actually getting the theory inside the Trap I finally started shooting some trap darts into it and immediately after this lovely lady tamed I put her in a cryopod and brought her back to my base I then made her a saddle and gave her an aim over her stats so that I could put some levels into her as I wanted to go on a little test drive yeah this dragon is going to stand no chance as she's already putting out over a thousand damage with minimal leveling I also farmed a ton of fiber with my the so I should never have a problem with that again and I deposited all of it into my Smithy in the morning of day 64 now most of day 64 wasn't too eventful I spent my time flying around the Skies of the island searching searching for another Alpha the to tame this time I needed a male I'm going to be really annoyed if I find another high level but it's a female anyway after about 20 minutes of searching I came across a walking difficult choice I found a level 110 male Alpha Theory M level 110 that's honestly not great I don't even have the kibble to tame it but like I could breed out the stats I'll be back I got to go get the kibble so we can actually tame this cuz I think I am just going to tame it all right I'm going to have to explain my reasoning a level 110 theory is just right but since my breeding rates are so fast I'll be able to spend the time trying to get the perfect baby that has the females good stats so yeah bada bing bada boom I'm going to tame this thing anyway I flew back to my base and crafted three Alpha kibble to tame it and I returned with just over 10 trength darts which should be enough to knock it out and I've decided not to set up a trap this time as it was too much of a pain getting the the in the Trap like last time oh it can't hit me oh no it can't hit me anyway I knocked the the out and tamed it with ease but obviously it came out with mid stats as it wasn't a great level to begin with but that didn't stop me from putting a theory into a cry pood and flying home before the end of the day had my theories next to each other on day 65 so that they could start producing some eggs I'd rather hatch a few at a time to get the stats that I want rather than just one at a time and I also brought a few of my boss rexes closer to my base so that they could start producing more fertilized Rex eggs so that my future Theory Army can power level and have really good stats so now I have some time to kill that I'm waiting for my the's to produce eggs and I just so happen need to collect four artifacts for the Alpha dragon fight sadly none of the caves have a super easy way to get the artifacts like I can't just run through with my alphaa and kill everything but the easiest out of the four caves I need to get the artifact from is the small snow cave with the artifact of the skylord in it I'm kind of just throwing a pie in the sky here but I want to see if I can throw my thila out inside of the cave with a cryopod and I then want to lead the bats and spiders inside the cave to kill them the cave is very very cramped so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it normally I would run this cave with a shotgun but I currently don't have one so I'm about to do this redneck style but sadly it wasn't big enough for me to fit anything inside the cave so I wasn't able to get this guy out of this cryopod and believe me I tried throwing this cryopod everywhere but I had to return back home empty-handed but remember that shotgun blueprint I got after killing the alpha monkey I figured I can probably Farm it up and craft it even if it is a grind I can use it for the Cave of the skylord and the Ascension cave but I'm going to need to craft a ton of polymer and cementing paste so I first got to farm and stone with my doic but after only a few swings I remember that bivo busos farm cementing past when they kill bugs and I live right next to the swamp cave which has a ton of bugs inside so I decided to put down my doic and fly over to the nearby swamp where I CED my new perfect tame oh right away anyway I picked up the frog with my RG and dropped it inside my base but I noticed a Mythic theory was trying to break into my base before I could tame it so I had to deal with that quickly and once the situation was dealt with I Tred out the Frog inside of my base which could have ended much worse but all I managed to do was Destroy one campfire I didn't use anymore before being knocked unconscious and I immediately tamed the frog with some Elemental kibble and I named it hydr Kermit and I was able to craft the Frog saddle but the last thing deter me from going into the swamp cave right now is that I wasn't able able to craft a full set of scuba you need scuba to keep the toxic air out inside the cave anyway I need more polymer to craft the set of scuba so I flew out to the volcano and spent the rest of the day farming obsidian with my anleo day 66 started with me crafting supplementing paste and my chemistry bench and I then used that paste to make some polymer and eventally a full set of scuba that I needed my game what wasn't even looking now that I'm back in the game and not crashing let's head over to the swamp cave to hopefully get a ton of cementing Pace from killing bugs and I also need to get the artifact of the imune that's inside here as well for the dragon boss fight however I only spent a few short minutes inside the cave killing bugs before I saw a shadow arthop plura that I wasn't totally sure if I could kill some of the creatures that were spawning inside the cave were actually modded variants so they are outputting a ton of damage but I thought if I crafted some Alpha health potions I'll be able to make my way through the cave so that's what I did I returned to my base and crafted up a total of 32 Alpha health potions this is definitely Overkill but I can save the rest for later on anyway I then flew immediately back to the cave and started my Rampage I was getting swarmed but the health potion are simply too powerful so I was able to take down everything in the first room just fine even the Shadow orur and I kept making my way through the cave nothing was stopping me that is until I saw this message on screen what no that happened in my last 100 days too man I sadly forgot to put leonida in a