I Automated An Iron Farming BASE in Palworld

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so I've got a problem right now that a lot of people are facing in pal world and that is not having enough iron if we go into the technology tree and squirr way down here some of these things start taking a lot of ingots those are 40 and if we get deeper into this tree some of these things just get ridiculous like that's 100 just for the storage unit and then we get into crazy things like refined ingots and circuit boards which take even more iron now physically mining this stuff takes forever and it's kind of annoying so what I want to do today is set up a automated iron base now we can see way across this Gorge down here there's a bunch of iron nodes right on the top of that Peak so I count like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight of them the only problem is I can't actually create another P box because I have two bases already so that means we're going to have to destroy things oh we're also right here if you're wondering now we have the first base that we set up initially in this place is I mean it's okay but it it kind of it it's not okay the pets constantly get stuck in the water they fall off the edge they pile up giant piles of garbage and never clean it up so it's time just to send every one of them back into the box you guys are fired look at all this junk there's just hundreds of wool just laying around at all times here so I spent roughly an hour dis assembling most of the things and grabbing everything out of all of the chests so if I travel back to my main base open up the map then I can click on here and disassemble the base structures not placed outside the base will be disassembled oh okay whatever do it that might have been a bad thing but we got some bidum fragments out of it also right up there there's a yellow egg ooh hello pow destroyed actually not that was a bad shot these are all exp of bullets too maybe I don't want to do [Music] that but this isn't an expensive bullet ow you just knocked out my friend why would you do that to shiny hey where are you oh come on there that's a good shiny Now give me this egg ooh that actually looks cool I like that one so we'll just pop that egg into here and then incubate it taada we got a new dazzy cool let's see another egg on top of this Tower also there's like a crack in the sky that's a little awkward wonder what's causing that but I'll gladly take the egg up here and we get back to home sweet home or I don't even know what we'll call this place but I do know that having a pobox here will allow me to upgrade this nicely I might as well just place it like right about here in the center of all that stuff and build it up like such as now we have an iron base we need to start developing some resources here too I'm going to start with the main wooden chest right next to this thing that I can put resources inside of now the interesting thing is there are a few good pals for this I don't have some of them yet but if we get these guys they should start hopefully they are level two mining the dumb mode they should start yes they are they're starting to chew on the Rocks good that's exactly what we need even this boy look at them look how dumm he looks oh who's a good little fishy boy oh I'm sorry yeah eat that rock uh-oh why here don't worry shiny will protect them why did I pick up shiny already it's going to be like a year before these fellas get down to the base you leave my friends alone actually they probably are taking care of themselves yeah they're doing all right come on shiny take them out oh nice shot nice shot my goodness I wasn't expecting a raid within like a minute of setting this base up but I got some copper keys so we have that going for us now here's the other thing we have to worry about these guys are not picking it up so we have to have somebody that in here that will carry and I'll be honest this gory atat uh it's got a three in storing thing so that's what you're going to do fella you're going to pick up all of where are you going what's over there no I don't want you to attack the tree you Dingus I didn't realize you were a tree attacker you know what isn't a tree attacker The Syndicate thugs they're also kind of lazy maybe we should butcher them did I say that out loud the tomats are decent too they have mining as well so I'll let them help out why do you have to be so loud I really want my fishies to do the mining I'll just make the Lambs do it that's a good idea okay two more steps we need some pal beds for them to nap on I'll do that right over here I'd also very much like to make a Berry Farm somewhere over here with a chest in front of it that way we can store our berries inside and maybe a second one as well so my giant gum boss is going to over here and plant some seeds maybe I don't want a giant one he looks a little bit weird look at that tongue just dangling around nasty creature but it is working pretty good everyone is hauling nicely even the penguin when he's not watering so that should work out pretty well I am going to put in two of the Primitive furnaces too one there I should have built the second one with the right click oh come on any more wood thankfully there's a wood device right here everyone's excited that they did something special today let's put another primitive furnace next to it beautiful and we can start queuing up lots and lots of ingots to be made already 45 here my goodness now I just need to sord by element and find the fire boys in here H these could be good because well they can mine I don't know if I like that you are nice kind of cute too we'll take you and um yeah a ruby you're an artisan I'll take that oh look at the little flame mushroom girl look at that that's adorable all right gum boss I'm not I'm not a fan of you I'd rather have a workaholic on my team look at the little guy he's so cute maybe we should build a like a swimming pool to play in I could build two of them maybe nope I only have resources for one there we go great we have some berries starting up that's not the best food but it's going to work for now I'm going to let these guys continue working in we're going to go try to find some better Pals don't let don't let them hear that though they don't know that they're insufficient I swear these guys have a bad case of the dumbs too they cannot figure out how to navigate around the house and I can't even pick them up anymore but I've heard that there's a desert area somewhere up in here I've explored maybe half of the map so let's go up here and see if we can find anymore maybe we can find a dungeon as well is there one right here nope all right these guys are kind of crazy n catch nice oh my goodness all right and you guys play H captured one did I capture them I did a gobin all right uh there's so many of them here I'm going to try to leave why are there so many creatures here can't catch me if I fly away and get this chest on my way to gold coin armor Pelt ick we're like 10 years past that what are these floppies we've seen those before my goodness there's a Giant Mountain there and there's a tower on the top of it that's got to be a boss fight this generic area is where we found the bees and those gor rats would be good if they didn't mine down trees this could be interesting too there's some gr creature