I Upgraded NUCLEAR WEAPONS To Mine An Alien Planet

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well this will be fun Crash Landing onto another alien planet where we get to use our machine gun on a little tiny drone to dig up all sorts of gems look at this as soon as we get that thing maxed out we get upgrades which are always fun and I can even use the little bulldozer skill to dig right through the Earth and hopefully not crash that work pretty good give me these gems I need them for all of the upgrades ooh speaking of which I can get more burls per second or increase damage also that's a laser scope don't care about that cuz I need more bullets yes this is working quite well look at us go digging all of things now one thing we have to wonder about is the amount of fuel that it takes I cannot run out of fuel so I'll just dig down a little bit further who and look at that there's a treasure chest now I could get that treasure chest and then level but I have a little bit of gas left so I'm going to move over and start getting more because the more gems I have the more permanent upgrades I get the more permanent upgrades I get the more powerful I am if I can get 2,000 gems I'll be really pumped nice there is 2,000 that's pretty good now we have a little fuel left should I ow go over here oh that's two hits that was a bad idea we only have like a eighth of a tank left is that how much it is okay oh 2500 uh-oh keep an eye on your fueld meter I know game thank you I'll just zoom over there right now Zoom oh oh oh w w w w w okay down uh-oh uh-oh big problems I'll be okay I promise I'll be just fine get the treasure and now we unlock different upgrades do we want increased fight time earn more from gems hop out more bullets bullet damage increase let's do fired per second and increase and we'll unlock a few more areas and I don't even know where to go that has three creatures this has one let's go here and we'll crash land onto this planet too what is it have it assigned to oversee the excavation progress my gyrocopter is performing well thank you for asking ooh a new biome is here this is cool and there's new blocks wow I do so much damage too either that or this dirt is just really easy to dig through which probably is the case so I'll just use my oh there's some fuel okay I was going to just use my superpower to dig through everything there's two fuel over the left that's awesome and we got another upgrade what was this boom shaft artillery or gem attraction radius I kind of like that plan cuz then I can attract some gems from farther away doubled up tripled up on fuel that was cool oh check this area over here to the right this should be nice there's a lot of fuel here which could be good and a lot of blue gems it'll get my blue bar leveled up nice good fuel I'm making lots of money I almost uh just ran into the ground there okay I do not think I want to get both fuels let's just get one right now and then whoa there's another creature and a gold Block H temporary upgrade increase damage bullet amplifier kill that thing I don't like it I wonder if I can get a nuke I always like games where I can get nukes I didn't find a nuke but I found a lot of other gems here o this is a good vein I like this vein nice okay that upgraded this skill again perfect okay a little more gas up in this area got it let's get this stuff H there's a treasure chest a dang what's in that other than treasure boom oh nice another upgrade oh more bullets per second let's get yeah more bullets per second nice oh my word look how many damages I do now it's not really a word you know what I mean I'm like melting through the sand it's fantastic and we're back to the surface so we'll just fly down here and get this other one oh there's more F here too so we struggled to get 2,000 gold in the last one we're already at 6,000 gold here go away crazy creatures I don't like you nice okay oh there's another one okay bumped it twice and more gas fuel tanks full another Treasure Chest wonder if there's bigger treasure chest nice here we go again uh more bullets I just wow yeah that's good okay another fuel upgrade this is good I think I've hit the edge of the map oh go away can I melt through the edge of the map oh I'm not even doing damage to it okay I found more gold oh there's three of them over here one two we got birds flying in the side I'll get that gas oh there's another one come here I need you go away bird bat thing creature die and zoom in I'll collect these more fuel up nice I think I totally want to get that bomb now this one I don't know what it's going to do but I think it'll be funny oh oh my goodness that was incredible oh and another one just at the bottom there wow that thing threw us so far I wasn't used look at this gold oh this is so good open it up yes that's fantastic dying stuff okay why didn't I get that earlier oh and a new block Discovery another large ore vein of gold ooh there's something better down here who there's a whole big vein over on the side give me all this we need that for scientific research and 13,000 gems now yes oh what do I get now do I want to increase damage why not so I can cut through things faster I'm feeling like it's doing one or two damage for hit so we're pretty good on that anyway ooh another upgrade do we just keep upgrading our gun do we get a nuke if we do that I'm just going to try why not right okay I've cut through most of this area killing the bats on the way go away bat special item oh here we go some more gold beautiful and another big vein down here 20,000 gold is passed sorry I think those are gems actually and another treasure chest oh that was a good one cuz that level me up I need more temporary skills there it is what do I get now a just more damage let's go fire right so many bullets I really should end this level so we can get more uh long-term ones skills I was looking for the word skills but my brain didn't want to use it I've actually gone through the majority of the map now I have collected I think not everything almost everything I also passed 30,000 points so I think it's time to go to the next Zone special ability we're zooming with a cool 30,000 credits and a depth of 130 M woo and I get the chain gun actuator okay I want more bullet damage and bullet fired wow those get expensive fast though all right we'll do that and then I'll try to get one upgrade in everyone okay we got upgrades in everything except bullet range and I'm okay with that because this level get gives me explosives and I get to blow up things oo that was nice look at that oh yeah the machine gun actuator oh my goodness wow that does so