cryopod and she was also left on passive it's completely my fault that she died so now I no longer have a fast way to get around the map but the pain subsided a little bit when I saw a red drop that always spawned inside the cave and it had a Rec saddle blueprint in it it has a Rec saddle blueprint in it so that caused me and my frog to go full Doom Slayer mode and I kill absolutely everything for that saddle blueprint it was expensive so I don't know if I'll even craft it but I had to get something from this adventure besides the artifact that is anyway I can't make you my way through the cave destroying everything in my path and drinking a health potion when I needed to and I eventually got the artifact of the immune and I left the cave and I also had a ton of cementing Pace from killing all the bugs but I had the Hop home because leonida was no longer with us but little did I know this was a terrible terrible terrible idea no the Tho was an electric thla so I knew my hydrog wouldn't be able to kill it so I had to quickly respawn run over with my thla and take out the wild thla just before I could kill my frog hydr Kermit nearly died I don't know if I could keep on if I lost leonida and hydr Kermit in the same day that probably would have been one of the most tragic days in history can I get an F in the comments for leonida she was a real one day 67 and now that the actual hell is over I can try to go back to my peaceful life of trying to kill bosses so let's get back to doing peaceful things I have a bunch of fertilized Theory eggs now and I just seemed one of them to be born with a male with both the good health and melee hopefully this doesn't take too long so I popped a few eggs down and waited about a minute and then a ton of baby thies emerged into the world for their first time and luckily a total of four thies had all the good stats and a few of them were female but I got at least one male and that's all I needed but let's not talk about what I did to the the's who weren't born with the good stats anyway I was going to raise these four babies and get in imprint on all of them so I can use them to fight the dragon Boss 2 so I want to keep with the theme of the day and have a chill day so I mostly sat around making sure the babies were all right but I did Farm some berries with my Bronto and later on I did run around on one of my electric Dias killing a few Mythic creatures for their blood since Leonid is gone I don't have an amazing tame for getting around anymore so basically I'm just going to have to cut to it I want to tame another Electro Griffin okay I know Leon had just died and I should spend some more time the M but there's no way I'm flying around the map on a PT after I've experienced how fast a griffin can fly I was far this blood for Mythic Tran darts and I'm going to make sure I have more than enough darts not stress about if the Griffin will knock out or not and I wasn't able to farm too much Mythic blood but Mythic blood is Mythic blood and my four theories were fully grown by the end of the day so I now have a perfect breeding pair day 68 started with farming some more narcoberries a little ways for my base from more Mythic narcotics I only spent about 5 minutes doing so however because Berry farming is super easy when you have a Bronto and I managed to craft her on 20 Mythic narcotics which should come out to be about 10 more Mythic Tran darts after looking through my storage boxes I realized realiz that I no longer have stone dinosaur Gates laying around and I'm definitely going to need a trap to tame an electric Griffin so after some quick Stone farming with my doic and wood farming with my theory I was able to craft four stone Dino gates with ease I was still missing some more Mythic blood to be able to craft some more Mythic ingots for darts though however but after a quick little Mythic Dino Killing Spree on my theory I managed to solve that problem and I was able to put together 10 Mythic ingots but then a Mythic Bronto was spotted nearby and I just know that dude is going to give a ton of Mythic blood and hide so I of course had to take my boss Rex out there to claim what is rightfully mine and that in turn allowed me to craft a few more Mythic Tren darts before the end of the day and it didn't take me long on day 69 to find a level 125 electric Griffin it's not incredible but it's still very good also these things are confirmed to spawn where RG spawns so if you're playing this mod I got you I don't know why it's sitting but all right I eventually found a good place to set up the Trap being the pathway leading into the volcano it was long narrow and a good place for funneling a griffin but once again I had some trouble getting the Griffin into the Trap hello where are you going going but I eventually got it secured into the Trap because I'm a pro like that but just before I was about to start knocking out the Griffin I did some quick math in my head and realized I somehow didn't have enough tring power to knock it out so I had to return back to my base and once I was actually back there I whipped up some Elemental Tran darts which are about half as strong as mythical ones but they're still very strong and I also crafted some beta Tran darts but I shouldn't have to use too many of these anyway I set back out towards the volcano but once I return I shot exactly two darts into it before realizing that I don't have elemental kble oh Griffin drain toward pour super fast so I was worried I would knock out the Griffin and by the time I got back with kibble it would have woken up this defining would not have happened but I don't know I was panicking or something anyway I decided to ditch the Griffin once again and go back to my base to craft some Elemental kibble all right I've got the kibble nothing to stop me from taming this thing now and I shot Tran darts into it for the rest of the night Day 70 and I finished putting the Tran darts into the Griffin and it was asleep so I slid my freshly made Elemental kibble to it and just like that leonitis it's a boy and maybe it's Leonid reincarnated this is all just a conspiracy theory but it finally feels feels good to be back on one of these things I'm so happy to be on the back of one of these things anyway once I got my