in the cage ooh okay here we'll just generically heat that guy over there and have him start attacking I don't want to waste my stuff so I'll come in with my staff Oh my he just W one shot him ow okay maybe not maybe I'll just let this cute little adorable creature out while my shiny Fox barks does all the work hello friend who are you a nox I can do that too and just like that we've destroyed everything well done foxy I need to come up with a name for him you guys have a name for him there's also a chest here I like free treasure Oh yay a gigos spere okay this is kind of a cool place mountains all around in like the ancient bowl of a volcano looks like there's a boss fight in [Music] here so the sealed realm the guardian is a level 38 boss we're going to do that when I get more XP but there's some fun stuff here like a scorching egg we have two Effigies and then there's a dungeon here too do I want to do a dungeon I don't know with my armor being broken can just take a quick look uh 29 yikes oh dang I found a cold biome I think I'm actually taking cold damage right now but this place is cool I mean that's got to be another free yeah that's another boss wow I literally am taking damage oh cool there's my little chillet and looks like uh some renre they look a little dangerous all right this is kind of interesting it looks like there's a giant verdant egg down here there's like three levels of them this one looks to be the biggest hello big chunky boy yeah a huge oh nice and the ingots got completed there thank you Ruby and I think I finally see desert up there there's another boss fight is there a fast travel portal I don't see a fast travel but I totally see a free chest with loot in it eh small Souls if this is like level 25 and under we can totally take out nope and it's a 40 okay looks like I finally found my way to the desert Zone here is a Sparky shell neat electric and oh no wrong button totally going to need to claim this thing and it is going to get hot so let's turn that over and put the heat resistant armor on oh my goodness what is that I don't know it's a level 40 I'm scared of it it's also a boss is it show up is it do I need to try I mean I have a fast travel thing all right chill it I hate doing this to you but since it is a fire thing you're going to be having some fun buddy let's try some ice missiles to begin this battle and we're going to try to avoid as much as we can ooh oh that did absolutely nothing icicle cutter oh boy run away bravely Brave no we're not we got this we we don't have this there's another one my goodness that skull doesn't mean boss that means it's too big chili boy doesn't like running in the desert oh my goodness he got fire what are these things dazzies dazzies were good and there's a robin Quil Tera we got a different Robin quill hello with egg dibs uh-oh we have a big battle about to happen uh-oh why is there a guard here I totally want to tame you what is that don't rain electricity from the scch run away well that was exciting so here is that little deserty Beach area I was explaining um totally not up here it's over here instead and that's a weird looking creature I need it so oh I missed wow there it is all right okay good and then out and then one more and got him all right oh you broke free you Dingus no you're not allowed to break free I hang you got one uh-oh who no stay away those stupid Birds blow up oh yes here's the things I need too hello Dingus hello other Dingus I need to bring out friendship here here have fun with that foxy my goodness these guys have a few hit points nope okay thank you thank you we're going to capture you and I'm going shoot you in the eyeball a couple times please get captured you're big and scaring me also this guy's really annoying me too oh stop it hey I got one you too why don't you get in a tube a why are you alive okay no oh that was close to me being dead fine you can have a gigas spere I don't care and you're going to have a blue one if you pop out I'm going to kill you it's going to work isn't it I knew it I just have to threaten them nicely and of course there's Pikachu why wouldn't there be straight Pikachu I mean spark it sorry got the names wrong hello there is something really big back there it what is that thing Syndicate Crusher I kind of want to capture it cuz it's big um I'm here which which uh which animal do I use you oh that's the wrong button oh get out of here he's so strong that guy's got a flamethrower all right I wonder if the gigas sphere can capture that Crusher nope avoid avoid okay that's really close ah I'm trying I don't know if it'll happen oh 11% is hard I have 15 of these balls oh I actually got it okay and the free pal from here isn't anything special but I'll take it anyway oh oh that's the boy I need the Dig toys all right um how best do we capture you ooh it's eyeball is weak what are you allergic to oh whoa that was cool too bad you won't live very long and oh I mean you'll live forever what I'm talking about come on get yourself captured nice we got a diggy there's a giant Sphinx thing right over there and on the map it says there's a level 47 and nubis it's got to be inside that that's got to be one of the biggest creatures in the game this kind of the world is pretty dark but I'm capturing a few more of them I have four now and it is kind of funny watching them just destroy one of these guys and then sending in my own friend no I need that mine I dibs him you can't you can't claim him he's mine ow no they killed him oh great there's a Crusher again stop it so I made it back home and I've got a few eggs that I wanted to test out there's a giant verd one here that if we incubate has a verd Das H I think that's a new one I also have a large scorching egg that had a bushie a large common egg with a oh a lunar is good a regular electric egg with a jol toog a regular scorching egg with a ruby another electric egg with another jol and then the last verdant one that was a pretty good run that one was a LIF monk cool so we can fast travel over to our new base wonder why our flame Bell oh is in the Box we good and we can start putting some of these boys in so these guys only mine which is way better than the big the big like fish things oh my goodness yes have fun my dudes that's great and I should be able to put two more in here my goodness we just have a giant drill Factory now another 24 of these cool well it seems to be working pretty well these guys are ripping through that ore exactly like we need them to be we have ore growing up over there we have our plants being picked everything looks to be going pretty good for the future here of Our Little World so thank you my friends for watching I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did you'll have to let me know Down Below in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread doph c scer d Mr one Pon please fussy badge missing sniper lank H Kyler J Nitro VR nro w h autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cordo R La Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra VC engineer scars MX Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 272,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld iron, palworld iron base, palworld iron farm
Id: sZKI8xD_QM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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