much damage yes kind of want to see what happens if I do a chain reaction my goodness that was fun I don't know what it is with games like this but I got a big Derpy smile on my face now I need three more of the blocks I just blew up I think I need more damage in this thing too oh there's one right there hello friend goodbye friend on another one and another one and oh we made it to the bottom of the world a new enemy defeated we didn't even see him we just obliterated his entire life look at this big explosion this will be fun one yes look at all the loot flying around and we get another upgrade okay the Gen Chain Reaction we need more damage that was good I entirely forgot about fuel I was so excited about the explosions that's okay though ow I totally forgot about enemies too uh-oh I'm running out of gas this was a bad deal I didn't think about that explode please I need to go find no I need to go find the gas station oopsies maybe we should increase that flight time duration I hope that's the gas speed because now the aura is explosive what is happening in this world oh but I found a treasure chest already I have to destroy 10 explosive ore for this Quest oh wow that was a lot oh there's one all right that's not as explosive as I thought it would be but I do get a temporary upgrade let's get yep oh no the boom shaft artillery or let's do the chain gun I feel like the chain gun is a better choice for me just what I'm trying to to do Precision targets here and we'll come over here okay we've got five left four left and three left there's two left I'm just going to keep digging a little bit deeper oh I see one to the right and by right I totally mean not the right over here is what I meant got it good and then our final one Great quest is completed I get another upgrade ballistic amplifier more damage I am concerned ooh a vein of these next to each other I see a lot of potential oh my there's a vein of those can I blow them up coming in fast I really don't want to blow up and lose the level okay I'm a little bit concerned there's nothing else near me I'm going to take the money I earned and see if I get a better upgrade oh also there's a big fine creature that wants to escape with me oh rochet shot cter interesting good I can fire more bullets per second or more damage well we can upgrade this one oh and two more things open up what is this place there's like a beehive of some sort oh my what is this a new biome is Unearthed I have to try I have to try let's blow this up and see what happens oh o that's fun okay this stuff is way more deadly and by deadly I mean has more hit points I don't care to go to the exit yet so I'm just going to try to snake my way through here and get that Ricochet bullet okay what does it do all right it kind of bounces around that's kind of fun what are these blocks and why do they look like Soul stand oh balls I don't like that weird creatures come out of the block but I do get more upgrades so let's get more bullets per second and that means whoa almost killed me okay we have to take out these these weird flies oh it's gross it's gross I see why there was a beehive on it now oh wow this is a weird biome I feel like this is a colossal waste of time but we're just going to go zoom in through it yeah that's pretty good this stuff's a lot better to hit and we're in another new biome we have to be very very careful about fuel okay oh yes that's better okay I don't want to be hugging the bottom either so I'm going to zoom up a little bit there was some loot got it how much is this 7,000 little concerned about fuel but I made it to the giant escape mushroom just in the nick of time uh-oh no pressure one more what come on I need to make it there no I did not realize there were actually two mushrooms that I had to collect before I could Escape but I mind as well do that oh did I miss all those coins no way oh I didn't do it right but at least I got Tesla orbs so now the question is which of these levels do I want to go to I think this one with the island next to it this sounds fun what do I get here distress signal of a combat engagement I'll need to investigate that means there's going to be enemies oo a new biome again I'm fine with that could be dangerous Gunner still Goblin settlements feel like this game takes a lot of its L from like deep rock Galactic rock and stone Brothers wo there's green slime here and a treasure chest and another upgrade what is this depth charge drops an automous drill I want that I don't even know what it does but I need it why is there green stuff on and there's giant clouds of pink gas I guess it was Taco Bell Knight can I just drive right through it looks like I can all right we're going down to see ooh what the uh distress signal was what is this thing oh nice I got a fuel tank too I need that real quick what is that giant oneeyed bat here I don't like it oh wow do you see the drill just went cool okay we got a fuel tank increase we got another drill going down who's there find my location and get me airborn is that a splatter cat whoa whoa I didn't realize there was going to be an all out battle here my goodness this flying ships okay we're just going to zoom in through them that worked well oh my goodness I was not expecting an actual Goblin Airship here and I wish I would have got a different upgrade besides that drill cuz that thing kind of sucks but at least I get nuked so that's fun that wasn't a very good nuke all right chain gun yep that works better all right gas is a little bit low we're dropping some of the bombs on the way through I think I can make it out alive and we'll have to go rescue that princess or something please give me something cool I want another mineral achiever okay think that was Alem Al Alchemy oh the Demo's completed well I guess that was fun if you want to check out board Blaster you can play this free demo on your own thanks for watching if you enjoyed let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess breed DT C SC D Mr one pton please fussy badge missing sniper lank HT Kyler J Nitro VR nro yatt H Auto Dave Ben dick J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino R Warrior Keegan h zarof maxer ra VC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 146,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, bore blaster, bore blaster steam, bore blaster gameplay, bore blaster game, bore blaster blitz, blitz bore blaster, bore blaster upgrades, bore blasters, bore blasters gameplay, bore blasters blitz, blitz bore blasters
Id: FtbttJ0V1GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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