Griffin back in my base I put 13 small experience potions into it that I gotten and I got it up to about 57 levels after pumping all those delicious experience levels into it I decided it's time to enact my revenge on the Cave of the skylord I haven't crafted that ascendant shotgun yet but I'm almost 100% certain that I'll be able to fit my frog inside the cave so I made a journey back out to the cave with Hydro Kermit in a cryopod going to make sure to put this in a cryopod so it does not die again and to my delight hydr Kermit was able to be thrown inside the cave it just wasn't able to move too much but it turns out I don't even need hydr Kera because there's absolutely nothing in this cave I can't remember the last time I did a dino but it's definitely been a while anyway I got the artifact and pieced out I didn't cheat the game cheated itself all right and once I got back to my base I deposited the artifact and did some Berry farming but this time it was to feed my future fairy Army because I decided it's time that I start doing that also I didn't tell you guys that I had to go on a whole side quest because I crashed and had to Reet the artifact of the skylord but there's still nothing in the cave so it doesn't matter anyway I began incubating my first B to theories before the end of the day day 71 went about how' you expect after I said it's time to start raising a boss fighting Army the main goal of the day was to raise both batches of the's and that's what I did but a few other key things happened first between Day 70 and day 71 I updated all of my mods now cryopods now look like this they look pretty weird I can't lie and I don't know why they were changed but they were but I don't care enough to look for another cryobot mod so they're saying like this secondly I also updated Primal chaos mod which is actually was a really big update it added a ton of new sea creature modded variants as well as a bunch of balance changes and the most notable one of these changes is that electric Griffins damage were nerfed to Oblivion I'm now doing like a tenth of the damage that I used to be doing with this thing I mean I don't care that much cuz it's so pretty strong and fast but like come on leonitis is kind of weak now lastly this isn't that big of a change but it honestly might be a glitch my Alpha theas are now eating meat instead of berries I spent the whole morning wondering why they were about to starve and I realized they weren't eating the berries in the trough so I threw some meat into the trough and sure enough they ate it anyway thank you for listening to my TED Talk most of Day 72 was uneventful most of it I decided to Clump raising and leveling my theories into a few consecutive days by this point my whole Army was raised and I had a ton of Rex eggs stacked up so I got to it slowly going through my theories one by one massacring baby rexes that is until the reaping happened you're joking oh I'm getting meat ran oh my God you're joking a demonic di had somehow made its way into my base and killed more of my already dwindling Rex Army and it even killed my Udi chicken master only saw one boss fight before he was taken out of this world by an actual spawn of Satan you can see that thing was putting out about 5,000 damage per bite the rest of the day was spent regrouping what Rex say I had left and leveling my fairies I decided I'm going to keep my boss arms in carots from now on since obviously I can't keep them safe inside my own base stuff get inside my base and killing my creatures is really starting to make me angry you should feel threatened right now day 73 and I was doing something that I never do I was killing babies yeah I tricked you subscribe or I'll kill your first B back to killing baby theories I was finishing up leveling my boss Army as I usually do and I did that for about the first 5 minutes of the day so that all my boss theories are basically unkillable now I hope at least moving on after that I realized that I'm starting to come to the end of this 100 days and also since I'm planning on storing all of my boss diners and cryopods I don't want to take the chance of them getting killed I dismantled the outer Gates of my base I picked them all up including the Behemoth Gates but instead of putting them in a storage box never to be used again I decided to replace them back down in front of my now last rad Gates and spikes so now basically if anything spawns right outside my first wall of defenses they can't see into my base I'm hoping this ends the now constant cycle of dinos getting into my base and killing my creatures but I don't really have that many creatures left out anyway oh well I want egg my oviraptor to be safe after that I finally killed the last batch of rexus so now my theory Army is fully leveled but just as I was finishing up putting the last levels into my theory my life was taken by Rogue unclaimed Alpha Rex my the's managed to take it down with ease since there was like 20 of them and one Rex and I did get my stuff back but I was pretty perplexed about how I actually got killed on my own Base by an unclaimed Rex my only theory is that the Rex that attack to me was somehow glitched under the map and when I killed the last batch of baby rexes it was like wait I need to kill that granty dude and it just did that anyway I'm going to put that event into the past because I have more important things to focus on and what is that important thing I actually have to do well Farm Crystal it turns out I want to put all my boss fighting the's in the cryopods just like my Rex Army but I was pretty much out of cryopods once again so I took my anky back up to the volcano to farm exactly 200 Crystal met just Crystal for cryopod anyway when I returned back to my base I crafted 17 cryopods which would be enough for the last few theories I had left and after crafting all those I spent the rest of the day healing my theories with the special red liquid notice how I'm not putting theories into the cryopod just yet that's because I still need Saddles to put on the the's for extra armor however most of Myaka hide was depleted did when I crafted on my rexus Saddles so I need to farm more so that's why I spent about the first 5 minutes of day 74 trying to farm hide with my theory I say trying because I wasn't getting very much there were demonic dinos everywhere that were scaring me because they're probably harder to kill than some of the bosses so that's why I decided to switch to leonitis and spend the next 5 minutes killing bigger dinos like Diplo and it was much more effective and I then returned to my base and I was able to craft all the the Saddles that I needed and I also put them all in the cryopod so now I'm locked and loaded that didn't make any sense moving on my viewers I still need to get some tributes from the ocean I still need to get the artifact of the cunning I think it is it's in the hard underwater cave but I also need to get two so tentacles and a few more baselo blubbers and I really don't feel like trying to get the artifact right now because I'm probably going to need a better underwater Mount to even attempt to go into the cave so basically I'm going to swim around the ocean mindlessly for the rest of the day day 75 however I came across an alpha tuso now you might be wondering is it a modded alpha tuso or a vanilla Alpha tuso and that was exactly what I was wondering as well but luckily it was a vanilla tuso meaning I could get more Tac tools than I actually needed and I can also get the alpha tuso ey which I need for the alpha overseer anyway I viciously attacked the squid and it was a battle for the ages this kidding I crapped on it because I was on a moded D and I had more trouble actually swimming in circles trying to hit it than I actually did having to put out enough damage to actually kill it and I decided to return back to my base and safely deposit the new boss summoning goodies I just got before I go back out and do any more adventuring and while I was returning I got scared because that demonic Dio looked like it was heading straight from my base and I also crashed so that's nice and after logging back in I deposited my newly acquired tributes and set right back out because I still need to get another six baselo blover and I had the same plan of just swimming around the ocean on my electric thet and killing them as I found them and that's exactly what I did after getting jumped by Rogue trilobites with the new update that I talked about earlier it added a ton of new modded creatures and it also made a few modded creatures which don't usually attack the player well they now actually do attack the player say it lightly anyway I spent the rest of the day swimming around the ocean and killing and I found and killed the last three bath of those I needed for each other their two Bast love lover and I also crashed on the way home back to my base day 76 and now that I have all the ocean tributes that I need besides the artifact of the cunning because like screw getting that right now I need to retrieve the artifact of the strong that's inside the ice cave I'm going to use a few of my boss theories to brute force my way through the cave so fighting through won't be much of a problem but the bigger problem is is the cold it's called the ice cave after all I need more medical brewes to keep me alive in the cave since it's so cold and I'm going to use one of the soups that I can't remember the name of right now to keep me warm as well so anyway I started day set 76 on the back of my Beta Bronto swinging away at bushes getting the sweet red berries that I desired to make medical brw and after farming a metric buttload of those things I combin them with narcotics inside my industrial cooker and I made around just a 100 brw and right after that I set off for the ice C once again I made sure to put my Griffin into a cryopod so the events of the swamp cave did not happen again and I worked my way through the entrance and throughout my theory where I thought I would be able to squeeze through however I wasn't able to and there was a monkey blocking my way in and it took a little bit to kill since I couldn't get its attention but after I did did finally kill it I realized I was dying way too fast to the coold to make this sustainable so I put my theory back in its cryopod and returned back to my base with the new goal of making fur armor I honestly don't know why I didn't do this the first time around anyway I made the fur armor with Pelt that I collected for playing for 76 days and I returned back to the ice cave more determined to leave with the artifact that I came here for and I spent the rest of the day beginning to fight my way through the cave with my the's I originally had thrown out three but I realized having two follow me was just too much so I eventually put one back in a cryopod and began a cycle of throwing one out and having the other one watch my back it was efficient and Powerful it took me about 15 minutes into day 77 to leave the ice cave with artifact of the strong but during that time I nearly died many times which I'll have my editors put on screen right now oh nope that's why I have another and just as I was trying to put my theories into a cryopod and leave the cave you can see the exact moment where I got jump scared by a polar bear and you can also So Hear Me Knocking over and spilling my water bottle on my desk anyway I killed the polar bear and cleaned up the water IRL and then returned back to my base with my newly acquired artifact and later on I saw that I still needed more yudy lungs Alo brains and more Rex arms bro I feel like I've been farming tributes since the dawn of time but duty calls I have to go get those tributes whether I like it or not I cannot end this video on an L like I did in my last video so I spent the rest of the day flying around the snow killing yudis but I only managed to kill a whopping three yies to it's barely enough to make it plural but I only needed four more yudi Longs anyway so I don't know why I'm complaining I had my fourth and Final yudi Long that I needed by the morning of day 78 though so now I can move on to collecting allosaur brains and Rex arms and that's what I did for pretty much the whole day I killed a few alows and a few rexes but by the end of the day I still didn't have enough of either of the tributes that I needed but what I do have is 5 Seconds of this entertaining piece of content of me killing those rexes and allows that I think you'll find very [Music] amusing [Music] yeah that's pretty much all I did on day 78 it was pretty lit what am I saying it sucked day 79 started with more killing I took down another pack of alows for their brains but there's actually a level 150 Hydro aloe in that Pack level 150 jeez I wanted an aloe actually came this and yeah I killed it I needed to Brin more than I actually want to tame it and I took down a few more alows later on so I finally have enough of their brains and the last Dino tribute I need to collect before the dragon boss fight is Rex arms but speaking of rexes I actually discovered a vanilla Alpha rex on my way home and I killed it with my Griffin I don't think it gave me any Rex arms which is kind of a bummer but I did get an alpha rex tooth which I do need for the alpha overseer and I'll take that any day so anyway I spent the rest of the day searching around the map for more rexes to kill I had six arms so I only need to kill another five rexes to get the 15 total that I need but I literally only killed two in the last 15 minutes of the day yeah if you couldn't tell I was having a hard time finding these things it's pretty much what I said earlier you can always find something when you're not looking for them but as soon as you even think about looking for them they all fall off the face of the Earth or fall off the face of the Ark in this case day 80 I found and killed a beta Rex and I looted a red drop with some good stuff inside but more importantly I only need three more Rex arms but I'm so over trying to look for rexes to kill right now so I've decided to go on another side quest well it's not really a side quest as I do need to do it since I'm not having very much fluck getting the last few land Dino tributes I need well frankly it's driving me insane I've decided to bite the bullet and look for an ocean Mount who will be able to fight my way through the underwater caves so I grabbed my scuba gear and scuba Kitty and flew out to the West Coast where I plunged into the ocean once again and at first I didn't really know what dinno I was looking for I mean taming and Elemento baselo could be good but those are probably pretty hard to come across and I also pondered the idea of taming an elemental Plesiosaurus since I saw plenty of those but I ultimately decided against it as they had a ton of toror and you actually have to knock them out with weapons to tame them and that would be made even harder given the fact I can't use my long neck cuz it's underwater but a little later on on everything changed I spotted a level 25 Hydro tuso now obviously level 25 isn't good at all so I don't want to tame it don't worry but this made me realize that Elemental tusos do actually spawn so I figure if I look for long enough I can find one so I spent the rest of the day scanning the ocean for a better level Elemental tuso one of those bad boys would definitely be able to get me through the hard under water cave easily day 81 and I'm still moving down the East Coast ocean looking for a tuso who would be able to join my Armada and my hopes were starting to dwindle as I've been around half the map since I saw my last tuso but that's when I eventually made it into the Southeastern part of the ocean behind herbivore Island where I killed that Alpha tuso a few days back and that's where I spotted a level 135 volcanic tuo and just look at its stats already but I'm not even sure if I'll be able to tame it but I have to try so I immediately swam up to the nearby herbivore Island and thr up my Griffin to fly home the volcanic tuo is going to take three Elemental kilbo a tame so I'm assuming I'm going to need three different creatures to sacrifice to it so I can feed it three times and if you don't know how tuot taming works let me explain it to you basically you let the tuso grab one of your dinos and then you Dismount your dyo and swim right up next to its beak and shove some black pearls in there but of course since this guy is a moded tuso I'm going to shove some Elemental kibble in there and speaking of Elemental kibble I returned to my base and made the three I would need but I need three dinos to sacrifice to the twoo and obviously I don't want to sacrifice any of my good or favorite TS and the dyos that I use need to have good health to be able to survive the tto sucking the life out of it for a few seconds before I feed it but after I get the feet off I don't really care if they die I'm kind of Heartless like that anyway I eventually decided to raise three baby the's and use them as sacrifices they'll have a ton of Health even without me imprinting them so they'll be perfect so I had to three and name them all sacrifice because that is what their one purpose and their short life will be I spent the rest of the day waiting for them to fully mature as there wasn't much else to do I probably should have hunted down the last few rexes I needed to kill but honestly screw that my thies were finally raised a few minutes into day 82 and I pretty much wasted no time in putting them into the cryopods as well as grabbing my underwater thand and heading back out to the Southeastern ocean and I also brought some experiened potions with me that I hope to use on the tuso as long as this all goes well so I threw out the first Theory as the tuso was approaching and my plan was working flawlessly so far the tuso then grabbed my theory just as I had planned and I began to swim towards it as I was trying to feed it the first kibble but uh yeah this happened yeah so the theory died way faster than I thought it was going to and I had my mic muted on accident during this day and the days surrounding it but just know I was screaming anyway I managed to make my way into a nearby Pro cave to try and figure out what was happening and I quickly realized I had forgotten to heal my theories they had a maximum of like 30 something thousand Health but their actual Health was nowhere near that because they were just born literally less than an hour ago so that was definitely my fault but this didn't deter me if worse comes to worse I can use my thila as the last sacrifice and try and tame the tuso before it kills it so taming a volcanic tuso round two began I got the Tso's attention threw out my theory and here we [Music] go well uh yeah so it turns out you don't need to feed the tuso multiple times if I knew that I would have been a lot less stressed anyway I now have a literal volcanic tuso so I swam back up to the surface with my new tuso and put it in a cryopod and flew back home to my base I got to make this boy a saddle and that's exactly what I did I returned to my base unlocked the Ingram and pulled the resources to make it a saddle and once I had done that I immediately set out for the hard underwater cage and I then saddled up my tuso fed it some more experienced potions and pumped it full level so that I had even more insane stats and I lastly FedEd a health potion to get it to full HP and thinking it was basically unkillable now I swam head first into the cave but I can't lie I was getting rocked all the little cave creatures were swarming me and I was barely able to kill them fast enough but this is a minor setback and I'm about to have a major comeback I decided to fly back to my base before the end of the day and you may be asking why well I'm going to craft even more of those Alpha health potions for one reason they a cheat code I have a maximum of 400,000 Health on this to do so so I can heal hundreds of thousands of Health in seconds if I have like 20 of those things let's face it I'm not dying ever I'm somehow out of Crystal again on day 83 I swear I've had to farm that stuff like a million times anyway I flew out to the volcano and just farmed it by hand with my pickaxe because honestly I didn't need that much and when I returned to my base I crafted a bunch more Alpha health potions so I should be able to finally get the artifact of the cunning now and yeah I think you can see it was going to happen next I flew back out to the cave and threw out my tuso and ran the cave with no problem or that's what I wish happened well the first two parts were right but the running in the cave with no problem part wasn't that accurate I made my way through the biggest parts of the cave killing everything in my path knowing that I had an excellent cheat code in my inventory and I had 19 to be exact anyway I continued to make my way through the cave until it was time for me to go into the hole in the ground where the artifact is you see I knew creatures spawned in there but I was sure I was going to be able to outswim them with my tuso to where I could kill them and it was actually working then that is until I got right next to the artifact a group of eels managed to pop out of literally nowhere and chase me and and as you can all imagine I wasn't able to outswim them now I didn't really know what to do here my Powerhouse of Fuso was inside the cave and I didn't really have any other good water mount so looks like it's time to go back to the Old Faithful I respond back in my base grabb some scuba and the two sacrifice thies just in case I need some Last Resort backup and scuba Kitty and I flew back out to the West Coast on Green Goblin who I was less than excited to be on the back of again anyway I finally made it back out to the West Coast after half a century of flying and deployed scuba Kitt I only have one shot to get back to my two though if I mess this up there's no way I can get this artifact and kill the dragon within the next 10 [Music] [Music] days [Music] yeah what can I say I clutched up I tend to do that literally all the time anyway I returned back to my base with the final artifact that I need to start the Alpha dragon boss fight and I believe the only tribute I don't have now are the three Rex arms and two Giga Hearts yeah I completely forgot that I have to find and kill two whole gigas but I don't think it'll be too bad because as soon as I started looking I found one on the right snow mountain and I was able to take it down with my Griffin because I can fly and the Giga can't and it's a skill issue on the gig's part okay anyway I still need to kill another Giga but that's going to take some time for it to spawn in and luckily as I was circling the other Stone Mountain I found a level 150 yudi and if you remember my yudi died while I was in my base from a rogue Dyno attack so yeah I want to tame this so I immediately flew back to my base and whipped up some Tran darts and returned and I was able to knock it out with only three darts or something like that and I left some prime meet in the Udi before flying away it's going to take a little while to teame so I have some time to do basically whatever I want and with that time I spent it mostly flying around the nearby Mountain searching for another rex or Giga to kill but I found neither so later on I returned back to my base to chill for a little bit before flying back out to the Udi to check on it and when I got back out there uh it wasn't there it looks like it was under the ice inside the map somehow so I tried to relog but once I Rel loged back in it was Thanos snapped from existence I literally just got scammed out of a Max Level yudi because this game can't remember how ground physics works sometimes I know I complain a lot about this game but it's because I love it but come on that's kind of ridiculous anyway before I flew back to my base and rage I actually noticed a level 80 Udi nearby and obviously this Udi isn't good like at all but I literally decided to tame it out of Rage I don't know what possessed me to do it but I knocked it out and used as Caro minions as food to tame it before the end of the day day 85 and I sat with the Udi to make sure it tame once again I was running on pure rage after losing that level 150 to a stupid glitch and the udy tame came out to be a level 119 and if you couldn't tell it sucked anyway I brought the Udi back to my base in a cryopod and I promptly leveled it up with some experience potions and I also used an alpha potion on it to heal it and after that I farmed a bunch more Tinto berries for medical Bruce if you can't tell it's almost time to fight the Alpha dragon anyway I did have to kill a vanilla Alpha Raptor that was guarding my industrial cooker but I got my sweet sweet medical bruise in the end and after that I spent the rest of the day circling the five main Northern mountains searching for a giga to kill I think if I consistently hit all the spawn zones a giga will spawn pretty fast day 86 and my strategy work it worked very well there's two well I'm about to kill both of them to Lava yeah literally two gigas spawned in the exact same area this also happened in my vanilla ASA 100 days I wonder if this is a glitch or something oh well I don't really care I got the two gig hearts in the matter of minutes anyway I returned back to my base and it now looks like I have all the tributes I need for the Alpha dragon boss fight listen I know I'm pretty sure I didn't show me killing the last few rexes I needed for their arms but come me a break okay I'm sifting through 50 hours of footage and it's 9:30 p.m. on a school night right now as I'm writing this so I've been ready to jump out of window for almost 2 hours now anyway I grabbed all the tributes from my storage box all the the's and the Udi in their cryopods and I crafted a few more sets of flak and just like that I was off to the red obelis to fight the dragon that took me down in my last time here I cannot let that happen again and I arrived at the Obelisk and threw out all my Army and I then arranged them so that they would all get teleported into the boss and it's time to take down the last boss that's standing between me and fighting the alpha overseer ni he's coming to the land o quick oh oh oh okay can't stop moving cannot stop moving cannot stop moving please I don't want to be in this Arena anymore yes okay that was so easy okay I did it I killed the dragon and you know what I did to celebrate I went back to my base towards the end of the day and deposited all my stuff and I then stared off into space yeah it was pretty lit day 87 and I can't stop now I've killed all three World bosses and I only have one more to go and I really only need a few more tributes to actually start the boss fight I need an alpha Megalodon fin an alpha lead um whatever they drop and an alpha Mosasaur too those items are all obtained by killing underwater creatures so I grabbed my scuba and my tuso and headed back into the ocean I'm not leaving this ocean until I have all three of the tributes that I need that last sentence was definitely a lot anyway I started my search and about halfway through the day I spotted an alpha Mosasaur which I killed but its item cach literally despawned in front of my eyes so I wasn't able to get its tooth don't tell me the bag despawned but I later found another Alpha Moses 4 and of course I killed it and I actually got it tooth this time so that's a big plus anyway I kept swimming down the ocean because I still needed two more tributes and I kept swimming and swimming and swimming until day 88 I don't know why I got that height I'm still looking for an alpha Megalodon fin or an alpha lead um dude I really have to figure out what they actually Dro I think it's some type of blubber but I honestly don't know for sure anyway I kept swimming and crashing of course oh I've been looking for you yeah the lead didn't last too much longer after that clip and I was right the lead drops blubber now all I needed was an alpha Megalodon Fin and I can now open up the alpha Tech cave and not even 5 minutes later after that I found an alpha Megalodon that I need the kill yes last one and once collecting the last tribute I returned to the surface put my tuo in a cryopod and flew back to my base all right we have all the tributes now it's kind of just time to start getting everything I need by getting everything I need I mean getting everything I need to actually make my way through the tech cave and killing the alpha overseer I mean I could technically go and do it right now but I probably won't survive anyway the first thing I'm looking to do to prepare is to craft a ton of medical bruise and I mean a lot of lot of medical bruise the tech gave is super hot to the point where you lose Health super fast and the overseer arena is so cold to the point where you lose Health super fast as well why couldn't the developers meet in the middle and make a nice happy medium I think a tech cave and an overseer arena with a crisp temperature of 68° and a light Breeze wouldn't hinder the difficulty of the final boss of the game at all all right I'm going to go far my medical Brews now I farmed Tinto berries with my Beta Bronto until the end of the day I started crafting my first batch of medical Brew in the morning of day ' 89 and yeah I said first batch I want to have at least 500 medical Brews because I'm taking no Chances with this and I also need around another 100 medical Brew to make a ton more Alpha health potions for my creatures and I would also learn later on that the alpha health potions also work on players so I'm going to become basically unkillable as long as I'm not getting swarmed by everything under the sun anyway I also got narcotics crafting as I was going to run through those pretty fast if I'm crafting hundreds of medical brew and after that I threw my RG inside a cryopod as well as my Bronto and headed over to the side of the volcano I was looking for a better place to farm berries that has more bushes and there was a pretty good spot just outside of the cave that has the clever artifact inside and the rest of the day was pretty mindless as well I crafted more medical Brews and got more meat to make more narcotics for the medical Brew I told you guys I'm not taking any chances this time okay day 90 oh my God this is so cursed all right let me explain so as I'm writing the script for this video the video file is looking to be corrupted basically the whole 35 minute length of this file looks like this but sometimes when I play the video back it looks completely fine so I honestly have no idea if this footage is going to be usable or if it'll look like my computer got hit with a stun grenade the whole time so I'm going to try and look through the insanely saturated green tit and distorted pixels to tell you what I did during the day it's looking like I mostly just farmed Tinto berries for medical Brews which is no surprise but I also think I crafted more armor Flack mostly just in case I lose a few pieces inside the cave somehow and that's all that I did I'm pretty sure I honestly don't know okay dude look at that screenshot how am I supposed to be able to tell what's going on when I'm playing the video back and it looks like that who knows the video could be playing perfectly fine for you guys and you might be seeing something that I actually didn't see oh well the rest of the days are fine so I'm just going to move on day 91 and I started to run into a problem not a corrupted video file thank God that was horrible but this problem also really sucked I was running in the crashes you serious right now dude it's going to drive me crazy it's going to be the downfall of me bro okay I'm yeah you guys heard that that's probably the angriest I've ever got play in this game I think I crashed a total of six times on day 91 which is absolutely absurd anyway I did manage to achieve a little bit of progress between crashes and rollbacks I made a few soups either keep warm or cold inside the te and Arina and I also farmed a bunch of Crystal and made a bunch more Alpha health potions yeah as I said it was a very little amount of progress once again this is probably the angest I've ever been playing Arc day 92 is where it becomes literal hell I was trying to farm polymer from killing Penguins to make Gilly armor to try and keep me cool inside the tech cave so I made it out to the snow on day '92 and I did find some penguins and I killed one obviously but as soon as I went to start farming his dead body for the organic polymer I crashed oh are we serious so I logged back in as you do after a crash and I managed to successfully get the organic polymer and return back to my base but as soon as I dismounted my Griffin inside the base I crashed again and guess what when I loged back in I was back out in the snow but I did still have the organic polymer in my inventory all right if I crash I'm going to lose it I only have a few more days to record in this video I've been working on it for 2 months I'm going insane I just want to get this stuff beat the alpha over seere and then not touch this world again anyway I made my way back to my base once again and I was able to actually get fully ready for the boss fight this time I had a ton of health potions multiple armor sets the tributes and all my dinos and cryopods so I would throw them out inside the volcano dude I think I'm ready why there's no way I'm back in the snow oh my God it's taking everything within me right now want to die anyway I got ready for the boss fight once again all right I'm ready to do it what if I crash I'm going to delete the channel guys after after taking some time off and doing some research I think I have a plan okay this is my last hope I'm on some beta thing for single player saves that wild card rolled out today if this doesn't work I I can't finish the video so I have genuinely no idea what this actually is but it's some beta test that I'll put the details of on screen right now I was willing to try anything at this point so with me playing on this weird single player beta test thing I set out for the volcano with everything I need for the fight and I did make it there all right so I began the process of throwing out all my dinos and lighting them up so they should be able to follow each other inside the cave so just like that I said goodbye to leonitis I'll hopefully see him on the other side but if I didn't he knew that I had died in that cave probably also I know I'm not playing exactly 100 days there's no way I can play any more of these constant crashes anyway I open the alpha Tech cave door and I now have 5 minutes to get all of my tame creatures inside before the door shuts shoot we're already getting stuck let's be quick about this come on guys better pathf finding to come in clutch right now get them way further down oh there's lit stuff right there oh no come on okay okay they're getting in they're getting in literally fine I don't care I just need everything in the cave and then I can worry about organizing them I'm almost halfway out of time let's hope these thies go smoother come on Congo line let's do this where are my rexes my rexes are gone my rexes are gone my rexes are dude everything's gone okay I can't wa about that right now I guess my the my theories are gone what they just despawn I have 28 seconds and none of my dinos are in here come on no come on get in no how many theories do I even have I have like I have what eight nine theories most so as you guys can probably see and hear most of my Army despawned inside the cave while I was transferring my creatures inside I'm pretty sure it's some single player glitch where the game can't load the caves in the overw world at the same time which is an absolutely awesome feature anyway I now have either eight or nine Alpha thees to make my way through the cave and now kill the overseer my only hope is that I noticed a bunch of the cave creatures that also despawn with my boss dinos so if there isn't too many creatures blocking the way I may be able to make it through anyway I kept making my way through the cave killing the creatures when I needed to I was also impressed by the dino AI as my theories were smart enough to not walk into the lava I did get into a scuffle which where one there he died however so I was down another one but I had to keep moving I eventually made my way into the teleporter where no dinos spawn so I successfully made my way through the cave but now I actually have to fight the boss I better beat [Music] this is crazy you kill it no it's so low yes yes so I did it I beat the overseer but I don't think it was the alpha overseer I mean you guys clearly saw me activate the alpha one but there's been a known glitch going around where no matter what boss terminal that you actually activate you always fight the gamma overseer so I technically still haven't beaten the alpha overseer yet I guess you guys are going to have to wait till my next video to see me do [Music] it [Music] so um yeah that was definitely the gamma overseer because my implant was green but you guys saw me start the alpha over seere and I'm pretty sure this is a known glitch so [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Granty
Views: 639,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, 100days, arksurvivalascended, Primalchaos, survival, minecraft
Id: dDJd_cPW3v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 0sec (9060 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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